Monday, November 22, 2021

DNR Data Practices Compliance Official Barbara Damchik-Dykes 651.259.5345 Reported To MN Department Of Natural Resources Policy And Planning Section Manager Anthony Alongi After Damchik-Dykes Harasses Nemmers Over Request For Entire DNR Policy & Procedure Manual & After Damchik-Dykes Illegally Releases Confidential 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal Investigative Data For High-Profile Case No. 39-VB-21-468 State Of Minnesota Vs Michael A Sysa; Case No. 39-VB-21-469 State Of Minnesota Vs David Alekseevich Sysa And Case No. 39-VB-21-470 State Of Minnesota Vs Yevgeniy Sergeyevich Simonovich To Media Outlets And To Nemmers?

from: Lion News
date: Nov 14, 2021, 1:02 PM
subject: Citations For Michael Sysa 22 Oak Grove Minnesota David Sysa 23 Oak Grove Yevgeniy Simonovich 29 Elk River

Kristi Coughlon Phone: 218-308-2647:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:

1. Citations for Michael Sysa 22 Oak Grove Minnesota, David Sysa 23 Oak Grove and Yevgeniy Simonovich 29 Elk River.
2. Press releases that were sent "Courtesy of the Minnesota DNR" to the Bemidji Pioneer and/or Forum News Service for Citations for Michael Sysa 22 Oak Grove Minnesota, David Sysa 23 Oak Grove and Yevgeniy Simonovich 29 Elk River.
Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713 DNR news media contacts Media Inquiries Northwest Region – Bemidji Kristi Coughlon Phone: 218-308-2647 Email: (link sends email)

\BAUDETTE, Minn. — Three anglers have been charged for keeping too many walleyes and saugers on Lake of the Woods after conservation officers found them with 48 fish over their limit Sunday. Charged with possessing over their limit of walleyes and saugers were Michael Sysa, 22, Oak Grove, Minnesota; David Sysa, 23, Oak Grove; and Yevgeniy Simonovich, 29, Elk River, Minnesota. MN anglers had 48 over limit in Lake of the Woods fish bust Seventy-two walleyes and saugers confiscated Nov. 7, 2021, were donated to the Warroad Senior Living Center in Warroad, Minnesota. (Courtesy of the Minnesota DNR) By Brad Dokken | | Forum News Service PUBLISHED: November 12, 2021 at 12:39 p.m. | UPDATED: November 14, 2021 at 9:03 a.m. DNR officers seize 72 fish in Lake of the Woods walleye and sauger bust – In addition to the 26 fish in the livewell, there were six walleyes and 10 saugers in the cooler with fish caught that day, and 17 walleyes and 13 saugers in the second cooler with fish the group had kept the previous day – 72 fish total. Written By: Brad Dokken | 2:30 pm, Nov. 11, 2021 The 72 walleyes and saugers were confiscated Sunday, Nov. 7, 2021, and donated to the Warroad Senior Living Center in Warroad, Minnesota, for residents' consumption. Contributed / Minnesota DNR Three anglers have been charged for keeping too many walleyes and saugers on Lake of the Woods after conservation officers found them with 48 fish over their limit Sunday, Nov. 7. Charged with possessing over their limit of walleyes and saugers were Michael Sysa, 22, Oak Grove, Minnesota; David Sysa, 23, Oak Grove; and Yevgeniy Simonovich, 29, Elk River, Minnesota.

from: MN_Data Request (DNR)
to: ""
date: Nov 15, 2021, 11:41 AM
subject: data practices request
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Dear Mr. Nemmers,
Attached is the incident report you requested from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The name of a juvenile has been redacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 84.0873.
Please note that there is no press release associated with this data. This completes your data practices request in full.
Kind Regards,
Barbara Damchik-Dykes
Data Practices Compliance Official | OSD
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Road
Saint Paul, MN 55155
Phone: 651.259.5345
Fax: 651.296.0902

Attachment: 21026876-R_Redacted.pdf


from: Lion News
to: "MN_Data Request (DNR)"
date: Nov 18, 2021, 6:55 AM
subject: Re: data practices request

Barbara Damchik-Dykes, Data Practices Compliance Official 651.259.5345:

Thanks for the incident reports. Where are the citations that I requested? 

"Citations for Michael Sysa 22 Oak Grove Minnesota, David Sysa 23 Oak Grove and Yevgeniy Simonovich 29 Elk River."

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. Current Minnesota Department of Natural Resources policy and procedure manual.
2. Redacted warning issued to the juvenile in ICR# 21026876.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

CO Huener and I discussed with the group that [Redacted] as a juvenile, would not be charged for possessing an over limit of walleye/sauger. We told Michael, David, and Yevgenity that they would each be charged for possessing over limit of walleye/sauger, and that the restitution for the 48 fish over the legal limit would be divided amongst the three of them- 16 fish each. The three agreed to this. Michael, David and Yevgenity were each charged/cited for possessing over limit of walleye/sauger, as well as restitution for 16 walleye per person. All walleye/sauger (72 total) were seized, as well as both coolers. A seizure receipt was issued. A warning was documented for [Redacted] for possessing over limit of walleye/sauger. End of Report. C. Sura 648. Department of Natural Resources Incident Report ICR# 21026876. Reported: 11-08-2021 0958. Officer Assigned: Sura, Cory Badge No. 648 Primary: Yes. Officer Assigned: Huener, Ben Badge No: 538 Primary: No.

from: MN_Data Request (DNR)
to: Lion News
date: Nov 19, 2021, 10:08 AM
subject: RE: data practices request
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

Good morning. We will work on getting the data you have requested, including citations and warning.
You have requested a current copy of the DNR policy and procedure manual. Are you looking for a particular policy or procedure? We don’t have a singular policy or procedure manual.
Barbara Damchik-Dykes
Data Practices Compliance Official | OSD
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
500 Lafayette Road
Saint Paul, MN 55155
Phone: 651.259.5345
Fax: 651.296.0902

from: Lion News
to: "MN_Data Request (DNR)"
date: Nov 19, 2021, 10:28 AM
subject: Re: data practices request

Barbara Damchik-Dykes, Data Practices Compliance Official 651.259.5345:

I asked for the complete policy and procedure manual so I can compare it to the complete policy and procedure manual that I currently have in my possession.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 20-283-5713

VII. STORAGE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDINGS A. Media containing recordings and photos shall be marked for identification, guarded against degradation and overwriting, and stored in a secure location. B. Officers taking digital images for evidentiary purposes shall download the images onto the officer’s computer and shall immediately copy the images to a write once CD-ROM. This CD-ROM shall be known and labeled as the “archive copy”. 1. Officers shall not release archive copies (or original video or audio tape recordings) from their custody. Officers shall honor legitimate requests for access to evidentiary media by making and providing a copy of the media to the prosecuting attorney or the division’s data practices responsible authorities. 2. The existence of evidentiary photos or recordings shall be disclosed in any citation notes or reports prepared about the incident. O-11-06, PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE STANDARDS Page 4 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENFORCEMENT DIRECTIVE

from: MN_Data Request (DNR)
to: Lion News
date: Nov 22, 2021, 9:49 AM
subject: RE: data practices request
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

Dear Mr. Nemmers,
Attached are the citations you requested. Some data has been redacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 13.82. Data for the verbal warning involving a minor has been redacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 84.0873.
Again, can you be more specific regarding the policy and procedure that you are requesting? Are you seeking policy related to DNR Enforcement citations? If you are more specific, it would be helpful for me to provide the policy that you are seeking.
Thank you,

Attachments: Citation-Number-89062021009812_Redacted.pdf, Citation-Number-89062021009813_Redacted.pdf, Citation-Number-Notes-89062021009814_Redacted.pdf, Citation-Number-Notes-89062021009815-Verbal_Redacted.pdf

from: Lion News
to: "MN_Data Request (DNR)"
date: Nov 22, 2021, 10:32 AM
subject: Re: data practices request

Barbara Damchik-Dykes, Data Practices Compliance Official 651.259.5345:

Please provide me with the name and contact information of the individual in your chain of command who has direct supervisory powers over you. I want to discuss with them why you can't fall back onto your expensive and time-consuming work-related continuing education to provide me with the entire/complete current Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Directives aka policy and procedure manual.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

