Sunday, July 30, 2017

Update On Rigged Rigged Yellow Medicine Co Prosecution For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co., Right?) Michael John Martin - Case No. 87-CR-17-264? Hey Did You Know That Martin Is Getting Special Treatment In Chippewa County, Also? It's Rigged Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State Of Minnesota VS MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN, Isn't it? Will Martin Get A Super-Duper Plea Deal Before All His Victims Are Found? Are There Any In Lac qui Parle County? Why Did Lac Qui Parle Former Deputy/Commissioner Maatz & Chippewa County Attorney David Gilbertson Both Hang Up On Nemmers, Huh? Go To Hell Snail Mail Responses From Corrupt Yellow Medicine Co. & Corrupt City Of Granite Falls?
Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Dare to compare: #MartinScandal 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367 @MinnCorrections Martin to Pennington Investigator 57-CR-17-569? @CarolynLange 2:47 PM - 28 Jul 2017
7-31-17 Settlement Conference 87-CR-17-264/1st Appearance 12-CR-17-367 (9:00 AM) for #MartinScandal @MinnCorrections … 10:06 AM - 28 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Update #MartinScandal 87-CR-17-264 for @MinnCorrections Martin new charges 12-CR-17-367 that hacks @wctrib @CarolynLange "forgot" to report? 10:05 AM - 28 Jul 2017

from:    Lion News
Steve Ammermann,,,
date:    Fri, Jul 28, 2017 at 2:31 PM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - Chippewa County contract with 6W Community Corrections & Martin data

David Gilbertson - Chippewa County Attorney (320) 269-6461:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format:

1. Chippewa County's resolution appointing an administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority
2. Chippewa County's Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies
3. Chippewa County's Subd. 2. Arrest data for Minnesota Department of Corrections Sentencing to Service crew leader for Yellow Medicine Co. Michael John Martin DOB: 08/16/1969.
4. Chippewa County's appointment of special assistant Chippewa County attorney for Michael John Martin DOB: 08/16/1969 prosecution.
5. 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1 for Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs Chippewa Co., Lac qui Parle Co., Yellow Medicine Co. Dept of Correction Sentence to Serve Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN.
6. Signed 2017 Chippewa County contract (renewal) between the Department of Corrections and Chippewa County and Yellow Medicine County.
7. Chippewa County attorney's office policy and procedure manual. (The one you admitted to possessing in my 07-28-17 recorded phone call with you. You shouldn't be extremely rude and hang up on people, should you? Especially, people who record the phone calls, right?)
8. Court document for 12-CR-17-367 in which you demand that Chippewa County Judicial Officer Thomas W. Van Hon ( & Yellow Medicine County Judicial Officer/Eighth Judicial District Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen ( recuse/disqualify themselves from 12-CR-17-367 & 87-CR-17-264.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. It is a conflict of interest for both you and Sheriff Tufto to sign Martin's complaint, isn't it? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Blaize Zimmerman with the Pennington County sheriff’s department was charged July 17 with misdemeanor domestic assault. ... Zimmerman’s case is being prosecuted by the Polk County Attorney’s Office to avoid a conflict of interest. His role as criminal investigator within Minnesota’s Ninth Judicial District has led to three judges recusing themselves in the case, court records show. The case has been assigned to Judge Jeffrey S. Remick Northwest Minnesota deputy sheriff put on leave after domestic violence accusation By Forum News Service, Duluth News Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Jul 27, 2017 at 2:59 p.m.

The woman told police that Martin warned her not to tell anyone about their sexual relationship because she would get in trouble and that he was a person with power and "knew people." The woman said she was afraid that if she did not do what Martin wanted that she would get into trouble at the jail or not be taken to see her kids. During a June 3 interview with a sheriff's deputy, Martin allegedly said the woman had performed oral sex on him three times, all in April of 2017, while she was working on the Sentencing to Service crew with him.  Corrections worker accused of coercion remains on leave By Carolyn Lange, West Central Tribune and Forum Communications Company on Jun 27, 2017 at 8:45 p.m.

Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/06/2017 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 Settlement Conference  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Yellow Medicine Co. deputy Casey Namken #93 Electronically signed 06-06-17 9:01am Prosecuting attorney: Yellow Medicine County Assistant Attorney Stacy Vinberg Electronically signed: 06-06-17 855am)

Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 First Appearance (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Chippewa County Sheriff Stacy Tufto Electronically signed 06-21-17 2:59 pm Prosecuting attorney: Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson Electronically signed: 06-21-17 11:07am) District Supervisor for the Minnesota Department of Corrections Brad Odegard and Mike Martin met before the Board to discuss the renewal of the contract between the Department of Corrections and Chippewa County and Yellow Medicine County.  The new contract covers the time period of July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2019. REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF MAY 2, 2017 The Board of County Commissioners of Chippewa County, Minnesota, met in regular session on Tuesday, May 2, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in the Courthouse in Montevideo, Minnesota STS Contract 05-09-17-03 DOC District Supervisor Brad Odegard and Sentence to Serve Crew Leader Mike Martin presented an updated STS contract. Motion by Commissioner Antony and seconded by Commissioner Berends to approve the Sentence to Serve Agreement effective July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2019 contingent on the state legislature approving inclusion of county inmates in the liability insurance program. Motion carried with all voting in favor. Yellow Medicine County Board Meeting Minutes – May 9, 2017

Code of Judicial Conduct CANON 1 Rule 1.2 Promoting Confidence in the Judiciary A judge shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary, and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety. Comment [3] Conduct that compromises or appears to compromise the independence, integrity, and impartiality of a judge undermines public confidence in the judiciary. Because it is not practicable to list all such conduct, the Rule is necessarily cast in general terms. 

Generally. The Office will handle all cases over which it has jurisdiction. Cases will be evaluated for potential conflict where the following circumstances exist: d. A party or victim is a person who is well known to or has regular contact with the County Attorney or members of his/her staff on either a professional or personal basis. Hennepin County Attorney Manual - Guidelines for Cases Involving a Conflict of Interest Revised Date: 04/2014

Rigged Yellow Medicine Co Prosecution For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co., Right?) Michael John Martin - Case No. 87-CR-17-264? Hey Let's Ask For That Illegally Withheld Andrew Dikken & Kelly Jean Anderson Data, Okay?

from:    Lion News
Londa Burns,
Steve Ammermann
date:    Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 7:48 PM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS crew leader Michael Martin data

Brad Odegard, DOC District Supervisor 507-476-4339:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format:

1. Minnesota Department of Corrections (DOC) identification, designation or appointment of an administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority
2. DOC Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies
3. Michael Martin personnel data: (a) name; employee identification number, actual gross salary; (b) date of first and last employment; (c) the existence and status of any complaints or charges against Michael Martin; (d) the final disposition of any disciplinary action together with the specific reasons for the action and data documenting the basis of the action for Michael Martin. 13.43 Personnel Data.
4. Contact information: name(s), employee identification number(s), physical address, email and direct phone number for Mn Dept of Corrections investigators doing administrative investigation for Michael Martin
5. Signed DOC sentence to serve contracts with Chippewa county, Lac qui Parle county, Yellow Medicine county for years: 2010-2017.
6. Blank form submitted by STS crew leader to judge indicating compliance/noncompliance with
terms and conditions of STS.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Do you feel that DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS crew leader Michael Martin is going to get special treatment by Yellow Medicine County/Eighth Judicial District Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen & Chippewa county Judge Thomas W. Van Hon willful refusal to recuse/disqualify themselves from presiding over 87-CR-17-264 &12-CR-17-367? That's what Martin meant in his warning to his victims that "he knew" people, right? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine STS crew leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/06/2017 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 Settlement Conference  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Yellow Medicine Co. deputy Casey Namken #93 Electronically signed 06-06-17 9:01am Prosecuting attorney: Yellow Medicine County Assistant Attorney Stacy Vinberg Electronically signed: 06-06-17 855am) DOI: 08/09/2016 DOI: 08/09/2016 DOI: 12/19/2016 DOI: 12/19/2016 DOI: 04/20/2017

Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine STS crew leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 First Appearance (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Chippewa County Sheriff Stacy Tufto Electronically signed 06-21-17 2:59 pm Prosecuting attorney: Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson Electronically signed: 06-21-17 11:07am) DOI: 08/01/2016
Name: Brad Odegard; Email:; Position; Title: District Supervisor Office: Marshall Supervisor: Burmeister, Dayna
Name: Michael Martin; County: Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine; Office Phone: 320-269-6513; Mobile Phone: 320-266-3813; Email:; Position Title: Crew Leader; Office: Montevideo; Supervisor: Odegard, Brad; Department: STS; District: Marshall
Name: Dayna Burmeister; Office Phone: 507-344-5281; Email:; Position Title: Regional Manager South; Office: Mankato Supervisor: Godfrey, Al; Department: DOC
Policy: 107.005; Title: Office of Special Investigations; Issue Date: 4/18/17; Effective Date: 5/2/17; POLICY: The office of special investigations (OSI) provides for fugitive apprehension, internal affairs and criminal investigations, investigative data gathering and dissemination, outside law enforcement case investigation assistance, incarcerated offender/resident death investigations, Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) coordination, emergency management, tactical and K9 supervision, radio and security technical management and advice, training of department staff and outside agencies, and special assignments as determined by the OSI director. The OSI may develop directives, instructions, and operating guidelines to implement this policy.
Policy: 107.100; Title: Internal Affairs – Office of Special Investigations; Issue Date: 8/16/16; Effective Date: 9/6/16; POLICY: OSI investigates allegations of employee misconduct as directed by the OSI director/designee. The OSI director/designee refers allegations of sexual harassment or discrimination to the human resources director for investigation of violations of Policy 103.300, "Discrimination-free Workplace." Allegations of misconduct may be reported from any source, internal or external, non-criminal or criminal in nature.

07-30-17 Automated reply from the West Central Tribune hack Steve Ammermann?

from:    Steve Ammermann
date:    Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 7:48 PM
subject:    Re: Chapter 13 data request - DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS crew leader Michael Martin data

I'm out of the office and will return on Wednesday, August 2nd.
Steve Ammermann  
Steve Ammermann
West Central Tribune
PO Box 839
Willmar MN  56201
320-235-1150 (Main)
320-214-4307 (Direct)
320-894-8863 (Cell)

Let's ask if there are any Lac qui Parle county victims, shall we??

from:    Lion News
Londa Burns,
Steve Ammermann,
Jake Sieg
date:    Sun, Jul 30, 2017 at 7:48 PM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - Lac qui Parle County contract with 6W Community Corrections & Martin investigation data

DeRon Brehmer, Board Chair (320) 568-2226  & John Maatz, Board Vice-Chair, (320) 413-0205:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format:

1. Lac qui Parle County's resolution appointing an administratively and technically qualified Responsible Authority
2. Lac qui Parle County's Notice to Commissioner of Administration: Adoption of Model Policies
3. Lac qui Parle County's signed Chippewa County Sentence to Serve contract with the Department of Corrections. Each year from 2010-12017.
4. Names of Lac qui Parle personnel or outside agents who are looking into possible sexual assault of Lac qui Parle County Sentence to Serve prisoners by DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS crew leader Michael Martin.
5. The illegally withheld dash camera for the illegal search of Joshua Dwight Liebl's pickup in 37-CR-15-22
6. Update on my ICR# 17000244 aka Nemmers' criminal complaint versus MN School Boards Association Executive Director Kirk Schneidawind, ISD #2853 Interim Superintendent Larry Peterson, ISD #2853 Chairman Scott Conn, & ISD #2853’s corrupt legal counsel Rupp, Anderson, Squires & Waldspurger. What outside agency and outside prosecutor is investigating my complaint?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Do you think that Yellow Medicine County Attorney Keith R. Helgeson and Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson are trying to give DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS crew leader Michael Martin sweetheart plea deals before any new victims of Martin are found in Lac qui Parle County? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they? Regular Agenda Sentence to Service (STS) Funding 4-24-10-03 6W Corrections Director Midge Christianson met with the Board to discuss a reduction in State funding to the STS program. Also present for the discussion were Sheriff Bill Flaten, County Jail Administrator Kathy Busack,  Minnesota Department of Correction District Supervisor Brad Odegard and STS Crew Leader Mike Martin. Currently one STS crew serves Yellow Medicine, Lac qui Parle and Chippewa Counties. The finding is split for State fiscal year 2011 for one STS crew position was previously established as a 50/50 cost share between the MN Department of Correction and the three counties. As a result of the recent passage of the State budget bill the Legislature reduced STS funding by 25%. In order to maintain the STS program, Ms. Christianson informed the Board that Chippewa County had stated they were interested in providing the extra county contribution for the STS program. Lac qui Parle County voted to no longer participate in the program and the decrease in State funding the cost for the STS program would not go from $12,664.83 per county to $28,495 per county (assuming two counties participate). Administrator Krosch recommended the County no longer participate in the STS program because he believed the County did not have enough work for the STS crew to justify the $28,495 annual expense. There was also discussion about the possibility of charging a fee to non-county users of the STS to help pay for the cost. Ms. Christianson informed the Board that there is a 30 out clause in the STS contract where the participating counties can terminate the contract with or without cause. Motion by Commissioner Johnson and seconded by Commissioner Antony to approve participation in the STS program for Sate fiscal year 2011 (July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011) at cost share of 25% from the State Department of Corrections and 75% from Yellow Medicine County and at least one other county. Motion carried with Commissioners Antony Wanbeke, Remiger and Johnson voting in favor and Commissioner Sherlin voting against.  … Yellow Medicine County Board Meeting Minutes – April 27, 2010

The truck came out of the driveway at 1859 311th Ave. and headed south. I immediately activated my emergency lights and made a traffic stop on the vehicle at 2009 hours. The vehicle was a white Chevy Pickup with MN License (XXXXXXX and had deer feet sticking up out of the box. The feet were sticking up about 8 inches. The driver of the truck pulled into the driveway of 1849 311th Ave. and exited his truck. I recognized the driver as Joshua Liebl as I've met him previously. I turned over the traffic stop to the two conservation officers. I also recognized the passenger of the truck as Danny Lien from Dawson. ICR# 14002658. Officer Assigned: Beninga, Carmen Badge No: XXXX Primary: No Officer Assigned: Anderson, Allen Dt/tm Assigned: 10-21-2014 2216 Badge No: XXX Time Arrived: Primary: Yes Time Cleared: 2218 Officer Assigned: Benck, Brian Badge No: XXX Primary: No. (I didn't appreciate the malicious redactions, did I?)

Reported: 03-03-2017 1429 First Assigned: 1429 Commited Start: 03-03-2017 1429 Commited End: Title: Other How Received: Phone Short Description: Alleged Complaint of MGDPA Violation by ISD 2853 and executives.
Summary: Alleged Complaint of MGDPA Violation by ISD 2853 and executives. ICR# 17000244 AGENCY ORI# MN0370000 Officer Assigned: XXXXXXXXX XXXXX Badge No: XXX Primary: Yes (I didn't appreciate the malicious redactions, did I?)

Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine STS crew leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/06/2017 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 Settlement Conference  (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Yellow Medicine Co. deputy Casey Namken #93 Electronically signed 06-06-17 9:01am Prosecuting attorney: Yellow Medicine County Assistant Attorney Stacy Vinberg Electronically signed: 06-06-17 855am)

Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine STS crew leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 First Appearance (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Chippewa County Sheriff Stacy Tufto Electronically signed 06-21-17 2:59 pm Prosecuting attorney: Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson Electronically signed: 06-21-17 11:07am)

from:    Odegard, Brad (DOC)
to:    Lion News
cc:    "Fitzgerald, Sarah J (DOC)",
"Burmeister, Dayna (DOC)",
"Godfrey, Allen (DOC)"
date:    Mon, Jul 31, 2017 at 9:20 AM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS crew leader Michael Martin data
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

I have forwarded your request to the MN DOC Communications Director.  If you have any further questions or data requests, please contact Sarah Fitzgerald, Director of Communications and Media at 651-361-7229,


507-476-4339 (Office)  |  507-829-5699 (Cell) |


From: Lion News []
Sent: Sunday, July 30, 2017 7:48 PM
To: Odegard, Brad (DOC);;; Londa Burns; Steve Ammermann
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - DOC Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS crew leader Michael Martin data Lion News‏ @Lion__News FYI: 3rd "Go to hell!" letter for covering up conflict of interest #MartinScandal 87-CR-17-264? Hmm? @MinnCorrections @wctrib @CarolynLange 5:36 AM - 13 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Hack @wctrib @CarolynLange covering up conflicts of interest for rigged 87-CR-17-264 State of Mn vs @MinnCorrections MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN?? 4:10 PM - 19 Jun 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI: Hack @wctrib @CarolynLange involved in #JunkermeierScandal 34-CR-13-596 now covering up #MartinScandal 87-CR-17-264? @MinnCorrections 5:11 AM - 20 Jun 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal = YMC deputy Casey Namken investigates 4 rigged 87-CR-17-264 @MinnCorrections Michael John Martin? @wctrib @CarolynLange 5:05 AM - 20 Jun 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal = YMC Attorney Stacy Vinberg prosecutes 4 rigged 87-CR-17-264 @MinnCorrections Michael John Martin? @wctrib @CarolynLange 5:04 AM - 20 Jun 2017 Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI #MartinScandal = Eighth district judges preside over rigged 87-CR-17-264 @MinnCorrections Michael John Martin? @wctrib @CarolynLange 5:04 AM - 20 Jun 2017   Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI: 7-3-17 Granite Falls PD "Go to hell!" snail mail response for #DikkenScandal data? @wctrib @CarolynLange @MinnCorrections @SOTAMidwest 11:24 AM - 6 Jul 2017

More to come

Related Links:

Rigged Yellow Medicine Co Prosecution For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co., Right?) Michael John Martin - Case No. 87-CR-17-264? Hey Let's Ask For That Illegally Withheld Andrew Dikken & Kelly Jean Anderson Data, Okay?

Corrupt MN DNR & Corrupt Lac Qui Parle Co. Attorney Richard G. Stulz Caught Rigging Case No. 37-CR-15-22 State Of Minnesota VS Joshua Dwight Liebl's? Corrupt DNR & Corrupt Stulz Illegally Releasing Confidential Criminal Investigative Data To Corrupt Media? No Surprise, Right? Sounds Like Rigged Cases: 03-CR-15-1798 State Of Minnesota VS Anthony Emmons; 03-CR-15-1800 State Of Minnesota VS Clifford Emmons; 03-CR-15-1802 State Of Minnesota VS Ryan Emmons & 21-CR-13-51 State Of Minnesota VS Ronald Wayne Johnson, Doesn't it? It Does, Doesn't it? Corrupt Stulz Sends Nemmers Harassing Email But No Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Searchable PDF Format, Public Data? Stulz Is Retaliating Against Nemmers, Isn't He? He Is, Isn't He? You'll Want To See Nemmers Slowly But Surely Discredit The Corrupt DNR And Corrupt Lac Qui Parle County, Won't You? You Will, Won't You? Why Is Supposed Interim Sheriff Kevin Monson, Badge 338 Harassing Nemmers?

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Blast From Past: Case No. 73-T3-02-009899 The State Of Minnesota VS. Future Starbuck Chief Of Police Mitchell John "Corrupt Little Troll" Johnsrud - Fake Officer? Corrupt Little Troll Johnsrud Still Illegally Witholding Drunk Glenwood Mayor Formo DWI Video? Fake Officer Johnsrud Submits Fraudluent $456 Bill? Will Nemmers Use Fake Officer Johnsrud Rigged Case As A Monkey Wrench For Rigged Case No. 73-CR-16-2736 State of Minnesota vs Ibrahim Abdiaziz Isaac?  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Blast from past: Case No. 73-T3-02-009899 the State of Minnesota vs. Future Starbuck Chief of Police Mitchell John Johnsrud - fake officer? 5:50 AM - 23 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Fake officer/Starbuck Chief Johnsrud still illegally w/holding Glenwood Mayor Formo’s DWI 61-CR-15-513 dash camera video from Nemmers? 6:04 AM - 23 Jul 2017   Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Blast from past: Case No. 73-T3-02-009899 the State of Minnesota vs Fake officer Mitchell John Johnsrud (future Starbuck Chief) fined $498? 11:59 AM - 23 Jul 2017      1 Like     ♉KurtAntonMaus♊  0 replies 0 retweets 1 like  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Fake officer/Starbuck Chief Johnsrud submits fraudulent $456 bill to Nemmers for Glenwood Mayor Formo’s DWI 61-CR-15-513 dash camera video? 8:59 AM - 23 Jul 2017

07-27-17 Data request

from:    Lion News
to:    William Anderson,
Matthew Staehling,
Ibrahim Isaac,
date:    Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 10:38 AM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - City of St Cloud Attorney's office policy & procedure manual & Johnsrud data

Matthew A Staehling, City Administrator Phone: (320) 255-7201

Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. Police reports, audio statements, pictures, criminal investigative data & Citation Number: ST 327684 & 09/13/2002 ORD-Order (Judicial Officer: Boland, Bernard E.) Case No. 73-T3-02-009899 The State of Minnesota vs. Benton County Correctional Officer/Future Starbuck Chief of Police MITCHELL JOHN JOHNSRUD
2. City of St Cloud Attorney's office policy & procedure manual

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

A Benton county corrections officer was arrested Thursday on suspicion of striking a man and saying he was was a police officer. ... At the bar, Greg Payne told officers that Johnsrud struck him several times while saying he was a police officer, according to the police reports. It was unclear whether Payne was injured. Fake officer suspect arrested – Benton corrections officer is expected to be charged with disorderly conduct. By Kelly Scott, St. Cloud Times Saturday, July 27, 2002. Page 1B.

P.S. Will the City of St Cloud provide Ibrahim Isaac (Case No. 73-CR-16-2736 State of Minnesota vs Law enforcement student (2016/Graduate (2017) Ibrahim Abdiaziz Isaac) a redacted version of his statement to City of St Cloud Internal Affairs Sgt. Whitson? Yes or no? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?

P.S.S. Would you be willing to assist Isaac in obtaining the physical court file Case No. 73-T3-02-009899 The State of Minnesota vs. Benton County Correctional Officer/Future Starbuck Chief of Police MITCHELL JOHN JOHNSRUD? Yes or no? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?

Lion News: St Cloud Police Destroying Evidence In 73-CR-16-2736 By Mistagging WatchGuard Vid?

Lion News: Stearns Co. Deputy Kern & St Cloud Officer Priebe Target Ibrahim Isaac For Harassment?

Lion News: Waite Park Chief Bentrud Falsely Accuses Ibrahim Of Being Pistol Packing Sex Maniac?

13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA Subd. 3. Request for access to data. Subd. 12. Pleadings. Pleadings, as defined by court rule, served by or on a government entity, are public data to the same extent that the data would be public if filed with the court.
6700.0700 MINIMUM SELECTION STANDARDS. Subpart 1. Selection standards. F. No applicant may be appointed to the position of peace officer who has been convicted:  3) under Minnesota Statutes, section 609.224, 609.2242, 609.231, 609.2325, 609.233, 609.2335, 609.234, 609.324, 609.465, 609.466, 609.52, or 609.72, subdivision 3; or convicted under any state or federal narcotics or controlled substance law irrespective of any proceeding under Minnesota Statutes, section 152.18, or any similar law of another state or federal law; or
Becoming a Police Officer - Rejection Criteria
Rejection Criteria St. Cloud Police Department The following will result  in the rejection of police officer  applicants: Any violation of POST Licensing Rules Conviction for any of the following/or: • Felony and gross misdemeanor convictions - Misconduct of a public officer or employee - Crimes motivated by bias -  Conviction of 5th degree assault - Evidence that the applicant has misrepresented, omitted, or falsified any information to the St. Cloud Police Department

Stearns County Past Inmate Search
Last Name: ISAAC; First Name: IBRAHIM; Middle Name: ABDIAZIZ; Gender: Male; Age: 24; Booking Date: 02/20/2016; Race: Black; Controlling Agency: STEARNS NEW CHARGE; Arresting Agency: ST CLOUD POLICE

Last Name: JOHNSRUD; First Name: MITCHELL; Middle Name: JOHN; Gender: Male; Age: 26; Booking Date: 07/25/2002; Race: White; Controlling Agency: ST CLOUD
FULL-TIME POLICE OFFICERS Mitch Johnsrud #651 Chief of Police  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  Did corrupt Starbuck police chief Johnsrud omit assault info for psych eval? Case No 73-T3-02-009899 vs Fake officer Mitchell John Johnsrud? 10:42 AM - 27 Jul 2017

Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 10:38 AM Reply by City Attorney Cynthia Kirchoff?

from:    Cynthia Kirchoff via
to:    Lion News
date:    Thu, Jul 27, 2017 at 10:38 AM
subject:    Automatic reply: Chapter 13 data request - City of St Cloud Attorney's office policy & procedure manual & Johnsrud data
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Thanks for your email.  I will be out of the office until Monday, July 31st.

