Sunday, December 18, 2016

Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner Being Aided & Abetted By Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147? Thompson Will Help In Cover-Up Just Like He Aided & Abetted Corrupt Sherburne Sheriff Joel Brott In The Illegal Withholding Of Nemmers' 2012 Jail Data, Right? Thompson's Fraudulent DOC Bill Of $1,147.35? Jesse Alvord & Nemmers Both Vicitims Of Prison Harassment, Right? The Rag Called The Aitkin Independent Age Is Involved In Cover-Up, Right? Don't Forget About Illegal Search & Seizure For 01-CO-16-13 & Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State Of Minnesota Vs Jesse James Alvord, Okay?
Lion News @Lion__News Where oh where are the dash camera videos for @MnDPS_MSP trooper & Aitkin Co. Sheriff's deputy Jon Cline 01-CR-16-29 State off MN vs Alvord? 4:33 AM - 19 Dec 2016
Lion News @Lion__News Jesse Alvord victimized by @MinnCorrections & corrupt Aitkin Co. Sheriff Scott Turner? First illegal search & seizure then jail misconduct? 4:28 AM - 19 Dec 2016
Dept of Corrections caught in the act of pretending Aitkin Co. Jail misconduct doesn't exit?

from:    Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
to:    Lion News,
date:    Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 9:39 AM
subject:    RE: Aitkin County Jail Adult Facilities Inspection Reports For Years: 2007-2016 Chapter 13 data request - Complaint
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers,

As I reviewed your request below, the only component of your request for which the Department of Corrections would have any data is number 1 below.  As such, please find attached the reports as requested.

Thank you,

Timothy G. Thompson
Corrections Alternative Program Manager
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Office: 651-361-7147

From: Lion News []
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 1:42 PM
To:;; Thompson, Timothy (DOC);;
Subject: Aitkin County Jail Adult Facilities Inspection Reports For Years: 2007-2016 Chapter 13 data request - Complaint

This email is intended to be read only by the intended recipient. This email may be legally privileged or protected from disclosure by law. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination of this email or any attachments is strictly prohibited, and you should refrain from reading this email or examining any attachments. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments.
Thank you.

6 Attachments

Aitkin County Jail_2016 Inspection Report_12162016.pdf
Aitkin County Jail_2015 Inspection Report_12162016.pdf
Aitkin County Jail_2010-2012 Inspection Report_12162016.pdf
Aitkin County Jail_2010-2012 Inspection Report_12162016.pdf
Aitkin County Jail_2008-2010 Inspection Report_12162016.pdf
Aitkin County Jail_2006-2008 Inspection Report_12162016.pdf

Context: Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147 has a well-documented history of willfully refusing to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) and willfully refusing to comply with the rules and the model policies established by the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration for the MGDPA, doesn't he? You'll want to see Thompson's $1,147.35 fraudulent bill for readily available, free electronic, public data, won't you?

Email #01:

from:    Lion News
to:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)"
date:    Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 6:03 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147:

Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic public data - make sure the relevant data is in searchable pdf format:

1. Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) data retention schedule.
2. I want a link to any and all DOC Facility Inspection Report Issued By The Minnesota Department of Corrections Pursuant to MN Statute 241.021, Subdivision 1 for the years 2006-2016.
3. Publication: Notable Statistics - Minnesota Department of Corrections for the years: 2006-2016. (You can exclude the ones referenced below)
4. If the above requested data is not available - provide the DOC destruction reports for the requested readily available, free, electronic public data.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. If you are going to make an issue about providing a link to the readily available, free, electronic public data, then I can provide similar links provided by Mike Garris, Executive Director of LOGIS and others if you would like. Do you want that info?

B. Introduction B. 1 Minnesota Context for Recordkeeping Metadata Records management is a statutory obligation of every government entity in Minnesota. As the 2002 Minnesota Enterprise Technical Architecture stated, “Accurate and well-kept records, including those in electronic form, are critical to the State’s ability to provide its services, present evidence, provide historical documentation, preserve its heritage, and allow its actions to be reviewed and audited. These records must be created, preserved, retained, and disposed of as required by law. . . . Records have a distinct legal and administrative status. This may not be true of all information and documents in an information system. Therefore, records must be managed as important resources with special requirements that may be distinct from other information resources.” One tool to aid in the proper management of records is metadata.  Minnesota Recordkeeping Metadata Standard Version 1.3, March 2015 Page 5 Minnesota County General Records Retention Schedule - Treasurer Destruction Reporting: Effective August 1, 2001, records destruction reports do not need to be sent to the Minnesota Department of Administration and the Minnesota Historical Society (State Archives). Keep destruction reports for your own records. Records Series Description: 4. Bank Statements on checking accounts; Data Class: Public; Retention/Statute: 6 years.
Notable Statistics Minnesota Department of Corrections Information provided is as of 7/1/15 unless noted Inspection Activities The DOC is responsible for inspecting, authorizing and licensing the operation of state and local correctional facilities. Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of- state) at year-end CY15:
Facilities 232 Sex
Offender Programs 14 3
Total Inspections 246
8 of the 14 programs are within the facilities 3 Average daily population of jail inmates CY15: 7,286
Notable Statistics Minnesota Department of Corrections Information provided is as of 7/1/13 unless noted Inspection Activities The DOC is responsible for inspecting and authorizing the operation of local correctional facilities (i.e., public/ private jails, workhouses, halfway houses, residential treatment facilities, etc.). The DOC also inspects and certifies out-of-state facilities that house Minnesota delinquents. Number of facilities licensed (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY12: 229 Average daily population of jail inmates CY12: 6,531
Notable Statistics Minnesota Department of Corrections Information provided is as of 7/1/12 unless noted Inspection Activities The DOC is responsible for inspecting and authorizing the operation of local correctional facilities (i.e., public/ private jails, workhouses, halfway houses, residential treatment facilities, etc.).  The DOC also inspects and certifies out-of-state facilities that house Minnesota delin- quents. Number of facilities licensed (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY11: 227 Average daily population of jail inmates CY11: 6,504
There are 87 county-operated jails for adults in Minnesota, and elected county sheriffs operate most of them. Most county jails house a combination of pre-adjudicated and sentenced inmates. 4 Nine counties do not operate their own, single-county jails; these counties rely entirely on cooperative arrangements with other counties for detention services. 5 Four counties operate more than one jail. 6 OFFICE OF THE LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR STATE OF MINNESOTA EVALUATION REPORT Mental Health Services in County Jails MARCH 2016

Email #02:

from:    Lion News
to:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)"
date:    Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 12:33 PM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports
:    Important according to our magic sauce.

Mr. Nemmers,

The Department of Corrections has received your data request.  We are working on putting together the requested data.  However, please be aware that this request covers a great deal of data, and subsequently may take some time to gather for you.  Additionally, since the links you are requesting go directly to a secure site and are not readily available to the public, we are not able to provide you with those links.  We can, however, provide you with PDF’s of the reports you are requesting, as they are public data.

