Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Brenda Cassellius, Department of Education Commissioner Retaliates Against Nemmers By Blocking His Emails? Cassellius Retaliating Against Nemmers Because She Didn't Get Minneapolis Superintendent Job? Nemmers Was Checking On Status Of Personnel Complaint Against Kathryn A Olson, Data Practice Officer? Public Documents Reveal Cassellius Not Qualified For Commissioner Job? Harassing Email From Board Of School Administrator's (BOSA) Janet Mohr? MDE's Interim Human Resources Director Peggy Dornseif Harasses Nemmers And Then Hangs Up On The Recorded Call? Cassellius' IP Address Suddenly & Mysteriously Appears On Lion News - Again & Again & Again?

Office of Commissioner of Education
Email: Brenda.Cassellius@state.mn.us Last Name: Cassellius First Name: Brenda Phone: 651-582-8204 Department: Office of Commissioner of Education Topic: Education Commissioner

Human Resources & Agency Services
Email: Peggy.Dornseif@state.mn.us Last Name: Dornseif First Name: Peggy Phone: 651-582-8349 Human Resources Topic: Personnel Representative/Interim Human Resources Director

Office of Government Relations
Email: Kathryn.A.Olson@state.mn.us Last Name: Olson First Name: Kathryn A 651-582-8669 Department: Office of Government Relations Topic: Data Practices Officer

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    Peggy.Dornseif@state.mn.us,
"Olson, Kathryn A (MDE)" kathryn.a.olson@state.mn.us,
"Cassellius, Brenda (MDE)" brenda.cassellius@state.mn.us,
janet mohr janet.mohr@state.mn.us
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:55 AM
subject:    Status on personnel complaint against Kathryn A Olson - Brenda Cassellius not qualified for the job as Commissioner - Harassing email from BOSA's Mohr?
mailed-by:    gmail.com
:    Important according to our magic sauce.
Peggy Dornseif, Interim MDE Human Resources Director 651-582-8349:

How is the investigation into my harassment complaint that I filed with you on Tuesday, May 17, 2016 at 9:31 AM coming along, huh? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? You remember the recorded phone message that I left with you in which I stated I was filing a complaint with you against your Kathryn A Olson, Office of Government Relations - Data Practices Officer  651-582-8669, don't you? I'm glad I recorded the call, aren't I? Especially, if you don't remember the call or the email, right?

Oh, by the way, do you look into allegations that your Brenda Cassellius is not qualified for the job as Commissioner of the Dept. of Education? Again, inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Apparently, she willfully and intentionally left off her fourteen (14) days at the Oklahoma City Public School from her resume for not only the job as Commissioner but also for her failed attempt to get the Minneapolis Public School's superintendent job. Cassellius and not one (1), but two (2) others were asked to suddenly and mysteriously resign, weren't they?
I almost forgot, didn't I? I received a harassing email from the Janet L. Mohr, Executive Director Board of School Administrators on Monday, May 23, 2016 at 6:00 PM, didn't I? I did, didn't I? And in the harassing email head harasser and common criminal Janet Mohr makes absolutely no mention that Cassellius forwarded a single one of those (4) four attachments that document superintendent misconduct to the Board of School Administrators, does she? She doesn't, does she? I want to file a complaint against Cassellius for not forwarding a single one of those (4) four attachments that document superintendent misconduct to the Board of School Administrators.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. If you suddenly and mysteriously can't find this email, then maybe you will want to look for it being posted on my blog, Lion News, later today?

from:    Mohr, Janet (MDE) Janet.Mohr@state.mn.us
to:    "Lion News (lionnews00@gmail.com)" lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:00 PM
subject:    Response to Data Request
mailed-by:    state.mn.us
signed-by:    mn365.onmicrosoft.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

from:    Lion News
to:    Peggy.Dornseif@state.mn.us
date:    Tue, May 17, 2016 at 9:31 AM
subject:    Fwd: Cassellius behind harassment - violations of data practice laws - cover-ups in illegal school searches?
mailed-by:    gmail.com
Harassment by Kathryn Olson
4 Attachments
Nemmers 15001627.pdf
July 21, 2014 Letter.pdf

Dr. Brenda L. Cassellius - Minnesota Senate NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT Dr. Brenda L. Cassellius Commissioner Of Education - Department of Education Effective: January 6, 2015 Term Expires: January 7, 2019
Associate Superintendent Secondary Schools
Minneapolis Public Schools, Minneapolis, Minnesota 2007- present
Responsible for the middle and high school reform agendas
Supervise all secondary schools and principal performance
Developed in collaboration with leadership team a principal evaluation
Oversee Career and Technical Education programming
Supervise and lead the district K-12 counseling services
Supervise Contract Alternative and Extended Learning Office President of the Senate
Coordinated first-ever charter / public high school partnership
Expanded MPS Scholars early college programming with higher education partners
Oversee leadership of International Baccalaureate Programs K-12 and AVID 6-12
Turned around two high schools through fresh start- Washbum and Edison High Schools
Middle School Academic Superintendent
Memphis City Schools, Memphis, TN 2004- 2007
Responsible for the academic performance of thirty-two middle schools, directly supervise principals and achievement of 22,000 middle school children
Organized and led district-wide Blue Ribbon Behavior Initiative K-l2
Organized and led reconstitution (fresh start initiative) of seven schools
18.7% increase reading in TCAP on achievement scores for 8lll grade students in middle schools from 2003 — 2007 and 10.1% in mathematics
Closed achievements gaps substantially in both reading and math (81h Reading and Mathematics by 13% and 11.2% respectively- 2003 -2007) a Organized and led the district’s federal strategic planning and application process 2004, securing $41 million dollar budget on time
As a member of the Superintendent’s Executive Leadership Team, completed a five-year academic, facility and transportation plan
Secured several key community, business and university partnerships that have accelerated middle school student achievement (see grants section below) https://www.senate.mn/confirmations/2015-2016/2015-2016_required_docs/Cassellius_Brenda.PDF

Oklahoma Public Schools Request to Initiate Personnel Transaction Date: 7/20/2007 Re: Cassesllius, Brenda, Data of birth: 9/10/67; Job Title: Deputy superintendent SEPARATION: 7/20/2007 (last day on job); 7/20/2007 (final termination data) Reason: [checked] A. Voluntary resignation [checked] 07 Personal Reasons. Approved by Assistant Superintendent of Personnel Service or designee Date: 7/25/07
Personal data:  Current Date: 05/20/07; Date Available for Employment: 06/30/07 Name: Cassellius Brenda L. Employment Preference: Please indicate area for which you are qualified and I which you would accept employment. … Comments related to employment preferences (Optional): Deputy Superintendent. Certification. Certification is only considered when it is required for the position. Please list below the Oklahoma teaching and administrative certificates you now hold or describe in obtaining there certificates. [Left blank] Have you ever been dismissed or asked to resign by an employer? No [checked] If yes, please explain. Oklahoma Public Schools Administrative/Professional-Technical Position Form Signed Brenda Cassellius Data: 5.21.2007
Minneapolis Schools @MPS_News
Minneapolis Board of Education has selected Ed Graff as the preferred candidate to be the next Supt. of MPS. Retweets 45 Likes 21 Eva Colen Christian A. Ledesma Erin Clotfelter Julie Beddowschubert Tracine D. Asberry Charlotte Crabtree Kate Sattler James Nelson Leslie E Redmond 6:01 PM - 24 May 2016

Minneapolis Schools @MPS_News
MPS Superintendent contract negotiations currently underway & approval meeting moved to June due to holiday weekend. http://board.mpls.k12.mn.us/super-search.html … Retweets 5
Likes 4 Radious Guess Tracine D. Asberry Suzanne Kpowulu AchieveMpls Collin Robinson Dirk Tedmon 10:46 AM - 27 May 2016

Contract approval meeting moved to June  The Minneapolis Board of Education is excited to be closer to having a new Superintendent in place at MPS. They knew they had established an aggressive timeline to try to approve a contract with the preferred candidate, Ed Graff, by today. Due to meeting notice requirements, they proactively scheduled today’s meeting in case the process moved quickly. Yesterday they decided to postpone that meeting and approve the contract at the June meeting. Given the holiday weekend and negotiating parties’ availability, postponing the meeting allows more time to complete a quality contract process. The Board is excited to continue negotiations with Mr. Graff and looks forward to getting him to work soon.

