Tuesday, September 29, 2020

No Sound On APD Sgt Kevin Guenther's Body Camera Video During Voluntary Statement For Gunslinger Eric Cornett? Why Oh Why Wasn't Poor Judd Hoff Given The Body Camera Video From APD Nathaniel Larson #102? (It Supposedly Contains Gunslinger Cornett's Audio/Video Statement, Right?) Why Oh Why Would Douglas Co. Sheriff Troy Wolberson Issue Gunslinger Cornett A Concealed Carry Permit When Gunslinger Cornett Has An Admitted History Of Mental Health Problems? It's Rigged Case No. 21-CR-20-1255, Isn't it?


21-CR-20-1255 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 8/19/2020 State of Minnesota County of Douglas District Court 7th Judicial District Prosecutor File No. Court File No. State of Minnesota, 20-1394 21-CR-20-1255 COMPLAINT Plaintiff, Order of Detention vs. JUDD BRADFORD HOFF DOB: 11/16/1970 658 South Maple Lake Road SE Glenwood, MN 56334 Defendant. The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe Defendant committed the following offense(s): COUNT I Charge: Felony 2nd Degree Assault Minnesota Statute: 609.222.1, with reference to: 609.222.1 Maximum Sentence: 7 Years Imprisonment and/or a $14,000.00 Fine Offense Level: Felony Offense Date (on or about): 08/18/2020 Control #(ICR#): 20010388 Charge Description: On or about August 18, 2020, within Douglas County, Minnesota, the above-named defendant, Judd Bradford Hoff, date of birth: 11/16/1970 (49), did assault another person (to wit: Eric Cornett) with a dangerous weapon, a felony crime. 1

21-CR-20-1255 STATEMENT OF PROBABLE CAUSE Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 8/19/2020 Your complainant, a duly licensed peace officer for the state of Minnesota, asserts the following to establish probable cause to believe that on 8/18/2020, within Douglas County, Minnesota, Judd Bradford Hoff, DOB: 11/16/1970 (49), Defendant herein, violated the law as set forth herein. On August 18, 2020 at 4:07 p.m., Officer Nate Larson responded to a complaint of a confrontation on the east side of the Sheriff’s Office at 216 7th Avenue West, Alexandria, Douglas County, Minnesota regarding a man with a machete and a man with a gun. Before Officer Larson arrived, Task Force Agent Shawn Schmidt had gotten the gun away from the male who was identified as Eric Cornett. Agent Schmidt said the parties were separated. Office Nate Larson went to Agent Schmidt who had detained Cornett, and Officer Larson obtained Cornett’s statement. Cornett said that he been having a rough day, and he noticed a white car with the flag upside down on the top of it. Cornett was upset so he stopped his car, got out told the male, later identified as the Defendant, to turn the flag around. Cornett walked back to the Defendant’s car and took the flag off the roof. Cornett started walking away with the flag, and the Defendant got out of his vehicle and came at Cornett with a machete approximately fifteen to seventeen inches in length. As Cornett walked away from the Defendant, the Defendant continued to walk towards Cornett threatening Cornett with the machete. Cornett has his conceal and carry gun permit, and Cornett pulled out his gun in self-defense in fear of harm by the Defendant coming at him with the machete. Cornett said that he did not want to shoot the Defendant. As the Defendant was coming at Cornett, Cornett told the Defendant to drop the machete as Cornett continued to backup with eyewitnesses observing this event. 2

21-CR-20-1255 SIGNATURES AND APPROVALS Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 8/19/2020 Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be: (1) arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant's appearance in court; or (2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise be dealt with according to law. Complainant declares under penalty of perjury that everything stated in this document is true and correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116; Minn. R. Crim. P. 2.01, subds. 1, 2. Complainant Brian Kakach patrol officer 501 3rd Ave W. Alexandria, MN 56308-1782 Badge: 114 Electronically Signed: 08/19/2020 10:26 AM Douglas County, Minnesota Being authorized to prosecute the offenses charged, I approve this complaint. Prosecuting Attorney Tara J Ulmaniec Assistant Douglas County Attorney 305 - 8th Avenue West Alexandria, MN 56308 (320) 762-3856 3 Electronically Signed: 08/19/2020 09:56 AM 3

21-CR-20-1255 FINDING OF PROBABLE CAUSE Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 8/19/2020 From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, have determined that probable cause exists to support, subject to bail or conditions of release where applicable, Defendant’s arrest or other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant’s appearance in court, or Defendant’s detention, if already in custody, pending further proceedings. Defendant is therefore charged with the above-stated offense(s). SUMMONS THEREFORE YOU, THE DEFENDANT, ARE SUMMONED to appear on ________ ___, _____ at _____ AM/PM before the above-named court at 305 8th Ave W, Alexandria, MN 56308 to answer this complaint. IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR in response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST shall be issued. WARRANT To the Sheriff of the above-named county; or other person authorized to execute this warrant: I order, in the name of the State of Minnesota, that the Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the court (if in session), and if not, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not later than 36 hours after the arrest or as soon as such Judge or Judicial Officer is available to be dealt with according to law. Execute in MN Only Execute Nationwide Execute in Border States X ORDER OF DETENTION Since the Defendant is already in custody, I order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the Defendant continue to be detained pending further proceedings. Bail: $ Conditions of Release: This complaint, duly subscribed and sworn to or signed under penalty of perjury, is issued by the undersigned Judicial Officer as of the following date: August 19, 2020. Judicial Officer Michelle Lee Clark Electronically Signed: 08/19/2020 10:52 AM Sworn testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses: COUNTY OF DOUGLAS STATE OF MINNESOTA State of Minnesota LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER RETURN OF SERVICE Plaintiff I hereby Certify and Return that I have served a copy of this Order of Detention upon the Defendant herein named. vs. Signature of Authorized Service Agent: Judd Bradford Hoff Defendant 4

21-CR-20-1255 DEFENDANT FACT SHEET Name: Judd Bradford Hoff DOB: 11/16/1970 Address: 658 South Maple Lake Road SE Glenwood, MN 56334 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 8/19/2020 Alias Names/DOB: SID: MN01407217 Height: Weight: Eye Color: Hair Color: Gender: MALE Race: Fingerprints Required per Statute: Yes Fingerprint match to Criminal History Record: Yes Driver's License #: A671072431914 (MN) Case Scheduling Information: FYI: Assistant Douglas County Attorney Tara J. Ulmaniec is the prosecutor assigned to this case. Thank you! - JoAnna Alcohol Concentration: 5

21-CR-20-1255 Filed in District Court State of Minnesota 8/19/2020 STATUTE AND OFFENSE GRID Cnt Nbr Statute Type Offense Date(s) Statute Nbrs and Descriptions Offense Level MOC GOC Controlling Agencies Case Numbers 1 Charge 8/18/2020 609.222.1 Assault-2nd Degree-Dangerous Weapon Felony A2333 N MN0210100 20010388 Penalty 8/18/2020 609.222.1 Assault-2nd Degree-Dangerous Weapon Felony A2333 N MN0210100 20010388 6

Is the case rigged against Judd Hoff? Would body camera video that magically and mysteriously doesn't have sound make you think that the case against Judd Hoff is rigged? Why oh why couldn't Alexandria Police Sgt. Kevin Guenther fall back onto his expensive and time-consuming work-related continuing education to make sure the sound was recording on his expensive Axon body camera when he took a preliminary audio/video recorded statement from gunslinger Eric Cornett?

Context: Officers conducting all criminal investigations will, whenever possible, record oral victim and witness statements in lieu of written statements. Statement evidence obtained during an initial investigation can be very powerful evidence in determining the course of an investigation; ultimately impacting charging decisions and convictions. Policy 325 Preliminary Investigation/Required Reports Duluth Police Department Policy Manual. https://duluthmn.gov/media/10065/release_20200702_t085045_duluth_pd_policy_manual-1.pdf

 All sort of body cameras and personal audio records, right? Yet, poor Judd didn't receive an audio/video recorded statement of gunslinger Eric Cornett, did he? He didn't, did he? Psst APD Nathaniel Larson #102 says that he has an audio/video recorded statement of gunslinger Eric Cornett, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he? Yet, magically and mysteriously poor Judd didn't receive an audio/video recorded statement of gunslinger Eric Cornett from APD Nathaniel Larson #102, did he? He didn't, did he? That's even more evidence that case against poor Judd is rigged, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Hey did you know that gunslinger Eric Cornett admitted on his Facebook account way back in 2017 to having suicidal thoughts and being hospitalized for those suicidal thoughts? How is it possible that Douglas County Sheriff Troy Wolberson missed that on Cornett's concealed carry permit application? Why oh why would Troy issue this gunslinger guy a carry permit?