Your patience on this is appreciated.

Thank you.

Timothy G. Thompson
Corrections Alternative Program Manager
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Office: 651-361-7147

From: Lion News []
Sent: Thursday, June 9, 2016 6:03 AM
To: Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

This email is intended to be read only by the intended recipient. This email may be legally privileged or protected from disclosure by law. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination of this email or any attachments is strictly prohibited, and you should refrain from reading this email or examining any attachments. If you received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete this email and any attachments.
Thank you.

Email #03:

from:    Lion News
to:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)"
date:    Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 12:33 PM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147:

So where is my readily available, free, electronic, public data, huh?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713 MN IPAD:Advisory Opinion 95-042  However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks. In situations in which the requester clearly identifies the data sought, and the data exist (other than the compilation of the policy letters), the only thing that seems to be required of the government entity, in order to meet its statutory obligation, is to photocopy the data and provide it to the requester. A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks.

Email #04:

from:    Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
to:    Lion News
date:    Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 9:39 AM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

We are working on it.  I would anticipate having it to you next week.

Thank you for your patience on this matter.

Timothy G. Thompson
Corrections Alternative Program Manager
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Office: 651-361-7147

From: Lion News []
Sent: Wednesday, July 6, 2016 12:34 PM
To: Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
Subject: Re: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

Email #05:

from:    Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
to:    Lion News
date:    Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:06 AM
subject:    FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers,

Please see the answer to question/request number 3 below.

You will find attached the current proposed retention schedule for the Inspection and Enforcement unit.  It is currently pending approval from the Historical Society.

Also, you fill find attached the most recent inspection reports for each facility inspected by the Department of Corrections.  This does not currently have reports going back to 2006, but I wanted to get part of your request out to you.  As I stated in earlier responses, this is a great deal of data.  As you review the list of inspection reports, please let me know if you are still interested in reports going back to 2006.  Please understand, this will take additional time due to the magnitude of the request.

Thank you for your patience.  It is very much appreciated.

Timothy G. Thompson
Corrections Alternative Program Manager
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Office: 651-361-7147

1. Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) data retention schedule.
2. I want a link to any and all DOC Facility Inspection Report Issued By The Minnesota Department of Corrections Pursuant to MN Statute 241.021, Subdivision 1 for the years 2006-2016.
3. Publication: Notable Statistics - Minnesota Department of Corrections for the years: 2006-2016. (You can exclude the ones referenced below)
This information is collected by Alan Baertschi in the Communication Unit each year for the Notable Statistics.
* 2006 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY06:  Facilities…200 + Sex Offender Programs…18 = Total Inspections…218    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 7,297
* 2007 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY07:  Facilities…193 + Sex Offender Programs…18 = Total Inspections…211    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 8,085
* 2008 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY08:  Facilities…194 + Sex Offender Programs…17 = Total Inspections…211    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 9,093
* 2009 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY09:  Facilities…193 + Sex Offender Programs…17 = Total Inspections…210    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 6,887
* 2010 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY10:  Facilities…190 + Sex Offender Programs…16 = Total Inspections…206    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 6,747
* 2011 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY11:  Facilities…227 + Sex Offender Programs…16 = Total Inspections…243    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 6,504
* 2012 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY12:  Facilities…214 + Sex Offender Programs…16 = Total Inspections…230    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 6,531
* 2013 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY13:  Facilities…232 + Sex Offender Programs…14 = Total Inspections…246    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 6,572
* 2014 – Number of facilities inspected by the DOC (in/out-of-state) at year-end CY14:  Facilities…232 + Sex Offender Programs…14 = Total Inspections…246    ADP of jail inmates CY14 = 7,022

2 Attachments
1_Lion News_Inspection
Records Retention Schedule_2016.pdf

Email #06:

from:    Lion News
to:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)"
date:    Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 9:50 AM
subject:    Re: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147:

So far you are in violation of Minnesota Government Data Practices Act and the rules and the Model Policies of the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration, right? Because after how many weeks I still don't have the readily available, free, electronic, public data I requested, right? If suddenly, mysteriously and magically you don't have readily available, free, electronic, public data that I requested, then I want a copy of the destruction reports for this readily available, free, electronic, public data. I'm not negotiating with you. I want what I asked for and nothing less. I am now requesting the information for your supervisor. You answer to someone, don't you? I want the contact information (phone number, cell phone number, mailing address, email address) for your supervisor - division head - boss.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713 MN IPAD:Advisory Opinion 95-042  However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks. In situations in which the requester clearly identifies the data sought, and the data exist (other than the compilation of the policy letters), the only thing that seems to be required of the government entity, in order to meet its statutory obligation, is to photocopy the data and provide it to the requester. A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks.
Disposal date: The date on which the records retention period for a given records series expires and the records may be disposed of, either by destruction or transfer to the Minnesota State Archives. Disposition: Either the destruction of a record or the transfer of the record to the Minnesota State Archives. Electronic record: “A record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means” [Minnesota Statutes, section 325L.02].Electronic Records Management Guidelines Version 4, March 2004.

from: Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
to: Lion News
date: Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 12:13 PM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 data request - Pope Co. Detention facility license agreement and jail data
Lion News, The Pope County Sheriff’s facility is classified as a Court holding facility. Therefore, this facility does not fall within our jurisdiction for the inspection process. The Department of Corrections has not generated any data as related to inspection reports, reports of nonconformance, unsafe, unsanitary, or illegal conditions, or reports of correction of deficiencies as you are requesting. Thank you,

Email #07:

from:    Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
to:    Lion News
cc:    "Solheid, Ron (DOC)"
date:    Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 2:26 PM
subject:    RE: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers,

You will find attached an estimate and an invoice for the costs associated with compiling the data you requested.  The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act authorizes government agencies to charge for providing data in hard copy or digital format. As I stated in an earlier response, the website that hosts the data is a non-public site.  Therefore, we do not have the data requested in an electronic format that is accessible.
However, we do maintain it digitally, but there is a fee associated with providing it in a digital medium.  The Department is authorized to charge fees for staff time to retrieve and copy the data, as well as reimbursement for postage and resources associated with providing the data (disk, flash drives, etc.).  Upon receipt of payment, we will begin compiling the data requested.  We will also need your mailing address so we may send you the data requested. 

You may make your check payable to:
Minnesota Department of Corrections

Please send your check to:
Minnesota Department of Corrections
1450 Energy Park Drive
Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55108

In your follow-up email, you requested the information for my supervisor.  You will find the information below:

Ron Solheid, Deputy Commissioner Community Services Division
1450 Energy Park Drive
Suite 200
St. Paul, MN 55108
(651) 361-7200

Thank you for your patience.

