What happens when you blow the whistle on child abuse at North Home's Itaskin Juvenile Detention Center? They retaliate against you, don't they? They do, don't they?
Lion News: Grand Rapids Police Aid & Abet North Homes Inc. In Retaliation Against Ginner & Mike?
Lion News: Grand Rapids Police Abet North Homes Inc. - Withhold Evidence From Ginner & Mike?
Lion News: Grand Rapids Police & North Homes Inc. Withholding Evidence From Ginner & Mike?
I'm a whistle-blower who was retaliated against by the lawless Sherburne Co. jail, aren't I? I am, aren't I?
Lion News: Exclusive -- Suppressed Video Of Malicious Inciting Riot Charge At Sherburne Co. Jail?
So I know exactly what Virginia "Ginner" Williams and Mike Struble are going through, don't I?
I do, don't I?
So that means that I am going to have Ginner and Mike follow my successful strategy to overcome the trumped up charges and expose the corrupt juvenile facility at the same time, aren't I? I am, aren't I?
So that means if you have been following my blog and my videos, then you know what the strategy is, don't you? You should, shouldn't you?