Thursday, December 25, 2014

Former Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell's Lawyer License Suspended? Licence No: 0326525 Suspended For Non-Payment Of Fees? 10/30/2014 Transaction Assessment Of $13,625.57 For Case No. 16-CR-13-279 Still Unpaid? Scannnel Highest Paid Cook Co Employee Who Made $102,000/Year Won't Pay Up? Ploy By Scannell To Prevent Sex Crime From Being Investigated By Bar? Nemmers Submits New Data Request For Audio Statements Of Scannell? Commissioner Gary Gamble Sends Passive-Agrressive Email In Response To Public Data Request? "Tim's Team" is Upset, Aren't They? They Are, Aren't They?

What is convicted sex criminal & former Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell up to, huh?

Scannell is having his law license suspended for not paying fees? Which fees, huh?

The $13,625.57 for Case No. 16-CR-13-279? Who knows, huh? The highest paid employee of Cook county isn't paying his fees, huh? Amazing that a so-called officer of the court would willfully refuse to pay fees, huh? Not, really, right?

I'm thinking that this is just another ploy by convicted sex criminal Scannell, aren't I? I am, aren't I?
Minnesota Lawyer Record of Public Discipline and/or Disability Information: Lawyer License No: 0326525       Full Licensed Name: TIMOTHY CHRISTOPHER SCANNELL City, State:  GRAND MARAIS, MN    Date Admitted to Minnesota Bar: 05/29/2003 Authorized to Practice?:  NOT AUTHORIZED   Reason(s): SUSPENDED FOR NON-PYMT OF FEES      11/13/2014        Determination: Pending

I'm thinking that convicted sex criminal Scannell can't be disbarred if his license is suspended, aren't I? I am, aren't I?

The girl’s family blasted back, calling him predatory and a hypocrite. … The Bureau of Criminal Apprehension is conducting its own investigation now. Scannell has been Cook County’s attorney since 2007. He’s the county’s highest-paid employee, making $102,000 a year. Protesters Want Cook County Attorney To Step Down, February 14, 2013 10:00 PM. Reporting Liz Collin

And then when no one is paying attention Scannell's license problems will "magically" go away, right? That sounds about right, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?



And when no one is looking convicted sex criminal Scannell's criminal record will "magically" go away, won't it? That sounds about right, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?


It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; (b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; (c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation; (d) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice; (e) state or imply an ability to influence improperly a government agency or official or to achieve results by means that violate the Rules of Professional Conduct or other law; (f) knowingly assist a judge or judicial officer in conduct that is a violation of applicable rules of judicial conduct or other law; (g) harass a person on the basis of sex, race, age, creed, religion, color, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, or marital status in connection with a lawyer’s professional activities 

So that is why I am putting in a data request for the audio statements of convicted sex criminal Scannell, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Because when "Tim's Team" tries to help convicted sex criminal Scannell get his license back after he is "rehabilitated" I want his audio statements on the internet, don't I?

Update: Commissioner Gary Gamble sent me a passive-aggressive email in response to my public data request, didn't he?

He did, didn't he? Apparently "Tim's Team" thought this chapter in Cook County's book of misdeeds was closed, didn't they?

They did, didn't they? The were wrong, weren't they?

Press Release
Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:31

This statement is being issued on behalf of the Cook County Board of Commissioners in response to the recent announcement by Special Prosecutor Tom Heffelfinger regarding the criminal charges filed against County Attorney Tim Scannell.

Mr. Heffelfinger was appointed by Court Order, Special Prosecutor to assist the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA). The Cook County Board of Commissioners has not been involved in the investigation by Special Prosecutor Heffelfinger and has no control over it. By law, the Cook County Board of Commissioners has very limited authority over elected officials like the County Attorney. The Board does not have the authority to unilaterally reprimand, suspend, or remove an elected official. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 351 sets forth the procedure that must be followed for a recall election of an elected official to take place when malfeasance or nonfeasance of an elected official is demonstrated. The Cook County Board of Commissioners will continue to proactively monitor the situation with the goal, to the fullest extent allowed by the law, of ensuring that the interests of all parties involved and the citizens of Cook County are protected. We encourage the community to remain patient and allow the legal process to work.

They were, weren't they?

The Carlton County Board had directed Pihlman to form a committee with Carlton County Auditor/Treasurer Paul Gassert and County Coordinator Dennis Genereau to research the county’s options on dealing with the Pertler matter. As part of that investigation, they met with Minneapolis attorney Scott T. Anderson of Ratwik, Roszak & Maloney, P.A., who represents municipal clients in state and federal courts, as well as in police misconduct claims and elected officials’ salary and budget disputes. … Anderson told the County Board on Tuesday that its only real power over Pertler’s position was to set his salary and the budget of his office. … “The board can pass a resolution indicating it is unhappy with things,” said Anderson, adding that sort of thing usually results in a breakdown of the working relationship with that employee or lengthy, expensive lawsuits. … He said another option, though with only a small chance of success, would be a petition signed by 25 percent of the county residents who voted for the position of county attorney in the last election. Published September 28, 2012, 12:00 AM. Pertler discipline ‘up to the voters'. Carlton County officials do not have the power to discipline County Attorney Thom Pertler after his drunken-driving conviction, a lawyer they hired to advise them on the subject told them this week. By: Wendy Johnson, Pine Journal

Commissioner Gary Gamble is upset that I am going to shine a light onto his deeds and the deeds of the individuals who harbored convicted sex criminal Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

Cook County Commissioner Garry Gamble said the county’s Board of Commissioners will address Scannell’s status at a special public board meeting Thursday. The board is seeking legal counsel as to how it may proceed, Gamble said, and will hold off any action until a collective decision is reached. In Cook County, there isn’t a set protocol for unseating a public official such as Scannell, Gamble said. Cook County Attorney Scannell apologizes after conviction for sexual misconduct By Kyle Farris on Jul 28, 2014 at 10:58 p.m.

And if Commissioner Gary Gamble was half the "Christian" that he claims to be, then he wouldn't mind the examination, would he? He wouldn't, would he?

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. John 3:18-19 King James Version (KJV)

But, since Commissioner Gary Gamble has a history or making wild and outrageous statements you can see why he would be upset, wouldn't you? You would, wouldn't you?

