Thursday, September 17, 2015

Misty Conn Victim Of Assault By City Of Lyle Police Chief Tom Herrick? Mower Co. Sheriff Terese Amazi Conspiring With Lyle Police Chief Tom Herrick To Harass Misty Conn? Sheriff Amazi Ripping Misty Off On Free Electronic Public Data?

Would it surprise you to hear the corrupt local officials have made Lyle, Mn a lawless shit-hole? It wouldn't, would it?

Lyle has the typical small town asshole cop who thinks and acts like he is above the law, haven't they? They have, haven't they? The asshole's name is Lyle Police Chief Tom Herrick, isn't it? It is, isn't it? One of the typical asshole moves Tommy made was to issue Misty Conn a dog barking ticket without ever investigating the dog barking incident, wasn't it? It was, wasn't it? If Tommy bothered to investigate, then he would have found out it was actually the neighbor's dog that was barking, right? That's right, isn't it?

Misty was understandably upset when the asshole Tommy gave her the ticket, wasn't she? She was, wasn't she? So Misty went to City Hall to file a complaint with another asshole City of Lyle Clerk/Treasurer Diana Witt, didn't she? She did, didn't she? (I have audios of both assholes City of Lyle Clerk/Treasurer Diana Witt & Lyle Police Chief Tom Herrick being assholes, don't I? I do, don't I?)

... complaints provide an opportunity for feedback and identifying problem areas. How well complaints are handled determines to a great extent the level of confidence and respect the public holds for its municipal government. Above all, we are here to serve, and part of our job is to effectively handle … complaints. When handling a complaint be polite and never argue with the complainant even if he/she is angry, unreasonable or insulting towards you and the City. Stay calm, cool and collected. Don't take criticisms personally and you will be better able to help solve the problem rather than become a part of it. If you receive a complaint, it is very important to follow through properly. accomplished by doing the following: This can be 1. Receive and record information pertinent to the complaint; 2. Determine which City employee is responsible to investigate and take corrective action and forward the complaint accordingly; 3. Follow up on what action has been taken to correct the problem. 4. Also, the responsible supervisor should notify the complainant to advise him/her of the action that has been taken to correct the problem. City of Hawley Personnel Policy 01-22-15 page 38-39.

And part way through Misty's complaint asshole Tommy copped an attitude, didn't he? He did, didn't he? He butted into Misty's conversation with asshole City of Lyle Clerk/Treasurer Diana Witt, didn't he? He did, didn't he?

1061.6 PRINCIPLE FIVE Peace officers shall treat all members of the public courteously and with respect. Rationale: Peace officers are the most visble form of local government. Therefore, peace officers must make a positive impression when interacting with the public and each other. Rules: • Peace officers shall exercise reasonable courtesy in their dealing with the public, fellow officers, superiors, and subordinates. • No peace officer shall ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, beliettle, willfully embarrass, humiliate, or shame any person to do anything reasonably calculated to incite a person to violence. • Peace officers shall promptly advise any inquiring citizen of the Mower County Sheriff's Office complaint procedure, and shall follow the established policy for processing complaints. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF PEACE OFFICERS - 561 Mower County Sheriff's Office Policy Manual Policy 1061 page 561.

And then asshole Tommy man-handled Misty and tossed her out of corrupt City hall, didn't he? He did, didn't he? When Misty's niece asked for asshole Tommy's badge number he allegedly said: "You know who I am! I'm the only cop in Lyle and I will arrest you for disorderly conduct!" Tommy is out of control, isn't he? He is, isn't he?

1061.3 PRINCIPLE TWO Peace officers shall refrain from any conduct in a social capacity that detracts from the public's faith in the integrity of the criminal justice system. Peace officers shall carry out their duties with integrity, fairness, and impartiality. • Peace officers shall not knowingly make false accusations of any criminal, ordinance, traffic, or other law violation. This provision shall not prohibit the use of deception during criminal investigaitons or interrogations as permitted under law. • Peace officers shall truthfully, completely, and impartially report, testify, and present evidence (including exculpatory evidence) in all matters of an official nature. Mower County Sheriff's Office Policy Manual PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF PEACE OFFICERS. Policy 1061, page 559.

In the ICR# 14001818 there is a reference to ICR# 1400016, isn't there? There is, isn't there? ICR# 1400016 is asshole Tommy's report in which he makes the wild and outrageous claim that Misty was engaged in disorderly conduct, isn't it? It is, isn't it? Not even the corrupt prosecutor was dumb enough to believe that wild and outrageous fairy tale, were they? They weren't, were they? Or were they? I just found out that Misty did receive a disorderly conduct ticket, didn't I? Tommy covered up his crime by charging Misty with a crime, didn't he? He did, didn't he? 10/30/2014 Plea (Judicial Officer: Siefken,Kevin ,) 1. Disorderly Conduct-Offensive/Abusive/Noisy/Obscene  Guilty  Case No. 50-CR-14-1265 State of Minnesota vs Misty Leanne Conn

