Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Us Dept Of Justice - Potomac, Maryland - IP Address: Lurking And Skulking On Lion News? Looking At Pine Co.'s Political Circus For Duluth Police Officer Jouppi - Carlton Co. Genereau's & Mn Dept. Of Public Safety Newton's Illegal Withholding Of Public Data?

Us Dept Of Justice ( [Label IP Address]    1 returning visit
Potomac, Maryland, United States    

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Monday, December 30, 2013

Nemmers Responsible For Another Delay In Malicious Procescution Of Andrew “Buttinski” Henderson - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910? Calls To Corrupt Due Process Violation Loving Elected Officials Of Little Canada Forced Reschedule Of Rigged Trial On 12-30-13?

Did my calls force the rescheduling of Andy "Buttinski" Henderson's case again? And did my calls result in the removal of the previous prostituting attorney for the Due Process Violation Loving Officials Of Little Canada? Hmmmm . . .  I certainly believe that is the case, don't I?

12-29-13 - Before Calls:

Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910


Jury Trial  (8:45 AM) (Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.)
09/09/2013Reset by Court to 11/12/2013
11/12/2013Reset by Court to 12/30/2013

Lead Attorneys:  MARTIN HENRY ROSSINI NORDER 651-224-3781(H) [Prostituting Attorney For Little Canada]

“We have held that when the State suppresses or fails to disclose material exculpatory evidence, the good or bad faith of the prosecution is irrelevant: a due process violation occurs whenever such evidence is withheld.” Illinois v. Fisher.² 2. 540 U.S. 544, 547, 124 S.Ct. 1200, 1202 (2004). George R. Dekle, Sr, Prosecution Principles: A Clinical Handbook (Thompson/West:2007), Page 145

 12-30-13 - After Calls:
12/30/2013Hearing  (8:45 AM) (Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.)
09/09/2013Reset by Court to 11/12/2013
11/12/2013Reset by Court to 12/30/2013
Result: Held
12/30/2013Court Clerk Minutes (Judicial Officer: Alshouse, Diane R. )
01/03/2014Jury Trial  (6:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.)

Lead Attorneys:  KEVIN MICHAEL BECK 651-224-3781(W) [Prostituting Attorney For Little Canada]

More to come . . .

Related links:
Little Canada Mayor Bill Blesener, Council Members John Keis & Michael McGraw Lawyer-Up And Hang-Up When Nemmers Mentions Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew “Buttinski” Henderson & Illegal Withholding Of Public Data? Council Member Rick Montour Requests Proof Of Due Process Violations And Then Engages In Bizarre Intimidation Tactics?

Nemmers Demands Investigation Into Kelly & Lemmons, P.A.'s Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Little Canada & Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrum's Illegal Withholding Of Public Data For Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson?

Nemmers' Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Bostrum About Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Second Change Of Trial Date? New Trial Date 12/30/2013 (8:45 AM) Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.?

Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Matt Bostrom: Topic - Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Sheriff's Office Hanging Up On Me & No Call Back?

Sheriff Bostrom: You're Still Illegally Withholding My Public Data For Andrew Joseph Henderson, Aren't You?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: 09/09/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Now 11/12/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Judge Steamrolls Over Frivolous ACLU Defense?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?

Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?

Corrupt Little Canada & Ramsey County Officials Begin To Panic As Nemmers Continues To Expose Malicious Prosecution In State of Minnesota vs Andrew Joseph Henderson - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910?

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Little Canada Mayor Bill Blesener, Council Members John Keis & Michael McGraw Lawyer-Up And Hang-Up When Nemmers Mentions Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew “Buttinski” Henderson & Illegal Withholding Of Public Data? Council Member Rick Montour Requests Proof Of Due Process Violations And Then Engages In Bizarre Intimidation Tactics?

I had a really fun time tonight calling the corrupt Little Canada officials, didn't I?

And it would appear that some had been prepped for my call, wouldn't it? It would, wouldn't it?

