Monday, June 30, 2014

Alyssa Drescher Update: Complaints Filed Against USC Superintendent Jerry Jensen & Principal Kelly Schlaak With Mn Dept Of Education's Commissioner Brenda Cassellius? Blue Earth ISD. #2860 Superintendent Evan Gough Also Reported For Illegally Withholding Public Data? Superintendent's Gough & Jensen Don't Want You To Know They Interrogate Your Kiddies, Do They? Nemmers Gets Free Transcript For 17-Year-Old Attempted Homicide Suspect John LaDue But Not For Expelled Alyssa Drescher?

United South Central (USC) Superintendent Jerry Jensen & Principal Kelly Schlaak had a complaint filed against them today, didn't they? They did, didn't they?

According to Collins, the record was closed on June 12. That is when the department received all of the information necessary to make a final decision. "The department reviewed a recording of the expulsion hearing and have documented briefs from both the administration and Alyssa," Johnson says. "Her brief explained how it was an abusive punishment, which did not fit the crime." Drescher waits to find out fate By Brock Buesing - Register Staff Writer, Faribault County Register. June 29, 2014.

The Mn Dept Of Education's Commissioner Brenda Cassellius was sent the complaint, wasn't she? She was, wasn't she?

Attachments to substantiate my valid complaint:

What MDE Does Not Include in Copy Charges As a courtesy to our community, MDE never charges for the time of the data practices compliance official or other data practices staff, even when these individuals are substantially involved in searching for, retrieving and making copies of data. In addition, MDE does not charge for the first two (2) hours of program staff time spent searching for, retrieving and making copies of data. GUIDE FOR MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC REQUESTING INFORMATION This document explains the process for reviewing or obtaining copies of data held by the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE). It is required by Minnesota Statutes, section 13.03, Subdivision 2(b).

Oh, and I sent Commissioner Brenda Cassellius some information on how USC Superintendent Jensen was delaying Dresher's transcript, didn't I? I did, didn't I?

Christopher Johnson, Drescher's lawyer, filed an appeal with the Minnesota Department of Education shortly after the expulsion hearing. Drescher waits to find out fate By Brock Buesing - Register Staff Writer, Faribault County Register. June 29, 2014.

(Blue Earth ISD. #2860 Superintendent Evan Gough was also reported today for illegally withholding public data, wasn't he? He was, wasn't he?)

This will show just how twisted USC Superintendent Jerry Jensen really is, won't it? It will, won't it?

I asked the Waseca County Attorney for a copy of the transcript for the police interview with 17-year-old Attempted homicide suspect John LaDue and received a free copy of the transcript, didn't I?

I asked USC Superintendent Jerry Jensen for a copy of the public expulsion hearing for USC high school student Alyssa Dresher (Alyssa was interrogated by Principal Kelly Schlaak, wasn't she?) but he won't send me a free copy, will he? He won't, will he?

More to come . . .

Related links:

Alyssa Drescher Update: Wells Superintendent Jerry Jensen Defies Lawyer's Advice To Stay Lawyered Up? Jensen's Passive-Aggressive Response Another Desperate Attempt To Illegally Withhold Data? Mapleton's Wacky K-9 Chester's Incident Report Makes No Mention Of Lotion Or Perfume, Does It? No Surprise, Huh?

K-9 Chester In Questionable Locker Search Of Alyssa Drescher Trained To Alert On Gunpowder, Over-Due Library Books, Lotion & Perfume? Now Mapleton Chief Ben Honsey - Wells Chief Jim Ratelle & Wells Superintendent Jerry Jensen All "Lawyered-Up"? Faribault Co. Sheriff Gormley Sends Nemmers Free Electronic Public Data Via U.S. Mail While Superintendent Jensen Provides Ample Evidence Of Lack Of Common Sense & Lack Of Ability To Be Frugal With Public's Money On Data Dodge?

Faribault County Parents: Are Your Children Safe? Blue Earth ISD. #2860 Students Interrogated? Superintendent Evan Gough Teaching Blue Earth Area Students That He Is Above The Law? Gough Illegally Withholding Public Data? Gough Can't Be Trusted With Position of Power, Can He? Alyssa Drescher & Father Leo Koppala Scandals Symptom Of Larger Problem, Right?

Scandal Update On Alyssa Drescher's Suspicious K-9 Search? City Of Wells Still Making Illegal Demands To Dodge Data Requests? Council Member John P. Herman Fails To Report On Investigation Of Data Dodge Scam? Mapleton Police Chief Honsey Upset & Harassing Nemmers Over Request To Define "Alert"? Superintendent Jensen "Lawyered Up" Instead Of Sending Nemmers Public Expulsion Data?