VIII. PRINCIPLE FIVE Conservation Officers shall treat all members of the public courteously and with respect.3. No Conservation Officer shall ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, belittle, willfully embarrass, humiliate, or shame a person, or do anything reasonably calculated to incite a person to violence. A-4-99, CONDUCT UNBECOMING A CONSERVATION OFFICER Page 5. MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENFORCEMENT DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE NUMBER: A-4-99 SUBJECT: CONDUCT UNBECOMING A CONSERVATION OFFICER EFFECTIVE DATE: March 30, 1999 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Rescinds Directive 61-96 REFERENCE: Minnesota Statute Sec 626.8457, 43A.38, 43A.39; Directive A-3-98; C.L.E.A. 26.1; State Electronic Mail and Internet Policy; POST Model Conduct Policy DISTRIBUTION: All Division Employees NUMBER OF PAGES: 31

from: MN_Data Request (DNR)
to: Lion News
cc: "Alongi, Anthony (DNR)"
date: Nov 22, 2021, 10:42 AM
subject: RE: data practices request
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

Dear Mr. Nemmers,
I am forwarding this email chain to my supervisor, Anthony Alongi, who is copied on this email. Please feel free to contact him directly about your concerns with my customer service.
Kind Regards,

from: Alongi, Anthony (DNR)
to: Lion News
date: Nov 22, 2021, 11:01 AM
subject: RE: data practices request
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label

Mr. Nemmers,
I’ve reviewed the communication chain below. When you have a moment, please reply with any additional information or concerns you may have regarding the services you’ve received, so that I can review as complete a picture of what is happening as possible. Thank you,
Anthony Alongi
Section Manager, Policy and Planning
MN Department of Natural Resources

from: Lion News
to: "Alongi, Anthony (DNR)"
date: Nov 22, 2021, 11:20 AM
subject: Re: data practices request

Anthony Alongi, Section Manager, Policy and Planning MN Department of Natural Resources:

I actually have a couple of concerns. First of all, why am I being repeatedly harassed over my request for your entire/complete current Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Directives aka policy and procedure manual? Second, why is your Minnesota Department of Natural ResourcesBarbara Damchik-Dykes Data Practices Compliance Official Barbara Damchik-Dykes illegally releasing confidential 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data to media outlets for Citation No. 89062021009812 Case No. 39-VB-21-468 State of Minnesota vs Michael A Sysa; Citation No. 89062021009813 Case No. 39-VB-21-469 State of Minnesota vs David Alekseevich Sysa and Citation No. 89062021009814 Case No. 39-VB-21-470 State of Minnesota vs Yevgeniy Sergeyevich Simonovich? Finally, will I be able to get a copy of your Notice to individuals 13.055 Subd. 2. Notice to individuals that are sent to Michael A Sysa, David Alekseevich Sysa and Yevgeniy Sergeyevich Simonovich?

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. Names and contact information for DNR personnel who investigate DNR Data Breaches.
2. DNR policy and procedure for Internal Affairs/Administrative investigations.
3. Direct phone number for Anthony Alongi, Section Manager, Policy and Planning MN Department of Natural Resources.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

Mr. Karpan: I do have one request. Um, I've not asked for this before, I'm not sure how to handle it, but the Department of Natural Resources as they've done in the past has seen fit to do a press release, and officer Osborne has answered questions for the newspaper. My client – all the facts of the case are in the Echo Press, on the radio and in sporting magazines. Not only are there quotes in there that aren't - - I mean I know the State has a right to release incident data I think it's called.
Under Chapter 13.82, investigative data is not to be released. Well, there are pictures allegedly of my client's fish all over the Echo Press. Everybody in town is talking about it. I don't know if I'll have to make a change of venue motion eventually. I'll have to see how this plays out in a few months.
But under 13.82, there's no way the DNR is supposed to be releasing pictures of evidence to the newspaper. It prejudices my client. It prejudices all of us. It makes it impossible to get a fair trail. So I'm asking the Court to order the Department of Natural Resources to not discuss this case any further until it's done.
The Court: Mr. Hochsprung?
Mr. Hochsprung: Your Honor, I did not authorize the Department of Natural Resources to disclose anything to the paper. Um, I can talk with Mr. Osborne or whoever about that, but I don't have any information about that. State of Minnesota vs. Ronald Wayne Johnson Rule 5/ Rule 8 Hearing. Court File No. 21-CR- 13-51. February 11, 2013.

VII. STORAGE OF PHOTOGRAPHS AND RECORDINGS A. Media containing recordings and photos shall be marked for identification, guarded against degradation and overwriting, and stored in a secure location. B. Officers taking digital images for evidentiary purposes shall download the images onto the officer’s computer and shall immediately copy the images to a write once CD-ROM. This CD-ROM shall be known and labeled as the “archive copy”. 1. Officers shall not release archive copies (or original video or audio tape recordings) from their custody. Officers shall honor legitimate requests for access to evidentiary media by making and providing a copy of the media to the prosecuting attorney or the division’s data practices responsible authorities. 2. The existence of evidentiary photos or recordings shall be disclosed in any citation notes or reports prepared about the incident. O-11-06, PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE STANDARDS Page 4 MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF ENFORCEMENT DIRECTIVE DIRECTIVE NUMBER: O-11-06 SUBJECT: PROPERTY AND EVIDENCE STANDARDS EFFECTIVE DATE: May 5, 2006 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Rescinds Directives 45-88, O-11-02 REFERENCE: Minnesota Statute Secs. 97A.221- .231; 626.04 13.82, Subd 20; Directives O-4, O-5 (pending) DISTRIBUTION: All Conservation Officers NUMBER OF PAGES: 8. 13.82 COMPREHENSIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA. Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data. Except for the data defined in subdivisions 2, 3, and 6, investigative data collected or created by a law enforcement agency in order to prepare a case against a person, whether known or unknown, for the commission of a crime or other offense for which the agency has primary investigative responsibility are confidential or protected nonpublic while the investigation is active. Inactive investigative data are public unless the release of the data would jeopardize another ongoing investigation or would reveal the identity of individuals protected under subdivision 17. Images and recordings, including photographs, video, and audio records, which are part of inactive investigative files and which are clearly offensive to common sensibilities are classified as private or nonpublic data, provided that the existence of the images and recordings shall be disclosed to any person requesting access to the inactive investigative file. An investigation becomes inactive upon the occurrence of any of the following events: 13.43 PERSONNEL DATA. Subdivision 1.Definition. As used in this section, "personnel data" means government data on individuals maintained because the individual is or was an employee of or an applicant for employment by, performs services on a voluntary basis for, or acts as an independent contractor with a government entity. § Subd. 2.Public data. (a) Except for employees described in subdivision 5 and subject to the limitations described in subdivision 5a, the following personnel data on current and former employees, volunteers, and independent contractors of a government entity is public: (1) name; employee identification number, which must not be the employee's Social Security number; actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; (3) date of first and last employment; (4) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action; (5) the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees of the public body; (6) the complete terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising out of an employment relationship, including a buyout agreement as defined in section 123B.143, subdivision 2, paragraph (a); except that the agreement must include specific reasons for the agreement if it involves the payment of more than $10,000 of public money; (7) work location; a work telephone number; badge number; work-related continuing education; and honors and awards received; and (8) payroll time sheets or other comparable data that are only used to account for employee's work time for payroll purposes, except to the extent that release of time sheet data would reveal the employee's reasons for the use of sick or other medical leave or other not public data. 13.055 DISCLOSURE OF BREACH IN SECURITY; NOTIFICATION AND INVESTIGATION REPORT REQUIRED. Subd. 2. Notice to individuals; investigation report. (a) A government entity that collects, creates, receives, maintains, or disseminates private or confidential data on individuals must disclose any breach of the security of the data following discovery or notification of the breach. Written notification must be made to any individual who is the subject of the data and whose private or confidential data was, or is reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an unauthorized person and must inform the individual that a report will be prepared under paragraph (b), how the individual may obtain access to the report, and that the individual may request delivery of the report by mail or e-mail. The disclosure must be made in the most expedient time possible and without unreasonable delay, consistent with (1) the legitimate needs of a law enforcement agency as provided in subdivision 3; or (2) any measures necessary to determine the scope of the breach and restore the reasonable security of the data. (b) Notwithstanding section 13.15 or 13.37, upon completion of an investigation into any breach in the security of data and final disposition of any disciplinary action for purposes of section 13.43, including exhaustion of all rights of appeal under any applicable collective bargaining agreement, the responsible authority shall prepare a report on the facts and results of the investigation. If the breach involves unauthorized access to or acquisition of data by an employee, contractor, or agent of the government entity, the report must at a minimum include: (1) a description of the type of data that were accessed or acquired; (2) the number of individuals whose data was improperly accessed or acquired; (3) if there has been final disposition of disciplinary action for purposes of section 13.43, the name of each employee determined to be responsible for the unauthorized access or acquisition, unless the employee was performing duties under chapter 5B; and (4) the final disposition of any disciplinary action taken against each employee in response.

from: Alongi, Anthony (DNR)
to: Lion News
date: Nov 22, 2021, 12:08 PM
subject: RE: data practices request
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

Good morning,
Since your inquiry appears to relate to recent, current, and/or potential litigation, our team will engage the appropriate internal personnel and get back to you on a reasonable timeline. Meanwhile, with the understanding that I will not discuss such litigation over the phone, my direct phone number is 651.259.5556. I am available to discuss employee performance. That said, I believe I have the information I need regarding your assessment of the staff in question.
As noted, the other parts of your inquiry will get appropriate treatment, and either I or someone else from this agency will be in touch in the coming days to provide you with as much information as we can legally and practically provide. Thank you,
Anthony Alongi
Section Manager, Policy and Planning
MN Department of Natural Resources

More to come ...