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Booking Video Of Stalker Cook Co. Attorney Timmy Scannell -- Illegally Withheld? Assistant Cook Co. Attorney Molly Hicken Aiding & Abetting Stalker Scannell By Malicious Data Dodge? Scannell & Hicken Are Partners In Crime, Aren't They? Rigged Trial On Monday 07/21/2014 (Case No. 16-CR-13-279) For Stalker Scannell? Or Mysterious Dismissal On Friday 07/18/2014?

Tim's Team Is Still Trying To Give Convicted Criminal Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell The "Sweetheart" Treatment, Aren't They? Commissioner Gary Gamble's Cheesy November 2, 2013 Letter Proclaims Phony Desire For Justice While Scannell Conspiring With Sheriff Falk & Assist Co. Attorney Hicken To Illegally Withhold Scannell Data From Nemmers? Gamble Is Only Proactively Monitoring To Make Sure Scannell Is Getting His "Sweetheart" Treatment, Right?

Cook Co. Attorney Tim Scannell's Mugshots Given To Lap Dog Media WDIO-TV But Not To Nemmers? Venue Changed To St. Louis County Where Thug Duluth Police Office Richard Jouppi Given Special Treatment - Another Case Of No Mugshots? Sheriff Falk Common Criminal?

Lion News: Harassment Order For Cook Co. Attorney Tim “The Stalker” Scannell Read Online?

Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell's Legal Defense Fund Scam? Cook County’s Highest-Paid Employee, Making $102,000 A Year, Exchanges Sob Stories For Each Sucker's Donation?

Duluth Courts Panic After Nemmers Calls On Officer Richard Jouppi's Change Of Venue?

Duluth's Chief Administrative Officer David Montgomery Illegally Withholding City's Misconduct Policy - Fears Data Will Be Used To Expose Officer Richard Jouppi's Rigged Prosecution?

Duluth's Chief Administrative Officer David Montgomery Feeling Bad About Getting Caught Illegally Withholding City's Misconduct Policy - Fears Data Will Be Used To Expose Officer Richard Jouppi's Rigged Prosecution?

Shawn Reed, Duluth Attorney & Special Prosecutor For Thug Duluth Police Officer Richard Thomas Jouppi, Has No Comment On “Sweetheart Treatment” In Rigged Case For Jouppi? Trained Observers Can See Felony Third Degree Assault – Substantial Bodily Harm In Rigged Case For Jouppi By Magically Reed Can't?

Monday, December 22, 2014

Illegally WIthheld Data & Charged For Free Electronic Data In State Of Mn VS Robert Earl Rhoades Case No. 73-CR-13-5992? Stearns County ECharging Since April Of 2011 - Yet Still Billing For Paper Copies? Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall Has No Concern For Due Process Nor Judicial Economy, Does She? Kendall Is Maliciously Driving Up Court Costs To Force A Guilty Plea, Isn't She?

The ends justify the means is Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall favorite war cry, isn't it? It is, isn't it? It must be since Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall will illegally withhold evidence and maliciously drive up the costs of prosecution to get a conviction, won't she? She will, won't she?

judicial economy - Legal Definition, n. Efficiency in the management of a particular litigation or of the courts in general; refers to measures taken to avoid unnecessary effort or expense on the part of the court or the court system.

Consider the typical jury trial. For an innocent defendant, even a not guilty verdict is a loss. Although the innocent defendant has “won,” she has undergone arrest and (at least minimal) incarceration, spent money on premiums paid to bail bondsman, spent more money hiring a lawyer, withstood the inevitable public censure and suspicion, undergone the roller coaster ride of emotion during the protracted litigation, and will ever after suffer a stain on her reputation. For the innocent defendant, “not guilty” is a smaller loss than “guilty as charged,” but it is a loss nonetheless. For a guilty defendant, even a guilty verdict and a prison sentence can be a win. More than one guilty defendant facing a draconian sentence has celebrated when she was convicted of a lesser crime and sentenced to the maximum for a minor felony. George R. Dekle, Sr, Prosecution Principles: A Clinical Handbook (Thompson/West:2007), Page 65.

And that is what is happening in the case against Robert Earl Rhoades, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Robert Earl Rhoades is forced to go back over and over again to court, isn't he? He is, isn't he? And each time he goes it costs him money, doesn't it?

Beginning in 2003, Odyssey began to roll out, connecting 1,100 criminal justice organizations across the state. Minnesota’s implementation of Odyssey has continued to grow and mature in the decade since then. Today, with the implementation of Odyssey e-filing as well as touchscreens on the bench, the state is approaching their goal of eliminating most paper.

7. Government Data Practices The Agency must comply with the Minnesota Govern ment Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13, as it applies to all data provided by the Court under this agreement (see section 13.). The Court is not subject to Minn. Stat. Ch. 13 (see section 13.90) and the Court must comply with the Rules of Public Access to Records of the Judicial Branch promulgated by the Minnesota Supreme Court. Both parties acknowledge and agree that those Rules and Ch. 13 each require compliance with, among other things, the FBI Policy which restricts the use of the name change background search results. Without limiting the foregoing: ... STATE OF MINNESOTA JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT for eCharging.

It does, doesn't it? But does he get his evidence? No, he doesn't, does he? He doesn't, does he?

Effective September 16, 2013, all e-filed documents, whether in mandatory or voluntary case types, must be submitted in “searchable” PDF format. Visit the eFile Support Center for more details and other important notices.

And each time Robert Earl Rhoades goes to court he still asks "Where is my evidence?", doesn't he? He does, doesn't he? (So much for technology making life easier and less expensive right?)

Minnesota Rules of Criminal Procedure. Rule 1.06 Use of Electronic Filing for Charging Documents Subd. 5. Paper Submission. E-filed documents are in lieu of paper submissions. An e-filed document should not be transmitted to the court administrator by any other means unless the court requests a printed copy.

Minnesota Statute Chapter 13.03 Access to Government Data. Subd. 3. Request for access to data. (e) The responsible authority of a government entity that maintains public government data in a computer storage medium shall provide to any person making a request under this section a copy of any public data contained in that medium, in electronic form, if the government entity can reasonably make the copy or have a copy made.

                                (Above: Malicious bill for printing out paper copies when Stearns Co. eFiles)

And each time Robert Earl Rhoades asks so-called judge Vicki Landwehr for his evidence, so-called judge Vicki Landwehr just pretends like she is concerned, doesn't she? She does, doesn't she?

