Thursday, August 29, 2013

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Now 11/12/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

It looks like November 12, 2013 is the new date for Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson's Kangaroo court trial, doesn't it? It was originally set for September 9, 2013, wasn't it?

Register of Actions
Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910
05/20/2013Hearing  (8:45 AM) (Judicial Officer Wilson, Edward)
Result: Held
05/20/2013Other Document (Judicial Officer: Wilson, Edward )
05/20/2013Notice and Order to Appear (Judicial Officer: Wilson, Edward )
05/22/2013Hearing  (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Wilson, Edward)
Result: Held
05/22/2013Affidavit of Service
05/22/2013Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Wilson, Edward )
08/19/2013Order Denying Motion
08/21/2013Notice and Order to Appear
08/29/2013Notice and Order to Appear
11/12/2013Jury Trial  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.)
09/09/2013Reset by Court to 11/12/2013

The City of Little Canada originally wanted a rush on the perversion of justice, didn't they? Why? The first kangaroo court judge was sandbagging too long on the decision to throw out the frivolous motion to dismiss of the ACLU, wasn't he?

I would guess that the original rush to injustice raised too many eyebrows, wouldn't I?

Related posts:

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Judge Steamrolls Over Frivolous ACLU Defense?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?

Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: 09/09/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

City Of Brooten & Belgrade Chief Of Police Derrick Bjork (Lakeside Foods?) Conspire To Withhold Phone Data Which Proves Falsified Report?

Updated: 08-30-13

Lion News: Evidence Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 5

Lion News: Evidence of Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 2

Lion News: Evidence of Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 3

Lion News: Evidence of Belgrade's Chief Bjork Falsifying Report For Lakeside Foods' Spray Plane? Part 4

Well it looks like we have hit that familiar place where the corrupt people on the receiving end of the data requests start to "lawyer up," doesn't it?

Brooten City Attorney Robert David Stoneburner is behind the City of Brooten lawyering up, isn't he?

2012 Minnesota Statutes, 609.43 MISCONDUCT OF PUBLIC OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE. A public officer or employee who does any of the following, for which no other sentence is specifically provided by law, may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both: (4) in the capacity of such officer or employee, makes a return, certificate, official report, or other like document having knowledge it is false in any material respect.

Why did they lawyer up? I asked for the phone records for the incident at the Brooten Municipal Airport, didn't I?

2012 Minnesota Statutes, 609.495 AIDING AN OFFENDER., Subdivision 1.Definition of crime.
(a) Whoever harbors, conceals, aids, or assists by word or acts another whom the actor knows or has reason to know has committed a crime under the laws of this or another state or of the United States with intent that such offender shall avoid or escape from arrest, trial, conviction, or punishment, may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than three years or to payment of a fine of not more than $5,000, or both if the crime committed or attempted by the other person is a felony.

This was a special bonus that I spotted, wasn't it? (Thank you, Jesus!) The same clown (Brooten City Attorney Robert David Stoneburner) who is aiding and abetting Brooten/Belgrade Chief of Police Derrick Bjork caught a charge, didn't he?

A St. Cloud-area criminal defense lawyer has been charged with domestic assault and interfering with a 911 call after an incident Saturday morning at a Paynesville Township residence. Bob Stoneburner, 63, is accused of throwing a soft-sided case at his wife during an argument, pushing her away from a phone and hanging it up as she tried to dial 911. St. Cloud-area lawyer faces assault, interference charges – 911h call prompts visit to the Stoneburner home, Aug. 28, 2013, Written by David Unze,

And it is an "obstruction" charge, isn't it? Fits right in with falsifying documents, doesn't it?


So I knew I had to take advantage of this situation, didn't I?

Which is why I sent an updated data request to the shame-based City of Brooten, isn't it?
Where can I find an answer to questions concerning prosecution of misdemeanors, city ordinance violations, or matters involving municipal government?

For questions concerning prosecution of misdemeanors, city ordinance violations, or matters involving municipal government, contact your city attorney. Some of the cities require that you contact the city clerk before contacting the attorney directly.

Following is a listing of the city and township attorneys in Stearns County.

Janelle P. Kendall
Administration Center, Rm 448
705 Courthouse Square
St. Cloud, MN 56303
ORD:  Robert Stoneburner

And since lawless Belgrade & lawless have a cooperation agreement I had to send it to both cities, didn't I?

