Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Who Wants To Toss Another Batch Of Monkey Wrenches Into Rigged Case No. 08-CR-21-272 State Of Minnesota Vs Candi Jolene Lemarr? Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data? Rogue Nonprofits (Minnesota Federated Humane Societies & Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue, Right?) Involved In Rigged Investigation Willfully Refuse To Cough Up Form 990's? Trained Observers Can't See Surveillance Video? Witness Friesen's Middle Finger? Vets Not Asked About All Possible Diagnostic Tests On Stand?



from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: fbusch@nujournal.com,
Kevin Sweeney ksweeney@nujournal.com,
Jason Seidl Jason.Seidl@co.brown.mn.us,
Charles Hanson Charles.Hanson@co.brown.mn.us
date: Mar 29, 2022, 10:01 AM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data - Rogue Nonprofits Involved In Rigged Investigation? Trained Observers Can't See Surveillance Video? Witness Friesen's Middle Finger? Vets Not Asked About All Possible Diagnostic Tests On Stand?
mailed-by: gmail.com

Greg Orear, Publisher New Ulm Journal, Kevin Sweeney, Editor, Fritz Busch, Staff Writer 507-359-2911:

Hey, aren't you going to send your buddy Fritz to cover the high-profile Candi Lemarr case (08-CR-21-272 State of Minnesota vs Candi Jolene Lemarr)? Or did you decide it was too much of an embarrassment? You’d agree that this trial and the criminal investigation into Lemarr should have had a laugh track attached to it, right? Are you still waiting, like I’m still waiting, for either Assistant Brown County Attorney Jill Jensen or Lemarr’s laughable attorney James Kuettner to ask Dr. Nancy Lynn Peterson, Dr. Zachariah Loppnow, and Dr. Amanda Elston to testify as to what subjective and objective tests that a competent veterinarian should be performing in a suspected equine starvation case? And how is it possible every single one of the trained observers on Lemarr farm failed to notice the surveillance cameras? How is it possible that Peterson, Brown County Deputy Randee Murphy, Deputy Derek Shaw, Chief Deputy/Detective Jeremy Reed and former Chief Deputy Steve Depew couldn’t fall back onto their expensive and time-consuming work-related continuing education to secure the Lemarr surveillance footage? Aren’t neutral and unbiased criminal investigations supposed to seek out potentially exculpatory evidence to clear the suspect from suspicion of a crime? Sounds like a severe case of group think and tunnel vision, doesn’t it? It does, doesn’t it?

Did you know that neither one of the nonprofits associated with the Lemar case, Minnesota Federated Humane Societies or Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue wants to provide me with their Form 990? Federal law makes it clear that nonprofits have to provide the Form 990 the same day the Form 990 is requested, doesn’t it? Why would Brown County involve either of one these rogue nonprofits in the Lemarr criminal investigation? Maybe Brown County needs rogue nonprofits to be involved in their rigged animal cruelty investigations? See attached, okay?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. Oh, did you know that the overpaid criminal you pass off as the Brown County Attorney, Chuck Hanson, (Convicted thief, right?) is still illegally withholding his general policy manual and his prosecutor’s policy manual from me? The revelation about the Lemarr surveillance video magically and mysteriously not being collected and preserved is another motive for Hanson to not release his Brady policies, isn’t it? Must be why Hanson wanted to use the body camera video to dispel rumors while at the same time not releasing the damning/embarrassing videos to the public in violation of Chapter 13.82 Subd. 15. Public benefit data, right?

hu [Note: Oooops!]

Tunnel vision may have already led investigators at this point to prematurely but confidently conclude that the innocent suspect is guilty. Confirmation bias then leads investigators to seek out information and evidence that affirms this belief and to reject or discount information and evidence that does not. Richard A. Leo, Police Interrogation and American Justice, (Cambridge: 2008), Page 264.

A I received a phone call from the Federated --
Q Actually, I apologize, let me just ask you this. Did you have any contact with Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue?
A Yes.
Q And what was the purpose of that contact?
A I was requested to get photos from Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue from -- as soon as the horses were surrendered, that they had pictures of, and current photos of any of the horses that they had on file.
Q And did you have any other involvement in this case?
A I received some of the pictures from Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue, and, no. Page 461-462. Jury Trial Volume III File No. 08-CR-21-272 State of Minnesota v. Candi Jolene Lemarr
Q: Jill Jensen, Assistant Brown County Attorney


A: Dr. Nancy Lynn Peterson

https://www.mnfedhs.org/state-humane-agents.html State Humane Agents The appointed state humane agents of Minnesota Federated Humane Societies play a vital role in ensuring all animals in our state are cared for as mandated under federal and state law. Our state humane agents are trained to know and interpret the Minnesota state statutes pertaining to animals and carry out investigations into reports of suspected animal cruelty, abuse and neglect.
While carrying out their duties, state humane agents have many duties. The state humane agents:
Partner with law enforcement to investigate potential cruelty, abuse, neglect and torture crimes against animals.