Related links:

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Formal Criminal Complaint Against Your Corrupt City Of Mountain Lake City Administrator/Clerk Michael Schulte, Your Corrupt Chief Of Police Douglas Bristol, & Your Corrupt City Attorney Maryellen Shrhoff? Corrupt DNR Again Caught Illegally Releasing Confidential 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal Investigative Data In High-Profile Cases: Chanhthone Phongsim 17-VB-18-491 & Isouvahn Xayachack 17-VB-18-492?

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Kottom Tosses Another Monkey Wrench Into Rigged 69DU-CR-17-900? Kottom's 07-01-18 Complaint To Chief Judicial Officer Sally L. Tarnowski?

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Update On DNR's Illegal Search & Seizure At Indiana Fisherman's Upper Cormorant Lake Cabin? David Deckard, Oklahoma, Chair Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Notified Of Corrupt MN DNR's History Of Obstructing Justice? Does the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Encourage Or Discourage Due Process Violations? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Anthony Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1798) Clifford Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1800) & Ryan Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1802) Exposing CO Joseph Stattelman's Breaking & Entering Of Cabin?

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Update On DNR's Illegal Search & Seizure At Indiana Fisherman's Upper Cormorant Lake Cabin? David Deckard, Oklahoma, Chair Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Notified Of Corrupt MN DNR's History Of Obstructing Justice? Does the Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact Encourage Or Discourage Due Process Violations? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Anthony Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1798) Clifford Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1800) & Ryan Emmons (CASE NO. 03-CR-15-1802) Exposing CO Joseph Stattelman's Breaking & Entering Of Cabin?

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Friday, November 19, 2021

Whose Ready For Another Monkey Wrench To Be Tossed Into The Rigged Case 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr? MN Board of Veterinary Medicine Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM Continues To Treat Nemmers Like A Retarded Child?

from: MED, VET (HLB) <>
to: Lion News <>
date: Nov 18, 2021, 4:14 PM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

Dear Mr. Nemmers,
Thank you for clarifying your data request. I am working on compiling the requested data for you.
Your patience is appreciated.
Julia H. Wilson, DVM
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Executive Director, Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine
New address beginning September 1, 2021:
335 Randolph Ave Suite 215
St. Paul, MN 55102
Phone: 651 201-2844
Fax: 651 201-2842

Our mission is to promote, preserve, and protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and animals through the effective control and regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine.
P Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail
This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer.


from: Lion News
to: "MED, VET (HLB)",,,,,,,,
date: Nov 19, 2021, 9:56 AM
subject: Re: Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine

Michelle Vaughn, DVM President, MN Board of Veterinary Medicine (651) 201-2844/(952) 938-1926:

When exactly is your Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM going to stop treating me like a retarded child? Why wasn't your MN Board of Veterinary Medicine Personnel policy and procedure manual attached to the last email sent by Wilson? Is efficient time management a foreign concept to Wilson? Is the MN Board of Veterinary Medicine Personnel policy and procedure manual "accessible for convenient use" or not? Are the names and contact information for investigators for the MN Board of Veterinary Medicine complaint process "accessible for convenient use" or not? Does Wilson know the answer to these questions? Does Wilson even know if your investigators have established policies and procedures?

When is Wislon going to stop insulting my intelligence and stop wasting my valuable time? Is Wilson competent enough to have an intelligent conversation about animal abuse or not? Is Wilson competent enough to discern the difference between subjective palpation of a horse and objective blood analysis of a horse? So when is my readily available, free, electronic public data hitting my email inbox? Five (5) minutes from never?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. Did Wilson only respond because she was lurking and skulking on my blog, Lion News?
P.S.S. You aren't upset that I sent my communications with your state agency to the New Ulm Journal, are you? 13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA. § Subdivision 1.Public data. All government data collected, created, received, maintained or disseminated by a government entity shall be public unless classified by statute, or temporary classification pursuant to section 13.06, or federal law, as nonpublic or protected nonpublic, or with respect to data on individuals, as private or confidential. The responsible authority in every government entity shall keep records containing government data in such an arrangement and condition as to make them easily accessible for convenient use. Photographic, photostatic, microphotographic, or microfilmed records shall be considered as accessible for convenient use regardless of the size of such records.
Veterinary Medical Terminology
Courtesy of Nanette Walker Smith, RVT, CVT and Elizabeth Warren, RVT
All veterinary hospitals should have a good veterinary medical dictionary accessible at all times. We recommend Saunders Comprehensive Veterinary Dictionary, second ed. by Blood and Saunders. Basic word structure: Most medical terms can be deciphered by breaking them down to their roots: Prefix – word beginning, may completely change the meaning of the word Combining vowel – links root words to root words or suffixes (usually “o”) Root word – foundation of the word, may change to a combining form to link words Suffix – word ending, refers back to the root The most common word structures seen in veterinary practice are listed in the charts below:
Suffix Meaning Example Literal Translation Actual Definition
-able, -ible, -ble The power to be Palpable The power to feel Able to feel something
-esthesia Denoting sensation Anesthesia Without sensation Without sensation
Terminology frequently used to designate body parts of organs:
Body part/organ Medical terminology
Muscle Myo
Combining Forms:
Root Meaning Example Definition of Example
nomalo- Denoting irregularity Anomaly An irregular finding
Somato- Denoting the body Somatic Pertaining to the body
Sphygma- Denoting a pulse Sphygmomanometer Instrument for measuring arterial blood pressure
Veno- Denoting a vein Venipuncture Surgical puncture a vein

Dr. Nancy Peterson, DVM, of the New Ulm Regional Veterinary Center testified she was contacted by the Brown County law enforcement to do a site visit for humane reasons at Lemarr’s farm on Nov. 23, 2020. “She had 19 horses, 12-14 goats, 20-30 chickens, two dogs and cats,” Peterson testified. “In the first pen I saw no hay, bunk or feeding spot, and smaller, underweight horses that looked pretty rough. They had dull coats, were scrawny, and hadn’t been groomed lately.” Peterson testified she touched the back of one of the horses, “J.J.” and described him as underweight, taking into account that he arrived at Lemarr’s farm underweight. In addition, Peterson testified a water tank had no tank heater that would allow water to stay thawed in the winter. “I saw no bedding or feed in stalls. The floor was packed with dirt and manure,” Peterson testified. “The horses needed more bedding. They didn’t have the coat or body condition score for winter.” Peterson testified “veterinarians should be involved in rehabilitating horses in case something goes wrong, because they know what they’ve been doing.” Chief deputy, veterinarian take trial stand in Lemarr trial Defense witness testifies she saw no neglect Nov 19, 2021 Fritz Busch Staff Writer