Step 3: Register for an eFile and eServe Account

Click on "Register Now" in the login box on the eFile and eServe portal to complete the registration process and set up an eFile and eServe account for the firm or agency. NOTE: The eFile Administrator only needs to register and create an account one time to enable legal professionals in their firm or agency to eFile and eServe in the Minnesota state courts that use eFile and eServe.

System requirements for eFile and eServe: Internet browser such as Safari 5.1 or higher; Firefox 9.0; or Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher.

(Above: Stearns Co. has been eFiling since 2011)

So-called judge Vicki Landwehr just pretends like she is concerned because that is what the judges did when she was illegally withholding evidence in her cases, didn't they? They did, didn't they?

Acquiring E-Evidence

There is an emerging common procedure for acquiring electronic evidence and keeping costs and review time down. This procedure simply requires the application of time-tested methods of litigation to new media. More and more the federal 30(b)(6) deposition or its state court equivalent is used to investigate the opposition's data. Typically an IT professional is deposed with information about the party's document retention policy, back-up procedures, and computer systems. This person should be questioned about whether their employer has suspended its document retention policy. The most common answer is that no preservation has occurred and a variety of spoliation sanctions have been ordered from default to jury instructions. Sanctions may also be available if a party responding to a request fails to diligently examine its data and produce the requested information.14 The days of ignoring the electronic evidence portion of a discovery request are over.

And the reason why so-called judge Vicki Landwehr is doing this is because she saw over and over again that people who are only suspected of committing crimes can be forced to plead guilty to anything if their evidence is illegally withheld and the cost of defending oneself against the charge become too high, right? That's right, isn't it? That's not justice, is it? No, it isn't it? Its the ends justify the means, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

More to come . . .

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Sheriff Gordon Scandal Alert! Data From “Sweetheart” Prosecution Of Former Becker Co. Sheriff Timothy Michael Gordon Case No. 03-CR-14-98 Illegally Withheld? Golden Parachute Plea Deal Exposure Causes Becker Co. Attorney Gretchen Thilmony To Stalk Lion News While Dodging Data Request? Special Prosecutor Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle P. Kendall Has A History Of Rigging Criminal Cases For Brooten's City Attorney Robert Stoneburner, Hasn't She? P.S. Where is Sheriff Gordon's Mugshot?

Scandal Alert! “Sweetheart” Prosecution Of Former Becker Co. Sheriff Timothy Michael Gordon Case No. 03-CR-14-98? Golden Parachute Plea Deal Includes No Felony Charges? Becker Co. Attorney Gretchen Thilmony's IP Address All Over Lion News? Special Prosecutor Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle P. Kendall Has History Of Rigging Criminal Cases, Doesn't She? Brooten's City Attorney Robert Stoneburner Getting Kendall's Special Treatment In Case# 73-CR-13-7510?

Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall Still Fixing & Rigging Brooten City Attorney Robert Stoneburner's Domestic Abuse Case? Case No. 73-CR-13-7510 Confilict Of Interest No Big Deal? Retaliates Against Nemmers For Exposing Her Misuse Of Public Funds By Illegally Withholding Public Data?

Chief Derrick Bjork Caught In Another Lie? No Surprise, Right? Belgrade Police Dept Policy Manual Found To Be Computer Generated, Wasn't It? Editor Bryan Zollman, Employer Of Unapologetic Sauk Centre Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson, Still Lurking And Skulking Because Of Guilty Conscience? Conscience Bothering Zollman Because He Is Aiding & Abetting In Crime?

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Brooten / Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork Conspires To Falsify Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

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City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork (Lakeside Foods?) Conspire To Withhold Phone Data Which Proves Falsified Report?

Cover-Up In Officer Tom Decker Murder? Disloyal Partner Greg Reiter Actual Prime Suspect? Cold Spring Chief Chris Boucher "Lawyers Up" After Illegally Withholding Public Data In Decker Murder?

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Stalked! Cartoon County MN - The Lunacy Of It All Blogger Douglas Delaney Being Stalked By Relative (Joie Miletich) Of MN District 2700 State Patrol Trooper Dana J Miletich Who Parked In Handicap Parking Space?

Just more proof that the lawless Mn State Patrol feels that they are above the law, isn't it?
Dana J Miletich
Salary: $63,524
Job Description: State Patrol Trooper
Agency Name: Public Safety Department
City: Duluth

It is, isn't it?

When Doug Delaney, the blogger from the blog Cartoon County MN - The Lunacy Of It All, filed a legitimate complaint against a Mn State Trooper he was retaliated against, wasn't he? He was, wasn't he?

How long can you park a squad car in a handicapped parking space? As long as you want, I guess.

Posted on December 2, 2014, 13:24, by 52willys3A, under Can't fix stupid.

I was at the Cloquet Mega Mall this morning when I noticed this MSP squad behind the mall parked in a handicapped parking space. If my assumption is correct, the trooper was inside his wife’s counseling office and it wasn’t just a run in and out kind of thing, I first noticed the car about 0845 and saw the trooper leave the office at 0930. Now, do you suppose if it were you or I unlawfully using the space it would go unnoticed by the law? As you can plainly see in the photo above, there were just a few other parking spots available… Think this photo will make it to 2700 District headquarters?

I know how that works all too well, don't I? I do, don't I? The above picture is the Mn State Patrol Lt. Eric Roeske's harassing phone call after I started asking the "wrong" questions about a DWI stop for drunk driving breathalyzer refusing Carlton County Attorney Tommy "The Drunk" Pertler, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

To my stalker, beware.
Posted on December 16, 2014, 20:14, by 52willys3A, under Morons, Welcome to Cartoon County, MN.
Okay, I understand your frustration.  Your lovely husband was using State resources for, well, presumably personal gain,minimally, not in behalf of the taxpayers. or within his job description.
I get it…you and your hubby don’t like being outed for your misbehavior and criminality, and yes, it is criminal.  Assumably , an  investigation has ensued, which was what pushed you into doing what you did this morning.
Now, I understand you’ve got buddies in the courthouse that tell you, well, I don’t know what they tell you but your act this morning was incredibly stupid.  You are supposed to know better based on your profession and if your hubby was any part of it, he’s as ignorant as you appear to be.
I’d very much encourage you to concentrate on, well, something else than me because I’d like to think you certainly have better things to do.  Take a little peek at the statute link below if you doubt my allegations.