Back in the hospital?

Admits to being an adult child?
Admits to being jealous easily?
Manages to make people hate him?

More to come ...

Related Links:

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Did You Hear That Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim "The Perjurer" Picazio's Gangstalker William "Murt" Murtaugh Was Lurking & Skulking Around MN For Fugitive Timothy "Conspiracy Theorist" Holmseth? Let's Ask The Cities Of Elk River & Blaine For Any Communications From Murt, Shall We? Both The Cities Of Elk River & Blaine Say That They've Never Heard Of Murt? ICR#: 20009001 Says: "Polk County Will Not Take Him [Holmseth] Due To COVID Restrictions"?

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: RNierenhausen@elkrivermn.gov,
"Allard, Tina" tallard@elkrivermn.gov,
"Sorensen, Cathy" csorensen@blainemn.gov,
"Tabor, Cassandra" ctabor@blainemn.gov,
Patrick Sweeney psweeney@eckberglammers.com
date: Sep 17, 2020, 10:22 PM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - BOLO Poster For Fugitive Timothy Holmseth & Incident Reports For Randi L. Erickson & William Kevin Murtaugh
mailed-by: gmail.com

Ron Nierenhausen Chief of Police Ph: 763-635-1260 Tina Allard, City Clerk Email 763-635-1003:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:

1. Emails from William Keven Murtaugh murtwitnessone@gmail.com containing links for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSnSaaix58w & https://www.bitchute.com/video/4IslPexWFjg3/ which indicate that fugitive Timothy Charle Holmseth and Randi L. Erickson are both in Plum City, Wisconsin on December 12, 2019.
2. BOLO aka "Be on the look-out" poster for fugitive Timothy Charles Holmseth issued to businesses in Elk River, Minnesota.
3. Trademark data and other evidence submitted by William Kevin Murtaugh to the Elk River Police Dept. related to fugitive Timothy Charles Holmseth and Randi L. Erickson.
4. Incident reports and computer aided-dispatch reports that mention William Kevin Murtaugh, fugitive Timothy Charles Holmseth and Randi L. Erickson.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. Are you upset that Murtaugh spilled the beans on your BOLO posters for fugitive Timothy Charles Holmseth on his Youtube channel?

Case No. 60-CR-18-439 State of Minnesota vs TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Defendant Active Warrant HOLMSETH, TIMOTHY CHARLES Male DOB: 06/17/1968

Data Contained In Search Results Is Current As Of 09/15/2020 06:17 PM. Search Results Please see our glossary of terms for an explanation of the license status shown in these search results. For additional information, including any complaints or discipline, click on the name. License Type Name Name Type License Number/ Rank Status/Expires
Real Estate Broker or Sales ERICKSON, RANDI L Primary BK3010067 Broker Current, Active 12/31/2020
 License Location Address*: 9285 205TH AVE. ELK RIVER, MN 55330
 Main Address*: 9285 205TH AVENUE NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330
 Mailing Address*: 9285 - 205TH AVE ELK RIVER, MN 55330

https://uspto.report/TM/90009158 TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Holmseth, Timothy USPTO Trademarks › Holmseth, Timothy › Timothy Charles Holmseth Application #90009158 Application Filed: 2020-06-18 Trademark Application Details Trademark Logo TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Mark For: TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of t-Shirts, coffee mugs, and other nomenclature. Status 2020-06-23 UTC LIVE APPLICATION Awaiting Examination The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner. Serial Number 90009158 Mark Literal Elements TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Mark Drawing Type 4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK Mark Type Trademark Current Location NEW APPLICATION PROCESSING 2020-06-22 Basis 1(b) Class Status ACTIVE Primary US Classes 022: Games, Toys and Sporting Good 039: Clothing Primary International Class 025 - Primary Class (Clothing) Clothing, footwear, headgear. Filed Use No Current Use No Intent To Use Yes Filed ITU Yes 44D Filed No 44E Current No 66A Current No Current Basis No No Basis No Timeline 2020-06-18 Application Filed 2020-06-22 Location: NEW APPLICATION PROCESSING 2020-06-22 Status: Live/Pending 2020-06-22 Status: New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 3 months after filing date. 2020-06-22 Transaction Date Trademark Ownership Owner: Holmseth, Timothy Address 18140 ZANE ST NW ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA UNITED STATES 55330 Legal Entity Type Individual Documents Application APPLICATION/XML,IMAGE/JPEG 2020-06-18 Drawing IMAGE/JPEG 2020-06-18 Attorney of Record HOLMSETH, TIMOTHY 18140 ZANE ST NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 Good, Services, and Codes International Codes: 25 U.S. Codes: 022,039 Type Code Type GS0251 T-Shirts, coffee mugs, and other nomenclature Trademark Filing History Description Date Proceeding Number NEW APPLICATION ENTERED IN TRAM 2020-06-22 

Patrick Sweeney, City Attorney 651-439-2878 & Cathy Sorensen, City Clerk 763-785-6124:

What is the status on the City of Blaine's personnel handbook? Wasn't that supposed to arrive today? And I still need to know if felony aiding an offender would be just cause for removing a board member from the City of Blaine's Special Board of Review, don't I?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. Are you sure that you haven't received any emails about City of Blaine's Special Board of Review Chairperson/Boardmember Ranid Erickson aiding and abetting fugitive Timothy Charles Holmseth?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSnSaaix58w Game Over - TCH - RQE 1,904 views •Feb 19, 2020 248 25 Share Save The Field Report 46.3K subscribers Without Prejudice. This audio was taken on Dec 12, 2019 before our regularly scheduled show. On this day Timothy Holmseth appeared in our zoom chat with the intention of going live on The Field Report with Robert Horton. The truth to the matter is plain. I Eager Beaver am simply respecting the wish and request from Field McConnell himself. I will not suffer any narrative being pushed by Tim Holmseth or Randi Erickson. Full stop. Malitiis hominum est obviandum Category News & Politics Game Over - TCH – RQE 1,904 views •Feb 19, 2020 248 25 Share Save The Field Report 46.3K subscribers Without Prejudice. This audio was taken on Dec 12, 2019 before our regularly scheduled show. On this day Timothy Holmseth appeared in our zoom chat with the intention of going live on The Field Report with Robert Horton. The truth to the matter is plain. I Eager Beaver am simply respecting the wish and request from Field McConnell himself. I will not suffer any narrative being pushed by Tim Holmseth or Randi Erickson. Full stop.
https://www.bitchute.com/video/4IslPexWFjg3/ Field Report - Game Over - TCH - RQE.. See Description Feb 19 2020 First published at 23:13 UTC on February 19th, 2020. #timothyholmseth #fieldmcconnell #eagerbeaver channel image Glow_Free Glow_Free 181 subscribers Without Prejudice. This audio was taken on Dec 12, 2019 before our regularly scheduled show. On this day Timothy Holmseth appeared in our zoom chat with the intention of going live on The Field Report with Robert Horton. The truth to the matter is plain. I Eager Beaver am simply respecting the wish and request from Field McConnell himself. I will not suffer any narrative being pushed by Tim Holmseth or Randi Erickson. Full stop. Malitiis hominum est obviandum The Field Report

https://twitter.com/MURTWITNESSONE/status/1306737944485597184 MURTWITNESSONE @MURTWITNESSONE Polk county courthouse, Wednesday Image 6:32 PM · Sep 17, 2020·Twitter Web App 2 Likes
https://twitter.com/Kennlovem3/status/1306772637956427779 Kennedy Verigo @Kennlovem3 The entire town has #bolos for #TimHolmseth! No wonder he’s freakin our and gone into hiding! Wonder if the ppl in the area are now aware of the reward? Bet they are!! Great job @MURTWITNESSONE !! To view vid:-> https://youtu.be/IeQyYRonomA 8:50 PM · Sep 17, 2020·Twitter for iPhone 1 Quote Tweet 2 Likes
https://twitter.com/MURTWITNESSONE/status/1306773042081693702 MURTWITNESSONE @MURTWITNESSONE I made everyone aware of the Reward. I had a copy of the sheet along with the copy of the Arrest warrant when I was visiting the various businesses throughout the area. Quote Tweet Kennedy Verigo @Kennlovem3 · 34m The entire town has #bolos for #TimHolmseth! No wonder he’s freakin our and gone into hiding! Wonder if the ppl in the area are now aware of the reward? Bet they are!! Great job @MURTWITNESSONE!! To view vid:-> https://youtu.be/IeQyYRonomA 12 views 0:07 / 1:13 8:52 PM · Sep 17, 2020·Twitter Web App 1 Like
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeQyYRonomA THE CHAOS PROJECT THURSDAY 38 views •Sep 17, 2020 5 2 Share Save FROM THE DESK OF MURTWITNESSONELIVE 908 subscribers The Chos project wraps up with a return to Elk River Wisconsin and then it is off to the Airport to wait to return to Florida