Janelle P. Kendall
Administration Center, Rm 448
705 Courthouse Square
St. Cloud, MN 56303
ORD: William Spooner

Here are the emails where the City of Brooten is being obstructive and stonewalling, aren't they?

And since the City of Brooten and Brooten's City Attorney Robert David Stoneburner all think that they have rights and I don't, then they are going to obstruct and prevent the flow of data that incriminates their fellow cohorts, aren't they?

But, now that Brooten's City Attorney Robert David Stoneburner has helped to destroy his own reputation the City of Brooten probably won't be so cocky now, will they?

Either way, I'll still win in the end, won't I?

More to come ...

Previous Links:

Monday, August 26, 2013

Is Terry Dean, Nemmers Being Blackmailed? Part 2


Is Terry Dean, Nemmers Being Blackmailed? Part 1

Is Terry Dean, Nemmers Being Blackmailed?
If So, Then Who Is The Blackmailer?
Does The Blackmailer Have A Partner?
Probably Shouldn't Try To Blackmail The Guy Who Has Video Of The Extortion Attempt, Right?

Blackmail, n. (16c) 1. A threatening demand made without justification; EXTORTION. Black's Law Dictionary, Ninth Edition, page 192.

The Lord is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Psalm 9:16 (King James Version)

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Is Terry Dean, Nemmers Being Blackmailed? Part 1

Is Terry Dean, Nemmers Being Blackmailed? Part 3 - Stearns Co. Attorney Kendall Would You Investigate My Being Blackmailed After Fixing Brooten City Attorney Stoneburner's Domestic Abuse Case?

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: 09/09/2013 Jury Trial - Head Kangaroo: D. Alshouse?

It looks like Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson's Kangaroo court trial is set for September 9, 2013, doesn't it? The City of Little Canada wanted a rush on the perversion of justice, didn't they? Why? The first kangaroo court judge was sandbagging too long on the decision to throw out the frivolous motion to dismiss of the ACLU, wasn't he?

Register of Actions
Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910
05/20/2013Hearing  (8:45 AM) (Judicial Officer Wilson, Edward)
Result: Held
05/20/2013Other Document (Judicial Officer: Wilson, Edward )
05/20/2013Notice and Order to Appear (Judicial Officer: Wilson, Edward )
05/22/2013Hearing  (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Wilson, Edward)
Result: Held
05/22/2013Affidavit of Service
05/22/2013Taken Under Advisement (Judicial Officer: Wilson, Edward )
08/19/2013Order Denying Motion
08/21/2013Notice and Order to Appear
09/09/2013Jury Trial  (1:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Alshouse, Diane R.)

And it would appear that the first kangaroo court judge Edward Wilson is being replaced by kangaroo court judge Diane Alshouse, wouldn't it?

Kangaroo court. Term descriptive of a sham legal proceeding in which a person's rights are totally disregarded and in which the result is a forgone conclusion because of the bias of the court or other tribunal. Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, Page 780.

I wonder if "Buttinski" Henderson's frivolous litigants called the ACLU have informed him that the facts don't matter in a kangaroo court, don't I?

It has been stated of witnesses in court that what they say is not as important as how they say it. Unfortunately, an anxious, rambling, absent-minded witness who is telling the truth is less likely to believed than a lying witness who comes across as confident, unyielding, and certain. The witness who comes across as must appreciate what lawyers have known for years: the courtroom is a stage where attorney's carefully direct a drama wherein witnesses unfold their story before the jury's eyes. The jury represents the audience of this production and the witnesses become players. In this carefully constructed arena, the witness needs to fit the jury's image of someone who is telling the truth. Fred E. Inbau, John E. Reid, Joseph P. Buckley, Brian C. Jayne, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, 4th Ed., page 454.

I wouldn't count on it, would I?

Settle it therefore in your hearts, not to meditate before what ye shall answer: For I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to gainsay nor resist. Luke 21:14-15 King James Version (KJV)

My letter to the ACLU:

More to come ...

Related Posts:
State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Judge Steamrolls Over Frivolous ACLU Defense?

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?

Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910: Judge Steamrolls Over Frivolous ACLU Defense?

It would appear that the so-called "open and shut case" for Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson of Little Canada that the ACLU was bragging about is anything but "open and shut," wouldn't it?

The only thing that is shut is the ACLU's big blow hole, isn't it?

