Thursday, August 30, 2018

Witness Intimidation & Harassment By Judicial Officer Rachel C. Sullivan? Judicial Officer Sullivan & St Louis County Personnel Conspire To Provoke Witness Rick Kottom In Hopes Of Inciting Kottom To Violence?

from: Lion News
"Kim .",
Jim Gottschald,
Kevin Gray,
Rick Lubbers,,
Frank Jewell,,
date: Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 11:54 PM
subject: Witness Intimidation & Harassment By Judicial Officer Rachel C. Sullivan? Judicial Officer Sullivan & St Louis County Personnel Conspire To Provoke Witness Rick Kottom In Hopes Of Inciting Kottom To Violence?

Sally L. Tarnowski, Chief Judicial Officer - 6th District & Marieta Johnson, 6th District Administrator 218-726-2436/(218) 720-1541 & Alyssa Siems Roberson, Director of Communications and Public Affairs Office: (651) 296-6043:

Data Request Pursuant To Minnesota Rules Of Public Access To Records Of The Judicial Branch Effective July 1, 1988 With amendments effective January 23, 2017 Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. Names and employee identification numbers for officers of the court, court security and court personnel at 08/27/2018 Review Hearing at 10:00 AM for Case No. 69DU-CR-17-900 State of Minnesota vs Roderick Robert Kottom
2. Clerk of court notes for 08/27/2018 Review Hearing at 10:00 AM for Case No. 69DU-CR-17-900 State of Minnesota vs Roderick Robert Kottom
Why is your so-called judicial officer Rachel C. Sullivan trying to harass, intimidate and provoke pro se defendant Rick Kottom, a witness in a criminal case against St. Louis Co. Attorney Mark S. Rubin, St. Louis Co. Attorney Criminal Division Head Gary W. Bjorklund, St. Louis Co. Assistant County Attorney Christopher Pinkert, Dept Of Natural Resources (DNR) Colonel Rodmen Smith, DNR Administrative Manager Captain Alex Gutierrez & MN DNR Data Practices Compliance Official Sheila Deyo? See attached Chisholm Initial Complaint Report 18555431 and 080318VernonManner.WMA 080718KeithNelson.WMA. Why is your so-called judicial officer Rachel C. Sullivan conspiring with court security to public humiliate witness Rick Kottom by having him escorted to vehicle? Why is your so-called judicial officer Rachel C. Sullivan trying to incite witness Rick Kottom by willfully, intentionally and maliciously ignoring Kottom while only speaking to St. Louis County Assistant County Attorneys ... aka officers of the court? Why is your so-called judicial officer Rachel C. Sullivan allowing this sham court case to proceed without a special prosecutor being assigned to handle the sham prosecution?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Case No. 69DU-CR-17-900 State of Minnesota vs Roderick Robert Kottom
08/27/2018 Review Hearing (10:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Sullivan, Rachel C.)
08/13/2018 Reset by Court to 08/27/2018
08/27/2018 Reset by Court to 08/13/2018
Result: Held
08/27/2018 Schedule Hearing (Judicial Officer: Sullivan, Rachel C. )
08/27/2018 Demand-Speedy Trial Index # 48 08/27/2018 Notice of Case Assignment Index # 49 (Judicial Officer: Sullivan, Rachel C. )

Canon 1. A Judge Shall Uphold and Promote the Independence, Integrity, and Impartiality of the Judiciary, and Shall Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety Rule 1.1 - Compliance with the Law. Comment [1] Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by improper conduct and conduct that creates the appearance of impropriety. This principle applies to both the professional and personal conduct of a judge. [5] Actual improprieties include violations of law, court rules, or provisions of this Code. The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in reasonable minds a perception that the judge violated this Code or engaged in other conduct that reflects adversely on the judge's honesty, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge. Professional Rules Code of Judicial Conduct

CANON 2 A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office impartially, competently, and diligently.
Rule 2.3 Bias, Prejudice, and Harassment (B) A judge shall not, in the performance of judicial duties, by words or conduct manifest bias or prejudice, or engage in harassment, including but not limited to bias, prejudice, or harassment based upon race, sex, gender, religion, national origin, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status, socioeconomic status, or political affiliation, and shall not permit court staff, court officials, or others subject to the judge's direction and control to do so. Comment [2] Examples of manifestations of bias or prejudice include but are not limited to epithets; slurs; demeaning nicknames; negative stereotyping; attempted humor based upon stereotypes; threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; suggestions of connections between race, ethnicity, or nationality and crime; and irrelevant references to personal characteristics. Even facial expressions and body language can convey to parties and lawyers in the proceeding, jurors, the media, and others an appearance of bias or prejudice. A judge must avoid conduct that may reasonably be perceived as prejudiced or biased.
Rule 2.2 Impartiality and Fairness A judge shall uphold and apply the law, and shall perform all duties of judicial office fairly and impartially. Comment [4] It is not a violation of this Rule for a judge to make reasonable accommodations to ensure pro se litigants the opportunity to have their matters fairly heard.

With the rise of the democracies and the dethronement and disempowering of previously powerful groups such as the military, the nobility, and the like, there has been a gradual shift from the conscious and explicit use of direct methods of interpersonal and social control to one that are more indirect, subtle, and covert. ... By making another person feel fearful, guilty, or ashamed, the manipulator is in a position to gain control over the other individual's affects, thoughts, and behaviors by substituting his own beliefs. This is the basic mechanism of gaslighting whether used in everyday life, in psychotherapy situations, or in the thought-reform and mind-control manipulations of cult leaders. Some advertising and many social interactions in which one person attempts to gain control over another are based on this principle.” Gaslighting, The Double Whammy, Interrogation and Other Covert Control in Psychotherapy & Analysis, Theo L. Dorpat (Maryland: 2004), Page xviii, 7.

Keith Nelson, Board Chair, 6th District Commissioner (218) 749-7108 & Jim Gottschald, Human Resources Director 218-726-2422 & Kevin Z. Gray, County Administrator 218-726-2448:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):

1. Names of St Louis County personnel at 08/27/2018 Review Hearing at 10:00 AM for Case No. 69DU-CR-17-900 State of Minnesota vs Roderick Robert Kottom. Include also actual gross salary, job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; date of first and last employment; the existence and status of any complaints or charges against the employee; the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, the complete terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising out of an employment relationship, including a buyout agreement; work location; a work telephone number; badge number; work-related continuing education (date of first until today's date)
2. St Louis County Sheriff dept incident report for harassment and witness intimidation of Rick Kottom at 08/27/2018 Review Hearing at 10:00 AM for Case No. 69DU-CR-17-900 State of Minnesota vs Roderick Robert Kottom.

Why are your St Louis County Deputies aka court security aka officers of the court conspiring with your so-called judicial officer Rachel C. Sullivan to tamper with witness Rick Kottom? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Why weren't your so-called Assistant St Louis County Attorneys protecting Rick Kottom from Sullivan's witness tampering? Hmm? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

(f) intentionally causes injury or threatens to cause injury to any person or property in retaliation against a person who has provided information to law enforcement authorities concerning a crime within a year of that person providing the information or within a year of the actor's release from incarceration, whichever is later. 609.498 TAMPERING WITH WITNESS.

The client base includes all the people of the jurisdiction, “all the people of the jurisdiction” includes the defendant's family-even the defendant himself. The prosecutor is the guardian of the rights of all the people, which means his job is to get the right result for the right reason. If he gets the right result for the wrong reason, he has gotten the wrong result. George R. Dekle, Sr, Prosecution Principles: A Clinical Handbook (Thompson/West:2007), Page 6.

No peace officer shall ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, belittle, willfully embarrass, humiliate, or shame any person to do anything reasonably calculated to incite a person to violence. Professional conduct of peace officers model policy MN Stat 626.8457

Kimberly Corradi, Lawyer License No: 0330991, 218-440-1019:

How mad were you when you found out that Rick Kottom, your former client, had recorded you, huh? When are you going to stop illegally withholding Rick electronic files, huh? Five (5) minutes from never, right?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Do you want to set up a time to listen to all of Rick's recordings?
P.S.S. You don't mind if Rick's recordings end up in Chisholm Chief of Police Vernon Manners' possession, do you?

File contents belong to the client and must be turned over to the client upon request. OPINION 13: COPYING COSTS By William J. Wernz, Director Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Reprinted from Bench & Bar of Minnesota (August 1989)

Rick Lubbers, Managing Editor Duluth News Tribune and Forum Communications Company (218) 723-5301:
Why haven't you contact Rick Kottom or myself, huh? Too busying being a Good Ol' Boy, huh?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Do you want to listen to Rick's recorded phone calls that he left on your voicemail?

SEEK TRUTH AND REPORT IT Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Journalists should: Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless. Diligently seek subjects of news coverage to allow them to respond to criticism or allegations of wrongdoing. BE ACCOUNTABLE AND TRANSPARENT Ethical journalism means taking responsibility for one's work and explaining one’s decisions to the public. Journalists should: Explain ethical choices and processes to audiences. Encourage a civil dialogue with the public about journalistic practices, coverage and news content. Respond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness. Acknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently. Explain corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly. Expose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations. ethics.pdf

City of Minneapolis Illegally Withholding Ticket 8th Congressional District Candidate And Former Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey's Chief Of Staff Joe Radinovich Traffic Ticket Data? Lion News Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 8:01 AM To:, Rick Lubbers ,,,,, Tom Lyden ,,,
Rick Lubbers Duluth News Tribune and Forum Communications Company Editor (218) 723-5301 Brady Slater, Reporter:
How would you like to do a story on how the Minneapolis Director of Code Compliance & Traffic Control (Responsible Authority) Clara Schmdit-Gonzalez 612-673-5310 is willfully refusing to process my Chapter 13 data request for 8th Congressional District candidate and former Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey's Chief of Staff Joe Radinovich traffic tickets? Neither Mayor Frey nor Radinovich want to respond to why they were conspiring with the Minneapolis police to illegally withhold data that would clear the name of poor, black falsely accused James Campbell, do they? See attached. Terry Dean, Nemmers P.S. Why haven't you called Rick Kottom about St. Louis County Attorney Mark Rubin and DNR Col. Rodmen Smith illegally releasing Kottoms' confidential data to the media? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Attachments:  080318VernonManner.WMA, 080718KeithNelson.WMA, Kottom_Complaint_ICR_18555431.pdf

More to come . . .

Related links:

Kottom Tosses Another Monkey Wrench Into Rigged 69DU-CR-17-900? Kottom's 07-01-18 Complaint To Chief Judicial Officer Sally L. Tarnowski?

Kottom Criminal Complaint Tosses Huge Monkey Wrench Into 69DU-CR-17-900 Trial? St. Louis Co. Attorney Mark S. Rubin, St. Louis Co. Attorney Criminal Division Head Gary W. Bjorklund, St. Louis Co. Assistant County Attorney Christopher Pinkert, Dept Of Natural Resources (DNR) Colonel Rodmen Smith, DNR Administrative Manager Captain Alex Gutierrez & MN DNR Data Practices Compliance Official Sheila Deyo All Named In Kottom Complaint? DNR & Corrupt Prosecutors Have Well-Documented History Of Trying Cases In Court Of Public Opinion, Don't They? Confidential/Nonpublic Criminal Investigative Data Illegally Released To Lap-Dog Media, Right?