You can trust me when I say that "I've got your back" to Cartoon county's blogger, Doug Delaney (and former deputy), can't you? You can, can't you?

 (Above: Picture of one of my stalker - Christine Fischer)
 (Above: Picture of one of my stalker - Christine Fischer)

Harassed/Stalked/Intimidated By Joie Miletich?

from: Douglas Delaney <>
date: Wed, Dec 17, 2014 at 2:30 PM
subject: My little stalking event.

Long and short of it, I was walking nearly every day at our local (nearly vacant) mall, I went there yesterday morning and took a couple rounds while listening to my favorite talk show host on my iPod.  Well about 2 trips around, I notice this really pissed looking woman standing in front of the office space occupied by the troopers wife, who owns it, is a MD, and is supposed to counsel folks.

Anyway, I can see her mouth moving but don’t hear what she’s saying to me because I have Inga Barks talking to me through my headphones.  I stop, take off my headphones, and this woman says “Are you Doug?”.  I said “yes”, she says “Your shoes really bother me, they make a lot  of noise”.

Yes, really.

I apologized, on my next go around I completely avoid walking by her office (She looked like a whack job and I wasn’t in a mood for a confrontation over something so incredibly stupid) and she half jogs to me, pointing her phone at me saying weird shit like “How does it feel to be taped”?  I looked at her phone and said “I couldn’t care less” or something like that.  eep in mind, she’s got the phone right next to my face.

In hindsight, I sort of wish I’d have called the cops or recorded it myself, I don’t have a smart phone but I understand my iPod will record video.

Strangely, I still haven’t heard a word from the Patrol’s IA folks and am rather surprised they released my my name to Dana and am more surprised that he prompted his wife to do something so goddamn stupid.


Joie Miletich LICSW

707 Highway 33 S Ste 9B

Cloquet, MN 55720    - Sounds like the Cloquet Mega Mall management needs to be contacted, doesn't it?

District 2700 State Patrol Contact:

Serving the counties of: Carlton, Cook, Lake, Pine, St. Louis
District Office: 1131 Mesaba Avenue, Duluth, MN 55811
District Phone: (218) 302-6127
District Fax: (218) 723-4951
District Radio Center: Regional Comm Center: (651) 582-1455
Radio Center Fax: (651) 582-1523
Road Troopers: Captain (1)
Lieutenants (3)
Troopers (34)
Support Staff (4)

Station Offices: Duluth, Hinckley, Scanlon, Two Harbors, Grand Marais

Staff Contacts: Capt. Steve Stromback (218) 302-6100
Lt. Jason Hanson (218) 302-6103
Lt. Darren Juntunen (218) 302-6102
Lt. Quint Stainbrook (218) 302-6101 
Sgt. Neil Dickenson - Media Inquiries cell: 218-830-0472 office: 218-302-6105 email:  

More to come . . .

Related links:
Trial By Ambush? City Of Eden Prairie & State Patrol Conspire To Illegally Withhold Mark Kurth's Evidence? Due Process Violations Key Strategy In Eden Prairie Prosecutor's Bag Of Dirty Tricks? State Patrol's Squad Audio Missing & Report Falsified? DPS HIgh Command Tries To Defraud Kurth Out Of Money For Free Electronic Data? Kurth's Safety & Public's Safety Threatened By Bungled Vehicle Inspection?

Cowardly Sibley Co. Schauer's Forced To Respond To Nemmers After Call To Bill Pinske, District 2 Commissioner? Cowardly Schauer (The Common Criminal, Right?) Has The Gall To Maliciously Mischaracterize Nemmers' Letter As A "Rant" & "Unprofessional"? Nemmers Provides Proof Cowardly Schauer Illegally Withholding Costs Of Malicious Hartmann Prosecutions? (Case#: 72-CR-12-65 & 72-CR-13-6?) Sibley Co. IP Address Lurking & Skulking On 07-14-14? Schauer Appointed Data Compliance Official On January 8, 2013 - Yet Willfully Refuses To Do Job?

City of Minneapolis Attorney Susan Segal Wanted To Maliciously Prosecute Raw Milk's Alvin Schlangen In Case No. 27-CR-11-27881, Didn't She? Yet, Segal Willfully Refuses To Produce Cost Of Malicious Prosecution? Lawyer's Guild Even Opposed Segal's Reappointment To Job Because Of History Of Illegally Withholding Public Data?

Nemmers Real Brains Behind Gibbon Raw Milk Farmer Michael Otto Hartmann's Dismissal In Case No. 72-CR-13-6? Hartmann Petty, Stupid & Ungrateful? Minnesota State Patrol Still Illegally Withholding Dash Cam Video And MDT Data From Nemmers?

Lion News: Lying Mn Dept Of Ag's Heidi Kassenborg Director Of Dairy & Food Inspection Division?

Lion News: Mn Dept Of Ag's Kassenborg Director Of Dairy & Food Inspection Division Still Lying?

Lion News: Illegal Search & Seizure Data For Raw Milk's Michael Hartmann -- Co. Attorney Schauer?

Sibley County Attorney David Schauer Tries To Illegally Withhold Illegal Search Video Of Raw Milk Farmer Michael Hartmann? Nemmers Real Brains Behind Dismissal In Case No. 72-CR-13-6, Isn't He? Schauer's Illegal Data Dodge Is Act Of Desperation, Isn't It??

Dash Cam Video Of Drunk Driving Speeder Rep. Thomas Huntley Illegally Withheld By State Patrol? Colonel Kevin Daly & Messenger Boy Lt. Roeske Conspiring With Huntley To Dodge Data Requests? Rep. Huntley Demanding Super-Special Treatment On Dash Cam Video? State Patrol Has History Of Illegally Withholding Public Data, Don't They?

Mn Dept. Of Public Safety's Joseph Newton Aiding & Abetting Sgt. Jesse Grabow, Lt. Eric Roeske, Capt. Steve Stromback & Capt. Sean Meagher In The Illegal Withholding Of Public Data & Criminal Misconduct? He Is, Isn't He?