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: RNierenhausen@elkrivermn.gov,
"Allard, Tina" tallard@elkrivermn.gov,
"Sorensen, Cathy" csorensen@blainemn.gov,
"Tabor, Cassandra" ctabor@blainemn.gov,
Patrick Sweeney Psweeney@eckberglammers.com
date: Sep 22, 2020, 7:59 AM
subject: Status Of Chapter 13 Data Request - BOLO Poster For Fugitive Timothy Holmseth & Incident Reports For Randi L. Erickson & William Kevin Murtaugh
mailed-by: gmail.com

Ron Nierenhausen Chief of Police Ph: 763-635-1260 Tina Allard, City Clerk Email 763-635-1003:

What is the status of my Thursday, September 17, 2020 Chapter 13 Data request for readily available, free, electronic public data for the BOLO poster for fugitive Timothy Holmseth & incident reports for Randi L. Erickson & William Kevin Murtaugh. Oh and it is my understanding from Murtuagh's 09-19-20 video (Discussed from 46:00-50:27 / 4:01:10 in video link below) that he provided you with information that neither the City of Blaine's Special Board of Review Chairperson/Boardmember Randi L. Erickson nor fugitive Timothy Holmseth have a valid driver's license. Please add that data to my original request.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. Maybe the City of Blaine should send you surveillance video from their parking lots the next time Randi shows up on City property, huh?

Case No. 60-CR-18-439 State of Minnesota vs TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Defendant Active Warrant HOLMSETH, TIMOTHY CHARLES Male DOB: 06/17/1968

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDQZJMGH6sQ 9/19/2020 MURTATHON: $5000.00 reward offered for the arrest of Timothy Charles Holmseth 409 views •Streamed live on Sep 19, 2020 31 12 Share Save FROM THE DESK OF MURTWITNESSONELIVE 953 subscribers An award for the arrest of Timothy Charles Holmseth has been offered by the Fugitive Task Force Facebook page administrator. https://timothycharlesholmseth.site/w... There is no requirement that he be convicted. The only requirement is that he is arrested and the person who seeks the reward can prove their information led to his arrest.

https://twitter.com/MURTWITNESSONE/status/1307366779526811648 MURTWITNESSONE @MURTWITNESSONE That is the purpose of the Reward offer. Right now Timmy is terrified. They filed a complaint with Youtube trying to get the Reward poster removed from my videos Quote Tweet 𝕃𝕚𝕡𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕔𝕜 ℙ𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕥 Kiss mark @Lipstick_Pundit · 4h Replying to @Rebecca_1965_ @MURTWITNESSONE and @TylerThaFox Why doesn’t a private investigator go find his whereabouts? There is surely someone would jump at this seeing that it is pretty high profile re politics 12:11 PM · Sep 19, 2020·Twitter Web App 1 Retweet 1 Like
https://twitter.com/MURTWITNESSONE/status/1307671000234983426 MURTWITNESSONE @MURTWITNESSONE Youtube rejected the privacy complaint filed against the wanted poster I have in my videos. The wanted poster will remain in the videos and I am free to keep posting them. 8:20 AM · Sep 20, 2020·Twitter Web App 1 Retweet 1 Quote Tweet 10 Likes
https://twitter.com/TylerThaFox/status/1307769006393360389 Tyler A. Dee Yellow heart High voltage sign Rainbow @TylerThaFox Replying to @MURTWITNESSONE Since when is showing a wanted poster a privacy violation? Smiling face with open mouth Stay pressed, Timmy! 2:50 PM · Sep 20, 2020·Twitter for iPhone 1 Retweet 4 Likes
https://twitter.com/prinniedidit/status/1307796659414470656 Big A Little l-e-x @prinniedidit Replying to @TylerThaFox and @MURTWITNESSONE Just shows how upset Nostradumbass is over being publicly broadcast as a fugitive. Sirens in the distance and a shiny bracelet coming soon!! 4:39 PM · Sep 20, 2020·Twitter for iPhone 1 Retweet 1 Like

Data Contained In Search Results Is Current As Of 09/15/2020 06:17 PM. Search Results Please see our glossary of terms for an explanation of the license status shown in these search results. For additional information, including any complaints or discipline, click on the name. License Type Name Name Type License Number/ Rank Status/Expires
Real Estate Broker or Sales ERICKSON, RANDI L Primary BK3010067 Broker Current, Active 12/31/2020
 License Location Address*: 9285 205TH AVE. ELK RIVER, MN 55330
 Main Address*: 9285 205TH AVENUE NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330
 Mailing Address*: 9285 - 205TH AVE ELK RIVER, MN 55330

https://uspto.report/TM/90009158 TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Holmseth, Timothy USPTO Trademarks › Holmseth, Timothy › Timothy Charles Holmseth Application #90009158 Application Filed: 2020-06-18 Trademark Application Details Trademark Logo TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Mark For: TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH™ trademark registration is intended to cover the categories of t-Shirts, coffee mugs, and other nomenclature. Status 2020-06-23 UTC LIVE APPLICATION Awaiting Examination The trademark application has been accepted by the Office (has met the minimum filing requirements) and has not yet been assigned to an examiner. Serial Number 90009158 Mark Literal Elements TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH Mark Drawing Type 4 - STANDARD CHARACTER MARK Mark Type Trademark Current Location NEW APPLICATION PROCESSING 2020-06-22 Basis 1(b) Class Status ACTIVE Primary US Classes 022: Games, Toys and Sporting Good 039: Clothing Primary International Class 025 - Primary Class (Clothing) Clothing, footwear, headgear. Filed Use No Current Use No Intent To Use Yes Filed ITU Yes 44D Filed No 44E Current No 66A Current No Current Basis No No Basis No Timeline 2020-06-18 Application Filed 2020-06-22 Location: NEW APPLICATION PROCESSING 2020-06-22 Status: Live/Pending 2020-06-22 Status: New application will be assigned to an examining attorney approximately 3 months after filing date. 2020-06-22 Transaction Date Trademark Ownership Owner: Holmseth, Timothy Address 18140 ZANE ST NW ELK RIVER, MINNESOTA UNITED STATES 55330 Legal Entity Type Individual Documents Application APPLICATION/XML,IMAGE/JPEG 2020-06-18 Drawing IMAGE/JPEG 2020-06-18 Attorney of Record HOLMSETH, TIMOTHY 18140 ZANE ST NW ELK RIVER, MN 55330 Good, Services, and Codes International Codes: 25 U.S. Codes: 022,039 Type Code Type GS0251 T-Shirts, coffee mugs, and other nomenclature Trademark Filing History Description Date Proceeding Number NEW APPLICATION ENTERED IN TRAM 2020-06-22

from: Springsteen, Marci MSpringsteen@elkrivermn.gov
to: "lionnews00@gmail.com" lionnews00@gmail.com
date: Sep 24, 2020, 12:11 PM
subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Status Of Chapter 13 Data Request - BOLO Poster For Fugitive Timothy Holmseth & Incident Reports For Randi L. Erickson & William Kevin Murtaugh
mailed-by: elkrivermn.gov
signed-by: Coermn.onmicrosoft.com
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Good morning Terry,
Attached you will find our response in reference to your data request. We have not had contact with Randi L. Erickson or William Kevin Murtaugh (Murtuagh).
Have a great day!
Marci Springsteen
Elk River Police Department – Support Services Supervisor/TAC
13077 Orono Parkway, Elk River, MN 55330
763.635.1200 ElkRiverMN.gov