Update On DNR's Illegal Search & Seizure At Indiana Fisherman's Upper Cormorant Lake Cabin? David Deckard, Oklahoma, Chair Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Notified Of Corrupt MN DNR's History Of Obstructing Justice? Does the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Encourage Or Discourage Due Process Violations? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Anthony Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1798) Clifford Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1800) & Ryan Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1802) Exposing CO Joseph Stattelman's Breaking & Entering Of Cabin?

Corrupt DNR Conspires With Hacks At KARE 11 TV To Rig Case No. 69DU-CR-17-901 State Of Mn VS Douglas Anthony Marana & Case No. 69DU-CR-17-900 State Of MN VS Roderick Robert Kottom? DNR Illegally Releases Confidential Data Yet Again, Right? Do You Remember Former DNR Col Rodmen Illegally Releasing 03-CR-15-1798, 03-CR-15-1800, 03-CR-15-1801, 03-CR-15-1802, 03-CR-15-1803 & 03-CR-15-1804 Confidential Data To WCCO-TV Hack Bill Hudson?

DNR's Major Greg Salo Not Fazed By CO Osborne's Coercive Invasion Of Johnson's Home? Case No. 21-CR-13-51 State of Minnesota vs Ronald Wayne Johnson Still Maliciously Prosecuted By Former Pope Co. Assistant Attorney/Douglas Co. Attorney Chad "The Felon" Larson? Larson And DNR Have A Well-Documented History Of Home Invasion, Don't They?

Update On DNR's Illegal Search & Seizure At Indiana Fisherman's Upper Cormorant Lake Cabin? David Deckard, Oklahoma, Chair Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Notified Of Corrupt MN DNR's History Of Obstructing Justice? Does the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Encourage Or Discourage Due Process Violations? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Anthony Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1798) Clifford Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1800) & Ryan Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1802) Exposing CO Joseph Stattelman's Breaking & Entering Of Cabin?

DNR Caught Sending Confidential Criminal Investigative Data To Brainerd Dispatch (Forum Communication Company)? Indiana Fisherman Victims Of Illegal Search & Seizure? Missing Audio? Nemmers' Call To Detroit Lakes Newspaper Editor Nathan Bowe (Forum Communication Company) Forces 08/31/2015 Arraignment To Be Reset By Court To 09/28/2015? (Nemmers Threw A Monkey Wrench Into 03-CR-15-1798, 03-CR-15-1800, 03-CR-15-1801, 03-CR-15-1802, 03-CR-15-1803, 03-CR-15-1804, Didn't He? Thank You, Jesus!) Sounds Like Ronald Johnson's Rigged Case No. 21-CR-13-51, Doesn't It?

Echo Press Editor (Forum Communications Company, Right?) Al Edenloff Conspired With Corrupt DNR Officer Shane Osborne To Rig Case No. 21-CR-13-51 State of Minnesota vs Ronald Wayne Johnson? Court Documents Reveal Corrupt Editor Edenloff Knowingly Willingly & Intentionally Published Confidential Chapter 13.82 Criminal Investigative Data? Former Corrupt Douglas Co. Attorney & Current Corrupt Defense Attorney Chris Karpan Filing A Loony Appeal That Doesn't Address Illegal Search By His Buddy DNR Officer Osborne? No Surprise, Right?

DNR Invades Ronald Wayne Johnson's Home Without Probable Cause? Johnson Is A Victim Of DNR Home Invasion, Isn't He? Case No. 21-CR-13-51 State of Minnesota vs Ronald Wayne Johnson Maliciously Prosecuted By Chad "The Felon" Larson? "The Felon" Larson Has A Well-Documented History Of Covering Up Illegal Home Invasions, Doesn't He? Sounds Like Pope Co Home Invasion Of Nemmers' Home, Doesn't It? DNR's CO Shane Osborne Tampered With Audio To Cover Up Home Invasion?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Trained Observers At Corrupt Mn Board Of Nursing Corrupt Blue Earth County Attorneys Office And Corrupt Mankato Dept Of Public Safety All Try To Cover Up Malicious Prosecution Of Registered Nurse Sharon Byro? Lake Superior College President Patrick M. Johns Coughs Up Data On CNP Practical And Associates Degree Instructor / Minnesota Board of Nursing Board Member June McLachlan? Corrupt Shirley A. Brekken Executive Director And MN Board of Nursing Data Practice Act Responsible Authority Nursing Board Still Wllfully Refuses To Produce Policy & Procedure Manual, Doesn't She?

from: Lion News
mike v,
Shron Byro
date: Tue, Jul 31, 2018 at 5:46 PM
subject: Why Is June McLachlan, DNP, APRN, CNP Practical and Associates Degree Instructor at Lake Superior College & Minnesota Board of Nursing Maliciously Prosecuting Innocent Registered Nurse Sharon Byro?

June McLachlan, DNP, APRN, CNP Practical and Associates Degree Instructor at Lake Superior College, Board member of the Minnesota Board of Nursing 507-389-6022/218-733-1051:

1. Do you have some mental disability, physical disability or chemical dependency problems that would explain how you and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing are not able to distinguish between a twenty-year-old, female, drug thief and a falsely accused, fifty-six-year-old, female, registered nurse? See attached.
2. Why were you and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing conspiring with Blue Earth Co. Attorney Pat McDermott, Assistant Blue Earth County Attorney Christopher Rovney, Mankato Officer Mohamed Mohamed and Mankato Public Safety Director Todd A. Miller to maliciously prosecute Sharon Byro, Licensed Practical Nurse License Number #572693 & Registered Nurse License Number #2073161?
3. Isn't it true that you and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing used false pretenses to get Sharon Byro to appear Minnesota Board of Nursing on March 19, 2018?
4. Isn't it also true that you and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing coerced Sharon Byro into signing a Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing?
5. Isn't it also true that you and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing knew or should have known that 56 YOA Sharon Byro was not the 20 something female suspect stealing narcotics in the Autumn Grace surveillance video?
6. Isn't it also true that you and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing knew or should have known that 56 YOA Sharon Byro was not the 20 something female suspect stealing narcotics in the Autumn Grace surveillance video prior to the malicious hearing for Sharon Byro on March 19, 2018?
7. Isn't it also true that you and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing maliciously and intentionally delayed rescinding Byro's coerced Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing even though you knew or should have known that Bryo's criminal Case No. 07-CR-17-4463 was dismissed on 05/16/2018?
8. Isn't it also true that the MN Board of Nursing's coerced Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing was designed to destroy Sharon Byro's nursing license property right?
9. You and your co-conspirators at the MN Board of Nursing knew or should have known that no one would hire Sharon Byro nor would any insurance carrier cover Byro's employment after Byro was coerced into signing the Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing, didn't you?
10. Isn't it also true that you and your fellow board members at the MN Board of Nursing conspired to use the Board's General Information phone number 612-317-3000 as your contact phone number instead of using each member's respective work and home phone numbers?
11. Isn't it also true that you and your fellow board members at the MN Board of Nursing conspired to use the Board's General Information phone number 612-317-3000 as your contact phone number so you and your fellow board members at the MN Board of Nursing could avoid answering questions just like this?
12. Was it your suspended attorney Rene Cronquist's, BA, JD, RN, Director of Practice and Policy or your Shirley A. Brekken's, MS, RN, FAAN Executive Director advice on avoiding transparency and accountability by using the MN Board of Nursing's General Information phone number 612-317-3000 as your contact phone number? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
13. Does your Shirley A. Brekken, MS, RN, FAAN Executive Director and MN Board of Nursing Data Practice Act Responsible Authority have some mental disability, physical disability or chemical dependency problems that would explain why Brekken can't electronically transfer readily available, free, electronic, public data for my Chapter 13 data request? (13.43 Personnel Data. Subd. 2. Public data (1) name; actual gross salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; (7) work-related continuing education for Cronquist, Rene, BA, JD, RN Director of Practice and Policy, Brekken, Shirley A., MS, RN, FAAN Executive Director, and for Minnesota Board of Nursing investigator for Sharon Byro investigation. Byro as referenced in 03-16-18 Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing. 2. Minnesota Board of Nursing Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies 3. Minnesota Board of Nursing's General Policy and Procedure manual and Policy and Procedure manual for Investigators. And home and work phone number for each and every board member of the Minnesota Board of Nursing as it appears on the application for Board position)

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

On 06/17/2017 at 1158 hrs, Bonnie contacted me and stated that they had found out who was stealing the narcotics medication. Bonnie reported that they know the suspect from the surveillance footage that they installed in the medication room. I went to the incident location. I made contact with Bonnie and she showed me the surveillance footage. Bonnie identified the suspect as, Samantha Elizabeth Navratil. [Note: Navratil DOB = 02/14/1996 aka 21 YOA] Bonnie stated that they were working on terminating her employment with them. … My observation: I reviewed the surveillance footage and speaking with Samantha did not match the suspect’s description. Dated 06/10/2017 Officer M. Mohamed #3123, City of Mankato Department of Public Safety. ICR 17-17204.

Synoposis: SU Byro, Sahron Kay 07/12/1961 [Note: aka 56 YOA] W 506 140 BRO BLU F 19 Hazelwood Ave, New Ulm MN, 56073 … After reviewing the surveillance footage Bonnie and Lana were able to identify the suspect from her unique walking, forehead and the hairlines. Bonnie and Lana Advised me that the female suspect name is Sharon Kay Byro. Date 07/18/2017 Officer M. Mohamed #3123, City of Mankato Department of Public Safety. ICR17-1724.

Consider the typical jury trial. For an innocent defendant, even a not guilty verdict is a loss. Although the innocent defendant has “won,” she has undergone arrest and (at least minimal) incarceration, spent money on premiums paid to bail bondsman, spent more money hiring a lawyer, withstood the inevitable public censure and suspicion, undergone the roller coaster ride of emotion during the protracted litigation, and will ever after suffer a stain on her reputation. For the innocent defendant, “not guilty” is a smaller loss than “guilty as charged,” but it is a loss nonetheless. George R. Dekle, Sr, Prosecution Principles: A Clinical Handbook (Thompson/West:2007), Page 65.