Was Father Leo Koppala Framed? Evidence Was Illegally Withheld By County Attorney Timmerman In Case No. 22-CR-13-347, Wasn't It? Diablolical Data Dodging Scam By City Of Blue Earth? Request For Interrogation Data From Chief Tom Fletcher Struck A Nerve & Triggered Illegal Monetary Demands For Data? Sounds Like A Frame-Up, Doesn't It?

Well's Student Alyssa Drescher Victim Of Illegal Search & Seizure By United South Central Personnel, Wells & Mapleton Police? Trained Drug Dog Alerts On Perfume & Lotion? Mapleton Chief Ben Honsey Too Busy Reading Lion News For 6 Hours, 41 Minutes & 6 Seconds To Fulfill Nemmers' Data Request?

City Of Wells Data Dodging Scam For Expelled Student Alyssa Drescher? Petty Dictator Leslie Dictates That Nemmers Fill Out Retarded City Form To Get Data Emailed To Him? Yet, Petty Dictator Leslie Gives Nemmers Public Data Over Phone Without Filling Out Form?

Friday, June 27, 2014

Cowardly Schauer's Lies Debunked? Cowardly Sibley Co. Law Enforcement Officer & Attorney David Schauer Common Criminal? Cowardly Sibley Co. Law Enforment Officer Schauer Still Illegally Withholding Data To Illegal Searches & Seizures For Raw Milk Farmer Michael Hartmann In Case#: 72-CR-13-6 But Now Illegally Withholding Data In Case#: 72-CR-12-65?

This is where I debunked all of cowardly Sibley Co. law enforcement officer/attorney David Schauer's lies, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

David E Schauer, Sibley Co. Law Enforcement Officer/Attorney 06-27-14
Schauer Law Office Emailed to:
307 N. Pleasant Avenue,
P.O. Box H Re: Chapter 13 Data request – Salaries, Data Retention
Winthrop, MN 55396 Schedule And Illegally Withheld Public Data – Michael Otto
Phone: (507) 647-5377 Hartmann Case#: 72-CR-12-65 & Case#: 72-CR-13-6

David E Schauer, Sibley Co. Law Enforcement Officer/Attorney:

You're an anarchist1 and a common criminal who is illegally withholding mypublic data, aren't you? You are, aren't you? Let's start debunking your wild and outrageous lies by putting a few things into context, shall we?

First of all, you are a Sibley County law enforcement officer, aren't you? You are, aren't you?

As a law enforcement officer, the American prosecutor is just as concerned with the detection of crime and the arrest of criminals as the cop on the beat. In America, both court decision14 and statute15 recognize the prosecutor's role as a law enforcement officer. In their roles as law enforcement officers, prosecutors can become involved in almost all aspects of the investigation of a case, and it is sometimes very easy for them to become too much the law enforcement officer and too little the minister of justice. George R. Dekle, Sr, Prosecution Principles: A Clinical Handbook (Thompson/West:2007), Page 5.

And you have repeatedly to told me to contact Sibley County law enforcement for the data, haven't you? You have, haven't you? And that is why I contacted you, a Sibley County law enforcement officer, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Second, as a Sibley county law enforcement officer and as Sibley county's attorney & prosecutor you have not only possession of this data but you have control over this data, don't you? You do, don't you?
Civil Advice
The county attorney is the legal advisor for the county board of commissioners, county departments and agencies. The county attorney is not authorized to provide civil legal advice to private citizens in his capacity as county attorney. As the legal advisor for the county, the county attorney serves in a role that is similar to that of an in-house corporate counsel.

In fact, slimy prosecutors like you try to illegally withhold criminal investigative data in all sorts of criminal cases just like you are trying to illegally withhold my public data, don't they? They do, don't they?

Attorney Philip Elbert reminded the judge of a rule from the Minnesota rules of criminal procedures. Elbert explained that any others who participated in the investigation, and who regularly report to the prosecutor, must disclose any information. "All officers, part-time or not, report to the prosecutor," Elbert says. "The law is clear." Ruling favors priest – Defense entitled to full disclosures by Brock Buesing - Register Staff Writer, Faribault County Register, October 27, 2013.

Certainly you must have read that on one of your many visits to my website, correct? By the way, were you playing on my website on your personal time or on county time, huh? The public's dime, right?