Cynthia Kirchoff

More to come . . .

Related links:

Official Records Prove That Corrupt Pope Co. Sheriff Timmy "The Perjurer" Riley, Corrupt Glenwood Chief Of Police Dale "The Falsifier" Danter & Starbuck Police Chief Mitch "Corrupt Little Troll" Johnsrud Couldn't Care Less About Your Safety & Security? Central Minnesota Service Board Attendance Shows Danter & Johnsrud Never Showed Up In 2015 For A Single Meeting? Retaliation By Lawless City Of Glenwood, Lawless City Of Starbuck & Lawless Pope Co. Continues? Lawless Pope Co. Hates Whistleblower Nemmers, Don't They? They Do, Don't They? Nemmers Blew The Whistle On Drunk Glenwood Mayor/Glenwood Chamber Of Commerce Exe. Director Scott Formo's Drunk-Driving Scandal, The Data Practice Scandal, The Blinker Scandal And The Wastewater Treatement Plant Scandal, Didn't He? League Of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust Aiding & Abetting In Retaliation? Starbuck Mayor/SW Block Captain Gary Swenson Part Of Security Threat?

The Corrupt Starbuck City Council Members Were Attempting To Illegally Ban Content Of Speech They Disagreed With, Weren't They? They Were, Weren't They? Illegal Attempt To Prevent Nemmers From Documenting Corrupt City Clerk/Data Compliance Officer Andrew Langholz's & Corrupt Chief of Police Mitch Johnsrud's #651 Blatant Violations Of Minnesota Data Practice Laws? Sounds Like Corrupt Pope Co. Commisioner's Attempt To Stop Reporting Of Corrupt Pope Co. Attorney/Assistant Glenwood City Attorney/Starbuck City Attorney Neil Nelson's Misuse Of Public Funds To Rig Courts Cases, Doesn't It? It Does, Doesn't It? Nelson Just Rigged City Of Glenwod Mayor/Exexcutive Directior Of Glenwood Chamber Of Commerce's Court Case Case 61-CR-15-513, Didn't He? He Did, Didn't He? Corrupt Johnsrud & Corrupt Langholz Still Illegally Withholding Scandalous Video Of Drunk Formo? Scandalous Drunk Formo Video Would Throw Monkey Wrench into Boondoggle City Hall Plans, Wouldn't It? It Would, Wouldn't It? Confirmation Email From Minnesota Pollution Control Agency? Liam Biever, Underwriting Manager, League Of Minnesota Cities Trust Notified?

Corrupt Starbuck Police Chief Mitch "Corrupt Little Troll" Johnsrud Endangering Public's Safety By Not Securing Security Gates On Starbuck Wastewater Treatment Facility? "Corrupt Little Troll" Johnsrud Caught By Unofficial Neighborhood Watch? "Corrupt Little Troll" Johnsrud Getting Paid For Not Doing His Job? Johnsrud's Negligence Could Have Resulted In City's Water Supply Being Poisoned, Right? This Means "Corrupt Little Troll" Johnsrud Had Plenty Of Time To Send Me Drunk Glenwood Mayor/Exe Director Of The Glenwood Chamber Of Commerce Formo's Drunk Driving Dash Cam Video (Case 61-CR-15-513), Right? Former Corrupt Glenwood Cop Johnsrud Wants To Do Drunk Formo A Favor, Right? Scandalous Video Of Drunk Formo Would Throw Monkey Wrench into Boondoggle City Hall Plans, Right? Nemmers Calls Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) & People Service, Inc.?

Corrupt Starbuck Police Chief Mitch "Corrupt Little Troll" Johnsrud Crashes 2015 Police Utility Vehicle? Corrupt Johnsrud Too Drunk To Drive? Too Busy Posting On Facebook While Driving? Johnsrud Crashed While Trying To Arrest Deer Who Tries To Cross Road Going 60 MPH? Hand Of God Involved In Crash? Johnsrud Illegally Withholding Drunk City Of Glenwood Mayor Scott Formo's Citation And Dash Cam Video? Drunk Driving Mayor Video Would Throw Monkey Wrench Into Glenwood's Boondoggle 1.4 Million -1.5 Million New City Hall Project? Formo Should Star In DWI/Strip Search/Cavity Search Promo Video, Shouldn't He?

UPDATED: Rigged Drunk Driving Case 61-CR-15-513 For Glenwood's Drunk Mayor Scott Formo, Sr.? Pope Co. Judge Rodney Hanson & Pope Co. Attorney/Assistant Glenwood City Attorney Neil Thomas Nelson Rigging Case For Drunk Formo? Can You Say "Conflict Of Interest" & "Misuse Of Public Funds"? You Can't Trust Any Arrest, Prosecution Nor Conviction In Lawless Pope Co., Can You?

Friday, July 21, 2017

Wright Co. Sheriff Hagerty & Co. Attorney Kelly Illegally Withholding Data For Scandal At Glenwood's Grand Stay Hotel & Suites? Manager Fred Wittenberg Haboring 15 YOA Runaway Anna Olsen? Nemmers Airs Pope Co.'s Extensive Dirty Laundry In Complaint Against Hagerty & Kelly?

Lee R. Kelly, County Coordinator                         07-20-17
10 2nd St. NW Room 235
Buffalo, MN 55313
Ph: 763-682-7378

Emailed to:,,,,,,,

This is my formal complaint against Wright County Sheriff Joe Hagerty and Wright County Attorney Tom Kelly for misusing public resources (609.52 THEFT) engaging in criminal misconduct (609.43 Misconduct of public officer or employee) and by their willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (MGDPA) (13.09 Penalties). Please be aware that if the Wright County Commissioners willfully refuse to form a committee to retain an attorney or contact an outside law enforcement agency to conduct a legitimate investigation, then I will take my complaint and my evidence to a law enforcement agency myself.

I have reason to suspect both Hagerty and Kelly are illegally withholding readily available, free, electronic, public data for the incident involving the Glenwood Grand Stay Hotel and Suites manager Fred Wittenberg allegedly haboring a 15 YOA runaway Anna Olsen. I have to suspect that Hagerty & Kelly are illegally withholding Snapchat preservation reports, Snapchat emergency requests & Snapchat administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen. I also have reason to suspect that audio recorded phone conversations with runaway Anna Olsen, Glenwood Grand Stay Hotel and Suites manager Fred Wittenberg, Nicholas Olsen and a variety of other calls mentioned in the ICR are being illegally withheld from me. [Note: Sounds just like the time when the audio recordings of a 911 call that led to the 2013 illegal, high-profile search of Glenwood’s America’s Best Value Inn also magically and mysteriously disappeared, doesn’t it?]