Sam Hansen, Brown County Administrator 507-233-6600 & Jason Seidl, Sheriff 507-233-6713 & Kelly Hotovec, Auditor-Treasurer 507-233-6613 & Anton Berg, Board Chair 507-359-7844:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. Incident report and surveillance video of Eryn Friesen giving the middle finger during the high-profile Candi Lemarr trial.
2. Signed confidentiality agreement with Minnesota Federated Humane Societies and emails with attachments to/from MFHS for the Candi Lemarr equine abuse investigation.
3. Final outcome of internal affairs investigation into how Brown County Deputy Randee Murphy, Deputy Derek Shaw, Chief Deputy/Detective Jeremy Reed and former Chief Deputy Steve Depew all failed to secure surveillance video aka potentially exculpatory evidence in the high-profile Candi Lemarr equine abuse investigation. [Gross salary for Jeremy Reed: $75,774.40 (2020), Gross salary for Steve Depew: $77,480.00 (2020), Gross salary for Steve Depew: $70,636.80 (2020) and Gross salary for Randee Murphy: $65,915.20 (2020)]
4. Payments to Nancy Lynn Peterson, DVM for services rendered in the high-profile Candi Lemarr equine abuse investigation and trial.
5. Payments to the nonprofit Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue for services rendered in the high-profile Candi Lemarr equine abuse investigation and trial.
6. Payments to Anoka Equine Veterinary Services for services rendered in the high-profile Candi Lemarr equine abuse investigation and trial.
7. Payments to Zachariah Loppnow, DVM for services rendered in the high-profile Candi Lemarr equine abuse investigation and trial.
8. Body camera videos for high-profile Candi Lemarr equine abuse investigation, pursuant to Chapter 3.82 Subd. 15. Public benefit data.

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
P.S. Have your deputies aka trained observers had their listening ears checked lately? It would seem that your trained observers are only capable of hearing but not listening during criminal investigations, wouldn't it?
P.S.S. Maybe your trained observers shouldn't have relied on the really bad advice from rogue nonprofits and spent more time reading books on animal abuse investigations? Have you ever read: Chapter 1: The Legal System and the Veterinarian’s Role Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations 1st Edition by Melinda D. Merck? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don’t they?

State Humane Agents
MFHS Agent Annual Renewal Documents
MHFS Policy Manual https://www.mnfedhs.org/mhfs-policy-manual.html

Regulations Pursuant to Approved Humane Investigators
I. Introduction.
It is imperative to stress here that every effort be made to correct a situation before prosecution is attempted. More than 80 percent of all cruelty complaints are due to owner ignorance, (Many are unjustified complaints to begin with, being neighborhood disputes or over-zealousness; still, every complaint must be verified.) The key to a successful investigation is common sense, and professionalism How To Conduct A Successful Animal Cruelty Investigation

Complied By The Minnesota Humane Society This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http:/www/leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp

https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/343.01 343.01 PURPOSES; POWERS; COUNTY ORGANIZATION. § Subdivision 1. Formation authorized. A state federation of county and district societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals may be created as a corporation under chapter 317A for the purpose provided in section 343.06. The federation may appoint representatives in any county where no active county or district society exists for the purpose of receiving and accounting for funds from any source, and may also appoint agents at large to carry out the work of the federation throughout the state. The federation and all county and district societies may appoint agents for the purpose of investigating or otherwise assisting lawfully empowered officials in the prosecution of persons charged with cruelty to animals. Appointed agents must have training and experience in activities relating to prevention of cruelty to animals or enforcement of laws relating to cruelty to animals. The federation may make bylaws as are necessary to implement its authority under this chapter and under chapter 317A.

Q Officer Reed, without talking about that day, did anyone inform you there was surveillance
footage on the property?
A Yes. (Note: Trained observer failed to notice surveillance cameras)
Q Who was that?
A Mr. Kuettner. And, prior to that, there was another call where deputies had received some SD cards, and things on it, on a loodprevious – previous call where Ms. Lemarr's – unrelated.
Q Do you recall if Ms. Lemarr talked with you about surveillance footage on the date that you were there?
A Yes. In reviewing my body camera, she does talk about having surveillance footage and her
cameras. (Note: Trained observer failed to listener to suspect about presence of surveillance cameras)
Q And what -- do you recall what she said about her surveillance footage?
A That they would show that she -- how she cares for the animals and feeds the animals.
Q So you drafted a search warrant for the surveillance footage. Did you obtain that footage?
A Yes. It was an automatic delete after seven days, so we had seven day's images.
Q And were any of them the surveillance footage for the time period that you went out there on November 23rd?
A No. Page 537-538. Jury Trial Volume III File No. 08-CR-21-272 State of Minnesota v. Candi Jolene Lemarr
Q: Jill Jensen, Assistant Brown County Attorney
A: Chief Deputy Jeremy Reed.

2. Rules a) Peace officers shall not knowingly exceed their authority in the enforcement of the law.
b) Peace officers shall not knowingly disobey the law or rules of criminal procedure in such areas as interrogation, arrest, detention, searches, seizures, use of informants, and preservation of evidence, except where permitted in the performance of duty under proper authority. Professional Conduct Of Peace Officers Model Policy MN STAT 626.8457 MN POST Professional Conduct of Peace
Officers Model Policy.pdf – 616 Brown County Sheriff's Office Brown Cnty SO Policy Manual

2. Rules a) Peace officers shall carry out their duties with integrity, fairness and impartiality. b) Peace officers shall not knowingly make false accusations of any criminal, ordinance, traffic or other law violation. This provision shall not prohibit the use of deception during criminal investigations or interrogations as permitted under law. c) Peace officers shall truthfully, completely, and impartially report, testify and present evidence, including exculpatory evidence, in all matters of an official nature. Professional Conduct Of Peace Officers Model Policy MN STAT 626.8457 MN POST Professional Conduct of Peace Officers Model Policy.pdf – 617 Brown County Sheriff's Office Brown Cnty SO Policy Manual

