Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio’s Affair With Regan Exposed By Investigation Into Westall?
Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio’s Affair With Regan Exposed By Investigation Into Westall?
INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending
INCIDENT INFORMATION Charges/Citation: N/A Incident Type: Start Date: End Date: Reported Date: Other 2018-02-25 00:00 2018-02-25 00:00 2018-04-06 08:51 Address: 9716 Benjamin Trail Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Location Description: Parties Involved: Westall, Sarah Katherine 1971-06-18 Suspect Rojas-cardona, Gabriel 1959-11-03 Mentioned Picazio, Kim Lowry 1969-01-08 ReportingPerson Regan, Jerimiah (no middle name) Refused / Unavailable Mentioned 1 more.
OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary
SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS On 2-25-2018 at 0000 hours, on the 9700 block of Benjamin Trail, A 47 year old female posted a private conversation on her website without the victim's permission. Charges maybe pending further investigation.
NARRATIVE I dispatched to call a female named Kim Picazio regarding a recording that was posted on a website. I called Kim and she began to tell me that a "conspiracy theorist" named Sarah Westall who lives at 9716 Benjamin Trail had posted a private conversation between her and a male named Jerimiah Regan. Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND. Kim had file an order for protection against Holmseth and he apparently had been arrested numerous times on violations of the order. Holmseth is apparently connected to Westall.
Kim directed me to the link: http://sarahwestall.com/timothy-holmseth-update-serious-findings/. The link took me to Sarah Westall's website where Kim stated that there were two recording between her and Jerimiah Regan. Kim admitted that she had a sexual affair with Regan when she was married. Kim stated that she did not know when or how the conversation was recorded but neither Jerimiah or Kim consented to the recording being done or being disclosed. Kim cited MN State Statute 626A.02 which states that disclosure of an electronic communication is a crime. She stated that she only wanted the recordings taken off her website. I advised I would go talk to Sarah Westall and see if she would take the recordings down.
Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32
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INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending
I asked about Jerimiah Regan and Kim stated he was in Puerto Rico rebuilding houses. Kim also stated that Lt. Hajicek with the East Grand Forks Police had her case against Holmseth. I called and left him a message regarding this case.
Lt. Hajicek called me back and stated that he had dealt with Timothy Holmseth and Kim Picazio for years. He further advised that if I were to pursue criminal charges, Ron Galstead, The East Grand Forks City attorney could assist if needed at 218-773-9729. Lt. Hajicek also stated that he and the city of East Grand Forks was sued over their arrest of Holmseth and the city won the lawsuit, but it cost the city $50,000. He also stated that Holmseth has further charges pending, but he is not incarcerated.
On 4-7-2018 at about 1255 hours, I went to Westall's house where I knocked on the door and saw the above vehicle in the driveway. I left my card and also called and left Westall a message on the above phone number. The vehicle listed to Cardona and he is also co-owner on the property.
Also on 4-7-2018 at about 1645 hours, I listened to both recordings that Kim was complaining about. The 1st one, Jerimiah is in his vehicle talking to Kim. Jerimiah's voice is very clear and Kim's sounds like she is on the phone and he has her on speaker. At the end of the conversation, it sounds like Jerimiah turns off the recording.
The second recording is apparently between Kim, a male named Mike, a female named Paula and there are 2 other male's which sound like they call the female named Paula and listen to Paula and Kim and Mike discuss personal issues. One of the males sounds like Jerimiah Regan. I also search for Kim Picazio on the internet, which provided another link: (http://dedicated2caylee.forumotion.net/t1615-cobra-files-bar-complaint-against-kim-picazio ). Which has Holmseth's name on the blog where it outlines a complaint from a bail bonds man named William Staubs and that he had a recording from Jerimiah Regan where he covertly recorded a conversation with Kim outlining their sexual affair. This recording is apparently from 2009 which at the time of this report is about 9 years old. There apparently was a complaint file against Picazio's attorney license is Florida.
From information on the internet and various websites, this whole case apparently revolves around the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings in South Florida back in 2008. Kim Picazio apparently represented the family in the case and there was allegations that Kim leaked vital information to the media via blog posts. It is unknown if any of this is true or accurate.
I attempted to call Jerimiah Regan at the phone number Kim provided me and left a message.
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INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending
In looking at the provided statute, the violation can be a felony, gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor. The language in the statute may also be in conflict with the 1st amendment of the Constitution and may not even cover the world wide web.