Fbi Criminal Justice Information Systems ( Is Watching Lion News On November 25, 2013? Looking Into Corrupt Personnel Of Minnesota Dept. Of Public Safety?

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Lt. Eric Roeske, Capt. Steve Stromback & O'Hern?

Monday, December 8, 2014

Complaint Filed Against Belgrade/Brooten Police Officer Dayna Kluver (formerly Olmscheid)? Belgrade’s Former Chief Of Police & Current Albany Police Chief Osvaldo Carbajal Making Wild & Outrageous Claims Of Jobs Offers At City Of Albany For Chief Bjork When No Jobs Available?? Nemmers Harassed By Potentailly New Interim Police Chief Paul Wegner & Paynesville's City Administrator Renee Eckerly? Wegner Passive-Aggressive Police Chief Of City Of Paynesville? Paynesville Mayor Jeff Thompson Wants Nemmers To Apologize (Even Though The Mayor Hung Up On Nemmers, Right?) For Following The Law While Filing Complaint? Sauk Centre Herald Editor Bryan Zollman & Unapologetic Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson Still Refuse To Do The Right Thing?

PO Box 296
Belgrade, Minnesota Hand delivered: City of Belgrade on 12-05-14
Phone: (320) 254-8220
(320) 254-3172 Re: Formal complaint against Brooten/Belgrade Police Officer
Fax: (320) 254-3605 Dayna Kluver (formerly Olmscheid) – falsification of reports.

I am only going through the motions of filing the complaint against Brooten/Belgrade Police Officer Dayna Kluver (formerly Olmscheid) because I saw the “sweet-heart” treatment Brooten/Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork received in his so-called investigate prior to his sudden and unexpected resignation. The sudden and unexpected resignation was nothing more than a poorly camouflaged covered ploy to prevent any future employer from knowing that Chief Bjork's was forced to resign because of criminal misconduct. And this complete lack of confidence of any so-called investigation into Ofc Kluver is evidenced by Belgrade City Mayor Richard Tschida's continued willful refusal to return my message that I left with his wife on November 6, 2014 (call recorded). This lack of confidence is also supported by Belgrade's Clerk Tesa Tomaschett's admission (recorded) that Mayor Richard Tschida was to call me back. Belgrade City Attorney William Sp​​​​​​ooner has advised Mayor Tschida to “lawyer-up” and willfully refuse to do his duties as mayor, hasn't he? It shocks the conscience to think that a mayor would cover up criminal misconduct, doesn't it?

I won't bore you with all sorts of details and facts since you'll just ignore them anyway, right? There is sufficient evidence that Brooten/Belgrade Police Officer Dayna Kluver falsified reports in regard to the burning of garbage & chemical stains at the Brooten Airport on July 23, 2013. (Trained observer Ofc Kluver didn't notice chemical stains?) The proof of the fabrication comes from the free electronic data that Chief Bjork falsely charged Nemmers $.75 for. The reports indicate no squad audio/video, no pictures, and no personal audio recordings to transcribe. However, there is a wild and outrageous narrative of a suspect essentially telling Ofc Kluver to “Fuck off!,” isn't there? In the real world this would not only get you a ticket but a contempt of cop arrest, wouldn't it? The public testimony from the mob that Chief Bjork brought to the November 3, 2014 Belgrade City Council was that Chief Bjork had taken pictures of vandalism at a local business. Apparently, when the Chief investigates violations not involving the favored Lakeside Foods and their aerial harasser Douglas Jackson of Benson Air Ag then incriminating evidence can be gathered, right?

Another piece of conclusive evidence that you will willfully ignore is the manufactured recording of a phone conversation that Bjork allegedly made to (320) 283-5713 to notify Nemmers that the July 23, 2013 incident report was completed. No message was recorded on (320) 283-5713's answering machine. No caller id registered on (320) 283-5713 to indicate that a message had been left. Plus, the .DSS file used for eFiling that Bjork represented as the call to (320) 283-5713 does not have have the same answering machine greeting as (320) 283-5713. And the city has willfully refused to produce the contract to eFile, haven't they?

The final point which shows Ofc Kluver's continued duplicity is evidenced by a public statement made by Chief Bjork on November 17, 2014 at the 7:00 p.m. meeting for the Belgrade city council. The official record reflects: Derrick explained the Officer Kluver was the one investigating the burning and Department of Agriculture has been contacted. Derrick also informed that the report that had been requested had been sent. Ofc Kluver's incident report makes no mention of a report to the Dept of Ag nor the proper authority – the MnDOT – Aeronautics & Aviation. Nemmers' requests for any supplemental reports have been ignored.

Terry Dean, Nemmers
20179 County Rd 28
Glenwood, MN 56334 Page 1 of 1 609.43 MISCONDUCT OF PUBLIC OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE. A public officer …. may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both: (4) in the capacity of such officer or employee, makes a return, certificate, official report, or other like document having knowledge it is false in any material respect.

Belgrade’s Former Chief Of Police & Current Albany Police Chief Osvaldo Carbajal Making Wild & Outrageous Claims Of Jobs Offers At City Of Albany For Chief Bjork When No Jobs Available?

It would appear that Belgrade's former Police Chief Osvaldo "Ozzie" Carbajal was "lying his ass off" at the November 3, 2014 Belgrade City Council meeting at 7:00 p.m., wouldn't it? It would, wouldn't it? Now Albany Police Chief Osvaldo "Ozzie" Carbajalwho was in full uniform was making the wild and outrageous claims that now former Belgrade/Brooten Police Chief Derrick Bjork had a [Full-time, right?] job at the Albany Police dept "in a heart beat", wasn't he? He was, wasn't he? Did any full-time jobs exists at that point in time? Not according to the City of Albany, right? That's right, isn't it? More on that later, okay?

Nemmers Harassed By Potentailly New Interim Police Chief Paul Wegner & Paynesville's City Administrator Renee Eckerly? Wegner Passive-Aggressive Police Chief Of City Of Paynesville?  Paynesville Mayor Jeff Thompson Wants Nemmers To Apologize (Even Though The Mayor Hung Up On Nemmers, Right?) For Following The Law While Filing Complaint?

Nemmers was harassed by Paynesville Police Chief Paul Wegner & Paynesville's City Administrator Renee Eckerly and by Paynesville Mayor Jeff Thompson, wasn't he? He was, wasn't he? More on that later, okay?