Attachment: Data Request Response.pdf

Elk River Police Department Incident Report ICR#: 20009001 Agency ORI#: MN0710200  Incident: Reported: 05-18-2020 1509 First Assigned: 1509 First Arrived: 1509 Last Cleared: 1533 Title: Info How Received: In Person Short Description: Warrant information – confirmed. Summary: The listed business owner / complainant reported that he received an informational flyer that  the listed suspect was in Elk River. The male suspect does have 3 confirmed Polk County misdemeanor warrant; however, Polk County will not take him due to COVID restrictions. The suspect’s listed address is the THE UPS Sore. Information to Roll Call, End. Informational flyer has been scanned into Media. Locations(s) Charles Brown’s Address: 335 Lowell Ave NW City: Elk River State: MN Zip: 55330 The UPS Store Address: 18140 Zane St. NW City: Elk River State: MN Zip: 55330 Officers:  Officer Assigned: Heldt, Kevin Badge No. 636 Primary: Yes MOC MOC: 9883 Literal Warrant Information Names Involvement: Suspect Name: Holmseth, Timothy Charles Age 51 Address: (Residence) 18140 Zane St NW UNIT: 138 City: Elk River State: MN Zip: 55330-4505 Involvement: Complainant Name Brown, Charles Brown Age 55 Address (Residence) 9320 Nelmark Ave NE City: Elk River State: MN 55330-7320

Elk River Police Department Incident Report ICR#: 20009136 Agency ORI#: MN0710200  Incident: Reported: 05-20-2020 1631 First Assigned: 1631 First Arrived: 1645 Last Cleared: 1700 Title: Suspicious Activity How Received: Radio Short Description: Letter received in mail  Summary: Received phone call to repsond to UPS Store for suspicious activity complaint. Complainant, the business owner, reported receiving a piece of mail addressed to the UPS Store that contained a flyer with information listed about a male with active warrants. The postage stamp originated in Salt Lake City, UT. Complainant stated she could not provide information, without a court order, as to whether or not the male was a customer with a PO Box at their store, but the complainant said she did not recognize him. Officer confirmed male did not have warrant in UT and the MN warrants were not currently extraditable. Officer located similar information received by #636 (See related ICR #20009001). Vehicle the male is reportedly driving was added to this ICR. Information only at this time.  Locations(s) The UPS Store Address: 18140 Zane St. NW City: Elk River State: MN Zip: 55330 Officers:  Officer Assigned: Zabee, Andrew Badge No. 606 Primary: Yes MOC MOC: 9892 Literal: Suspicious Activity Names Involvement: Suspect Name: Holmseth, Timothy Charles Age 51 Address: (Residence) 18140 Zane St NW UNIT: 138 City: Elk River State: MN Zip: 55330-4505 Involvement: Complainant Name Dilks, Lori Jo Age 46 Address (Residence) 9073 Ochoa Cir NE City: Ostego State: MN 55330 Involvement: Complainant Name: The UPS Store Address: (Business) 18140 Zane St. NW City: Elk River State: MN Zip: 55330 Vehicles State: MN Plate: 601TJM VIN: JN8AS5MV4CW401610 Make: NISS Model: ROGUE, SPORT UTILITY VEHICLE Year: 12 Color: WHI

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: Patrick Sweeney PSweeney@eckberglammers.com,
date: Sep 13, 2020, 11:29 AM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - Emailed Complaints About City Of Blaine' Randi Erickson
mailed-by: gmail.com

Patrick Sweeney, City Attorney 651-439-2878 & Cathy Sorensen, City Clerk 763-785-6124:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. Chapter 13.43 emailed complaints and associated attachments against taxation chairman or judge Randi Erickson for the City of Blaine from the following individuals - murtwitnessone@gmail.com, alexandriagoddard@gmail.com, rebeccageary5@gmail.com, Levi@crimeandscandal.com, LeviPageTV@icloud.com, reaganearly@hotmail.com, Lkeskies@gmail.com, KennedyFamilyEskies@protonmail.com, kim@picaziolaw.com. Pursuant to 13.43 PERSONNEL DATA. Subd. 2. Public data. (1),(2),(3), (4), (5), (6), (7)
2. Date of first hire, date of resignation or termination, and gross salary for Randi Erickson for the years: 2013--2020. Pursuant to 13.43 PERSONNEL DATA. Subd. 2. Public data. (1),(2),(3), (4), (5), (6), (7)

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

https://www.facebook.com/cirsten.w.3/posts/10158195543399693 Cirsten Weldon June 10 · Hi Cristen, You do not know me.. but I am one of the original task force members of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force aka PPTF, a member that Timothy speaks of.. I am the one that identified and testified on Timothy's behalf against the courts in Minnesota... I took the witness stand at one of his trials and stated the clear facts for Timothy. I am the one who saw what Kim Picazio, an attorney out of Broward County, FL was doing to Timothy over the years. I am the one, he trusted over the phone, and I told him I would never leave him, until real justice was given to him, and I would see to it. - Now to the story - I am the one, who called Timothy in Late 2018 and introduced myself to him over the phone for CPS Hotline, seeking assistance for a mother who came to the CPS hotline, and confirmed he could not help anyone, for he had personal problems of his own. I again called him in February 2019, when he posted he needed help with his car. My first encounter to Timothy's real problems, was over the phone, when his transmission went out and he was stranded outside of Fergus Falls, MN, he had no money to fix it, during that call, I told him I will pay for it in full, (over $4800.00) and instructed him to get back on the front line to investigate children. He was in awe. A few weeks later we spoke again, and he told me his real problems, with the courts. I could not believe his rights were so blatantly violated. I decided to step in and help. In my professions, I am a real estate expert in Minnesota, held several positions in real estate, such as a former 10 year deputy recorder, a truth in taxation chairman or judge in and for the City of Blaine, MN (a city of over 70,000), a position I have held for like 18 years. In an addition, I am a Florida Broker, hold my CRS and GRI designations. These Designations are held by less that 5% of all realtors nationwide. I have been be an elected person. I have been a voter judge. I have held several community positions. It is time for me to come forward, of who I am, so I write it here for the first time.

from: Sorensen, Cathy csorensen@blainemn.gov
to: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
cc: Patrick Sweeney PSweeney@eckberglammers.com
date: Sep 14, 2020, 7:54 AM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 Data Request - Emailed Complaints About City Of Blaine' Randi Erickson
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

Thank you; we’ll begin working on your request.
Cathy Sorensen, CMC
City Clerk
City of Blaine
City Clerk’s Office
10801 Town Square Drive NE, Blaine MN 55449
p: 763-785-6124 m: 763-478-7282 f: 763-785-6191

from: Sorensen, Cathy csorensen@blainemn.gov
to: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
cc: Patrick Sweeney PSweeney@eckberglammers.com
date: Sep 15, 2020, 10:46 AM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 Data Request - Emailed Complaints About City Of Blaine' Randi Erickson
mailed-by: blainemn.gov
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

Thank you for your data request. The City has not received emailed complaints or associated attachments from the individuals listed in your email under (1). Ms. Erickson served on the City’s Special Board of Review as Chairperson/Boardmember and is/has not been a City employee therefore the data requested under (2) is not applicable. More information about the Board of Review can be found here. Thank you.
Cathy Sorensen, CMC
City Clerk
City of Blaine
City Clerk’s Office
10801 Town Square Drive NE, Blaine MN 55449
p: 763-785-6124 m: 763-478-7282 f: 763-785-6191

More to come . . . 

