Friday, June 20, 2014

10/23/2013 Probationary Sanctions For Drunk Driving & Breathalyzer Refusing Carlton County Attorney Thomas "The Drunk" Pertler? Will Perlter Be Sober Enough To Read And Respond To My Data Request? Formal Personnel Complaint Against County Attorney Candidate/Coordinator Dennis Genereau? Both Genereau And Pertler Think & Act Like They Are Above The Law, Don't They?

Did you know that drunk driving & breathalyzer refusing Carlton County Attorney Thomas "The Drunk" Pertler had a probationary sanction issued to him on October 23, 2013? I didn't either, did I? But, now I want to know all about it, don't I? I do, don't I?

Case No. 69DU-CR-12-2386  State of Minnesota vs THOMAS HENRY PERTLER
09/11/2012Sentencing  (8:15 AM) (Judicial Officer Sweetland,Heather L. ,)
08/16/2012Continued to 09/11/2012 - Party Unavailable - PERTLER, THOMAS HENRY
Result: Held
09/11/2012Acknowledgement of Rights (Judicial Officer: Sweetland,Heather L. , )
09/11/2012Petition to Enter Guilty Plea (Judicial Officer: Sweetland,Heather L. , )
09/11/2012Other Document (Judicial Officer: Sweetland,Heather L. , )
09/11/2012Conviction Sent to DPS
09/11/2012Sentencing Order (Judicial Officer: Sweetland,Heather L. , )
10/23/2013Probationary Sanction (Judicial Officer: Sweetland,Heather L. , )

Case No. 69DU-CR-12-2386  State of Minnesota vs THOMAS HENRY PERTLER
Monitoring - Adult:

Type: Supervised probation
Agency: St. Louis County Probation - Duluth
Term of 2 Yr
09/11/2012 - 09/11/2014
Comment: may be reduced to Court Probation upon review by Probation office
Status: Active 09/11/2012

Did you read about in the paper that drunk driving & breathalyzer refusing Carlton County Attorney Thomas "The Drunk" Pertler had a probationary sanction issued to him on October 23, 2013? I didn't either, did I?

I only found out that drunk driving & breathalyzer refusing Carlton County Attorney Thomas "The Drunk" Pertler had a probationary sanction issued to him on October 23, 2013 by looking it up in the court record, right? That's right, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Thomas H. Pertler, Carlton County Attorney/Convicted Criminal   June 20, 2014
Carlton County Court House     Emailed to:,
Room 202                         ,
P.O. Box 300                     ,
Carlton, MN 55718-0300 ,
Phone: 218-384-9166       ,

Email me the following public data (If you're sober enough, right?):

1. A copy of the probationary sanction filed in Case No. 69DU- CR-12-2386 on October 23, 2013. 10/23/2013 Probationary Sanction - State of Minnesota vs THOMAS HENRY PERTLER. Case No. 69DU- CR-12-2386. (After you deny this in a drunken rage then I could email you the names of the prosecutors who have emailed me similar court documents, couldn't I?)
2. A copy of the report from Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. (When you sober up you can sign the waiver to release the information, can't you?) The Carlton County Board had directed Pihlman to form a committee with Carlton County Auditor/Treasurer Paul Gassert and County Coordinator Dennis Genereau to research the county’s options on dealing with the Pertler matter. As part of that investigation, they met with Minneapolis attorney Scott T. Anderson of Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A., who represents municipal clients in state and federal courts, as well as in police misconduct claims and elected officials’ salary and budget disputes. Published September 28, 2012, 12:00 AM. Carlton County officials do not have the power to discipline County Attorney Thom Pertler after his drunken-driving conviction, a lawyer they hired to advise them on the subject told them this week. By: Wendy Johnson, Pine Journal.
3. I want the data that Cartlon County Attorney Candidate/Coordinator Dennis Genereau is illegally withholding from me. And this is also my formal personnel complaint against Genereau. You should be sober enough to remember that illegally withholding public data is a criminal act, shouldn't you? (13.09 PENALTIES & 609.43(1) MISCONDUCT OF PUBLIC OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE) Thursday, November 28, 2013 Carlton County Coordinator Dennis Genereau Illegally Withholding Public Data? Fears Personnel Data Will Show "Sweetheart Treatment" For Co. Attorney "Drunk" Pertler? Commissioner Robert Olean Aiding & Abetting In Data Crime & Ticket-Fixing Scandal? See attached. (Read when you aren't seeing double or pink elephants, okay?)
4. Talk to your criminal cohorts at the lawless State Patrol and tell them I want the MDT traffic from your arrest that they are still illegally withholding from me. (Do you need some liquid courage to ask them for it?) Lion News: Dashcam Video - Arrest Of Carlton County Attorney Thomas 'The Drunk' Pertler?

Terry Dean, Nemmers
20179 County Road 28
Glenwood, MN 56334

Section 4. Termination A. The following with documented evidence, shall be just cause for termination, but not limited to: 4. Conviction of a felony or gross misdemeanor or conviction of a misdemeanor or any ordinance violation which causes question as to the employees ability to appropriately carry out the duties of his/her job. Brown County Personnel Handbook. Page 1 of 1

Actually it worked out pretty good this way, didn't it? It did, didn't it?

Now I can ask for the data that County Attorney Candidate/Coordinator Dennis Genereau is illegally withholding from me, can't I? I can, can't I?

Plus, I can file a formal personnel complaint agasint County Attorney Candidate/Coordinator Dennis Genereau for illegally withholding this data, can't I, I can, can't I?

Plus, I can ask for the report from Minneapolis attorney Scott T. Anderson of Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A. that looked into drunk driving & breathalyzer refusing Carlton County Attorney Thomas "The Drunk" Pertler, can't I? I can, can't I? The report that outlined the special "sweet heart" treatment for "The Drunk" Tommy, right? That's right, isn't it?

More to come . . .
Related Links:

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