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Onvoy ( [Label IP Address] United States Winthrop, Minnesota, United States: 28 May – 15:46:22; 28 May – 15:46:24; 28 May – 15:47:27; 6 Jun – 16:25:02; 6 Jun – 16:26:24; 9 Jun – 16:06:42; 9 Jun – 16:07:22; 9 Jun – 16:07:43; 9 Jun – 16:07:51; 9 Jun – 16:09:11; 9 Jun – 16:10:56; 9 Jun – 16:12:01; 9 Jun – 16:12:06; 10 Jun - 15:36:01; 10 Jun – 15:39:19; 12 Jun – 09:56:43; 12 Jun – 09:57:21; 17 Jun – 15:11:48; 26 Jun – 15:39:20; 26 Jun – 15:43:06; 26 Jun – 16:08:59; 26 Jun – 16:09:37; 26 Jun –16:09:48; 26 Jun – 16:18:54; 26 Jun – 16:20:02; 26 Jun – 16:23:25; 26 Jun – 16:23:35; 26 Jun – 16:23:44; 27 Jun – 09:51:05; 27 Jun – 09:51:41; 27 Jun – 09:52:11; 27 Jun – 09:52:27; 27 Jun – 09:58:31; 27 Jun – 09:58:41; 27 Jun – 10:00:02; 27 Jun – 10:01:13; 27 Jun – 10:02:54; 27 Jun – 10:03:00; 27 Jun – 10:03:51; 27 Jun – 10:04:25; 27 Jun – 10:04:30; 27 Jun – 10:04:46; 27 Jun – 10:04:56; 27 Jun – 10:05:48.

Oh, wait! If it was on private time, then you'll act like a 4 year-old and throw a temper tanturm that it has nothing to do with the data request, huh? One of your many temper tantrums was that how much you charged per hour and if you used billable hours had nothing to do with my data request, wasn't it? However, that was to counter your wild and outrageous claims that you had no idea how much Hartmann's malicious prosecution cost the county, correct? Why is it that Pope County's prostituting attorney Neil “The Tamperer” Nelson can figure the costs of prosecution but you mysteriously can't, huh?

Nelson prosecuted the case along with Robert Petha of the Minnesota Attoney General’s office. Commissioners could expect to see the expenses of the trial this month, said Nelson, including hotel and travel expenses for four medical doctors who testified in the case. PC board hears of impact of murder trial by Pope County Tribune, June 23, 2014.

I get a kick out of cowards and criminals, like you, who hide behind the law, don't I? Isn't it a criminal act and waste of public resources to knowingly bring a malicious prosecution based on not one, but three illegal searches and seizures? It is, isn't it?

Hartmann argued that the evidence seized during the search of his truck on Dec. 4, 2012 and on his farm on Jan. 9, 2013 violated his constitutional rights to be free from an unreasonable search, according to court documents. MacDonald ruled that that initial stop of the truck was constitutional but that (trooper) Heyman did not have reasonable suspicion to do anything more than stop the vehicle and note that it was a farm vehicle. "The problem is Heyman's expansion of the scope and duration of the stop, including three separate, warrant-less and constitutionally unjustified searches of Hartmann's truck. Judge rules illegal search, seizure of raw dairy goods – Case continues Dec. 17 in Sibley County by By Fritz Busch, The New Ulm Journal. November 10, 2013.

Not to mention that it is a criminal act to illegally withhold public data, right? Illegally withholding public data is not only a violation of Mn Statute Chapter 13.09 Penalties but it is also a violation of Mn Statute 609.43 Misconduct of Public Officer or Employee. (1) intentionally fails or refuses to perform a known mandatory, nondiscretionary, ministerial duty of the office or employment within the time or in the manner required by law, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Fourth, how did the Notification of Adoption of County Gerneral Retention Schedule stamped filed June 8, 1986 come into you possession? Did it appear by an act of God? Apparently you must have communicated with the Sibley County Auditor's office at some point and time, correct? Amazing how you can communicate with other county departments when it serves your purpose, yet magically you can't communicate with other departments when it comes to my data requests, huh? Sounds like discrimination and a hidden criminal agenda, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

Finally, isn't strange that the Minnesota County General Records Retention Schedule clearly lists press releases
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as public data?

Data Class: Publ; Citation for Classification: MS 13.03; Retention/Statute: 1 yr, then transfer to the State Archive for selction and disposition.

Didn't you make the wild and outrageous claim that you had no idea if press releases were covered by the Data Practice act? Mabye you were missing from law school that day just like you were missing the day they taught about not engaging in illegal searches and seizures, huh?

I want all my data that you are illegally withholding from me sent to me immediately!

Terry Dean, Nemmers Gmail:
20179 County Road 28
Glenwood, MN 56334 P.S. Schauer you're still not “man enough” to call me up and repeat your lies to
Phone: (320) 283-5713 me over the phone, are you? You aren't, are you?

1Anarchist, n. An anarch; one who excites revolt, or promotes disorder in a state. Webster's 1828 Dictionary.