Decades of social science and jury research “has shown that most people are affective, not cognitive, thinkers.”48 “Most people are emotional, symbol oriented, selective perceivers of information who base their decisions largely on previously held attitudes about people and events.”49 The typical person is also a deductive reasoner—using only a few premises to arrive at a decision and then accepting, rejecting, or distorting “other information to fit their already determined conclusions.”50 In contrast, a scientific expert witness is a cognitive thinker—basing decisions on evaluation, synthesis, and analysis. Given a jury panel with a typical cross section of the population who will most like be affective thinkers, veterinary pathologists who are typically cognitive thinkers need to understand how to bridge that chasm between affective thinkers and cognitive thinkers. A way to bridge that chasm is for veterinary pathologists to think of themselves as teachers.51 Consider ways to take complicated testimony and make it simple and interesting for the students (the jurors).52 A good exercise is for the expert witness to think back on his or her best teachers and what qualities made them good teachers.53 Consider the ways in which those teachers made learning fun and understandable, and translate them into the testimony.54 Veterinary pathologists should also employ different ways to get across the testimony, including visual aids.55 Expert witnesses should delve into the natural enthusiasm and passion they have for their subjects. This is veterinary pathologists’ chance to discuss and share an area that they love and have spent years mastering. That enthusiasm will be noticed and appreciated by jurors, and it makes the expert likeable (likeability reaches the core of an affective thinker). Demystifying the Courtroom: Everything the Veterinary Pathologist Needs to Know About Testifying in an Animal Cruelty Case Reese Frederickson, First Published May 16, 2016

3. Only horses exhibiting altered metabolism and having inadequate feed stores on the premises should be seized. Removing healthy horses from their home is not necessary and may often result in adverse consequences due to stress created by a new environment and untrained handlers. 4. If at all possible, the alleged neglected horses should remain at the owner’s farm. Removing any horse from its familiar environment, drastically changing its diet, and exposing it to a new set of handlers will usually result in stress and a further loss of body condition. In the vast majority of cases, if the intent is truly the best care of the horse, that care can best be administered in familiar surroundings. If the legal authorities require, care can be conducted under their official guidance. “Innocent until proven guilty” is the most abused legal standard in America today. Due to biased press coverage, most “trials” are conducted before the accused ever has a chance to answer the charges. Once a horse owner has been accused of neglect, they are stained for life. If they are later proven to be innocent, the public has already painted them with a negative picture. This should not happen. It is imperative that the state authorities demonstrate adequate cause for seizure. Unsupported claims of neglect against a horse owner should be followed by a vigorous public campaign by the state authorities criticizing the parties who have filed a frivolous claim and, if possible, such parties should be prosecuted by the state. Author’s Information:(MIS)USE OF THE BCS IN ALLEGED NEGLECT by Don Henneke, Ph.D., is currently the Director of Equine Science at Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas. Dr. Henneke was the principal investigator in developing the Body Condition Scoring System for Horses at Texas A&M University in 1979.

08-CR-21-272 STATE OF MINNESOTA Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 11/1/2021 4:48 PM IN DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF BROWN FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No. 08-CR-21-272 State of Minnesota, Plaintiff, vs. STATE’S AMENDED WITNESS LIST Candi Jolene Lemarr, Defendant. TO: Defendant above-named, and her attorney, James J. Kuettner, 427 South Broad Street, P.O. Box 12, Mankato, MN 56002. The State may call the following witnesses at trial: 1. Deputy Randee Murphy Brown County Sheriff's Office 15 South Washington Street New Ulm, MN 56073 No Known Criminal History 2. Deputy Derek Shaw Brown County Sheriff's Office 15 South Washington Street New Ulm, MN 56073 No Known Criminal History 3. Investigator Jeremy Reed Brown County Sheriff's Office 15 South Washington Street New Ulm, MN 56073 No Known Criminal History 4. Stacey Lee Gaede 16158 Lincoln Road Fayette, IA 52142 No Known Criminal History08-CR-21-272 5. Tami Bailey 215 Chalmer Drive North Ft. Meyers, FL 33917 No Known Criminal History 6. Dr. Amanda Elston South Winn Veterinary Clinic 315 Fisher Avenue Ossian, Iowa 52161 No Known Criminal History 7. Dr. Zach Loppnow Iowa State University Hospital 1809 S. Riverside Drive Ames, Iowa 50011 No Known Criminal History 8. Dr. Margo Cangemi Anoka Equine Vet Services 16445 70 th St. NE Elk River, MN 55330 No Known Criminal History 9. Elizabeth Ann Olander 4231 Stark Rd NE Cambridge, MN 55008 No Known Criminal History 10. Ryan Michael Hauth 26731 315th Avenue Sleepy Eye, MN 56085 Please See Attached 11. Drew Ann Fitzpatrick Please See Attached Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation P.O. Box 47 Zimmerman, MN 55398 12. Steven Edmund Sellner 405 North 6 th St. Henderson, MN 56044 Please See Attached 13. Kym Garvey Save the Brays 12788 115 th Street Milaca, MN 56353 No Known Criminal History 2 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 11/1/2021 4:48 PM08-CR-21-272 14. Dr. Nancy Peterson New Ulm Regional Veterinary Center 401 20 th Street South New Ulm, MN 56073 No Known Criminal History 15. Elizabeth Jane Meyer 16158 Lincoln Road Fayette, Iowa 52142 No Known Criminal History 16. Devlin Ray Corler 406 Mechanic St. Fayette, Iowa 52142 No Known Criminal History 17. Madeline Harford 1108 Grant Ave, Apt 3 Waterloo, IA 50702 No Known Criminal History 18. Christine Maire 506 2 nd Avenue SW Independence, Iowa 50644 No Known Criminal History 19. Stephanie Poor 16134 Jade Rd. Fayette, Iowa 52142 No Known Criminal History 20. Anyone else listed on Defendant’s Witness List. 21. Anyone else listed in Discovery materials. 22. John Feinberg Facebook, Inc 1601 S. California Ave Palo Alto, CA 94304 23. Joseph Dela Cruz GoFundMe c/o Legal Department 855 Jefferson Avenue P.O. Box 1329 Redwood City, CA 94063 3 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 11/1/2021 4:48 PM08-CR-21-272 24. Cora Hamann Kuettner Legal PLLC 427 S. Broad St. Mankato, MN 56001 25. Janelle Louwagie 26. Jesse Kettner 27. Jennifer Eaton 28. Kayla Mathiowetz 29. Madie Wildfeuer 30. Eryn Friesen 31. Rachel Friesen 32. Rachelle Rients 33. Barb Herrig 34. Nicole Maras 35. Josh Garcia 36. Clara Lemarr 26731 315th Ave. Sleepy Eye, MN 56086 37. Michelle Koenig New Ulm Regional Veterinary Center 401 20 th Street South New Ulm, MN 56073 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 11/1/2021 4:48 PM Expert Witness List: (Minn. R. Evid. 702) Dr. Nancy Peterson Ms. Peterson is a Licensed Veterinarian for New Ulm Regional Veterinary Clinic. Pursuant to Minn. R. Evid. 702, Ms. Peterson qualifies as an expert to testify regarding animal science, welfare and overall practice of veterinary care. Ms. Peterson qualifies as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, and education in the area of veterinary medicine. A copy of Ms. Peterson’s Curriculum Vitae is provided via the exhibit list and her criminal history attached hereto. 408-CR-21-272 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 11/1/2021 4:48 PM Dr. Zach Loppnow Mr. Loppnow is a Licensed Veterinarian for Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medical Center. Pursuant to Minn. R. Evid. 702, Mr. Loppnow qualifies as an expert to testify regarding animal science, welfare and overall practice of veterinary care. Mr. Loppnow qualifies as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, and education in the area of veterinary medicine. A copy of Mr. Loppnow’s resume is provided via the exhibit list and his criminal history attached hereto. Dr. Margo Cangemi Ms. Cangemi is a Licensed Veterinarian for Anoka Equine. Pursuant to Minn. R. Evid. 702, Ms. Cangemi qualifies as an expert to testify regarding animal science, welfare and overall practice of veterinary care. Ms. Camgemi qualifies as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, and education in the area of veterinary medicine. A copy of Ms. Cangemi’s resume is provided via the exhibit list and her criminal history attached hereto. Dr. Amanda Elston Ms. Elson is a Licensed Veterinarian for South Winn Veterinary Clinic. Pursuant to Minn. R. Evid. 702, Ms. Elston qualifies as an expert to testify regarding animal science, welfare and overall practice of veterinary care. Ms. Elston qualifies as an expert by knowledge, skill, experience, training, and education in the area of veterinary medicine. A copy of Ms. Elston’s resume is provided via the exhibit list and her criminal history attached hereto. CHARLES W. HANSON BROWN COUNTY ATTORNEY Dated: November 1, 2021 By: /s/ Jill M. Jensen Jill M. Jensen #0398408 Deputy County Attorney 1 South State Street P.O. Box 248 New Ulm, MN 56073 Phone: (507) 233-6688 Fax: (507) 233-6692 5

Attachment: Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data Why Is The Convicted Thief Brown County Attorney Chuck Hanson Still Harassing111821_1000am.pdf

More to come ...