Timothy G. Thompson
Corrections Alternative Program Manager
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Office: 651-361-7147

From: Lion News []
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 9:51 AM
To: Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
Subject: Re: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

2 Attachments
07 21 2016 Lion News 357414.pdf
Lion News Data request estimate.xlsx

Email #08:

from:    Lion News
to:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)"
cc:    "Solheid, Ron (DOC)"
date:    Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:57 PM
subject:    Re: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147:

I had a good laugh reading your fraudulent bill and the loony narrative allegedly justifying the utter nonsense, didn't I? I hope your supervisor is up on the Minnesota Government Data Practice Act and the rules and the Model Policies of the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration, aren't I? Plus, your supervisor had better be prepared to explain how electronic data that in his possession has suddenly and mysteriously "disappeared" and why you are creating data, hadn't he? Oh, by the way, Chapter 13 data request: Please email me the following readily available free, electronic data: Your salary, the salaries of your staff, the salary of Ron Solheid, Deputy Commissioner Community Services Division and the salaries of his staff.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713 13.43 PERSONNEL DATA. Subdivision 1.Definition.  As used in this section, "personnel data" means government data on individuals maintained because the individual is or was an employee of or an applicant for employment by, performs services on a voluntary basis for, or acts as an independent contractor with a government entity.  Subd. 2.Public data. (a) Except for employees described in subdivision 5 and subject to the limitations described in subdivision 5a, the following personnel data on current and former employees, volunteers, and independent contractors of a government entity is public: (1) name; employee identification number, which must not be the employee's Social Security number; actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; MN IPAD:Advisory Opinion 95-042  However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks. In situations in which the requester clearly identifies the data sought, and the data exist (other than the compilation of the policy letters), the only thing that seems to be required of the government entity, in order to meet its statutory obligation, is to photocopy the data and provide it to the requester. A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks.

Disposal date: The date on which the records retention period for a given records series expires and the records may be disposed of, either by destruction or transfer to the Minnesota State Archives. Disposition: Either the destruction of a record or the transfer of the record to the Minnesota State Archives. Electronic record: “A record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means” [Minnesota Statutes, section 325L.02].Electronic Records Management Guidelines Version 4, March 2004. The Government Data Practices Act does not require us to create or collect new data in response to a data request if we do not already have the data Data Practices Policy for Members of the Public
Actual Cost
These can be included
    Cost of media (paper, CD ROMs, DVDs, etc.)
    Mailing costs
    Employee time to prepare copies
    Costs of reproduction that cannot be done by the entity, such as photographs (Advisory Opinions 95-044 and 97-012)
    Employee time to search for and retrieve data for copying (Advisory Opinion 00-054) [Entities cannot charge search for and retrieval time when the requestor is the data subject]
These cannot be included
    Employee time to separate public from not public data (Advisory Opinion 04-072)
    Operating expenses of copier, such as electricity, wear and tear, etc. (Advisory Opinions 01-066 and 04-040)
    Costs not related to copying, such as preparing a fax cover sheet, invoice, etc. (Advisory Opinion 04-055)
    Returning data to off-site storage (Advisory Opinion 95-044)
    Sorting, reviewing, or verifying accuracy if not necessary for copying (Advisory Opinion 04-072)
    Sales tax (Advisory Opinions 94-059 and 99-024)
    Accounting functions (Advisory Opinion 04-003)
    Costs related to inspection (Advisory Opinion 04-038)
Note: Employee time must be calculated based on the wages/salary (may include benefits) of the lowest-paid entity employee who could complete the task (Advisory Opinion 04-056) 

Email #09:

from:    Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
to:    Lion News
cc:    "Solheid, Ron (DOC)"
date:    Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 8:20 AM
subject:    RE: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers,

You will find attached the Organizational Chart for the Inspection Unit, the Organizational Chart for the Community Services Division, and a link that will take you to the Minnesota Management and Budget site, where you can find the salaries of all state employees.

Thank you

Timothy G. Thompson
Corrections Alternative Program Manager
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Office: 651-361-7147

From: Lion News []
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 4:57 PM
To: Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
Cc: Solheid, Ron (DOC)

2 Attachments
2015 Community Services (with names).pdf
IE-Organizational Chart (2).pdf

Email #10:

from:    Lion News
to:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)"
cc:    "Solheid, Ron (DOC)"
date:    Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 10:51 AM
subject:    Re: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147:

You've must have gotten yourself in a real mess if you are still sending me harassing emails and not your boss Ron Solheid sending me harassing emails, huh? Plus, I still don't see the justification for your fraudulent bill, nor the personnel data for your office staff who work directly for you nor your boss Ron Solhei's staff, do I? Looks like another weak spot there, doesn't it? Not to mention that if your boss Ron Solheid wasn't so much of a coward I'd be talking to him about all of the reprobate and corrupt local public official who I was able to help to suddenly and mysteriously resign and/or "retire"  after I exposed their wilful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Governmental Data Practice Act and I exposed their wilful refusal to comply with the rules and the model policies of the Commissioner of the Department of Administration public, right?  By the way, why are the DOC's attorneys conspicuously missing from your organizational charts, huh? Since Ron is so much of coward I'm going to need the contact information for the DOC's attorneys (Names, phone numbers, cell phone numbers, email addresses - my Chapter 13 data request.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
Minnesota Department of Corrections Data Practices Designees
Commissioner’s Office
Government Relations Director
Communications Director
Office Policy & Legal Services Director
Planning and Performance Director

On 5/28/15, Investigator Bergren and myself spoke with Terry Nemmers. Terry said that he would like to file a complaint against Becker Co. Attorney, Gretchen Thilomony for not fulfilling his Data Practices Request from May 1st, 2014. Terry provided me with email correspondence between him and Thilmony. DETROIT LAKES POLICE DEPARTMENT INCIDENT REPORT Juvenile Incident ORI MN0030100 Case Number DL-15-001626 Case Number DL-15-001626 Date 05/29/2015 Officer Badge Strand, Robert Paul 6400DL (in searchable pdf format)

On 5/28/15, Terry Nemmers came into our office to file a complaint against Superintendent Doug Froke regarding a Data Practices Request that he made. Nemmers said that he doesn't feel that the request has been fulfilled because the Fargo Forum was provided information that was not shared with him. ORI MN0030100 Case Number DL-15-001627 Date 05/29/2015 Officer Badge Strand, Robert Paul 6400DL (In seachable pdf format)

C. Resignation in lieu of discharge Minn. Stat. § 13.43. In certain situations, a city may provide an employee who would otherwise be terminated with the opportunity to resign his or her position with the city.A key advantage of a resignation is that the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act protects most of the information surrounding a resignation as private data (not available to the public). Much of the information related to a discharge or an involuntary termination, however, is available to the public and, therefore, available to any potential future employer. This makes it logical to assume that an employee who has been discharged from a position would have a harder time finding another job than an employee who has resigned from a position. It is important to note that the MGDPA does make public certain data related to separation agreements with management employees. Data related to complaints and investigations may need to be disclosed upon request even if an employee resigns. The definition of who fits within the level of employee changes based on the size of the government employer. A city entering into a separation agreement or accepting the resignation of a higher level employee should seek legal advice on the appropriate data classifications. Some of the reasons that a city might offer resignation in lieu of discharge include: • The city and the employee don’t really have a bad relationship, but the requirements of the position and the skills and abilities of the employee are not a good match. • The employee has been a solid employee but has done something for which the city’s policy indicates he or she must be terminated from employment. • The city wishes to negotiate a termination agreement with the employee but does not want to expose the city to post-termination proceedings or litigation. • Performance indicates that the employee should be terminated, but the city does not wish to leave future employers with the impression that the discharge was for reasons of misconduct. League of Minnesota Cities, Human Resources Reference Manual , Chapter 3 , Discipline and Termination, Page 14-15.