Case No. 72-CR-12-65; State of Minnesota vs Michael Otto Hartmann; Status: Closed 06/11/2014; 06/11/2014 Discharge from Probation (Judicial Officer: MacDonald, Erica H. )

Register of Actions - Case No. 72-CR-13-6; State of Minnesota vs Michael Otto Hartmann
DOB: 01/17/1953; Date of Incident: 12/04/2012; Location: Hyy 12 near County Road 92 within Hennipin County

10/28/2013 Disposition (Judicial Officer: MacDonald, Erica H.) 1. Milk and Milk Products - Sale prohibited unless pasteurized (Not applicable – GOC) – Dismissed ; 2. Cheese-Sell, offer for sale or possess with intent to sell at retail without pasturizing or aging (Not applicable – GOC) – Dismissed

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. John 3:19-21, King James Version (KJV) Page 3 of 3

More to come . . .

Related links:

City of Minneapolis Attorney Susan Segal Wanted To Maliciously Prosecute Raw Milk's Alvin Schlangen In Case No. 27-CR-11-27881, Didn't She? Yet, Segal Willfully Refuses To Produce Cost Of Malicious Prosecution? Lawyer's Guild Even Opposed Segal's Reappointment To Job Because Of History Of Illegally Withholding Public Data?

Nemmers Real Brains Behind Gibbon Raw Milk Farmer Michael Otto Hartmann's Dismissal In Case No. 72-CR-13-6? Hartmann Petty, Stupid & Ungrateful? Minnesota State Patrol Still Illegally Withholding Dash Cam Video And MDT Data From Nemmers?

Lion News: Lying Mn Dept Of Ag's Heidi Kassenborg Director Of Dairy & Food Inspection Division?

Lion News: Mn Dept Of Ag's Kassenborg Director Of Dairy & Food Inspection Division Still Lying?

Lion News: Illegal Search & Seizure Data For Raw Milk's Michael Hartmann -- Co. Attorney Schauer?

Sibley County Attorney David Schauer Tries To Illegally Withhold Illegal Search Video Of Raw Milk Farmer Michael Hartmann? Nemmers Real Brains Behind Dismissal In Case No. 72-CR-13-6, Isn't He? Schauer's Illegal Data Dodge Is Act Of Desperation, Isn't It??

Dash Cam Video Of Drunk Driving Speeder Rep. Thomas Huntley Illegally Withheld By State Patrol? Colonel Kevin Daly & Messenger Boy Lt. Roeske Conspiring With Huntley To Dodge Data Requests? Rep. Huntley Demanding Super-Special Treatment On Dash Cam Video? State Patrol Has History Of Illegally Withholding Public Data, Don't They?

Mn Dept. Of Public Safety's Joseph Newton Aiding & Abetting Sgt. Jesse Grabow, Lt. Eric Roeske, Capt. Steve Stromback & Capt. Sean Meagher In The Illegal Withholding Of Public Data & Criminal Misconduct? He Is, Isn't He?

Fbi Criminal Justice Information Systems ( Is Watching Lion News On November 25, 2013? Looking Into Corrupt Personnel Of Minnesota Dept. Of Public Safety?

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Lt. Eric Roeske, Capt. Steve Stromback & O'Hern?

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hancock Police Chief Steven Henriksen To Investigate Hancock City Clerk/Treasurer Andrea Swenson's Theft Of $4,000 Of Public's Money? Can You Say: "Conflict Of Interest"? Rookie Criminal Henriksen Will Find "No Wrongdoing," Correct? What Happend To Stevens Co. Sheriff Dingman's Rigged Investigation? Another Conflict Of Interest, Right? Hancock Council Admits They Are Not Intelligent Enough To Speak To Nemmers One On One? Starbuck City Clerk/Treasurer Andrea Swenson Is Still Ilegally Withholding Public Data From Nemmers, Isn't She?

Hancock Police Chief Steven Henriksen is going to "investigate" Hancock City Clerk/Treasurer Andrea Swenson's theft of $4,000 of the public's money, huh? Can you say: "Conflict Of Interest"? Yeah the laughs just keep on coming, don't they? They do, don't they?

Rookie criminal Hancock Police Chief Steven Henriksen will find "No Wrongdoing," correct? That's correct, isn't it?

Or rookie criminal Hancock Police Chief Steven Henriksen will intentionally bungle the investigation  correct? That's correct, isn't it?

Apparently, the corrupt local officials feel that the local population is either too stupid to notice or too gutless to speak out, right? They do, don't they?

The corrupt local officials hate people like me who aren't too stupid to notice or  too gutless to speak out, right? They do, don't they?