Case No. 07-CR-17-4463 State of Minnesota vs SHARON KAY BYRO Charges: BYRO, SHARON KAY 1. Burglary-1st Deg-Dwelling-Occupied-Non-Accomplice Present 609.582.1(a) Felony 06/01/2017 05/16/2018 Dismissed; 2. Burglary-1st Deg-Dwelling-Occupied-Non- Accomplice Present 609.582.1(a) Felony 06/01/2017 05/16/2018 Dismissed; 3. Theft-Take/Use/Transfer Movable Prop-No Consent 609.52.2(a)(1) Felony 06/01/2017 05/16/2018 Dismissed; 4. Theft-Take/Use /Transfer Movable Prop-No Consent 609.52.2(a)(1) Felony 06/01/2017 05/16/2018 Dismissed 11/16/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Index # 1 05/16/2018 Dismissal by Prosecuting Attorney Pursuant to Rule 30.01 Index # 33

1. On March 19, 2018, the Minnesota Board of Nursing ("Board") Review Panel ("Review Panel") and Sharon K. Byro ("Licensee") entered into a Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing based on criminal charges filed in Blue Earth County District Court. 2. Based on dismissal of the criminal charges in Blue Earth County District Court, the Review Panel and Licensee agree to rescission of the Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing. ORDER 3. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing served on Licensee on March 19, 2018, is RESCINDED and shall have no future force or effect. 1. On March 19, 2018, the Minnesota Board of Nursing ("Board") Review Panel ("Review Panel") and Sharon K. Byro ("Licensee") entered into a Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing based on criminal charges filed in Blue Earth County District Court. 2. Based on dismissal of the criminal charges in Blue Earth County District Court, the Review Panel and Licensee agree to rescission of the Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing. ORDER 3. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing served on Licensee on March 19, 2018, is RESCINDED and shall have no future force or effect. Dated: July 20, 2018 MINNESOTA BOARD OF NURSING Shirely A. Brekken Executive Director

Licensee Name Birth Date License Types Certifications Byro, Sharon K 7/12/1961 RN, LPN - Licensee First Name Sharon Last Name Byro Gender Female Birth Date 7/12/1961 Licenses LPN Expired License Type Licensed Practical Nurse License Number #572693 Issue Date 8/19/2002 Expire Date 7/31/2013 RN Expired License Type Registered Nurse License Number #2073161 Issue Date 5/29/2012 Expire Date 3/19/2018 Action History Discipline Type Start Date 03/19/2018 End Date 07/20/2018 Stipulation to Cease Practicing Nursing Click here to view Board disciplinary orders

Michael Vekich, Chair - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 612-709-6262:

Would you please explain to me how June McLachlan a licensed registered nurse can hold a teaching position as a Practical and Associates Degree Nursing Instructor at Lake Superior College when in the position of authority as a board member of the Minnesota Board of Nursing Frederick can't even determine the difference between a twenty-year-old, female, drug thief and a falsely accused, fifty-six-year-old, female, registered nurse Sharon Byro? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Patrick M. Johns, Lake Superior College President 218.733.6904:

Would you please explain to me how June McLachlan a licensed registered nurse can hold a teaching position as a Practical and Associates Degree Nursing Instructor at Lake Superior College when in the position of authority as a board member of the Minnesota Board of Nursing McLachlan can't even determine the difference between a twenty-year-old, female, drug thief and a falsely accused, fifty-six-year-old, female, registered nurse Sharon Byro? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):

1. Lake Superior College June McLachlan's, DNP, APRN, CNP current employment contract, actual gross salary for year 2017-2018; Educational Background, Professional Certifications, Teaching Areas, Health Care Interests, Research Interests, Current Projects, Publications, Awards, Curriculum Vitae, and work-related continuing education for the years 2008-2018.
2. Minnesota State University's Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies 3. Minnesota State University's Nursing accreditation data for the years: 2008-2018.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

June McLachlan, DNP, APRN, CNP Registered Nurse Board Member June McLachlan, of Hermantown, is a nursing instructor in the Practical and Associates Degree nursing programs at Lake Superior College in Duluth. Dr. McLachlan previously worked as an Assistant Professor at Minnesota State University Mankato where she taught both in the baccalaureate and masters degree programs. While living in Canada, she served as a Regional Educator for Health Canada. Her educational background includes a Diploma in Nursing from British Columbia Institute of Technology Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada; Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada; Diploma in Outpost Nursing from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; Master of Science degree in Rural Health Nursing from University of North Dakota, Grand Forks; Post Masters Certificate as a Family Nurse Practitioner; and a Doctor of Nursing Practice from University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Dr. McLachlan was appointed by Governor Dayton as a registered nurse member with experience in practical nursing education. Her term expires in 2018.

June McLachlan Full Name June McLachlan Email Address Office Phone +1 218 733 1051 Office W3634 Title Faculty Department
Laurie Jensen Dean of Allied Health and Nursing Email: Phone: 218.733.7747
Dr. Patrick M. Johns Email: Phone: 218.733.6904

from: Lion News
Shron Byro,
mike v
date: Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 11:35 AM
subject: Why Is June McLachlan, DNP, APRN, CNP Practical and Associates Degree Instructor at Lake Superior College & Minnesota Board of Nursing Maliciously Prosecuting Innocent Registered Nurse Sharon Byro?

June McLachlan, DNP, APRN, CNP Practical and Associates Degree Instructor at Lake Superior College, Board member of the Minnesota Board of Nursing 507-389-6022/218-733-1051:

Is there some reason you have willfully refused to respond to my Tuesday, July 31, 2018 email entitled: "Why Is June McLachlan, DNP, APRN, CNP Practical and Associates Degree Instructor at Lake Superior College & Minnesota Board of Nursing Maliciously Prosecuting Innocent Registered Nurse Sharon Byro?" that was sent at 5:46 PM? Have you willfully refused to respond because your Mn Board of Nursing MGDPA Responsible Authority Shirley Brekken, MS, RN, FAAN Executive Director has willfully refused to respond to my Tuesday, July 17, 2018 Chpater 13 data request entitled "Why Is June McLachlan, DNP, APRN, CNP Practical and Associates Degree Instructor at Lake Superior College & Minnesota Board of Nursing Maliciously Prosecuting Innocent Registered Nurse Sharon Byro?" and sent at 5:49 PM? As a board member of the Minnesota Board of Nursing isn't it your fiduciary responsibility to make sure that your staff are complying with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and not malicious prosecuting innocent holders of licenses issued by the Mn Board of Nursing? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Advisory Opinion 95-042 October 31, 1995; Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning October 31, 1995 | Inspection, Response to data requests, Statutory construction (Ch. 645) This is an opinion of the Commissioner of Administration issued pursuant to section 13.072 of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 - the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. It is based on the facts and information available to the Commissioner as described below.

Michael Vekich, Chair - Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 612-709-6262:

If I'm forced to file a criminal complaint against your corrupt Lake Superior College President Patrick M. Johns are you going to do an administrative investigation and then terminate his employment? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

2017 Minnesota Statutes 13.09 PENALTIES. (a) Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data, as defined in section 13.055, subdivision 1, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee. History: 1974 c 479 s 6; 1975 c 401 s 6; 1976 c 239 s 6; 1981 c 311 s 39; 1982 c 545 s 24; 1985 c 298 s 7; 2014 c 284 s 3

Patrick M. Johns, Lake Superior College President 218.733.6904:

Why does you IP address keep popping up on my Lion News Blog? If you have all sorts of time to play on my blog, then you certainly have time to not only acknowledge receipt of my Chapter 13 data but to email me my readily available, free, electronic public data, right? Hey did you know that I was forced to report corrupt ISD 709 Superintendent Billy Gronseth to Duluth Police Dept for his willful refusal to comply with the MGDPA? Maybe you want to call up miscreant Billy and ask him how many job opportunities I tossed a monkey wrench into by educating them how Billy thinks and act like his above the law?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Independent School District 709, Duluth Public Schools, did not respond appropriately to a March 2, 2018, data request from a data subject pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04, because it did not provide any data to the requester in 10 business days. Advisory Opinion 18-010 July 30, 2018; ISD 709, Duluth Public Schools July 31, 2018 | Response to data requests, Requests for data Signed: Matthew Massman Commissioner Dated: July 30, 2018

Lion News: Criminal Complaint For ISD 709 Superintendent Bill Gronseth? DPD Phone Call No. 1?
Lion News: Criminal Complaint For ISD 709 Superintendent Bill Gronseth? DPD Phone Call No. 2?
Lion News: Nemmers Informs ISD 719 That ISD 709 Supt. Bill Gronseth Is A Common Criminal?
Lion News: Nemmers Informs ISD 719 That ISD 709 Supt. Bill Gronseth Is A Common Criminal? P2
Lion News: BOSA's Janet Mohr Common Criminal Who Covers Up Crimes Of Supt. Gronseth?
Lion News: Nemmers Informs ISD 719 Of Criminal Complaint Against ISD 709 Supt. Bill Gronseth?

from: Becky Wodziak
to: ""
cc: Patrick Johns
date: Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 1:50 PM
subject: Personnel Data Request RE: June McLachlan
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Hello Mr. Nemmers –

Please see below the response to your August 1, 2018 Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Request:

1) June McLachlan's current employment contract is the Minnesota Stata College Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement, which is attached.

2) Ms. McLachlan’s salary for academic year 2017-18 was $80,485.

3) Ms. McLachlan’s education and training background is:
· A Diploma in Nursing from the British Columbia Institute of Technology
· Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of Victoria B.C.
· A Diploma in Nursing from Dalhousie University
· Master of Science Degree in Nursing from the University of North Dakota
· A post-Master of Science Certificate in Family Nursing from Winona State University
· Doctorate of Nursing Practice from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire

4) A list of Ms. McLachlan’s previous work experience is attached.

5) Lake Superior College’s nursing programs are approved by the Minnesota Board of Nursing and accredited through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing.

There is otherwise no data or no public data (as defined in Minnesota Statutes Section 13.43) responsive to your request.

With that, we consider the matter of your August 1 Minnesota Government Data Practices Act request to be closed. There will be no further response from the College.

Thank you.


Becky Wodziak
Chief Human Resources Officer
Lake Superior College
2101 Trinity Road
Duluth MN 55811

Phone: 218.733.6942
Fax: 218.733.5937

Attachments: 20180809164029714.pdf, 2017-2019 MSCF Contract.pdf

More to come ...

Related Links:

Corrupt Mn Board Of Nursing, Corrupt Blue Earth County Attorneys Office And Corrupt Mankato Dept Of Public Safety All Maliciously Prosecuting Registered Nurse Sharon Byro? Trained Observers Magically & Mysteriously Confuse A 20 Year Old Female Drug Thief With 56 YOA Sharon Byro? Byro Maliciously Prosecuted In 07-CR-17-4463 For Months? Board Coerces Byro Into Stipulation To Stop Practicing Nursing After They Get Byro To Board Hearing Under False Pretenses? Demands For Blue Earth County Commissioners & City Of Mankato Mayor & Council To Do Admininstrative Investigations? You Won't Want To Miss Reading The Repeated And Retarded Responses From Mankato Mayor Candidate Shari Kagermeier, Will You?

Monday, August 13, 2018

Inciter Of Violence & Freethoughtblogs CEO & University of Minnesota, Morris Associate Professor PZ "Logical Fallacy" Myers Has Yet Another Ragefest Over Nemmers' Data Request? Myers Tries To Pretend He Doesn't Know His Good Buddy Aaron Jordan? Jordan Rigged Myer's Theft/Vandalism Investigation, Didn't He? Nemmers To File Criminal Complaint If Data Isn't Coughed Up In Ten (10) Days?

from: Lion News
Susan Mc Kinney ,
date: Aug 13, 2018, 2:31 PM
subject: Demand For Administrative Investigation Into Willful Refusal To Comply With MGDPA Over PZ Meyers Data, Fraudulent Bills, And Informed Consent Form Of Nemmers' Subject Data

David J. McMillan, Chair U of M Board of Regents (612) 625-6300 & Douglas R. Peterson, U of M General Counsel (612) 624-7569:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):

