Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Inside Story Of The Rigged High-Profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Criminal Case No.19HA-CR-15-2669? Installment #1? Sandra Not Only A Victim Of Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorney James "Sovereign Citizen" Backstrom's Malicious Prosecution But Sandra Victim Of Ineffective Assistance Of Counsel & Malpractice By Sandra's Defense Attorneys - Stephen Grigsby & So-Called Champion Of The Constitution & Supreme Court Candidate Michelle MacDonald? Sandra's So-Called Defense Fell For The Same Obstruction Of Justice Game Plan As In Case No. 10-CR-10-1003 State of Minnesota VS Caroline Marie Rice? Where Oh Where Is Sandra's Electronic Evidence And Electronic Case Files, Huh? Grigsby Makes Wild & Outrageous Claim That The Electronic Data Isn't Sandra's Property, Doesn't He? Incriminating Audios Of Both Grigsby & MacDonald?

Exclusive New Videos:

Lion News: Exclusive Video Of Samantha Rucki Calling Dakota County Judge Knutson A “Dick”?

Lion News: Exclusive Video Of Samantha Rucki Testifying Her Testimony Is Not Of Her Free Will?

Anyone who really knows me knows that I love to throw monkey wrenches into rigged criminal cases, don't they? They do, don't they? And that means throwing a monkey wrench into a corrupt prosecutor's plans or a backstabbing so-called defense attorney's plans, whether they be a privately hired backstabber or a backstabbing public pretender, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

And, as you know, I have been throwing monkey wrenches into the rigged high-profile cases for Sandra Grazzini-Rucki (rigged case no. 19HA-CR-15-2669) from the very beginning, haven't I? I have haven't I? Of course, to throw a monkey wrench into one rigged case throws a monkey wrench into all the other rigged cases, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

State of Minnesota vs Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold rigged case no. 19HA-CR-15-4227
State of Minnesota vs Douglas Craig Dahlen rigged case no. 19HA-CR-15-4229
State of Minnesota vs Gina Schmit Dahlen rigged case no. 19HA-CR-15-4230

Some of the biggest monkey wrenches cost Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz, not one, but two job opportunities, didn't they? They did, didn't they? Prokopowicz lost out on, not one opportunity, but two opportunities to become a corrupt first judicial district judge, didn't he? He did, didn't he? Prokopowicz was reported to the judicial selection committee for rigging the high-profile cases for Hennepin County Sheriff Rich Stanek's sonny boy Ryan and reported for the malicious prosecutions of Poor Dede and Sandra, wasn't he? He was, wasn't he?

A wise man scaleth the city of the mighty, and casteth down the strength of the confidence thereof. Proverbs 21:22 King James Version (KJV)

I'm not going to go through each and every successful strategy that I used to undermine the confidence in so-called law enforcement in lawless Dakota County, am I? I'm not, am I? Instead I'm going to start giving you the inside story of the internal struggles between Sandra and her so-called defense team, aren't I? I am, aren't I? The so-called defense team is comprised of not one time but two time suspended attorney Stephen Grigsby and short-time criminal defense  attorney - so-called defender of the constitution - and supreme court candidate Michelle MacDonald, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Minnesota Lawyer Record of Public Discipline and/or Disability Information:
Lawyer License No:     0291973
City, State:     MINNEAPOLIS, MN
Date Admitted to Minnesota Bar:     05/21/1999
Authorized to Practice?:     YES
Case Number    Date    Determination
A11-976     10/23/2012    Reinstatement
A11-976     07/11/2012    Suspension
A07-688     04/16/2009    Suspension
Minnesota Lawyer Record of Public Discipline and/or Disability Information:
Lawyer License No:     0182370
City, State:     WEST ST. PAUL, MN
Date Admitted to Minnesota Bar:     09/11/1987
Authorized to Practice?:     YES
Case Number    Date    Determination
A16-1282     08/10/2016    Pending

How do you know that I have the inside scoop? It's simple, isn't it? My audio recordings with Sandra, MacDonald and Grigsby will prove that I have the inside scoop, won't they? They will, won't they? It's their word versus my audio recordings, right? That's right, isn't it?

In fact, I just spoke with Grigsby and MacDonald just yesterday, didn't I? I did, didn't I? And Grigsby became very, very, very angry with me after I started asking him specific questions about the whereabouts of Sandra's property, didn't he? He did, didn't he? "What property," you ask? Didn't you know that your case files and your evidence are your property and not the property of the attorney?

Subject to certain exceptions, the general views of Opinion 13 are that: 1. File contents belong to the client and must be turned over to the client upon request. OPINION 13: COPYING COSTS By William J. Wernz, Director Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Reprinted from  Bench & Bar of Minnesota  (August 1989)

You see Sandra says that she doesn't have all her files and all her evidence, doesn't she? And, of course, Grigsby says she does, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he? So my audio recording has Grigsby saying all sorts of wild and outrageous things, doesn't it? And one of those wild and outrageous things was that Sandra's electronic files and her paper files weren't her property, wasn't it? It was, wasn't it?

So how was Sandra able to prepare for her rigged case if she was not able to have control over her own property . . . aka her electronic case files and her electronic evidence, hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? And, of course, the other individual who helped Sandra get convicted (MacDonald, right?) was all full of excuses and full of virtual roadblocks instead of real solutions to Sandra's missing property problem, wasn't she? She was, wasn't she?

It's trivia question time, isn't it?

Trivia Question #1: Which of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's attorneys failed to give Sandra Grazzini-Rucki her electronic discovery/evidence before they went on vacation? Hint: The vacation was soon after Sandra's 02/24/2016 interim conditional release from the Ramsey Co. Workhouse, wasn't it? It was, wasn't it?

Was it?:

A. Short-time criminal defense attorney Michelle MacDonald
B. So-called defender of the constitution Michelle MacDonald
C. Supreme court candidate Michelle MacDonald

Trivia Question #1 Answer:  A, B, C

It's history time, isn't it?

Michael Brodkorb ‏@mbrodkorb Grazzini-Rucki's new criminal attorney, Stephen Grigsby was very critical of Grazzini-Rucki's fmr. atty Michelle MacDonald. He said (1/2)... Retweet 1 Like 1 Lori Musolf  Steve Timmer 1:37 PM - 24 Nov 2015

Michael Brodkorb ‏@mbrodkorb demanding "a speedy omnibus before you’ve looked at the discovery to me is not something a competent lawyer would do." MacDonald did this. Retweet 1 Likes 2 Jack Ray Lori Musolf Steve Timmer 1:39 PM - 24 Nov 2015

Something to ponder, okay? How it is possible that Sandra's so-called defense team fell into lawless Dakota County's obstruction of justice trap when a previous high-profile case in lawless Carver County foreshadowed the exact same obstruction of justice trap, huh? Inquiring minds really, really want to know, don't they? They do, don't they?

STATE OF MINNESOTA IN COURT OF APPEALS A12 - 0855 State of Minnesota,  Respondent,  vs.  Caroline Marie Rice,  Appellant. Filed  August 19, 2013 Reversed and remanded Hudson , Judge Dissenting , Schellhas, Judge Carver County District Court File No. 10-CR-10-1003
Reasons why case was reversed and remanded:
1. Evidentiary errors
2. Jury instruction
3. Judicial conduct
4. Prejudicial error

Case No. 10-CR-10-1003 State of Minnesota vs Caroline Marie Rice
Events & Orders of the Court - DISPOSITIONS
Disposition (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C.)
1. Deprive Custody/Parent Rights-Cause Child Being Runaway (Not applicable - GOC) Convicted
2. Deprive Another-Cust/Parental Rights-Conceal Minor Convicted
3. Deprive-Custody/Parent Rights-Violation Court Order-Take Minor Convicted
Amended Disposition (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C.) Reason: Appeals Court Reversal
1. Deprive Custody/Parent Rights-Cause Child Being Runaway (Not applicable - GOC) Vacated
2. Deprive Another-Cust/Parental Rights-Conceal Minor Vacated
3. Deprive-Custody/Parent Rights-Violation Court Order-Take Minor Vacated
Amended Disposition (Judicial Officer: Perkins, Richard C.) Reason: Prosecution motion granted, Appeals Court Reversal
1. Deprive Custody/Parent Rights-Cause Child Being Runaway (Not applicable - GOC) Dismissed
2. Deprive Another-Cust/Parental Rights-Conceal Minor Dismissed
3. Deprive-Custody/Parent Rights-Violation Court Order-Take Minor Dismissed

11/30/2010 E-filed Comp-Warrant (Make sure you take note that electronic case files have been used since this high-profile case, okay?)