Related links: 

How About We Tell The New Ulm Journal About The Hostile Response Nemmers Received From The The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine? The Data From The Rigged Cases (13-CR-19-1031 State Of Minnesota Vs Carmen Marie Burth & 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr) Made Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM Hostile, Right? Where Oh Where Is That Brown County Data, Huh?

How About We Toss A Monkey Wrench Into The High-Profile Animal Cruelty Cases Of Candi Lemarr And Carmen Marie Burth? It's Rigged Case Nos. 13-CR-19-1031 State Of Minnesota Vs Carmen Marie Burth & 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr, Isn't It? Let's Request Some Data From The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine, Shall We? Do You Want To See The Ridiculous Response From Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM?

Who Wants To Toss A Monkey Wrench Into The High-Profile Candi Lemarr Animal Cruelty Case? It's Rigged Case No. 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr, Isn't It? Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data – Why Is The Convicted Thief Brown County Attorney Chuck Hanson Harassing Nemmers?

Nemmers Asks The Brown Co. Commissioners: "Have You Or Haven't You Watched The Damning Video Of Your Corrupt Brown Co. Attorney Charles “The Thief” Hanson Falsely Accusing Nemmers Of Harassment?" Why Oh Why Is “The Thief” Hanson Retaliating Against Nemmers? Did You Know That Nemmers Was Looking Into How “The Thief” Hanson Was Hired As A Law Enforcement Officer AKA Assistant Watonwan Co. Attorney When “The Thief” Hanson Had Prior Theft Convictions? And Nemmers Tossed A Huge Monkey Wrench Into The High-Profile Case No. 08-CV-20-978 Candi Lemarr Vs Brown County, Didn't He? Sounds Like A Motive To Threaten & To Harass Nemmers, Doesn't It? 

Who Wants To Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Case No. 13-CR-19-1031 State Of Minnesota Vs Carmen Marie Burth? North Branch Chief Of Police Daniel Meyer, Assistant Chisago County Attorney Kathryn Jean Kelly And Chisago County Attorney Janet Reiter Are Trying Burth's Case In The Court Of Public Opinion, Aren't They? Animal Humane Society's Pistol Packing Humane Agent Keith Streff And Anoka Equine Veterinary Services Dr. Zach Loppnow Are Aiding & Abetting In The Conspiracy, Aren't They? You Want To See How Nonprofits Conspire With LEO To Steal Your Horses?

Transcripts For Case No 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Veterinary Center PA Vs Watonwan Co Animal Humane Society Not On The Register Of Actions But Hidden In Affidavit In Support Of The AHS’s Motion For A New Trial Or In The Alternative Remittitur? You Want To Read The Transcripts For The Testimony Of Pistol Packing AHS Humane Agent Keith Streff, Don't You? Did Anyone Ask Streff On The Witness Stand Why He Wasn't Trying To Impersonate A Peace Officer During The Trial? FYI: Did You Know That Streff Was Forced To Wear "Street Clothes" As A Result Of Nemmers' Complaint?

Let's Ask Joseph A. Gangi, Attorney for Michael Johnson, If Johnson Plans On Reporting Pistol Packing AHS Agent Keith Streff To LEO For Impersonating A Peace Officer, Shall We? Armed Minnesota Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Wearing A Pistol In Case No 83-CR-18-513 State Of Minnesota Vs Michael Charles Johnson? A Monkey Wrench For Case No. 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Vs Watonwan Co And AHS?

Let's Ask Martin County Sheriff Markquart If Armed Minnesota Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Will Be Allowed To Impersonate A Peace Officer In His Jurisdiction, Shall We? Hey How About We Ask Watonwan County Sheriff Bergeman Why The Pistol Packing Streff Was Allowed To Impersonate A Peace Officer In His Jurisdiction? Will Streff Get Permission To Influence the Jury With His Pistol In The June 28, 2021 Through July 2, 2021 Trial for Court File 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Veterinary Center, P.A. Vs Watonwan County, Animal Humane Society?

Armed Minnesota Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Wearing A Firearm In Case No. 83-CR-18-513 State Of Minnesota Vs Michael Charles Johnson? Will AHS Agent Streff Show Up Armed At June 28‐June 30th, 2021 & July 1– July 2, 2021 Jury Trial for Court File 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Veterinary Center, P.A. Vs Watonwan County, Animal Humane Society? Has Streff Ever Been Accused Of Impersonating An Officer? Let's Ask AHS Attorney Freitag, Okay? Should We Tell The St. James Plaindealer & The Martin County Star Editors About Watonwan Co. Attorney Lindee's Illegal Withholding Of Public Data? Lindee Knows That The Chapter 13 Data Will Toss A Monkey Wrench Into 46-CV-19-1224, Doesn't He

Thursday, November 18, 2021

How About We Tell The New Ulm Journal About The Hostile Response Nemmers Received From The The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine? The Data From The Rigged Cases (13-CR-19-1031 State Of Minnesota Vs Carmen Marie Burth & 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr) Made Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM Hostile, Right? Where Oh Where Is That Brown County Data, Huh?

from: Lion News
Kevin Sweeney,,,
Jason Seidl,
date: Nov 18, 2021, 10:00 AM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data – Why Is The Convicted Thief Brown County Attorney Chuck Hanson Still Harassing Nemmers?

Greg Orear, Publisher New Ulm Journal, Kevin Sweeney, Editor, Fritz Busch, Staff Writer 507-359-2911:

Hey did you want an update on my Chapter 13 Data Request and the harassment that I have been receiving from the convicted thief Brown County Attorney Chuck Hanson? Did you know that Brown County won't even acknowledge my latest Chapter 13 Data Request? Do you want to hear how I contacted the MN Board of Veterinary Medicine? Did you know that the Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM. became hostile with me when I sent information about the Veterinarians involved in both the high-profile animal cruelty cases of Candi Lemarr (08-CR-21-272) and Carmen Marie Burth (13-CR-19-1031)?

Do you remember when that thief Hanson wanted to use the confidential body camera video for 08-CR-21-272 to dispel widespread rumor or unrest in Case No. 08-CV-20-978 Candi Lemarr vs Brown County? Do you think that the thief Hanson didn't want to release the now public information to the general public so state investigators couldn't see if the vet on Lemarr's farm was "acting in good faith and in the normal course of business"? Do you think that is why the body camera video was illegally withheld from me, also? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. See attached, okay? Society Of Professional Journalists SPJ Code of Ethics Seek Truth and Report It Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Journalists should: – Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless. – Recognize a special obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government. Seek to ensure that the public’s business is conducted in the open, and that public records are open to all. 343.215 VETERINARIAN IMMUNITY. A licensed veterinarian acting in good faith and in the normal course of business is immune from civil and criminal liability in any action arising in connection with the report of a suspected incident of animal cruelty. History: 2020 c 89 art 4 s 33

Q Investigator Reed, if someone is posting online regarding what happened on November 23rd, 2020, were there eight deputies out at Sapphire Farms on November 23rd, 2020?
MR. KUETTNER: Objection to the -- sorry, Your Honor. Objection to the relevance. The first half of this question, whether or not somebody posting online, whatever they're posting has nothing to do with what happened on November 23.
THE COURT: I agree. I don't know what has been posted online. Obviously, we were focused here on what did happen and not on rumors or speculation or guesses online, so I will sustain the objection to the first part of the question. Page 146-147. Evidentiary Hearing - Volume III Day 3 of 3 Pages 111-172 Evidentiary Hearing File No. CV-20-978 Candi Lemarr vs. Brown County. Q = Assistant Brown County Attorney Andrea Liester, A = Investigator Jeremy Reed

Subd. 15. Public benefit data. Any law enforcement agency may make any data classified as confidential or protected nonpublic pursuant to subdivision 7 or as private or nonpublic under section 13.825 or 626.19 accessible to any person, agency, or the public if the agency determines that the access will aid the law enforcement process, promote public safety, or dispel widespread rumor or unrest. 13.82 Comprehensive Law Enforcement Data.