1. I am demanding an administrative investigation into the University of Minnesota's willful refusal to comply with my Chapter 13 data requests. I've attached the UM's fraudulent bills (UM_Fraudulent_Bills.pdf) for readily available readily available, free, electronic, public data. I have reason to suspect the motive is to prevent your Class of 1985 UMM graduate from receiving damning facts about the corrupt UM and the corrupt UMM and their corrupt personnel. The fraudulent bill is for a tape of the University of Minnesota-Morris police during interviews in regard to the vandalism and the theft Northstar newspapers. First of all, I never requested an audio tape but the original DSS file. I have reason to suspect that the audio files have been tampered with prior to being placed onto the audio tape. Second, I've attached a March 22, 2011 bill for the UMM's contract with Stevens County Sheriff for Law Enforcement Technology Group Computer Aided Dispatch and Electronic Records Management software which allows for the electronic transfer of DSS files but not audio cassettes. Second, the data that I received was not in the required searchablable format but had been maliciously converted to scanned pdf format. Third, I've included to BCA's software deployment report that indicates that your corrupt UMM Police have been electronically transmitting DSS audio files since 2011.
2. I'm also making a data request for all my subject data from 06-24-2014 until today’s date. See attached signed informed consent form.
3. I've attached my 03-12-17 Chapter 13 data request entitled: "Chapter 13 data request - personnel data - grants for The Aurora Center." This data is currently being illegally withheld from your Class of 1985 UMM graduate.
4. Chapter 13.43 Personnel Data for Paul Myers Associate Professor Ph.D., University of Oregon B.S., University of Washington, Seattle Expertise Developmental Biology Neurobiology Email: Phone: +1 3205896343 Campus Location: Science 2390 Please email me University of Minnesota, Morris Associate Professor Paul "Logical Fallacy" Myers' (Myers is an inciter Of Violence & Freethoughtblogs CEO, isn't he?) current employment contract, actual gross salary for year 2017-2018; Educational Background, Professional Certifications, Teaching Areas, Health Care Interests, Research Interests, Current Projects, Publications, Awards, Curriculum Vitae, and work-related continuing education for the years 2008-2018. Why am I asking for that data? I want to know if PZ "Logical Fallacy" Myers received a degree to diagnose, don't I? Why? Didn't you know that PZ "diagnosed" me as a 'kook,' 'local loon,' 'wacky,' and last but not least a 'demented Sovereign Citizen'? Has PZ deluded himself into thinking that he's a licensed doctor or did he just pull a fake sheep-skin out of a box of Cracker Jacks? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
5. Since the statute of limitations has run out on my Chapter 13 data request for the 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for the theft and vandalism of the UMM Northstar's newspaper I am making a brand-spanking new request. Email me the incident reports in searchable pdf format, handwriting samples, audio files in original DSS format and corresponding transcripts, Digital images of crimes scene and vandalized newspapers, and the signed letter declining prosecution.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Hey did you know that I helped cost PZ's corrupt buddy Steven County Attorney/Morris City Attorney Aaron Jordan not one but two judge jobs? Did you know that the Committee for Judicial Selection doesn't like to receive clear, precise and unquestionable evidence of their candidates willfully refusing to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act?
P.S.S. You want to listen to my audio recorded conversations with your corrupt UM cops and your corrupt UMM cops?

Poor man. I hope he gets help someday Finally! I get the Comma word balloon treatment

You remember Comma, the demented Sovereign Citizen who used to write to me frequently, with his peculiar style of phrasing every statement as a question. We haven’t heard from Comma in a while, have we?

I have a lot of respect for the work of psychologists. So why is he pretending to be something that he is not? ... We don't want him to claim unearned membership in my discipline of biology. We have standards you know. And he doesn't meet them by any means Jordan Peterson is not a biologist! PZ Myers Published on 12 Aug 2018

John Petry August 1, 2018 I' m an attorney and have been for 35 years. I do litigation in the federal court. States courts tend to be rather slow but federal court moves a lot faster - in fact in federal court 67% of cases are resolved within a year. The remaining cases tend to be stock & investment or environmental cases which tend to be highly complicated and involve reams of evidence and experts. See
/iaals_civil_case_processing_in_the_federal_district_courts_0.pdf. The case filed here is a simple tort case, not too exciting in the grand scheme of things. So I would expect you to have a trial date coming up soon which is probably why you are begging for money. Did you reject mediation? Refuse to settle? Engage in all types of procedural delays - challenges to jurisdiction and venue? In fact, looking at the docket, it seems that you and your co-defendants have been the ones filing repeated motions to dismiss and delaying the case. Typical defense tactics to drive up costs and delay resolution of the case in hopes the plaintiff will give up the case rather than have the matter heard on its merits by a jury and have the jury decide whether you or plaintiff are telling the truth. But of course, like Donald Trump. you want to use other people's money to pay for your case. People can see the docket at's new in the Richard Carrier Saga? PZ Myers Published on 28 Jul 2018

When Myers arrived I gave him a short background into why I had called him in and also advised him that since he was being accused in some sense of committing a crime I would have to read him his Miranda Warning before we began. ... Prior to Myers leaving I ask him to submit a handwriting sample that we could possibly compare to the writing that was on the defaced newspapers. ... I did note that the STR from Myers was similar, but not exact to the STR written on the front of the paper that I had a copy of. It will be determined at a later date wheter or not the writing sample and the defaced newspaper will be sent in to the BCA lab for a certified analysis. ... [Stevens County Attorney Aaron] Jordan informed me that based on what I had told him no charges were able to be filed as yet due to a lack of suitable evidence and also that he did not advise sending in and paying for the handwriting analysis due to no other evidence being present that incriminated the suspect to the level that we could possibly charge them. ICR# 14000376 Agency ORI# MN0750600 University of Minnesota, Morris Police Incident Report.

I understand that you would like a copy of the audio tape made by the University of Minnesota-Morris police during interviews about Northstar newspapers. 5- 29-15 Susan McKinney, CRM MGDPA Responsible Authority

“I tell my students that the U is possibly the worst public body in the state in abiding by public records law,” Ison said. “I tell them it’s going to be hard to get what you want to get. That they’re going to have to put their requests in writing and call almost daily and that along the way they may not be treated with respect.” The U of M fails Public Disclosure 101, frustrated journalists say By Brian Lambert | 12/17/15

An investigation into who leaked confidential information about a University of Minnesota athletic official has ended — with no culprit in sight. And that has some questioning again why the university launched a search for a leaker in the first place — an investigation that ultimately cost $74,400. The probe, which was requested by the Board of Regents in May, took about 150 hours to complete, the university reported Thursday. And in the end, it failed to uncover who told KSTP-TV that Randy Handel, an associate athletic director, had been disciplined for violating the U’s sexual harassment policy. $74,400 investigation into U leak ends inconclusively Some critics of the investigation called it expensive, unnecessary and misguided. By Mary Lynn Smith and Maura Lerner Star Tribune September 15, 2017 — 9:16am

What’s new with Rule 14? Rule 14 of the General Rules of Practice governs eFiling and eService. Previously, this Rule allowed documents to be eFiled in several different formats. As of September 13, 2013, however, documents are required to “be submitted in searchable PDF format only.” What is “searchable PDF format?” Searchable PDF format allows users to search easily for words or phrases within a document. You achieve this by saving documents you’ve created in Microsoft Word, Excel, etc. as PDFs (see QRG: Creating a Searchable PDF Document). Minnesota Judicial Branch eCourt Minnesota University skills, tools, and knowledge on our way to a paperless court Fast Facts: eFiling a Searchable PDF Document Under Rule 14

PDF A file format that provides an electronic image of text that looks like a printed document, which can be viewed, printed, and electronically transmitted. Scanned PDF A file created by scanning a paper original and saving it in the “.pdf” file format. Minnesota Judicial Branch eCourt Minnesota University skills, tools, and knowledge on our way to a paperless court Glossary eFile and eServe (eFS) Terms and Definitions

OVERVIEW OF ELECTRONIC FILING AND SERVICE (EFS) SYSTEM How to Receive Documents Served Through the eFS System When a document is served through the eFS System, the recipient will receive an email containing a link to the document (unless the recipient has disabled the email notification feature for his or her eFS System account). The document will be available for download for 30 days after the date of service. The recipient is responsible for downloading a copy of the document within that time. Minnesota District Court Registered User Guide for Electronic Filing Revised January 13, 2017

ORI: MN0272400; County: Hennepin; Agency Type: Name: Law Enforcement University of MN Police Department – Minneapolis; Module: Incident Referral; Date Deployed: 3/10/2013; Last Adapter Used: HJIP.
ORI: MN0272400; County: Hennepin; Agency Type: Name: Law Enforcement University of MN Police Department – Minneapolis; Module: DWI; Date Deployed: 7/20/2012; Last Adapter Used: eCharging.
ORI: MN0750600; County: Stevens; Agency Type: Name: Law Enforcement University of MN Police Department – Morris; Module: DWI; Date Deployed: 11/14/2011; Last Adapter Used: eCharging.
ORI: MN0750600; County: Stevens; Agency Type: Name: Law Enforcement University of MN Police Department – Morris; Module: Citation; Date Deployed: 7/20/2012; Last Adapter Used: LETG. 2016 Bureau Of Criminal Apprehension Deployment Report.

from: Susan Mc Kinney
to: Lion News
Douglas Peterson,,
date: Aug 13, 2018, 2:37 PM
subject: Re: Demand For Administrative Investigation Into Willful Refusal To Comply With MGDPA Over PZ Meyers Data, Fraudulent Bills, And Informed Consent Form Of Nemmers' Subject Data

The University of Minnesota uses an online portal to manage public information requests. Please go to the website at to submit your request for information.
Sincerely ,
Susan McKinney, CRM
MGDPA Responsible Authority
Susan McKinney, CRM
MGDPA Responsible Authority
Director, Records & Information Management
University of Minnesota
360 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street SE
Campus Mail Code 2014A
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 625-3497

from: Lion News
to: Susan Mc Kinney
date: Aug 13, 2018, 4:20 PM
subject: Re: Demand For Administrative Investigation Into Willful Refusal To Comply With MGDPA Over PZ Meyers Data, Fraudulent Bills, And Informed Consent Form Of Nemmers' Subject Data

David J. McMillan, Chair U of M Board of Regents (612) 625-6300 & Douglas R. Peterson, U of M General Counsel (612) 624-7569:

I just receive notification from your Susan McKinney, CRM MGDPA Responsible Authority that she has acknowledged receipt of my Chapter 13 data request. Your ten (10) day countdown to provide me with my readily available, free, electronic data has begun. If I do not receive my readily available, free, electronic data, after the ten (10) day deadline, then I will be contacting law enforcement.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Contact Phone: 612-348-2347 350 South Fifth Street, Room 6 Minneapolis, MN 55415

13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA. Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee

It's A Fraudulent Bill, Isn't It?
It's Proof That The Audio File Is In DSS Format, Isn't it?

Google Error Message: Ftbapplications May Not Exist, Or You May Not Have Permission To Post Messages To The Group?

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date: Aug 13, 2018, 4:20 PM
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Hello,  We're writing to let you know that the group you tried to contact (ftbapplications) may not exist, or you may not have permission to post messages to the group. A few more details on why you weren't able to post:
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Did Notice This Time That Inciter Of Violence PZ "Logical Fallacy" Myers Was Forced To Admit Existence Of Audio Recorded Conversations With Corrupt UMM & Um Cops?

The Mention Of Audio Recorded Conversations With Cops Is Magically & Mysteriously Censored Here:

Inciter Of Violenc Myers Is Forced To Mention Audio Recorded Conversations With Cops Here:

FYI: PZ "Inciter of Violence" Myers Doesn't Want You To Access These Files, Does He?

Carrier v. FreethoughtBlogs Network (2:16-cv-00906)District Court, S.D. Ohio

David J. McMillan, Chair U of M Board of Regents 08-13-18
Douglas R. Peterson, U of M General Counsel
360 McNamara Alumni Center
200 Oak Street S.E. 
Minneapolis, MN 55455
(612) 624-7569

emailed to:,,,,,

I, Terry Dean, Nemmers DOB: 03-06-62 give my permission for the University of Minnesota (UM) and the University of MN, Morris (UMM) to release data about me to Terry Dean, Nemmers as described in this consent. I understand that my decision to allow release of the data to Terry Dean, Nemmers is voluntary.