Minneapolis Superintendent Search Rigged? Rigged For Common Criminal Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius? Clare Cizek, Partner - DHR International 612-343-0306 & Nan A. S. Miller Data Responsible Authority Office Of The General Counsel Minneapolis Public Schools Both Audio Recorded Harassing Nemmers On The Phone Over Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data? Both Lawyer Up, Right? No Surprise, Huh? Nemmers' Oklahoma Open Records Request For Cassellius' Sudden & Mysterious Resignation From Oklahoma City Public Schools Job? Cassellius Has A History of Covering Up Superintendent Misconduct, Doesn't She? She Does, Doesn't She? Board Of Education Chair Jenny Arneson (612.382.0734), Board of Education Vice Chair Kim Ellison (612.418.3657) & Interim Superintendent Michael Goar All "Lawyer Up"? DHR International, Inc. & Corrupt School Caught Illegally Withholding Public Contact Information For Superintendent Selection Committee From The Public? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/05/minneapolis-superintendent-search.html

Minneapolis Superintendent Search Still Rigged? Still Rigged For Common Criminal Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, Isn't It? Cassellius Get Special Treament, Doesn't She? Magically Fourteeen (14) Paid Work Days At $9,410.86 At Oklahoma City Public Censored From Resume? Cassellius Doesn't Want To Talk About Her Resignation Nor The Other Two (2) Resignations From Her Memphis Crew, Does She? No Surprise, Right? Minneapolis Superintendent Search Firm DHR International Didn't Request Cassellius' Data? Superintendent Members Intentional Left In The Dark About Cassellius' Resignation For "Personal Reasons"? Even Radious Guess, EPU Consultants 918-­520-3782 Is Illegally Withholding Public Data From Nemmers? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/05/minneapolis-superintendent-search-still.html

Blocked emails:

from:    Mail Delivery Subsystem mailer-daemon@googlemail.com
to:    lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:55 AM
subject:    Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
mailed-by:    mail-ig0-x245.google.com
signed-by:    googlemail.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
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Message rejected.  See https://support.google.com/mail/answer/69585 for more information.
----- Original message -----
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Received: by with SMTP id x50mr573789otx.160.1464710124286;
 Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 10:55:24 -0500
Subject: Status on personnel complaint against Kathryn A Olson - Brenda
 Cassellius not qualified for the job as Commissioner - Harassing email from
 BOSA's Mohr?
From: Lion News
To: Peggy.Dornseif@state.mn.us,
        "Olson, Kathryn A (MDE)" ,
        "Cassellius, Brenda (MDE)" , janet mohr
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a113d148ca8389c0534256694
----- Message truncated -----

from:    Mail Delivery Subsystem mailer-daemon@googlemail.com
to:    lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:55 AM
subject:    Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
mailed-by:    mail-it0-x246.google.com
signed-by:    googlemail.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
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Message rejected.  See https://support.google.com/mail/answer/69585 for more information.
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X-Received: by with SMTP id x50mr573789otx.160.1464710124286;
 Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 10:55:24 -0500
Subject: Status on personnel complaint against Kathryn A Olson - Brenda
 Cassellius not qualified for the job as Commissioner - Harassing email from
 BOSA's Mohr?
From: Lion News
To: Peggy.Dornseif@state.mn.us,
        "Olson, Kathryn A (MDE)" ,
        "Cassellius, Brenda (MDE)" , janet mohr
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a113d148ca8389c0534256694
----- Message truncated -----

from:    Mail Delivery Subsystem mailer-daemon@googlemail.com
to:    lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:55 AM
subject:    Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
mailed-by:    mail-ig0-x247.google.com
signed-by:    googlemail.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Message rejected.  See https://support.google.com/mail/answer/69585 for more information.
----- Original message -----
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X-Received: by with SMTP id x50mr573789otx.160.1464710124286;
 Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 10:55:24 -0500
Subject: Status on personnel complaint against Kathryn A Olson - Brenda
 Cassellius not qualified for the job as Commissioner - Harassing email from
 BOSA's Mohr?
From: Lion News
To: Peggy.Dornseif@state.mn.us,
        "Olson, Kathryn A (MDE)" ,
        "Cassellius, Brenda (MDE)" , janet mohr
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a113d148ca8389c0534256694
----- Message truncated -----

from:    Mail Delivery Subsystem mailer-daemon@googlemail.com
to:    lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 10:55 AM
subject:    Delivery Status Notification (Failure)
mailed-by:    mail-it0-x245.google.com
signed-by:    googlemail.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
Message rejected.  See https://support.google.com/mail/answer/69585 for more information.
----- Original message -----
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Received: by with SMTP id x50mr573789otx.160.1464710124286;
 Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Received: by with HTTP; Tue, 31 May 2016 08:55:24 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Tue, 31 May 2016 10:55:24 -0500
Subject: Status on personnel complaint against Kathryn A Olson - Brenda
 Cassellius not qualified for the job as Commissioner - Harassing email from
 BOSA's Mohr?
From: Lion News
To: Peggy.Dornseif@state.mn.us,
        "Olson, Kathryn A (MDE)" ,
        "Cassellius, Brenda (MDE)" , janet mohr
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=001a113d148ca8389c0534256694
----- Message truncated -----

Harassing email from Mohr - Mohr doesn't want to acknowledge my complaint against corrupt ISD 709 Superintendent William Gronseth, does she? She doesn't does, she?

from:    Mohr, Janet (MDE) Janet.Mohr@state.mn.us
to:    "Lion News (lionnews00@gmail.com)" lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Mon, May 23, 2016 at 6:00 PM
subject:    Response to Data Request
mailed-by:    state.mn.us
signed-by:    mn365.onmicrosoft.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers:

Your data request to the Board of School Administrators (Board) included continuing educational programs approved by the Board from 2010 to 2015.

On February 10, 2016, you were sent continuing educational programs approved by the Board in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013 (January to June).  On March 8, 2016, you were sent continuing educational programs approved by the Board in 2013 (July to December).

This email includes continuing educational programs approved by the Board in 2014 and 2015.  (Attached)

Thank you for contacting the Board of School Administrators.

Janet L. Mohr

Janet L. Mohr, Executive Director
Board of School Administrators
1500 Highway 36 West
Roseville, MN 55113
Phone:  651-582-8796
Cell: 651-276-0533
Fax:  651-797-1608
Email:  janet.mohr@state.mn.us
2 Attachments:
Copy of APPROVED CE Programs 2014 Compliance 3 24 16.xls
Copy of APPROVED CE Programs 2015 Compliance 4.6.15.xls

Does State Of Minnesota - Saint Paul, Minnesota IP Address  belong to Common Criminal Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

State Of Minnesota - Saint Paul, Minnesota IP Address does belong to Common Criminal Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

Corrupt Cassellius keeps coming back again & again & again, doesn't she? She does, doesn't she?

More to come . . .

Related links:

Minneapolis Superintendent Search Still Rigged? Still Rigged For Common Criminal Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius, Isn't It? Cassellius Get Special Treament, Doesn't She? Magically Fourteeen (14) Paid Work Days At $9,410.86 At Oklahoma City Public Censored From Resume? Cassellius Doesn't Want To Talk About Her Resignation Nor The Other Two (2) Resignations From Her Memphis Crew, Does She? No Surprise, Right? Minneapolis Superintendent Search Firm DHR International Didn't Request Cassellius' Data? Superintendent Members Intentional Left In The Dark About Cassellius' Resignation For "Personal Reasons"? Even Radious Guess, EPU Consultants 918-­520-3782 Is Illegally Withholding Public Data From Nemmers?

Minneapolis Superintendent Search Rigged? Rigged For Common Criminal Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius? Clare Cizek, Partner - DHR International 612-343-0306 & Nan A. S. Miller Data Responsible Authority Office Of The General Counsel Minneapolis Public Schools Both Audio Recorded Harassing Nemmers On The Phone Over Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data? Both Lawyer Up, Right? No Surprise, Huh? Nemmers' Oklahoma Open Records Request For Cassellius' Sudden & Mysterious Resignation From Oklahoma City Public Schools Job? Cassellius Has A History of Covering Up Superintendent Misconduct, Doesn't She? She Does, Doesn't She? Board Of Education Chair Jenny Arneson (612.382.0734), Board of Education Vice Chair Kim Ellison (612.418.3657) & Interim Superintendent Michael Goar All "Lawyer Up"? DHR International, Inc. & Corrupt School Caught Illegally Withholding Public Contact Information For Superintendent Selection Committee From The Public?