Title Name Phone E-mail
Mayor Bill Blesener 651-484-7314 wrbles@hotmail.com
Council Member Shelly Boss 651-482-1966 shellyb@frattalonecompanies.com
Council Member John Keis 651-482-8774 john.keis@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Council Member Michael McGraw 651-483-3339 michael.mcgraw@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Council Member Rick Montour 651-482-8180 rick.montour@ci.little-canada.mn.us
City Staff
Title Name Phone E-mail
Accounts Payable  Bonnie Keran  651-766-4034 bonnie.keran@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Cable TV Producer Vanessa Van Alstine 651-766-4039 vanessa.vanalstine@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Cable TV Producer & Webmaster Kevin Helander 651-766-4050 kevin.helander@ci.little-canada.mn.us
City Administrator Joel Hanson 651-766-4040 joel.hanson@ci.little-canada.mn.us
City Clerk & Data Practices Compliance Official Kathy Glanzer 651-766-4047 kathy.glanzer@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Customer Service Technician Lisa Krieger 651-766-4036 lisa.krieger@ci.little-canada.mn.us 
Finance Director Sharon Provos 651-766-4035 sharon.provos@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Parks & Recreation Director Jim Morelan 651-766-4045 jim.morelan@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Parks Maint. Supervisor Derek Anderson 651-766-4056 derek.anderson@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Recreation Supervisor Katie McGinnity 651-766-4042 katie.mcginnity@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Recreation Supervisor Don Bowman 651-766-4041 don.bowman@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Public Works Superintendent Bill Dircks 651-766-4049 bill.dircks@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Public Works Maint. Supervisor Joe Steele 651-766-4029 public.works@ci.little-canada.mn.us
Utility Billing Clerk Jessica Jagoe 651-766-4046 jessica.jagoe@ci.little-canada.mn.us

Why would I think that? Because out of the blue Council Member John Keis asks if I am recording the call, doesn't he? Only someone who has been prepped would think to ask that, right? Council Member John Keis had something to hide so he lawyered-up and hung-up me, didn't he? City Attorney Pat Kelly's malicious prosecution of Andrew “Buttinski” Henderson, & and the illegal withholding of public data by Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrum triggered the lawyering-up and hanging-up, didn't it? It did, didn't it?

Little Canada Mayor Bill Blesener and Council Member Michael McGraw didn't ask if I was recording the call, did they? But they certainly lawyered-up and hung-up me, didn't they? Neither one wanted to talk about due process violations, the destruction of evidence nor the illegal withholding of public data, did they?

Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910
12/30/2013Jury Trial  (8:45 AM) (Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.)
09/09/2013Reset by Court to 11/12/2013
11/12/2013Reset by Court to 12/30/2013

“We have held that when the State suppresses or fails to disclose material exculpatory evidence, the good or bad faith of the prosecution is irrelevant: a due process violation occurs whenever such evidence is withheld.” Illinois v. Fisher.² 2. 540 U.S. 544, 547, 124 S.Ct. 1200, 1202 (2004). George R. Dekle, Sr, Prosecution Principles: A Clinical Handbook (Thompson/West:2007), Page 145

Little Canada's Council Member Shelly Boss was not answering her phone and her voice mail was full, wasn't it? Oh well, I can always call again, can't I?

At first I just left a message on Little Canada Council Member Rick Montour's phone to start with, didn't I? And then after the other corrupt Little Canada officials started to hang up on me I decided to call him back, didn't I?

Council Member Rick Montour isn't the brightest bulb on the tree, is he? He isn't, is he? He was making some bizarre comments about how I wasn't specific enough, wasn't he? However, Council Member Rick Montour wasn't smart enough to take the specifics I had given him in the initial part of the account I was relaying to him and accurately applying them to the latter part of the account, was he? He wasn't, was he? And then he started asking for all the proof that I had, didn't he? So I emailed it all to him after the phone call ended, didn't I? And at the end of the conversation he starts on this bizarre tax story and makes the wild assertion that has something to do with "Buttinski" Henderson's due process violation, doesn't he? And then he threatens to call Glenwood's City Administrator to get the low-down on me, doesn't he? A classic intimidation tactic, right? But, I countered and told him to call whoever he wanted, didn't I? I even suggested that he call up Pope County Sheriff Timmy "The Perjurer" Riley, didn't I? It's really too bizarre to describe, isn't it? You'll have to wait for the video to see just how bizarre it was, won't you?

Related links:

Nemmers Demands Investigation Into Kelly & Lemmons, P.A.'s Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Little Canada & Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrum's Illegal Withholding Of Public Data For Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson?