Pope County Sheriff's Office was notified and are attempting to make contact with Hunter. ... Nicholas and Mary have been receiving information from one of their other daughters that's on the app called snapchat. Primary Narrative By Jason Post, 05/07/17 23:01 I also asked that Wittenberg notify the Glenwood PD so they could respond. Wittenberg said that he did not want to involve the police since it "was a small town". I thought that this was suspicious and asked Wittenberg how long Anna had been there. ... At approx. 1745 hours I placed another call to Nick to confirm that they made it home. Nick stated that as they were on the way home, Anna told them that Wittenberg had actually picked her up last night and brought her to the hotel and got her a room. They turned around and made a report with the Glenwood PD feeling that this was not appropriate since Wittenberg knew of her runaway status and did not call law enforcement. Supplemental Narrative By Sean Deringer, 05/08/17 17:45 Case WCSOP17012871 for the Wright County Sheriff’s department. Made by Zuercher (in searchable pdf format)

My recorded phone conversations with the very upset father Nicholas “Nick” Olsen along Olsen’s posts on his Facebook, the magically and mysteriously missing data and my vast, well-documented experience with the corrupt local officials in Pope County caused me to reach the logical conclusion that ICR: WCSOP17012871 has be falsified in violation of 609.43(4). I concluded that WCSOP17012871 was falsified to cover up Fred Wittenberg’s haboring of 15 YOA runaway Anna Olsen at the Glenwood Grand Stay Hotel and Suites. Which would be motive for the illegal withholding of all the phone conversations and documented in WCSOP17012871.

My reasonable conclusion was further reinforced by Pope Co. Sheriff’s dept.’s ICR: 17001409 for whistleblower Jeff Kelven.

Once Jeffrey was transported, Deputy Sorenson and I went on to Facebook and sent them a

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Preservation Request for Jeffrey Kleven’s account so Subpoena can be written up for the account at a later date. The confirmation from Facebook will be attached to this case file with their case number 1082826. ICR: 17001409 for whistleblower Jeffrey Noel, Kleven; Date: April 14, 2017; Pope County Sheriff’s Dept.

If Pope County Sheriff Timmy “the Perjurer” Riley’s deputies would submit an administrative subpoena to Facebook for the trumped charges against whistleblower Kleven 1 , then it would reasonable to conclude that the Wright County Sheriff’s dept. would submit similar paperwork for the 15 YOA runaway Anna Olsen’s Snapchat account. The Snapchat account that Olsen was allegedly using via the wifi at Glenwood’s Grand Stay Hotel and Suites. (FYI: Statement from Kleven recorded)

Plus, I also know from Glenwood Police Dept ICR: 16004413 that certain business in Glenwood have absolutely no problem not only making false statements to the police [Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. Exodus 20:16 King James Version (KJV)] but also have absolutely no problem filing false charges against whistleblowers. (FYI: Statement from Nelson recorded)

However, I also received two recorded statements from Axeen Armstrong [Note: Cenex Convenience Store Manager] and Lee Ortendahl [Note: Tom’s Food Pride Manager]. They are in DSS format and you have the ability to play those let me know and I get you a copy; other- wise you can listen to them here as they are relatively brief. Quite frankly, after listening to the statements, no matter whose version you believe, I’m shocked that this is charged out as a disorderly conduct. I just don’t understand why the government felt it was necessary to get involved in a situation like this. January 18, 2017 letter from former Douglas County Attorney/defense attorney Chris Karpan to client Terry Nelson for Case No. 61-CR-16-577 State of Minnesota vs Whistleblower Terry Lee Nelson

Case No. 61-CR-16-577 State of Minnesota vs Whistelblower Terry Lee Nelson DOI: 11/03/2016. 12/29/2016 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1. Charge: Disorderly Conduct - Offensive/Abusive/Obscene Conduct (Not applicable - GOC) Disposition: 05/08/2017 Dismissed This certainly calls Wittenberg’s wild and outrageous claim that he did not want to involve the police since it "was a small town" into question, doesn’t it? It does, doesn’t it?

After reaching this logical conclusion, I was then targeted for harassment by Hagerty & Kelly in apparent the retaliation for me figuring out that electronic data was being withheld that would prove that Wittenberg was haboring 15 YOA Anna Olsen at the Glenwood Grand Stay Hotel and Suites. This harassment came in the form of data from the Wright County Sheriff’s department that was not in compliance with either the MGDPA or the rules and the model policies established by the Commissioner of the Dept of Administration for the MGDPA. I posted that evidence on my @Lion__News Twitter account.
1 Whislteblower Jeff Kleven is a potential witness in the high-profile wrongful death case no. 61-CV- 17-58 William Jepsen, as Trustee for the Heirs and Next of Kin of Eric Parker Dean vs County of Pope; Kelly Lurken-Tvrdik, individually and in her capacity as an employee of Pope County; Amy Beckius, individually and in her capacity as an employee of Pope County: Mary Schley, individually and in her capacity as an employee of Pope County; David Dean; Elizabeth Peltier; and John Does 1- 10. Pope Co. Human Services Director Nicole Names is currently illegally withholding Kleven’s intake summary data for his report of Amanda Peltier's suspicious Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card activity prior to the death of Eric Dean. Kleven is also responsible for exposing the Starbuck Wastewater Treatment Plant scandal that was being covered up by local law enforcement and by Starbuck Community Crime Watch Block Captain/Starbuck Mayor Gary Swenson.

Page 2 of 4 Lion News @Lion__News Harassment by @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over @GSHospitality & @mndnr data? Willful refusal to comply w/ @MNgovdata? @adaleadvocate 5:06 AM - 19 Jul 2017 Lion News @Lion__News Harassment by @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over @GSHospitality & @mndnr data? Data not searchable pdf? @MNgovdata @adaleadvocate 5:09 AM - 19 Jul 2017 Lion News @Lion__News Harassment by @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over @GSHospitality & @mndnr data? Missing audio recordings? @MNgovdata @adaleadvocate 5:11 AM - 19 Jul 2017 Lion News @Lion__News Harassment by @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over @GSHospitality & @mndnr data? Missing subpoenas & evidence? @MNgovdata @adaleadvocate 5:12 AM - 19 Jul 2017 Lion News @Lion__News Harassment by @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over @GSHospitality & @mndnr data? Malicious delays of data? @MNgovdata @adaleadvocate 5:14 AM - 19 Jul 2017 Lion News @Lion__News Harassment by @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over @GSHospitality & @mndnr data? Manual redactions on paper? @MNgovdata @adaleadvocate 5:55 AM - 19 Jul 2017

This isn’t the first time Wright County Sheriff Joe Hagerty and Wright County Attorney Tom Kelly have illegally withheld readily available, free electronic public data from me. The first time was when I submitted a data request for case no. 34-CR-13-572 State of Minnesota vs DNR officer James Clifford Steffen. This is just some of the data that was illegally withheld form me:

Media: Fuel use information; DNR Steffen fuel use; DNR Denz fuel use; DNR Collette fuel use Case Number 2013000845 Wright Co. Sheriff's Office Printed on Fri, January 30, 2015. Synopsis: Conflict investigation for Kandiyohi County and Minnesota DNR. Sgt. Luthens #226.

The incident reports would indicate that audio recorded calls statement were also illegally withheld from me. I also assisted Minnesota supreme court candidate Michelle MacDonald Shimota and her former campaign manager Dede Evavold in their separate failed attempts to get Kelly to release the dash camera video of MacDonald’s 10/09/2014 traffic stop.

Case No. 86-VB-14-4990 State of Minnesota vs Supreme court candidate Michelle MacDonald Shimota. Charges: Limited License Violation. DOI: 08/04/2014; Citation E-Filed; 10/09/2014 Dismissal by Prosecuting Attorney Pursuant to Rule 30.01 Doc ID# 5

When a recording contains evidence for a case which is being investigated by another agency, that agency shall be provided a duplicate copy of the recording with the approval of the District/Section Commander. Minnesota State Patrol General Order Number: 09-30-023 Subject: Audio/Video Recording Equipment II. Procedure. C. Retention 1(e).

The video is obviously in prosecutor Kelly’s possession. Yet, neither Kelly nor the State Patrol will release the video to the subject of the data (MacDonald) nor the public (Evavold) in willful violation of the MGDPA. I want this video. Wright county can mail MacDonald’s video to me at its own expense or file share the video to me. Of course, Wright county can do the same for the data that it is currently being illegally withholding from me, also. (FYI: I don’t accept registered or certified mail.)