Will Pipestone Superintedent Jim Lentz Be Allowed To Watch Porn And Illegally Withhold Public Information As Brookings's New Superintendent? Chapter 13 Data Request - Search Contract For Pipestone Superintendent AKA Replacement For Porn Watching Public Data Criminal Superintendent James Lentz? The Helena School Board Of Trustees Aren't Seriously Considering Common Data Criminal And Porn Watching Superintendent Jim Lentz For Their Helena Interim School Superintendent Job Opening, Are They? Update: Nope, They Aren't, Are They?

You Aren't Seriously Considering That Common Criminal ISD 709 Superintendent Billy "ISD 709 Common Criminal #1" Gronseth For Your Superintendent, Are You? Billy Trying To Run And Hide From His Criminal Past At Rogers (Arkansas) School District & Snohomish (Washington) School District? Nemmers' New Data Request For ISD 709's Notice Of Adoption Of Model Policies Will Prove That The Corrupt ISD 709 School Board Members Have Been Aiding & Abetting Billy, Won't It? Snohomish Selection Process Rigged For Gronseth? Corrupt ISD 709 Board Member Oswald Has Hissy Fit Over Nemmers Informing Rogers & Snohomish School Districts About Common Criminal Gronseth? Update: BOSA Complaint Filed With Gronseth's Special Friend Janet Mohr?

"Sick Rick" Lahn Will Teach Your Kiddies That "Crime Pays"? Morris Area School Disctrict #2769 Hires "Sick Rick" With Full Knowledge That "Sick Rick" Is Illegally Withholding ISD#319 Affidavits Of Candidacy From Nemmers? No Surprise, Right? Remember Kiddies: You Can Think & Act Like You Are Above The Law If You Are Someone "Imporant" Like "Sick Rick," Can't You? School Board Member Stan Wulf Can't Get Enough Of Lion News, Can He?

"Sick Rick" Lahn, Supt. Nashwauk-Keewatin School District Caught Harassing Nemmers On The Phone Again? Morris Area School District's Diane Moeller Sends Nemmers Harassing Emails? Is School Attorney Michael Rengel Advising Lahn & Moeller To Make Harassing Phones Calls & Send Harassing Emails To Nemmers? Lahn & Moeller Both Illegally Withholding Affidaivt Of Candidacy (Free Electronic Public Data, Right?) From Nemmers? School Board Members Not Paying Fees? False Info On School Affidavit? No Surprise, Right?

Stillwater School District ISD# 834 Searching Lion News For Dirt On Sick Rick Lahn, Superintendent & Common Criminal, Aren't They? Actaully, ISD# 834 Is Trying To Ignore It As Hard As They Can, Aren't They? Hibbing School Lurking & Skulking? Thomas Lehmann, City Attorney ( Mendota & Lilydale ) / ISD# 834 School Board Chair (651-351-2133) Sends Harassing Email & Hangs Up On Nemmers? Lehmann Trying To Rig Superintendent Selection For "Sick" Rick Lahn? Update: Guilty Conscience Brings Board Member Stan Wulf Back Over And Over Again To Lion News?

Sick Rick Lahn District 206 Superintendent & Harrassing Phone Caller Forced To Resign? Nemmers Predicted The Resignation, Didn't He? The Final Virtual Kick In The Nuts For Sicko Lahn, Right?

District 206 School's Dirty Little Secrets? Amy Sack, Assistant Principal Forced To Resign Effective August 1, 2014? (Resignation In Lieu Of Prosecution, Right??) Superintendent Sick Rick Lahn's So-Called Personal Leave Prelude To Resignation? (Resignation In Lieu Of Prosecution, Right??) Lahn's & Sack's Criminal Acts Of Illegal Searches, Harassment, And Illegally Withheld/Destroyed Evidence The Cause? Another Virtual Kick In The Nuts For Sicko Lahn, Right?

Sick Rick Lahn District 206 Superintendent, The Harassing Phone Caller, Gets Reported To Dept. Of Education? Commissioner Cassellius Given Evidence Principal Sack Destroyed Surveillance Video Of Illegal Search Of Student Greg Brunner's Vehicle? Lahn's Virtual Kick In The Nuts, Right?

Douglas County Parents: Are Your Children Safe? District 206 Students Interrogated? Another Facebook Fiasco In The Works? Nemmers Victim Of District's Harassing Phone Calls, Third Degree, And Diabolical Data Dodging Scam? School Indoctrinates Students Into Thinking That Administration And District's Legal Counsel Are About The Law?

Pope County Parents: Danger - You're Children Are Really, Really Not Safe, Are They? Minnewaska School Year Starts Off By Illegally Withhelding Facebook Lawsuit Data And Interrogation Data? Illegally WIthheld By Supt. Greg Schmidt & School Board Chair Jim Peters? Attorney Peters Doesn't Sound Professional (More Like Guilty As Sin, Right?) In Nemmers' Phone Call, Does He?

Pope County Parents: Are Your Children Safe? Greg Schmidt Superintendent Of Minnewaska Area High School Teaching Your Impressionable Children How To Violate Public Data Laws? Schmidt Doesn't Want You To Know That MAHS Interrogates Your Precious Kiddies, Does He? Facebook Lawsuit Revealed That MAHS Does Interrogate Your Vulnerable Children, Didn't It?

Charities Complaint VS. KiloMarie Granda (A.K.A KilioMarie Dunn) Founder Of Unspoken Voices Chartered & Her Same Sex Partner/Corrupt Cop Morris Police Officer Anita Liebl? Malicious SLAPP Suit By Granda And Partner In Crime Liebl Desperate Attempt To Discredit/Slander Nemmers? Mn Police Officer Standards & Training Board Notified Of Pope Co. Sheriff Timmy “The Perjurer” Riley's, Pope Co. Chief Deputy Nathan “The Psycho” Brecht's & Morris Police Chief Ross Tiegs' Illegal Withholding Of Public Data? Glenwood Police Chief Dale "The Falsifier" Danter Reported For Not Taking Complaint Against Psycho Brecht?

Update On Charities Complaint VS. KiloMarie Granda (A.K.A KilioMarie Dunn) Founder Of Unspoken Voices Chartered & Her Same Sex Partner/Corrupt Cop Morris Police Officer Anita Liebl? Update On: Malicious SLAPP Suit By Granda And Partner In Crime Liebl Desperate Attempt To Discredit/Slander Nemmers? Update On: Mn Police Officer Standards & Training Board Notified Of Pope Co. Sheriff Timmy “The Perjurer” Riley's, Pope Co. Chief Deputy Nathan “The Psycho” Brecht's & Morris Police Chief Ross Tiegs' Illegal Withholding Of Public Data? Update On: Glenwood Police Chief Dale "The Falsifier" Danter Reported For Not Taking Complaint Against Psycho Brecht?

MAHS Principal Craig Peterson's Rape Case Expungment That Didn't Expunge Case? Peterson's Case Can't Fade Away As Planned, Can It? Principal Peterson Were You Driving Drunk The Night Your Raped Former Morris School Teacher & UMM Violence Prevention's KiloMarie Dunn? Principal Peterson Has A History Of Driving Drunk, Doesn't He? State of Minnesota vs. CRAIG JON PETERSON - Case No. 82-T1-01-017075 - Case Type: Driving Intoxicated?

MAHS Principal Craig Peterson Retaliates Against His Rape Victim Former Morris School Teacher & UMM Violence Prevention's KiloMarie Dunn (Granda) By Suing Her?

Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Raped Former Morris School Teacher & UMM Violence Prevention's KiloMarie Dunn (Granda)? Who Leaked The Info? Nemmers Wants Rapist Peterson To Sign Release For Closed Hearing? Demand For Criminal Investigative Data From Special Prosecutor Anderson For Case No. 75-CR-13-351?

Confirmed: Reid Technique Trained Rapist & MAHS Principal Craig Peterson Wants Rape Record Expunged? MAHS School Board Mysteriously Withdraws Records Request For Rapist Peterson? Stevens Co.'s Jordan Answers For Special Prosecutor Anderson Again? No Mention Of Specific Reasons For Rape Dismissal - Illegally Withheld Data - Criminal Charges Or Why Special Prosecutor Doesn't Sign Any Paperwork, Right? How Will Corrupt School Officials & Corrupt Law Enforcement Keep Peterson's Rape Victim (DOB 1983) In The Skeleton Closet? Principal Peterson Must Attend Alcoholics Anonymous & Rapists Anonymous To Keep Job?