Nemmers' Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Bostrum About Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Second Change Of Trial Date? New Trial Date 12/30/2013 (8:45 AM) Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.?

Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Matt Bostrom: Topic - Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Sheriff's Office Hanging Up On Me & No Call Back?

Sheriff Bostrom: You're Still Illegally Withholding My Public Data For Andrew Joseph Henderson, Aren't You?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: 09/09/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Now 11/12/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Judge Steamrolls Over Frivolous ACLU Defense?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?

Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?

Corrupt Little Canada & Ramsey County Officials Begin To Panic As Nemmers Continues To Expose Malicious Prosecution In State of Minnesota vs Andrew Joseph Henderson - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910?

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Nemmers Demands Investigation Into Kelly & Lemmons, P.A.'s Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Little Canada & Ramsey County Sheriff Matt Bostrum's Illegal Withholding Of Public Data For Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson?

Yesterday (12-24-13) I had a really long talk with the City of Little Canada's Administrator Joel R. Hanson, didn't I? I did, didn't I?

And we talked about the contracts for their City Attorney (Kelly & Lemmons, P.A) and the Ramsey Co. Sheriff's dept., didn't we? We did, didn't we?

And I told City Administrator Hanson about the problems with the prosecution and the missing evidence in the trumped up case of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson, didn't I? I did, didn't I?

Did you know that the Ramsey County Sheriff's department provides so-called police protection for the City of Little Canada? I didn't, did I? Also, we talked about how Sheriff Bostrum is illegally withholding public data in an incident involving Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson, didn't we? We did, didn't we?

So City Administrator Hanson said he would look into these matters, didn't he? He did, didn't he? So I decided to submit a Chapter 13 data request today (12-25-13) for the proposals, appointments and contracts for the City Attorney (Kelly & Lemmon, P.A.) and the Ramsey Co. Sheriff's dept., didn't I? I did, didn't I? And I informed City Administrator Hanson that I would be calling back on Friday, December 27, 2013, didn't I? I did, didn't I?

More to come . . .

See Previous Posts:

Nemmers' Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Bostrum About Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Second Change Of Trial Date? New Trial Date 12/30/2013 (8:45 AM) Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.?

Call To Ramsey Co. Sheriff Matt Bostrom: Topic - Malicious Prosecution Of Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson (Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910) & And Illegally Withheld Public Data - Results In Sheriff's Office Hanging Up On Me & No Call Back?

Sheriff Bostrom: You're Still Illegally Withholding My Public Data For Andrew Joseph Henderson, Aren't You?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: 09/09/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Now 11/12/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Judge Steamrolls Over Frivolous ACLU Defense?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?

Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?

Corrupt Little Canada & Ramsey County Officials Begin To Panic As Nemmers Continues To Expose Malicious Prosecution In State of Minnesota vs Andrew Joseph Henderson - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910?

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Informal Complaint Against Call Sign: KSAX; License File Number: BLCDT-20090622ACC – Opposition To License Renewal – KSAX Is A Threat To Public Safety

Feel free to use my letter or my videos to oppose the license renewal of KSAX-TV

Federal Communications Commission                                                                 12-22-13
Consumer & Governmental Affairs Bureau
Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division              Re: Informal Complaint Against Call Sign: KSAX;
445 12th Street, SW                                                License File Number: BLCDT-20090622ACC –
Washington, D.C. 20554                                          Opposition To License Renewal – KSAX Is A Threat
Phone: 1-888-225-5322 Email: fccinfo@fcc.gov          To Public Safety.
KASX-TV is a threat to the safety and security of the people who live in and around their broadcast area and should have not have their license renewed.

Lion News: Why KSAX Should Have License Revoked - Safety Threat 03-21-11
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1kzyYI0SQU Uploaded on Mar 25, 2011

KSAX provides a benefit to West-Central Minnesota only if you consider agenda-driven propaganda news. The only purpose of KSAX is to indoctrinate the local population that only they can commit crimes and the corrupt local officials who engage in criminal activity are above the law. KSAX's staff became extremely hostile when presented with an account of former Douglas county sheriff and current Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen caught on video illegally driving around Alexandria in dealer in transit plates. Video of KSAX's passive-aggressive behavior:

Lion News: KSAX And Echo Press Covers Up For Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzCkKnhyPK0 Uploaded on Nov 17, 2010

Lion News: Demand For Removal Of Co. Attorn Karpan & Sher. Wolbersen 12-14-10 P2 KSAX
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=604H5QPzjuU Uploaded on Dec 14, 2010

Trying to repair their now tarnished reputation KSAX did begin to report on local corruption. However, it was soon revealed to be a false-front. KSAX reported on a Pope Co. City Council member from Starbuck whose criminal case was transferred out of Pope County to prevent a conflict of interest.