More to come . . .

Related links:

Corrupt Hastings Police Lurking & Skulking On Lion News On Day 5 Of Rigged High-Profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Criminal Case No.19HA-CR-15-2669? Corrupt Hastings Police Chief Schafer Still Illegally Withholding Poor Dede's ICR For Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Dakota Co. Attoneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena, Isn't He? Poor Dede Used Criminal Complaint To Throw Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Grazzini Case & And Into Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise Evavold, Right? Former Star Tribune Hack Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb Files False Police Report Against Poor Dede?

Poor Dede Throws Another Monkey Wrench Into Rigged High-Profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Criminal Case No.19HA-CR-15-2669? (And In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise Evavold, Right?) Poor Dede Forces Corrupt First Judicial District Chief Judge Conkel To Make Retarded Response? Corrupt Conkel Forced To Acknowledge Poor Dede's Criminal Complaint Against So-Called Officer Of The Court Corrupt Dakota County Attorney James "Sovereign Citizen" Backstrom? Conkel's Retarded "Solution" Was For Poor Dede To Grovel At So-Called Judge Karen "Show Trial" Asphaug's Feet? Asphaug Is Backstrom's Partner in Crime, Isn't She? Asphaug's Court Is A Crime Scene, Isn't It? Poor Dede Mysteriously Released From Her Subpoena?

Poor Dede Informs Tim Pitcher, Farmington Councilmember (651-492-4982 tpitcher@ci.farmington.mn.us) State Senator District 58 Candidate (651-492-4982 tim@timothypitcher.com) About His Fellow Candidate Lakeville Mayor/Lawyer Matt Little (Whose Residence Address Happens To Be Farmington) Has Been Aiding & Abetting In The Obstruction Of Justice In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre "Dede" Elise Evavold? Officer Of Corrupt Dakota Co. Court Dakota Co. Sheriff Timmy "Rabid Dog" Leslie Willfuly Refuses To Produce Tweeting/Recording Incident Report For Star Tribune Hack/Quack Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb? Receipt Of Complaint With Brian Jones, First Judicial District Administrator Acknowledged?

Poor Dede's Chapter 13 Data Request - Contact Information For LOGIS Attorney Advising Mike Garris, Executive Director To Violate MGDPA & Dept. Of Admin. Rules & Policies? Poor Dede Sends Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Dakota Co. Attoneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena & Evidence Of Witness Tampering In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State Of Minnesota VS. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki To Hastings Star Gazette? The Corrupt Lakeville Police Nor Corrupt Mayor Matt Little Wanted To Take Poor Dede's Clear, Precise, Unquestionable Evidence Of Witness Tampering, Did They? No Surprise, Right?

Is Poor Dede Going To Be Forced To File A Criminal Complaint Against Mike Garris Of LOGIS? Garris Doesn't Want To Stop Harassing Poor Dede With Fraudulent Bills, Does He? Garris Is Starting To Act Like Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena, Isn't He? Poor Dede Had To File Criminal Complaints Against Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena, Didn't She? She Did, Didn't He? Garris Doesn't Want To Answer If He Wants To Testify At Poor Dede's Rigged Trial, Does He? Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold, Right?

Poor Dede Wants Mike Garris Of LOGIS To Testfy At Her Rigged Trial? Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold, Right? Garris Can Testify How All The Illegally Withheld Discovery/Public Data Could Be Easily File Shared Via LOGIS File Share Software? Corrupt Dakota Co & Corrupt City Of Lakeville LOGIS Members, Right? File Share Proof $210.00 Fraudulent Bill For Readily Available, Free, Electronic Data Is Malicious Attempt To Keep Poor Dede Broke & In The Stone Age? NEWSFLASH: Common Criminal Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz Not Chosen For First Judicial Vacancy, Again? Thank You, Lord!

Poor Dede's Update Email To The Corrupt Judicial Selection Committee? First Judicial Candidate & Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz Still Illegally Withholding Poor Dede's Evidence For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Still No Surprise, Right? Prokopowicz's Partner In Crime Grant County Attorney Justin R. Anderson Also Illegally Withholding Evidence From Poor Dede In Related Cases 19-HA-CR-15-4229 & 19HA-CR-15 4230? Really No Surprise, Huh? Neither Prokopowicz Nor Anderson Can Win Cases Criminal Cases Withourt Illegally Withholoiding Evidence From Defendants That They Are Victimizing, Can They? Corrupt Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long Confesses That Poor Dede & Nemmers Have Been The Only Real Threat To Derailing Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State Of Minnesota VS. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki? Corrupt City Of Lakeville Being Crushed Under The Weight Of Poor Dede's Simple Message? If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz And Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony Are Still The Ones For You, Aren't They?

When Will Corrupt Grant Co. Sheriff Dwight Walvatne Stop Harassing Poor Dede Over Her Discovery/Public Data? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Corrupt Grant Co. Sheriff Dwight Walvatne Is Harassing Poor Dede Just Like Corrupt Police Chief Jeff Long & Corrupt Deputy Chief Of Police John Kornmann Did, Isn't He? Poor Dede Gets Another Harassing Email From Corrupt Lakeville Police Chief Long? No Surprise, Right?

If You Want A Criminal For A Corrupt Judge, Then Common Criminals Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz, Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony And Lake Of Woods County Attorney James Austad Are The Ones For You, Aren't They? Latest Fraudulent Bill Submitted By Phillip Prokopowicz To Poor Dede In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? My Criminal Complaint (DL-15-001626) Against Thilmony Is In Searchable PDF Format? Poor Dede Sends Email To Rigged Judicial Selection Committee For Common Criminal Chief Deputy Dakota County Attorney Phillip Prokopowicz? Corrupt Dakota County Want Nemmers To Do Their Job And Investigate Star Tribune's Hack Brandon Stahl's Confidential Informant "Deputy Leak"?

Poor Dede's Interview With Katrina Styx Of Hastings Star Gazzette? Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold Still Rigged, Isn't It? Corrupt Dakota County Lurking & Skulking On Lion News, Right?

Corrupt Lakeville Mayor Matt Little: Why Is Corrupt Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long & Corrupt Deputy Chief Of Police John Kornmann Still Harassing Poor Dede? Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold Still Rigged?

Dakota County Elections Department Will Send Poor Dede & Sandra Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data But Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorney James "Sovereign Citizen" Backstrom & Corrupt Dakota Co. Sheriff Timmy "Rabid Dog" Leslie Won't? All "Sovereign Citizen" Backstrom & "Rabid Dog" Leslie Want To Do Is Harass Poor Dede & Sandra Over Their Chapter 13 Data Requests & Discovery Requests For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold & Case No. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State Of Minnesota VS. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, Right? That's Right, Isn't It?

Poor Dede Demands That Corrupt Lakeville Mayor Matt Little Tell Corrupt Police Chief Jeff Long & Corrupt Deputy Chief Of Police John Kornmann To Stop Harassing Poor Dede? 04-24-16 Discovery/Public Data Request For Dahlen's Raid? Will Corrupt Grant Co. Sheriff Dwight Walvatne Harass Poor Dede Over Her Discovery/Public Data Like Corrupt Police Chief Jeff Long & Corrupt Deputy Chief Of Police John Kornmann Did?? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They?

Harassment Over Chapter 13 Data Request/Discovery Request For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Why Is Corrupt Police Chief Jeff Long Sending Poor Dede Harassing Emails & Hanging Up The Phone On Poor Dede? Can Corrupt City Of Lakeville Administrator Justin Miller & Mike Garris, LOGIS Executive Director/Data Practices Compliance Official Explain Why? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? BONUS ROUND: Data Request For The Adulterous Star Tribune Hack Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb's Domestic Violence Report?

Star Tribune Hacks Reported To Beau Berentson, Court Information Office Director of Communications and Public Affairs (651) 296-6043? Hack/Quack Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb Gets Special Treatment By Corrupt Dakota County Court Security When Illegally Using Electronic Device During High-profile Scripted Hearing For Rigged Case No. 19AV-FA-11-1273 In The Marriage Of SANDRA SUE GRAZZINI-RUCKI VS DAVID VICTOR RUCKI *** Judge Kanning Assigned ***? News Flash: Corrupt Dakota Co. Sheriff Timmy "Rabid Dog" Leslie Retaliates Against Nemmers With Harassing Emails & Harassing Phone Call?