Thou through thy commandments hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the ancients, because I keep thy precepts. I have refrained my feet from every evil way, that I might keep thy word. I have not departed from thy judgments: for thou hast taught me. How sweet are thy words unto my taste! yea, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through thy precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way. Psalm 119: 98-104

Do you want to know how stupid the corrupt local officials are? You do, don't you? Read this:

Correspondence, a notice was received from the Stevens County Attorney office regarding communications with Terry Nemmers. Any contact with Mr. Nemmers is to be done in writing. APPROVED - STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF STEVENS CITY OF HANCOCK MINUTES OF MEETING February 10, 2014.

This goes to show just how stupid the corrupt local officials are, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

The corrupt local officials are not intelligent enough to engage me one on one in a conversation, are they? They aren't, are they?

In fact, the corrupt local officials are so stupid that they have to have script written for them, right? That's right, isn't it?

So, if the corrupt local officials can't handle a simple conversation with me, then how can they run the corrupt local government, huh? Simple, the smarter crooks (Corrupt City/County Attorneys, right?) who pull all the strings give the local corrupt dopes a script to read, right? That's right, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

That is why the local corrupt dopes all hide behind their secretaries, their emails, their voice mails,and their lawyers, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

If you have the Lord as the guardian of your mouth, then the corrupt local officials will fear engaging you in any conversation, won't they? They will, won't they?

Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. Luke 21:14-15,King James Version (KJV).

That's why the corrupt local officials all want to lawyer-up and shut up when they even suspect that I'm around, right? That's right, isn't it?

So will the thief Starbuck City Clerk/Treasurer Andrea Swenson return my phone call that I left today (June 26, 2014)? No, the thief Starbuck City Clerk/Treasurer Andrea Swenson will not return my phone call, will she?

Why? The puppetmaster lawyer who runs these corrupt local government clown has told them to all lawyer up, didn't they?

So I'll get another letter from a corrupt local lawyer whose appointment is being illegally withheld from me who is going to whine, piss and moan that I have contacted his little puppet, right? That's right, isn't it?

Starbuck Department Directory

Andrea Swenson - City Clerk/Treasurer

Office Phone 320-239-2525

City Fax 320-239-2545

More to come . . .

Related links:

Hancock City Clerk/Treasurer Jennifer Ver Steeg Forced To Resign Or Face Prosecution? Ver Steeg Sends Two Fraudulent Bills To Nemmers To Cover Up Illegal Withholding Of Public Data? Ver Steeg Now All Lawyered Up?

SCANDAL! Did You Know That Starbuck's Clerk/Treasurer Andrea Swenson Is Under Criminal Investigation For The Theft Of $4,000 Dollars Of The Public's Money? She Is, Isn't She? Shhh! The Corrupt Local Officials Don't Want You To Know That, Do They? They Don't, Do They? It's A Dirty Secret, Isn't It? It Is, Isn't It? (A Cover-Up?) Poster For Awareness Campaign? Demand For Forensic Audit?

Starbuck's Clerk/Treasurer Andrea Swenson To Face Felony Charges For $4,000 Theft As Hancock's Clerk/Treasurer? Swenson Asked For City Of Hancock's Audio Recording Of Council Meeting? Swenson Still Willfully Refuses To Send Nemmers City Of Starbuck's Audio Of Council Meetings?

Starbuck's City Administrator Sandy Schultz Aids & Abets Glenwood's Kyle Thompson's & Pope Co.'s Neil Nelson's Perjury Plot?

Lion News: Glenwood's Corrupt City Council Aids & Abets Chief Danter In Withholding Public Data?

Lion News: 'Kyle "The Fixer" Thompson Is A Perjurer' Says Pope Co.'s Attorney Neil "The Tamper" Nelson?

Lion News: Ticket Scam By Starbuck Police Used As Money-Maker? Chief Jim Minion's Invisible Car Scam? Starbuck's Petty Dictator Mayor Bruce Bakewell's Wants Illegal Tickets Issued So He Can Fund His Arbitrary And Capricious Rule?

Morris City Attorney Aaron Jordan & City Manager Blaine Hill Conspire To Illegally Withhold Starbuck City Council Member Michael Moen's Public Data? Fears That Data Will Expose Pope Co. Attorney Neil Nelson's Rigged Trial For Glenwood City Commissioner Kyle "The Fixer" Thompson? Certified Copy of Moen Complaint?

State Of Minnesota Morris IP Address Appears After Stevens Co. Assist. Attorney Carl Thunem Called On 07-09-13 On Heikkinen's Death Data?

Scandal! Hancock Police Chief Donald “Dead Drunk” Heikkinen Dies A Coward's Death?