1. The specific data that UM and UMM may release to Terry Dean, Nemmers are: Any and all electronic data (audio, voicemails, transcripts, video, reports, digital images, correspondence, invoices, payments, notices, emails, Chapter 13 data requests, memos, etc.) for Terry Dean, Nemmers or any variation of Terry Dean, Nemmers and/or Lion News from 06-24-2014 until today’s date.

2. I understand UM and UMM wants to release the data for this reason: I am the subject of the data.

3. I understand that no law requires me to submit my data request through the University of Minnesota Data Request Center. Demands by the UM and UMM to file request through the University of Minnesota Data Request Center will be considered harassment. Any and all harassment will be reported to law enforcement.

4. I understand that the UM and the UMM only have ten (10) days to provide a subject of the data with their readily available, free, electronic, subject data.

5. I understand that it is a criminal act to willfully refuse to provide a subject of the data with their readily available, free, electronic, subject data. Willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practice Act will be reported to law enforcement. (Just not UM nor UMM joke law enforcement, right?)

6. I understand that although the data are classified as private at UM and UMM, the classification/ treatment of the data at Terry Dean, Nemmers may not be the same and is dependent on laws or policies that apply to Terry Dean, Nemmers.

7. I want my readily available, free, electronic, subject data electronically transferred to me via the UM and UMM fileshare account. Any requirement of a password or setting up an account to access to the subject data will be considered harassment. Any and all harassment will be reported to law enforcement.

8. If the UM and UMM willfully refuse to fileshare ( ) my readily available, free, electronic, subject data, then the UM and UMM can snail-mail the readily available, free, electronic, subject data to me at their own expense. Note: I do not accept registered nor certified mail. Sending registered or certified mail will be considered harassment. Any and all harassment will be reported to law enforcement.
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
20179 County Road 28
Glenwood, MN 56334

13.03 Access to government data. Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee ... (d) ... The responsible authority, upon the request of any person, shall provide sufficient documentation to explain and justify the fee being charged. ... (e) The responsible authority of a government entity that maintains public government data in a computer storage medium shall provide to any person making a request under this section a copy of any public data contained in that medium, in electronic form ...

13.09 PENALTIES. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of

Informed Consent – 1 of 2

the public employee. If we have the data, and the data are public or private data about you, we will respond to your request within 10 business days, by doing one of the following: Provide you with copies of the data within 10 business days. You may choose to pick up your copies, or we will mail or fax them to you. We will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD-ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. Commissioner of the Dept of Administration’s Model Data Practices Policy for Data Subjects. Page 5. (Advisory Opinion 04-072) Opinion: Based on the facts and information provided, the Commissioner’s opinion on the issue is as follows: Carver County did not respond appropriately to a March 14, 2018, data request from a data subject because it did not provide access to the data within ten business days, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04. Signed: Matthew Massman Commissioner Dated: April 21, 2018.

Advisory Opinion 18- 005 May 21, 2018; Carver County May 22, 2018. Independent School District 709, Duluth Public Schools, did not respond appropriately to a March 2, 2018, data request from a data subject pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04, because it did not provide any data to the requester in 10 business days. Signed: Matthew Massman Commissioner. Advisory Opinion 18-010 July 31, 2018; ISD 709, Duluth Public Schools Copy Costs: Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, allows, but does not require, government entities to charge for copies of government data. These can be included: Cost of media (paper, CD ROMs, DVDs, etc.) These cannot be included: Entities cannot charge search for and retrieval time when the requestor is the data subject. Employee time to separate public from not public data

“I tell my students that the U is possibly the worst public body in the state in abiding by public records law,” Ison said. “I tell them it’s going to be hard to get what you want to get. That they’re going to have to put their requests in writing and call almost daily and that along the way they may not be treated with respect.” The U of M fails Public Disclosure 101, frustrated journalists say By Brian Lambert | 12/17/15

I just got back from the campus police, where I was read my Miranda rights and recorded giving a statement, because the Geiger cranks have apparently made a formal complaint, accusing me of stealing their rags and adding a new charge, that I’d vandalized the latest edition, scribbling an “str” on the cover to change “right-to-life” to “right-to-strife”. So I also had to leave a handwriting sample.

There have been multiple requests demanding that the university release all their information on the nefarious PZ Myers, and as a courtesy, I get sent the replies. So campus authorities have sent me the complete report on their investigation into the heinous theft and vandalism of the Morris North Star. A police report!

When Myers arrived I gave him a short background into why I had called him in and also advised him that since he was being accused in some sense of committing a crime I would have to read him his Miranda Warning before we began. ... Prior to Myers leaving I ask him to submit a handwriting sample that we could possibly compare to the writing that was on the defaced newspapers. ... I did note that the STR from Myers was similar, but not exact to the STR written on the front of the paper that I had a copy of. It will be determined at a later date wheter or not the writing sample and the defaced newspaper will be sent in to the BCA lab for a certified analysis. ... [Stevens County Attorney Aaron] Jordan informed me that based on what I had told him no charges were able to be filed as yet due to a lack of suitable evidence and also that he did not advise sending in and paying for the handwriting analysis due to no other evidence being present that incriminated the suspect to the level that we could possibly charge them. ICR# 14000376 Agency ORI# MN0750600 University of Minnesota, Morris Police Incident Report.

I understand that you would like a copy of the audio tape made by the University of Minnesota-Morris police during interviews about Northstar newspapers. 5- 29-15 Susan McKinney, CRM MGDPA Responsible Authority

Informed Consent – 2 of 2

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Inciter Of Violence & Freethoughtblogs CEO & University of Minnesota, Morris Associate Professor PZ Myers Latest Ragefest Over Nemmers' Email? Myers Raging Because Nemmers Recorded Calls With Univeristy Of Mn Police & Because Nemmers Can Prove That Bill For Myers' Data Is Fraudulent

Scandal - Scandal! UMM Chancellor Jacqueline Johnson Still Illegally Withholding Slanderer & Violence Inciter Prof PZ Myer's Criminal Investigative Data For Vandalizing School Sanctioned Newspaper (January 27, 2014) & Data For Illegal West Central SWAT Team Raid On America's Best Value Inn In Glenwood On September 4, 2013? William P. Donohue, University Of Minnesota's General Counsel Lurking & Skulking On Lion News After May 7, 2015 Phone Call?

Common Criminal UMM Prof PZ Myers Has A Hissy Fit That I Contacted Elizabeth Loutfi, Editor-in-Chief & Quinn Malloy, University News Editor About Censoring/Assault Of Maneater Senior Staff Photographer Mark Schierbecker? PZ Myers Loves To Use The Logical Fallacy "Appeal To Ridicule" To Bully His Victims Into Silence, Doesn't He? He Does, Doesn't He? Nemmers Requests Updates On His Criminal Complaints Against Myers And Corrupt UMM Chancellor Jacqueline R. Johnson? Johnson "Retiring" Because Of Data Scandal? Myers' Latest Wild & Outrageous Claims: #1 "There Was No Scandal"? #2 Handwiriting Sample "Didn't Match" When Police Report Says "Similar, But Not Identical"?

Scandal - Scandal! Criminal Complaint Filed Against UMM Chancellor Jacqueline Johnson For Illegally Withholding Public Data? Criminal Complaint Filed Against UMM's Slandering Prof Paul "Logical Fallacy" Myers? PZ Myers Incites Less-Than-Intelligent Cult ( Pharyngula? ) Following To Harass Nemmers? UMM Still Tries To Illegally Withhold Data For Sensationalist West Central SWAT Team Raid On America's Best Inn In Glenwood? SWAT's Publicity Stunt Misuse Of Government Funds And Still A Huge Embarrassment For UMM & Johnson? Nemmers Threatens To File Complaint With POST Board & UMM Board Of Regents?

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt Worthington City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & Buffalo Ridge Drug Task Force Commander Grimmius? Nemmers Tosses A Monkey Wrench Into ISD 518 Referendum & Into 53-CR-18-589 Selective Prosecution Of Karen Abbott?

from: Lion News
Amy Ernst,,,,,,,,,,,,
date: Mon, Aug 6, 2018 at 2:49 PM
subject: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?

Kent Wilkening Sheriff (507) 295-5400/(507) 360-9161:

This is my formal criminal complaint against your corrupt City of Worthington’s City Administrator / Responsible Authority Steve Robinson and your corrupt City of Worthington’s Director of Public Safety Troy Appel, your corrupt ISD 518 Superintendent John Landgaard, your corrupt ISD 518 School Board Chair Lori Dudley and your corrupt IDS 518 attorney Joseph J. Langel of Ratwick, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. for conspiring to misuse public resources (609.52 Theft), for conspiring to engage in criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee), for conspiring to engage in harassment (MS 609.748) and for conspiring to engage in willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Email me the public portion of my initial complaint report (ICR) in its original searchable pdf format to: See attached.

This is also formal criminal complaint against your corrupt Murray Co. Attorney/former Nobles Co. Assistant County Attorney/BRDTF Attorney Travis Smith and City of Worthington's Sgt/BRDTF Commander Nate Grimmius for what I have reason to suspect is a conspiracy to illegally release confidential Chapter 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for Case No. 53-CR-18-325 State of Minnesota vs Nobles/Rock Co. Community Corrections Cynthia Margarita Benegas/Cordova & Case No. 53-CR-18-291/53-CR-18-326 State of Minnesota vs Rebecca Barraza to me in an email on Friday, April 27, 2018 at 11:34 AM. It's safe to say that the data does not qualify as 13.82 Subd. 15. Public benefit data.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. You would agree with me that the so-called watchdogs at the corrupt, joke organization called the Worthington Citizen’s for Progress Committee are as dumb as dirt, wouldn’t you?

When can I get a copy of the investigative report? Investigation ongoing If the law enforcement agency is still investigating the crime, members of the public will not be able to get a copy of the report. They can, however, get what’s often referred to as the public portion of the report containing basic information about the case that is classified as public. HOW DO I GET A COPY OF MY POLICE REPORT? INFORMATION FOR CRIME VICTIMS WHO WANT TO MAKE A REQUEST FOR L AW ENFORCEMENT DATA

Mike Kuhle, Worthington Mayor (507) 360-9012 & Robert S. Demuth, Jr. Chairperson Nobles County Commissioners:

I'm demanding an administrative investigation into Nobles County Attorney Kathleen Kusz's and City of Worthington's City Administrator/Responsible Authority Steve Robinson's (507) 372-8622 willful refusal to comply with the Mn Data Practices Act. Both Robinson and Kuszis currently illegally withholding the pleading for the high-profile lawsuit Promvongsa v. Joswiak et al Case #: 0:17-cv-05116 from me. I have reason to suspect that both Robinson and Kuszis conspired with your corrupt Murray Co. Attorney/former Nobles Co. Assistant County Attorney/BRDTF Attorney Travis Smith and City of Worthington's Sgt/BRDTF Commander Nate Grimmius for what I have reason to suspect is a conspiracy to illegally release confidential Chapter 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for Case No. 53-CR-18-325 State of Minnesota vs Nobles/Rock Co. Community Corrections Cynthia Margarita Benegas/Cordova & Case No. 53-CR-18-291/53-CR-18-326 State of Minnesota vs Rebecca Barraza to me in an email on Friday, April 27, 2018 at 11:34 AM. See attached Nobles County Notice to Commissioner of Administration Adoption of Model Policies 12052016.pdf

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Hey would you like to listen to my audio recorded conversation with Kuhle? Kuhle lost his cool in the conversation, didn't he?