Related links:

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Ooooops! Did Nemmers Just Toss A Couple Of Huge Monkey Wrenches Into Pierce County Case Number 2019CF000226 State Of Wisconsin Vs. Field "Conspiracy Theorist" McConnell? "Conspiracy Theorist" McConnell Is Haboring E-Clause Client/Fugitive Timothy "Conspiracy Theorist" Holmseth, Isn't He? Both "Conspiracy Theorist" McConnell & "Conspiracy Theorist" Holmseth Are Being Gang-Stalked By Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim "The Perjurer" Picazio's Gang-Stalking Crew, Aren't They? Pierce County District Attorney David Olson Gets Notified Of Nemmers' Criminal Complaint And Magically & Mysteriously Missing Charging Decision For Criminal Case Against Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim "The Perjurer" Picazio? Broward County State Attorney Michael Satz Gets Notified Of Possible Service Of Process Violations? Wisconsin Department Of Justice IP Address Lurking & Skulking On Lion News?

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Lion News: Nemmers’ 03-30-19 Call From Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim “The Perjurer” Picazio? https://www.bitchute.com/video/QLpc7hlocqHE/
Lion News: Nemmers’ 04-05-19 Call From Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim “The Perjurer” Picazio? https://www.bitchute.com/video/HUADImcY5iQa/
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Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio Falsely Reporting Death Threats By Timothy Holmseth? https://www.bitchute.com/video/CAjj2EmNZvQG/
Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio’s Affair With Regan Exposed By Investigation Into Westall? https://www.bitchute.com/video/mUscvhB1lCnb/

Nemmers' Informed Consent For East Grand Forks Subject Data? Corrupt Galstad Using "Connected" Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim "The Perjurer" Picazio & Picazio Flunkies To Try Timothy "Conspiracy Theorist" Holmseth Case In Court Of Public Opinion? FYI: Dede "Conspiracy Theorist" Evavold Sighted At 08-26-19 Fail For Fugitive Timothy "Conspiracy Theorist" Holmseth?

Fort Lauderdale Florida Police Reports Filed By Celebrity Attorney Kim "The Perjurer" Picazio Make No Mention Of Death Threats By Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth, Do They? Picazio Screwed Up By Giving Nemmers A Copy Of ICR: 11-064252-PR, Didn't She? Fort Lauderdale PD Forced To Cough Up 11-064252-PR, Right?

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UPDATE: AFTER A WEEK A VERY ANGRY LPPD BEGRUDGINGLY TOOK A FORMAL STATEMENT FROM NEMMERS, RIGHT? Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Turns On Her Buddies At Inver Grove Height Police Department (IGHPD)? Picazio Magically & Mysteriously Changes Story And Now Says That Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth Never Made Death Threats To Her? Picazio Accuses Her Cop Buddies At IGHPD Of Falsifying Report? Is That Because Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Can't Produce Any Proof That Conspiracy Theorist Holmseth Was Ever Prosecuted Or Convicted Of Making Death Threats? IGHPD Is Still Illegally Withholding Preliminary Audio Statements Of Picazio And Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall From Nemmers, Aren't They?

Update: Did You Hear That I Was Forced To Report Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio To Law Enforcement On 04-11-19? Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Reported To Florida Bar Association? Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Reported For SLAPP Suit Against Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth?

Why Is Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Filing False Police Reports With The Inver Grove Heights Police Department Against Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall? It's To Cover Up Picazio's Affair With Jeremiah Regan, Isn't It? It Is, Isn't It? Picazio Has Been Conspiring With The Corrupt East Grand Forks Police To Harass & Maliciously Prosecute Westall's Conspiracy Theorist Buddy Timothy Charles Holmseth For Years, Hasn't She? Picazio Maliciously SLAPPed Holmseth, Didn't She? (Note: Dede Evavold Is A Consumer Of Holmseth's Conspiracy Theories, Isn't She?)


Thursday, September 10, 2020

Whatever Happened To Nemmers' Data Request For The False Police Report Filed By Corrupt Dakota Co. Judicial Officer Ann Offerman Vs Jessica Hartger AKA Jessica Cook DOB: 01/15/1992? Will Hartger File A Counter-Criminal Complaint? Why The Continued Harassment Over Public Data For Corrupt Dakota County Judicial Officer Ann Offerman's False Police Report Against Jessica Hartger AKA Jessica Cook?

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: jrechtzigel@ci.apple-valley.mn.us,
"Gackstetter, Pamela" PGackste@ci.apple-valley.mn.us
date: Jun 29, 2020, 11:01 AM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB: 01-15-92
mailed-by: gmail.com

Jon Rechtzigel Chief of Police Email Chief of Police (952) 953-2700 & Pamela Gackstetter City Clerk (952) 953-2506:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. Chain of custody data, emails, email attachments, text messages, phone calls, phone messages, incident reports, computer-aided dispatch reports, warrant applications, warrants for 02-21-20 incident involving Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB: 01-15-92.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

OFFICER INFORMATION Name Blake Scheffknecht Agency Dakota Sheriff Badge 194 Role PrimarySYNOPSIS OF EVENTS Informational report regarding emails sent to judges. NARRATIVE On 02-21-2020, I Deputy Scheffknecht, was assigned to the Bailiff Station at the Division 2 Government Courthouse in Hastings, MN. I was notified by Sergeant Wilkerson about potential threats made toward Dakota County Judges by an individual identified as Jessica Danielle Hartger DOB/ 1992-01-15. After reviewing emails sent by Mrs. Hartger, text messages, and Police Reports forwarded to me, at this time, Mrs. Hartger does not appear to make any threats towards the judges that are criminal in nature. This report is being completed in case Mrs. Hartger's behaviors escalate. This is an informational only report. Please forward this report to investigations. INCIDENT Case Number: 20900125 Title: Informational Dakota Sheriff 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone: (651) 438 4700

Memo TO: File – In Re the Custody of: C.A.M. - Myers and Hartger – Court File Number 19AVFA15-2677 FROM: The Honorable Ann Offerman On February 20 and 21, 2020, Respondent Jessica Hartger sent various emails to the Court’s law clerk, opposing counsel, the Chief Judge of the First Judicial District, and others. Some of these emails included oblique threats toward the Court. After consultation with the Chief Judge, I reported these threats to law enforcement listing the Court as a victim in law enforcement records. Subsequently, law enforcement informed the Court that Ms. Hartger was posting about the Court on social media. Law enforcement advised the Court that Ms. Hartger’s location was unknown and that she was subject to a bench warrat in a felony criminal matter. The Court viewed Ms. Hartger’s public social media to determine if she was making further threats toward the Court or its staff. The Court deemed this to be an emergency and reasonably believed that no party would gain a procedural, substantive, or tactical advantage as a result. Any information learned from social media posts attributed to Ms. Hartger will not be used to render a decision in this matter. On April 6, 2020, law enforcement informed the Court that Ms. Hartger was again subject to a bench warrant, her whereabouts were unknown and she had posted threatening statements related to the Court on social media.

Sgt. Biggar advised me at 1838 [Note: 06:38PM] hours that Apple Valley requested our assistance by arresting HARTGER for an outstanding warrant that had recently been issued. The warrant was forwarded via email and had been signed by Judge David L. Knutson earlier (1557 hours) on 02/21/2020. … JESSICA was searched incident to arrest by Officer Moua and no illegal items were found. Officer Streiff, Ibrahim and Koras arrested HARTGER and he was placed in Officer Streiff’s squad after being handcuffed, which were checked for fit and double locked. HARTGER was searched incident to arrest but no illegal items found. … Officer Koras took photographs of HARTGER’S vehicle prior to being collected by Matt’s Towing and uploaded them into the case. … On 02-24-2020, Sgt. Davis requested I copy a video from a file onto a disc. The following occurred: I spoke with Analyst Kapaun and learned he had recorded a video from JESSICA HARTGER’s Facebook page. The video had been captured using the Screen Hunter application. Analyst Kapaun had then placed the video in a file. I burned the video onto a CD and later entered it into evidence. Analyst Kapaun had emailed me a screen shot of the Facebook page where he had captured the video. I attached the screen shot to this case. … ***2/21/2020 Time: 11:05:21 Jessica Hartger arrested for Dakota Co. warrant. #137 met with AVPD at MOA for prisoner exchange. User: Brown Unit#: 112 Mcahine: PS6214 … Time: 10:06:17 PM fDescription: forcing entry into car User: Sjolander, Katie PSCON3 Eden Prairie Police Department Summary Print Date/Time: 06/10/2020 11:35 Login ID: cmunoz Case Number: 2020-00006284 Eden Prairie Police Department ORI Number: MN0272600 20006284_Case Report.pdf

