Thursday, May 8, 2014

Renville County Attorney David Torgelson Still Doesn't Want Me Looking Into City Of Hector City Administrator Barbara Marie Hoyhtya's Theft Of Public Funds, Does He? Where Is The Non-Custodial Interview Video With Hoyhtya? Something Damning On The Video Like Is Found On City Of Carlos Clerk/Treasurer Bambi Alexander's Interview?

Renville County Attorney David Torgelson still doesn't want me to have all the data in City Of Hector's City Administrator Barbara Marie Hoyhtya theft of public finds case, does he? He doesn't, does he?

(Below: Actual data request submitted on 05-08-14)

(Do you think that Renville County Attorney David Torgelson will like the new format?)

In my very first conversation with Renville County Attorney David Torgelson he admitted that the non-custodial interview with Hoyhtya would be videoed, didn't he?  He did, didn't he?

Lion News: Renville Co 's Attorney Torgelson Illegally Withholds Data For Hector's Admin. Hoyhtya?

So where is the video, huh? Renville County Attorney David Torgelson still has it, doesn't he? He does, doesn't he?

Lion News: Renville Co 's Attorney Torgelson Still Illegally Withholding Data For Hector's Hoyhtya?

Why wouldn't Renville County Attorney David Torgelson want me to have it, huh? Because it has something really, really incriminating on it, huh?

Lion News: City Of Carlos Clerk/Treasurer Bambi Alexander's Embezzlement Interview -- Full Video?

The non-custodial interview of City Of Carlos Clerk/Treasurer Bambi Alexander's interview has all sorts of juicy and embarrassing details on it, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it?

In cases where a female is the suspect, a policewoman or other female may be stationed in the observation room to witness proceedings as a safeguard against possible false allegations of misconduct on the part of the investigator. The presence of any such witness, whether male of female, is also helpful in other types of of situations as a safeguard against accusation of physical abuse, threats, or promises on the part of the investigator. Essential of the Reid Technique: Criminal interrogation and Confessions by Fred E. Inbau et. al., page 31.

Why is that, huh? It's because that City Of Carlos Clerk/Treasurer Bambi Alexander doesn't know that the electronic recording device that is used by the investigator is really a prop, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

The video of the non-custodial interview of City Of Carlos Clerk/Treasurer Bambi Alexander's interview is the real official record, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

And since Bambi thought that she was off the record she said all sorts of things, didn't she? She did, didn't she? So now you know why Renville County Attorney David Torgelson doesn't want the video of Hoyhtya getting out to the public, don't you? You do, don't you?

Personal security may dictate the need for assistance; interviewers should never sacrifice their safety. Aside from this consideration, however, most interviews are best conducted one-on-one particularly if the interviewer anticipates reluctance on the part of the subject. Interviewing and Interrogation for Law Enforcement by John E. Hess, page 11.

Wake Up Call People! We live in the age of technology, don't we? When the technology is conspicuously missing from your case then the red flags need to come up, don't they? They do, don't they?

More to come . . .

Related links:

Renville County Attorney David Torgelson Doesn't Want Me Looking Into City Of Hector's City Administrator Barbara Marie Hoyhtya Theft Of Public Funds? Why Is Data Not Being Supplied? It Couldn't Be Another 8th Judicial District Rigged Court Case, Could It?