But I can tell the Court it is, essentially, this, the witnesses walked by a truck with several people in it. One of the people in the truck was a younger, eighteens, early twenties, they couldn't tell, blonde girl, woman, who seemed to be staring at my witnesses. One of my witnesses responded by showing her the middle finger. That witness is Eryn Friesen. So Eryn Friesen showed the person in the truck the
middle finger. There was a phrase, fuck you, in response. There was something responded to that, by Eryn Friesen, about, "Come back to me when you have a truck that the bank doesn't own," and, again, that's not the exact wording. I'm looking for that in my e-mail inbox. This was relayed to me by Eryn Friesen's mother, Rachel Friesen, their version of the events. Eryn Friesen was instructed -- or at least her mother tells me she instructed Eryn Friesen to contact my office with what happened from Eryn Friesen's perspective, when Eryn Friesen wakes up. I haven't received that yet.
THE COURT: Ms. Jensen, is this why you were asking for surveillance cameras outside?
MS. JENSEN: It is, Your Honor. And I did have a chance to review it. I did request a copy of it. Within seconds of exiting the building, Eryn Friesen gave the people in the vehicle the middle finger, which colloquially means fuck you. So I'm not surprised somebody said it back. She held it in midair walking, for several seconds, did it again,

and then when she got down near the truck, she can be seen verbally indicating, and then her mother pulls her away. I've asked for a copy of that, but I'm not able to see the people in the truck. More or less, what Mr. Kuettner has said is accurate, except for I don't know if someone in the truck said fuck you. But it's very clear that Ms. Friesen initiated the altercation, so.
THE COURT: Okay. Regardless of who initiated it, it should go without saying, but, apparently it doesn't, that that sort of behavior is not acceptable anywhere. And I will ask both of you to remind your witnesses that there are certain laws that require a certain level of decorum. And I understand emotions and tempers run high in this case, but that's no excuse for this sort of confrontation. It's just unnecessary. And I will ask both counsel to advise your witnesses to ignore witnesses for the other side. It's just unnecessary. It sounds as if this may have risen to the level of a disorderly conduct, and nothing more. Fortunately, there was no physical confrontation. But, obviously, that's what we
want to avoid I will simply leave it at that at this point. Are we ready to bring in the jury? Page 632-634. Jury Trial Volume IV File No. 08-CR-21-272 State of Minnesota v. Candi Jolene Lemarr

Q: Jill Jensen, Assistant Brown County Attorney
Q: James Kuettner, Attorney for Defendant
Salary Compliance Notice - 2022
Brown County is the employer of 224 full-time and 46 part-time employees. The 2021
budget adopted by the County Board on 12-15-2020 totals $41,868,265. For 2021, the
following information is provided pursuant to MS 471.701:
County Administrator $130,106
County Highway Engineer $129,430
County Attorney $128,982

3 Attachments: Final Notice For Form 990 For Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation030822_1020am.pdf, Final Notice For Minnesota Federated Humane Societies Form 990032622_1146am.pdf, Form 990 For Pet Haven032822_1002am.pdf

from: Kevin Sweeney ksweeney@nujournal.com via ogdennewspapers.onmicrosoft.com
to: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
date: Mar 29, 2022, 10:01 AM
subject: Automatic reply: Chapter 13 Data Request For Candi Lemarr Related Data - Rogue Nonprofits Involved In Rigged Investigation? Trained Observers Can't See Surveillance Video? Witness Friesen's Middle Finger? Vets Not Asked About All Possible Diagnostic Te...
mailed-by: nam12-bn8-obe.outbound.protection.outlook.com
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: Important according to Google magic.

Thank you for your email.

I will be retiring as editor of The Journal on March 31, 2022. The new newsroom contact will be Craig Peterson. Please change your contact for The Journal from ksweeney@nujournal.com or editor@nujournal.com to cpeterson@nujournal.com. You can also send news items and obituaries to news@nujournal.com.

Thank you.

Kevin Sweeney
Managing Editor
The Journal, New Ulm.

Attachments - Request for Form 880's right?

Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: drew@mnhoovedanimalrescue.org,
MN Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation info@mnhoovedanimalrescue.org
date: Mar 8, 2022, 10:20 AM
subject: Final Notice For Form 990 For Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation
mailed-by: gmail.com

Drew Fitzpatrick, Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation (763) 856-3119:

You were put on notice on January 27, 2021 at 9:55 PM that a request for your Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue Foundation's Form 990 was made by me, weren't you? Yet, you have willfully refused to comply with that simple request, haven't you? You aren't going to be upset if I file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau of Minnesota, are you? You would agree that the public needs to be aware of your business practices, wouldn't you?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

Page 5 – Public Inspection Rules StayExempt.irs.gov: Required Disclosures Course Clarence: So, what documents do I have to share? Leagle: In return for being tax exempt and receiving tax deductible contributions, Congress requires Section 501(c)(3) organizations to disclose information about their organization to the public. You’re required to share the following documents with the public when requested: • Annual returns for three years after the due date. This includes returns like your Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, and any Forms 990-T filed after August 17, 2006, including your extensions. • All Form 990 schedules (except portions of Schedule B), attachments and supporting documents. • Your application for exemption and all supporting documents, like Form 1023, if you filed it on or after July 15, 1987. • And the determination letter from the IRS that shows your organization has tax-exempt status. https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/home/existing-organizations/required-disclosures https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/se/files/downloads/Required_Disclosures_Print_for_PDF.pdf Page 6 – Timely Response to Requests StayExempt.irs.gov: Required Disclosures Course Clarence: So, how quickly do I need to make the documents available? Leagle: Normally, it’s the day you’re asked for them. https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/home/existing-organizations/required-disclosures https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/se/files/downloads/Required_Disclosures_Print_for_PDF.pdf