KENNETH refused to open the door and requested to see the warrant for JESSICA. … KENNETH again requested to see the warrant. I advised KENNETH that if he continued to refuse to open the door he would be charged with obstructing. KENNETH refused and stated he would not open the door until a warrant was provided to him. At this time Detective Brown gained entry into the vehicle and unlocked the doors by breaking the front passenger side window. Eden Prairie Police Department Summary Print Date/Time: 06/10/2020 11:40 Login ID: cmunoz Case Number: 2020-00006287 Eden Prairie Police Department ORI Number: MN0272600 20006287_Case Report.pdf

from: Thielen, Anne athielen@ci.apple-valley.mn.us
to: "lionnews00@gmail.com" lionnews00@gmail.com
date: Jun 29, 2020, 1:18 PM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 Data Request - Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB: 01-15-92
mailed-by: ci.apple-valley.mn.us
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Good afternoon,
The data you are requesting is all currently part of an active investigation and therefore cannot be released at this time.
Thank you!
Annie Thielen
Records Technician
Apple Valley Police Department
7100 147th St W
Apple Valley, MN 55124
From: Rechtzigel, Jon JRechtzi@ci.apple-valley.mn.us
Sent: Monday, June 29, 2020 12:35 PM
To: Mellesmoen, Steph SMellesm@ci.apple-valley.mn.us
Subject: FW: Chapter 13 Data Request - Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB: 01-15-92

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: "Thielen, Anne" athielen@ci.apple-valley.mn.us,
"Gackstetter, Pamela" PGackste@ci.apple-valley.mn.us
date: Jun 29, 2020, 2:05 PM
subject: Re: Chapter 13 Data Request - Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB: 01-15-92
mailed-by: gmail.com

Jon Rechtzigel Chief of Police Email Chief of Police (952) 953-2700 & Pamela Gackstetter City Clerk (952) 953-2506:

Clarification: Are you saying that there is an active criminal investigation into the false police report filed by Dakota County judicial officer Ann Offerman? Or are you saying that there is an active investigation into the wild, outrageous and unsubstantiated defamatory assertions of your Detective Tara Becker? Is the City of Apple Valley in the possession of any of the three (3) psychological evaluations that Jessica Hartger was subjected to?

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. Actual gross salary, the existence and status of any complaints, and the work-related continuing education from date of first hire until today's date for Apple Valley Detective Tara Becker.
2. Current Apple Valley Police Department Policy and Procedure manual.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

Peace officers shall not knowingly disobey the law or rules of criminal procedure in such areas as interrogation, arrest, detention, searches, seizures, use of informants, and preservation of evidence, except where permitted in the performance of duty under proper authority. ... Peace officers must obey lawful orders but a peace officer must refuse to obey any order the officer knows would require the officer to commit an illegal act. If in doubt as to the clarity of an order the officer shall, if feasible, request the issuing officer to clarify the order. An officer refusing to obey an order shall be required to justify his or her actions. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF PEACE OFFICERS MODEL POLICY MN STAT 626.8457

https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/13.43 13.43 PERSONNEL DATA. Subdivision 1.Definition. As used in this section, "personnel data" means government data on individuals maintained because the individual is or was an employee of or an applicant for employment by, performs services on a voluntary basis for, or acts as an independent contractor with a government entity. § Subd. 2.Public data. (a) Except for employees described in subdivision 5 and subject to the limitations described in subdivision 5a, the following personnel data on current and former employees, volunteers, and independent contractors of a government entity is public: (1) name; employee identification number, which must not be the employee's Social Security number; actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary; ... (4) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action; (5) the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees of the public body; (6) the complete terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising out of an employment relationship, including a buyout agreement as defined in section 123B.143, subdivision 2, paragraph (a); except that the agreement must include specific reasons for the agreement if it involves the payment of more than $10,000 of public money; (7) work location; a work telephone number; badge number; work-related continuing education; and honors and awards received; and

From: Becker, Tara,Tbecker@ci.apple-valley.mn.us.
Sent: Friday, February 21, 2020 4:32PM
To: #POLICE – All pd-all@ci.apple-valley.mn.us
Subject: JUDGE OFFERMAN/Jessica Hartger
I’ll try to make this brief:
Judge Offerman is presiding over a family court issue between a female, Jessica Danielle Hartger, DOB 1-15-92, aka Jessica Cook, and Cody Austin Myers. Hartger is very unstable and has sent 50+ emails to Judge Messerch and Offerman’s law clerk. She also sent an email to Family Wise (St. Paul) stating the HRO between her and Myers(ex) was dropped as well as the temporary custody order. This NOT THE CASE. She also post on Twitter that she was going to kidnap he kid. The attached PDF is an active warrant for her arrest for violations of her conditions of release regarding a Felony HRO vs. Myers.
Be advised that Hartger posts everything to Facebook including the voicemail that Mack left for her (Apple Valley case number 20000915) including many other documents including full police reports. Watch yourselves of you do end up having contact with her. Hartger’s Facebook is Jessica Danielle (Jessica Cook).
Here are two vehicles which she may be driving:
- DZS917
- 26VTU
Both are registered to a Kenneth Hartger.
We have placed surveillance cameras at Judge Offerman’s residence in the even Jessica shows up intending to further harass her. Judge Offermann will call 911 in the event she spots and feels the need to call.
Thanks for keeping an eye out,
Detective Tara Becker
7100 147th Street W
Apple Valley, MN 55124
952-956-2887 (office)
952-953-2733 (fax)

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: "Thielen, Anne" athielen@ci.apple-valley.mn.us,
"Gackstetter, Pamela" PGackste@ci.apple-valley.mn.us,
"Hartger, Jessica" Jhartger01@hamline.edu
date: Jul 3, 2020, 9:35 AM
subject: Re: Chapter 13 Data Request - Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB: 01-15-92
mailed-by: gmail.com

Jon Rechtzigel Chief of Police Email Chief of Police (952) 953-2700 & Pamela Gackstetter City Clerk (952) 953-2506:

What is the status on my Chapter 13 data request for the Actual gross salary, the existence and status of any complaints, and the work-related continuing education from date of first hire until today's date for Apple Valley Detective Tara Becker and the current Apple Valley Police Department Policy and Procedure manual?
And has the status of Jessica's Hartger's criminal investigative data changed to public yet or not? Oh speaking of this alleged criminal investigation? Isn't it true that you have no actual evidence of Jessica Hartger engaging in a true threat? And isn't it also true that you have absolutely no evidence that Hartger harassed anyone? In fact, all the evidence that is in your possession indicates that Hartger is the actual victim, correct?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. You aren't upset that I provided Jessica with data on "true threats" and on what constitutes harassment, are you?
P.S.S. Did it upset when I included Jessica on this email?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHJ-kqisL6Y Apple Valley Police Department, pairs up with EDEN PRAIRIE POLICE DEPARTMENT & JUDGES #NOWARRANT No views •Jul 2, 2020 0 0 Share Save Jessica Cook 1 subscriber

a. Wanted Person – consult the court or prosecutor to verify that the warrant is still active and the extradition limits have not changed for all wanted person records. Operators shall run a new criminal history inquiry (QH-PUR/C) to check for additional available identifiers to add to record. Ie; AKA’s, DOB’s etc....ATN field should contain the name of the person validating the record as well as the reason (VALIDATION). Old CCH record shall be removed from the warrant jacket and shredded and new CCH inquiry shall be placed in the warrant jacket. 1-21.2 Record Validation Process. Hot File Validation Process Section 1-21 Issued: October 2010 Last Review: November 2015 Apple Valley Police Department

https://apnews.com/c589bf853d02987da11bcf1c94c9d9c4 Court throws out conviction for online posts directed at DA March 17, 2020 GMT In a whole-context review of the posts, Court of Appeals Chief Judge Linda McGee wrote no evidence was presented to support a finding that Taylor “in posting his comments was to cause D.A. Welch to believe defendant was going to kill her.” Proving a “true threat” is required by the First Amendment, based on a 1969 U.S. Supreme Court decision, McGee wrote while offering standards for courts to handle such anti-threat statutes in North Carolina. The ruling directs that Taylor be acquitted. Judge Richard Dietz, who wrote a separate opinion, described Taylor’s post as including “political hyperbole” about “his distrust in politicians, the justice system, and the government.” Such tirades, Dietz said, used to be limited to “living rooms or pool halls.” https://appellate.nccourts.org/opinions/?c=2&pdf=38042

A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Advisory Opinion 95-042. October 31, 1995; Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning. October 31, 1995 | Inspection, Response to data requests, Statutory construction (Ch. 645)

Beahrs v. Lake, No. C3-97-2222 (Minn. Ct. App. May 26, 1998) (UNPUBLISHED) (sending accurate copies of public records to friends, family, and business acquaintances does not constitute harassment). 2018 Summary of Domestic Abuse Act & Harassment

Restraining Order Cases A Summary of Published and Unpublished Minnesota Decisions Interpreting the Domestic Abuse Act – Minn. Stat. § 518B.01 and Harassment Restraining Orders – Minn. Stat. § 609.748. Standpoint Attorneys & advocates against domestice & sexual violence.