Since you, as a prosecutor, are a minister of justice and not an attorney for miscreant officers, you must develop a strategy for dealing with these occasional incidents of misbehavior. ...  Serial resisting arrest victims fall into three main types: those who lack interpersonal skills necessary to obtain suspect compliance, those who verbally bait suspects, and those who are so thin-skinned that they overreact to suspect noncompliance. These types of cases are relatively easy to spot, and when one of them comes across your desk, you must handle it appropriately. Rubber stamping the officer's decision can sometimes be appropriate, but more often you must make the unpleasant decisions to dismiss the charges, to file reduced charges, or to accept reduced pleas.  George R. Dekle, Sr, Prosecution Principles: A Clinical Handbook (Thompson/West:2007), Page 20-21.

Actually, Mower Co. Sheriff Terese Amazi conspired with Lyle Police Chief Tom Herrick by never sending this complaint to a prosecutor, didn't she? She did, didn't she? Misty Conn was harassed by Mower Co. Sheriff Terese Amazi when she was given the false dilemma/logical fallacy of reporting this incident to the corrupt MN Police Officer's Standards and Training Board and/or file a complaint with the corrupt City of Lyle city council, right? That's right, isn't it? Misty was never given the option of having her case sent to a prosecutor, was she? She wasn't, was she?

Logical fallacy Definition: An error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid. Clinical psychologist Rian McMullin expands this definition: "Logical fallacies are unsubstantiated assertions that are often delivered with a conviction that makes them sound as though they are proven facts" (The New Handbook of Cognitive Therapy Techniques, 2000). By Richard Nordquist Grammar & Composition Expert

6. False Dilemma A fallacy of oversimplification: an argument in which only two alternatives are provided when in fact additional options are available. Sometimes called the either-or fallacy. 12 Common Logical Fallacies Brief Definitions of Informal Fallacies With Links to Examples and Discussions By Richard Nordquist Grammar & Composition Expert

Reasons to Avoid Logical Fallacies in Your Writing "There are three good reasons to avoid logical fallacies in your writing. First, logical fallacies are wrong and, simply put, dishonest if you use them knowingly. Second, they take away from the strength of your argument. Finally, the use of logical fallacies can make your readers feel that you do not consider them to be very intelligent." (William R. Smalzer, Write to Be Read: Reading, Reflection, and Writing, 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press, 2005). logical fallacy Glossary By Richard Nordquist Grammar & Composition Expert.

However, nothing was done to punish asshole City Of Lyle Police Chief Tom Herrick, was there?

DECISION TO NOT CHARGE IN DOMESTIC ABUSE, SEXUAL ASSAULT AND HARASSMENT CASES A prosecutor must make every reasonable effort to notify a victim of domestic assault, a criminal sexual conduct offense, or harassment that the prosecutor has decided to decline prosecution or to dismiss the criminal charges filed against the defendant. The prosecutor must also inform the victim of the method of seeking an order for protection or restraining order and that the victim may seek an order without paying a fee. 611A.0315 Prosecution Notification Letters PROSECUTION LETTERS TO VICTIMS Guidelines and Statutory Authority. MN Department of Public Safety 2011

There wasn't, was there?

13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA. Subd. 3. Request for access to data.  (a) Upon request to a responsible authority or designee, ... (e) The responsible authority of a government entity that maintains public government data in a computer storage medium shall provide to any person making a request under this section a copy of any public data contained in that medium, in electronic form, if the government entity can reasonably make the copy or have a copy made. This does not require a government entity to provide the data in an electronic format or program that is different from the format or program in which the data are maintained by the government entity. The entity may require the requesting person to pay the actual cost of providing the copy.

And that is why it is safe to say that Lyle, Mn a lawless shit-hole, isn't it? It is, isn't it? Did I forget to mention that Mower Co. Sheriff Terese Amazi charged Misty $10.00 for this free electronic public information? Misty was charged $10.00 for a CD that only contained the pictures of the assault, wasn't she? Mower Co. Sheriff Terese Amazi intentionally "forgot" to send the incident reports and audio files, didn't she? She did, didn't she? Plus, Mower Co. Sheriff Terese Amazi intentionally "forgot" that she could only charge Misty the actual cost of the CD, right? That's right, isn't it? The actual cost of the CD is (2) two cents, isn't it? It is, isn't it?

Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13, allows, but does not require, government entities to charge for copies of government data. If an entity's policy is to charge for copies, the allowable amount depends on whether the requester is a member of the public or a data subject. Data subjects  Actual cost A government entity may charge the actual cost for an employee to make paper copies or to print copies of electronically stored data. A government entity may not charge a data subject any fee for searching for and retrieving data.  (Note that the 25 cents per page per 100 copies or fewer does not apply to data subject requesters unless that is the actual cost to make copies.)

You can't trust any arrest, prosecution, nor conviction in lawless Mower County, can you? You can't, can you?

More to come . . .

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