Lion News: Nosy Osakis Police Chief Gulbranson Retaliates By Running Plates For Filming Squad?
Lion News: Nosy Osakis Police Chief Gulbranson Retaliates By Running Plates For Filming Squad? P-2
I'm just minding my own business when nosy Osakis Police Chief Chad "Runny Nosy" Gulbranson sticks his nose into my business, right?
It's a great day on September 27, 2013, isn't it?
And I just happen to be in Osakis, MN, don't I?
And I decide that I want to film an Osakis squad car, don't I?
Instead of being left alone to go about my business nosy Osakis Police Chief Chad "Runny Nosy" Gulbranson decides he has nothing better to do but destroy the peace and quietude of my day, right?
The chief said one of the first big changes internally will be
transitioning to a paperless recordkeeping system. It's a project
that's been in the works for a while. Gulbranson is new Osakis police
chief, Wednesday, May 2, 2012 – 12:00am, Amy Chaffins,
Guess chiefy must have been staring aimlessly out the window or at the surveillance video on his office computer and decides -
Hey! I know how to break up my monotonous and pointless day! I'll go harass someone!, right?
So chiefy lumbers out the door and decides to ask me stupid and pointless questions, right?
Gulbranson said the community can also expect an "open door"
policy and anyone is welcome to stop by his office to discuss their
concerns with him. Gulbranson is new Osakis police chief, Wednesday,
May 2, 2012 – 12:00am, Amy Chaffins, www.theosakisreview.
And when chiefy decides that I am wiser than he is chiefy lumbers back in the door, doesn't he?
But that isn't the end of it, is it? No. Not by a long shot, right?
Nosy Osakis Police Chief Chad "Runny Nosy" Gulbranson decides he is going to lumber to the front door and wait for the truck to pass so he can get the license plate number, right?
And instead of nosy Osakis Police Chief Chad "Runny Nosy" Gulbranson returning my wave he looks at the license plate and lumbers off, doesn't he?
And then I called City Hall after I downloaded the audio and video files, didn't I? But nosy Osakis Police Chief Chad "Runny Nosy" Gulbranson decided to hide behind his voice mail, didn't he? Why? Because I want the surveillance video from City hall, don't I?
Plus, I let nosy Osakis Police Chief Chad "Runny Nosy" Gulbranson know that I am going to check Douglas County dispatch to see if chiefy maliciously ran the plates, didn't I?
Maybe chiefy called to have a deputy waiting down the road to ambush the pickup, huh?
More to come ...