PARTIES INVOLVED PERSON 1 Role(s): Suspect Last: Westall First: Sarah Middle: Katherine Date of Birth: 1971-06-18 (46) Sex: Female Race: White Height: 503 -503 Eyes: Green Is Juvenile?: No Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino Weight: 125 -125 lbs Build: Hair: Blonde or Strawberry Complexion: Olive Residence: 9716 Benjamin Trail; Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Cell Phone: (612)327-3705 PERSON 1 Description:
PERSON 2 Role(s): Mentioned Last: Rojas-cardona First: Gabriel Middle: Date of Birth: 1959-11-03 (58) Residence: 9716 Benjamin Trail; Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077; US Unknown: (000)000-0000 Description:
PERSON 3 Role(s): ReportingPerson Last: Picazio First: Kim Middle: Lowry Sex: Female Race: Height: Date of Birth: 1969-01-08 (49) Weight: Hair: Residence: 100 SE 3rd Avenue APT 2024; Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 Work Phone: (954)520-9969 Description:
PERSON 4 Role(s): Mentioned Last: Regan First: Jerimiah Residence: No known address. Cell Phone: (631)384-3178 Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Middle: (no middle name) Date of Birth: Refused / Unavailable Description:
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INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending
PERSON 5 Role(s): Mentioned Last: Holmseth First: Timothy Middle: Charles Sex: Male Race: Height: Date of Birth: 1968-06-17 (49) Weight: Hair: Residence: No known address.320 17th Street NW APT 17; East Grand Forks Unknown: (000)000-0000 Description:
VEHICLES INVOLVED VEHICLE 1 Role(s): Involved Regular Passenger Automobile Plates Number: 693KPU Authority: MINNESOTA Tab: (2019) Make: VOLV Year: 2005 Model: S60 Style: SEDAN 4 DR VIN: YV1RS612952457478 Primary Color: Secondary Color: Registered Address: 9716 Benjamin Trail; Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077; US OFFENSE INFORMATION ype Statute Charge 626A.02.1(3) Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Level Misdemeanor Description Disclose Wire/Electronic or Oral Communication obtained through interception
Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Level Misdemeanor Description Disclose Wire/Electronic or Oral Communication obtained through interception Page 4 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32
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SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending
INCIDENT INFORMATION Charges/Citation: Address: 9716 Benjamin Trail Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Incident Type: Other Parties Involved: Start Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 Westall, Sarah Katherine 1971-06-18 Suspect End Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 Picazio, Kim Lowry 1969-01-08 Complainant Reported Date: 2018-04-11 10:49 Location Description:
OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary
On this morning, 4-11-2018, I found that Sarah Westall called me back and left me a message. I called and talked to Sarah and questioned her about the recordings. She stated the recordings were contained in an Affidavit from Polk County regarding the Timothy Holmseth case. She stated she placed them on her website to show the "Character" of Kim Picazio.
I requested she send me a copy of the Affidavit that would contain these recordings. She stated she believed the recordings were public information and if they were proven to not be public information, she would take them off of the website.
Sarah then went onto to accuse Picazio of child sex trafficking. I advised her that I was not investigating that case and only the complaint the Picazio filed with me.
I also called and advised Picazio of my findings and she still believes that the posting of these recordings are illegal according to MN statute because Jerimiah Regan also did not consent to the recordings. I told Picazio that I attempted to contact Regan to no avail and from the recordings, it sounds like Regan was recording his conversation with her. She also stated that the Affidavit would not have the recordings in it. I also advised her the legal cost for the city since The city of East Grand Forks was sued and it cost the city $50,000. I advised that I would want to talk to Regan regarding these recordings. Picazio stated she would contact him and have him call me.
Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-17 08:30:02
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SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending
On 4-16-2018, Sarah Westahl sent me an email with a link to the Affidavit from Polk County that contained the 2 recordings that are posted on her website. I down loaded a Portable Document File (PDF) of the affidavit to the case file. I again asked Westahl who provided the recordings to her and she told me to stop my investigation and to stop harassing her.
At this point there is a question as to if the actual recordings are public information if they are contained as evidence of an affidavit in a court file. If the recordings are public information, is it a violation of any statute to post them on a website. The Court file number regarding this case is 60-FA-13-468 and if was file in Family Division of Polk County. As of the time of this report, Jerimiah Regan has not called me back regarding this case.