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Prediction: Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Will Get The Duluth Police Officer Richard Jouppi Treatment And Get Fired After Rigged Criminal Case Finds The Criminals Innocent, Won't He? Nemmers' Coverage Made Peterson Too Toxic For Corrupt School's Image? It's Why Superintendent Scott Monson Was Tossed Overboard, Right? Confirmed: Special Prosecutor Justin Anderson's Signature Not On Peterson's Dismissal? MAHS IP Address Lurking On Lion News?

Morris Area High School (MAHS) Principal Craig Peterson (Reid technique trained rapist, right?) will get his ass fired, won't we?

(Is this MAHS Principal Craig Peterson lurking & skulking on June 24, 2014?)

 He will, won't he?

 (This was MAHS Superintendent Scott Monson in April of 2014, wasn't it?)

At the school board’s regular meeting on Tuesday, Gartland offered the following statement regarding Peterson’s status: “The district will be collecting all information that is available to review and evaluate before moving forward. After that review the school board will make a determination about how to best proceed.” Morris Area High School principal remains on leave of absence pending school board review By Kim Ukura, Morris Sun Tribune (A division of Forum Communications Company) June 24, 2014 at 3:49 p.m.

That's my prediction, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Duluth, MN ( Duluth Police Officer Richard Jouppi has officially been fired from the Duluth Police Department. Jouppi was acquitted in November on charges of assault and disorderly conduct after being accused of beating a man in a wheelchair at a Duluth detox center.
Duluth Police Officer Richard Jouppi fired. June 20, 2014 Updated Jun 21, 2014 at 8:57 AM CDT.


MAHS Principal Craig Peterson will get fired even though he received the "Get Out Of Felony Rape Charges Now School Is Out For Summer" deal, won't he? He will, won't he?

Richard Jouppi’s actions were not consistent with department training or policy; bringing discredit to our department and detracting from the excellent work our police officers do on a daily basis,” he said. “Ultimately, he was afforded his due process and this is a fair and just outcome. “Myself and members of the Duluth Police Department believe community relationships are of the utmost importance and we are dedicated to working closely with our community members to continue to build, trust, respect and support.” Jouppi officially dismissed from Duluth Police Department By Tom Olsen on Jun 20, 2014 at 5:24 p.m.

Why? Because Nemmers won't shut up about how Reid technique trained rapist Principal Peterson kept on receiving special treatment, right? That's right, isn't it?

"Richard Jouppi's actions were not consistent with department training or policy; bringing discredit to our department and detracting from the excellent work our police officers do on a daily basis. Ultimately he was afforded his due process and this is a fair and just outcome. Myself and members of the Duluth Police Department believe community relationships are of the utmost importance and we are dedicated to working closely with our community members to continue to build, trust, respect and support."  Duluth Police Officer Jouppi Fired From Force Friday, June 20, 2014 By:  Dan Hanger FOX 21 News, KQDS-DT.

Even though Grant County Attorney Justin Anderson was appointed special prosecutor his name only appears on the appointment of special assistant prosecutor, doesn't it? It sure appears that way, doesn't it?

So in reality Stevens County Attorney/Morris City Attorney was really the head prosecutor, right? That's right, isn't it?

If Stevens County Attorney/Morris City Attorney was really the head prosecutor, then that was a criminal act, wasn't it? It was, wasn't it?

481.16 CERTAIN ATTORNEYS NOT TO DEFEND CERTAIN PROSECUTIONS; PENALTY. Every attorney who shall, directly or indirectly, advise in relation to, or aid or promote the defense of, any action or proceeding in any court, the prosecution of which shall be carried on, aided, or promoted by any person as county attorney or other public prosecutor with whom such attorney shall be, directly or indirectly, connected as partner, or who, having personally prosecuted or in any manner aided or promoted any action or proceeding in any court as county attorney or other public prosecutor, shall afterwards, directly or indirectly, advise in relation to, or take any part in, the defense thereof, as attorney or otherwise, or who shall take or receive any valuable consideration from or on behalf of any defendant in any such action, upon any understanding or agreement whatsoever, expressed or implied, having relation to the defense thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. History: (10519) RL s 5181; 1986 c 444

If Stevens County Attorney/Morris City Attorney was really the head prosecutor, then that was a conflict of interest, wasn't it? It was, wasn't it?

Conflict of Interest. A term used to describe the situation in which a public official or fiduciary who, contrary to the obligation and absolute duty to act for the benefit of the public or a designated individual, exploits the relationship for personal benefit, typically pecuniary. In certain relationships, individuals or the general public place their trust and confidence in someone to act in their best interests. When an individual has the responsibility to represent another person—whether as administrator, attorney, executor, government official, or trustee—a clash between professional obligations and personal interests arises if the individual tries to perform that duty while at the same time trying to achieve personal gain.