MAHS Principal Craig Peterson Update: Demand For Criminal Investigative Data? Criminal Charges Filed Against Morris Area High School Superintendent Scott Monson, City of Morris City Manager Blaine Hill & Stevens Co. Sheriff Jason Dingman For Illegally Withholding Public Data? Peterson Trying To Expunge Rigged Rape Case? Special Prosecutor/Grant Co. Attorney Justin Anderson Illegally WithHolding Judd Hoff Data? Another Rigged Case, Huh? Stevens Co. Attorney Jordan Fails To Substantiate Why Peterson Case Dropped? Norman Co. Substantiated Why Mayor Sortland's Rape Case Dropped, Right? 
Prediction: Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Will Get The Duluth Police Officer Richard Jouppi Treatment And Get Fired After Rigged Criminal Case Finds The Criminals Innocent, Won't He? Nemmers' Coverage Made Peterson Too Toxic For Corrupt School's Image? It's Why Superintendent Scott Monson Was Tossed Overboard, Right? Confirmed: Special Prosecutor Justin Anderson's Signature Not On Peterson's Dismissal? MAHS IP Address Lurking On Lion News?

Marshall School Knowingly Hires Common Criminal Scott Monson For Superintendent? Marshall IP Address On Lion News Gathering Data About Morris Superintendent Prior To Job Offer? Monson Still Trying To Get Away From Reid Technique Trained Rapist Morris Principal Craig Peterson?

Nemmers' Prediction Comes True: MAHS Principal Craig Peterson's Rape Charges Dropped? Peterson Receives Special "Get Out Of Felony Rape Charges Now School Is Out For Summer" Deal, Doesn't He? No Special Prosecutor For State of Minnesota vs Morris Area School Head of Facilities David Stoffer (Case No. 75-CR-12-237)? Where Is Data For State of Minnesota vs Judd Bradford Hoff Case No. 26-CR-13-204? Special Prosecutor Anderson Still Too Busy Rigging Peterson's Case To Fullfill Data Request?

Will Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Get The Special "Get Out Of Felony Rape Charges Now School Is Out For Summer" Deal? (Case No. 75-CR-13-351) Why Wasn't Peterson Charged With False Imprisonment? Will Special Prosecutor Anderson Respond Or Illegally Withhold Data Like City/County Attorney Jordan Does?

Nemmers Dashes Morris Area Public School Superintendent Scott Monson's Hopes Of Dream Job As Detroit Lakes School Principle? DL School Board Informed Of Monson's Illegal Data Dodging Operation? Monson's Plot Was To Protect Reid Technique Trained Rapist & School Principle Craig Peterson?

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Poor Dede's Update Email To The Corrupt Judicial Selection Committee? First Judicial Candidate & Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz Still Illegally Withholding Poor Dede's Evidence For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Still No Surprise, Right? Prokopowicz's Partner In Crime Grant County Attorney Justin R. Anderson Also Illegally Withholding Evidence From Poor Dede In Related Cases 19-HA-CR-15-4229 & 19HA-CR-15 4230? Really No Surprise, Huh? Neither Prokopowicz Nor Anderson Can Win Cases Criminal Cases Withourt Illegally Withholoiding Evidence From Defendants That They Are Victimizing, Can They? Corrupt Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long Confesses That Poor Dede & Nemmers Have Been The Only Real Threat To Derailing Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State Of Minnesota VS. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki? Corrupt City Of Lakeville Being Crushed Under The Weight Of Poor Dede's Simple Message? If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz And Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony Are Still The Ones For You, Aren't They?

Poor Dede's update email to the corrupt judicial selection committee?

from:    Dede Evavold dedeevavold@hotmail.com
to:    "blackwell@blackwellburke.com" blackwell@blackwellburke.com,
"jessebg@mcil-mn.org" jessebg@mcil-mn.org,
"director@albertlea.org" director@albertlea.org,
"lkrug@d.umn.edu" lkrug@d.umn.edu,
"bsieben@schwebel.com" bsieben@schwebel.com,
"cfogarty@childrensdentalservices.org" cfogarty@childrensdentalservices.org,
"mknoblauch@anthonyostlund.com" mknoblauch@anthonyostlund.com,
"keiko.sugisaka@maslon.com" keiko.sugisaka@maslon.com,
"lsheehy@skycreek.org" lsheehy@skycreek.org,
"mike.slavik@co.dakota.mn.us" mike.slavik@co.dakota.mn.us,
"kathleen.gaylord@co.dakota.mn.us" kathleen.gaylord@co.dakota.mn.us,
"thomas.egan@co.dakota.mn.us" thomas.egan@co.dakota.mn.us,
"nancy.schouweiler@co.dakota.mn.us" nancy.schouweiler@co.dakota.mn.us,
"liz.workman@co.dakota.mn.us" liz.workman@co.dakota.mn.us,
"maryliz.holberg@co.dakota.mn.us" maryliz.holberg@co.dakota.mn.us,
"chris.gerlach@co.dakota.mn.us" chris.gerlach@co.dakota.mn.us,
"KStyx@hastingsstargazette.com" KStyx@hastingsstargazette.com
date:    Thu, May 26, 2016 at 12:25 PM
subject:    If you want a corrupt Dakota County judge who thinks and acts like they are above the rules and the laws, then Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz is the perfect corrupt candidate for you, isn't he?
mailed-by:    hotmail.com
signed-by:    hotmail.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

I wanted to give you a quick update before the memorial day weekend in case you're conspiring to slip this appointment by in a Friday news dump so no one knows about it.

I just want to remind you that my evidence in case #19HA-CR-15-4227 is being illegally withheld from me by your judicial candidate Phil Prokopowicz, chief deputy Dakota county attorney.

Oh and by the way, Grant County attorney Justin R. Anderson is also illegally withholding my evidence from me and related cases 19-HA-CR-15-4229 and 19HA-CR-15 4230

Apparently Prokopowicz nor Justin Anderson can win their cases by giving evidence  to the defendants they are victimizing in criminal cases. Remember,I did report this obstruction of justice to District 4 - Commissioner Nancy Schouweiler don't you?(Calls recorded)  Schouweiler is still lawyered up isn't she? Schouweiler still has no   intention of investigating the misuse of public funds nor the misconduct of the public officials at the Dakota County Attorney's office does she? To protect myself and others, I am still going to continue to educate the public that they cannot trust any arrest, prosecution nor conviction in lawless Dakota County. Again, If you want a corrupt Dakota County judge who thinks and acts like they are above the rules and the laws, then Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz is the perfect corrupt candidate for you.

Dede Evavold

All discovery shall be exchanged PRIOR to the settlement conference. Probable cause, and scheduling order for: 19HA-CR-15-4227. Signed by Karen Asphaug 3-1-16

Oh and by the way I'm posting this on Red herring Alert so you can't claim that you never got this. Here's the link to my blog. https://redherringalert.wordpress.com/

Former Star Tribune Hack Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb was dredging through the Friday news dump to tell us about old news, right?  What did the quack/hack dredge up? (You remember that now former Star Tribune hack/quack Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb was interfering with the Lakeville Police investigation of missing Gianna and Samantha Rucki, don't you?)

Michael Brodkorb @mbrodkorb A well-deserved honor for the detective in Rucki case from @LPDChief -> "Lakeville detective receives medal" http://sunthisweek.com/2016/05/27/lakeville-detective-receives-medal-of-commendation/ … Retweets 5 Like 1 Scott Schrader Keep Minnesota Blue Phillip Sterner Jackie Craig MN DFL SD 56 Luke Hellier 2:13 PM - 27 May 2016
Steve Timmer ‏@stevetimmer 13h13 hours ago @mbrodkorb @LPDChief A case filled with uncooperative witnesses.

The former Star Tribune hack dredged up corrupt Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long confession that Poor Dede & Nemmers have been the only threat to derailing Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State Of Minnesota VS. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, didn't he? The quack/hack did, didn't he?

“Many of us are now being called corrupt and being harassed by the witnesses involved in this incident,” Long said, adding it would have been easy to “fall under the fear of threats,” by putting the case aside and label it a court issue. ... “This case is truly a team effort,” Dronen said .... “If you continue to receive all that pressure, we’ve got your back and we’ll support you for the whole way,” Little said. Lakeville detective receives medal of commendation - Chief cites Dronen’s work on missing persons case By Laura Adelmann, Sun Thisweek/ECM Publishers, Inc. Published May 27, 2016 at 6:09 am.