Email #11:

from:    Thompson, Timothy (DOC)
to:    Lion News
cc:    "Solheid, Ron (DOC)"
date:    Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 12:40 PM
subject:    RE: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers,

Ms. Karen Robinson is our Director of Policy and Legal Services.  You will have to contact her for the names, phone numbers, etc. for those attorneys employed within the Policy and Legal Services Unit.  Ms. Robinson’s contact information is listed below:

Timothy G. Thompson
Corrections Alternative Program Manager
Minnesota Department of Corrections
Office: 651-361-7147

From: Lion News []
Sent: Thursday, July 28, 2016 10:51 AM
To: Thompson, Timothy (DOC)

Email #12:

from:    Lion News
to:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)",
cc:    "Solheid, Ron (DOC)"
date:    Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 12:50 PM
subject:    Re: FW: Chapter 13 data request - DOC data retention schedule - Facility Inspection Reports

Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147:

I almost got whiplash from your rapid response, didn't I? Did the mention of police reports force you to stop pretending that you were so busy that you couldn't respond to my emails? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Or was it that your cowardly boss Ron Solheid figured that your mishandling of my data requests was get too far out of control, hmm? Oh, if you want to know how effective I am at exposing corrupt local officials and costing them their jobs, then maybe you want to ask Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius how she like her new job as Superintendent of the Minneapolis Public School System? You may want to inform your cowardly boss Ron Solheid that I still plan on calling him, okay?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.  Philippians 4:13King James Version (KJV)

Minneapolis Superintendent Search Rigged? Rigged For Common Criminal Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Brenda Cassellius? Clare Cizek, Partner - DHR International 612-343-0306 & Nan A. S. Miller Data Responsible Authority Office Of The General Counsel Minneapolis Public Schools Both Audio Recorded Harassing Nemmers On The Phone Over Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Public Data? Both Lawyer Up, Right? No Surprise, Huh? Nemmers' Oklahoma Open Records Request For Cassellius' Sudden & Mysterious Resignation From Oklahoma City Public Schools Job? Cassellius Has A History of Covering Up Superintendent Misconduct, Doesn't She? She Does, Doesn't She? Board Of Education Chair Jenny Arneson (612.382.0734), Board of Education Vice Chair Kim Ellison (612.418.3657) & Interim Superintendent Michael Goar All "Lawyer Up"? DHR International, Inc. & Corrupt School Caught Illegally Withholding Public Contact Information For Superintendent Selection Committee From The Public?

Evidence Sherburne Co. Still attempting to cover-up jail misconduct after all these years? Readily available, free, electronic data still being illegally withheld from Nemmers, right?

Nemmers challenges Sherburne Co's fraudulent bill on June 6, 2016, right? (FYI: Nemmers was maliciously imprisoned way way back in 2012, right? Ongoing battle since then right?)

June 9, 2016 is when Nemmers submitted his data request to Timothy G. Thompson Corrections Alternative Program Manager Minnesota Department of Corrections 651-361-7147, right?

from:    Lion News
date:    Thu, Jun 9, 2016 at 7:31 AM
subject:    Chpater 13 data request - Challenging fraudulent bills - Illegally withheld jail data

Kathleen Heaney, County Attorney 800-433-5244 Joel Brott Common Criminal & Supposed Sheriff 800-433-5245:

Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, (in searchable pdf format) public data:

1. Sherburne Co. Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies Years: 2010-2016.
2. 2016 Sherburne Co. appointment of administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority.
3. Sherburne Co. 2016 Arrest and Prosecution Policies, 2016 Personnel Handbook, 2016 Data practice manual, and 2016 Sherburne Co. Sheriff's dept Lexipol policy and procedure manual, custody manual and prisoner handbook. 2016 Sherburne Co. Copy Cost Calculation Form
4. Signed Joint powers agreements with BCA for eCharging, LOGIS, MCIT, AMC and MAGIC.
5. PREA reports for years 2010-2012
6. Provide Sherburne Co. destruction of data reports for any data requested that is suddenly, mysteriously and magically not in readily available, free, electronic, and searchable pdf format.
7. Payments to the Minnesota Sheriffs Association for the years: 2010-2016
8. Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) on-site compliance reviews for Sherburne Co. Years 2010-2016.
9. Signed contract for: MCAPS4 and Prophoenix
10. I am challenging your fraudulent and harassing bills. Mail fraud, right?
11. I want all my jail data uploaded to a link so I can download it. The link Mike Garris of LOGIS sent me worked out just fine, didn't it? I want all the jail data listed on Minnesota Department of Corrections Data Classification Inventory  – Private/Confidential Data on Individuals.

Note: I do not accept ZixCorp secure email, certified or registered mail. Harassing emails, harassing phone calls and harassing mail will be reported to the proper authorities.

SEXUAL ASSAULT FORENSIC EXAMS  - COUNTY CONTACT LIST Sherburne Telephone: Fax: Email: Comment: (763) 765-4725 (763) 765-4747 County does not accept bills by fax. Supporting documentation will be required to verify the scope of services rendered (billing in a summary amount without breakdown of charges & the cost of the attendant services is not acceptable).

BCA Deployment Report – Sherburne Co. Sheriff's  Dept - Sherburne Co. Attorney's Office ORI: MN0710000, County: Sherburne, Agency Type: Law Enforcement, Name: Sherburne County Sheriff, Module: DWI, Date Deployed: 10/7/2011, Last Adapter Used: eCharging, ORI: MN0710000, County: Sherburne, Agency Type: Law Enforcement, Name: Sherburne County Sheriff, Module: Citation, Date Deployed: 4/8/2013, Last Adapter Used: Prophoenix, ORI: MN0710000, County: Sherburne, Agency Type: Law Enforcement, Name: Sherburne County Sheriff, Module: Incident Referral, Date Deployed: 8/12/2013, Last Adapter Used: Prophoenix, ORI: MN071013A, County: Sherburne, Agency Type: Prosecuting Authority, Name: Sherburne County Attorney, Module: Complaint, Date Deployed: 9/15/2011, Last Adapter Used: MCAPS4

One of the key elements of eCourtMN is the establishment of eFiling and eService – giving case participants the ability to submit documents to the court and serve documents to opposing parties electronically, through an online portal. This allows court customers to file documents without traveling to the courthouse or paying for postage or courier costs, allows filers to submit documents immediately and outside of courthouse business hours, and allows court documents to be sent to filers electronically. eFiling now available in all 87 Minnesota district courts Posted: Tuesday, December 15, 2015 eFile/eServe Rollout 2015 Designation of Case Types and District Courts Subject to Voluntary e-Filing and e-Service Rules County District Sherburne Tenth Judicial District Voluntary as of Dec 01, 2015 

Data subjects     Actual cost A government entity may charge the actual cost for an employee to make paper copies or to print copies of electronically stored data. A government entity may not charge a data subject any fee for searching for and retrieving data.  (Note that the 25 cents per page per 100 copies or fewer does not apply to data subject requesters unless that is the actual cost to make copies.)