Cedar Inn Owner Michael Dale Moen is charged with one count of financial transaction card fraud. According to the Swift County Attorney Robin Finke, guests at the Cedar Inn left without paying on October 7. … Finke says that the case fell in his lap when it was transferred out of Pope County to prevent conflict of interest. “Public officials are held, and should be held, to a higher standard. We are certainly not above the law just because of our position as elected official,” said Swift County Attorney Robin Finke. Council Member, Hotel Owner Charged With Credit Card Fraud By: Laurie Stribling, KSAX-TV Air Date: 04-28-11. 5PM Broadcast.

A few months later KSAX reported on a Pope Co. City Council member from Glenwood who was charged with a crime. This case was not transferred out of the county to avoid a conflict of interest. The Pope Co. Attorney, who
is also the Assistant Glenwood City Attorney, prosecuted the case. Yet, KSAX never questioned this misuse of public funds nor this blatant conflict interest in their softball interview with prosecutor Neil Nelson.

Pope County Attorney Neil Nelson said the city council member won't get any special treatment during his prosecution. “My office will treat him the exact same way we would treat anybody else who is faced with the same facts,” Nelson said. Glenwood City Council Member Charged with Burglary, Assault. Created 12/13/2011, 7:30 pm, KSAX.com.

After Glenwood City Council member Kyle Thompson was acquitted it was determined that Thompson had engaged in perjury. Prosecutor Nelson did nothing about the perjury. KSAX did not report on the perjury.

Lion News: 'Kyle "The Fixer" Thompson Is A Perjurer' Says Pope Co.'s Attorney "Tamper" Nelson?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HbYEwa16R-A Published on Jan 3, 2013

KSAX is a threat to the safety and security of the people of West-Central Mn. KSAX's propaganda aids and abets corrupt local officials. Therefore, Call Sign: KSAX should not have their broadcast license renewed.

                                                                   Terry Dean, Nemmers Email: lionnews00@gmail.com
Page 1 of 1                                                   20179 County Rd 28 Glenwood, MN 56334

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall Still Fixing & Rigging Brooten City Attorney Robert Stoneburner's Domestic Abuse Case? Case No. 73-CR-13-7510 Confilict Of Interest No Big Deal? Retaliates Against Nemmers For Exposing Her Misuse Of Public Funds By Illegally Withholding Public Data?

It is always fun catching a public official engaging in a criminal act, isn't it? It is, isn't it? One of the things I enjoy the most is catching a public official rigging or fixing a court case for one of their special friends, isn't it? It is, isn't it? It is even more fun to get a news article from the same area where it specifically says a case was transferred out of the county because of a conflict of interest and then compare/contrast it to the case that is being rigged, isn't it?

Example of news article which says a case is transferred out of the county:
It was unclear Wednesday if the state patrol took the case because of a conflict of interest involving the sheriff's office, or if the chase was in the state patrol's jurisdiction. … During his recent arrest, Nathan Sanner's criminal case was handled by Morrison County in Little Falls. He's currently serving his sentence at the Benton County Jail in Foley. Son of Stearns County Sheriff Jailed for Drunken Police Chase By: Maricella Miranda. Created: 05/15/2013 4:30 PM KSTP.com.

Plus, it is also fun to get a news article which clearly shows that the data that you are being illegally denied was released to the media in a local high profile case, isn't it?

Here is an example of public data that was released to the media in contrast to data that I was illegally denied:

The dispatch recording obtained by MPR News begins with a call from a police officer, "Shots fired,
officer down." A few seconds later, he adds, "I have no idea where the suspect went." … Dispatch:
Officers respond to shooting call (raw audio may include unrelated police communication). Dispatch recording reveals some detail of police response on night of Decker's shooting by Madeleine Baran, Minnesota Public Radio, Conrad Wilson, Minnesota Public Radio December 7, 2012

I asked the first clerk for the public incident report, and she said it was not available because the case was under investigation. A public portion should always be available, I said, even for active cases. First-person: Sheriff's clerk refuses to hand over public records. Posted by: James Eli Shiffer under Public records Updated: September 3, 2013 - 4:50 PM. By Chao Xiong, the Star Tribune's Ramsey County courts reporter.

