Thursday, July 31, 2014

Scandal Alert! Demand For Booking Data For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan James Stanek & Illegally Withheld Data? Photos Of Mud, Shovel And Ryan's Truck Still Illegally Being Withheld, Right? Case Number For Ryan's Rigged Felony Case Top Secret For Purposes Of Cover-up??

How many people want to see the mug shot for felonious Ryan James Stanek, son of Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek, huh? Show of hands, okay?

Rich Stanek, County Sheriff                  July 31, 2014
Hennepin Cty Sheriff's Office              Emailed to:
350 S. Sixth St. - Rm. 6                    
Minneapolis, MN 55415                   

Re: Chapter 13 data - Booking data For Ryan James Stanek & Illegally Withheld Data (Forward to the proper department/agency, if necessary)

Please email me the following public data:

1. A copy of the Order for Booking which the prosecuting attorney has written for the judge to sign for your son, Ryan James Stanek. (Oh, by the way, what is the case number for your son's rigged case?)
2. A copy of the booking video for your son, Ryan James Stanek. (I want to add it to my collection, don't I?) Lion News: Booking Video Of Stalker Cook Co. Attorney Timmy Scannell -- Illegally Withheld?
3. A copy of the mugshots (Front, Left side and Right side) for your son, Ryan James Stanek.
4. Pictures of Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's son, Ryan's truck that are still currently being illegally withheld from me by Three Rivers District Park personnel.

Terry Dean, Nemmers
20179 County Road               P.S. Your mystery affiant “forgot” to sign Ryan's phony complaint, huh?
Glenwood, MN 56334           What is the name, rank and badge number of the mystery affiant?

I came upon three vehicles. … (3) A red Ford LGT Coventional Truck, with MN plate/509ELE, just of the trail facing north. The vehicle visibly appeared stuck. Mud was half way up on its tires and there was a shovel lying next to the vehicle on the passenger side. … Photos of the damaged trail have been downloaded into the Public Safety/ps/2014 Case Photos & Reports/Melissa Jenson/14002351 photos file. ICR: 14002351. Date of this report 05/06/2014.

Ryan Stanek and the other drivers, Lee Kalkbrenner, 21, and Trevor M. Anderson, 18, had decided to go four-wheeling in the park, according to the complaint, and Stanek told police he had tried to drive his four-wheeler up a hill on the trail but couldn’t make it. Hennepin County sheriff’s son is charged over damage at park by David Chanen and Pat Pheifer, Star Tribune. Updated: July 22, 2014 - 9:16 PM.

Ryan Stanek, 22, is now charged with criminal damage to property in the first degree. According the charges, on April 30 Stanek and a couple of his friends decided to take their trucks and go “mudding” through the Three River Park District horse trails at 3 a.m. They got stuck and did more than $5,000 in damage to the trails. Hennepin County sheriff's son charged with felony for mudding incident by Tom Lyden, KMSP-TV. Posted: Jul 18, 2014 4:47 PM CST

Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Charges Filed As Result Of Nemmers' July 18, 2014 Phone Calls To City Of Independence & City Of Maple Plain? Bad Behavior By Independence Mayor Marvin Johnson & Clerk-Administrator Toni Hirsch Caught On Audio? Three Rivers Park Police Lurking On Website And Still Illegally Withholding Ryan Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures? Beer Cans At The Scene? Page 1 of 1

Not only do I want to see Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's son, Ryan's mugshot, but I want to see the booking video of Ryan's mugshots, don't I?

However, the chances of seeing Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's son, Ryan's mugshots are slim to none, right? That's right, isn't it?

Why you ask? Because I don't believe that Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's son, Ryan actually had a criminal complaint filed against him, do I?

Why you ask? For many reasons, right? That's right, isn't it?

The most obvious one is the missing incriminating muddy truck pictures of Ryan's truck, right?

I came upon three vehicles. … (3) A red Ford LGT Coventional Truck, with MN plate/509ELE, just of the trail facing north. The vehicle visibly appeared stuck. Mud was half way up on its tires and there was a shovel lying next to the vehicle on the passenger side. … Photos of the damaged trail have been downloaded into the Public Safety/ps/2014 Case Photos & Reports/Melissa Jenson/14002351 photos file. ICR: 14002351. Date of this report 05/06/2014.