We will provide electronic copies (such as email or CD-ROM) upon request if we keep the data in electronic format. ... If you do not understand some of the data (technical terminology, abbreviations, or acronyms), please let us know. We will give you an explanation if you ask. Policy and procedures required by Minnesota Statutes, sections 13.025 and 13.03 (2016) Data Practices Policy for Data Subjects, Page 5.
(d) The responsible authority, upon the request of any person, shall provide sufficient documentation to explain and justify the fee being charged. MN IPAD:Advisory Opinion 95-042  However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks. In situations in which the requester clearly identifies the data sought, and the data exist (other than the compilation of the policy letters), the only thing that seems to be required of the government entity, in order to meet its statutory obligation, is to photocopy the data and provide it to the requester. A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Readily available data - free - COPY COST CALCULATION FORM For Compliance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) Readily available data - free - Chisagao County Data Practice Certification

City of Brooklyn Center FEE SCHEDULE Licenses, Permits, Miscellaneous Services Exception: There will be no charges for searching, retrieving, compiling, and electronically transmitting readily available data
View Our Current Member List: Sherburne County

B. Introduction B. 1 Minnesota Context for Recordkeeping Metadata Records management is a statutory obligation of every government entity in Minnesota. As the 2002 Minnesota Enterprise Technical Architecture stated, “Accurate and well-kept records, including those in electronic form, are critical to the State’s ability to provide its services, present evidence, provide historical documentation, preserve its heritage, and allow its actions to be reviewed and audited. These records must be created, preserved, retained, and disposed of as required by law. . . . Records have a distinct legal and administrative status. This may not be true of all information and documents in an information system. Therefore, records must be managed as important resources with special requirements that may be distinct from other information resources.” One tool to aid in the proper management of records is metadata.  Minnesota Recordkeeping Metadata Standard Version 1.3, March 2015 Page 5 Minnesota County General Records Retention Schedule - Treasurer Destruction Reporting: Effective August 1, 2001, records destruction reports do not need to be sent to the Minnesota Department of Administration and the Minnesota Historical Society (State Archives). Keep destruction reports for your own records. Records Series Description: 4. Bank Statements on checking accounts; Data Class: Public; Retention/Statute: 6 years.

Chapter 2911 - Mandatory Rules In Compliance With Concerns Sherburne County Jail Inspection ID: 5739 Total: 1 1. 2911.1900 POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUALS. A facility shall have a written policy and procedure manual that is electronically available to staff and relevant regulatory authorities and defines the philosophy and method for operating and maintaining the facility. This manual shall be made available to all employees, reviewed annually, updated as needed, and staff trained accordingly. The manual shall include, at a minimum, the following chapters: A. correctional standards required under this chapter; B. administration and organization; C. fiscal management; D. personnel; E. training; F. inmate records; G. safety and emergency; H. security and control; I. sanitation and hygiene; J. food service; K. medical and health care services; L. inmate rules and discipline; M. communication, mail, and visiting; N. admissions, orientation, classification, property control, and release; O. inmate activities, programs, and services; and P. a written suicide prevention and intervention plan. The facility administrator or designee shall review policy and procedure manuals at least once each year. The review shall be documented in written form sufficient to indicate that policies and procedures have been reviewed and amended as appropriate to facility changes. Inspection Findings: The facility continues to update policy and procedure to match the revisions that were made to the Chapter 2911 rules. Facility Inspection Report Issued By The Minnesota Department of Corrections Pursuant to MN Statute 241.021, Subdivision 1
1205.2000 ADVISORY FORMS. Subpart 1. Advisory form A: resolution appointing a county responsible authority. State of Minnesota County of (name of county) _________________ WHEREAS, the (name of county) _______________ County Board of Commissioners shares the concern expressed by the legislature on the responsible use of all County data and wishes to satisfy this concern by immediately appointing an administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority as required under the statute. 

Minnesota Department of Corrections Data Classification Inventory  – Private/Confidential Data on Individuals

Corrupt Sherburne Co. willfully refused to responded within the required ten (10) day, didn't they? June 9, 2016 isn't within the required ten (10) day response time, is it?

from:    Gregory Wiley
to:    Lion News>
cc:    Gregory Wiley
date:    Wed, Jul 20, 2016 at 10:15 AM
subject:    Response to Request for data of June 9, 2016
encryption: did not encrypt this message Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.

Mr. Nemmers:

Your June 9, 2016  email to me, the Sherburne County  Attorney, and the Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office has been referred to me for a response.

In your email, you make new data requests.  On February 5, 2013, April 8, 2013, July 2, 2014, October 1, 2015, October  2, 2015, you sent previous data requests, and  I sent you letters and responsive documents to your previous requests.   Included in those responses were invoices for charges related to providing the data, as allowed by Minn. Stat. 13.03.  Based on the language of the statute and interpretations by the Minnesota Information Policy Analysis Division, the county is authorized to charge for copying costs.  Due to the resources required to respond to public data requests, it is Sherburne County’s practice to do so. To date, you have not paid for the cost of the data responses.  Please bring your account current.

Once your account is current, the county will then determine the costs to respond to your most recent data requests and send you an estimate.  This procedure is the county’s standard practice when responding to a request with a person or entity that is seeking a large volume of data and/or has been delinquent in the payment of previous invoices.  The county will provide appropriate responsive data to your most recent requests once payment has been received.  Please direct all further communications regarding your Sherburne County data requests to me.  Thank you.


Greg Wiley
General Counsel
The Sherburne County Sheriff’s Office

Gregory J. Wiley
General Counsel - Civil Division
Sherburne County Sheriff's Office
13880 Business Center Dr.
13880 Highway 10
Elk River, MN 55330-4609
w: (763) 765-3527
f: (763) 441-7303

The information contained in this communication is attorney privileged and confidential information intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above.  If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited.  If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify us by telephone, and delete the original message.