Corrupt Lakeville Police Force Illegally Withholding Readily Available Free Electronic Data From Poor Dede For Malicious "No Knock Warrant" Raid In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? No Surprise, Right? Corrupt Police Chief Jeff Long Hangs Up Phone On Poor Dede & Nemmers? Again, No Surprise Right? Good Thing Call Was Recorded, Right? Why Does Corrupt City Of St. Cloud Have Data For Malicious Raid, But Not Corrupt "Sovereign" Lakeville PD, Hmm? Star Tribune Hack/Quack Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb Interfering With Lakeville Police Investigation Of Missing Gianna And Samantha Rucki? Update: Hack Brodkorb Caught Illegally Recording In Rigged Case No. 19AV-FA-11-1273 In The Marriage Of SANDRA SUE GRAZZINI-RUCKI VS DAVID VICTOR RUCKI *** Judge Kanning Assigned ***?

Corrupt Lakeville Police Forced To Admit "Clerical Error" Is Bald-Faced Lie In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-2669 State Of Minnesota VS. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki? Sandra's Osceola County Documents Prove That Corrupt Lakeville Police Lied To U.S. Marshals, Don't They? Lying To A Federal Marshal Is Criminal Act, Isn't It? (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 - Lying to Government Agents) More Proof Corrupt Lakeville Police Break The Law To Enforce The Law, Right?

Poor Dede About To Throw Another Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Did Poor Dede Fail Her "Loyality Test" To The Rigged & Corrupt Minnesota Courts? Dede's Response To Corrupt Stearns County's Corrupt & Rigged Court's Jury/Lynch Mob Duty?

Poor Dede Is Still Taking Control Of Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold, Isn't She? She Is, Isn't She? Dede Undermines Credibility Of Rigged Court By Requesting Data For Rigged State Of Minnesota VS Dakota County Water Resources Department Employee Thomas Alan Berry CASE NO. 19AV-CR-15-19535? Dede Will Use This Data To Prove Corrupt Judge Karen "Show Trial" Asphaug Is A Liar, Won't She? She Will, Won't She?

Poor Dede Forced The Big, Bad, Corrupt City Of St. Cloud Into Notifying IPAD Of Adoption Of Model MN Data Practice Policies? Poor Dede Is Taking Control In Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold, Isn't She? Will Poor Dede Force Dismissal Of All Charges? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They?

Public Data & Discovery Request For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Where Is The Data For The Malicious October 21, 2015 No-Knock Warrant, Huh? Corrupt City Of Lakeville Deputy Chief Of Police John Kornmann Gets Mad And Hangs Up On Poor Dede & Nemmers? Corrupt Kornmann Couldn't Fall Back On His Training, Could He? He Couldn't, Could He? Corrupt Kornmann Doesn't Want To Help Poor Dede Prove That She Is A Victim Of A Corrupt Dakota County Court, Does He? No Surprise, Right? Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorney James Backstrom Has A History Of Obstructing Justice, Doesn't He? Really No Surprise, Right? Lakeville Police Making Wild & Outrageous Claims About Sandra Grazzin-Rucki's Kidnapping Charge Being "A Clerical Error"?

UPDATE FOR: Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena For Illegally Withholding Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data & Discovery For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Corrupt City Of Hastings Police Chief Bryan Schafer Forced To Respond To Data Request? Character Assassination By Star Tribune's So-Called "Special Correspondent" Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb & So-Called Officer Of The Court Ronald S. Rosenbaum Lawyer License No: 0163478? Brodkorb & Rosenbaum Are Dakota Co's Unofficial "Hatchet Men," Aren't They? They Are, Aren't They? Star Tribune's Media Blackout On High-Profile Sandra Grazzini Rucki's Sudden & Mysterious Release From Jail?

Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena For Illegally Withholding Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data & Discovery For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Dede Was Sent A Fraudulent Bill For $210.00, Wasn't She? She Was, Wasn't She? Dede Is The Victim, Isn't She? She Is, Isn't She? 02-22-16 Update: Corrupt Lawyer's Professional Responsibility Board Acknowledges Reciept Of Dede's Complaint?

Lion News: Rosemount Police Willfully Refuse To Obey Law And Take MacDonald To See Judge?

Lion News: Michelle MacDonald Threatened By GOP Errand Boy & Attorney Patrick Burns?

Lion News: Hastings Prosecutor Fluegel Poor Liar In Cover-Up Of Judge Knutson's Illegal Search?

Lion News: Dakota Co. Attorney Backstrom & Sheriff Bellows Abet Judge Knutson's Illegal Search?

Lion News: Rosemount's Demuth Called – Why Michelle MacDonald Not Taken To See Judge?

Dakota Co. Sheriff Dave Bellows Refused To Obey Court Order And Return Illegally Searched Camera Of Attorney MacDonald-Shimota? County Attorney James Backstrom Willfully Ignores Subpoenas For Security Video, Audio Recordings And Transcripts? Backstrom & Bellows Promoting Anarchy? Backstrom & Bellows Think And Act Like They Are Above The Law, Right? Why Should You Follow The Law If The So-Called Public Servants Won't, Huh?

Supreme Court Candidate Michelle MacDonald's DWI Blood Test? (Case No. 19-HA-CR-13-1371) Rosemount Police Arbitrarily & Capriciously Decided MacDonald Has No Right To See Judge? Only Corrupt Cops And Corrupt Judges Have Rights In Dakota County, Huh?

In The Minor Battle Of Wills (City Of Eagan VS. Terry Dean, Nemmers) We Can Declare An Early Victory, Can't We? The Victor Is Nemmers, Isn't It? (Thank You, Lord!) Fear Of Nemmers' Public Humilation Of City Of Hastings Mayor Paul Hicks Forced Eagan To Concede?

Due Process Violating Judge David Knutson Illegally Searches Camera? (Case No. 19HA-CR-13-2934) Hastings Mayor Paul Hicks Makes Malicious Harassment Claims To Try To Prevent Nemmers From Getting Data? City Of Hasting Illegally Withholds Pictures From Attorney MacDonald's Camera & Surveillance Video Of Abusive Imprisonment?

Whistleblower Tanner Homer Johnson (Case No. 19WS-CR-14-5638) Ends Up In Jail For Exposing City Of Eagan's Malicious Prosecution? Prosecutor Jerome M. Porter Conspired With State Judges & Dakota Co. Deputies To Obstruct Justice? You Can't Trust Any Arrest, Prosecution Or Conviction In Lawless Dakota County, Can You? Corrupt Courts Throwback To Stalin's & King Ahab's Show Trials?

Rogers Police Department Makes Lion News Part Of E-Roll Call? Rogers Police Keeping Up On Rigged Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan James Stanek By Reading Lion News? Rigged Case No. 27-CR-14-21295 State of Minnesota vs RYAN JAMES STANEK?

Scandal Alert! Disturbing Revelations About Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Forced To Give Nemmers & Others Criminal Complaint? Stanek's Criminal Complaint Mysteriously Sitting On Court Clerk's Desk And Not In State Court Computer System? Nemmers Isn't Stupid Enough To Fall For that Loony Tale, Is He? Still Beer Cans But Still Not Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures, Huh?

Scandal Alert! Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Two Different Set Of Laws, Right? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Illegally Withholding Criminal Complaint From Nemmers & Others? Co. Attorneys Contemptuously Treating People Interested In Stanek's Criminal Complaint As Their Little Bitches? Nemmers Doesn't "Fetch," Does He? Beer Cans But Not Stanek's Truck?

Scandal Alert! Ask For Data On Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Destruction Of Park Property & Get Harassed By Three River Park District Police Lt. Ross Gullickson? Gullickson Sends Over 150+ Harassing Emails? Hugo McPhee, Director of Public Safety Makes Wild Claim He Didn't Hear Me Giving My Phone Number The Three (3) Times On Complaint Voice Mail? Teenager Angela Marie Tadych Was Arrested For Similar Mudding Crime - Case No. 34-JV-13-199?

Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Charges Filed As Result Of Nemmers' July 18, 2014 Phone Calls To City Of Independence & City Of Maple Plain? Bad Behavior By Independence Mayor Marvin Johnson & Clerk-Administrator Toni Hirsch Caught On Audio? Three Rivers Park Police Lurking On Website And Still Illegally Withholding Ryan Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures? Beer Cans At The Scene?

Friday, August 26, 2016

Eagan Police Caught Willfully Violating Minnesota Government Data Practice Act (MGDPA) & Willfully Refusing To Comply With Rules & Model Policies Of Commissioner Of Dept Of Admininstration To Illegally Withhold Incriminating Domestic Abuse Report & Incriminating Audio Of Former Political Hack & Former Star Tribune Hack Michael Brodkorb? Standard Operating Procedure For So-Called Dakota County Law Enforcement Is To Think & Act Like They're Above The Law, Isn't It? (They're Sovereign Citizens, Aren't They?) Brodkorb's Adultery Strikes Fear Into Abused Wifey?

Falsified Email:

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    jmcdonald@ci.eagan.mn.us,
date:    Tue, Apr 12, 2016 at 7:34 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - Incident No. EA11-00003336 Michael Brodkorb Domestic Abuse Report
mailed-by:    gmail.com

James McDonald, Chief 51.675.5700:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:
1. Incident reports and verbal domestic informational report for Incident No. EA11-00003336 .
2. Audio statements of Sarah Beth Brodkorb and Michael Bernard Brodkord.
3. City of Eagan Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies - Years: 2010-2015 (See incorporated IPAD example), 2016 (or 2015 if not updated) data practice manual and 2016 (or 2015 if not updated) Personnel handbook.
4. City of Egan's payments to Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association for the years: 2010-2016

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. How come I can find your email address in information on the internet for political special interest groups but not on the official city of Egan website, huh? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Upon arrival, I made contact with the female half, who the RP identified as Sarah Beth Brodkorb, DOB: 10/13/74. Sarah stated that her and her husband, Michael Bernard Brodkord, DOB: 12/23/73, had just been involved in a verbal argument. ... I cleared the residence and made contact with Michael over the phone. Incident No. EA11-00003336. Michael Brodkorb Domestic Abuse Report

Brodkorb's departure follows Koch's. Koch suddenly resigned Thursday. On Friday, senior senators confirmed they had confronted her about an 'inappropriate relationship' with a staffer. Brodkorb out of the Minnesota Senate By rachelsb, Star Tribune  December 16, 2011 — 9:48pm.

Sarah reported that Michael had thrown a kid's toy -- though it wasn't aimed at her -- during the dispute, and stormed out of the house. Michael "slammed the door causing a frame to break." ... Later, the cop talked to Michael Brodkorb, who told police he and his wife had been having a "disagreement due to marital discord" and that there was "no physical violence." http://www.citypages.com/news/michael-brodkorb-domestic-dispute-wife-called-911-because-the-level-of-anger-in-michaels-voice-scared-both-her-and-their-three-children-6571058#page-2

Michael Brodkorb domestic dispute: Wife called 911 because "the level of anger in Michael's voice scared both her and their three children"  Monday, December 19, 2011 at 5:06 p.m. By Gregory Pratt, City Pages

Compassion isn’t something the chief can measure empirically but he knows it when he sees it and reads a recruit’s profile. Farrah Fazal, KSTP-TV Updated: 04/11/2016 8:07 PM Created: 04/11/2016 7:59 PM

MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION DEDICATED TO THE IDEALS OF PROFESSIONAL POLICING 2016 Regional Representatives Dakota County Chief James McDonald Eagan Police Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN  55122 Phone:  651.675.5700 jmcdonald@ci.eagan.mn.us

MINNESOTA CHIEFS OF POLICE ASSOCIATION DEDICATED TO THE IDEALS OF PROFESSIONAL POLICING 2015 Regional Representatives Dakota County Chief James McDonald Eagan Police Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN  55122 Phone:  651.675.5700 jmcdonald@ci.eagan.mn.us
Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association Standing and Special Committees - June 2015 Regional Representatives Jim McDonald  Eagan PD jmcdonald@ci.eagan.mn.us

BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 N:McDonald;Jim; FN:Jim McDonald TITLE:Police Chief TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(651) 675- 5700 TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX: TEL;TYPE=WORK,MOBILE: ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;Eagan Police Facility 3830 Pilot Knob Road;Eagan;MN;55122; LABEL;TYPE=WORK:Eagan Police Facility 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122  EMAIL;TYPE=PREF,INTERNET:eaganpd@cityofeagan.com URL:http://www.cityofeagan.com REV:2014-02-19T23:17:41-06:00Z END:VCARD

FN:Dave Osberg
TITLE:City Administrator
TEL;TYPE=WORK,VOICE:(651) 675-5007
TEL;TYPE=WORK,FAX:(651) 675-5012
ADR;TYPE=WORK:;;Eagan City Hall
3830 Pilot Knob Rd.;Eagan;MN;55122;
3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan MN 55122

Data Practices Policies Entities adopting the model policies linked above must notify the Commissioner of Administration and may do so by using this notification. http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspol-adopt.docx
Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies [Name of entity] has adopted the Commissioner’s Model Policy for the Public and Model Policy for Data Subjects. This notice to the Commissioner satisfies [name of entity]’s obligation under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.073, subdivision 6. *Government entities may submit this notification by mail or email: http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspol-adopt.docx

from:    Christina Scipioni CMScipioni@cityofeagan.com
to:    "lionnews00@gmail.com" lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 3:51 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Incident No. EA11-00003336 Michael Brodkorb Domestic Abuse Report
mailed-by:    cityofeagan.com
encryption:    cityofeagan.com did not encrypt this message Learn more
:    Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.

Good afternoon,

The City of Eagan is in receipt of your data practices request. We are currently compiling the requested data and will provide it to you as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Christina M. Scipioni, MPA, MCMC | City Clerk/Administrative Services Coordinator | City of Eagan
City Hall | 3830 Pilot Knob Road | Eagan, MN 55122 | 651-675-5034 | 651-675-5012 (Fax) | cmscipioni@cityofeagan.com
THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    Christina Scipioni CMScipioni@cityofeagan.com,
date:    Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 4:36 PM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - Incident No. EA11-00003336 Michael Brodkorb Domestic Abuse Report
mailed-by:    gmail.com

James McDonald, Chief 51.675.5700:

Why is City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni sending me harassing emails? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? When is City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni going to stop sending me harassing emails? Again, inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Is City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni so incompetent that she is incapable of attaching up to 25 MBs of readily available, free, electronic, public data onto a reply email or is she just trying to get paid for harassing me? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. 2016 or current City of Eagan & League of Minnesota Cities Trust joint powers agreement
2. City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni's actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary.
3. City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni's education and training background; previous work experience and work-related continuing education. Work-related continuing education for years: 2010-2016 (I want to see if Scipioni has had any time management training, don't I?)
4. Data on the existence and status of any complaints or charges against City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni's (Especially for harassment or getting paid for not working, right?); the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action against City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni
5. City of Eagan City Clerk Christina M. Scipioni's signed manual acceptance of the City of Eagan City 2016 (or current) personnel handbook and 2016 (or current) data practice manual.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

102.3.2 DEFINITIONS May - Indicates a permissive, discretionary or conditional action. Shall or will - Indicates a mandatory action. 102.3.3 DISTRIBUTION OF MANUAL The manual is web-based and is accessed at https://policy.lexipol.com. Access to the manual will be limited to the viewing and printing of specific sections. No changes shall be made to the electronic version without authorization. 102.4 MANUAL ACCEPTANCE As a condition of employment, all employees are required to read and obtain necessary clarification of policies. All employees are required to sign a statement of receipt acknowledging that they have received a copy or have been provided access to the Policy Manual, and understand that they are responsible to read and become familiar with its contents. Policy 102 Policy Manual – Duluth Police Department Policy Manual – page 18, 19. http://www.duluthmn.gov/media/326959/RELEASE_20150316_T181919_Duluth_PD_Policy_Manual.pdf

