It's almost time for the anniversary of the rootin' tootin' shoot out for phony hero Douglas County Deputy Dustin Alexander, isn't it? It is, isn't it?
And that anniversary reminded me that corrupt Douglas Co. Sheriff Troy Wolberson was illegally withholding all sorts of free electronic public data for the manufactured incident, didn't it? It did, didn't it?
“I went back to make sure I had everything spelled right... I start to talk to him and I start going through his name and the passenger answered for him and said, ‘No, you got his middle name spelled wrong. And as she’s starting to spell it – it’s really windy, it’s really cold – so I kind of lean in a little bit so I can hear her and ... just like that he had shot me.” Dustin’s bullet-resistant vest stopped the shot. Just like that he had shot me’ By Amy Chaffins, The rag called Echo Press and Forum Communications Company on Feb 20, 2015 at 12:00 a.m.
So I decided to call up the lawless Douglas Co. Sheriff's office, didn't I? I did, didn't I? And the snotty deputy decided it would be funny to hang up on me, didn't he? He did, didn't he? Too bad for the snotty deputy that I recorded the call, huh?
The Douglas County Board of Commissioners at Tuesday’s meeting took some time to honor the actions of Deputy Dustin Alexander and dispatchers Karey Payne and Michael Henrion after the suspect had opened fire. Heroes in the face of danger By Blaze Fugina, The rag called Echo Press and Forum Communications Company on May 9, 2014 at 12:00 a.m.
So after I called back and was pushed around by another rude deputy I was able to leave a message on Chief Deputy Brad Lake's voicemail, wasn't I? I was, wasn't I? The only detail was that I had previous specifically asked to speak to the Sergeant on duty if Lake wasn't in his office, right? That's right, isn't it? And not only was I not allowed to speak to the Sergeant on duty but the clown never called me back either, did he? He didn't, did he?
From: Lion News
date: Fri, May 16,
2014 at 11:37 AM
subject: Chapter 13
data request - Rootin' Tootin' Shootin' Dash Cam Video Firefight Of
Deputy Alexander For Feb 24, 2014
Sheriff Wolberson:
Email me the Rootin'
Tootin' Shootin' dash cam video of the firefight of Deputy Alexander
for Feb 24, 2014. I want you to email me the incident report and your
policy and procedure manual. Email me the report from the county
attorney who cleared Deputy Alexander in the shooting.
Terry Dean, Nemmers
Effective September
16, 2013, all e-filed documents, whether in mandatory or voluntary
case types, must be submitted in “searchable” PDF format. Visit
the eFile Support Center for more details and other important
Relations/Communications Protocol” Submitted To The Lapdog Media
Called The Echo Press By Douglas County Coordinator Bill Schalow?
Newspaper's Attorney Describes Censoring As Neo-Communist Tactics?
The Lapdog Media All Bark Since March 6, 2006? Neo-Commie Censors Own
Lapdog's Leash?
Then I decided that I should call up the Douglas County's lap dog media called the Echo Press, didn't I? I did, didn't I? And Tara Bitzen thought it was pretty funny that the deputy had hung up on me, didn't she? She did, didn't she?
lap dog n. Informal One eager to do
another's bidding, especially in order to maintain a position of
privilege or favor: "a bunch of intellectual lap dogs for
anybody who holds a big job in government" (Mike Barnicle).
Tara Bitzan, editor of the Echo Press
Phone number: (320) 763-1211
Contact Email:
Well, she thought it was funny until I mentioned that I had recorded the call, right? Then her attitude changed, didn't it? It did, didn't it? She was probably thinking that I might be recording my call to her, right? That's right, isn't it?
And I brought up the fact that her paper's lawyer Mark Anfinson thought the county dictating to the press was a tactic copied from behind the Russian Iron Curtain, didn't I? I did, didn't I? I also brought up the fact that illegally withholding free electronic data was a criminal act, didn't I? I did, didn't I?
Douglas County Sheriff's Office
216 Seventh Ave. W
Alexandria, MN 56308
(320)762-2139 Jail
Fax: (320)763-4493
I also said that a story like that would be front page material, didn't I? I did, didn't I? Then for some strange and mysterious reason Bitzan had to "go to a meeting," didn't she? She did, didn't she? However, she assured me that she would look into it, didn't she?
After exchanging angry words with Schalow in a phone call, Edenloff called Mark Anfinson, the attorney for the Minnesota Newspaper Association, and asked his opinion. A flabbergasted Anfinson told Edenloff the protocol appeared to violate both the First Amendment and Minnesota's open records statutes. "This is something you would have expected to see behind the Iron Curtain," Anfinson said. "I told [Edenloff] that the best remedy for this would be a story, that it wouldn't stand the light of day." It didn't, Schalow admits. County leaders, some alarmed to see the specifics of the protocol for the first time, said they didn't support it. The public was incensed. Schalow backed off. Douglas County's attempt to muzzle press hits buzz saw of opposition – A Douglas County official learned how much local residents value a free press when he issued a policy that he would screen stories in the local paper. Larry Oakes, Star Tribune. Last update: March 12, 2006. 9:58 PM
I told Bitzan that I had no real trust that she would look into it nor contact me back since Edenloff didn't look into the information about the City of Alexandria rigging a traffic ticket for Senator Bill Ingebrigtsen, right? That's right, isn't it? And it must have been a really, really long meeting since Bitzen hasn't called back, has she? She hasn't, has she?
BONUS MATERIAL: BCA Agency Deployment Report –
Douglas County Sheriff – Douglas County Attorney – Mn State
Patrol (Detroit Lakes)
County: Otter Tail
Agency Type: Law Enforcement
Name: Minnesota State Patrol (Detroit
ule: Incident Referral
Date Deployed: 11/9/2012
Last Adapter Used: eCharging
ORI: MN0210000
County: Douglas
Agency Type: Law Enforcement
Name: Douglas County Sheriff
Module: Citation
Date Deployed: 9/30/2013
Last Adapter Used: CIS [ CIS Records
Management System ]
ORI: MN0210000
County: Douglas
Agency Type: Law Enforcement
Name: Douglas County Sheriff
Module: Incident Referral
Date Deployed: 1/30/2012
Last Adapter Used: CIS [ CIS Records
Management System ]
ORI: MN0210000
County: Douglas
Agency Type: Law Enforcement
Name: Douglas County Sheriff
Module: DWI
Date Deployed: 2/20/2012
Last Adapter Used: eCharging
ORI: MN021013A
County: Douglas
Agency Type: Prosecuting Authority
Name: Douglas County Attorney
Module: Complaint
Date Deployed: 2/8/2012
Last Adapter Used: MCAPS4
More to come . . .
Related link:
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Co. Sheriff Troy "The Thug" Wolberson Illegally Withholds Convicted
Embezzler City Of Carlos Clerk/Treasurer Bambi Alexander's Interrogation
Video From Gerald Fiecke And Nathan Miller? Bambi's Brother Is Deputy
Dustin Alexander? Rigged Investigation For Case No. 21-CR-13-98? City Of
Carlos Caught Misusing Public Money?
Relations/Communications Protocol” Submitted To The Lapdog Media Called
The Echo Press By Douglas County Coordinator Bill Schalow? Newspaper's
Attorney Describes Censoring As Neo-Communist Tactics? The Lapdog Media
All Bark Since March 6, 2006? Neo-Commie Censors Own Lapdog's Leash?