It’s not hard to spot a scandal and the corresponding cover-up that involves to lawless Pope County

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and their so-called law enforcement, is it? It isn’t, is it? A prime example would be both Minneapolis Minneapolis Police Chief JaneĆ© Harteau and Pope County Sheriff Timmy “The Perjurer” Riley with- holding public data to cover up this scandal:

Case No. 27-VB-16-270102 State of Minnesota vs Pope Co Sheriff Timothy Patrick Riley – Parked overtime in a meter zone

Case No. 27-VB-16-242795 State of Minnesota vs Pope Co Sheriff Timothy Patrick Riley – Parked Vehicle Obstructing Traffic

Case No. 27-VB-16-152340 State of Minnesota vs Pope Co Sheriff Timothy Patrick Riley – Parked within 10 feet of a fire hydrant

Another example would be the corrupt City of Glenwood retaliating against me for trying get public data related to the drunk driving arrest and rigged conviction of Glenwood Mayor Scott Formo. The City of Starbuck is still illegally withholding Formo’s dash camera video of the DWI stop from me.

Case No. 61-CR-15-513 State of Minnesota vs Glenwood Mayor Scott Allen Formo Lead Attorneys Jurisdiction State of Minnesota Assistant Glenwood City Attorney Neil Thomas Nelson 320-634-4581(W) 12/15/2015 Disposition (Judicial Officer: Hanson, Rodney) 1. DWI - Fourth-Degree Driving While Impaired; Described Dismissed 2. Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Concentration 0.08 Within 2 Hours Convicted 1. DWI - Fourth-Degree Driving While Impaired; Described Disposition 12/15/2015 Dismissed Traffic - DWI - Operate Motor Vehicle - Alcohol Concentration 0.08 Within 2 Hours Disposition 12/15/2015 Convicted

And I have my own video/audio evidence of Pope County Sheriff’s dept and the Glenwood Police retaliating against me for blowing the whistle on all sorts of local corruption:

Lion News: Glenwood's Chief Danter's Smear Campaign Against Gayle Nemmers? 12/06/11

Lion News: 'Report Sheriff Timmy "The Perjurer" Riley To FBI' Says Attorney General's Office?

Lion News: Threatened With False Arrest By Psycho & False Accuser Pope Co. Chief Deputy Brecht?

The most recent blatant retaliation is found in Pope County Sheriff’s dept ICR 17002149: Lion News @Lion__News FYI #TangenScandal 06-02-17 home invasion ICR 17002149 makes 06-12-17 blotter yet magically & mysteriously no arrest? Why? @mnbdpubdefense 1:47 PM - 13 Jun 2017 Lion News @Lion__News Update ICR 17002149: #LawlessPopeCo "Sheriff" Riley still hiding behind voicemail while home invading bigamist Tangen free? @mnbdpubdefense 8:54 AM - 9 Jun 2017

Finally, it’s safe to say that any reasonable person would conclude that Wright County Sheriff Joe Hagerty and Wright County Attorney Tom Kelly are illegally withholding data that proves that 15 YOA runaway Anna Olsen was being harbored at the Glenwood Grand Stay Hotel and Suites by manager Fred Wittenberg.
Terry Dean, Nemmers
20179 County Road 28 (320) 283-5713
Glenwood, MN 56334

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from:    Lion News
date:    Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 5:02 PM
subject:    Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.

Joe Hagerty, Sheriff 763-682-7622:

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data: Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, Snapchat emergency requests & Snapchat administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
Nick Olsen No cell service just wifi May 8 at 6:13am
Nick Olsen Anna Is Home safe I'd Like to say thank you to EVERYONE who stepped up Shared, Prayed, Posted. The situation was Minutes from being A Terrible tragedy. One 15 year old girls decision to run away turned into a creepy old hotel manager holding her in a hotel in glenwood Minnesota. Without Verizon customer service, Wright County Police "Sean Deringer" and Anna's Friends, we wouldn't be able to have our Anna Back. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU after 24 hours Im going to sleep 15 · May 8 at 5:42pm
Nick Olsen General Manager Fred Wittenberg of the Grandstay hotel and suites of Glenwood MN was holding her captive, while authorities were looking for her. 1 · May 13 at 6:32am · Edited
Nick Olsen I flipped from scary to totally pissed off.. parent 3 · May 13 at 6:42am
Nick Olsen As far as we know the Grand suites and hotel has him on vacation 1 · May 13 at 7:18am
Nick Olsen The police and both counties suspect a child sex ring 1 · May 13 at 7:21am
Nick Olsen I have reached out to The Grandstay hotel and suites in Glenwood and they have not contacted me about any actions they are taking May 13 at 7:23am
Nick Olsen The officials in the town of Glenwood are trying to cover it up. May 13 at 7:24am
Nick Olsen People need to know there's a monster in Glenwood who's pulling this shit 3 · May 13 at 7:28am
Nick Olsen Pope county police officer Jon Olson May 13 at 6:45pm
Nick Olsen It's a small town with the newest hotel in 50 years, there's 4 owners, guess who owns it. 1 · May 16 at 4:48am
Nick Olsen That's because there trying to cover it up 1 · May 16 at 5:00am
Nick Olsen You are correct, it doesn't add up. I've asked many questions about the people Involved and I get half assed awnsers. 2 · May 16 at 5:31am
Bobbi Jo Roberts I emailed the police dept again and talked to the chief. There is an investigation but they can't say anything bow. He. Said there was no immediate danger to the town at all his time.? 2 · May 18 at 5:20am

V. Preservation Requests. Snapchat honors requests from law enforcement to preserve information in accordance with 18 U.S.C. § 2703(f). Upon receiving a preservation request, Snapchat will preserve all available account information associated with the username listed in the request in an offline file for up to 180 days and will extend the preservation as necessary at your request. Snapchat will only preserve information for active accounts. If a request to preserve information is received after an account has been deleted, Snapchat is not able to honor the request. If the account is deleted by the user after the receipt of the preservation request, however, all account information present on the date your preservation letter was received will be available upon receipt of proper legal process.  a. Note regarding all legal requests following preservations. When serving followNup legal process for information that was previously the subject of a preservation request, please specify that the request is seeking both the information preserved and any updated user account information. Please also reference any prior preservation requests by date so that Snapchat may respond to your legal process more efficiently.

VI. Emergency Requests. Under 18 U.S.C. §§ 2702(b)(8) and 2702(c)(4), Snapchat is permitted to disclose information, including email address, phone number, and a log of the last 200 snaps voluntarily when Snapchat believes in good faith that an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires the immediate discloser of this information. You may provide a written request for the release of user records on an  emergency basis and email ( or fax the request to 310N943N1793. All emergency requests must be on agency letterhead and/or come from a valid law enforcement email address.  A sample Emergency Disclosure form is provided in Part B of this guide. When drafting your emergency disclosure request, please describe the nature of the emergency as specifically as possible and request all information that you require to resolve the emergency situation. Snapchat Law Enforcement Guide Last Updated: December 2012 Page 5-6

When can I get a copy of the investigative report? Investigation ongoing If the law enforcement agency is still investigating the crime, members of the public will not be able to get a copy of the report. They can, however, get what’s often referred to as the public portion of the report containing basic information about the case that is classified as public. Pamphlet: HOW DO I GET A COPY OF MY POLICE REPORT? INFORMATION FOR CRIME VICTIMS WHO WANT TO MAKE A REQUEST FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT DATA

from:    Sean Deringer
to:    Lion News,
Joe Hagerty
date:    Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 1:18 PM
subject:    RE: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more

I have forwarded your request to our Records Division.

Captain Sean Deringer #215
Wright County Sheriff’s Office
3800 Braddock Ave. NE
Buffalo, MN  55313
Office (763)682-7619

The unauthorized disclosure or interception of email is a federal crime. See 18 U.S.C. SEC 2517[4]. This e-mail is intended for the use of those whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under the law. If you have received this email in error, do not distribute or copy it. Please return it immediately to sender with attachments, if any, and notify the sender by telephone. Thank you for your cooperation.