Frequently, prior to an interrogation, the only evidence supporting a suspect's guilt is circumstantial or behavioral in nature. Under this condition, conducting a nonaccusatory interview of the suspect is indispensable with respect to identifying whether the suspect is, in fact, likely to be guilty. Furthermore, the information learned during the interview of a guilty suspect, when there is sparse incriminating evidence linking him to the crime, is necessary to conduct a proper interrogation. Inbau, Fred E., Reid, John E., Buckley Joseph P., Jayne, Brian C. Essentials of the Reid Technique: Criminal Interrogation and Confessions. Page 6.

OFFICER INFORMATION Name Blake Scheffknecht Agency Dakota Sheriff Badge 194 Role PrimarySYNOPSIS OF EVENTS Informational report regarding emails sent to judges. NARRATIVE On 02-21-2020, I Deputy Scheffknecht, was assigned to the Bailiff Station at the Division 2 Government Courthouse in Hastings, MN. I was notified by Sergeant Wilkerson about potential threats made toward Dakota County Judges by an individual identified as Jessica Danielle Hartger DOB/ 1992-01-15. After reviewing emails sent by Mrs. Hartger, text messages, and Police Reports forwarded to me, at this time, Mrs. Hartger does not appear to make any threats towards the judges that are criminal in nature. This report is being completed in case Mrs. Hartger's behaviors escalate. This is an informational only report. Please forward this report to investigations. INCIDENT Case Number: 20900125 Title: Informational Dakota Sheriff 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone: (651) 438 4700

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: benbaglio99@gmail.com,
"Gackstetter, Pamela" PGackste@ci.apple-valley.mn.us,
"Hartger, Jessica" jhartger01@hamline.edu
date: Sep 10, 2020, 8:21 AM
subject: Why The Continued Harassment Over Public Data For Corrupt Dakota County Judicial Officer Ann Offerman's False Police Report Against Jessica Hartger AKA Jessica Cook?
mailed-by: gmail.com

Apple Valley City Council Candidates Ben Baglio, Michele Florin (612) 7475702, Linda Garrett-Johnson (651) 2161761:

Did you know that your corrupt Jon Rechtzigel, Chief of Police (952) 953-2700 & Pamela Gackstetter City Clerk (952) 953-2506 & Annette Margarit, City Attorney 952.953.8815 are conspiring to illegally withhold readily available, free, electronic, subject data from Jessica Hartger in order to cover up false police reports filed by corrupt Dakota County Judicial Officer Ann Offerman? Oh and did you know that it looks like corrupt Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom is also illegally withholding subject data from hartger in rigged Case No. 19HA-CR-19-2768? FYI: DId you know that Dede Evavold was forced to file a criminal complaint with the Hastings Police Dept against corrupt Backstrom in order to get her evidence for rigged case 19HA-CR-15-4227? See attached, okay? You would agree that Hartger has a right to file a counter criminal complaint against corrupt Dakota County Judicial Officer Ann Offerman and a criminal complaint against corrupt Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom, don't you?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. It's a legal requirement for candidate Ben Baglio to provide his phone number on his affidavit of candidacy?
P.S.S. You wouldn't mind if Jessica Hartger called each and every one of you, would you? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
P.S.S. S. You do know that the corrupt Dakota County Judicial officers have a well-documented history of filing false police reports, don't you? It is a matter of the public record, isn't it?

https://twitter.com/SabinaMaximus20/status/1303819384448782337 SABINA MAXIMUS @SabinaMaximus20 Apple Valley Police Department is the only one who refuses to release my data. Shocker. #coverup Image 5:15 PM · Sep 9, 2020·Twitter for Android

Good afternoon, The data you are requesting is all currently part of an active investigation and therefore cannot be released at this time. Thank you! Annie crest Annie Thielen Records Technician Apple Valley Police Department 7100 147th St W Apple Valley, MN 55124 952-953-2728 from: Thielen, Anne athielen@ci.apple-valley.mn.us to: "lionnews00@gmail.com" lionnews00@gmail.com date: Jun 29, 2020, 1:18 PM subject: RE: Chapter 13 Data Request - Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB: 01-15-92 mailed-by: ci.apple-valley.mn.us security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more : Important according to Google magic.

Summary: Request to accept complaint that has been previously reported and is being investigated by another jurisdiction. Information scanned to this case. No request for any action on the matter. Complainant requested no one from the PD respond or harass her. ICR: 16-900060. Incident: Assist Public. CM: Evavold, Dierdre Elise. Reporting Officer(s): Kegley, Joe M. Payroll Number: HAjk01. And/At Date-Time: 06-24-16 11:58:00. Time Received: 11:58:00. Time Cleared: 13:09:25 Hasting Police Department. HPD Incident Report 16-900060 (Public).pdf

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrDpfbR-TJk&t=13s Lion News: Eden Prairie Police Can’t Confirm Warrant For Hartger After They Break Out Car Window? 296 views •Jun 28, 2020 5 1 Share Save ArrestAJudgeKit 2.08K subscribers http://lionnews00.blogspot.com/2020/06/eden-prairie-police-personnel-exacting.html Lion News: Eden Prairie Police Can’t Confirm Warrant For Hartger After They Break Out Car Window?

https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.505 609.505 FALSELY REPORTING CRIME. § Subdivision 1.False reporting. Whoever informs a law enforcement officer that a crime has been committed or otherwise provides information to an on-duty peace officer, knowing that the person is a peace officer, regarding the conduct of others, knowing that it is false and intending that the officer shall act in reliance upon it, is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who is convicted a second or subsequent time under this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor

https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.749 609.749 HARASSMENT; STALKING; PENALTIES. § Subdivision 1.Definition. As used in this section, "harass" means to engage in conduct which the actor knows or has reason to know would cause the victim under the circumstances to feel frightened, threatened, oppressed, persecuted, or intimidated, and causes this reaction on the part of the victim regardless of the relationship between the actor and victim.