https://www.facebook.com/thefirstbbb/about/?ref=page_internal Better Business Bureau of Minnesota & North Dakota @thefirstbbb · Nonprofit organization Additional contact Website: info http://www.BBB.org/Minnesota Phone: (651) 699-1111 Email: ask@thefirstbbb.org
https://www.bbb.org/local-bbb/bbb-of-minnesota-and-north-dakota Contact Us 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 ph: (651) 699-1111 fax: (651) 699-7665 text: 612-255-6565 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday Phone hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday – Friday
https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews Process of Complaints & Reviews Your consumer experiences matter to Better Business Bureau, other consumers and businesses! Consumers have told us that additional information such as complaints and reviews from other customers helps them choose a trustworthy business. BBB makes it easy for people to file complaints. BBB handles complaints regarding any business, whether or not the business is a BBB Accredited Business. BBB also accepts complaints against charities and non-profit organizations. BBB primarily handles complaints relating to marketplace transactions for customers who want a resolution, such as a refund, a repair, or a replacement. This process is free to consumers and businesses. Read more about how complaints are handled here. https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews/complaints BBB customer reviews allow customers to rate their marketplace experiences with businesses using a star scale. Just like our complaints, reviews are sent to the business before they are published online. Consumers, upon request of BBB and businesses, must be able to provide substantiation of the marketplace interactions. Read more about the review process here. https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews/reviews

Dawn Rose is entitled to judgment against Mn Hooved Animal Rescue for the sum of $1200, plus fees of $ ---, disbursements of $ ---, and conditional costs of $ ---, for a total amount of 1200.--. Order for Judgment on Claim and Counterclaim Dated: 06-28-21 Signed: Walter M. Kaminsky Case No. 71-CO-21-200 Dawn Rose vs Drew Fitzpatrick, MN Hooved Animal Rescue DISPOSITIONS 06/30/2021 Judgment (Judicial Officer: Kaminsky, Walter)

[x] The Defendant has the following property that belongs to me (list property): I adopted a horse AKA Badlass from Def. Of MN HAR for $2,000.00 Agreeing not to ever sell, must be returned for a horse of equal value. It physically attacked me while riding friends horse in arena. I received a concussion. 2 broken bones. I returned horse & made

many attempts to call & email def. Finally she answered and took my address vowing to mail me a $2,000 check. She ignored it & resold horse to another. The horse had several owners. People returned her before. Plaintiff’s Statement of Claim Dated: 03-18-21 Plaintiff: Dawn Rose. Case No. 71-CO-21-200 Dawn Rose vs Drew Fitzpatrick, MN Hooved Animal Rescue. ASIN: ‎ 0470961627 Publisher: ‎Wiley-Blackwell; 2nd edition (December 26, 2012)

CONFIDENTIALITY Regardless of whether the veterinarian is working for the prosecution or the defense, it is important to be aware of the confidential nature of the relationship. The veterinarian’s photographs, videos, and records belong to the agency that brought them into the case. Only specifically assigned personnel may collect evidence or take still or video photographs at the scene or of the ­animals. The use of private cameras (including cell phones) must be strictly prohibited. In addition, personnel associated with the case may not tweet, text, post, or in any other manner share information gained, and this includes family members and friends. Caution should be taken to communicate only with authorized personnel. A careless mistake could result in sanctions against the veterinarian or against the inviting agency. Page 8. The Legal System: The Veterinarian’s Role and Responsibilities Diane E. Balkin, Laura A. Janssen, and Melinda D. Merck from Veterinary Forensics: Animal Cruelty Investigations.

Q And who is Drew Fitzpatrick?
A She owns and operates the Minnesota Ho – Down Rescue Foundation.
A She was present on the August 31st, search warrant and then again in November; is that right?
A That's correct.
O What was the purpose of her presence?
A We utilized Drew as a contractor to help us load, transport over to the University of Minnesota.
She has the equipment and the facilities necessary to do that. And we also utilized her for placement of horses subsequent to the disposition hearing, if there is one.
Q You’ve used her in the past then for seizure of horses?
A I have used her for many, many years.
Q Did Mr. Friday question her presence on the property?
A Yes.
Q What was the nature of that conversation?
A It is my understanding that Mr. Friday does not get along with Ms. Fitzpatrick.
Q Tell me what the conversation was rather than your impression?
A He did not agree with her assessment or her handling the horses and the objective of the role that she plays in the equine industry and assumes that, she is - - has a vendetta against him. Page 103. State Of Minnesota, Plaintiff VS. Lowell George Friday, Defendant Case No. 02-CR-12-197 Contested Omnibus Hearing July 6, 2012 Transcript. Honorable Sean C. Gibbs, Presiding. A: Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Q: Jennifer Nodes, attorney for the City of East Bethel. Redirect Examination