Not to mention that MAHS superintendent Scott Monson was illegally withholding public data, right?

We can't forget the that there is no appointment for special prosecutor for Stevens County in State of Minnesota vs Morris Area School Head of Facilities David Leroy Stoffer Case No. 75-CR-12-237, can we? We can't, can we?

Yet, the corrupt Morris Area High School school board wants to forget all of it, right? That's right, isn't it?

Although, the corrupt Morris Area High School school board would prefer that I would forget about, wouldn't they? They would, wouldn't they?

Because the more I talk about it the more their corrupt reputation gets "trashed," doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

Which is exactly why I will continue to talk about it, right? That's right, isn't it?

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Marshall School Knowingly Hires Common Criminal Scott Monson For Superintendent? Marshall IP Address On Lion News Gathering Data About Morris Superintendent Prior To Job Offer? Monson Still Trying To Get Away From Reid Technique Trained Rapist Morris Principal Craig Peterson?

Nemmers' Prediction Comes True: MAHS Principal Craig Peterson's Rape Charges Dropped? Peterson Receives Special "Get Out Of Felony Rape Charges Now School Is Out For Summer" Deal, Doesn't He? No Special Prosecutor For State of Minnesota vs Morris Area School Head of Facilities David Stoffer (Case No. 75-CR-12-237)? Where Is Data For State of Minnesota vs Judd Bradford Hoff Case No. 26-CR-13-204? Special Prosecutor Anderson Still Too Busy Rigging Peterson's Case To Fullfill Data Request?

Will Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Get The Special "Get Out Of Felony Rape Charges Now School Is Out For Summer" Deal? (Case No. 75-CR-13-351) Why Wasn't Peterson Charged With False Imprisonment? Will Special Prosecutor Anderson Respond Or Illegally Withhold Data Like City/County Attorney Jordan Does?

Nemmers Dashes Morris Area Public School Superintendent Scott Monson's Hopes Of Dream Job As Detroit Lakes School Principle? DL School Board Informed Of Monson's Illegal Data Dodging Operation? Monson's Plot Was To Protect Reid Technique Trained Rapist & School Principle Craig Peterson?

Morris City Attorney/Stevens Co. Attorney Aaron Jordan & City Manager Blaine Hill Illegally Withholding Public Data Again?

Morris City Attorney Aaron Jordan & City Manager Blaine Hill Conspire To Illegally Withhold Starbuck City Council Member Michael Moen's Public Data? Fears That Data Will Expose Pope Co. Attorney Neil Nelson's Rigged Trial For Glenwood City Commissioner Kyle "The Fixer" Thompson? Certified Copy of Moen Complaint?

Pine City's Administrator Holly Wilson Plays Dumb When Asked: What Are The Actual Pine County Costs For The Political Circus Called Case No. 69DU-CR-12-3443, State Of Minnesota VS. Duluth Police Officer Richard Thomas Jouppi?

Pine County Court Administrator LuAnn Blegen: What Are The Actual Pine County Costs For The Political Circus Called Case No. 69DU-CR-12-3443, State Of Minnesota VS. Duluth Police Officer Richard Thomas Jouppi?

Pine County Attorney John K. Carlson: What Are The Actual Pine County Costs For The Political Circus Called Case No. 69DU-CR-12-3443, State Of Minnesota VS. Duluth Police Officer Richard Thomas Jouppi?

Shawn Reed, Duluth Attorney & Special Prosecutor For Thug Duluth Police Officer Richard Thomas Jouppi, Has No Comment On “Sweetheart Treatment” In Rigged Case For Jouppi? Trained Observers Can See Felony Third Degree Assault – Substantial Bodily Harm In Rigged Case For Jouppi But Magically Reed Can't?

Pine City's Holly Wilson, City Administrator: Why Are Pine City Resources Being Wasted By Officials Playing On Internet During Business Hours?

Cook Co. Attorney Tim Scannell's Mugshots Given To Lap Dog Media WDIO-TV But Not To Nemmers? Venue Changed To St. Louis County Where Thug Duluth Police Office Richard Jouppi Given Special Treatment - Another Case Of No Mugshots? Sheriff Falk Common Criminal?

Duluth Courts Panic After Nemmers Calls On Officer Richard Jouppi's Change Of Venue?

Lion News: Duluth Police Dept Violates Data Practice Laws For Cover-Up In Anthony Jackson Beating?

Lion News: Duluth Police Department Covers Up Crimes Of Officer Richard Jouppi?