Sauk Centre Herald Editor Bryan Zollman & Unapologetic Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson Still Refuse To Do The Right Thing?

The haters of justice continue to hate, don't they?

They do, don't they?

More on that later, okay?

More to come . . .

Related links:

Belgrade/Brooten Police Chief Derrick Bjork Caught In Yet Another Lie? Bjork Makes Wild & Outrageous Claim Dept. Ag. Contacted? Bjork Jumps Ship Two (2) Days Prior To End Of His Two Weeks Notice? Spooner & Glenz Law Offices PLLC Misrepresenting Themselves As Prosecutors For City Of Belgrade Since August 18, 2014? City Council Approves City Attorney After The Fact Without Proposal Or Thoughtful Deliberation? No Suprise, Huh? Sauk Centre Herald Editor Bryan Zollman & Unapologetic Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson Still Refuse To Do The Right Thing?

Chief Derrick Bjork Caught In Another Lie? No Surprise, Right? Belgrade Police Dept Policy Manual Found To Be Computer Generated, Wasn't It? Editor Bryan Zollman, Employer Of Unapologetic Sauk Centre Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson, Still Lurking And Skulking Because Of Guilty Conscience? Conscience Bothering Zollman Because He Is Aiding & Abetting In Crime?

Unapologetic Sauk Centre Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson Makes Wild, Outrageous & Unsubstantiated Claims That Nemmers Threatened Him? Herald's Editor Bryan Zollman Refuses To Do The "Right Thing"? Zollman Recruits Slimy Lawyer Mark Anfinson To Secretly Record Nemmers? Zollman Busy Hiding Behind Voice Mail & Receptionist? Zollman's Guilty Conscience Forces Zollman To Lurk & Skulk On Lion News? It's Just Another Social Media Smear Campaign Against Nemmers, Isn't It?

Formal Complaint Filed Against Brooten/Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork? Belgrade City Attorney ​Eric Glenz Hangs Up On Nemmers After Laughing About & Agreeing With Nemmers About Chief Bjork's Misconduct? Bonus Round! City of Belgrade, Clerk-Treasurer Tesa Tomaschett's Text Stating That Bjork Engages In Incest With His Mother & Should Be Fired?

Nemmers Gets Complaint Form From City Of Belgrade's Clerk Tesa Tomaschett For Chief Bjork Complaint? No Surprise That Mayor Tschida Willfully Refused To Return Call Or Email A Complaint Form, Huh? Nemmers Speaks With Sauk Centre Herald's Editor Bryan Zollman About Writer Randy Olson Inciting Violence Against Nemmers? Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

Brooten / Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork Tries To Defraud Nemmers Out Of Money For Free Data - Again? Bjork Lawyers Up After Being Confronted About Ripoff? S.O.P. For Cowards & Criminals, Right? Nemmers Notifies City Of Belgrade That He Wants Complaint Form To File Complaint Against Bjork Yet City Doesn't Supply Complaint Form? Bjork Has A History Of Falsifiying Reports For Lakeside Food's Spray Plane Benson Air Ag, Doesn't He? Bjork Common Criminal Who Should Be Prosecuted To Fullest Extent Of Law & Fired, Right? Mayor Tschida Hides Behind His Wife And Refuses To Call Nemmers? Bjork Fanatic Makes 11-08-14 Harassing Phone Call? Bjork's Facebook Page Inciting Violence Against Nemmers? Sauk Centre Herald's Olson Destroys Evidence Of Incitement?

Stearns Co. Attorney Kendall Would You Investigate The Lakeside Food's Spray Plane Scandal After Fixing Brooten City Attorney Stoneburner's Domestic Abuse Case? Confilict Of Interest Much?

Benson Air Ag Inc. & Spray Plane: Passive-Aggressive Assholes Who Act Like They Are Above The Law?

Brooten / Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork Conspires To Falsify Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork Conspire To Cover-up Falsified Report That Absolves Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork (Lakeside Foods?) Conspire To Withhold Phone Data Which Proves Falsified Report? 

Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 1

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 2

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 3

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 4

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 5

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsified Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Election Day Surprise Lawsuit For Lawless Itasca Co.? Case No. 31-CV-14-3366 JOHN RICHARD LOM vs Itasca County, Kyle Curtiss, Robert LeClair? How Will The Corrupt Judges Rig This Case So It Turns In The Favor Of The Corrupt County And The Corrupt Deputies Curtiss & LeClair? Beltrami Co. Sheriff's Policies On Money Handling & Evidence Gathering Sheds Light On Why Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Is Illegally Withholding His Policy & Procedure Manual? UPDATED - Loony Denials From Corrupt Itasca County Hired Liar?

Lawless Itasca county received a rude awakening on election day - Tuesday, November 4, 2014, didn't they? They did, didn't they?

Lawless Itasca County, common criminal deputy Kyle Curtiss & common criminal deputy Robert LeClair were all served with lawsuits, weren't they? They were, weren't they?

I don't believe for a single second that John Lom's valid claims stand a chance in the corrupt courts of lawless Itasca county, do I? I don't, do I?

That being said . . . I do think it is hilarious that lawless Itasca County, common criminal deputy Kyle Curtiss & common criminal deputy Robert LeClair were all served with lawsuits, don't I? I do, don't I?

If you paid any attention to John Lom's malicious charges (Acquitted Of Obstructing Legal Process, A Felony ( Not Guilty ) - Case No. 31-CR-13-137) then you would know that John's case has a serious case of illegally withheld evidence, don't you? You do, don't you?

Apparently, corrupt Sheriff Vic Williams and corrupt County Attorney Jack Muhar can only win their trumped up criminal cases by illegally withholding evidence in the case and illegally withholding public information about their policies and procedures, right? That's right, isn't it?

Not only was John's evidence illegally withheld but $6,500.00 was stolen by the common criminals Curtiss & LeClair, wasn't it? It was, wasn't it?

And the common criminals Curtiss & LeClair also caused physical damage to John Lom, didn't they? They did, didn't they?

And it was physical damage that required surgery, wasn't it? It was, wasn't it?

To cover up their crimes Itasca county ran John through a rigged trial, didn't they? They did, didn't they? And even though the trial was rigged, by the hand of God, John won the case, didn't he? He did, didn't he?