Update: Adam Hoogenakker, Aitkin Indepdendent Age Editor gets 12-20-16 update on Aitkin Co.'s & Tom Roy's, Commissioner Dept of Corrections harssment of Nemmers?

from:    Lion News
Aitkin Age,,,,,
Lori Grams
date:    Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 12:17 PM
subject:    More harassment from Aitkin Co and Tom Roy, Commissioner Dept of Corrections 651-361-7226?

Adam Hoogenakker, Editor (218) 927-3761:

Just wanted to give you an update on the harassing emails from Aitkin Co and Tom Roy, Commissioner Dept of Corrections 651-361-7226.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. DOC Commissioner Tom Roy is playing dumb on Timmy Thompson's fraudulent DOC bill of $1,147.35 that I told you about in our phone conversation, isn't he?

from:    John J Drahota
date:    Tue, Dec 20, 2016 at 11:55 AM
subject:    RE: Aitkin County Jail Adult Facilities Inspection Reports For Years: 2007-2016 Chapter 13 data request - Complaint
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.
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from:    Jim Ratz
date:    Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 3:49 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State of Minnesota vs Jesse James Alvord
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation.
New ZixCorp secure email message from Aitkin County
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from:    Roy, Tom (DOC)
to:    Lion News
cc:    "Thompson, Timothy (DOC)",
"Solheid, Ron (DOC)",
"Robinson, Karen (DOC)"
date:    Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 12:54 PM
subject:    Re: Shared corrupt Timmy Thompson's fraudulent $1,147.35 bill for readily available free, electronic public jail data with Aitkin Independent Age?
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more

I have no idea what this is. 

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Thank you.

More to come........

Related links:

Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner Caught Endangering Safety & Security Of Aitkin County Jail In His Own Surveillance Video? Security Door Propped Open With Garbarge Can? Prisoners Not Checked On During Rounds? Prisoners With No Water In Cells? Backpacks Hanging On Jail Doors? Co. Attorney Jim Ratz Should Have Dropped Case No. 01-CO-16-13 & Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State Of Minnesota Vs Jesse James Alvord Long Before Nemmers Got Ahold Of Alvord's Data, Right? Psst Illegal Search & Seizure, Right? State Of Minnesota - Aitkin IP Address Lurking & Skulking On Lion News Instead Of Fulfilling Data Requests??

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner Caught Endangering Safety & Security Of Aitkin County Jail In His Own Surveillance Video? Security Door Propped Open With Garbarge Can? Prisoners Not Checked On During Rounds? Prisoners With No Water In Cells? Backpacks Hanging On Jail Doors? Co. Attorney Jim Ratz Should Have Dropped Case No. 01-CO-16-13 & Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State Of Minnesota Vs Jesse James Alvord Long Before Nemmers Got Ahold Of Alvord's Data, Right? Psst Illegal Search & Seizure, Right? State Of Minnesota - Aitkin IP Address Lurking & Skulking On Lion News Instead Of Fulfilling Data Requests??

from:    Lion News
"Thompson, Timothy (DOC)",,
date:    Wed, Dec 14, 2016 at 1:41 PM
subject:    Aitkin County Jail Adult Facilities Inspection Reports For Years: 2007-2016 Chapter 13 data request - Complaint

Scott Turner, Aitkin County Sheriff 888-900-2138:

Chapter 13 data request - please email the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. Aitkin County Jail Adult Facilities Inspection Reports For Years: 2007-2016.
2. Aitkin County personnel data for Deputy Keith Bennett #225, Deputy Jon Cline #204, & Corrections Officers on duty on 01-11-16 - evening shift: (1) name; employee identification number, actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; (3) date of first and last employment; (4) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action; (5) the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees of the public body; (6) the complete terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising out of an employment relationship, including a buyout agreement as defined in section 123B.143, subdivision 2, paragraph (a); except that the agreement must include specific reasons for the agreement if it involves the payment of more than $10,000 of public money; (7) work location; a work telephone number; badge number; work-related continuing education; and honors and awards received.
3. Contact information for Aitkin County Sheriff's dept investigators. (Would Jesse Alvord have to speak to an investigator or a patrol deputy if he wanted to file a criminal against his attorney for illegally withholding his property/case files 01-CR-16-29& 01-CO-16-13? (Jeffrey Haberkorn, Assistant Public Defender 122 2nd Street NW Aitkin, MN 56431 Office: Brainerd - 9th Phone: 218-927-6913 Fax: 218-927-6373 Email:
4. Contact information for person responsible for 13.85 CORRECTIONS AND DETENTION DATA.
5. 01-11-16 Dispatch logs and Computer aided dispatch logs for Deputy Keith Bennett's warrant trip to Judge Earl Maus's residence for Jesse Alvord's blood draw.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

FYI: New ZixCorp secure email message from Aitkin County are considered harassment.

Affiant observed that Alford had just lit a cigarette and Affiant detected the odor of burnt marijuana with his cigarette smoke.  Affiant asked Alvord to exit his vehicle and perform some field sobriety tests. … While retrieving the machete Affiant again noticed the odor of burnt marijuana. Application for search warrant and supporting affidavit of Aitkin County Deputy Keith Bennett, Dated: 01-11-16. ICR: 160000119/Case Number: 01-CO-16-13

On January 11th 2016, at approximately 0134 hrs, I, Deputy Bennett #225 was patroling Northbound on  US State Highway 169 in Hazelton Township. … I asked Aitkin dispatch to have Minnesota State Patrol Officer Joe Setnes #494 respond to my location. ...I spoke to Alvord about the odor I was detecting coming from the vehicle and questioned him further and asked if he had anything in the vehicle that he shouldn't. … At approximately 0202 hrs,  Deputy Jon Cline #204 arrived on scene and I requested he assist in searching the vehicle. … I requested dispatch to contact Minnesota Staste Patrol and requested a Drug Recognition Expert (DNR) to be contacted.  Minnesota State Patrol stated no one was available, or no one was responding to their calls. .... He indicated he wouldn't be doing a test without a warrant. I applied for a search warrant and drove to Judge Earl Maus's residence and had it signed. … Alvord was transported to the Riverwood Hospital located in the city of Aitkin where a blood test was retrieved at approximately 0730 hrs. Primary Report by Keith Bennett, 01/11/16 19:28 Case Narrative for 16000119 (01/11/16 19:28)

First Response Times
Assigned   01/11/16 01:34:09 *
Enroute      01/11/16 01:34:09 *
On Scene   01/11/16 01:34:09
Completed  01/11/16 03:52:16
01/11/16 3:52:16 | Twombly, Jennifer | 204, SP494, 225 | Complete
01/11/16 7:21:08 | Moreland, Steve | 225 | Assign
01/11/16 7:21:27 | Moreland, Steve | 225 | transport (Location: Riverwood Health Center, Unit Status : E) – Blood draw
01/11/16 7:23:01 | Moreland, Steve | 225 | Arrived At (Location: Riverwood Health Center)
01/11/16 7:41:50 | Moreland, Steve | 225 | blood draw occurred @ 07:35
01/11/16 7:22:03 | Moreland, Steve | 225 | Complete [Note: 7:42:03 Not 7:22:03]
CFS#: 20100280; Call Taker: Jennifer Twombly; Other Names Alvord, Jesse James DOB: 10/28/78. CFS - Command log Printed on January 12, 2016 Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept.