State of Minnesota vs Robert David Stoneburner
Case No. 73-CR-13-7510 
Lead Attorneys - JANELLE PROKOPEC KENDALL 320-656-3880(W)
10/10/2013 Omnibus Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Hennesy, Sarah E.,) 
12/12/2013 Contested Omnibus (2:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Hennesy, Sarah E.,)

Janelle P. Kendall
Administration Center, Rm 448
705 Courthouse Square
St. Cloud, MN 56303
ORD: Robert Stoneburner

Here is the criminal complaint against Stoneburner:

It looks like Janie is going to make sure the evidence of Stoneburner's guilt will be suppressed or thrown out at the contested Omnibus hearing on December 12, 2013, doesn't it?

It does, doesn't it?
Janie doesn't want this open wound to fester much anymore, does she?

She doesn't, does she?

And you find it simply amazing that highly intelligent people make the stupidest "mistakes" in rigging the case, don't you? "Wow, we forgot to interview any witnesses, didn't we? I guess we'll just have to drop the case!"

But when they have the "Average Joe" in their clutches they come up will all sorts of ways to make the case stick, don't they?


Lt. Vernell Shaheed
Family Crimes Unit
Baltimore PD
When victims recant

The main priorities of the unit is to develop, to put together good cases, so that when it's time for prosecution we can get some jail time. One of the problems with domestic violence is a lot of the time the victims recant, or they change their mind for whatever, for various reasons. So, when it's time to come to court, the way it was set up before, when patrol would go out, handle a call, even if it was a serious call, and time to go to court, that’s all they had. They had nothing else. When we brought our unit into the picture, what we do now, is we do photo line ups, we do recorded video tape statements from the victims, where we can actually get the physical condition of the victim, showing the injury, showing the emotional state, everything on video tape. We also take tape statements from the suspect. So if we got a statement from the victim at the time when it happens, a statement from the suspect when he’s arrested, we have photo line ups that we do where the victim identifies them. We get 911 tapes. We get the medical  records. Everything dealing with the case. We do search and seizure warrants, we do whatever you can think of we do to try to build up a case, so that when it's time to come to court, even if the victim says, "it didn’t happen they just told me to say that," or whatever.

So is Brooten's City Attorney Robert Stoneburner a "special friend" who get the "sweetheart treatment" or will he get the same injustice that everyone else gets, huh?
With Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall in charge of the rigged case we know that Stoneburner will get the special "sweetheart treatment," don't we?

We do, don't we?
More to come . . .
Related Links:

Stearns Co. Attorney Kendall Would You Investigate The Lakeside Food's Spray Plane Scandal After Fixing Brooten City Attorney Stoneburner's Domestic Abuse Case? Confilict Of Interest Much?

Benson Air Ag Inc. & Spray Plane: Passive-Aggressive Assholes Who Act Like They Are Above The Law?

Brooten / Belgrade Police Chief Derrick Bjork Conspires To Falsify Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork Conspire To Cover-up Falsified Report That Absolves Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane?

City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork (Lakeside Foods?) Conspire To Withhold Phone Data Which Proves Falsified Report?

Cover-Up In Officer Tom Decker Murder? Disloyal Partner Greg Reiter Actual Prime Suspect? Cold Spring Chief Chris Boucher "Lawyers Up" After Illegally Withholding Public Data In Decker Murder?

Sounds Familiar Links:

Former Steven's County Attorney Charles Glasrud Uses Dead Drunk Corpse Of Chief Heikkinen As A Stepping Stone To Become District Eight Judge?

State Of Minnesota Morris IP Address Appears After Stevens Co. Assist. Attorney Carl Thunem Called On 07-09-13 On Heikkinen's Death Data?

Scandal! Hancock Police Chief Donald “Dead Drunk” Heikkinen Dies A Coward's Death?