You see if you don't have the evidence that is being illegally withheld or the policy & procedure manual that is being illegally withheld, then the common criminals called deputies can make up whatever retarded story they want while they are perjuring themselves on the witness stand, right? That's right, isn't it?

Because if the dash cam video player isn't working, then there is a required paper trial, isn't there? There is, isn't there?

The required paper trail starts at the beginning of every shift, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it? Why? Because the deputy has to go through a checklist to see if the squad is fit for patrol, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he? And if the dash cam video is mysteriously missing and there is no documentation of the dash cam video recorder taken out of service, then you know that evidence has been illegally withheld or destroyed, don't you? You do, don't you?

And if the dash cam video is mysteriously missing in a situation that requires the activation of dash cam video recorder, then you that evidence has been illegally withheld or destroyed, don't you? You do, don't you?

And if $6,500.00 is mysteriously missing along with the mysterious disappearance of the dash cam video, then you know that the $6,500.oo was stolen, don't you? You do, don't you?

UPDATED - Loony Denials From Corrupt Itasca County Hired Liar . . .  AKA Defendant's LAwyer?

When reading this retarded nonsense you need to keep a few things in mind, don't you? You do, don't you?

1. John Lom was acquitted (Found not guilty, right/) of all malicious charges, wasn't he? He was, wasn't he?

2. Which means that not even the jury believed the wild and outrageous claims spewed by Itasca County Sheriff Vic Williams & Itasca County Attorney Jack Muhar, right? That's right, isn't it?

3. The evidence that was illegally withheld in John Lom's trumped up case is still being illegally withheld, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

4. Itasca County Sheriff Vic Williams is still illegally withholding the policy and procedure manual for the Itasca County Sheriff dept. from John Lom and others, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

5.  Itasca County's corrupt deputies Kyle Curtiss & Robert LeClair "lawyered up" and willfully refused to cooperate with the criminal investigation into the theft of John Lom's $6,500.00, didn't they? They did, didn't they?

spoliation  A spoliator of evidence in a legal action is an individual who neglects to produce evidence that is in her possession or control. In such a situation, any inferences that might be drawn against the party are permitted, and the withholding of the evidence is attributed to the person's presumed knowledge that it would have served to operate against her. West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved. http://legal-dictionary.thefre­­evidence

6. Itasca County deputies  has a history of lying under during civil court cases, don't they? They do, don't they?

Male: It's rare when I get a case anymore that doesn't involve dash cams or, or sometimes the
central recorders in the squad … George Duranske, Attorney. 05-22-13, Initial Complaint
Report: 13006497/Itasca County Case #13003446, page 10.

Because we have issues or technological issues with our camera system. It's been well documented that the system that we bought doesn't work properly. Testimony of Itasca deputy Kyle Curtiss, Case # 31-CR-13-137, April 9, 2013 Omnibus hearing, Page 48, Line 9-11.

 I - - I don't know that. We've have issues with our camera system being not functional and that may have been a reason. I - - I don't know why I didn't record it. Testimony of Itasca deputy Robert LeClair, Case # 31-CR-13-137, April 9, 2013 Omnibus hearing, Page 28, Line 14-16.

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Itasca Co. Attorney John Muhar Perverts Justice Again, Doesn't He? No Charges For Dustin Helm For His Assault And Criminal Damage To John Lom's Property? Muhar Maliciously Prosecutes Lom But Gives "Feel Free To Engage In A Crime Spree Against Lom" Pass To Helm? Muhar Makes Wild And Outrageous Claims Of Not Enough Evidence? Muhar Willfully & Intentionally Ignores Clear, Precise & Unquestionable Evidence, Doesn't He? Lawlessness Reigns In Lawless Itasca Co., Doesn't It?

John Lom Gives Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Another Opportunity To Engage In Criminal Misconduct By Refusing To Produce Son's Data?

John Lom Checks To See If Evidence Is Being Withheld In Itasca Co. VS. Tim Salisbury?

John Lom Asks Cass County: Where Is My Complaint Video & Transcription For Itasca's LeClair & Curtiss?

John Lom's Messages To Crooked Itasca County Cops: "Cops Not Welcome!" (Cops: No Trespass Allowed!)?

John Lom Update – Judge Lois “The Fix Is In” Lang Watches Nemmers' YouTube Videos?

John Lom's Lawyer Duranske Asks Itasca Co. Attorney Muhar For Service Receipts For Dashcam Repairs Per Sheriff's Policy & Procedure Manual?

Itasca Co. Judges & Staff Tried To Rip Off John Lom, Didn't They? Lom Responds To Misconduct Of Officers Of The Court By Filing Complaint?

Transcript Of John Lom's Complaint (Where Is The Recording?) Against Itasca County Deputies Kyle Curtiss & Robert LeClair?

Itasca Co. Deputies Robert LeClair & Kyle Curtiss "Lawyer Up" As Cass County Pretends To Investigate $6500 Theft Of Lom's Money?

Itasca Co. Deputies Robert LeClair & Kyle Curtiss Poor Liars At Omnibus Hearing?

Itasca Co. Derails $6500 Criminal Complaint vs Deputies Robert LeClair & Kyle Curtiss?

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Belgrade/Brooten Police Chief Derrick Bjork Caught In Yet Another Lie? Bjork Makes Wild & Outrageous Claim Dept. Ag. Contacted? Bjork Jumps Ship Two (2) Days Prior To End Of His Two Weeks Notice? Spooner & Glenz Law Offices PLLC Misrepresenting Themselves As Prosecutors For City Of Belgrade Since August 18, 2014? City Council Approves City Attorney After The Fact Without Proposal Or Thoughtful Deliberation? No Suprise, Huh? Sauk Centre Herald Editor Bryan Zollman & Unapologetic Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson Still Refuse To Do The Right Thing?

It looks like the more now former Belgrade/Brooten Police Chief Derrick Bjork speaks the more he is proven to be liar, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

Belgrade/Brooten Police Chief Derrick Bjorkis is now making the wild and outrageous claim that the Mn. Dept. of Agriculture was contacted in regard to the July 23, 2013 incident at the Brooten Airport, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

If the Mn. Dept. of Agriculture was contacted, then it would be in the original incident report, right? That's right, isn't it? Was it mentioned in the original incident report that the Mn. Dept. of Agriculture was contacted? It wasn't, was it?