Another reason is the wild and outrageous claims that charges are filed when court official won't tell me the case number, right?

Ryan Stanek and the other drivers, Lee Kalkbrenner, 21, and Trevor M. Anderson, 18, had decided to go four-wheeling in the park, according to the complaint, and Stanek told police he had tried to drive his four-wheeler up a hill on the trail but couldn’t make it. Hennepin County sheriff’s son is charged over damage at park by David Chanen and Pat Pheifer, Star Tribune. Updated: July 22, 2014 - 9:16 PM.

Ryan Stanek, 22, is now charged with criminal damage to property in the first degree. According the charges, on April 30 Stanek and a couple of his friends decided to take their trucks and go “mudding” through the Three River Park District horse trails at 3 a.m. They got stuck and did more than $5,000 in damage to the trails. Hennepin County sheriff's son charged with felony for mudding incident by Tom Lyden, KMSP-TV. Posted: Jul 18, 2014 4:47 PM CST

Not to mention that the 07-23-14 email from Dakota County Attorney Jimmy Backstrom stated that Ryans' complaint had not been filed into the state court computers as of Wednesday, July 23, 2014, right?

Not to mention that all the players in the cover-up are trained and profession liars, right?

Oh, and now I have copies of Ryan Stanek's marijuana bust, don't I? I do, don't I?

More to come . . .

Related links:

Rogers Police Department Makes Lion News Part Of E-Roll Call? Rogers Police Keeping Up On Rigged Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan James Stanek By Reading Lion News? Rigged Case No. 27-CR-14-21295 State of Minnesota vs RYAN JAMES STANEK?

Scandal Alert! Disturbing Revelations About Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Forced To Give Nemmers & Others Criminal Complaint? Stanek's Criminal Complaint Mysteriously Sitting On Court Clerk's Desk And Not In State Court Computer System? Nemmers Isn't Stupid Enough To Fall For that Loony Tale, Is He? Still Beer Cans But Still Not Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures, Huh?

Scandal Alert! Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Two Different Set Of Laws, Right? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Illegally Withholding Criminal Complaint From Nemmers & Others? Co. Attorneys Contemptuously Treating People Interested In Stanek's Criminal Complaint As Their Little Bitches? Nemmers Doesn't "Fetch," Does He? Beer Cans But Not Stanek's Truck?

Scandal Alert! Ask For Data On Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Destruction Of Park Property & Get Harassed By Three River Park District Police Lt. Ross Gullickson? Gullickson Sends Over 150+ Harassing Emails? Hugo McPhee, Director of Public Safety Makes Wild Claim He Didn't Hear Me Giving My Phone Number The Three (3) Times On Complaint Voice Mail? Teenager Angela Marie Tadych Was Arrested For Similar Mudding Crime - Case No. 34-JV-13-199?

Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Charges Filed As Result Of Nemmers' July 18, 2014 Phone Calls To City Of Independence & City Of Maple Plain? Bad Behavior By Independence Mayor Marvin Johnson & Clerk-Administrator Toni Hirsch Caught On Audio? Three Rivers Park Police Lurking On Website And Still Illegally Withholding Ryan Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures? Beer Cans At The Scene?

Don't Be Deceived! You Should Be Very Suspicious Of Any Criminal Case That Lacks Technology In The Age Of Technology, Shouldn't You? You Should, Shouldn't You? We Live In The Age Of eCourt, eFiling, eDiscovery, Squad Audio/Video, Squad Laptop Computers, Taser Video, Personal Audio Recorders, Body Cameras, Digital Cameras, Video Interrogation, State Of The Art Dispatch Traffic, Etc. Don't We? So One Of The Very First Questions You Should Ask Is: Is The Technology Missing From This Case, Right?

Don't Be Deceived! You should be very suspicious of any criminal cases that lacks technology in the age of technology, shouldn't you? You should, shouldn't you? We live in the age of eCourt, eFiling, eDiscovery, squad audio/video, squad laptop computers, taser video, personal audio recorders, body cameras, digital cameras, video interrogation, state of the art dispatch traffic, etc. don't we? So one of the very first questions you should ask is: Is the technology missing from this case, right?

And, if the technology is missing, then you need to start asking why the technology is missing, don't you? And once you receive the retarded unsubstantiated assertion that the technology is missing you need make them provide you with concrete evidence/physical proof to back up their wild and outrageous assertions, don't you? You do, don't you?