From: Lion News []
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 5:02 PM
To: Sean Deringer ; Joe Hagerty
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.

NOTICE: This E-mail (including attachments) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521. This E-mail may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please reply back to the sender that you have received this message in error, then delete it. Thank you.

from:    Judy Ahlm
to:    ""
date:    Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 2:35 PM
subject:    FW: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
:    Important mainly because of your interaction with messages in the conversation.

erry –
Attached is the report that you requested.
We have no other documents; attached is all that we have.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you!

Judy Ahlm
Records, Wright County Sheriff’s Office
3800 Braddock Ave NE, Buffalo, MN  55313
P: 763-682-7630 / F: 763-682-7683

From: Sean Deringer
Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2017 1:17 PM
To: Judy Ahlm; Raande Howe
Subject: FW: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.

Records request, this will be ICR # 17012871 / Juvenile runaway.


From: Lion News []
Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 5:02 PM
To: Sean Deringer; Joe Hagerty
Subject: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.

NOTICE: This E-mail (including attachments) is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521. This E-mail may be confidential and may be legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any retention, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. Please reply back to the sender that you have received this message in error, then delete it. Thank you.

Attachment: 17012871.pdf

from:    Lion News
to:    Judy Ahlm,,
date:    Thu, Jul 13, 2017 at 9:50 AM
subject:    Re: FW: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.

Joe Hagerty, Sheriff 763-682-7622:

When are you going to file-share me the audio recorded phone calls that are outlined in Case WCSOP17012871? I'm sure Capt Derringer asked Anna on a recorded phone conversation when she initially arrived at Grandstay Hotel and Suites in Glenwood Minnesota, aren't I? I am, aren't I? Couldn't Post fall back onto his training and create/submit Snapchat preservation reports, Snapchat emergency requests & Snapchat administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen? Hmm?

Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:

1. work-related continuing education for Jason Post & Sean Deringer (Years: 2010-2017)

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Nicholas and Mary have been receiving information from one of their other daughters that's on the app called snapchat. They received information that Anna is intending on running away to Chicago with a boy named Hunter Shelton. There is a history of issues with Hunter. Primary Narrative By Jason Post, 05/07/17 23:01 Case WCSOP17012871.

I spoke to Anna on the phone,​ she said that she was fine and thought it was best to go home with her parents. She said that she felt safe where she was and agreed to stay at the hotel until her parents arrived. I immediately called Anna's father,​ Nick Olsen,​ and advised him of her location. Nick said that he would respond with his wife and pick her up. Supplemental Narrative By Sean Deringer, 05/08/17 17:45 Case WCSOP17012871

from:    Judy Ahlm
to:    Lion News
date:    Tue, Jul 18, 2017 at 11:26 AM
subject:    RE: FW: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more

Attached are the training records that you requested.

Judy Ahlm
Records, Wright County Sheriff’s Office
3800 Braddock Ave NE, Buffalo, MN  55313
P: 763-682-7630 / F: 763-682-7683

From: Lion News []
Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2017 9:51 AM
To: Judy Ahlm; Sean Deringer; Joe Hagerty>
Subject: Re: FW: Chapter 13 data request - Incident report, Snapchat preservation reports, emergency requests & administrative subpoenas for runaway Anna Olsen.

Attachment: Training Records.pdf   FYI Complaint vs @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over scandal data  @GSHospitality manager haboring 15 YOA runaway? @adaleadvocate 1of4 5:05 AM - 21 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI Complaint vs @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over scandal data  @GSHospitality manager haboring 15 YOA runaway? @adaleadvocate 2of4 5:05 AM - 21 Jul 2017 FYI Complaint vs @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over scandal data  @GSHospitality manager haboring 15 YOA runaway? @adaleadvocate 3of4 5:04 AM - 21 Jul 2017  Lion News‏ @Lion__News  FYI Complaint vs @WrightCountyMN Sheriff Joe Hagerty over scandal data @GSHospitality manager haboring 15 YOA runaway? @adaleadvocate 4of4 5:04 AM - 21 Jul 2017

Status: Approved
Report Type: Patrol Unit
CIBRS Classification
Primary Officer: Jason Post
Investigator: None
Reported At: 05/07/17 21:18
Incident Date: 05/07/17 21:18 - 05/08/17 17:38
Incident Code: JUVRUN : Juvenile - Runaway
Location: 1995 66TH ST NW, MAPLE LAKE, MN 55358
Disposition: Closed - Resolved
Disposition Date/Time: 05/09/17 09:11
Disposition Comments: cleared NCIC
Case WCSOP17012871 - Printed on July 12, 2017
Supplemental Narrative By Sean Deringer, 05/08/17 17:45 
On 05-08-17 at approx. 0900 hours I was made aware that Anna Olsen had been reported as a runaway the night before. I met with Sgt. Eric Leander who made several calls trying to locate Anna. Sgt. Leander believed that Anna made it to Glenwood,​ MN and he was having the Glenwood PD do some checking on an address.

At approx. 1330 I received a phone call on my cell phone from a male identifying himself as Fred Wittenberg. Wittenberg said that he was the manager of the Glenwood Grand Stay Hotel and Suites. Wittenberg indicated that he was with Anna and that she was fine. I advised Wittenberg that I would contact Anna parents and advise them where she was so they could go pick her up. I also asked that Wittenberg notify the Glenwood PD so they could respond. Wittenberg said that he did not want to involve the police since it "was a small town". I thought that this was suspicious and asked Wittenberg how long Anna had been there. Wittenberg said that she had been there for about 2 hours and that he had gotten her something to eat.

I spoke to Anna on the phone,​ she said that she was fine and thought it was best to go home with her parents. She said that she felt safe where she was and agreed to stay at the hotel until her parents arrived. I immediately called Anna's father,​ Nick Olsen,​ and advised him of her location. Nick said that he would respond with his wife and pick her up.

At approx. 1530 hours I received a phone call from Nick who informed me that they had picked up Anna and she was fine. I told Nick that I would have Anna removed from NCIC.

At approx. 1745 hours I placed another call to Nick to confirm that they made it home. Nick stated that as they were on the way home,​ Anna told them that Wittenberg had actually picked her up last night and brought her to the hotel and got her a room. They turned around and made a report with the Glenwood PD feeling that this was not appropriate since Wittenberg knew of her runaway status and did not call law enforcement.

After speaking with Nick,​ I had Wright County Communications remove Anna from NCIC.

Deputy Fox will add Wittenberg and the Grand Stay Hotel and Suites to the report. Cpt. Sean Deringer # 215 Case WCSOP17012871 Wright County Sheriff's Dept. Page 5 of 5.

More to come . . .

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Alvord's Scathing Emails Toss Chief Public Defender Kristine Kolar Under The Bus & Toss A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged 07/24/2017 Jury Trial? Rigged Trial Canceled & Now A Rigged 08/16/2017 Contested Omnibus? FYI: Rigged Case E-filed 01/12/2016? FYI2: Original Contested Omnibus Held 02/16/2016?

Scathing email #1:

from:    Jesse Alvord
to:    Lion News ,,,,
date:    Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 12:40 AM
subject:    Illegally withheld evidence and Public Pretender Jeffrey Haberkorn aiding & abetting prosecution
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Kristine Kolar, Chief Public Defender:  Why is my public pretender Jeffrey Haberkorn aiding and abetting Aitkin County Attorney Jim Ratz in the illegal withholding of my criminal investigative data for my rigged case  01-CR-16-29? Why is my Public Pretender Jeffrey Haberkorn aiding and abetting Aitkin County Sheriff Scott Turner in the illegal withholding of my jail data? Haberkorn knows that I will be forced to plead guilty or be found guilty without my evidence and without my jail data, doesn’t he? That’s the same trick that you’re pulling on  Kelly Googleye 44-CR-16-478, isn’t it? Kelly’s jail data proves that he isn’t a child molester and mine proves that Deputy Bennett #225 falsified a police report about driving Judge Earl Maus's residence to get a search warrant, right?