Attachment size limit - You can send messages up to 25 megabytes (MB) in size. If you’d like to send attachments that are larger than this, you can insert from Google Drive instead.
Christina M. Scipioni, MPA, MCMC [City Clerk/Administrative Services Coordinator | City of Eagan 651-675-5034]

https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=13.43 https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/?id=13.43&format=pdf 13.43 PERSONNEL DATA. Subd. 2.Public data. (a) Except for employees described in subdivision 5 and subject to the limitations described in subdivision 5a, the following personnel data on current and former employees, volunteers, and independent contractors of a government entity is public: (1) name; employee identification number, which must not be the employee's Social Security number; actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; (3) date of first and last employment; (4) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action; (5) the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees of the public body; (6) the complete terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising out of an employment relationship, including a buyout agreement as defined in section 123B.143, subdivision 2, paragraph (a); except that the agreement must include specific reasons for the agreement if it involves the payment of more than $10,000 of public money; (7) work location; a work telephone number; badge number; work-related continuing education; and honors and awards received; and
Recorded Phone Calls Forced Partial Compliance, Right?

from:    Christina Scipioni CMScipioni@cityofeagan.com
to:    "lionnews00@gmail.com" lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:47 PM
subject:    Data practice request dated April 12, 2016
mailed-by:    cityofeagan.com
encryption:    cityofeagan.com did not encrypt this message Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation

Dear Mr. Nemmers,

This email is in response to your voice message from earlier today regarding a data practice request you submitted to the City on April 12, 2016. Our records indicate we provided data responsive to your request on April 21, 2016. The email message from April 21 is attached for your reference.

Please let me know if you did not receive the City’s response. I would be happy to resend the responsive data.


Christina M. Scipioni
Data Practices Responsible Authority

Christina M. Scipioni, MPA, MCMC | City Clerk/Administrative Services Coordinator | City of Eagan
City Hall | 3830 Pilot Knob Road | Eagan, MN 55122 | 651-675-5034 | 651-675-5012 (Fax) | cmscipioni@cityofeagan.com
THIS COMMUNICATION MAY CONTAIN CONFIDENTIAL AND/OR OTHERWISE PROPRIETARY MATERIAL and is thus for use only by the intended recipient. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the e-mail and its attachments from all computers.

Attachment: 04-21-2016 Response.pdf

Incriminating Audio Recordings Illegally Withheld, Right? Sounds Like Standard Operating Procedure For Lawless Dakota County, Doesn't It?

More to come . . .

Related links:

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UPDATE FOR: Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena For Illegally Withholding Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data & Discovery For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Corrupt City Of Hastings Police Chief Bryan Schafer Forced To Respond To Data Request? Character Assassination By Star Tribune's So-Called "Special Correspondent" Michael "Dr. Quack" Brodkorb & So-Called Officer Of The Court Ronald S. Rosenbaum Lawyer License No: 0163478? Brodkorb & Rosenbaum Are Dakota Co's Unofficial "Hatchet Men," Aren't They? They Are, Aren't They? Star Tribune's Media Blackout On High-Profile Sandra Grazzini Rucki's Sudden & Mysterious Release From Jail?

Criminal Complaint Against Corrupt Dakota Co. Attorneys: James Backstrom, Philip Prokopowicz & Kathryn Keena For Illegally Withholding Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data & Discovery For Rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-15-4227 State Of Minnesota VS Deirdre Elise "Dede" Evavold? Dede Was Sent A Fraudulent Bill For $210.00, Wasn't She? She Was, Wasn't She? Dede Is The Victim, Isn't She? She Is, Isn't She? 02-22-16 Update: Corrupt Lawyer's Professional Responsibility Board Acknowledges Reciept Of Dede's Complaint?

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Supreme Court Candidate Michelle MacDonald's DWI Blood Test? (Case No. 19-HA-CR-13-1371) Rosemount Police Arbitrarily & Capriciously Decided MacDonald Has No Right To See Judge? Only Corrupt Cops And Corrupt Judges Have Rights In Dakota County, Huh?

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Whistleblower Tanner Homer Johnson (Case No. 19WS-CR-14-5638) Ends Up In Jail For Exposing City Of Eagan's Malicious Prosecution? Prosecutor Jerome M. Porter Conspired With State Judges & Dakota Co. Deputies To Obstruct Justice? You Can't Trust Any Arrest, Prosecution Or Conviction In Lawless Dakota County, Can You? Corrupt Courts Throwback To Stalin's & King Ahab's Show Trials?

Rogers Police Department Makes Lion News Part Of E-Roll Call? Rogers Police Keeping Up On Rigged Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan James Stanek By Reading Lion News? Rigged Case No. 27-CR-14-21295 State of Minnesota vs RYAN JAMES STANEK?

Scandal Alert! Disturbing Revelations About Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Forced To Give Nemmers & Others Criminal Complaint? Stanek's Criminal Complaint Mysteriously Sitting On Court Clerk's Desk And Not In State Court Computer System? Nemmers Isn't Stupid Enough To Fall For that Loony Tale, Is He? Still Beer Cans But Still Not Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures, Huh?

Scandal Alert! Rigged Criminal Case For Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan? Two Different Set Of Laws, Right? Dakota Co. Attorney James C. Backstrom & Hennepin Co. Attorney Michael O. "Mike" Freeman Illegally Withholding Criminal Complaint From Nemmers & Others? Co. Attorneys Contemptuously Treating People Interested In Stanek's Criminal Complaint As Their Little Bitches? Nemmers Doesn't "Fetch," Does He? Beer Cans But Not Stanek's Truck?

Scandal Alert! Ask For Data On Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Destruction Of Park Property & Get Harassed By Three River Park District Police Lt. Ross Gullickson? Gullickson Sends Over 150+ Harassing Emails? Hugo McPhee, Director of Public Safety Makes Wild Claim He Didn't Hear Me Giving My Phone Number The Three (3) Times On Complaint Voice Mail? Teenager Angela Marie Tadych Was Arrested For Similar Mudding Crime - Case No. 34-JV-13-199?

Hennepin Co. Sheriff Rich Stanek's Son, Ryan's Felony Charges Filed As Result Of Nemmers' July 18, 2014 Phone Calls To City Of Independence & City Of Maple Plain? Bad Behavior By Independence Mayor Marvin Johnson & Clerk-Administrator Toni Hirsch Caught On Audio? Three Rivers Park Police Lurking On Website And Still Illegally Withholding Ryan Stanek's Incriminating Muddy Truck Pictures? Beer Cans At The Scene?

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Special Treatment For City Of Crystal's City Council Member Jeff Kolb's Private "Public Works Birthday" Package? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Does Kolb Treat Public Property Like It Is His Personal Property? Inquiring Minds Really Want To Know, Don't They? Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray Retaliates Against Whistleblower Nemmers? No Surprise, Right? City of Crystal Council Member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb Sends Nemmers A Harassing & Threatening Email? Again, No Surprise, Right? Kolb Feels It's Good To Be The King, Doesn't He? (King Of Corruption, Right?) Elizabeth Dahl, Ward 1 612-567-3353 & Olga Parsons Section II (Wards 3 & 4) 612-217-2337 Notified Of Complaint Against King Kolb?

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    mark.ray@crystalmn.gov,
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 11:57 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Mark Ray, Public Works Director/City Engineer 763-531-1160

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available free, electronic public data:

1. Current affidavit of candidacy of City Council member Jeff Kolb
2. City of Crystal's minutes and resolution appointing a city responsible authority.
3. City of Crystal's Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies - Years: 2010-2016.
4. Signed joint powers agreement with the League of Minnesota Cities and the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust and City of Crystal's minutes and resolution appointing city personnel to League of Minnesota Cities (LMCT) and the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT).
5. "Public works birthday" package data for City Council member Jeff Kolb:
a. Names, employee identification numbers, actual gross salary, union contract, job description, of City of City Public Works personnel and other personnel from the City of Crystal who transported "wheel loader" and supervised delivery of "wheel loader", supervised event involving "wheel loader" and returned "wheel loader" after event at  "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb.
b. Permits, waivers of liability, copy of Kolb's private insurance for event, notifications to and responses from LMCIT & LMCIT that City of Crystal public property aka "wheel loader" was to be used at private event for City Council member Jeff Kolb, contract with Kolb, invoice for "Public works birthday" package and payment received by Kolb for "Public works birthday" package .
c. Current City of Crystal's inventory of construction equipment, hourly rates for Public work equipment, 2015 City of Crystal's warrant data for Public Works dept. aka accounts payable/accounts receivable.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