4. Elected officials who violate one or more of the policy statements will be subject to the St. Louis County Code of Conduct for elected officials (Board Resolution No. 09-57).. 6. Reporting Suspected Violations Any complaint against an elected official should be submitted in writing to the County Board Chair and the County Administrator. A written complaint shall contain sufficient information to believe a violation may have occurred, and to ensure that the issue is clearly understood by those who will make a determination regarding its allegations. Upon receipt of an appropriate written complaint, the Chair of the County Board shall convene a meeting with the County Administrator and the County Employee Relations Director to review the complaint at their earliest convenience. At that meeting, a course of action in response to the complaint will be determined. If it is determined that an investigation is warranted, the elected official alleged to have violated the Code will be notified. The investigation may be completed by an authorized neutral third party. If the complaint contains an allegation that may be criminal in nature, the complaint will be sent to the appropriate law enforcement agency to determine if there is evidence of a criminal act. An acceptance of the investigation by a law enforcement agency will remove the matter from consideration under this Code of Conduct. The action of the law enforcement agency shall be final... April 10, 2017 St. Louis County, Minnesota Policy Manual

Kathleen Kusz, Nobles County Attorney (507) 295-5298/(507) 329-7119:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e): 06/28/2018 E-filed Comp-Summons Index # 1 - Case No. 53-CR-18-589 State of Minnesota vs Karen Jane Abbott

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. You still aren't mad at me for reporting your malicious data breach to Fifth Judicial District Chief Judicial Officer Michelle A. Dietrich and Fifth Judicial District Administrator Michael J. Kelley, are you? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
P.S.S. You don't mind that I emailed a copy of my complaint against Landgaard, Dudley and Langel to Abbott’s attorney John Wilka, do you?
P.S.S.S. Isn't it selective prosecution for you to prosecute Abbott for willful refusal to comply of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) but magically and mysteriously not prosecute Landgaard, Dudley and Langel for MGDPA violations?

Brad Odegard, District Supervisor 507-476-4339 & Jon Ramlo, Director of Rock Nobles Community Corrections 507-295-5308:

When are you going to stop illegally withholding my readily available, free, electronic, public data for your Rock Co. Community Corrections Cynthia Margarita Benegas/Cordova & Rebecca Barraza? Did you think that I was sooooo stupid that I would publish the illegally released data for Benegas/Cordova & Barraza? Speaking of criminals why did your convicted Yellow Medicine, Chippewa and Lac qui Parle Dept of Corrections Sentence To Serve Crew Chief Michael John Martin engage in perjury in he super-duper pleas deals in 87-CR-17-264 and in 12-CR-17-367 and then to appeal them both in A18-1218 and in A18-1219? When did Martin leave Minnesota Correctional Facility in St. Cloud? Where are you hiding Martin?

Is perjury the plan for your Rock Co. Community Corrections Cynthia Margarita Benegas/Cordova & Rebecca Barraza, also? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Offender Information Mugshot Front Mugshot Side Demographic Information** MNDOC Offender ID: 256837 Name: Michael John Martin Birth Date: 08/16/1969 Current Status: Incarcerated as of 05/03/2018. Currently at a non-DOC facility. Sentence Date: 05/03/2018 Anticipated Release Date: 12/28/2020 Expiration Date: 12/28/2030 Caseworker: Christopher Messerich (320) 240-3069 Current Offense Information Highest Ranked Offense: Criminal Sexual Conduct (Not applicable) Court File Number(s): Yellow Medicine - 87-CR-17-264 Name Jon Ramlo Address Rock Nobles Community Corrections Prairie Justice Center, 1530 Airport Road, PO Box 547 City Worthington State MN Zip 56187 County Nobles, Rock Office Phone 507-295-5308 Mobile Phone - Fax 507-372-8393 Pager Email Position Title Office Supervisor *supervisor* Department CCA District
Name Brad Odegard Address 601 Highway 59 N City Marshall State MN Zip 56258 County DOC Marshall (Chippewa, Cottonwood, Jackson, Lac Qui Parle, Lincoln, Lyon, Murray, Nobles, Pipestone, Rock, Swift, Yellow Medicine) Office Phone 507-476-4339 Mobile Phone Fax 507-537-7111 Pager Email Position Title District Supervisor Office Marshall Supervisor Burmeister, Dayna Department DOC District Marshall Region 99

2 Attachments: Notice to Commissioner of Administration Adoption of Model Policies 12052016.pdf, Appel_Landgaard_Complaint_Evidence.pdf

Kent Wilkening, Sheriff                       08-06-18
1530 Airport Road Suite 100
Worthington, MN 56187                Emailed to:
(507) 295-5400                               See CC’s

This is my formal criminal complaint against your corrupt City of Worthington’s City Administrator / Responsible Authority Steve Robinson and your corrupt City of Worthington’s Director of Public Safety Troy Appel, your corrupt ISD 518 Superintendent John Landgaard, your corrupt ISD 518 School Board Chair Lori Dudley and your corrupt IDS 518 attorney Joseph J. Langel of Ratwick, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. for conspiring to misuse public resources (609.52 Theft), for conspiring to engage in criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee), for conspiring to engage in harassment (MS 609.748) and for conspiring to engage in willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Email me the public portion of my initial complaint report (ICR) in its original searchable pdf format to:

This is also formal criminal complaint against your corrupt Murray Co. Attorney/former Nobles Co. Assistant County Attorney/BRDTF Attorney Travis Smith and City of Worthington's Sgt/BRDTF Commander Nate Grimmius for what I have reason to suspect is a conspiracy to illegally release confidential Chapter 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for Case No. 53-CR-18-325 State of Minnesota vs Nobles/Rock Co. Community Corrections Cynthia Margarita Benegas/Cordova & Case No. 53-CR-18-291/53-CR-18-326 State of Minnesota vs Rebecca Barraza to me in an email on Friday, April 27, 2018 at 11:34 AM. It's safe to say that the data does not qualify as 13.82 Subd. 15. Public benefit data.

On Tuesday, December 26, 2017 at 10:05 AM I emailed my signed complaint versus Landgaard, Dudley and Langel to Appel. In the complaint I requested the public portion of my initial criminal complaint be emailed to me. Despite being the subject of the data, Appel and Data Practice Act Responsible Authority Robinson have willfully refused to provide me with my readily available, free, electronic, subject data. Appel and Robinson only had (10) ten days 1,2 to provide me with that data.
1. The Commissioner cannot opine on the proper application of the ethical rules governing the conduct of attorneys; that is strictly within the purview of the Courts. For further guidance, the Commissioner refers the County to the comments to Rule 4.2, in particular Comment 4. However, notwithstanding the attorney conduct concerns, the County’s obligation under the Data Practices Act to comply immediately or in ten business day with a data subject’s request is clear. (The Commissioner has also previously opined that the existence of litigation between a data requester and an entity does not relieve the entity of its data practices responsibilities. See Advisory Opinions 96-038 and 97-005.) As the Commissioner noted in Advisory Opinion 03-030: ... Carver County did not respond appropriately to a March 14, 2018, data request from a data subject because it did not provide access to the data within ten business days, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04. Signed: Matthew Massman Opinion: Based on the facts and information provided, the Commissioner’s opinion on the issue is as follows: Carver County did not respond appropriately to a March 14, 2018, data request from a data subject because it did not provide access to the data within ten business days, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04. Signed: Matthew Massman Commissioner Commissioner Advisory Opinion 18-005 May 21, 2018; Carver County.
2. Independent School District 709, Duluth Public Schools, did not respond appropriately to a March 2, 2018, data request from a data subject pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.04, because it did not provide any data to the requester in 10 business days. Signed: Matthew Massman Commissioner. Advisory Opinion 18-010 July 31, 2018; ISD 709, Duluth Public Schools

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On Wednesday, December 27, 2017 at 8:01 AM I submitted another Chapter 13 data request to Appel and to Robinson. The following readily available, free, electronic, public data is also being illegally withheld from me:

1. City of Worthington's resolution appointing an administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority
2. City of Worthington's police dept policy and procedure manual.
3. Certification of competency with City of Worthington's Mobile Video Recorder (MVR) system & work-related continuing education for Police Chief Troy Appel, Officer Tim Gaul, Offcer Joe Joswiak, Officer Dan Brouille, Officer Colby Palmersheim. and Officer Mark Riley for years: 2010-2017
4. 13.03 Subd. 12. Pleadings for Promvongsa v. Joswiak et al.
5. City of Worthington's signed joint powers agreement with Buffalo Ridge Drug Task Force. 8. Name and contact information for outside agency and investigator doing City of Worthington's use of force investigation for Promvongsa incident.
6. Name, contact information and signed appointment of special assistant City of Worthington prosecutor for charging decision on City of Worthington's use of force investigation for Promvongsa incident.

On Monday, January 8, 2018 I made an audio recording of Robinson making a loony, wild and outrageous statement that I should file my criminal complaint against Landgaard, Dudley and Langel with Nobles County Attorney Kathleen Kusz. Who in their right mind would file a criminal complaint with a prosecutor? Of course, Robinson making up loony, wild and outrageous statement that defy logic goes right along with Robinson’s harassing statements that my readily available, free, electronic data that I want emailed to me is only available for inspection.

This is the type of harassment that I not only received from Landgaard but also from Landgaard’s vendor Morris Leatherman’s Owner-Manager Diane Traxle. On Monday, January 17, 2018 I audio recorded Traxle making a loony, wild and outrageous claim that Morris Leatherman only had an oral contract with ISD 518. As of today’s data, I still have not received that readily available, free, electronic, public data. The best part is that I have audio recordings of both Traxle and Jeff Dehler of Jeff Dehler PR stating that the the public being aware of my criminal complaint against Landgaard, Dudley and Langel would adversely affect ISD 518’s referendum. Sounds like a motive for Landgaard, 3,4 Dudley, Langel, Appel and Robinson, doesn’t it?

Apparently, my criminal complaint against Landgaard, Dudley and Langel was not only damning but it was extremely damaging as well. I have reason to suspect that by emailing my complaint against Landgaard, Dudley and Langel to Moorhead ISD 152’s board members that it cost Landgaard a job ________________________________________
3. WE TRIED TO WORK WITH ISD #518 ADMINISTRATORS, BUT THE TRACK RECORD OF MANIPULATION, CORRUPTION, AND DECEIT HAS GONE FAR ENOUGH. IT’S TIME TO EXPOSE IT ALL. ... At the same time, we were hopeful that the foolishly stubborn and deaf school board (majority at least) members would humble their pride and restore their hearing and seek to meet #518’s space needs in an affordable manner – which most local voters have repeatedly told them they could support. THE DEAL’S OFF. IT’S OPPOSITION GAME ON! July 20, 2018 Admin Worthington Citizens for Progress Committee

4. Worthington Citizens For Progress Committee February 14, 2018 Ten o’clock last night local resident Mark Schutte posted a comment, below the Press Release posted on our FB page, suggesting we initiate a Petition Drive to request the ISD #518 school board terminate John Landgaard’s employment contract. Schutte's comment has received over 40 Likes already. ... Janice Oberloh February 15, 2018 at 4:55am Lynch mob mentality...what's next...hanging from a tree? We're supposed to be civil human beings...this does not promote bringing a community back together. 5. Landgaard's consideration for Moorhead superintendent ends Wednesday By The (continued)

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opportunity. 5

On Friday, April 27, 2018 at 11:34 AM, I received an email and readily available, electronic, confidential criminal investigative data from your corrupt City of Worthington's Sgt/BRDTF Commander Nate Grimmius. Grimmius also carbon-copied the email to your corrupt Murray Co. Attorney/former Nobles Co. Assistant County Attorney/BRDTF Attorney Travis Smith. The attached data included to initial complaint reports for Criminal investigative data for Case No. 53-CR-18-325 State of Minnesota vs Nobles/Rock Co. Community Corrections Cynthia Margarita Benegas/Cordova & Case No. 53-CR-18- 291/53-CR-18-326 State of Minnesota vs Rebecca Barraza and an offer to obtain the squad car video’s for the corresponding high-profile cases. The motive is to obstruct justice in high-profile criminal cases? On Friday, May 18, 2018 at 12:21 PM, I notified Fifth Judicial District Chief Judicial Officer Michelle A. Dietrich of this data breach. Did Dietrich or 5th Judicial District Administrator Michael J. Kelley notify you of this data breach or not? Inquiring minds want to know, don’t they?