Example: If the wild and outrageous assertions are that the dash cam video or squad audio/video wasn't functioning properly during the traffic stop, then you need to ask the following questions, don't you? You do, don't you?

1. Was the dash cam video or squad audio/video checked prior to going out on patrol?
2. If the dash cam video or squad audio/video was found not to be working prior to going out on patrol, then was it reported to someone higher up in the chain of command?
3. Who was it reported to?
4. Can a copy of the message be produced?
5. Can a copy of the work order for the repair be produced?
6. Who contacted the manufacturer?
6. Can a copy of the invoice from the repair be produced?
7. Can a copy of the payment for the repair be produced?

Cops and prosecutors are trained and professionals liars, aren't they? They are, aren't they? So, you should question everything they say, shouldn't you? You should, shouldn't you?

If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.  Proverbs 29:12 King James Version (KJV).

Bonus round:

Lt. Colonel Matt Langer
MN State Patrol
445 Minnesota Street #130
St. Paul, MN 55101
651-201-7114 (w)
612-919-8178 (c)

This is the State Patrol's Lt. Colonel Matthew Langer's retarded unsubstantiated assertion that files are "too large email," isn't it?

You should ask:

1. What is the size of the file?
2. How many pages make up the file?
3. Are the files in "searchable pdf" format?

They won't answer these questions, will they? Why? They don't want to incriminate themselves, do they? The files could be zipped down, couldn't they? They could, couldn't they? The files could be sent in multiple emails couldn't they? Or they could just stop lying about the size of the files and just email the files, right? That's right, isn't it?
NEW! Effective September 16, 2013, all e-filed documents, whether in mandatory or voluntary case types, must be submitted in “searchable” PDF format. Visit the eFile Support Center for more details and other important notices.

Extra Special Bonus!

Click here to download these items

Note From Rinke:

Mr. Nemmers:

Our office serves as the city attorney for the City of Rockville. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 13.03, and in response to your request for data submitted to the City of Rockville on August 4, 2014, attached are the following documents: (1) City of Rockville Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Policy; and (2) City of Rockville Employee Policy Manual. Note that additional information requested from the City pertaining to citations, policy manuals, and procedure manuals of the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department are not in the possession of the City. To the extent you would want this information we recommend requesting it from the responsible authority of the Stearns County Sheriff’s Department in accordance with Minn. Stat. § 13.03.

ShareFile is a tool for sending, receiving, and organizing your business files online. It can be used as a password-protected area for sharing information with clients and partners, and it's an easy way to send files that are too large to e-mail.

Penalty Phase?

eCharging from the 2013 Minnesota Prosecutor's Manual

Originating Agency - ICR's & Complaints

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Don't Be Deceived! You Should Be Very Suspicious Of Any Criminal Case That Lacks Technology In The Age Of Technology - Part 2? Why Are These Criminal Officers Of The Corrupt & Rigged Courts Charging You For Paper Copies When Everything Is Electronic? To Drive Up The Costs And To Force You To Plead Guilty, Right? That's Right, Isn't It? Common Criminal Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall Is Doing That In State Of Mn VS Robert Earl Rhoades Case No. 73-CR-13-5992, Isn't She? Corrupt Kendall Doesn't Want To Prove You Guilty, Does She? Corrupt Kendall Would Rather Break Your Will And Break You Financially, Wouldn't She?

Racist Comment & Illegally Withheld Evidence In State Of Mn VS Robert Earl Rhoades Case No. 73-CR-13-5992? St. Cloud City Attorney Matthew Staehling Aiding & Abetting Stearns Co. Attorney Janelle Kendall In Cover-Up? St. Cloud's First Black Chief Of Police Wm. Blair Anderson Doesn't Want To Take Complaint Or Evidence Of Racist Statement? Nemmers Really Blindsided Corrupt St. Cloud On This One, Didn't He?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

MAHS Principal Craig Peterson Retaliates Against His Rape Victim Former Morris School Teacher & UMM Violence Prevention's KiloMarie Dunn (Granda) By Suing Her?

A little birdy just whispered this into my ear, didn't it?

MAHS Principal Craig Peterson retaliates against his rape victim former Morris School Teacher & UMM Violence Prevention's KiloMarie Dunn (Granda) by suing her? Peterson's passive-aggressive behavior is proactive way of silencing KiloMarie Dunn (Granda)?