Sam Hansen, Brown County Administrator 507-233-6600 & Jason Seidl, Sheriff 507-233-6713 & Anton Berg, Board Chair 507-359-7844:

Why oh why haven't you acknowledged receipt of my 11-15-21 Chapter 13 Data Request entitled "Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data – Why Is The Convicted Thief Brown County Attorney Chuck Hanson Harassing Nemmers?"

Incorrect: "1. Gross salary, history of sustained complaints and work-related continuing education from data of first hire until today's date for Brown County Sheriff’s Office Investigator Jeremy Reed, Derek Shaw, Derek Shaw and Steve Depew."
Correct: "1. Gross salary, history of sustained complaints and work-related continuing education from data of first hire until today's date for Brown County Sheriff’s Office Investigator Jeremy Reed, Randee Murphy, Derek Shaw and Steve Depew."

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. When is my readily available, free, electronic, public data hitting my email inbox, huh? Five (5) minutes from never?

Government entities should respond in one of three ways 1. Provide access to the data (and copies when requested) 2. Inform you the data are classified as not public (must give statute section) 3. Inform you the data do not exist • Not responding is not a proper response. Minnesota Department of Administration - Information Policy Analysis Division - Can I ask for that? Government Data Practices Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 page 12.

A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Advisory Opinion 95-042. October 31, 1995; Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning. October 31, 1995 | Inspection, Response to data requests, Statutory construction (Ch. 645)

3. Only horses exhibiting altered metabolism and having inadequate feed stores on the premises should be seized. Removing healthy horses from their home is not necessary and may often result in adverse consequences due to stress created by a new environment and untrained handlers. 4. If at all possible, the alleged neglected horses should remain at the owner’s farm. Removing any horse from its familiar environment, drastically changing its diet, and exposing it to a new set of handlers will usually result in stress and a further loss of body condition. In the vast majority of cases, if the intent is truly the best care of the horse, that care can best be administered in familiar surroundings. If the legal authorities require, care can be conducted under their official guidance. “Innocent until proven guilty” is the most abused legal standard in America today. Due to biased press coverage, most “trials” are conducted before the accused ever has a chance to answer the charges. Once a horse owner has been accused of neglect, they are stained for life. If they are later proven to be innocent, the public has already painted them with a negative picture. This should not happen. It is imperative that the state authorities demonstrate adequate cause for seizure. Unsupported claims of neglect against a horse owner should be followed by a vigorous public campaign by the state authorities criticizing the parties who have filed a frivolous claim and, if possible, such parties should be prosecuted by the state. Author’s Information:(MIS)USE OF THE BCS IN ALLEGED NEGLECT by Don Henneke, Ph.D., is currently the Director of Equine Science at Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas. Dr. Henneke was the principal investigator in developing the Body Condition Scoring System for Horses at Texas A&M University in 1979.

3 Attachments: Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine111721_904am.pdf; Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine111721_944am.pdf; Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine111721_1014am.pdf

More to come ...

Related links:

How About We Toss A Monkey Wrench Into The High-Profile Animal Cruelty Cases Of Candi Lemarr And Carmen Marie Burth? It's Rigged Case Nos. 13-CR-19-1031 State Of Minnesota Vs Carmen Marie Burth & 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr, Isn't It? Let's Request Some Data From The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine, Shall We? Do You Want To See The Ridiculous Response From Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM?

Who Wants To Toss A Monkey Wrench Into The High-Profile Candi Lemarr Animal Cruelty Case? It's Rigged Case No. 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr, Isn't It? Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data – Why Is The Convicted Thief Brown County Attorney Chuck Hanson Harassing Nemmers?

Nemmers Asks The Brown Co. Commissioners: "Have You Or Haven't You Watched The Damning Video Of Your Corrupt Brown Co. Attorney Charles “The Thief” Hanson Falsely Accusing Nemmers Of Harassment?" Why Oh Why Is “The Thief” Hanson Retaliating Against Nemmers? Did You Know That Nemmers Was Looking Into How “The Thief” Hanson Was Hired As A Law Enforcement Officer AKA Assistant Watonwan Co. Attorney When “The Thief” Hanson Had Prior Theft Convictions? And Nemmers Tossed A Huge Monkey Wrench Into The High-Profile Case No. 08-CV-20-978 Candi Lemarr Vs Brown County, Didn't He? Sounds Like A Motive To Threaten & To Harass Nemmers, Doesn't It? 

Who Wants To Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Case No. 13-CR-19-1031 State Of Minnesota Vs Carmen Marie Burth? North Branch Chief Of Police Daniel Meyer, Assistant Chisago County Attorney Kathryn Jean Kelly And Chisago County Attorney Janet Reiter Are Trying Burth's Case In The Court Of Public Opinion, Aren't They? Animal Humane Society's Pistol Packing Humane Agent Keith Streff And Anoka Equine Veterinary Services Dr. Zach Loppnow Are Aiding & Abetting In The Conspiracy, Aren't They? You Want To See How Nonprofits Conspire With LEO To Steal Your Horses?

Transcripts For Case No 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Veterinary Center PA Vs Watonwan Co Animal Humane Society Not On The Register Of Actions But Hidden In Affidavit In Support Of The AHS’s Motion For A New Trial Or In The Alternative Remittitur? You Want To Read The Transcripts For The Testimony Of Pistol Packing AHS Humane Agent Keith Streff, Don't You? Did Anyone Ask Streff On The Witness Stand Why He Wasn't Trying To Impersonate A Peace Officer During The Trial? FYI: Did You Know That Streff Was Forced To Wear "Street Clothes" As A Result Of Nemmers' Complaint?

Let's Ask Joseph A. Gangi, Attorney for Michael Johnson, If Johnson Plans On Reporting Pistol Packing AHS Agent Keith Streff To LEO For Impersonating A Peace Officer, Shall We? Armed Minnesota Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Wearing A Pistol In Case No 83-CR-18-513 State Of Minnesota Vs Michael Charles Johnson? A Monkey Wrench For Case No. 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Vs Watonwan Co And AHS?

Let's Ask Martin County Sheriff Markquart If Armed Minnesota Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Will Be Allowed To Impersonate A Peace Officer In His Jurisdiction, Shall We? Hey How About We Ask Watonwan County Sheriff Bergeman Why The Pistol Packing Streff Was Allowed To Impersonate A Peace Officer In His Jurisdiction? Will Streff Get Permission To Influence the Jury With His Pistol In The June 28, 2021 Through July 2, 2021 Trial for Court File 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Veterinary Center, P.A. Vs Watonwan County, Animal Humane Society?

Armed Minnesota Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Wearing A Firearm In Case No. 83-CR-18-513 State Of Minnesota Vs Michael Charles Johnson? Will AHS Agent Streff Show Up Armed At June 28‐June 30th, 2021 & July 1– July 2, 2021 Jury Trial for Court File 46-CV-19-1224 Goldmount Veterinary Center, P.A. Vs Watonwan County, Animal Humane Society? Has Streff Ever Been Accused Of Impersonating An Officer? Let's Ask AHS Attorney Freitag, Okay? Should We Tell The St. James Plaindealer & The Martin County Star Editors About Watonwan Co. Attorney Lindee's Illegal Withholding Of Public Data? Lindee Knows That The Chapter 13 Data Will Toss A Monkey Wrench Into 46-CV-19-1224, Doesn't He

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

How About We Toss A Monkey Wrench Into The High-Profile Animal Cruelty Cases Of Candi Lemarr And Carmen Marie Burth? It's Rigged Case Nos. 13-CR-19-1031 State Of Minnesota Vs Carmen Marie Burth & 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr, Isn't It? Let's Request Some Data From The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine, Shall We? Do You Want To See The Ridiculous Response From Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM?

from: Lion News
date: Nov 17, 2021, 9:04 AM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine

Michelle Vaughn, DVM President, MN Board of Veterinary Medicine (651) 201-2844/(952) 938-1926:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:

1. Names and contact information for investigators for the MN Board of Veterinary Medicine complaint process.
2. Policy and procedure manual for MN Board of Veterinary Medicine's investigators.
3. MN Board of Veterinary Medicine's educational material to Doctors of Veterinary Medicine who are professional witnesses or regular practitioners dealing with starving and/or malnourished horses. Specifically dealing with the Henneke Body Condition Scoring System and doing blood work on horses suspected of animal abuse/cruelty to substantiate the subjective Henneke Body Condition Scoring System for Horses (BCS) before removing the horses from owner's property.
4. Data on "Appointed agents" pursuant to MN Stat 343.01 in animal cruelty cases not having the proper authorization to be at crime scenes or suspected crime scenes. Or data on "Appointed agents" impersonating peace officers in violation of 609.4751.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713 343.215 VETERINARIAN IMMUNITY. A licensed veterinarian acting in good faith and in the normal course of business is immune from civil and criminal liability in any action arising in connection with the report of a suspected incident of animal cruelty. History: 2020 c 89 art 4 s 33 How to File a Complaint To submit a complaint, please print and complete these forms and send them to the Board office: Complaint Registration Form and Records Waiver Authorization Minnesota Data Practice Laws & Rules The completed forms may be sent as an e-mail attachment, fax, or U.S. mail. Please make sure you have signed the documents before sending them to the Board office. Please contact the Board if you have any questions. E-mail: Fax: 651-201-2842 U.S. mail: Board of Veterinary Medicine, 335 Randolph Avenue, Suite 215, St. Paul, MN 55102
Current Board Members Name Role Appointment Date Contact Michelle Vaughn, DVM President Appointed 6/30/2011; Reappointed 1/2015; Reappointed 1/2019; Term ends 1/1/2023
Steven Shadwick, DVM Veterinary Member Appointed 6/29/2018; Term ends 1/1/2022
Mahlon Bauman Public Member Appointed 4/6/2021; Term ends 1/1/2025
Christopher Powers, DVM Veterinary Member Appointed 7/3/2019; Term ends 1/1/2023
Mary Olson, DVM Veterinary Member Appointed 3/2/2014; Reappointed 1/2018; Term ends 1/1/2022
Jody Grote Public Member Appointed 5/4/2016; Term ends 1/1/2024 Julie Dahlke, DVM Veterinary Member Appointed 7/3/2019; Term ends 1/1/2023

Defendant confirmed she owned all the animals on the property. Including the donkey’s Defendant had 19 animals total. Defendant gave law enforcement a tour of the farm and her animals. Defendant showed the veterinarian and law enforcement paddock 1 on the southwest side of the property. ... The veterinarian explained after spending 8-9 months on the farm, the horses should no longer have body composition scores of 3 or under. It was explained to Defendant the horses should be scoring as 4 and 5’s, and should have more fat on them heading into winter. It was explained to Defendant there were concerns on the two male horses in paddock 1, Horses 6 and 10 and that Defendant would be looking at surgery for them. Defendant responded that was fine because she had the money and makes over $200,000.00 and she has money from the business too. It was explained to Defendant that she should not be comfortable allowing people to ride the horses in the condition they were in. Statement Of Probable Cause Complainant Jeremy Reed Investigator 15 S Washington St New Ulm, MN 56073 Badge: 334 Electronically Signed: 03/24/2021 06:05 PM Brown County, Minnesota. Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 3/25/2021. Case No. 08-CR-21-272 State of Minnesota vs Candi Jolene Lemarr

Given that winter was approaching and the defendant had failed to improve the health and condition of the horses in over two months, Investigator Todd Frank of the North Branch Police Department applied for a search warrant for the premises. On November 13, 2019, the search warrant was signed by the Honorable Robert Rancourt. On November 15, 2019 at 9:00 A.M., the warrant was served on the defendant at her residence. A Veterinarian from Sunrise Equine was present to conduct a herd evaluation and Body Condition Scores (BCS) ranging from 1-9 were assigned to each horse as they were checked. 11 of the 20 horses on the property were seized with BCS scores ranging from 1.5-3, while the remaining horses scored between 3-4.Statement Of Probable Cause. Complainant Daniel Meyer Chief of Police 6408 Elm St PO Box 910 North Branch, MN 55056 Badge: 512 Electronically Signed: 01/07/2020 08:36 AM Chisago County, Minnesota. Filed in District Court State of Minnesota Date & Time: Jan 7 2020 

9:00AM. Case No. 13-CR-19-1031 State of Minnesota vs Carmen Marie Burth
Details Of Report: On November 27, 2012, I was dispatched to 433 170th St in Hugo for a harassment report. … The complainant, Matthew Paul Montain, DOB: [Redacted], was advising that an unwanted male was on his property. I am familiar with this issue, as the unwanted male had been on the property last week for an issue that Sgt Johnson, #121, was dealing with. See ICR 112036632. Upon arrival there, I observed a silver Honda Element with MN LIC: 887KYD parked in the driveway outside of the office trailer on site. The vehicle registers to the Humane Society for Companion Animals. I observed a male standing near the vehicle. I am familiar with this male from the past contact as Wade Richard Hanson, DOB: [Redacted]. He is an employee of the Animal Humane Society. As I pulled up with my squad, I observed Hanson was wearing dark brown BDU style pants, black military style boots, and a dark brown wind breaker type jacket with large yellow letters on the back stating “Humane Agent.” There were patches on the upper arms of the jacket. As I got closer to Hanson, I observed that the patched indicated that he was an investigator with the Humane Society. I could see also a badge on the jacket that was shaped in a police shield style with “Investigator” on the top rocker and “Humane Society” on the bottom rocker. I saw that under the dark brown jacket, HANSON, was wearing a tan deputy style duty shirt with dark brown pocket flaps and shoulder epaulets. This shirt also had a badge like the one on his jacket. This uniform was strikingly similar to the uniform that I was wearing and he could be easily mistaken for law enforcement personnel. Initial Complaint Report ICR Number: 112036927 Agency: Washington County Sheriff’s Office ICR Created: 11/27/2012 09:55:10 Deputy S. Peulen #163 Date/Time Occurred: 1127212 – 0955 HRS. Date/Time Report Made: 112812 – 0652 HRS. 609.4751 IMPERSONATING A PEACE OFFICER. Subdivision 1.Misdemeanor. Whoever falsely impersonates a peace officer with intent to mislead another into believing that the impersonator is actually an officer is guilty of a misdemeanor. § Subd. 2.Gross misdemeanor. Whoever violates subdivision 1 while committing any of the following acts is guilty of a gross misdemeanor: (1) gaining access to a public building or government facility that is not open to the public; (2) without legal authority, directing or ordering another person to act or refrain from acting; (3) violating section 169.64, subdivision 2, 3, or 4, or the siren provisions of section 169.68; or (4) operating a motor vehicle marked: (i) with the word or words "police," "patrolman," "sheriff," "deputy," "trooper," "state patrol," "conservation officer," "agent," or "marshal"; or (ii) with any lettering, marking, or insignia, or colorable imitation thereof, including, but not limited to, stars, badges, or shields identifying the vehicle as a law enforcement vehicle, and which a reasonable person would believe is a law enforcement vehicle governed under section 169.98, subdivision 1.

A Again, I'm not sure. I'd have to - - I know from working with the City of East Bethel that it was assumed that I was their agent and worked in that capacity, and at one point I asked them to officially documentation and send it.
Q But that was sometime after August 29th?
A It could be. I'd have to look at it. A: Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Q: Robert Richman, attorney for defendant Lowell Friday. Page 51. Page 51. State Of Minnesota, Plaintiff VS. Lowell George Friday, Defendant Case No. 02-CR-12-197 Contested Omnibus Hearing July 6, 2012 Transcript. Honorable Sean C. Gibbs, Presiding.

Q So given that you didn't have a search warrant what authorized you to even step on that property?
A we discussed the situation with Mr. Friday. Mr. Friday and I have a rather cordial relationship and
I explained to him exactly what the policy, procedure was that we were following, and the purpose for our visit, and that we wanted to establish the facts and circumstances regarding the health and welfare of his horses and he voluntarily allowed us to do that. Page 19. Direction Examination A: Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Q: Jennifer Nodes, attorney for the City of East Bethel.

343.01 PURPOSES; POWERS; COUNTY ORGANIZATION. § Subdivision 1.Formation authorized. A state federation of county and district societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals may be created as a corporation under chapter 317A for the purpose provided in section 343.06. The federation may appoint representatives in any county where no active county or district society exists for the purpose of receiving and accounting for funds from any source, and may also appoint agents at large to carry out the work of the federation throughout the state. The federation and all county and district societies may appoint agents for the purpose of investigating or otherwise assisting lawfully empowered officials in the prosecution of persons charged with cruelty to animals. Appointed agents must have training and experience in activities relating to prevention of cruelty to animals or enforcement of laws relating to cruelty to animals. The federation may make bylaws as are necessary to implement its authority under this chapter and under chapter 317A.