Of course, the irony is that your corrupt Landgaard notified your Appel of a ISD 518 data breach, 6 isn’t it? You don’t mind that I sent Karen Abbott’s attorney a copy of my signed complaint against Landgaard, Dudley and Langel to Abbott’s attorney John Wilka, do you? I have reason to suspect that both you and Wilka plan on doing the exact same thing with my complaint – absolutely nothing! ____________________________________________
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
20179 County Road 28
Glenwood, MN 56334

P.S. You would agree with me that the so-called watchdogs at the corrupt, joke organization called the Worthington Citizen’s for Progress Committee are penny wise and pound foolish, wouldn’t you?
P.S.S. You would agree with me that the so-called watchdogs at the corrupt, joke organization called the Worthington Citizen’s for Progress Committee make about as much sense as a canvas sack full of wooden nickels, wouldn’t you?

5. (continued) Globe on Mar 29, Landgaard's consideration for Moorhead superintendent ends Wednesday By The Globe on Mar 29, 2018 at 8:31 a.m. District 518 Superintendent John Landgaard MOORHEAD — After Wednesday’s final round of interviews, it appears Independent School District 518 Superintendent John Landgaard will not be the next Moorhead Area Public Schools’ superintendent. Landgaard's consideration for Moorhead superintendent ends Wednesday By The Globe, The Globe and Forum Communications Company on Mar 29, 2018 at 8:31 a.m.

6. Karen Abbott, a former Area Learning Center special education instructor with an active civil lawsuit against the district, was scheduled to appear Monday Nobles County District Court on a criminal charge related to disbursing private student data to the Worthington Citizens for Progress Committee, a group that has historically run a “vote no” campaign against the district’s referendum attempts. ... The 45-year-old faces willful violation of government data practice act or rules after allegedly meeting with members of the WCPC and showing them private student documents. The misdemeanor offense is punishable up to 90 days imprisonment, a $1,000 fine or both. District 518, former employee battle now includes criminal charges By Alyssa Sobotka, The Globe and Forum Communications Company on Jul 18, 2018 at 4:31 p.m.

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Troy Appel, Police Chief                      12-26-17
1530 Airport Road Suite 300
Worthington, MN 56187
(507) 295-5400

Emailed to:,,,,,,,,

This is my formal criminal complaint against your corrupt ISD 518 Superintendent John Landgaard, your corrupt ISD 518 School Board Chair Lori Dudley and your corrupt IDS 518 attorney Joseph J. Langel of Ratwick, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. for conspiring to misuse public resources (609.52 Theft), for conspiring to engage in criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee), for conspiring to engage in harassment (MS 609.748) and for conspiring to engage in willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Email me the public portion of my initial complaint report (ICR) in its original searchable pdf format to:

On Wednesday, December 20, 2017 at 8:17 AM I electronically transmitted via email a Chapter 13 data request entitled “Chapter 13 data request - Paul Dorr data requests and data requested for 2018 ISD #518 referendum” to the email addresses of ISD 518 Superintendent John Landgaard, ISD 518 School Board Chair Lori Dudley, ISD 518 Board members Brad Shaffer, Linden Olson, Steve Schnieder, Joel Lorenz, Mike Harberts, Scott Rosenberg and to Worthington Citizens for Progress Committee (WCPC) aka the clients of Paul Dorr, Copperhead Consulting 1 . See attached.

On Thursday, December 21, 2017 at 1:59 PM I received what I considered to be a harassing electronic transmission entitled “FW: Scanned from a Xerox Multifunction Printer” from John Landgaard, Superintendent Worthington School District 518. See attached. “This email should be considered a complete response to your data request, but if for some reason you believe something is missing or left out in error, please let me know and we would be happy to respond.” I considered the email to be a harassing electronic transmission after reading the email and simply comparing what I requested in my Chapter 13 data request to the data Landgaard provided and what data Landgaard willfully refused to provide me. I have reason to suspect that the attached electronic communications are clear, precise and unquestionable evidence of harassment, misuse public resources, criminal misconduct of a public official and willful 2 refusal to comply with the MN Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA).

For reference I’ve included Dorr’s Chapter 13 data request of July 19, 2017 that he submitted to ISD 2908 Superintendent Dean Yocum and his October 21, 2005 Chapter 13 data request that he submitted to ISD 278 Superintendent Karen Orcutt. See attached. Both of Dorr’s data requests indicate that they are the beginning links in a chain of data requests.
1. My general impression of Paul Dorr’s Copperhead Consulting clients Don LeSage, B-E CARE Committee (Citizens Acting for Responsible Education and ISD 833 School Board candidate/South Washington Citizens for Progress Committee (SWC4P) board chair Andrea Mayer-Bruestle are that these so-called watchdogs are unaccountable, nontransparent, penny wise and pound foolish antiheroes. Dorr’s antiheroes magically and mysteriously show a blatantly obvious lack of concern for corrupt local officials who are misusing valuable and scant public resources in their plots to illegally withhold readily available, free, electronic, public data from members of the general public.
2. Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee. 2017 Minnesota Statutes 13.09 Penalties.

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"Paul Dorr's data requested U data requests for Worthington Citizens For Progress Committee for 2018 ISD 518 referendum - included in attachment." Careful examination of the data provided would indicate that the Thursday June 22, 2017 and the Tuesday, October 10. 2017 Chapter 13 data request submitted by Don, Rob, & Tom, WCPC and the Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Chapter 13 data request submitted by WCPC’s Paul Dorr indicate that they are random links from the middle part of a chain of data requests. Conspicuously missing are both the beginning links of WCPC’s Chapter 13 data requests and the rest of the middle links from the Chapter 13 data request chain. You will also note that Landgaard has willfully refused to provide me with the readily available, free, electronic, pubic data requested by WCPC’s Don, Rob, & Tom in their October 10. 2017 Chapter 13 data request. Landgaard has also willfully refused to provide me with the readily available, free, electronic, pubic data requested by WCPC’s Paul Dorr in his Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Chapter 13 data request.

To put things into context, I was subjected a similar harassment strategy by ISD 2908 Superintendent Dean Yocum. In that situation I was only provided with the initial link in Dorr’s series of Chapter 13 data requests. Yocum willfully refused to provided me with the middle and end Chapter 13 data request links. Plus, Yocum willfully refused to provide me with the readily available, free, electronic, pubic data requested by B-E CARE Committee’s Paul Dorr. Looks like a larger, well-organized plot.

I have reason to suspect that corrupt ISD 518 Superintendent John Landgaard, your corrupt ISD 518 School Board Chair Lori Dudley and your corrupt IDS 518 attorney Joseph J. Langel of Ratwick, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. are blindly following a devious and malicious plan to prevent the public from receiving readily available, free, electronic, pubic data. I also have reason to suspect that the devious and malicious plan is to either harass, bully, intimidate, and slander Chapter 13 data requesters into silence or to dupe Chapter 13 data requesters into long, drawn-out and expensive civil litigation. [FYI: An example one of the dopes who was duped into the long, drawn-out and expensive civil litigation is the infamous Tony “Psycho” Webster 3 .] Obviously, I’m not stupid enough to get duped into initiating a long, drawn-out and expensive civil action, am I? Neither will I tolerate being harassed, slandered, nor tolerate having my valuable time and my scant resources wasted. And, I certainly will I tolerate corrupt local officials illegally withholding readily available, free, electronic, public data from me.

Which is why I recorded my December 24, 2017 phone conversations with the corrupt ISD 518 school board members. Neither Scott Rosenberg nor Joel Lorenz responded to my voicemail messages. ISD 518’s so-called stewards of the people’s money Rosenberg and Lorenz obviously “lawyered-up.” Which goes along with not a single one of the ISD 518’s board members responding to my email
3. Tony “Psycho” Webster is the executive director of the nonprofit Goverage. “Psycho” Webster is an antihero promoted by disreputable organizations such as Minnesota Coalition on Government Infor- mation (MnCOGI), Public Records Media (PRM) and the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of Profes- sional Journalists (MNSPJ) for his pro bono data practice act lawsuits. However, these disreputable organizations willfully refuse to inform the unsuspecting public that “Psycho” Webster is a harasser, a perjurer, and a frivolous and malicious litigant. Nemmers was forced to file criminal complaints against “Psycho” Webster with Minneapolis Police Chief Janee Harteau and Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek for harassment, perjury and for filing a false police report. “Psycho” Webster had made the wild, outrageous and perjured claim in a SLAPP suit that Nemmers had hacked Webster’s “Twitter account.” “Psycho” Webster is also suspected of involvement in Stevens County Sheriff’s department ICR 17-004643. “Psycho” Webster is suspected of conspiring with Kilomarie “Psycho” Granda/Dunn, executive director of Unspoken Voices in a plot to harass Nemmers. “Psycho” Granda/Dunn made the wild, outrageous and perjured claim in a SLAPP suit that Nemmers had hacked Granda/Dunn‘s “email” and “Facebook” accounts. “Psycho” Webster and his fellow antiheroes magically and mysteriously show a blatantly obvious lack of concern for corrupt local officials who are misusing valuable and scant public resources in their plots to illegally withhold readily available, free, electronic, public data from members of the general public.