Lest we forget, right? Peterson Complaint!

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Raped Former Morris School Teacher & UMM Violence Prevention's KiloMarie Dunn (Granda)? Who Leaked The Info? Nemmers Wants Rapist Peterson To Sign Release For Closed Hearing? Demand For Criminal Investigative Data From Special Prosecutor Anderson For Case No. 75-CR-13-351?

Confirmed: Reid Technique Trained Rapist & MAHS Principal Craig Peterson Wants Rape Record Expunged? MAHS School Board Mysteriously Withdraws Records Request For Rapist Peterson? Stevens Co.'s Jordan Answers For Special Prosecutor Anderson Again? No Mention Of Specific Reasons For Rape Dismissal - Illegally Withheld Data - Criminal Charges Or Why Special Prosecutor Doesn't Sign Any Paperwork, Right? How Will Corrupt School Officials & Corrupt Law Enforcement Keep Peterson's Rape Victim (DOB 1983) In The Skeleton Closet? Principal Peterson Must Attend Alcoholics Anonymous & Rapists Anonymous To Keep Job?

MAHS Principal Craig Peterson Update: Demand For Criminal Investigative Data? Criminal Charges Filed Against Morris Area High School Superintendent Scott Monson, City of Morris City Manager Blaine Hill & Stevens Co. Sheriff Jason Dingman For Illegally Withholding Public Data? Peterson Trying To Expunge Rigged Rape Case? Special Prosecutor/Grant Co. Attorney Justin Anderson Illegally WithHolding Judd Hoff Data? Another Rigged Case, Huh? Stevens Co. Attorney Jordan Fails To Substantiate Why Peterson Case Dropped? Norman Co. Substantiated Why Mayor Sortland's Rape Case Dropped, Right? 

Prediction: Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Will Get The Duluth Police Officer Richard Jouppi Treatment And Get Fired After Rigged Criminal Case Finds The Criminals Innocent, Won't He? Nemmers' Coverage Made Peterson Too Toxic For Corrupt School's Image? It's Why Superintendent Scott Monson Was Tossed Overboard, Right? Confirmed: Special Prosecutor Justin Anderson's Signature Not On Peterson's Dismissal? MAHS IP Address Lurking On Lion News?

Marshall School Knowingly Hires Common Criminal Scott Monson For Superintendent? Marshall IP Address On Lion News Gathering Data About Morris Superintendent Prior To Job Offer? Monson Still Trying To Get Away From Reid Technique Trained Rapist Morris Principal Craig Peterson?

Nemmers' Prediction Comes True: MAHS Principal Craig Peterson's Rape Charges Dropped? Peterson Receives Special "Get Out Of Felony Rape Charges Now School Is Out For Summer" Deal, Doesn't He? No Special Prosecutor For State of Minnesota vs Morris Area School Head of Facilities David Stoffer (Case No. 75-CR-12-237)? Where Is Data For State of Minnesota vs Judd Bradford Hoff Case No. 26-CR-13-204? Special Prosecutor Anderson Still Too Busy Rigging Peterson's Case To Fullfill Data Request?

Will Morris Area High School Principal Craig Peterson Get The Special "Get Out Of Felony Rape Charges Now School Is Out For Summer" Deal? (Case No. 75-CR-13-351) Why Wasn't Peterson Charged With False Imprisonment? Will Special Prosecutor Anderson Respond Or Illegally Withhold Data Like City/County Attorney Jordan Does?

Nemmers Dashes Morris Area Public School Superintendent Scott Monson's Hopes Of Dream Job As Detroit Lakes School Principle? DL School Board Informed Of Monson's Illegal Data Dodging Operation? Monson's Plot Was To Protect Reid Technique Trained Rapist & School Principle Craig Peterson?

Morris City Attorney/Stevens Co. Attorney Aaron Jordan & City Manager Blaine Hill Illegally Withholding Public Data Again?

Morris City Attorney Aaron Jordan & City Manager Blaine Hill Conspire To Illegally Withhold Starbuck City Council Member Michael Moen's Public Data? Fears That Data Will Expose Pope Co. Attorney Neil Nelson's Rigged Trial For Glenwood City Commissioner Kyle "The Fixer" Thompson? Certified Copy of Moen Complaint?