Maybe it can be found in a supplemental report? I never received a supplemental report, did I? Nor was one ever mentioned, right? Well, not until November 17, 2014, right? More falsification of reports?

609.43 MISCONDUCT OF PUBLIC OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE. A public officer or employee who does any of the following, for which no other sentence is specifically provided by law, may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both:
(1) intentionally fails or refuses to perform a known mandatory, nondiscretionary, ministerial duty of the office or employment within the time or in the manner required by law; or
(2) in the capacity of such officer or employee, does an act knowing it is in excess of lawful authority or knowing it is forbidden by law to be done in that capacity; or
(3) under pretense or color of official authority intentionally and unlawfully injures another in the other's person, property, or rights; or
(4) in the capacity of such officer or employee, makes a return, certificate, official report, or other like document having knowledge it is false in any material respect. History:1963 c 753 art 1 s 609.43; 1984 c 628 art 3 s 11; 1986 c 444

And the next day I did report harassing emails to City of Belgrade Clerk/Treasurer Tesa Tomaschett, didn't I? I did, didn't I? Even more reason for Bjork to end his two week notice early, right? That's right, isn't it? Must explain why Chief Bjork's last day was on Sunday, November 30, 2014 instead of Tuesday, December 2, 2014, right? That's right, isn't it?
Renee Lynn Roth Bjork ‎Supporting Officer Derrick BJORK November 18 at 2:45pm ·  Everyone who felt my son Derrick was a good Chief of Police go ahead and call up each and every counsel member this evening and thank them for making Derrick's work environment so hostile that today he officially put his 2 wk notice in. I hope they feel as arrogant as they were at that meeting last night. Because they are going to need to put on a big show for the citizens now

Speaking of not following the rules, the law, etc. it was revealed that Spooner & Glenz Law Offices PLLC has been misrepresenting themselves as the City of Belgrade's prosecutors since August 18, 2014, hasn't it? It has, hasn't it? No surprise, huh?

Apparently my recorded phone calls prompted Spooner & Glenz Law Offices PLLC to get the "proper authorization" after the fact at the November, 17, 2014 meeting, right? That's right, isn't it? Who cares if the the proper procedure of submitting a written proposal to the city council was followed or not, right? Who cares if the proper procedure of city council making thoughtful deliberation to the written proposal was followed or not, right? The petty, stupid, gutless, haters of justice are only concerned that the appearance of proper procedure is followed, correct? That is correct, isn't it?

I was wondering if Spooner & Glenz Law Offices PLLC informed the court, the suspects they were prosecuting and the defense attorneys for the suspects that they were prosecuting that they didn't have the proper credentials to prosecute, wasn't I? I was, wasn't I? We all know that certain "special people" who work for (or used to work for, right?) the City of Belgrade think and act like they are above the law, don't we? We do, don't we?

Speaking of people who think and act like they are above the law - Sauk Centre Herald Editor Bryan Zollman & unapologetic Herald reporter - slanderer - propagandist Randy Olson still refuse to do the right thing, don't they? They do, don't they?

More to come . . .

Related links:

Chief Derrick Bjork Caught In Another Lie? No Surprise, Right? Belgrade Police Dept Policy Manual Found To Be Computer Generated, Wasn't It? Editor Bryan Zollman, Employer Of Unapologetic Sauk Centre Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson, Still Lurking And Skulking Because Of Guilty Conscience? Conscience Bothering Zollman Because He Is Aiding & Abetting In Crime?

Unapologetic Sauk Centre Herald Reporter - Slanderer - Propagandist Randy Olson Makes Wild, Outrageous & Unsubstantiated Claims That Nemmers Threatened Him? Herald's Editor Bryan Zollman Refuses To Do The "Right Thing"? Zollman Recruits Slimy Lawyer Mark Anfinson To Secretly Record Nemmers? Zollman Busy Hiding Behind Voice Mail & Receptionist? Zollman's Guilty Conscience Forces Zollman To Lurk & Skulk On Lion News? It's Just Another Social Media Smear Campaign Against Nemmers, Isn't It?

Formal Complaint Filed Against Brooten/Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork? Belgrade City Attorney ​Eric Glenz Hangs Up On Nemmers After Laughing About & Agreeing With Nemmers About Chief Bjork's Misconduct? Bonus Round! City of Belgrade, Clerk-Treasurer Tesa Tomaschett's Text Stating That Bjork Engages In Incest With His Mother & Should Be Fired?

Nemmers Gets Complaint Form From City Of Belgrade's Clerk Tesa Tomaschett For Chief Bjork Complaint? No Surprise That Mayor Tschida Willfully Refused To Return Call Or Email A Complaint Form, Huh? Nemmers Speaks With Sauk Centre Herald's Editor Bryan Zollman About Writer Randy Olson Inciting Violence Against Nemmers? Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

Brooten / Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork Tries To Defraud Nemmers Out Of Money For Free Data - Again? Bjork Lawyers Up After Being Confronted About Ripoff? S.O.P. For Cowards & Criminals, Right? Nemmers Notifies City Of Belgrade That He Wants Complaint Form To File Complaint Against Bjork Yet City Doesn't Supply Complaint Form? Bjork Has A History Of Falsifiying Reports For Lakeside Food's Spray Plane Benson Air Ag, Doesn't He? Bjork Common Criminal Who Should Be Prosecuted To Fullest Extent Of Law & Fired, Right? Mayor Tschida Hides Behind His Wife And Refuses To Call Nemmers? Bjork Fanatic Makes 11-08-14 Harassing Phone Call? Bjork's Facebook Page Inciting Violence Against Nemmers? Sauk Centre Herald's Olson Destroys Evidence Of Incitement?

Stearns Co. Attorney Kendall Would You Investigate The Lakeside Food's Spray Plane Scandal After Fixing Brooten City Attorney Stoneburner's Domestic Abuse Case? Confilict Of Interest Much?

Benson Air Ag Inc. & Spray Plane: Passive-Aggressive Assholes Who Act Like They Are Above The Law?

Brooten / Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork Conspires To Falsify Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork Conspire To Cover-up Falsified Report That Absolves Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork (Lakeside Foods?) Conspire To Withhold Phone Data Which Proves Falsified Report? 

Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 1

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 2

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 3

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 4

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 5

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsified Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?