Q When you did your search on November 16th, did you go to the second property, the one south of the main farm?
A I don't know.
Q There was a horse that you had trouble loading, correct?
A Yes.
Q And that was a horse that had not been halter broken, correct?
A I don’t know.
Q Well, that was a horse that refused to get onto the trailer, correct?
A Yes.
Q And in your And in your experience when a horse is not familiar with being loaded, onto a trailer, is that sort of a situation that can scare a horse?
A Absolutely, which is why we had individuals that are very well-skilled in equine management in handling of animals. I did not specific assistant and do what f could at their request to mount those horses. I left that to the veterinarian on the scene. so, to answer your question, I wasn't directly in charge of that loading of that horse.
Q And how much time did those individuals trying to load this horse onto the trailer?
MS. NODES: Objection, Your Honor. Relevance.
THE COURT: Overruled.
THE WITNESS: I don't think it was an excessive amount of time, but it took the better part of it must have been an hour.
Q And this horse was refusing to 1oad, correct?
A That would be a good term, Yes.
Q And how many people were pushing or pulling this horse trying to get it onto the ramp?
A There was always one person on the rope and we had individuals – at any one given time there was always one to three individuals attempting to get the horse onto the trailer.
Q Okay. So when you say one person on the rope,
you're talking about the lead of the horse?

A The alter, yes.
Q And wasn't there also a rope put around the back of the horse so that they could push it from behind?
A And not around the entire horse, but across the back end, so we applied pressure which is a common procedure for horse loading.
Q Okay. So there was someone on the lead and someone else applying pressure from behind, correct?
A Yes,
Q And so when the horse started to back up, the horse collapsed, correct?
A Yes.
Q And ultimately the way that the horse loaded was that Mr. Friday loaded the horse, correct?
A Mr. Friday did assist with the loading of that one horse eventually, yes. He refused to early on.
Q Well, was he invited to early on?
A Yes.
Q In fact, isn't it true that what Mr. Friday did is simply cover the horse's head with a jacket, lead the horse around in a circle and then up onto the van?
A I don't know if it necessarily went that easy, but Mr. Friday's help did assist us in getting that
horse into the trailer, yes.
Q Well, when you say his help, he did it, correct? It wasn't his help. He just loaded it himself, correct?
A Well, we were all there and in a crowd. And I mean that horse utilizes that it's not going to hold on
in that particular herd. And so if you assume that him having the rope by himself is alone, without us helping there, I guess, yes. Page 88-91 State Of Minnesota, Plaintiff VS. Lowell George Friday, Defendant Case No. 02-CR-12-197 Contested Omnibus Hearing July 6, 2012 Transcript. Honorable Sean C. Gibbs, Presiding. A: Animal Humane Society Humane Agent Keith Streff Q: Robert Richman, attorney for defendant Lowell Friday.

Attachments - Request for Form 880's right?

Minnesota Federated Humane Societies


from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: MFHS@mnfedhs.org,
date: Mar 26, 2022, 11:46 AM
subject: Final Notice For Minnesota Federated Humane Societies Form 990
mailed-by: gmail.com

Elisa Johnson, MHFS Executive Director 612.866.8663:

You were put on notice on January 27, 2021 at 9:55 PM that a request for your Minnesota Federated Humane Societies Form 990 was made by me, weren't you? Yet, you have willfully refused to comply with that simple request, haven't you? You aren't going to be upset if I file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau of Minnesota, are you? You would agree that the public needs to be aware of your business practices, wouldn't you?

Why oh why is your MHFS Policy Manual for your state humane agents password protected? Why isn't your MHFS Policy Manual for your state humane agents open for public review? Isn't it true that some of your humane agents are licensed peace officers? ISn't it true that law enforcement agencies like the Minneapolis and St. Paul Police Departments have the police policy manual online for transparency and accountability reasons? If the MHFS was a legitimate, transparent and accountable organization, then wouldn't all of your MFHS Agent Work Documents forms and policy manuals be open to the public? Or does Minnesota Federated Humane Societies have a hidden agenda that they want to keep from the public?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

P.S. Do or don't your Humane Agent sign confidentiality agreements when they are "investigating or otherwise assisting lawfully empowered officials in the prosecution of persons charged with cruelty to animals"?

https://www.facebook.com/humanesocieties/about/?ref=page_internal Minnesota Federated Humane Societies @humanesocieties · Nonprofit organization About General 4,042 people like this 4,128 people follow this Nonprofit Organization · Charity Organization Additional contact info http://www.mnfedhs.org/ (612) 866-8663 mfhs@mnfedhs.org More info About MFHS is the only non-profit 501(c)3 organization authorized under Minnesota state statute to investigate reports of animal abuse, cruelty and neglect in all 87 counties.

Page 5 – Public Inspection Rules StayExempt.irs.gov: Required Disclosures Course Clarence: So, what documents do I have to share? Leagle: In return for being tax exempt and receiving tax deductible contributions, Congress requires Section 501(c)(3) organizations to disclose information about their organization to the public. You’re required to share the following documents with the public when requested: • Annual returns for three years after the due date. This includes returns like your Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, and any Forms 990-T filed after August 17, 2006, including your extensions. • All Form 990 schedules (except portions of Schedule B), attachments and supporting documents. • Your application for exemption and all supporting documents, like Form 1023, if you filed it on or after July 15, 1987. • And the determination letter from the IRS that shows your organization has tax-exempt status. https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/home/existing-organizations/required-disclosures https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/se/files/downloads/Required_Disclosures_Print_for_PDF.pdf

Page 6 – Timely Response to Requests StayExempt.irs.gov: Required Disclosures Course Clarence: So, how quickly do I need to make the documents available? Leagle: Normally, it’s the day you’re asked for them. https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/home/existing-organizations/required-disclosures https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/se/files/downloads/Required_Disclosures_Print_for_PDF.pdf