On August 19, 2013 kangaroo court judge Edward Wilson denied the ACLU's motion to dismiss, didn't he? So it would appear that "Buttinski" Henderson is going to trial, wouldn't it?

frivolous defense. (18c) A defense that has no basis in fact or law. Black's Law Dictionary, 9th Ed., Bryan A. Gartner, Editor in Chief, page 483.

A hearing on the motion to dismiss will be held on: Wednesday May 22, at 2:00 p.m. in the Honorable Edward Wilson's Courtroom at the Ramsey County District Court located at 15 W. Kellogg Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55102. ACLU-MN cooperating attorneys are: John Lundquist and Kevin Riach of Fredrikson & Byron, P.A. ACLU Asks Court to Protect the First Amendment and Dismiss Charges for Lawful Behavior, May 21, 2013, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, May 22, 2012, CONTACT: Jana Kooren, 651.645.4097 x123;

Chuck Samuelson of the ACLU confirmed that the nonprofit had come to a verbal agreement with Lundquist and Henderson on Friday on Henderson's representation. Attorneys with the firm of Kelly & Lemmons, which is prosecuting Henderson on behalf of the city of Little Canada, did not immediately return phone calls seeking comment Friday. "We figure that when they're faced with legitimate legal representation, they'll say, 'Oops, our bad,' and drop the case," Samuelson said. Man charged after recording deputies has free lawyer, By Emily Gurnon,, Posted: 01/11/2013 12:01:00 AM CST

Maybe the ACLU will just manipulate "Buttinski" Henderson into thinking that this fight is way too hard for them, huh? Maybe the ACLU will just manipulate "Buttinski" Henderson into taking a plea deal, huh? It must be way too hard for the ACLU, mustn't it?  I contacted them about my July 6, 2011 malicious arrest, didn't I? All the ACLU did was to send me a "Go to hell!" letter, right?

Deputy Jacqueline Muellner approached Henderson, telling him to put the camera down. "If I end up on YouTube, I'm gonna be upset," she said. Her words were recorded on Henderson's cellphone. When Henderson refused, saying he wasn't doing anything illegal, Muellner seized the camera. Muellner retired from the sheriff's office in July after 33 years with the office. Little Canada: Man must stand trial in videotaping of deputy, By Emily Gurnon, Posted: 08/20/2013 12:01:00 AM CDT |

Jackie: It was retire or get fired, right? Let's see . . . which came first: my data request or Jackie's sudden retirement?

It was my incriminating data request, wasn't it? Jackie became an "expendable liability" to the Sheriff, didn't she?

Related Posts:

State of Minnesota vs ANDREW JOSEPH HENDERSON - Case No. 62SU-CR-12-4910

Internal Affairs Complaint VS Ramsey Co.'s Randall Gustafson - Contemptuous Attitude?

Will Ramsey County Deputies Charge Andrew "Buttinski" Henderson For Giving A Deputy "The Bird" ... AKA "The Finger"?

Lawless State of Minnesota, Grand Rapids has really been lurking & skulking lately, haven't they? What do you think that they are looking for, huh? Have they gotten themselves in more trouble?

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Itasca Co. Administrator Trish Klein Retaliates Against Nemmers - Ignoring Data Request?

Updated: 08-19-13

Must be some sort of special occasion that a pair of lawless State of Minnesota, Grand Rapids no-goods are lurking and skulking on 08-19-13, huh?

You'd think that if these crooks were watching my videos and reading my blog, then the last thing they would want to do is ignore my data requests, wouldn't you?

Lion News: Itasca Co. Administrator Trish Klein Retaliates Against Nemmers - Ignoring Data Request?

Itasca County Administrator Trish "Good Ol' Boy #7" Klein refused to acknowledge that I had sent her a data request on 08-11-13, didn't she?

Apparently, Itasca County Administrator Trish "Good Ol' Boy #7" Klein just figures that I'll accept her abusive behavior, huh?  But, that isn't going to happen, is it?

And each time she tries to illegally withhold my data or even ignore me, I'll make sure I exposure her corrupt behavior, won't I?

And that is what happened today, isn't it?

And shortly after I called Itasca County Administrator Trish "Good Ol' Boy #7" Klein was forced to do her job and acknowledge my email and data request, wasn't she?

This is the data request that I submitted to Itasca County Administrator Trish "Good Ol' Boy #7" Klein, isn't it?

Do you think this data request upset Trish? Probably did, didn't it? The truth hurts, doesn't it? Especially when you get caught covering up the truth, right?

And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God. John 3:18-21 (King James Version)

More to come ...