City Directory CITY COUNCIL
Jeff Kolb Ward 2 612-314-5652 jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov

Jeff Kolb @jpkolb Crystal City Council. Occasional Blogger. I once chopped down a tree. With an axe. I'm basically a lumberjack. Now, kindly #GetOffMyLawn. Crystal, MN jeff-kolb.com Joined June 2009

https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088 Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Third Birthday Party! @emkolb went a tad overboard. Also, @cityofcrystalmn is awesome.  Retweet 1 Likes  9 Crystal MN Police  Jason Baskin DrBiocheMiker Zach Freimark Gina Countryman Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb Katertots Mark J. Westpfahl 5:32 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Wife worked with the city to develop a "public works birthday" package. Got a wheel loader to stop by, Jr Public Works vests, hard hats.  Likes 5 Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb   Jill Vujovich-Laabs fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:33 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Hard to say whether the toddlers or the city staffers were more excited by the concept. Great job by everyone. Likes 3 Dan fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:36 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767159691877023745  Jeff Kolb  ‏@jpkolb Wife's friend from work did custom decorations. She does this as a side job. Want her info, let me know. 5:41 PM - 20 Aug 2016

Table Showing Duties of Responsible Authority, Designee, and Data Practices Compliance Official

Responsible Authority Each entity must identify, designate or appoint one individual as its RA. The RA is the person who ultimately is responsible for the collection, use, and dissemination of all entity data, and for all of the entity’s data practices decisions. The RA also must make sure the entity complies with all of the requirements of the Act and the Rules. Both the entity and the RA are liable for violations of Chapter 13. (Minnesota Statutes, sections 13.02, subdivision 16; 13.05; Minnesota Rules 1205.0200, subparts 12-15, and 1205.0800-1500)

1205.2000 ADVISORY FORMS. Subp. 2. Advisory form B: resolution appointing a city responsible authority. State of Minnesota WHEREAS, the (insert name of city) _______________ City Council shares concern expressed by the legislature on the responsible use of all City data and wishes to satisfy this concern by immediately appointing an administratively qualified Responsible Authority as required under the statute.
Data Practices Policies Entities adopting the model policies linked above must notify the Commissioner of Administration and may do so by using this notification. http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspol-adopt.docx
Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies [Name of entity] has adopted the Commissioner’s Model Policy for the Public and Model Policy for Data Subjects. This notice to the Commissioner satisfies [name of entity]’s obligation under Minnesota Statutes, section 13.073, subdivision 6. *Government entities may submit this notification by mail or email: http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspol-adopt.docx

13.43 PERSONNEL DATA.  Subd. 2.Public data. (a) Except for employees described in subdivision 5 and subject to the limitations described in subdivision 5a, the following personnel data on current and former employees, volunteers, and independent contractors of a government entity is public:
(1) name; employee identification number, which must not be the employee's Social Security number; actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary;
(2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience;
(3) date of first and last employment;

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 1:10 PM
subject:    "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Jeff Kolb Ward 2 City of Crystal Council member:

A few questions:

1. Do you know the difference between public and private property?
2. Would you consider a "Public works birthday" package for a City Council member to be an abuse of power and/or special treatment?
3. Would you please provide copies of the estimates from private business that you collected in your search for a "wheel loader" for your private B-Day party?
4. How many of the parents who attended your private "Public works birthday party" signed waivers of liability to allow their precious little children to climb on the City of Crystal's "wheel loader."

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

City Directory CITY COUNCIL
Jeff Kolb Ward 2 612-314-5652 jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov
Jeff Kolb Ward 2 612-314-5652 jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov

Jeff Kolb @jpkolb Crystal City Council. Occasional Blogger. I once chopped down a tree. With an axe. I'm basically a lumberjack. Now, kindly #GetOffMyLawn. Crystal, MN jeff-kolb.com Joined June 2009

https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088 Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Third Birthday Party! @emkolb went a tad overboard. Also, @cityofcrystalmn is awesome.  Retweet 1 Likes  9 Crystal MN Police  Jason Baskin DrBiocheMiker Zach Freimark Gina Countryman Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb Katertots Mark J. Westpfahl 5:32 PM - 20 Aug 2016

https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Wife worked with the city to develop a "public works birthday" package. Got a wheel loader to stop by, Jr Public Works vests, hard hats.  Likes 5 Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb   Jill Vujovich-Laabs fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:33 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Hard to say whether the toddlers or the city staffers were more excited by the concept. Great job by everyone. Likes 3 Dan fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:36 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767159691877023745  Jeff Kolb  ‏@jpkolb Wife's friend from work did custom decorations. She does this as a side job. Want her info, let me know. 5:41 PM - 20 Aug 2016


from:    Mark Ray Mark.Ray@crystalmn.gov
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com,
Jeff Kolb Jeff.Kolb@crystalmn.gov,
Anne Norris Anne.Norris@crystalmn.gov
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 1:36 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb
mailed-by:    crystalmn.gov
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.

Good Afternoon Terry,

Thanks for your email. I have attached the City’s data request form to this email. Please fill out the attached data request form and email it back to me. We will then route it accordingly.

Have a great afternoon,

Mark Ray, PE | Public Works Director/City Engineer | City of Crystal 
4141 Douglas Drive North | Crystal, MN 55422 | 763.531.1160 (direct)
763.531.1000 (general) | 763.531.1188 (Fax) | mark.ray@crystalmn.gov

Attachment: Information Disclosure Request Form_2015 07.pdf

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    Mark Ray Mark.Ray@crystalmn.gov
cc:    Jeff Kolb Jeff.Kolb@crystalmn.gov,
Anne Norris Anne.Norris@crystalmn.gov
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 2:55 PM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Mark Ray, Public Works Director/City Engineer 763-531-1160:

Is your harassing email your admission that the City of Crystal willfully refuses to follow the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, willfully the rules and model policies established by the the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration along with the Minnesota and the Minnesota Statutes on willfully refuses to follow the criminal misconduct of public official statutes? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Which IP address is yours:,, Which IP address belongs to Anne Norris? And last but not least which IP address belongs to Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

If you choose not use to use the data request form, your request should include: You are making a request for public data under the Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13). Whether you would like to inspect the data, have copies of the data, or both. A clear description of the data you would like to inspect or have copied. Model Policy - Data Practices Policy for Members of the Public http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspolpub2016.docx

Special Treatment For City Of Crystal's City Council Member Jeff Kolb's Private "Public Works Birthday" Package? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Does Kolb Treat Public Property Like It Is His Personal Property? Inquiring Minds Really Want To Know, Don't They? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/08/special-treatment-for-city-of-crystals.html


from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    Jeff Kolb jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 4:04 PM
subject:    Is Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray's harassing email in retaliation for exposing Council member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb's "Public works birthday" package?
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Jeff Kolb Ward 2 City of Crystal Council member 612-314-5652:

Is your Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray's harassing email your admission that the City of Crystal willfully refuses to follow the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, willfully refuses to follow the rules and model policies established by the the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration and willfully refuses to follow the criminal misconduct of public official statutes? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Is Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray's harassing email in retaliation for exposing Council member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb's "Public works birthday" package? Hmm? Inquiring minds really, really want to know, don't they? Which IP address is yours:,, Which IP address belongs to Anne Norris? And last but not least which IP address belongs to Mark Ray? Hmm? Inquiring minds really, really, really want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

If you choose not use to use the data request form, your request should include: You are making a request for public data under the Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13). Whether you would like to inspect the data, have copies of the data, or both. A clear description of the data you would like to inspect or have copied. Model Policy - Data Practices Policy for Members of the Public http://www.ipad.state.mn.us/docs/accesspolpub2016.docx

Special Treatment For City Of Crystal's City Council Member Jeff Kolb's Private "Public Works Birthday" Package? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Does Kolb Treat Public Property Like It Is His Personal Property? Inquiring Minds Really Want To Know, Don't They? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/08/special-treatment-for-city-of-crystals.html


from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    olga.parsons@crystalmn.gov,
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 5:19 PM
subject:    Harassing email in retaliation for exposing "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb?
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Elizabeth Dahl, Ward 1 612-567-3353 & Olga Parsons Section II (Wards 3 & 4) 612-217-2337:

Why am I receiving a harassing email from your Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray? It's in retaliation for exposing the "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb, isn't it? Ray's harassing email is the City of Crystal's admission that the City of Crystal willfully refuses to follow the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, willfully refuses to follow the rules and model policies established by the the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration and willfully refuses to follow the criminal misconduct of public official statutes, isn't it? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Is Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray's harassing email in retaliation for exposing Council member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb's "Public works birthday" package? Hmm? Inquiring minds really, really want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713


City Directory CITY COUNCIL 
Elizabeth Dahl Ward 1 612-567-3353 elizabeth.dahl@crystalmn.gov
Jeff Kolb Ward 2 612-314-5652 jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov
Olga Parsons Section II (Wards 3 & 4) 612-217-2337 olga.parsons@crystalmn.gov

Jeff Kolb @jpkolb Crystal City Council. Occasional Blogger. I once chopped down a tree. With an axe. I'm basically a lumberjack. Now, kindly #GetOffMyLawn. Crystal, MN jeff-kolb.com Joined June 2009

https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088 Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Third Birthday Party! @emkolb went a tad overboard. Also, @cityofcrystalmn is awesome.  Retweet 1 Likes  9 Crystal MN Police  Jason Baskin DrBiocheMiker Zach Freimark Gina Countryman Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb Katertots Mark J. Westpfahl 5:32 PM - 20 Aug 2016

https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Wife worked with the city to develop a "public works birthday" package. Got a wheel loader to stop by, Jr Public Works vests, hard hats.  Likes 5 Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb   Jill Vujovich-Laabs fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:33 PM - 20 Aug 2016 
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Hard to say whether the toddlers or the city staffers were more excited by the concept. Great job by everyone. Likes 3 Dan fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:36 PM - 20 Aug 2016 
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767159691877023745  Jeff Kolb  ‏@jpkolb Wife's friend from work did custom decorations. She does this as a side job. Want her info, let me know. 5:41 PM - 20 Aug 2016

Initial steps to the Citizen Connection Initiative include a pledge by all three incoming councilmembers to do the following:
Maintain a personal website where they will post information about key votes made by the counci
Maintain a Facebook presence where residents can interact with their representative
Post occasional updates to Nextdoor.com about relevant community meetings
Strive for a 72 hour or less response time to citizen inquiries
Incoming Crystal Councilmembers to Launch “Citizen Connection Initiative” by  Jeff Kolb – Crystal City Council Ward 2 January 7, 2015 http://jeff-kolb.com/category/press-release/

Special Treatment For City Of Crystal's City Council Member Jeff Kolb's Private "Public Works Birthday" Package? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Does Kolb Treat Public Property Like It Is His Personal Property? Inquiring Minds Really Want To Know, Don't They? Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray Retaliates Against Whistleblower Nemmers? No Surprise, Right?


from:    Elizabeth Dahl Elizabeth.Dahl@crystalmn.gov
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 6:15 PM
subject:    RE: Harassing email in retaliation for exposing "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb?
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Hi Terry,
Could you please forward the letter from Mark Ray? I have not read it.
Elizabeth Dahl


from:    Elizabeth Dahl Elizabeth.Dahl@crystalmn.gov
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Sun, Aug 21, 2016 at 6:17 PM
subject:    RE: Harassing email in retaliation for exposing "Public works birthday" package for City Council member Jeff Kolb?
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

I found the letter in your links.  Thanks for bringing this to my attention. We will be in touch.
Elizabeth Dahl


Harassing and threatening email from City of Crystal Council member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb
from:    Jeff Kolb jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov
to:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
date:    Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 10:25 AM
subject:    RE: Is Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray's harassing email in retaliation for exposing Council member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb's "Public works birthday" package?
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.

Mr. Nemmers,
Do not contact me again, by email, telephone or any other method of communication.
Jeff Kolb

Nemmers' response to harassing and threatening email from City of Crystal Council member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    Jeff Kolb Jeff.Kolb@crystalmn.gov,
date:    Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 11:27 AM
subject:    Re: Is Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray's harassing email in retaliation for exposing Council member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb's "Public works birthday" package?
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Jeff Kolb Ward 2 City of Crystal Council member 612-314-5652:

Do not send me any more harassing or threatening emails! They will be reported to the proper authorities along with being posted on my blog for public consumption. You are more than welcome to file as many false police reports or submit as much perjured testimony into any rigged court case you desire, can't you? However, I will counter by filing the appropriate criminal complaint. Ex: Criminal complaint for FALSELY REPORTING CRIME to counter your false police report and a criminal complaint for PERJURY for filing a malicious harassment restraining order. Unless you plan on resigning today I can and will continue to contact you, won't I?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Exodus 20:16King James Version (KJV)

609.505 FALSELY REPORTING CRIME. Subdivision 1.False reporting. Whoever informs a law enforcement officer that a crime has been committed or otherwise provides information to an on-duty peace officer, knowing that the person is a peace officer, regarding the conduct of others, knowing that it is false and intending that the officer shall act in reliance upon it, is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who is convicted a second or subsequent time under this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.

609.48 PERJURY. Subdivision 1. Acts constituting. Whoever makes a false material statement not believing it to be true in any of the following cases is guilty of perjury and may be sentenced as provided in subdivision 4:

8. Perjury (Minn. Stat. § 609.48) Description: A new law related to court documents was enacted under Minn. Stat. § 358.166. The law states that a court document does not need to be notarized. Signing a document filed with the court constitutes “verification upon oath or affirmation.” A person who signs a court document knowing that it is false is guilty of perjury under Minn. Stat. § 609.48. Effective Date: August 1, 2014 Reference: Chapter 204 - H.F. 2668; 2013 Minn. Stat. §§ 609.48 MOC Table Changes: None. Use Table  X August  2014 Minnesota Prosecutors Manual Section 1-8. Minnesota County Attorneys Association.

Special Treatment For City Of Crystal's City Council Member Jeff Kolb's Private "Public Works Birthday" Package? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Does Kolb Treat Public Property Like It Is His Personal Property? Inquiring Minds Really Want To Know, Don't They? Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray Retaliates Against Whistleblower Nemmers? No Surprise, Right? City of Crystal Council Member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb Sends Nemmers A Harassing & Threatening Email? Again, No Surprise, Right? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/08/special-treatment-for-city-of-crystals.html

Crystal Business Association Email:

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    Crystal@anytimefitness.com,
Anne Norris anne.norris@crystalmn.gov
date:    Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:45 AM
subject:    Crystal Business Association - Form 990 - Harassing and threatening email from Council member Kolb
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Aaron Meier, CBA President 763-531-9200:

I noticed that Crystal city council member Jeff Kolb belongs to your non-profit, didn't I? Did the Crystal Business Association (CBA) make any financial contribution to CBA member/City of Crystal candidate Jeff Kolb? If so, how much?  Why isn't your non-profit registered with the state? Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data: CBA's annual reports and Form 990's for the years: 2010-2015. Would it be a violation of the CBA membership to seek and receive special treatment from the City of Crystal? Are you aware that CBA member/City of Crystal council member Jeff Kolb sent me a harassing and threatening email in retaliation for asking for readily available, free, electronic public data in regard to his private "Public Works Birthday" Package? The apparently free private "Public Works Birthday" package that he apparently received from the City of Crystal, right? Kolb feels that "It's good to be the king!" doesn't he?

Oh, by the way, I just received a harassing email from the City of Crystal's City attorney Troy J.Gilchriist, Kennedy & Graven, didn't I? Kennedy & Graven has a well-documented history of illegally withholding readily available, free, electronic, public data, creating fraudulent bills for readily available, free, electronic, public data that are neither compliance with either Minnesota Government Data Practices Act nor in compliance with the rules and the model policies established by the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration and last but not least aid and abet in the filing of malicious no-trespass orders, don't they? In fact, City of Kenyon City Attorney/Kenendy & Graven attorney Scott J. Riggs is currently aiding and abetting in terrorizing an elderly gentleman who sued the City of Kenyon (and won, right?), isn't he? It's ironic that Riggs willfully refuses to even respond to my data request yet his partner in crime Gilchriist apparently is in urgent need to this scandal to rest, right? Oh, Kennedy & Graven's Maggies R. Wallner was the mastermind behind the illegally withholding of readily available, free, electronic public, the harassing phone call and the malicious no-trespass order for corrupt ISD 206's Superintendent Rick "Sick Rick" Lahn, wasn't she? She was, wasn't she? Are these the time of business strategies that the Crystal Business Association preaches, practices and endorses? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? FYI: Since your embedded with the City of Crystal this email will be found on my blog, won't it? See link below:

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jsRri-nbIUQ Lion News: Harassing Phone Calls From Sick Rick Lahn – District 206 School Superintendent?