Note: Long is ranting and raving about the implied threat to file criminal charges against Long for harassment & illegally withholding readily available, free, electronic (in searchable pdf where applicable) public data and Poor Dede's discovery/evidence for her rigged criminal case, isn't he? He is, isn't he? You remember that Poor Dede was forced to file criminal complaints against corrupt Dakota Co. Attorneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena for illegally withholding readily available, free, electronic, public data & discovery/evidence for rigged case no. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold, don't you? You do, don't you?

What does that mean? That means that all the retarded rehashing of rigged case no. 19AV-FA-11-1273 In The Marriage Of SANDRA SUE GRAZZINI-RUCKI VS DAVID VICTOR RUCKI *** Judge Kanning Assigned *** hasn't even put a dent into the rigged criminal prosecution for Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's rigged case no. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State Of Minnesota VS. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it? It means that Poor Dede's and my exposure of the incompetence, the misconduct and the brutality in Poor Dede's rigged case no. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold has not only threatened to derail Poor Dede's rigged case but all the other related rigged cases, right? That's right, isn't it?

It also means that the corrupt city of Lakeville is being crushed under the weight of Poor Dede's simple message that you can't trust any arrest, prosecution nor conviction in lawless Dakota Co. doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    "Prokopowicz, Phil" phil.prokopowicz@co.dakota.mn.us,
Randy Kehr director@albertlea.org,
"Olson, Andrew C (GOV)" andrew.c.olson@state.mn.us,
"Hudson, Bill" brhudson@wcco.cbs.com,
"Gretchen D. Thilmony" gdthilm@co.becker.mn.us,
"Salo, Gregory (DNR)" gregory.salo@state.mn.us,
Rick Stulz rgstulz@gmail.com,
"Smith, Rodmen E (DNR)" rodmen.smith@state.mn.us,
Justin Templin jtemplin@hbklaw.com,
Eric Werner ewerner@maplegrovemn.gov,
Jennifer DeJournett bcarlson@threeriversparkdistrict.org
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:56 AM
subject:    If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz And Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony Are Still The Ones For You, Aren't They?
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Lee Sheehy, Chair - Minnesota Commission on Judicial Selection:

How come you didn't make a Friday news dump to announce the new corrupt judges you rubber-stamped to inflict injustice on all of us, huh? Oh, by the way you did get Poor Dede's update, didn't you? I reposted it on my blog just in case, didn't I? See link below.

Did you know that I received a harassing phone call from Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz's partner in crime Three Rivers Park District Superintendent Bo Carlson on the Friday prior to the Memorial Day weekend May 27, 2016 at 1:29pm I'm sure Carlson was surprised to have me answer the call, aren't I? (Call recorded) What did Carlson want? Oh, Carlson wanted to harass me with questions about my data request that he and Prokopowicz have been illegally withholding from me for a couple of years now, didn't he? You know pictures of Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Red Ford LGT Conventional Truck With MN Plate - 509ELE that his sonny boy Ryan Stanek used to commit the felony damage to park property, right? That's right, isn't it? Carlson was harassing me with question he already knew the answer to, didn't he? And after the continued harassment did he or Prokopowicz email me the readily available free, electronic public data? Nope, they didn't did they? Isn't it amazing that the Brooklyn Center Police have already sent me pictures of Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's pickup that sonny boy Ryan crashed into the rear of a fire engine on May 13, 2016?
If you want to read the harassing and retarded response that I received from Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's corrupt home town city attorney, then you can click on the link below, can't you? Oh, that data would prove Prokopowicz should have prosecuted Ryan when he violated the terms and conditions of his rigged diversion program, wouldn't it? It would, wouldn't it?
Before I forget, I submitted another data request to 7th judicial candidate Becker Co. Attorney Gretchen Thilmony's partners in crime at Stearns County, didn't I? See below. Neither Thilmony nor corrupt Stearns Co. Sheriff John L. Sanner nor corrupt Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall responded, did they? No surprise, huh? Amazing how all these corrupt so-called law enforcement officers think and act like they are above the law, isn't it? It is, isn't it?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz, Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony And Lake Of Woods County Attorney James Austad Are The Ones For You, Aren't They? Latest Fraudulent Bill Submitted By Phillip Prokopowicz To Poor Dede In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? My Criminal Complaint (DL-15-001626) Against Thilmony Is In Searchable PDF Format? Poor Dede Sends Email To Rigged Judicial Selection Committee For Common Criminal Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz? Corrupt Dakota County Want Nemmers To Do Their Job And Investigate Star Tribune's Hack Brandon Stahl's Confidential Informant "Deputy Leak"? If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz And Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony Are Still The Ones For You, Aren't They? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/05/if-you-want-criminal-for-corrupt-judge.html
Follow link to find 1st judicial district candidate & Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz's partner in crime City of Maple Grove's City Attorney Justin Templin's harassing response:
Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son Ryan Stanek Transporting Drugs In Daddy's Vehicle (2BN329) Yet Again? Ryan Crashes Daddy's Pickup (2BN329) Into Fire Engine? Corrupt Maple Grove Police & Corrupt Three Rivers Park Police Still Illegally Withholding Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data For Ryan's Rigged Case Nos. 27-CR-15-337 & 27-CR-14-21295? Nemmers Wants To Send Judicial Selection Committee An Update That Candiate Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz Is Still Trying To Do His Partner In Crime Sheriff Stanek A Favor By Illegally Withholding Embarassing Criminal Investigative Data? Incriminating Pictures Of Sheriff Rich Stanek's Red Ford LGT Conventional Truck With MN Plate - 509ELE, Right? You Remember That Ryan Used His Daddy's Pickup (509ELE) To Engage In Felony Criminal Damage To Three River Park Property, Don't You? Rigged Case No. 27-VB-16-128163 State of Minnesota VS Ryan James Stanek? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/05/hennepin-co-sheriff-rich-staneks-son.html
Harassing email from 2 Rivers Park Commissioner Jennifer DeJournett
from:    Jennifer DeJournett jendejournett@gmail.com
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com,
Boe Carlson bcarlson@threeriversparkdistrict.org
cc:    Jennifer.DeJournett@threeriversparks.org,
"Prokopowicz, Phil" phil.prokopowicz@co.dakota.mn.us,
Jennifer DeJournett jendejournett@gmail.com
date:    Wed, May 25, 2016 at 1:26 PM
subject:    Re: Recorded phone call with Jennifer DeJournett District 2 Representative Report to Judicial Selection Committee that Three Rivers Park Police still illegally withholding
mailed-by:    gmail.com
Hi ;
Thank you for sending your email. I disagree with your characterization of our conversation below.  I believe I was responsive and helpful.  Therefore, I do not believe your characterization was accurate.
Like I stated on the phone call; I would forward this correspondence to Supt. Boe Carlson when I received it.   Supt Carlson is the best equipped person to be able to respond to your request and get you directed to the information.
Thank you again and I will leave further replies to Supt Carlson as he is best equipped to respond.
Best Regards,
Jennifer DeJournett
Sent from my iPhone
Chapter 13 data request not responded to by 7th judicial candidate & Becker county attorney Gretchen Thilmony
from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    John.Sanner@co.stearns.mn.us,
"Gretchen D. Thilmony" gdthilm@co.becker.mn.us
date:    Tue, May 17, 2016 at 11:00 AM
subject:    Notifying the Judicial Selection Nemmers continued to be harassed over readily available free electronic data.
mailed-by:    gmail.com
John L. Sanner, Sheriff 320.259.3700:
I'm helping to make sure that none of your partners in crime at the Stearns County Attorney office or Kendall's buddies at Becker County Attorneys Office get selected as judge, aren't I? I am, aren't I? I want to be able to send this email to the judicial selection committee to prove that you are still illegally withholding the criminal investigative data for the City of Brooten's City attorney and Becker County Sheriff Timmy Gordon cases that I requested a long, long time ago, don't I? That means all the audios and all the pictures and all the reports and all of the dash cam video aka any and all criminal investigative data, doesn't it? And I don't want them sent via your harassing encrypted site either, do I? Spare me the files are too big garbage, okay? I want to know the sizes of each and every readily available, free, electronic, public data file. You are more than welcome to mail me my data. You have a habit of mailing me paper copies when i ask for electronic copies, don't you? Make sure all the appropriate data is in searchable pdf format. Your TritTech software allows you to comply with the 2013 eCourtMN requirements to submit documents in searchable pdf format, doesn't it?
Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:
1. Stearns County Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies Years: 2010-2016.
2. Any and all criminal investigative data illegally withheld from Nemmers for Case No. 73-CR-13-7510 State of Minnesota vs ROBERT DAVID STONEBURNER DOI: 08/24/2013
3. Any and all criminal investigative data illegally withheld from Nemmers for Case No. 03-CR-14-98 State of Minnesota vs TIMOTHY MICHAEL GORDON 04/01/2012
4. Stearns County payments to Minnesota Sheriffs Association Years: 2010-2016
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
On 5/29/15, I spoke with Kevin Voss, with the Stearns County Attorney's Office. He said that Nemmers had made a request for data over a year ago and provided him with very little information because the investigation was still active. Voss said that the case is now closed and if Nemmers makes another request he will receive additional information. I called Nemmers and left him a message regarding the information that I was told from the Stearns County Attorney Office. End of Report Sgt. Robert Strand #6234 Case Number DL-15-001626. Detroit Lakes Police Dept. (in searchable pdf format)
MN IPAD:Advisory Opinion 95-042  However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks. In situations in which the requester clearly identifies the data sought, and the data exist (other than the compilation of the policy letters), the only thing that seems to be required of the government entity, in order to meet its statutory obligation, is to photocopy the data and provide it to the requester. A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks.
CITY ATTORNEY LIST – BROOTEN Janelle P. Kendall Administration Center, Rm 448 705 Courthouse Square St. Cloud, MN 56303 320-656-3880 ORD: Robert Stoneburner
A St. Cloud-area criminal defense attorney was convicted Wednesday of domestic assault and interfering with a 911 call. A Stearns County jury convicted Bob Stoneburner of causing fear of bodily harm in his wife. The jury found him not guilty of attempting to inflict bodily harm or actually inflicting harm on his wife. Defense attorney convicted in domestic assault Times staff report 4:39 p.m. CDT June 5, 2014
from:    Dayton Media dayton.media@state.mn.us
to:    Dayton Media dayton.media@state.mn.us
date:    Mon, May 16, 2016 at 1:43 PM
subject:    RELEASE: Commission on Judicial Selection Announces Vacancy in the Seventh Judicial District
mailed-by:    state.mn.us
signed-by:    mn365.onmicrosoft.com
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.
Contact: Matt Swenson
651-201-3445 office
763-464-0042 cell
from:    County Attorney county.attorney@co.stearns.mn.us
to:    "lionnews00@gmail.com" lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 7:21 PM
subject:    Requested Files
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.
Commission on Judicial Selection Announces Vacancy in the Seventh Judicial District  ST. PAUL, MN – The Commission on Judicial Selection announced today that a judgeship vacancy is occurring in Minnesota’s Seventh Judicial District Court. This vacancy will occur upon the retirement of the Honorable Mark F. Hansen, and will be chambered at Fergus Falls in Otter Tail County.
Good Afternoon,