Tim's Team Is Still Trying To Give Convicted Criminal Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell The "Sweetheart" Treatment, Aren't They? Commissioner Gary Gamble's Cheesy November 2, 2013 Letter Proclaims Phony Desire For Justice While Scannell Conspiring With Sheriff Falk & Assist Co. Attorney Hicken To Illegally Withhold Scannell Data From Nemmers? Gamble Is Only Proactively Monitoring To Make Sure Scannell Is Getting His "Sweetheart" Treatment, Right?

Wow, it sure looks like "Tim's Team" is still trying to make sure convicted criminal Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell the "Sweetheart" treatment, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

How would you like to have all the county's resources at your disposal to cover up crime, huh? Well, the decent people wouldn't, but you know what I mean, don't you?

Cook County Commissioner Garry Gamble said the county’s Board of Commissioners will address Scannell’s status at a special public board meeting Thursday. The board is seeking legal counsel as to how it may proceed, Gamble said, and will hold off any action until a collective decision is reached. In Cook County, there isn’t a set protocol for unseating a public official such as Scannell, Gamble said. Cook County Attorney Scannell apologizes after conviction for sexual misconduct By Kyle Farris on Jul 28, 2014 at 10:58 p.m.

And Cook Co. Commissioner Gary Gamble has been on "Tim's Team" from the very beginning, hasn't he? He has, hasn't he? (Above: Email noticing Gamble and other commissioners of criminal misconduct by Sheriff Falk- which they ignored, right?)

Cook Co. Commissioner Gary Gamble would have to be on "Tim's Team" to willfully ignore that fact that Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell was conspiring with Sheriff Mark Falk & Assist Co. Attorney Molly Hicken to illegally withhold Scannell data from Nemmers, right? That's right, isn't it?

You'll know them by their fruits, right? So Gamble is asked to show what he has done to "proactively monitor" the situation, right?

Garry Gamble, District 2 11-02-13
P.O. Box 477 Emailed to:
Grand Marais MN, 55604,
Telephone: Home: 218-370-2547,
Email: Re: Chapter 13 data - Specific details on claim
of very limited authority over elected officials
Please provide the following public data for Cook county:
1. Provide the specific details on your claim of very limited authority over elected officials.
a. Give a complete listing of these powers.
b. Describe each power in detail.
c. Where do you derive this authority from? Provide the specific law, policy, or political strategy.
d. Which of these powers have you exercised in the Cook County Attorney Timothy
Christopher Scannell incident? Provide: date and action.
2. Provide the data on the existence and status of any complaints or charges against Cook County Attorney Timothy Christopher Scannell, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action. Chapter 13.43 Personnel data, Subd. 2 Public data (4), (5).
3. Provide the data on the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees of the public body. Chapter 13.43 Personnel data, Subd. 2 Public data (4), (5).
4. Are you willing to initiate or sign a petition for a recall election pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 351? Yes or No? Or is does your “sweetheart deal” with Scannell preclude that valid strategy? Your proactive monitoring is really the “Kick the can down the road” strategy, isn't it?
Since I took the time an effort to write you this letter I fully expect the common courtesy of a letter in return. However, I am not expecting common courtesy in return, am I?
Terry Dean, Nemmers Phone: (320) 283-5713
20179 County Road 28 Blog:
Glenwood, MN 56334
The Board does not have the authority to unilaterally reprimand, suspend, or remove an elected official. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 351 sets forth the procedure that must be followed for a recall election of an elected official to take place when malfeasance or nonfeasance of an elected official is demonstrated. Press Release, Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:31.

The Cook County Board of Commissioners will continue to proactively monitor the situation with the goal, to the fullest extent allowed by the law, of ensuring that the interests of all parties involved and the citizens of Cook County are protected. Press Release, Thursday, 31 October 2013 12:31. Page 1 of 1

Below: Commissioner Gary Gamble's Cheesy November 2, 2013 Letter Proclaims Phony Desire For Justice While Scannell Conspiring With Sheriff Falk & Assist Co. Attorney Hicken To Illegally Withhold Scannell Data From Nemmers?

Gamble's cheesy and phony letter can be summed up like this, can't it? Criminal Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell has rights and you don't, correct? That's correct, isn't it?