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communications with Landgaard. The ISD 518 school board members “lawyered-up” because they all knew they spend large sums of valuable and scant public resources to corrupt outside organizations for memberships, policies 4 and seminars 5 on Minnesota Statute Chapter 13.09. Which means each and every board member all knew that Superintendent Landgaard’s, Chair Dudley’s and corrupt IDS 518 attorney Langel actions were meant to waste my valuable time 7,8 and meant to waste my scant resources in order to illegally withhold my readily available, free, electronic, public data from me. ISD 518 board Chair Dudley and her fellow antihero board members Schnieder, Harberts, and Olson all acted extremely suspicious in my audio recorded phone conversations with them. Not a single one acted like you would expect the textbook responsible steward of the public’s money would act. Not a single one offered to confront Landgaard over my allegations of misconduct. Not a single one stated that they would contact the fellow board member to form a committee to retain an outside attorney or to contact aw enforcement to to investigate Landgaard over my allegations of misconduct. What each and every ISD 518 board member did do was to hang up the phone on before I was done speaking. ISD board member Harberts was the only one stupid enough to falsely accuse me of harassment 9 . So ends my complaint. The next test will be to see if you can be trusted to do a legitimate investigation into antiheroes Superintendent Landgaard, Chair Dudley and corrupt IDS 518 attorney Langel, right?
4. 4.11 Approved membership and policy service renewal with the Minnesota School Boards Association for 2017-2018 in the amount of $8,455.00. July 18, 2017 regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 518.
5. VII. Penalties for violations of data privacy B. A person who willfully violates data privacy or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data is guilty of a misdemeanor. (Minn. Stat. § 13.09), ISD 518 206 Public participation in school board meetings/complaints about persons at school board meetings and data privacy considerations, page 206-5
6. B. Any person who willfully violates the MGDPA ... is guilty of a criminal misdemeanor. A willful violation of the MGDPA by any public employee also constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee. Minn. Stat. § 13.09, V. Liability for improper dissemination of government data, 2016 Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. School Law Seminar, page 19.
7. Be sure to bring your electronic tablets or laptop computers with you to the seminar, because we are paperless! Information regarding the link you need to download in order to access the Seminar materials will be available on our website prior to and at the Seminar. August 28, 2017 promotional letter for 2017 Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. School Law Seminar in searchable pdf format.
8. On behalf of the CARE committee I do appreciate Mr. Ratwick’s willingness to use a timely eMail for delivery of his letter as opposed to placing it in the USPS and consuming several more days of time waiting on its delivery. I appreciate Mr. Lawson’s willingness to prepare all the documents for CARE to pick up Thursday afternoon. October 29, 2005 Paul Dorr Copperhead Consulting Service letter to ISD 278 Supt. Karen Orcutt [PDF] Orono Request, 2005 - Minnesota Association of School Administrators
9. “The board isn’t opposed to working with the Citizens for Progress, but when they continue to do things that are an attempt to intimidate — such as filming or those type of things — it becomes very difficult to work with somebody when you create that confrontational approach right out of the gate,” Landgaard said. Turnout, multiple opinions earn district's praise. By Martina Baca, The Globe and Forum Communications Company on Apr 13, 2017 at 11:48 a.m. ________________________________________________________
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
20179 County Road 28
Glenwood, MN 56334

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from: Kathleen Kusz
to: Lion News
date: Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 5:17 PM
subject: RE: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Mr. Nemmers, you asked for a copy of a criminal complaint. The document that we create in this office will not have the police officers’ signature or the judge’s signature. I am assuming you want the official document with those signatures. The custodian of that document is court administration. I can forward your request to court administration if you like.


Information sent here may be subject to Minn. Statutes. Ch. 13, may be attorney-client or work product privileged, or may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected. If you receive this in error, please let me know and please delete this message and any attachments. Do not save, copy, forward or print any portion of it. See 18 U.S.C. sec. 2517(4).

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

From: Lion News []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 2:49 PM
To: Kathleen Kusz;;; Amy Ernst;;; Justin Ahlers; Gene Metz; Matt Widboom; Robert Demuth; Donald Linssen;;;; Jon Ramlo; Kent Wilkening
Subject: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?

from: Lion News
to: Kathleen Kusz,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Amy Ernst,
Joni Harms,
date: Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 6:48 PM
subject: Re: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?

Mike Kuhle, Worthington Mayor (507) 360-9012 & Robert S. Demuth, Jr. Chairperson Nobles County Commissioners:

Your corrupt Kathleen Kusz, Nobles County Attorney (507) 295-5298/(507) 329-7119 was kind, courteous and helpful enough to provide me with another clear, precise and unquestionable example of willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, wasn't she?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

13.09 PENALTIES. (a) Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data, as defined in section 13.055, subdivision 1, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee.

from: Kathleen Kusz
to: Lion News
date: Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 5:17 PM
subject: RE: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.
Mr. Nemmers, you asked for a copy of a criminal complaint. The document that we create in this office will not have the police officers’ signature or the judge’s signature. I am assuming you want the official document with those signatures. The custodian of that document is court administration. I can forward your request to court administration if you like.


Information sent here may be subject to Minn. Statutes. Ch. 13, may be attorney-client or work product privileged, or may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected. If you receive this in error, please let me know and please delete this message and any attachments. Do not save, copy, forward or print any portion of it. See 18 U.S.C. sec. 2517(4).

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

From: Lion News []
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2018 2:49 PM
To: Kathleen Kusz;;; Amy Ernst;;; Justin Ahlers; Gene Metz; Matt Widboom; Robert Demuth; Donald Linssen;;;; Jon Ramlo; Kent Wilkening
Subject: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?
from: Kathleen Kusz
to: ""
cc: Kent Wilkening>,
Tom Johnson
date: Mon, Apr 2, 2018 at 1:00 PM
subject: RE: Complaint Summons.pdf
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.
Sorry, my attachment was the Barraza complaint, which we did receive a copy of. I will send the Morse complaint as a separate file.


Information sent here may be subject to Minn. Statutes. Ch. 13, may be attorney-client or work product privileged, or may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected. If you receive this in error, please let me know and please delete this message and any attachments. Do not save, copy, forward or print any portion of it. See 18 U.S.C. sec. 2517(4).

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

From: Kathleen Kusz
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2018 12:57 PM
To: ''
Cc: Kent Wilkening;; Tom Johnson
Subject: Complaint Summons.pdf

from: Kathleen Kusz
to: Lion News,
Justin Ahlers,
Gene Metz,
Matt Widboom,
Robert Demuth,
Donald Linssen,
Jon Ramlo,
Kent Wilkening,
Amy Ernst,
Joni Harms,
date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 8:37 AM
subject: RE: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Mr. Nemmers. Since my attempt to get clarification from you as to whether you wanted our internal draft or the official court document failed to get a response, and since I refuse to guess what you want, I will send you our draft complaint under separate cover, and I will also forward your request for the formal document to court administration, which is the responsible authority for that document. Courts may send you a copy directly. If they send it to me, I will forward it to you.

From: Lion News []
Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2018 6:49 PM
To: Kathleen Kusz;;; Justin Ahlers; Gene Metz; Matt Widboom; Robert Demuth; Donald Linssen;;;; Jon Ramlo; Kent Wilkening; Amy Ernst; Joni Harms;
Subject: Re: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?

from: John Wilka
to: Kathleen Kusz,
Lion News,
Justin Ahlers,
Gene Metz,
Matt Widboom,
Robert Demuth,
Donald Linssen,
Jon Ramlo,
Kent Wilkening,
Amy Ernst,
Joni Harms,
date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 2:10 PM
subject: RE: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Please take me off this email string

John Wilka

From: Kathleen Kusz []
Sent: Wednesday, August 08, 2018 8:37 AM
To: Lion News;;; Justin Ahlers; Gene Metz; Matt Widboom; Robert Demuth; Donald Linssen;; John Wilka;; Jon Ramlo; Kent Wilkening; Amy Ernst; Joni Harms;
Subject: RE: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?

from: Kathleen Kusz
to: ""
date: Wed, Aug 8, 2018 at 9:23 AM
subject: Karen Abbott complaint.pdf
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Here is the document you requested from this office. As I mentioned in my other email, I have taken the liberty of forwarding your request to court administration as well, since you were unclear about whether you wanted the document we submitted to court, or the document with the judge’s signature.

Karen Abbott complaint.pdf

from: Lion News
to: Kathleen Kusz
cc: "",
Justin Ahlers,
Gene Metz,
Matt Widboom,
Robert Demuth,
Donald Linssen,
Jon Ramlo,
Kent Wilkening,
Amy Ernst,
Joni Harms,
date: Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 10:42 AM
subject: Re: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?

Mike Kuhle, Worthington Mayor (507) 360-9012 & Robert S. Demuth, Jr. Chairperson Nobles County Commissioners:

Hey your corrupt Kathleen Kusz, Nobles County Attorney (507) 295-5298/(507) 329-7119 was kind, courteous and helpful enough to provide me with yet another clear, precise and unquestionable example of willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, wasn't she?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Would you like me to attach the signed 53-CR-18-291 complaint that your corrupt Kathleen Kusz, Nobles County Attorney emailed me on April 2, 2018? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

MNJIS Product and Service Information Request Access Criminal justice agencies can go to the Catalog of Services to request access, obtain technical information or read descriptions about MNJIS Projects and Services. Product Fact Sheets In addition, the BCA provides Fact Sheets and FAQs about many of its projects and services. eCharging Fact Sheet Benefits

eCharging Incident Report is created Report electronically referred to prosecutor Complaint created from electronic incident data If decision is made to not charge, system notifies eCharging, which notifies law enforcement Minnesota Criminal Complaint Process Comparison of Manual and eCharging Systems and Benefits

OVERVIEW OF ELECTRONIC FILING AND SERVICE (EFS) SYSTEM How to Receive Documents Served Through the eFS System When a document is served through the eFS System, the recipient will receive an email containing a link to the document (unless the recipient has disabled the email notification feature for his or her eFS System account). The document will be available for download for 30 days after the date of service. The recipient is responsible for downloading a copy of the document within that time. Minnesota District Court Registered User Guide for Electronic Filing Revised January 13, 2017

from: Lion News
to: John Wilka
cc: Kathleen Kusz,
Justin Ahlers,
Gene Metz,
Matt Widboom,
Robert Demuth,
Donald Linssen,
Jon Ramlo,
Kent Wilkening,
Amy Ernst,
Joni Harms,
date: Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 10:49 AM
subject: Re: Criminal Complaint Versus Your Corrupt City Administrator Robinson, Director Of Public Safety Appel, ISD 518 Supt Landgaard, IDS 518 Board Chair Dudley, IDS 518 Attorney Langel, Murray Co. Attorney Smith & BRDTF Commander Grimmius?

John Wilka, Attorney:

Would like me to delete all my audio recorded conversations with your office, also? You won't mind if I share those audio recorded conversations with Chief Judicial Officer Michelle A. Dietrich and District Administrator Michael J. Kelley, will you?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Selective prosecution (1967) 1. SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT. 2. The practice or instance of a criminal prosecution brought at the discretion of a prosecutor rather one brought as a matter of course in the normal functioning of the prosecuting authority's office. page 1481Balck's Law Dictionary 9th Edition.
Contact Us In Sioux Falls, SD there is one law firm with the experience and expertise you need for defense in worker’s compensation injury, criminal defense, family law, or civil litigation cases – Wilka & Welter, LLP. Thank you for visiting our website and getting to know our practice. We are committed to providing you the personal attention and focus that your case deserves. Give us a call at 605-338-9711. We will review your case and design a plan of action to achieve the results you seek. We are available 24 hours a day to help you. Phone: (605) 338-9711 Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Email John Wilka: Mark Welter: Mary Ash: Edward Angel: Location: 300 N. Dakota Ave. Suite 510 Sioux Falls, SD 57104

from: Kathleen Kusz
to: ""
date: Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 2:44 PM
subject: your request for a copy of a complaint
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic. 

Mr. Nemmers, I passed on your request for the signed complaint to court admin, as I said I would do. Today I was sent a copy for you, so I am forwarding it to you.


Information sent here may be subject to Minn. Statutes. Ch. 13, may be attorney-client or work product privileged, or may be confidential, privileged, proprietary, or otherwise protected. If you receive this in error, please let me know and please delete this message and any attachments. Do not save, copy, forward or print any portion of it. See 18 U.S.C. sec. 2517(4).

Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree. - Martin Luther

From: Brandel, Denise
Sent: Thursday, August 09, 2018 12:04 PM
To: Kathleen Kusz
Subject: Data privacy complaint

Here is the complaint the fellow is looking for.

Attachment: Complaint Summons.pdf

More to come . . .

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