   Because of email size limitations, the requested information is being made available from our secure document sharing location: ftp://attorneyguest@ftp.co.stearns.mn.us/attorneysecure/

  The encrypted site requires the following username and password:

     Username: attorneyguest
     Password: scaoguest71070!

  When you click on the above link, you will be prompted for the username and password.  Once entered, you will be brought to the following page where you can view and download the file (right click on the file and choose “Save Target As”, to save locally).

from:    Eric Werner ewerner@maplegrovemn.gov
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:56 AM
subject:    Automatic reply: If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz And Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony Are Still The Ones For You, Aren't They?
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

I will be out of the office, returning Monday, June 6.  For immediate assistance please contact Administrative Assistant Jenny Olson at 763-494-6115.

from:    Hudson, Bill BRHudson@wcco.cbs.com
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Tue, May 31, 2016 at 7:56 AM
subject:    Automatic reply: If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz And Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony Are Still The Ones For You, Aren't They?
mailed-by:    mail-la.cbs.com
encryption:    cbs.com did not encrypt this message Learn more

I'll be away from the newsroom until June 6th.
If you have an urgent news item, please contact our assignment desk at (612) 330-2509 or via email at: Tips@wcco.com
Thanks much!
Bill Hudson

More to come . . .

Related Links:

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If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz, Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony And Lake Of Woods County Attorney James Austad Are The Ones For You, Aren't They? Latest Fraudulent Bill Submitted By Phillip Prokopowicz To Poor Dede In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? My Criminal Complaint (DL-15-001626) Against Thilmony Is In Searchable PDF Format? Poor Dede Sends Email To Rigged Judicial Selection Committee For Common Criminal Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz? Corrupt Dakota County Want Nemmers To Do Their Job And Investigate Star Tribune's Hack Brandon Stahl's Confidential Informant "Deputy Leak"?

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Supreme Court Candidate Michelle MacDonald's DWI Blood Test? (Case No. 19-HA-CR-13-1371) Rosemount Police Arbitrarily & Capriciously Decided MacDonald Has No Right To See Judge? Only Corrupt Cops And Corrupt Judges Have Rights In Dakota County, Huh?

In The Minor Battle Of Wills (City Of Eagan VS. Terry Dean, Nemmers) We Can Declare An Early Victory, Can't We? The Victor Is Nemmers, Isn't It? (Thank You, Lord!) Fear Of Nemmers' Public Humilation Of City Of Hastings Mayor Paul Hicks Forced Eagan To Concede?

Due Process Violating Judge David Knutson Illegally Searches Camera? (Case No. 19HA-CR-13-2934) Hastings Mayor Paul Hicks Makes Malicious Harassment Claims To Try To Prevent Nemmers From Getting Data? City Of Hasting Illegally Withholds Pictures From Attorney MacDonald's Camera & Surveillance Video Of Abusive Imprisonment?

Whistleblower Tanner Homer Johnson (Case No. 19WS-CR-14-5638) Ends Up In Jail For Exposing City Of Eagan's Malicious Prosecution? Prosecutor Jerome M. Porter Conspired With State Judges & Dakota Co. Deputies To Obstruct Justice? You Can't Trust Any Arrest, Prosecution Or Conviction In Lawless Dakota County, Can You? Corrupt Courts Throwback To Stalin's & King Ahab's Show Trials?

Rogers Police Department Makes Lion News Part Of E-Roll Call? Rogers Police Keeping Up On Rigged Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan James Stanek By Reading Lion News? Rigged Case No. 27-CR-14-21295 State of Minnesota vs RYAN JAMES STANEK?

Scandal Alert! Disturbing Revelations About Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Forced To Give Nemmers & Others Criminal Complaint? Stanek's Criminal Complaint Mysteriously Sitting On Court Clerk's Desk And Not In State Court Computer System? Nemmers Isn't Stupid Enough To Fall For that Loony Tale, Is He? Still Beer Cans But Still Not Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures, Huh?

Scandal Alert! Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Two Different Set Of Laws, Right? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Illegally Withholding Criminal Complaint From Nemmers & Others? Co. Attorneys Contemptuously Treating People Interested In Stanek's Criminal Complaint As Their Little Bitches? Nemmers Doesn't "Fetch," Does He? Beer Cans But Not Stanek's Truck?

Scandal Alert! Ask For Data On Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Destruction Of Park Property & Get Harassed By Three River Park District Police Lt. Ross Gullickson? Gullickson Sends Over 150+ Harassing Emails? Hugo McPhee, Director of Public Safety Makes Wild Claim He Didn't Hear Me Giving My Phone Number The Three (3) Times On Complaint Voice Mail? Teenager Angela Marie Tadych Was Arrested For Similar Mudding Crime - Case No. 34-JV-13-199?

Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Charges Filed As Result Of Nemmers' July 18, 2014 Phone Calls To City Of Independence & City Of Maple Plain? Bad Behavior By Independence Mayor Marvin Johnson & Clerk-Administrator Toni Hirsch Caught On Audio? Three Rivers Park Police Lurking On Website And Still Illegally Withholding Ryan Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures? Beer Cans At The Scene?

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Update On: Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Tampering With Witnesses In Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin. Records Anna Marie Cass (Vic's & Chief Judge LeDuc's "Girl Friday", Right?) Lake Co. Attorney Laura M. Auron ( And Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson, Right?) Caught Illegally Withholding Readily Available Free Electronic Public Data? How Can Lake Co.'s Auron Be Trusted To Investigate And Prosecute "Good Ol Boy #2" Williams If She Can't Be Trusted To Fulfill A Simple Data Request Without Breaking The Law, Huh? Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson Is Doing An Imaginary Investigation Into Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams' Tampering With Witnesses, Isn't He? He Is, Isn't He?

from:    Laura Auron Laura.Auron@co.lake.mn.us
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Thu, May 26, 2016 at 10:50 AM
subject:    Automatic reply: Chapter 13 data request for Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams' tampering with witnesses data and data for his "girl Friday" in Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Anna Marie Cass
mailed-by:    gcc01-dm2-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com
signed-by:    lakecomn.onmicrosoft.com

I am out of the office until May 31, 2016. I will have infrequent access to email and may not respond until May 31. Please call 218-834-8375 if you need assistance.