(MIS)USE OF THE BCS IN ALLEGED NEGLECT Over the past year, cases of alleged horse neglect have skyrocketed across the United States. I have been contacted by people from California to Maryland, from Minnesota to Texas, and from New York to Arizona. This phenomenon has reached epidemic proportions. Minnesota alone reportedly investigated almost 400 cases in 2011. Most of these can be attributed to the down economy and the drought making it difficult for horse owners to feed their horses like they would like to feed them. Therefore, we are seeing a lot more horses in below average body condition. That does not make every thin horse a neglected or abused horse. Over the past decade, the Body Condition Scoring System for Horses (BCS) has become, in many if not most cases, the sole reason for seizure for neglect or abuse. The problem with this is that the BCS was not designed to reflect the health or well-being of the horse. The BCS provides an estimate of stored body fat. Period. From a physiological standpoint, as long as a horse has any fat reserves and is receiving a diet that meets its daily maintenance requirements, that horse can be healthy. For example, The Minimum Standards of Horse Care in the State of California (2011) arbitrarily indicates that any horse with a BCS of less than 3 does not meet the minimum standard. By definition, a BCS 3 horse still has reserves of body fat. Once a horse gets below a BCS 3, then reserves are low. However, the health of the horse is only in jeopardy if it is breaking down non-fat tissue to provide for its basic energy needs. The BCS cannot measure this function. Breakdown of non-adipose tissue for energy can be evaluated through blood analysis focusing on liver and kidney function, and the breakdown of structural tissue for energy. Blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, and the ratio of blood urea nitrogen level to creatinine level are indicators of tissue breakdown. Analysis for hematocrit, serum concentrations of total protein solids, sodium, calcium, potassium, triglycerides, bilirubin, and albumin will also provide information concerning malnutrition and starvation. None of these tests are accurate on their own. However, evaluation of matching trends from the analysis can help confirm or disprove that the horse is nutritionally deprived. In addition, the presence, or absence, of other physical indicators of inadequate energy intake should be used to evaluate alleged neglect. Energy deprived horses will be lethargic. Their reaction to stimuli will be depressed. They will usually show signs of dehydration: tacky gums, “tenting” of skin on the neck, concentrated urine with a very strong odor, and decreased fecal output. Coprophagy, the consumption of feces, is usually very pronounced in energy deprived horses, especially those kept in groups. Since energy deprivation is usually accompanied by protein deficits, the hair coat will dull and shaggy. It is imperative that a low BCS score be supported by other clinical signs of starvation to indicate nutritional neglect. The presence or absence, of feed and hay on the premises is an excellent indicator of the ability of the owner to meet the nutritional needs of their horses. If adequate feed and hay is present to meet the needs of the animals, then seizure is not warranted. Few, if any, horse owners will refuse to feed their horses if feed is available. Adding to the problem is that many “evaluators” have not received any formal training in the application of the BCS. They do not understand the physiology of fat deposition and utilization, they are not knowledgeable in conformation and breed characteristics that will influence the BCS, and most often, they have personal biases that lower their estimate. The BCS is designed as a ranking system. It was never designed to be exact and it cannot be exact because of differences in breeds, size, age and conformation between horses. It is a guideline. If the average lay horse owner gets within 1 body condition score, plus or minus, of the horses actual condition, they are doing a good job. Seizing a horse based solely on an untrained person’s estimated BCS is a very questionable practice. I find it very disturbing that humane societies and local authorities have utilized the BCS in such a manner There are definitely cases of neglect and abuse that need to be dealt with in a quick and decisive manner. However, care must be taken to be sure that the animals are truly being starved and that requires supporting evidence from their other physical parameters and blood analysis. My recommendation to all parties is that if neglect or abuse due to nutrition deprivation is suspected, 1. The evaluator must exhibit the ability to offer a trained, unbiased opinion based solely on the stored body fat of the animal. If seizure is to be considered, the evaluation of the animals by a qualified, impartial third person should be required. 2. A BCS of less than 3 is not cause for automatic seizure. The animals in question must exhibit altered metabolism confirmed by blood analysis or other physical signs consistent with malnutrition before they can be seized for inadequate body condition. If it is determined that the horse needs immediate attention, a veterinarian of the owner’s choosing should provide those supporting procedures. These procedures may be done with supervision by the legal authorities. 3. Only horses exhibiting altered metabolism and having inadequate feed stores on the premises should be seized. Removing healthy horses from their home is not necessary and may often result in adverse consequences due to stress created by a new environment and untrained handlers. 4. If at all possible, the alleged neglected horses should remain at the owner’s farm. Removing any horse from its familiar environment, drastically changing its diet, and exposing it to a new set of handlers will usually result in stress and a further loss of body condition. In the vast majority of cases, if the intent is truly the best care of the horse, that care can best be administered in familiar surroundings. If the legal authorities require, care can be conducted under their official guidance. “Innocent until proven guilty” is the most abused legal standard in America today. Due to biased press coverage, most “trials” are conducted before the accused ever has a chance to answer the charges. Once a horse owner has been accused of neglect, they are stained for life. If they are later proven to be innocent, the public has already painted them with a negative picture. This should not happen. It is imperative that the state authorities demonstrate adequate cause for seizure. Unsupported claims of neglect against a horse owner should be followed by a vigorous public campaign by the state authorities criticizing the parties who have filed a frivolous claim and, if possible, such parties should be prosecuted by the state. Author’s Information: Don Henneke, Ph.D., is currently the Director of Equine Science at Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas. Dr. Henneke was the principal investigator in developing the Body Condition Scoring System for Horses at Texas A&M University in 1979.


from: MED, VET (HLB)
to: Lion News
date: Nov 17, 2021, 9:44 AM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine
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: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

Dear Ms. Nemmers,
Thank you for contacting the Board of Veterinary Medicine. This agency does not have oversight of humane investigations. The persons who can be involved in animal humane investigations are outlined in Chapters 343 and 346 of Minnesota law. This Board only becomes involved if a veterinarian fails to report known or suspected animal cruelty to law enforcement or a humane agent.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.
Julia H. Wilson, DVM
Diplomate, American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine
Executive Director, Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine
New address beginning September 1, 2021:
335 Randolph Ave Suite 215
St. Paul, MN 55102
Phone: 651 201-2844
Fax: 651 201-2842
Our mission is to promote, preserve, and protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and animals through the effective control and regulation of the practice of veterinary medicine.
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from: Lion News
to: "MED, VET (HLB)",,,,,,,,
date: Nov 17, 2021, 10:14 AM
subject: Re: Chapter 13 Data Request For Data On Complaint Process At The MN Board of Veterinary Medicine

Michelle Vaughn, DVM President, MN Board of Veterinary Medicine (651) 201-2844/(952) 938-1926:

Does your Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM have some sort of problem identifying the sex of indivudials? Is Wilson competent enough to determine the different sexes of animals? How many females do you know that have the middle name of "Dean." Plus, why is Wilson harassing me with her ridiculous comments instead of providing me with the readily available, free, electronic, public data that I actually requested? Is Wilson competent enough to have the position of Executive Director at the Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine?

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. Gross salary, history of sustained complaints and work-related continuing education from date of first hire until today's date for Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine Executive Director Julia H. Wilson, DVM.
2. Personnel policy and procedure manual for the Minnesota Board of Veterinary Medicine.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. Is the "Ms" crack an attempt to provoke me and to incite me to violence? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Government entities should respond in one of three ways 1. Provide access to the data (and copies when requested) 2. Inform you the data are classified as not public (must give statute section) 3. Inform you the data do not exist • Not responding is not a proper response. Minnesota Department of Administration - Information Policy Analysis Division - Can I ask for that? Government Data Practices Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 page 12.

c) Peace officers shall truthfully, completely, and impartially report, testify and present evidence, including exculpatory evidence, in all matters of an official nature. b) No peace officer shall ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, belittle, willfully embarrass, humiliate, or shame any person to do anything reasonably calculated to incite a person to violence. Professional Conduct Of Peace Officers Model Policy MN STAT 626.8457 Attachment Brown Cnty SO Policy Manual. County Sheriff's Office LEXIPOL policy manual.pdf

No peace officer shall ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, belittle, willfully embarrass, humiliate, or shame any person to do anything reasonably calculated to incite a person to violence. General Order 103.0 Page 4 of 7 North Branch Police Department General Order: 103.0 Effective: 1/12/2016 Subject: Professional Conduct Of Peace Officers - MN STAT 626.8457


More to come ...

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