PARTIES INVOLVED PERSON 1 Role(s): Last: Westall Suspect First: Sarah Middle: Katherine Date of Birth: 1971-06-18 (46) Sex: Female Race: White Height: 503 -503 Eyes: Green Is Juvenile?: No Ethnicity: Not Hispanic/Latino Weight: 125 -125 lbs Hair: Blonde or Strawberry Build: Complexion: Olive Residence: 9716 Benjamin Trail; Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Cell Phone: (612)327-3705 Description: Home Phone: (651)453-1710 Description
PERSON 2 Role(s): Complainant Last: Picazio First: Kim Middle: Lowry Sex: Female Race: Height: Date of Birth: 1969-01-08 (49) Weight: Hair: Residence: 100 SE 3rd Avenue APT 2024; Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 Work Phone: (954)520-9969
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SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Adult Arrest
INCIDENT INFORMATION Charges/Citation: Address: 9716 Benjamin Trail Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Incident Type: Other Parties Involved: Start Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 Regan, Jeremiah Daniel 1982-06-05 Victim End Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 Reported Date: 2018-04-26 13:14 Location Description:
OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary
I called the above phone number to Regan and a male answered who identified himself as Jeremiah Regan. I recorded our conversation and he stated that he remembers the conversation that I was talking about. He stated that he was sitting in a car with William Staubs, who apparently record his conversation with Kim Picazio. Regan stated he did not consent to having the his phone call recorded. He stated that the whole investigation of the kidnapping of Haliegh Cummings "blew up" and Staubs was arrested and Timothy Holmseth started blogging about the case making allegations of child pornography and kidnapping. Regan moved to New York to get away from it.
He stated that he wishes that the recordings would be taken off the internet, but states he does not have the money to file the motions. He stated he does charity work now and will be going to Puerto Rico to assist in the rebuilding efforts after the hurricanes. He acknowledged the decisions he made during the investigation were not the best and admitted to the sexual affair with Kim Picazio.
I placed a copy of our recorded conversation into the case file. I requested Regan listen to the other recording and identify the people in it and email me names and phone numbers if he has them. This case shall be sent to the city attorney for review of any criminal charges and also to provide legal protection for the city.
Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-30 08:25:23
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SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Adult Arrest
PERSON 1 Role(s): Victim Last: Regan First: Jeremiah Middle: Daniel Sex: Male Race: Height: 604 -604 Date of Birth: 1982-06-05 (35) Weight: Hair: Residence: 33 Zamora Street; St. Augustine, FL 32084; US Cell Phone: (631)384-3178 Description:
PROPERTY INFORMATION ID: 3622-1 Associated with: Description: recorded conversation of Jeremiah Regan Quantity Unit Price Value Seized Brand Name Serial Number Property NCIC Type 0.00 Model Color Owner Applied Number No Forfeiture Residence: 33 Zamora Street; St. Augustine, FL 32084; US No Y - All Other Not Otherwise Defined
Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-30 08:25:23
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SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Exception Cleared
INCIDENT INFORMATION Charges/Citation: Address: 9716 Benjamin Trail Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Location Description: Incident Type: Other Start Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 End Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 Reported Date: 2018-10-16 13:37 Parties Involved:
OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary
This case was submitted to Dougherty and Molenda law firm for charging. Criminal charges were declined.
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FYI: Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio maliciously filed a SLAPP against conspiracy theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth, didn't she? She did, didn't she?
https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/slapp_suit SLAPP suit Definition Stands for Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation. Lawsuit filed strategically by a corporation against a group or activist opposing certain action taken by the corporation, usually in the realm of an environmental protest. Typical claims underlying a SLAPP suit are libel, slander or restraint of business. Many states have adopted anti-SLAPP statutes in the interest of protecting free speech that provide for speedy hearings of the claims and the possibility of the defendant recovering legal fees and punitive damages.
https://twitter.com/Kim_Picazio/status/1105973604137791490 Kim Picazio @Kim_Picazio In Minnesota, where justice was finally served. Us lawyers - we don't play. #QFail 4:27 PM - 13 Mar 2019 7 Retweets 6 Likes YancyFaith Nancy Lea Konter ๐ณ ๐⚖ Ellen silvers Sweet Hypothetical Alexandria Goddard ❌ ๐บ๐ธ~Lokithenord~๐ฌ๐ง Malinda Williams USS Perry ~Lokithenord ~๐ฌ๐ง Malinda Williams USS Perry Malinda Williams USS Perry MURTWITNESSONE 3 replies 7 retweets 6 likes
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