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    Laura.Auron@co.lake.mn.us,
Elizabeth Arendt barendt@grandrapidsheraldreview.net,
Kelly Grinsteinner kgrinsteinner@hibbingdailytribune.net
date:    Thu, May 26, 2016 at 10:50 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request for Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams' tampering with witnesses data and data for his "girl Friday" in Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Anna Marie Cass
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Laura M. Auron, Lake County Attorney (218) 834-8375 & Carey Johnson, Lake County Sheriff (218) 834-8385:

How is that imaginary investigation into Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams' tampering with witnesses in his "girl Friday's" Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Anna Marie Cass coming along, huh? If Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams has plenty of time to respond to a federal lawsuit, then he has had plenty of time to submit to an interrogation by the Lake County Sheriff's dept, right? That's right, isn't it? Oh, I got a kick out of those wild and outrageous claims that you made in your harassing response to my previous Chapter 13 data request, didn't I? All it took was a recorded phone call to your Linda Libal, Auditor/Treasurer (218) 834-8315 to prove that you have made multiple self-incriminating admissions against your interest, right? That's right, isn't it? So stop harassing me! Stop illegally withholding my readily available, free, electronic, public data (in searchable pdf format where applicable) from me! Got it?

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data (in searchable pdf format where applicable) for Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams' "girl Friday" . . .  aka TRIAD/SALT Treasurer & Itasca Co. Admin./Records Anna Marie Cass:

1. Lake County's Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies Years: 2010-2016
2.  Lake Co. Sheriff's dept 2016 Lexipol policy and procedure manual, 2016 Lexipol custody manual, 2016 Lexipol prisoner handbook, 2016 Lake Co. Sheriff's dept evidence packaging manual, 2016 lake Co. data practice manual, 2016 Lake Co. Personnel handbook.
3. Current signed contract/joint powers agreement for eCharging, Damion Prosecutor and Damion Shield
4.  Criminal investigative data (audio, video, incident reports in searchable pdf format, pictures, transcript, etc) for Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic William's "girl Friday" . . .  aka Itasca Co. Administration/Records & TRIAD/SALT Treasurer Anna Marie Cass. Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Anna Marie Cass.
5. 12/17/2015 Transcript Doc ID# 67 for Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Anna Marie Cass.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Notice: I still do not accept ZixCorp secure emails.

On November 16, 2015, while preparing for trial in the above matter, the State became aware of new information regarding the role of Itasca County Sheriff Victor Williams may have played in the incident that led to charges in the case. This information was contained within hundreds of pages of transcript from an internal investigation provided by the defense. Specifically, Sheriff Williams made statements that are self-incriminating in nature. Further Sheriff Williams allegedly made admissions against his interest to at least two other people. The scope of the internal investigation was limited to whether the defendant and Chief Deputy Hirt committed misconduct. Accordingly, it appears from the investigative report generated as a result of the internal investigation that the self-incriminating statements allegedly made by Sheriff Williams were never followed up on. In an attempt to verify that fact, the State requested a copy of Sheriff Williams statement from the internal investigation from the defense. The State was told that defense counsel did not believe a statement have been taken from Sheriff Williams. It also appears from the investigative report that the witnesses Sheriff Williams allegedly made admissions against his interest to were not interviewed.  This new information, especially when considered in the context of what can reasonably be characterized as multiple ongoing attempts by Sheriff Williams to steer and influence the outcome of the independent criminal investigation into this incident by an outside agency, causes the State great concern. ... The prosecutor, as an officer of the court, and with the duty to seek justice, has an obligation to further investigate the role of Sheriff Victor Williams played in the incident that occurred in the Itasca County Sheriff's office on November 24, 2014 that led to these charges. Memorandum of Law and Fact in support of State's Motion for Continuance of Jury Trial in Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs. Anna Marie Cass. Dated: November 19, 2015.
Electronically signed by Lisa B. Hanson #302235 lisa.hanson@co.lake.mn.us

No recording of an interrogation should be destroyed or altered without written authorization from the prosecuting attorney and the Investigation supervisor or pursuant to the Office records retention policy after closure of the case file. Copies of recorded interrogations or interviews may be made in the same or different format, provided they are true, accurate and complete copies and are made only for authorized and legitimate law enforcement purposes or otherwise authorized or required by law. 600.3 RECORDING OF CUSTODIAL INTERROGATIONS Investigation and Prosecution - 413 Adoption Date: 2014/10/29 © 1995-2014 Lexipol, LLC Beltrami County Sheriff's Office Policy Manual Policy 600 Investigation and Prosecution

BCA Deployment Report - Lake Co. Sheriff's Dept. - Lake Co. Attorney's Office ORI: MN0380000, County: Lake, Agency Type: Law Enforcement, Name: Lake County Sheriff, Module: Citation, Date Deployed: 1/28/2010, Last Adapter Used: DAMION Shield, ORI: MN0380000, County: Lake, Agency Type: Law Enforcement, Name: Lake County Sheriff, Module: DWI, Date Deployed: 6/30/2013, Last Adapter Used: eCharging, ORI: MN038013A, County: Lake, Agency Type: Prosecuting Authority, Name: Lake County Attorney, Module: Complaint, Date Deployed: 5/1/2013, Last Adapter Used: DAMION Prosecutor.

https://www.co.aitkin.mn.us/board-Minutes/2016-Pkts/Feb9-2016/2E-020916.pdf Government Data practices 8.1 BCA and Agency. The Agency and BCA must comply with the Minnesota Government Data practices Act. Minn. stat. ch. 13, as it applies to all data accessible under this Agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Agency under this Agreement. The remedies of Minn. stat. §§ l3.08 and l3.09 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either the Agency or the BCA.

Type of Report: 2 1 - Disbursement Journal By WARRANT# 2 - Disbursement Journal By FUND Specific Dates: From: 01/01/2014 Thru: 11/23/2015
Comments: FUND Sheriff Department payments 01-01-14 to 11-23-15
2014 LEXIPOL DUES MINNESOTA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION $1,899.00 Invoice #14-0125, Warrant Number: 181614
2015 LEXIPOL DUES MINNESOTA SHERIFFS ASSOCIATION $1,899.00 Invoice #15-0125, Warrant Number: 187850

http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspol.html Data Practices Policies Entities adopting the model policies linked above must notify the Commissioner of Administration and may do so by using this notification. http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspol-adopt.docx Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies [Name of entity] has adopted the Commissioner’s Model Policy for the Public and Model Policy for Data Subjects. This notice to the Commissioner satisfies [name of entity]’s obligation under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.073, subdivision 6. *Government entities may submit this notification by mail or email: http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspol-adopt.docx

ULS License Microwave Public Safety Pool License - WQMM977 - Lake County Sheriff's Office P:(218)834-8385 F:(218)834-8445 E:carey.johnson@co.lake.mn.us

Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State of Minnesota vs Anna Marie Cass
Charges: Cass, Anna Marie
1. Intercept Wire/Elect/Oral Communication-F 626A.02.1(a) Level: Felony Date: 11/24/2014 Disposition: 11/19/2015 Dismissed
2. Intercept Wire/Elect/Oral Communication-F 626A.02.1(a) Level: Felony Date: 11/24/2014 Disposition: 07/31/2015 Dismissed
11/19/2015 Dismissal by Prosecuting Attorney Pursuant to Rule 30.01 Doc ID# 66
11/20/2015 CANCELED Pre-trial  (10:00 AM) (Judicial Officer LeDuc, Charles H.) Dismissed
11/23/2015 Reset by Court to 11/20/2015
11/20/2015 CANCELED   Jury Trial  (12:00 PM) (Judicial Officer LeDuc, Charles H.) Dismissed
11/23/2015 Reset by Court to 11/20/2015
12/17/2015 Transcript Doc ID# 67

According to the criminal complaint, Cass spoke to a clerical deputy she supervises about some of the deputy’s duties, upsetting her. The clerical deputy then spoke to another supervisor, who saw the deputy was upset and suggested they speak in an interview room. During the conversation, the supervisor noted that he was not the clerical deputy’s supervisor regarding the issues that concerned her that day. The supervisor later learned the conversation had been monitored by Cass. Cass faces two felony charges Posted: Sunday, March 8, 2015 6:00 am by Lisa Rosemore Grand Rapids Herald-Review