Transparency and Accountability: Nonprofits have a legal and ethical obligation to their constituents and the public to conduct their activities with accountability and transparency. Non-profits should regularly and openly convey information to the public about their mission, activities, finances, accomplishments and decision-making processes. Information from a nonprofit organization should be easily accessible to the public. It should establish external visibility and build public understanding and trust in the organization. Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence – A guide for nonprofit staff and board members. The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Page 8. https://www.minnesotanonprofits.org/docs/default-source/publications/principles-and-practices---full-publication.pdf?sfvrsn=93531894_4

https://www.facebook.com/thefirstbbb/about/?ref=page_internal Better Business Bureau of Minnesota & North Dakota @thefirstbbb · Nonprofit organization Additional contact Website: info http://www.BBB.org/Minnesota Phone: (651) 699-1111 Email: ask@thefirstbbb.org
https://www.bbb.org/local-bbb/bbb-of-minnesota-and-north-dakota Contact Us 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 ph: (651) 699-1111 fax: (651) 699-7665 text: 612-255-6565 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday Phone hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday – Friday
https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews Process of Complaints & Reviews Your consumer experiences matter to Better Business Bureau, other consumers and businesses! Consumers have told us that additional information such as complaints and reviews from other customers helps them choose a trustworthy business. BBB makes it easy for people to file complaints. BBB handles complaints regarding any business, whether or not the business is a BBB Accredited Business. BBB also accepts complaints against charities and non-profit organizations. BBB primarily handles complaints relating to marketplace transactions for customers who want a resolution, such as a refund, a repair, or a replacement. This process is free to consumers and businesses. Read more about how complaints are handled here. https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews/complaints BBB customer reviews allow customers to rate their marketplace experiences with businesses using a star scale. Just like our complaints, reviews are sent to the business before they are published online. Consumers, upon request of BBB and businesses, must be able to provide substantiation of the marketplace interactions. Read more about the review process here. https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews/reviews

https://www.stpaul.gov/departments/police/saint-paul-police-manual The Saint Paul Police Department has published this online policy manual as part of our commitment to transparency. The online manual should be used for informational purposes only. Certain not public data have been redacted according to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, including sections 13.82 and 13.37. The Saint Paul Police Department manual is a living document that is updated and amended as needed, and the online manual will be updated to reflect current official policy. If there are differences between the online and official versions of department policies, the official version will take priority. Please contact the department for official versions of department policies. Thank you for viewing. If you wish to provide feedback on the online version of this manual, please see our feedback form.

https://www.minneapolismn.gov/government/departments/police/mpd-policy-procedure-manual/policy-manual/ Policy manual You can read the Minneapolis Police Department (MPD) policy and procedure manual. Policy manual PDF, 3,187KB https://www.minneapolismn.gov/media/-www-content-assets/documents/MPD-Policy-and-Procedure-Manual.pdf

Elisa Soper-Johnson, Executive Director of the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies (MFHS), introduced herself and the MFHS mission and goals. She was joined by President Jeff Dow and Treasurer Mario Lee, who is also a Ramsey County animal control officer. Mr. Dow explained the background of the MFHS, which is designated in state statute to certify and train humane agents, work with law enforcement to investigate animal cruelty and neglect and enforce animal welfare laws. He said a lot of investigations are educational efforts to teach people how to treat their animals. Ms. Soper-Johnson wanted to highlight the MFHS as a collaborator and resource for the Board. She said they are often contacted by the public and police regarding animal welfare issues. MFHS also receives hoarding cases, kennel complaints, calls from the DNR, and contact from Board staff when they come across humane issues in their day-to-day work. She used an example of collaboration when the MFHS works with the Board to investigate alleged issues at a commercial breeding facility. She said the Board supports her agents’ ability to make sure the organizations are compliant. In turn, humane agents work to make sure people are following Board statutes. Dr. Wheeler asked Ms. Soper-Johnson how many humane agents there are in Minnesota. Ms. Soper-Johnson said there are more than 40 trained agents covering the entire state. MFHS has also increased training for those agents to make sure there is a certification in process for agents to adhere to procedures and protocols. The MFHS also spends time training law enforcement on animal welfare issues. Minnesota Board of Animal Health Quarterly Meeting – January 15, 2020 Page 13-14. https://www.bah.state.mn.us/media/BoardMinutes_0120.pdf

https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/343.01 343.01 PURPOSES; POWERS; COUNTY ORGANIZATION. § Subdivision 1.Formation authorized. A state federation of county and district societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals may be created as a corporation under chapter 317A for the purpose provided in section 343.06. The federation may appoint representatives in any county where no active county or district society exists for the purpose of receiving and accounting for funds from any source, and may also appoint agents at large to carry out the work of the federation throughout the state. The federation and all county and district societies may appoint agents for the purpose of investigating or otherwise assisting lawfully empowered officials in the prosecution of persons charged with cruelty to animals. Appointed agents must have training and experience in activities relating to prevention of cruelty to animals or enforcement of laws relating to cruelty to animals. The federation may make bylaws as are necessary to implement its authority under this chapter and under chapter 317A.

https://www.mnfedhs.org/mfhs-team-members1.html MFHS Team Members

For our state humane agents, we have compiled on this page https://www.mnfedhs.org/state-and-federal-animal-welfare-laws.html of state and federal animal welfare laws that you can reference as you are carrying out your investigations or as you prepare for an investigation. For questions to which you can't find the answer in the statutes or rules, or for any other question, contact MFHS mfhs@mnfedhs.org.
You will also find below links to all the forms that you need as you carry out your work. The pages are password protected; if you have forgotten the password please contact MFHS mfhs@mnfedhs.org and the password will be provided to 

MFHS Agent Annual Renewal Documents
MHFS Agent Background Check Form https://www.mnfedhs.org/mhfs-agent-background-check-form.html
MHFS Agent Consent Form https://www.mnfedhs.org/mhfs-agent-consent-form.html
MHFS Policy Manual https://www.mnfedhs.org/mhfs-policy-manual.html
Team Roles & Responsibilities Contract https://www.mnfedhs.org/team-roles--responsibilities-contract.html

Attachments - Request for Form 880's right?