Time Started: 3:22AM; Location Read: Aitkin County Jail; [X] (check when read); Jesse James Alvord (Person Arrested), I believe you have been driving operating or controlling a motor vehicle in violation of Minnesota's D.W.I. laws and “you have been placed under arrest” or “you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident resulting in property damage, personal injury of death.” Will you take the (Breath) (Blood) (Urine) test? No without warrant; What is your reason for refusing: Cause I can; Name of Officer: Keith Bennett; Time Completed 3:57am; Date: 01/11/16 Motor Vehicle Implied Consent Advisory

Vendor Name No. Account/Formula:1976 Haberkorn Offices, Ltd 0l- 012- 000- 0000- 6232 0r- 012- 000- 0000- 6232 01- 0r2- 000- 0000- 6232 Rpt  Accr Amount: 1,228.14 1.1 3 Z.4Z Attorney Fees OICR- 16- 419 Interest Interest Attorney Services Attorney Services Attorney Services Aitkin County 10/18/16 2:5OPM

Vendor Name No. Account/Formula: 1976 Haberkorn Law Offices,Ltd 01-012-000-0000-6232 01-012-000-0000-6232 2,881.91 2 Transactions Attorney Services 1/25/16 1:36PM General Fund Audit List for Board Commissioner's Vouchers

File contents belong to the client and must be turned over to the client upon request

Case No. 01-CO-16-13 JESSE JAMES ALVORD vs VIN #1FALP62W1TH100794 Plate #664-PMK '96 Ford Thunderbird LX
12/21/2016 Conciliation Hearing  (9:30 AM) (Judicial Officer DeMay, Kristine R.)
04/27/2016 Continued to 06/08/2016 - Other - '96 Ford Thunderbird LX, VIN #1FALP62W1TH100794 Plate #664-PMK
06/08/2016 Continued to 10/12/2016 - Other - '96 Ford Thunderbird LX, VIN #1FALP62W1TH100794 Plate #664-PMK
10/12/2016 Reset by Court to 12/21/2016

Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State of Minnesota vs JESSE JAMES ALVORD
01/12/2016 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1
01/13/2016 Application for Public Defender Doc ID# 3
01/13/2016 Order Granting Public Defender Doc ID# 4 (Judicial Officer: DeMay, Kristine R. )
01/25/2016 Order Granting Public Defender Doc ID# 12 (Judicial Officer: Solien, John R. )
02/01/2016 Omnibus Hearing (1:35 PM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.) Result: Held
02/16/2016 Contested Omnibus (1:30 PM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.) Result: Held
03/31/2016 Omnibus Order Doc ID# 43 (Judicial Officer: Solien, John R. )
07/29/2016 Application for Public Defender Doc ID# 73
07/29/2016 Order Granting Public Defender Doc ID# 76 (Judicial Officer: Solien, John R. )
08/08/2016 CANCELED Jury Trial  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.) Fail to appear 05/23/2016 Continued to 08/08/2016 - Other - State of Minnesota
11/01/2016 CANCELED Jury Trial  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.) Other 10/31/2016 Reset by Court to 11/01/2016
Jail Inspection and Enforcement Unit
Tim Thompson, Director
phone 651/361-7147, fax 651/642-0314
This unit is responsible for inspection and licensing of state and local correctional facilities including jails, lockups, holding facilities, adult institutions, private prisons, group homes, halfway houses, juvenile detention centers, and other juvenile correctional residential facilities. This unit also provides for the certification of juvenile facilities for out-of-home/out-of-state placements and the certification of all residential adult and juvenile sex offender programs.
Sheriff: Scott Turner
Jail Administrator: Karla White
Assistant Jail Administrator: Daniel Moriarty
The Aitkin County Jail is an 89-bed facility housing men and women. 14 Corrections Officers provide a safe and humane detention facility for persons lawfully placed in our care. The facility holds people waiting for trial and people convicted of a crime who are sentenced. The jail in its current configuration opened in 2002 as a remodel of the 1984 jail. The jail has both linear cellblocks and direction supervision type units.

Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State of Minnesota vs JESSE JAMES ALVORD
01/12/2016 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1
05/09/2016 Withdrawal of Speedy Trial Demand Doc ID# 68
08/08/2016 CANCELED Jury Trial  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.) Fail to appear 05/23/2016 Continued to 08/08/2016 - Other - State of Minnesota
10/18/2016 Settlement Conference  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.) Result: Held 10/18/2016 Court Clerk Minutes Doc ID# 80
11/01/2016 CANCELED Jury Trial (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.) Other 10/31/2016 Reset by Court to 11/01/2016

from:    Jim Ratz
date:    Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 3:49 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State of Minnesota vs Jesse James Alvord
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of the people in the conversation
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Attachment: ICR_160000119_1011116_AitkinCoJail_Rounds_Security_Door_Garbage_Can_Missed_Prisoner01b.jpg

from:    Lion News
date:    Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 8:12 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age

Lori Grams, Aitkin County Treasurer 218-927-7325:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept.
2. 2010-2016 payments to the Aitkin Independent Age (Aitkin Independent Age P.O. Box 259, 213 Minnesota Avenue North Aitkin, MN 56431-0259 County: Aitkin Phone: (218) 927-3761 Fax: (218) 927-3763 Email: Website: Kevin Anderson, Publisher Kevin Anderson, General Manager Roxanne Bouley, Ad Manager Adam Hoogenakker, Editor)
3. 2010-2016 payments to Jeffrey Haberkorn, Assistant Public Defender (122 2nd Street NW Aitkin, MN 56431 Office: Brainerd - 9th Phone: 218-927-6913 Fax: 218-927-6373 Email:

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
Treasurer Staff:
Lori Grams, Aitkin County Treasurer
209 2nd St NW Room 203
Aitkin, Minnesota  56431
Hours:  M-F, 8:00 - 4:30

Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner Caught Endangering Safety & Security Of Aitkin County Jail In His Own Surveillance Video? Security Door Propped Open With Garbarge Can? Prisoners Not Checked On During Rounds? Prisoners With No Water In Cells? Backpacks Hanging On Jail Doors? Co. Attorney Jim Ratz Should Have Dropped Case No. 01-CO-16-13 & Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State Of Minnesota Vs Jesse James Alvord Long Before Nemmers Got Ahold Of Alvord's Data, Right? Psst Illegal Search & Seizure, Right?

12-15-16 Update:

from:    Lion News
date:    Thu, Dec 15, 2016 at 11:57 AM
subject:    Status on Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age?