Lion News: Duluth Police Department Covers Up Crimes Of Officer Richard Jouppi? Part 2

Lion News: St. Louis Co. Attorney Rubin Indifferent About Misconduct In Ofc Richard Jouppi Probe?

Duluth's Chief Administrative Officer David Montgomery Illegally Withholding City's Misconduct Policy - Fears Data Will Be Used To Expose Officer Richard Jouppi's Rigged Prosecution?

Duluth's Chief Administrative Officer David Montgomery Feeling Bad About Getting Caught Illegally Withholding City's Misconduct Policy - Fears Data Will Be Used To Expose Officer Richard Jouppi's Rigged Prosecution?

Monday, June 23, 2014

Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer Gets Paid $83,031/Year To Not Only Illegally Withholding Illegal Search Video Of Raw Milk Farmer Michael Hartmann In Case#: 72-CR-13-6 But Now Illegally Withholding Data In Case#: 72-CR-12-65? Was Cowardly Schauer Missing That Semester When Law School Taught About Illegal Searches & Seizures? Illegal Search & Seizure (Malicious Prosecution) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) For Cowardly Schauer, Aren't They? SOP, Right?

Did you know that cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer gets paid $83,031/year? Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer gets paid $83,031/year so he can illegally withhold public data, right? That's right, isn't it?


Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer gets paid $83,031/year so he can illegally withhold the illegal search video of raw milk farmer Michael Hartmann in case no. 72-CR-13-6, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?

Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer gets paid $83,031/year so he can illegally withhold the public criminal investigative data of raw milk farmer Michael Hartmann in case no. 72-CR-12-65, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?

Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer gets paid $83,031/year so he can bring a malicious prosecution based on not one but three illegal searches caught on video in a Mn State Patrol traffic stop for raw milk farmer Michael Hartmann in case no. 72-CR-13-6, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?

Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer gets paid $83,031/year to insult my intelligence, waste my valuable time and waste valuable government resources illegally dodging my data requests, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?

Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer's $83,031/year salary must not be enough to inspire cowardly Schauer to call me on the phone and spew his cowardly lies, huh? It isn't, is it?

P.S. Cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer was so cowardly that he didn't even want to tell me what his hourly rate was at his personal office, wasn't he? He was, wasn't he? Must be why cowardly Sibley Co. Attorney David Schauer didn't want to tell me if his office used billable hours as his standard charging procedure, huh? It is, isn't it?

City of Minneapolis Attorney Susan Segal Wanted To Maliciously Prosecute Raw Milk's Alvin Schlangen In Case No. 27-CR-11-27881, Didn't She? Yet, Segal Willfully Refuses To Produce Cost Of Malicious Prosecution? Lawyer's Guild Even Opposed Segal's Reappointment To Job Because Of History Of Illegally Withholding Public Data?

Nemmers Real Brains Behind Gibbon Raw Milk Farmer Michael Otto Hartmann's Dismissal In Case No. 72-CR-13-6? Hartmann Petty, Stupid & Ungrateful? Minnesota State Patrol Still Illegally Withholding Dash Cam Video And MDT Data From Nemmers?

Lion News: Lying Mn Dept Of Ag's Heidi Kassenborg Director Of Dairy & Food Inspection Division?

Lion News: Mn Dept Of Ag's Kassenborg Director Of Dairy & Food Inspection Division Still Lying?

Lion News: Illegal Search & Seizure Data For Raw Milk's Michael Hartmann -- Co. Attorney Schauer?

Sibley County Attorney David Schauer Tries To Illegally Withhold Illegal Search Video Of Raw Milk Farmer Michael Hartmann? Nemmers Real Brains Behind Dismissal In Case No. 72-CR-13-6, Isn't He? Schauer's Illegal Data Dodge Is Act Of Desperation, Isn't It??

Dash Cam Video Of Drunk Driving Speeder Rep. Thomas Huntley Illegally Withheld By State Patrol? Colonel Kevin Daly & Messenger Boy Lt. Roeske Conspiring With Huntley To Dodge Data Requests? Rep. Huntley Demanding Super-Special Treatment On Dash Cam Video? State Patrol Has History Of Illegally Withholding Public Data, Don't They?

Mn Dept. Of Public Safety's Joseph Newton Aiding & Abetting Sgt. Jesse Grabow, Lt. Eric Roeske, Capt. Steve Stromback & Capt. Sean Meagher In The Illegal Withholding Of Public Data & Criminal Misconduct? He Is, Isn't He?

Fbi Criminal Justice Information Systems ( Is Watching Lion News On November 25, 2013? Looking Into Corrupt Personnel Of Minnesota Dept. Of Public Safety?

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Lt. Eric Roeske, Capt. Steve Stromback & O'Hern?