Pet Haven

from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: director@pethavenmn.org,
date: Mar 28, 2022, 10:02 AM
subject: Form 990 For Pet Haven
mailed-by: gmail.com

Kerry D'Amato, Executive Director 952-831-3825:

Please provide with me your most current Form 990 for Pet Haven. Can you think of any reason why the nonprofit Minnesota Federated Humane Societies would willfully refuse to comply with the IRS Required Disclosures and willfully refuse to provide me with their most recent Form 990? Is the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies some rogue operation that aids and abet corrupt law enforcement agencies to steal animals from their rightful owners? Is that why the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies willfully refuses to make their Animal Abuse investigation policy manual (MHFS Policy Manual) open to the public? Does the Minnesota Federated Humane Societies recruit rogue cops as their State Humane Agents? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713

Page 5 – Public Inspection Rules StayExempt.irs.gov: Required Disclosures Course Clarence: So, what documents do I have to share? Leagle: In return for being tax exempt and receiving tax deductible contributions, Congress requires Section 501(c)(3) organizations to disclose information about their organization to the public. You’re required to share the following documents with the public when requested: • Annual returns for three years after the due date. This includes returns like your Form 990, 990-EZ, 990-PF, and any Forms 990-T filed after August 17, 2006, including your extensions. • All Form 990 schedules (except portions of Schedule B), attachments and supporting documents. • Your application for exemption and all supporting documents, like Form 1023, if you filed it on or after July 15, 1987. • And the determination letter from the IRS that shows your organization has tax-exempt status. https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/home/existing-organizations/required-disclosures https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/se/files/downloads/Required_Disclosures_Print_for_PDF.pdf

Page 6 – Timely Response to Requests StayExempt.irs.gov: Required Disclosures Course Clarence: So, how quickly do I need to make the documents available? Leagle: Normally, it’s the day you’re asked for them. https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/home/existing-organizations/required-disclosures https://www.stayexempt.irs.gov/se/files/downloads/Required_Disclosures_Print_for_PDF.pdf

Transparency and Accountability: Nonprofits have a legal and ethical obligation to their constituents and the public to conduct their activities with accountability and transparency. Non-profits should regularly and openly convey information to the public about their mission, activities, finances, accomplishments and decision-making processes. Information from a nonprofit organization should be easily accessible to the public. It should establish external visibility and build public understanding and trust in the organization. Principles & Practices for Nonprofit Excellence – A guide for nonprofit staff and board members. The Minnesota Council of Nonprofits. Page 8. https://www.minnesotanonprofits.org/docs/default-source/publications/principles-and-practices---full-publication.pdf?sfvrsn=93531894_4

https://www.facebook.com/thefirstbbb/about/?ref=page_internal Better Business Bureau of Minnesota & North Dakota @thefirstbbb · Nonprofit organization Additional contact Website: info http://www.BBB.org/Minnesota Phone: (651) 699-1111 Email: ask@thefirstbbb.org
https://www.bbb.org/local-bbb/bbb-of-minnesota-and-north-dakota Contact Us 220 S. River Ridge Cir. Burnsville, MN 55337 ph: (651) 699-1111 fax: (651) 699-7665 text: 612-255-6565 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday Phone hours: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday – Friday
https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews Process of Complaints & Reviews Your consumer experiences matter to Better Business Bureau, other consumers and businesses! Consumers have told us that additional information such as complaints and reviews from other customers helps them choose a trustworthy business. BBB makes it easy for people to file complaints. BBB handles complaints regarding any business, whether or not the business is a BBB Accredited Business. BBB also accepts complaints against charities and non-profit organizations. BBB primarily handles complaints relating to marketplace transactions for customers who want a resolution, such as a refund, a repair, or a replacement. This process is free to consumers and businesses. Read more about how complaints are handled here. https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews/complaints BBB customer reviews allow customers to rate their marketplace experiences with businesses using a star scale. just

like our complaints, reviews are sent to the business before they are published online. Consumers, upon request of BBB and businesses, must be able to provide substantiation of the marketplace interactions. Read more about the review process here. https://www.bbb.org/process-of-complaints-and-reviews/reviews

https://www.mnfedhs.org/leadership.html Minnesota Federated Humane Societies Leadership Gene Marault Picture President, Board of Directors State Humane Agent Maria DeWolf Picture Vice President, Board of Directors Jena Wasche Picture Secretary, Board of Directors State Humane Agent/Investigator Amon Johnson Picture Treasurer, Board of Directors State Humane Agent Tim Baskin Picture Member, Board of Directors State Humane Agent Jeff Dow Picture Member, Board of Directors Founder Elisa Johnson Picture Executive Director, Director of Investigations State Humane Agent/Investigator EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Kathleen Zweber   State Humane Agent  Mike Frye  State Humane Agent  Kerry D'Amato