Monday, December 9, 2013

Personnel Complaint Filed Against Lawless Glenwood Police Chief Dale “The Falsifier” Danter? Danter's Criminal Misconduct In Public Data For Perjuring City Commissioner Kyle “The Fixer” Thompson? City Administrator Dave “Stink Manager” Iverson Given Another Opportunity To Aid & Abet In Criminal Cover-Up?

I've given lawless City of Glenwood another opportunity to engage in criminal misconduct, haven't I? I have, haven't I?


Please find attached my personnel complaint against that criminal that you call a Chief of Police - Dale "The Falsifier" Danter. I'll be asking for the personnel data for your corrupt City attorney's office next.

Terry Dean, Nemmers

Made a fee resolution amendment at the request of Glenwood Police Chief Dale Danter. The fee for retrieval of public data is now set at $65. Any retrieval requiring more than a half-hour will be charged out at $65 per hour. Any data request totaling less than $4 will not be billed. City to move ahead with plans for equalization basin. By Deb Mercier, News Editor. Pope County Tribune. Monday, May 20, 2013.

Lion News: 'Kyle "The Fixer" Thompson Is A Perjurer' Says Pope Co.'s Attorney Neil "The Tamper" Nelson? http://lionnews00.bblogspot.com/2013/01/lion-news-kyle-fixer-thompson-is.html

Lion News: Glenwood's Corrupt City Council Aids & Abets Chief Danter In Withholding Public Data?http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2013/05/lion-news-glenwoods-corrupt-city_22.html

This will be more evidence that lawless City Of Glenwood covers up their corrupt cohort's criminal activity, won't it? It will, won't it?

All sorts of people want to know what I have accomplished with all my calls, videos and blog posts, don't they? They do, don't they?

Some are actually interested in what I accomplished, aren't they? They are, aren't they? However, most just want to have a excuse to justify the fact that they are gutless cowards who sit back and do absolutely nothing, aren't they?

I've given you another opportunity to commit a criminal act, haven't I? Attached is my Chapter 13 data request. Still all "lawyered up," huh?
Terry Dean, Nemmers
Lion News: 'Report Sheriff Timmy "The Perjurer" Riley To FBI' Says Attorney General's Office? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZXRIu9zJlE
Lion News: Glenwood's Chief Danter's Smear Campaign Against Gayle Nemmers? 12-29-11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GQpKlUBbMI
Lion News: Pope Co Sheriff Timmy "The Perjurer" Riley's Fun Thanksgiving Present!! 11-24-11 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14qhQ8RFuL8

So this link will upset the gutless cowards, won't it?

Polk Co. Attorney Greg Widseth Forced To Respond To Nemmers' Allegations Of City Of Crookston Corruption Only After Data Request For Polk County Misconduct Policy Is Demanded?

It will, won't it?

The gutless cowards will be upset that my letters, my videos, my emails, my blog posts force corrupt officials into action and out of their jobs, won't they? They will, won't they?


Still not talking since anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law, right? You're all "lawyered up"? You are, aren't you? Attached is my data request for the criminals who rigged the trial for your perjuring City Councilor, Kyle "The Fixer" Thompson, isn't it? Are you going to commit another criminal act by not giving me this public data? Davy, aiding and abetting offenders is a criminal act, isn't it? It is, isn't it? And you are guilty of aiding & abetting, right?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 

For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. John 3: 20-21.

Pope County Attorney Neil Nelson said the city council member won't get any special treatment during his prosecution. “My office will treat him the exact same way we would treat anybody else who is faced with the same facts,” Nelson said. Glenwood City Council Member Charged with Burglary, Assault. Created 12/13/2011, 7:30 pm, KSAX.com.

Thompson was represented by attorney Kevin W. DeVore. Pope County Attorney Neil Nelson was the attorney for the state. Given the evidence that was presented at trial I was surprised by the result,” Nelson said after the trial. “Nonetheless, I always respect the decision of the jury.” Kyle Thompson acquitted on all counts after three-day jury trial. Pope County Tribune. Monday, October 29, 2012, Page 3A.

Neil focuses his practice in guardianships/conservatorships, real estate, estate planning, business entities, and general civil litigation. As the Pope County Attorney and Assistant Glenwood City Attorney he also prosecutes most of the crimes that occur in Pope County. http://www.obenlandroth.com/NeilNelson.htm

More to come . . .

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