The complaint stated that Cass asked another clerical deputy to turn on the monitoring equipment and audio system for the interview room, then asked that clerical deputy to leave. ...The investigation was conducted by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office and is being prosecuted by the Lake County Attorney’s Office. Itasca County Sheriff Vic Williams said in an earlier interview that Cass has been placed on paid administrative leave as of March 6. Defense seeks dismissal of charges for administrative officer Posted: Friday, June 5, 2015 4:57 pm By Lisa Rosemore Herald-Review

The other was dismissed without prejudice, meaning it could be filed again at a later date, by Lake County prosecutor Lisa Hanson. ... Hanson stated that as a prosecutor, she has a duty to seek justice and “in this case, I believe that duty obligates me to conduct further investigation into the role Sheriff Victor Williams played in the incident that occurred in the Itasca County Sheriff’s Office on Nov. 24, 2014 that led to these charges ... I do not believe justice would be served by continuing to trial without this follow-up investigation.” Charges against sheriff’s administrative officer are dismissed     By Lisa Rosemore Herald-Review Nov 25, 2015

Hanson states that as a prosecutor, she has a duty to seek justice. But that she does not believe justice would be served to continue Cass' trial without a follow-up investigation into the role of Sheriff Williams. She said charges can be re-filed later if still appropriate. Charges Against Itasca Co. Sheriff's Dept. Administrator Dismissed Updated: 11/20/2015 10:50 PM Created: 11/20/2015 4:23 PM WDIO.com

Sheriff Vic Williams, Chief Deputy Denise Hirt and Supervisor Albert Morse denied allegations that they made former deputy Troy Ugrich's work environment so miserable he felt he must quit.  Ugrich filed a federal lawsuit April 18, saying that after he publicly backed Sheriff Williams' opponent, he was singled-out and targeted.  In court documents, the defendants say they "deny retaliating against Plaintiff because of any political speech that he may have engaged in." Response Filed in Lawsuit Against Itasca County Sheriff  Baihly Warfield, WDIO  Updated: 05/25/2016 10:01 PM Created: 05/25/2016 4:42 PM

The documents also allege the Chief Deputy, Denise Hirt, accused Ugrich of "misuse of county equipment."  According to the lawsuit, Ugrich also received a letter from the sheriff in September 2015 that informed him he was being criminally investigated for "theft of public funds involving government property." Ugrich was placed on administrative leave during that investigation, but the Crow Wing County Attorney, who took on the case, couldn't find any "chargeable criminal misconduct." Former Deputy Sues Itasca County Sheriff Baihly Warfield, WDIO Updated: 04/28/2016 8:34 PM Created: 04/28/2016 5:34 PM

A former Itasca County deputy has filed a federal lawsuit against Itasca County, Sheriff Vic Williams, Chief Deputy Denise Hirt and Investigator-Supervisor A.J. Morse. ... In an 18-page response to the complaint, filed Friday afternoon, Jessica Schwie from the law firm of Lardine, Logan and O’Brien, representing the defendants, categorically denied all the allegations. ... “We intend to fully defend this lawsuit, including the frivolous and disingenuous claims made,” Schwie stated. Former deputy files federal suit By Lisa Rosemore Herald-Review May 20, 2016

Itasca Co. Sheriff Vic Williams Tampering With Witnesses In Case No. 31-CR-15-571 State Of Minnesota VS (TRIAD/SALT Treasurer) Itasca Co. Admin. Records Anna Marie Cass (Vic's & Chief Judge LeDuc's "Girl Friday", Right?) Lake Co. Attorney Laura M. Auron ( And Lake Co. Sheriff Carey Johnson, Right?) Caught Illegally Withholding Readily Available Free Electronic Public Data? How Can Lake Co.'s Auron Be Trusted To Investigate And Prosecute "Good Ol Boy #2" Williams If She Can't Be Trusted To Fulfill A Simple Data Request Without Breaking The Law, Huh? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2015/11/itasca-co-sheriff-vic-williams.html

One of the key elements of eCourtMN is the establishment of eFiling and eService – giving case participants the ability to submit documents to the court and serve documents to opposing parties electronically, through an online portal. This allows court customers to file documents without traveling to the courthouse or paying for postage or courier costs, allows filers to submit documents immediately and outside of courthouse business hours, and allows court documents to be sent to filers electronically. eFiling now available in all 87 Minnesota district courts Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 http://www.mncourts.gov/About-The-Courts/NewsAndAnnouncements/ItemDetail.aspx?id=1232 http://www.mncourts.gov/File-a-Case/File-in-A-District-Trial-Court/eFSRollout.aspx eFile/eServe Rollout 2015 Lake Sixth Judicial District Mandatory

Are there any formatting requirements I should be aware of as I prepare court documents for eFiling ? Minn. Gen. R. Prac. 14.03 provides guidelines for document formatting.  Please note that effective September 16, 2013, all documents must be submitted in PDF format, and certain documents will need to be submitted in a text-searchable PDF format.  For details, please see the  Guide to eFiling with “Searchable” Portable Document Format (PDFs) in  Minnesota  District Courts that is posted at : http://mncourts.gov/efile http://www.mncourts.gov/Documents/0/Public/Court_Information_Office/eCourtMN/eFile_and_eServe_FAQs_v2.pdf
https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=13.025&format=pdf https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=13.025 Subd. 2. Public data access policy. The responsible authority shall prepare a written data access policy and update it no later than August 1 of each year, and at any other time as necessary to reflect changes in personnel, procedures, or other circumstances that impact the public's ability to access data. ... Subd. 4. Availability. The responsible authority shall make copies of the policies required under subdivisions 2 and 3 easily available to the public by distributing free copies to the public or by posting the policies in a conspicuous place within the government entity that is easily accessible to the public or by posting it on the government entity's Web site.

from:    Laura Auron
to:    "lionnews00@gmail.com"
date:    Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 10:54 AM
subject:    FW: State of Minnesota v. Anna Marie Cass Data Requests
mailed-by:    co.lake.mn.us
Second Attempt

Laura M. Auron
Lake County Attorney
601 Third Avenue
Two Harbors, Minnesota 55616

From: Laura Auron
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 10:45 AM
To: 'llionnews00@gmail.com'
Subject: FW: State of Minnesota v. Anna Marie Cass

Mr. Terry Dean Nemmers,

I am in receipt of your email sent to my office on Sunday, November 22, 2015. You requested the following data pursuant to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Chapter 13 of Minnesota Statutes:

1.      Friday 02/27/2015 Complaint Summons State of Minnesota v. Anna Marie Cass
Response: Complaint is attached.
2.      Thursday 11/19/2015 Dismissal by Prosecuting Attorney Pursuant to Rule 30.01 State of Minnesota v. Anna Marie Cass
Response: Dismissal, Notice of Motion and Motion, Memorandum and Supporting Affidavit filed in 38-CR-15-571, State of Minnesota v. Anna Marie Cass, attached
3.      Any and all press releases for State of Minnesota v. Anna Marie Cass
Response: Lake County does not possess the requested data
4.      Criminal investigative data for Case No. 31-CR-15-571, State of Minnesota v. Anna Marie Cass
Response: The requested data is confidential or protected nonpublic data while the investigation is active pursuant to Minnesota Statute 13.82 subd.7.  Investigation is active and continues in this and related matters.
               5a.  Lake County Sheriff’s Dept 2015 Lexipol Policy and Procedure Manual
                       Response:   Lake County does not possess the requested data
                5b.   2015 Lexipol Custody Manual
                       Response:   Lake County does not possess the requested data
                5c.   2015 Lexipol Prisoner Manual
                       Response:   Lake County does not possess the requested data
                5d.   2015 Lake County Sheriff’s dept evidence packaging manual
                       Response:  Lake County does not possess the requested data
                5e.  2015 Lake County Data Practice Manual
Response:  Lake County is in the process of updating and implementing the Data Practices Manual and will provide a copy after approval by the Lake County Board of Commissioners anticipated in December 2015. Lake County complies with Chapter 13 of Minnesota Statutes in the dissemination of data.
                5f.    2015 Lake County Personnel handbook
                       Response:   Lake County does not possess the requested data
Please do not hesitate to contact me is you have additional requests or if I misunderstood the data you requested. I attached the Lake County Data Request form which I ask that you use for future data requests.

Laura M. Auron
Lake County Attorney
601 Third Avenue
Two Harbors, Minnesota 55616

More to come . . . .

Related links:

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