A I received a phone call from the Federated --
Q Actually, I apologize, let me just ask you this. Did you have any contact with Minnesota Hooved
Animal Rescue?
A Yes.
Q And what was the purpose of that contact?
A I was requested to get photos from Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue from -- as soon as the horses were surrendered, that they had pictures of, and current photos of any of the horses that they had on file.
Q And did you have any other involvement in this case?
A I received some of the pictures from Minnesota Hooved Animal Rescue, and, no. Page 461-462. Jury Trial Volume III File No. 08-CR-21-272
Q: Jill Jensen, Assistant Brown County Attorney
A: Deputy Randee Murphy

Q Officer Reed, without talking about that day, did anyone inform you there was surveillance
footage on the property?
A Yes. (Note: Trained observer failed to notice surveillance cameras)
Q Who was that?
A Mr. Kuettner. And, prior to that, there was another call where deputies had received some SD cards, and things on it, on a previous – previous call where Ms. Lemarr's – unrelated.
Q Do you recall if Ms. Lemarr talked with you about surveillance footage on the date that you were there?
A Yes. In reviewing my body camera, she does talk about having surveillance footage and her
cameras. (Note: Trained observer failed to listener to suspect about presence of surveillance cameras)
Q And what -- do you recall what she said about her surveillance footage?
A That they would show that she -- how she cares for the animals and feeds the animals.
Q So you drafted a search warrant for the surveillance footage. Did you obtain that footage?
A Yes. It was an automatic delete after seven days, so we had seven day's images.
Q And were any of them the surveillance footage for the time period that you went out there on November 23rd?
A No. Page 537-538. Jury Trial Volume III File No. 08-CR-21-272
Q: Jill Jensen, Assistant Brown County Attorney
A: Chief Deputy Jeremy Reed.

Q So, Dr. Elston, your first time viewing these horses was November 20th, for the first two, and November 21st, both of 2020, respectively, right?
A I may have seen them in passing, just if they were on the farm when I was looking at other horse, but to see them specifically, yeah, those were the first days.
Q Right. So this was the first time you went up, identified, and – okay.
A To be honest, I don't know.
Q Did you do blood work on the horses to double check?
A No, I did not.
Q So they had no issues eating?
A No.
Q But you didn't do a full oral?
Page 257. Jury Trial Volume II File No. 08-CR-21-272
Q: James Kuettner, Attorney for Defendant
A: Dr. Amanda Elston

2. A BCS of less than 3 is not cause for automatic seizure. The animals in question must exhibit altered metabolism


confirmed by blood analysis or other physical signs consistent with malnutrition before they can be seized for inadequate body condition. If it is determined that the horse needs immediate attention, a veterinarian of the owner’s choosing should provide those supporting procedures. These procedures may be done with supervision by the legal authorities. 3. Only horses exhibiting altered metabolism and having inadequate feed stores on the premises should be seized. Removing healthy horses from their home is not necessary and may often result in adverse consequences due to stress created by a new environment and untrained handlers. 4. If at all possible, the alleged neglected horses should remain at the owner’s farm. Removing any horse from its familiar environment, drastically changing its diet, and exposing it to a new set of handlers will usually result in stress and a further loss of body condition. In the vast majority of cases, if the intent is truly the best care of the horse, that care can best be administered in familiar surroundings. If the legal authorities require, care can be conducted under their official guidance. (MIS)USE OF THE BCS IN ALLEGED NEGLECT Author’s Information: Don Henneke, Ph.D., is currently the Director of Equine Science at Tarleton State University, Stephenville, Texas. Dr. Henneke was the principal investigator in developing the Body Condition Scoring System for Horses at Texas A&M University in 1979.

Regulations Pursuant to Approved Humane Investigators
I. Introduction.
It is imperative to stress here that every effort be made to correct a situation before prosecution is attempted. More than 80 percent of all cruelty complaints are due to owner ignorance, (Many are unjustified complaints to begin with, being neighborhood disputes or over-zealousness; still, every complaint must be verified.) The key to a successful investigation is common sense, and professionalism How To Conduct A Successful Animal Cruelty Investigation Complied By The Minnesota Humane Society This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http:/www/leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp

How To Conduct A Successful Animal Cruelty Investigation
III. The Complaint.
B. Complaint Form: Accurate, detailed record keeping of complaints and case histories is vitally important. Some sort of coding order may be helpful. You might also consult your local law enforcement agency to see how they keep records – also a good excuse for you to introduce yourself to them as the county society investigator. If someone other than the investigator receives complaints, that individual must be thoroughly briefed on your methods, and procedures. Ideally, all information, both past and present, should be presented to the investigating officer along with current complaint. How To Conduct A Successful Animal Cruelty Investigation Complied By The Minnesota Humane Society This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http:/www/leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp

https://www.mnfedhs.org/mfhs-team-members1.html MFHS Team Members
For our state humane agents, we have compiled on this page https://www.mnfedhs.org/state-and-federal-animal-welfare-laws.html of state and federal animal welfare laws that you can reference as you are carrying out your investigations or as you prepare for an investigation. For questions to which you can't find the answer in the statutes or rules, or for any other question, contact MFHS mfhs@mnfedhs.org.
You will also find below links to all the forms that you need as you carry out your work. The pages are password protected; if you have forgotten the password please contact MFHS mfhs@mnfedhs.org and the password will be provided to you.
MHFS Policy Manual https://www.mnfedhs.org/mhfs-policy-manual.html

Attachment:  Final Notice For Minnesota Federated Humane Societies Form 990032622_1146am.pdf

More to come ...

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