Lori Grams, Aitkin County Treasurer 218-927-7325:

What is the status on my Chapter 13 data request for my readily available free electronic public data for:

1. 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept
2. 2010-2016 payments to the Aitkin Independent Age
3. 2010-2016 payments to Jeffrey Haberkorn, Assistant Public Defender

If you had time to play on my blog, then you certainly had time time to hit "Reply" and attach my readily available free electronic public data to an email, right?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Visitor Analysis & System Spec Referring URL:
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OS/Platform: Win7/Desktop
Location: Aitkin, Minnesota, United States
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Visit Length: 16 seconds
ISP: Hewlett-packard Company
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Dec 15  11:44:47 AM Lion News
Dec 15  11:45:03 AM
Lion News: December 2016
Dec 15  11:45:03 AM
Lion News: December 2016
Dec 15 11:45:03 AM
Lion News: December 2016

State Of Minnesota - Aitkin IP Address Lurking & Skulking On Lion News Instead Of Fulfilling Data Requests??

12-16-16 Update 01:
from:    Lori Grams
to:    Lion News
date:    Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 10:15 AM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.

The appropriate department to contact for this information would be the Aitkin County Auditor’s Office.
Thank You-
Lori Grams

From: Lion News []
Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 8:13 AM
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age

12-16-16 Update 02:

from:    Lion News
to:    Lori Grams,,,
Aitkin Age
date:    Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 11:15 AM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age

Lori Grams, Aitkin County Treasurer 218-927-7325:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1.  Personnel data for Becky Roden, Julie Hughes, Lori Grams, Aitkin County Treasurer (1) name; employee identification number, which must not be the employee's Social Security number; actual gross salary; salary range; terms and conditions of employment relationship; contract fees; actual gross pension; the value and nature of employer paid fringe benefits; and the basis for and the amount of any added remuneration, including expense reimbursement, in addition to salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; (3) date of first and last employment; (4) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against the employee, regardless of whether the complaint or charge resulted in a disciplinary action; (5) the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action, excluding data that would identify confidential sources who are employees of the public body; (6) the complete terms of any agreement settling any dispute arising out of an employment relationship, including a buyout agreement as defined in section 123B.143, subdivision 2, paragraph (a); except that the agreement must include specific reasons for the agreement if it involves the payment of more than $10,000 of public money;
(7) work location; a work telephone number; badge number; work-related continuing education; and honors and awards received; and (8) payroll time sheets or other comparable data that are only used to account for employee's work time for payroll purposes, except to the extent that release of time sheet data would reveal the employee's reasons for the use of sick or other medical leave or other not public data. (I want to if if the Treasure's staff have learned time management skills and the basic ability to forward an email, don't I?)
2. Aitkin County Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies (,
3. Signed manual acceptance of Aitkin County's Data Practice manual and Personnel handbook for Becky Roden, Julie Hughes, Lori Grams, Aitkin County Treasurer. (I'm sure that they will sign waivers if you claim this data is private, aren't I?)
4. Contact information for the county personnel who responsible for investigating misuse of public resources. (Did you have fun playing on my website for 30 mins 23 secs? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?)

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. IP address is yours, right? Who do I contact to find out belongs to this IP address, huh?

102.3.3 DISTRIBUTION OF MANUAL The manual is web-based and is accessed at Access to the manual will be limited to the viewing and printing of specific sections. No changes shall be made to the electronic version without authorization. 102.4 MANUAL ACCEPTANCE As a condition of employment, all employees are required to read and obtain necessary clarification of policies. All employees are required to sign a statement of receipt acknowledging that they have received a copy or have been provided access to the Policy Manual, and understand that they are responsible to read and become familiar with its contents. Policy 102 Policy Manual – Duluth Police Department Policy Manual – page 18, 19.

Search Referral: (Keywords Unavailable)
Host Name:
Browser: Chrome 54.0
IP Address: — Label IP Address
OS/Platform: Win7/Desktop
Location: Aitkin, Minnesota, United States
Resolution: 1920x1080
Javascript: Enabled
Visit Length: 30 mins 23 secs
ISP:  Hewlett-packard Company (State of Minnesota)
Navigation Path Date Time WebPage Multiline URLs
Dec 15    11:44:47 AM      Lion News (Keywords Unavailable)
Dec 15    11:44:47 AM      Lion News (Keywords Unavailable)
Dec 15    11:44:47 AM      Lion News Dec 15
11:45:03 AM      Lion News: December 2016 Dec 15
11:45:03 AM      Lion News: December 2016 Dec 15
11:45:03 AM      Lion News: December 2016
Dec 15    11:49:42 AM      Lion News: December 2016 Dec 15
11:49:42 AM      Lion News: December 2016 Dec 15
11:49:50 AM (Exit Link) (Keywords Unavailable)  Dec 15
11:51:28 AM      Lion News (Keywords Unavailable)  Dec 15
11:51:28 AM      Lion News Dec 15    11:56:40 AM (Exit Link) (Keywords Unavailable)  Dec 15
12:15:10 PM      Lion News

Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner Caught Endangering Safety & Security Of Aitkin County Jail In His Own Surveillance Video? Security Door Propped Open With Garbarge Can? Prisoners Not Checked On During Rounds? Prisoners With No Water In Cells? Backpacks Hanging On Jail Doors? Co. Attorney Jim Ratz Should Have Dropped Case No. 01-CO-16-13 & Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State Of Minnesota Vs Jesse James Alvord Long Before Nemmers Got Ahold Of Alvord's Data, Right? Psst Illegal Search & Seizure, Right? State Of Minnesota - Aitkin IP Address Lurking & Skulking On Lion News Instead Of Fulfilling Data Requests??

12-16-16 Update 03:

from:    Lori Grams
to:    Lion News
date:    Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 4:11 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age
encryption:    Standard (TLS) Learn more
:    Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

My office does not hold personnel records, you would need to make this request to our County Human Resources Department.
Thank You-
Lori Grams

From: Lion News []
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2016 11:15 AM
To: Lori Grams;;; Aitkin Age
Subject: Re: Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age

12-16-16 Update 04:

from:    Lion News
to:    Lori Grams,,,
Aitkin Age,
date:    Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 4:38 PM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - 2010-2016 payments for Aitkin County Sheriff's Dept. & Aitkin Independent Age

Lori Grams, Aitkin County Treasurer 218-927-7325:

Playing on my website with your IP address is considered misuse of public resources, isn't it? You learned that in your work-related continuing education, didn't you? You're saying that you can't fall back onto your training in time management and training in forwarding emails, right? Is your passive-agressive stonewalling tactic a work-related continuing education tactic or advice from your lawyer? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

In her discussion of the different modes of overt and covert verbal abuse, Evans (1992) lists the following types of covert verbals abuse: “withholding,” “countering,” “discounting,” “verbal abuse disguised as jokes,” “blocking and diverting,” “trivializing,” and “undermining.” Gaslighting, The Double Whammy, Interrogation and Other Covert Control in Psychotherapy & Analysis, Theo L. Dorpat (Maryland: 2004), Page 13.

More to come . . .