Apple Valley Council Member (Apple Valley) (Elect 2) Candidate Name Party Website File Date Ben Baglio Nonpartisan votebaglio.com 8/10/2020 Michele Florin Nonpartisan 8/11/2020 Linda Garrett-Johnson Nonpartisan www.electlindagarrettjohnson.com 7/28/2020 Tom Goodwin Nonpartisan 7/28/2020 Ruth Grendahl Nonpartisan 7/28/2020 Joe Landru Nonpartisan 8/11/2020 Christian McCleary Nonpartisan 7/28/2020 Candidate Information Filing Date 8/10/2020 Name Political Party Ben Baglio Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 15384 FROST PATH APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 7287 153RD ST W PO BOX 240863 APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number votebaglio.com (651) 4024795 View Voluntary Disclosure Email benbaglio99@gmail.com Candidate Information Filing Date 8/11/2020 Name Political Party Michele Florin Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 12164 GRANDVIEW TERRACE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 12164 GRANDVIEW TERRACE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number (612) 7475702 View Voluntary Disclosure Email michele.l.florin@gmail.com Candidate Information Filing Date 7/28/2020 Name Political Party Linda Garrett-Johnson Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 15681 FINCH AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 15681 FINCH AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number www.electlindagarrettjohnson.com (651) 2161761 View Voluntary Disclosure Email lindagjforavcitycouncil@gmail.com Candidate Information Filing Date 7/28/2020 Name Political Party Tom Goodwin Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 13015 GARVIN BROOK LANE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number (952) 9977886 View Voluntary Disclosure Email Candidate Information Filing Date 7/28/2020 Name Political Party Ruth Grendahl Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 13685 PENNOCK AVE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number (952) 4323828 View Voluntary Disclosure Email Candidate Information Filing Date 8/11/2020 Name Political Party Joe Landru Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 7036 142ND ST W APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number (952) 9943257 View Voluntary Disclosure Email joelandru@gmail.com Candidate Information Filing Date 7/28/2020 Name Political Party Christian McCleary Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 6568 157TH ST W #112A APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number (612) 8141913 View Voluntary Disclosure Email County Commissioner District 7 Candidate Name Party Website File Date Chris Gerlach Nonpartisan 5/26/2020 Mary Hamann-Roland Nonpartisan www.mayormary4commish.org 6/2/2020 Candidate Information Filing Date 6/2/2020 Name Political Party Mary Hamann-Roland Nonpartisan Residence Address Campaign Address 1069 BALDWIN CIRCLE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 1069 BALDWIN CIRCLE APPLE VALLEY, MN 55124 Candidate Website Phone Number www.mayormary4commish.org (952) 2370001 View Voluntary Disclosure Email

Jon Rechtzigel, Chief of Police (952) 953-2700 & Pamela Gackstetter City Clerk (952) 953-2506 & Annette Margarit, City Attorney 952.953.8815:

When is my Chapter 13 data for the false police report filed by corrupt Dakota County Judicial Officer Ann Offerman going to be file shared to me via your LOGIS file share software? Why oh why did the Margarit email me a scanned pdf version of your current Apple Valley police department policy and procedure manual? Don't you remember the last version you sent me a few years ago was in the required Chapter 13.03 Subd. 3(e) pdf searchable format? How many man hours, reams of paper, toner and electricity did you waste printing the entire manual onto paper and then rescanning it back into your computer? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

P.S. You wouldn't mind if Jessica Hartger toddled down to your police station to file a counter criminal complaint against corrupt Dakota County Judicial Officer Ann Offerman and a criminal complaint against corrupt Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom, would you? Hmm? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?  

https://www.logis.org/index.php/membership/membership-list View Our Current Member List Apple Valley

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd6_XnDSMwE Lion News: Hastings PD Chief Schafer Refuses To Acknowledge Evavold’s Backstrom Complaint? 202 views •Mar 3, 2019 8 2 Share Save ArrestAJudgeKit 2.08K subscribers http://lionnews00.blogspot.com Lion News: Hastings PD Chief Schafer Refuses To Acknowledge Evavold’s Backstrom Complaint?

Judge Offermann expressed concern because the emails Hartger seems to be very escalated in her behavior and threat of taking action. In one of the emails Hartger claims that the court “unlawfully kidnapped” her son Colton Myers. Hartger then states that this type of abuse by the court “leads people to alternative extremes”. In many of the other emails Hartger challenges parts of the case against her, stating that she is being being unlawfully investigated and harassed by the police and courts. No direct threats of harm were made by Hartger. Narrative (3) Main Report – Mack Mack, Jordan 4960 Dated 02/20/2020. Page 4 of 7. Case #: AV20000915 Incident #: AV20000915. Apple Valley Police Department.

Background: Jessica Hartger sent a long rambling email referencing several Dakota County Judges. (copy placed in Court Security Bulletin folder) The message threatens civil action against judges for decisions made during recent hearings involving DANCO by ex-boyfriend and custody concerns of her son. In her message Jessica feels that the County is financially profiting by keeping her son from her. She does not make any overt threats; however, she writes that her constitutional rights will no longer be violated and that she will make her lack of trust of the judicial system be known nationwide. Date of Report: 2/19/20 Documented by: Jeff Johnson: Intelligence Specialist

OFFICER INFORMATION Name Blake Scheffknecht Agency Dakota Sheriff Badge 194 Role prosecutors to their obligation to turn over ALL favorable evidence. Effective criminal defense attorneys are proactive: a defense attorney must not hesitate to seek sanctions against a prosecutor Primary SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS Informational report regarding emails sent to judges. NARRATIVE On 02-21-2020, I Deputy Scheffknecht, was assigned to the Bailiff Station at the Division 2 Government Courthouse in Hastings, MN. I was notified by Sergeant Wilkerson about potential threats made toward Dakota County Judges by an individual identified as Jessica Danielle Hartger DOB/ 1992-01-15. After reviewing emails sent by Mrs. Hartger, text messages, and Police Reports forwarded to me, at this time, Mrs. Hartger does not appear to make any threats towards the judges that are criminal in nature. This report is being completed in case Mrs. Hartger's behaviors escalate. This is an informational only report. Please forward this report to investigations. INCIDENT Case Number: 20900125 Title: Informational Dakota Sheriff 1560 Highway 55 Hastings, MN 55033 Telephone: (651) 438 4700

On February 21, 2020, law enforcement was forwarded an email that Defendant sent to a family supervision service that the Honorable Ann Offerman was vacating the HRO against the victim in this case and was also lifting a family court order granting the victim temporary custody of their joint child. See Confidential Exhibit A (attached). Neither of these orders were being lifted, and when Judge Offerman’s law clerk corrected Defendant’s misrepresentations in an email, Defendant proceeded to send emails to numerous parties including the Honorable Kathryn Messerich, that were harassing in nature and threatening. Specifically, Defendant stated, “DO I NEED TO FLOOD DAKOTA COUNTY WITH PEOPLE? BECAUSE WERE READY WHEN YOU ARE.” On the same date, Defendant wrote a post on Twitter, which referenced the email from Judge Offerman’s law clerk. See Confidential Exhibit B (attached). State of Minnesota vs Jessica Danielle Hartger Case No. 19HA-CR-19-2768 Application for Warrant and Warrant for Violations of Conditions of Release Pursuant to Rule 6.03, Subd. 1.

The advent of social media has given us a window into our fellow citizens’ views that we did not have before. Drunken political tirades like Taylor’s once were confined to living rooms or pool halls. They now can be seen by everyone, everywhere. The First Amendment protects them either way. Taylor’s rant was not a true threat—it was “a kind of very crude offensive method of stating a political opposition to” the district attorney. Id. His speech is protected by the First Amendment and cannot be criminalized. I therefore concur in the decision to reverse Taylor’s criminal conviction. Dietz, Judge, concurring. In the Court of Appeals of North Carolina No. COA18-810 Filed: 17 March 2020 Macon County, No. 16 CRS 50976 State of North Carolina v. David Warren Taylor, Defendant. https://appellate.nccourts.org/opinions/?c=2&pdf=38042

SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS This report details the investigation of defamatory social media posts which mention Dakota County Judge David Knutson. On May 17, 2018 I met with Judge Knutson to speak with him about this investigation. I provided him information about Twitter's public portal which allows a private citizen to request content be removed if they feel it is defamatory or threatening in nature. I suggested that if he made a request as a private citizen it may hold more weight with Twitter as requests from law enforcement have been unsuccessful. This investigation will be closed as inactive. SUPPLEMENT Dakota Investigations Case Number: 18900089 Title: Criminal Defamation. Dakota County Sheriff’s Department.

Decision Minnesota Statutes section 609.765 criminalizes true statements and statements made without “actual malice.” Because the statute penalizes protected, as well as unprotected speech, it is unconstitutionally overbroad and in violation of First Amendment protections and is not susceptible to a narrowing construction. Accordingly, we reverse appellant’s conviction under section 609.765. Reversed. State of Minnesota in Court of Appeals A14-1408 State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Timothy Robert Turner, Appellant. Filed May 26, 2015 Reversed Reilly, Judge Isanti County District Court File No. 30-CR-13-657 https://macsnc.courts.state.mn.us/ctrack/document.do?document=b946a770a6fbbf85d1d44ca57aaee4c89947c6ead67920b433df91145913f469

2 Attachments: Chapter 13 Data Request - Jessica Danielle Hartger Data DOB_ 01-15-92_Emails_For_072920.pdf, HPD Incident Report 16-900060 (Public).pdf

More to come ...

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