Membership Directory
Company: Seventh Street Systems Contact: Jeff Kolb Phone: 763-327-3326 Email: jfkolb@gmail.com

City Directory CITY COUNCIL Jeff Kolb Ward 2 612-314-5652 jeff.kolb@crystalmn.gov
Kolb is a current member of the Crystal Planning Commission and board member of the Crystal Business Association. He has lived in Crystal for three years and is a small business owner. Crystal City Council: Parsons, Dahl, and Kolb oust all three incumbents. By Joe Bowen, Sun Post, Published November 5, 2014 at 12:04 am

Crystal Business Association Events
Crystal businesses are important to our community.
"The Crystal Business Association provides a structured forum to allow businesses the opportunity to connect with the community in which they serve."
Crystal Business Association Civic & Social Organization 51-200 employees
Website http://crystalbusinessassociation.com/ Type Non Profit

Employer Identification Number (EIN) 800546396

Business Record Search »  Business Name:  Crystal Business Association
Search Results No results match the criteria entered.

About Us
The Crystal Business Association is made up of a group of Crystal area business leaders.  The CBA exists to provide a structured forum to allow businesses the opportunity to connect with the community in which they serve. Board of Directors The Crystal Business Association is led by committed local business community members.
Board of Directors The Crystal Business Association is led by committed local business community members.
President Aaron Meier Anytime Fitness Membership Aaron Meier Anytime Fitness

Contact Us By Email CBA President Aaron Meier 763-531-9200
Transparency and Accountability: Nonprofits have a legal and ethical obligation to their constituents and the public to conduct their activities with accountability and transparency. Non- profits should regularly and openly convey information to the public about their mission, activities, finances, accomplishments and decision-making processes. Information from a nonprofit organization should be easily accessible to the public. It should establish external visibility and build public understanding and trust in the organization. Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence - A guide for nonprofit staff and board members. The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Page 8.

Charities Information for the Public
Tips on Researching Charities
Donors should research any charity to which they are considering donating. Below are some tips on how to do so: See if the charity is registered. You can search to see if a charity has registered with the Attorney General’s Office using the Office’s “Search for Charities” webpage. It can be a red flag if a charity is not registered. At the same time, being registered does not constitute approval of a charity’s activities, or ensure that a certain percentage of your donation will actually be used for a charitable purpose.

Search by:  Organization Name: Crystal Business Association Charities Search Results No organization in the database meets your search criteria. If You Don’t Find the Charity
Please note that not all charities must register with the Attorney General’s Office.  Some are exempt from registering.  Failing to register with the Attorney General’s Office can be a red flag, however, and you should be cautious in deciding whether to support an unregistered charity.

https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088 Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Third Birthday Party! @emkolb went a tad overboard. Also, @cityofcrystalmn is awesome.  Retweet 1 Likes  9 Crystal MN Police  Jason Baskin DrBiocheMiker Zach Freimark Gina Countryman Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb Katertots Mark J. Westpfahl 5:32 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Wife worked with the city to develop a "public works birthday" package. Got a wheel loader to stop by, Jr Public Works vests, hard hats.  Likes 5 Nancy LaRoche sarah brodkorb   Jill Vujovich-Laabs fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:33 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767158517211865088  Jeff Kolb ‏@jpkolb Hard to say whether the toddlers or the city staffers were more excited by the concept. Great job by everyone. Likes 3 Dan fretbunny Mark J. Westpfahl 5:36 PM - 20 Aug 2016
https://twitter.com/jpkolb/status/767159691877023745  Jeff Kolb  ‏@jpkolb Wife's friend from work did custom decorations. She does this as a side job. Want her info, let me know. 5:41 PM - 20 Aug 201

Special Treatment For City Of Crystal's City Council Member Jeff Kolb's Private "Public Works Birthday" Package? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Does Kolb Treat Public Property Like It Is His Personal Property? Inquiring Minds Really Want To Know, Don't They? Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray Retaliates Against Whistleblower Nemmers? No Surprise, Right? City of Crystal Council Member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb Sends Nemmers A Harassing & Threatening Email? Again, No Surprise, Right? Kolb Feels It's Good To Be The King, Doesn't He? (King Of Corruption, Right?) http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/08/special-treatment-for-city-of-crystals.html

Kenyon Police Chief Lee "Kenyon's Asshole Cop" Sjolander (Wannabe Mayberry Sheriff Andy Taylor Who Acts Like Larry "Lonesome" Rhodes, Right?) Still Playing On Facebook Instead Of Emailing Me My Free Electronic Public Data? My Recorded Phone Call To Kenyon Leader? City Of Kenyon's Law Firm For City Attorney Kennedy & Gravon Has A History Of Illegally Withholding Free Electronic Public Data For Sick Rick Lahn Former Superintendent Of ISD 209 Alexandria School District, Don't They? Neither Officer Amy Reding Nor City Attorney Scott Riggs Return My Phone Calls? They've All "Lawyered Up", Haven't They? How Can Editor Anderson Be Trusted To Expose Local Corruption When He Can't Even Update His Contact Info On His Own Website? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2015/08/kenyon-police-chief-lee-kenyons-asshole.html

Elizabeth Dahl, Ward 1 612-567-3353 & Olga Parsons Section II (Wards 3 & 4) 612-217-2337 Notified Of Complaint Against King Kolb?

from:    Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to:    olga.parsons@crystalmn.gov,
date:    Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 12:28 PM
subject:    Notice of complaint filed against City of Crystal's King Jeff Kolb and Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray?
mailed-by:    gmail.com

Elizabeth Dahl, Ward 1 612-567-3353 & Olga Parsons Section II (Wards 3 & 4) 612-217-2337:

As per my August 24, 2016 voice mails, I have authorized Anne Norris, City Manager 763-531-1140 anne.norris@crystalmn.gov and Kim Therres Assistant City Manager/Human Resources Manager 763-531-1132 kim.therres@crystalmn.gov to transcribe my voicemail and use it as my complaint, haven't I? Why is the thing that I have heard back from Anne Norris, City Manager is a harassing and threatening email cc'ed from your City Attorney Troy Gilchrist, huh? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

In my voice mail I explained that your City Attorneys from Kennedy & Graven have a well-documented history of illegally withholding readily available, free, electronic, public data, creating fraudulent bills for readily available, free, electronic, public data that are neither compliance with either Minnesota Government Data Practices Act nor in compliance with the rules and the model policies established by the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration and last but not least aid and abet in the filing of malicious no-trespass orders, didn't I? I did, didn't I? I will no tolerate being threatened, intimidated nor harassed in order for your corrupt City of Crystal in order to cover up your "Public works birthday" package for City Council member (who thinks and act like a King, right?) Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb, will I? I won't, will I? FYI: I'm waiting for you to violate your so-called oath to respond within 72 hours, aren't I?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Anne Norris, City Manager 763-531-1140 anne.norris@crystalmn.gov
Kim Therres Assistant City Manager/Human Resources Manager 763-531-1132 kim.therres@crystalmn.gov

shall require the complainant to state the complaint in writing or authorize transcribing the complaint

Special Treatment For City Of Crystal's City Council Member Jeff Kolb's Private "Public Works Birthday" Package? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Does Kolb Treat Public Property Like It Is His Personal Property? Inquiring Minds Really Want To Know, Don't They? Public Works Director/City Engineer Mark Ray Retaliates Against Whistleblower Nemmers? No Surprise, Right? City of Crystal Council Member Jeff "Special Treatment/Abuse of Power" Kolb Sends Nemmers A Harassing & Threatening Email? Again, No Surprise, Right? Kolb Feels It's Good To Be The King, Doesn't He? (King Of Corruption, Right?) Elizabeth Dahl, Ward 1 612-567-3353 & Olga Parsons Section II (Wards 3 & 4) 612-217-2337 Notified Of Complaint Against King Kolb? http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2016/08/special-treatment-for-city-of-crystals.html

More to come . . . .

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