It would appear that the so-called "open and shut case" for Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson of Little Canada that the ACLU was bragging about is anything but "open and shut," wouldn't it?
The only thing that is shut is the ACLU's big blow hole, isn't it?
On August 19, 2013 kangaroo court judge Edward Wilson denied the ACLU's motion to dismiss, didn't he? So it would appear that "Buttinski" Henderson is going to trial, wouldn't it?
frivolous defense. (18c) A defense that has no basis in fact or law. Black's Law Dictionary, 9th Ed., Bryan A. Gartner, Editor in Chief, page 483.
A hearing on the motion to dismiss will be held on: Wednesday May 22,
at 2:00 p.m. in the Honorable Edward Wilson's Courtroom at the Ramsey
County District Court located at 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102.
ACLU-MN cooperating attorneys are: John Lundquist and Kevin Riach of
Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. ACLU Asks Court to Protect the First Amendment and Dismiss Charges
for Lawful Behavior, May 21, 2013, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, May 22,
2012, CONTACT: Jana Kooren, 651.645.4097 x123;
Chuck Samuelson of the ACLU
confirmed that the nonprofit had come to a verbal agreement with
Lundquist and Henderson on Friday on Henderson's representation.
Attorneys with the firm of
Kelly & Lemmons, which is prosecuting Henderson on behalf of the
city of Little Canada, did not immediately return phone calls seeking
comment Friday. "We figure that when they're faced with legitimate legal
representation, they'll say, 'Oops, our bad,' and drop the case,"
Samuelson said. Man charged after recording deputies has free lawyer, By Emily
Gurnon,, Posted: 01/11/2013 12:01:00 AM CST
Maybe the ACLU will just manipulate "Buttinski" Henderson into thinking that this fight is way too hard for them, huh? Maybe the ACLU will just manipulate "Buttinski" Henderson into taking a plea deal, huh? It must be way too hard for the ACLU, mustn't it? I contacted them about
my July 6, 2011 malicious arrest, didn't I? All the ACLU did was to send me a "Go to hell!" letter, right?
Deputy Jacqueline Muellner approached Henderson, telling him to
put the camera down. "If I end up on YouTube, I'm gonna be
upset," she said. Her words were recorded on Henderson's
cellphone. When Henderson refused, saying he wasn't doing anything
illegal, Muellner seized the camera. Muellner retired
from the sheriff's office in July after 33 years with the office.
Little Canada: Man must stand trial in videotaping of deputy, By
Emily Gurnon, Posted: 08/20/2013 12:01:00 AM CDT |
Jackie: It was retire or get fired, right? Let's see . . . which came first: my data request or Jackie's sudden retirement?
It was my incriminating data request, wasn't it? Jackie became an "expendable liability" to the Sheriff, didn't she?
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State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910
Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?
Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?
Lawless State of Minnesota, Grand Rapids has really been lurking & skulking lately, haven't they? What do you think that they are looking for, huh? Have they gotten themselves in more trouble?