Tuesday, September 30, 2014

DNR Invades Ronald Wayne Johnson's Home Without Probable Cause? Johnson Is A Victim Of DNR Home Invasion, Isn't He? Case No. 21-CR-13-51 State of Minnesota vs Ronald Wayne Johnson Maliciously Prosecuted By Chad "The Felon" Larson? "The Felon" Larson Has A Well-Documented History Of Covering Up Illegal Home Invasions, Doesn't He? Sounds Like Pope Co Home Invasion Of Nemmers' Home, Doesn't It? DNR's CO Shane Osborne Tampered With Audio To Cover Up Home Invasion?

Ronald Wayne Johnson said his home was invaded by the lawless Dept of Natural Resources (DNR) without probable cause, didn't he?

Lion News: DNR's Capt. Gutierrez Illegally Withholds CO Osborne's Illegal Home Invasion Audio?

Lion News: DNR's Lt. Mike Shelden Won't Answer if CO Osborne Capable Of Illegal Home Invasion?

Lion News: DNR's Lt. Mike Shelden Illegally Withholds CO Osborne's Illegal Home Invasion Audio?

He did, didn't he?

The narrative of Johnson's home invasion by the DNR sounds credible, doesn't it?

It does, doesn't it?

Why? Simple, right?

Douglas County Attorney Chad "The Felon" Larson is in charge of the malicious prosecution, correct?

That is correct, isn't it?

Douglas County Attorney Chad "The Felon" Larson has a well-documented history of covering up home invasions, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?

I should know since it was my home that "The Felon" Larson helped invade, right? That's right, isn't it?

To invade my home the law criminals from the Pope Co. Sheriff's department made the wild and outrageous claims that they had a warrant, didn't they? They did, didn't they?

There never was a warrant, was there? There wasn't, was there?

In this case the lawless DNR's Conservation Officer Shane Osborne made the wild and outrageous claim that Ronald had too many fish, didn't he?

He did, didn't he?

In both Johnson's case and in my case official documents were falsified to cover up the home invasions, weren't they?

They were, weren't they?

In Ronald's case he says that the DNR's audio of the incident has been tampered with, doesn't he?

He does, doesn't it?
Not to mention that DNR's Lt. Mike Shelden had no comment on whether or not CO Shane Osburne or CO Mitch Lawler were capable of engaging in a home invasion, huh?

That's right, isn't it?

Shows just how little confidence Lt. Shelden has in Osborne's and Lawler's outrageous claims, right?

That's right, isn't it?

The fact of the matter is you can't trust any arrest, prosecution or conviction in lawless Douglas county, isn't it?

It is, isn't it?

Only a common criminal would work with Douglas County Chad "The Felon" Larson, right?

That's right, isn't it?

More to come . . .

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