One option for Gamble was to freeze that salary for Criminal Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell, right? That's right, isn't it?
Mission Statement: The mission of the Becker County Attorney's Office is to enhance public safety by aggressively and fairly prosecuting those who violate the law; to provide quality legal representation to county government; and to steadfastly protect the rights of crime victims and advocate the cause of justice.

Do you see anywhere in the cheesy letter where it is mentioned that Gamble will try to freeze Criminal Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell's salary? You don't, do you?

Aggressiveness: The Tantrum Trap … aggressive people are insistent on standing up for their own rights while ignoring and violating the rights of others. Contacts: Communicating Interpersonally, by Teri Kwal Gamble & Michael Gamble, page 351.

Another option for Gamble was to initiate a no confidence vote for Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell, right? That's right, isn't it?

The mission of the Cook County Attorney's Office is to:

Serve the people of Cook County;

Protect and provide for the public safety by the vigorous and just prosecution of adult and juvenile violations of the law;

Provide support and assistance to victims and witnesses of crimes;

Provide quality legal advice and effective representation to Cook County and its citizens;

Protect children from neglect and abuse;

Support children and families by seeking the fair enforcement of child support obligations;

Provide leadership and guidance on legal and public policy issues important to the citizens of Cook County.

Do you see anywhere in the cheesy letter where it is mentioned that Gamble will try to initiate a no confidence vote for Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell? You don't, do you?

It has been stated of witnesses in court that what they say is not as important as how they say it. Unfortunately, an anxious, rambling, absent-minded witness who is telling the truth is less likely to believed than a lying witness who comes across as confident, unyielding, and certain. The witness  must appreciate what lawyers have known for years: the courtroom is a stage where attorney's carefully direct a drama wherein witnesses unfold their story before the jury's eyes. The jury represents the audience of this production and the witnesses become players. In this carefully constructed arena, the witness needs to fit the jury's image of someone who is telling the truth. Fred E. Inbau, John E. Reid, Joseph P. Buckley, Brian C. Jayne, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, 4th Ed., page 454.

Still another option is to seek outside counsel to explore the removal of Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell, right?

Do you see anywhere in the cheesy letter where it is mentioned that Gamble will seek outside counsel to explore the removal of Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell's? You don't, do you?

Neither Gamble nor the other commissioners (Tim's team, right?) were being "proactive" or even "aggressive" in finding out their options for dealing with the possible conviction of  Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell, were they? They weren't, were they?

Why? Gamble and the other corrupt Cook County Commissioners (Tim's team, right?) were counting on "Stalker" Scannell to win, right? That's right, isn't it?

And now that Tim's team lost by Scannell getting convicted they have to make up for lost time, right? That's right, isn't it?

And Tim's team is hoping that you aren't smart enough or your memory isn't long enough to remember that Tim's team said that they were going to be proactive and not reactive, right? That's right, isn't it?

And that is why the corrupt local officials of Cook County hate individuals like me, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Because individuals like me remind people like you of what the wild and outrageous claims and deeds of Tim's team were, right? That's right, isn't it?

So Tim's team isn't going to like it when I post my conversation with Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell's partner in crime, Assistant Cook Co. Attorney Molly Hicken, are they? They aren't, are they?

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Booking Video Of Stalker Cook Co. Attorney Timmy Scannell -- Illegally Withheld? Assistant Cook Co. Attorney Molly Hicken Aiding & Abetting Stalker Scannell By Malicious Data Dodge? Scannell & Hicken Are Partners In Crime, Aren't They? Rigged Trial On Monday 07/21/2014 (Case No. 16-CR-13-279) For Stalker Scannell? Or Mysterious Dismissal On Friday 07/18/2014?

Cook Co. Attorney Tim Scannell's Mugshots Given To Lap Dog Media WDIO-TV But Not To Nemmers? Venue Changed To St. Louis County Where Thug Duluth Police Office Richard Jouppi Given Special Treatment - Another Case Of No Mugshots? Sheriff Falk Common Criminal?

Lion News: Harassment Order For Cook Co. Attorney Tim “The Stalker” Scannell Read Online?

Cook Co. Attorney Timmy "The Stalker" Scannell's Legal Defense Fund Scam? Cook County’s Highest-Paid Employee, Making $102,000 A Year, Exchanges Sob Stories For Each Sucker's Donation?