Oh, and why is Kelly Googleye 44-CR-16-478 getting his court documents emailed to him in searchable pdf format by his public pretender Joyanna Mickels and I get paper documents snail mailed to me, huh? I certainly didn’t appreciate getting my discovery mailed to me so it arrived on the day of my previous scheduled trial date (11/01/2016 CANCELED Jury Trial).   And my worthless attorney Haberkorn  isn’t getting the work-related continuing education (Years: 2010-2017), existence and status of any complaints or charges, final disposition of any disciplinary action,  complete terms of any settlement agreement for Trooper Joseph Setnes Badge #494 & Sgt. Scott Zehr 5. Purchase agreement, invoice, repair and maintenance logs for Trooper Joseph Setnes Badge #494 squad and Watch Guard mobile video system. Years: 2010-2017 that I requested from District 2800 Captain Joe Dwyer way back in May, is he?

Nor has Haberkorn filed any motion for sanctions against Ratz for illegally withholding Trooper Joseph Setnes video from me. I’m still want deputy Jon Cline’s video. I want to see if all three videos have all three officers disabling the sound on their dash camera video, don’t I?  Apparently Haberkorn has no problem Ratz giving me Setnes’ dash camera video after my Omnibus and after my trial date has been set and canceled numerous times. Plus, I still haven’t received any transcripts for either one of the dash camera videos. Of course, if I had the transcripts then it would be perfectly obvious to everyone that Bennett lied about smelling “burnt marijuana” coming from my car. I can see why cameras and audio recording devices are banned in the Ninth judicial district. Anyone who saw a video what happened in my case would know that court and the public defender’s office is a huge joke.

Jesse Alvord

Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State of Minnesota vs JESSE JAMES ALVORD 07/18/2017 Settlement Conference  (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Hermerding,David F. ,) 07/24/2017 Jury Trial  (9:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Hermerding,David F. ,)

Lion News: Aitkin Co Jail Security Door Propped Open With Garbage Can Safety & Security Threat?
Lion News: Aitkin Co Attorney Ratz Withholds Evidence To Force Jesse Alvord To Plead Guilty?
Lion News: Public Defender Haberkorn Withholds Evidence To Force Jesse Alvord To Plead Guilty?
Lion News: Public Defender Haberkorn’s Malpractice Coerces Jesse Alvord Into Pleading Guilty?

It is the responsibility of your criminal defense attorney to gather any and all favorable evidence that tends to prove your innocence.  Thus, you need to make sure your criminal defense attorney holds prosecutors to their obligation to turn over ALL favorable evidence.  Effective criminal defense attorneys are proactive: a defense attorney must not hesitate to seek sanctions against a prosecutor whom fails to uphold their Brady obligation. Brady Obligations: Make Sure Your Lawyer Gets ALL of the Evidence! January 27, 2012 By Katie Riggs, - Ryan Pacyga, Criminal Defense Attorney - Minnesota Lawyer License No: 0321576

A party intending to introduce an electronically or digitally recorded statement* must, at the time the rules require disclosure of the statement, advise the opposing party of the format (audio or video tape, CD, DVD, etc.) in which the statement is preserved, and upon the request of the courtmust, prior to trial, timely prepare, serve and file a verbatim transcript of the recorded statement. Policy regarding transcripts or audio/video recordings - Adopted by the Ninth Judicial District Bench on August 24, 2007

On January 11th 2016, at approximately 0134 hrs, I, Deputy Bennett #225 was patroling Northbound on US State Highway 169 in Hazelton Township. ... I asked Aitkin dispatch to have Minnesota State Patrol Officer Joe Setnes #494 respond to my location. ...I spoke to Alvord about the odor I was detecting coming from the vehicle and questioned him further and asked if he had anything in the vehicle that he shouldn't. ... At approximately 0202 hrs, Deputy Jon Cline #204 arrived on scene and I requested he assist in searching the vehicle. ... I requested dispatch to contact Minnesota State Patrol and requested a Drug Recognition Expert (DNR) to be contacted. Minnesota State Patrol stated no one was available, or no one was responding to their calls. .... He indicated he wouldn't be doing a test without a warrant. I applied for a search warrant and drove to Judge Earl Maus's residence and had it signed. ... Alvord was transported to the Riverwood Hospital located in the city of Aitkin where a blood test was retrieved at approximately 0730 hrs. Primary Report by Keith Bennett, 01/11/16 19:28 Case Narrative for 16000119 (01/11/16 19:28)

PS. Also I've requested to get the records of all my previous court dates and hearings and I was denied and shouldn't have been. I was denied by the judge of my on goin case  because he said I'd have to go through my lawyer for that but I know that's not true because I have the right to have all that data. So the judge must be also just as crooked as them all I guess. They just keep trying to convict me even though they know I'm innocent and none of this should have went to court in the first place and needs to not go any further and Mr habberkorn knows this but don't care

Response to scathing #1:

from:    Jesse Alvord
to:    Lion News
date:    Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 9:23 AM
subject:    Fwd: Re: Illegally withheld evidence and Public Pretender Jeffrey Haberkorn aiding & abetting prosecution
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Good morning Mr Alvord.

Please be advised that I am unable to discuss anything about Kelly Goggleye's case with you.
With regard to your case, your email is unclear. Please provide me a numbered list, without commentary, of the items you are requesting. I will share that list with Mr Haberkorn. Please know that he will pursue any evidence he believes is necessary and relevant to your case. If there is information you wish to see that he deems is not relevant to your case, I would suggest that you pursue the information by filing your own  requests to the appropriate agency under the Freedom of Information Act.

Have a nice day.

Sent from my iPad
On Jul 16, 2017, at 11:30 PM, Jesse Alvord wrote:

Scathing email #2:

from:    Jesse Alvord
to:    kristine kolar,,,,,,
Lion News
date:    Mon, Jul 17, 2017 at 12:51 PM
subject:    Harassing response from Kolar over client email - Illegally withheld evidence and Public Pretender Jeffrey Haberkorn aiding & abetting prosecution
security:    Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Kristine Kolar, Chief Public Defender 218-308-2977:  I didn’t appreciate your insulting response to my desperate plea for help and my accurate description of your rigged court and your backstabbing public pretenders, did I? I didn’t, did I? Terry Nemmers has recorded numerous conferences calls of me speaking to managing attorney Gregory B, Davis, Jeffrey Haberkorn and his extremely rude secretary. So don’t tell me that neither you, Haberkorn nor managing attorney Gregory B, Davis have no idea what I have been asking for over the past 8+ months.

When did I ask you anything about the specifics of Kelly Bruce Goggleye’s case 44-CR-16-478? I asked you why Goggleye  is getting his readily available, searachable, pdf format case files emailed to him, didn’t I? Example: 07-07-17 State’s Response in Opposition to Defendant’s Motion to Supress & June 30, 2017 Memorandum in Support of Motion to Suppress DNA Sample of Defendant. And I asked why I am only getting paper copies, didn’t I?

And I want to know why my Supplemental Affidavits for Proceeding In Forma Pauperis for the requested transcripts for the hearings for my case was denied over the phone. It was in retaliation for informing the judicial selection committee that Haberkorn is stabbing me in the back over a case that should have been dismissed a year ago, isn’t it? Any why am I being forced to go to this joke settlement hearing tomorrow (07-17-17) and a joke trial on 07-24-17 when Haberkorn just sits their and allows to Aitkin County Attorney Ratz to illegally withhold my evidence from me, huh?

Jesse Alvord

from: Jesse Alvord

to: Kelly Goggleye
cc: Randy Kehr,, Lion News, Ibrahim Isaac,, Jason Brown, jason zimmerman,,,,, date: Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 6:00 PM
subject: Re: Will judge candidate Klossner be asked why his clients are having their property/case files/evidence illegally withheld from them in their criminal cases?

Publuc attorney mr. Haberkorn also refuses to get me my jail data also. He also refuses to get me the other dash cams from the two other officers that were there when i was pulled over and should have been let go for a fix it ticket. In stead sherrif Keith Bennet does an illegal search and even admits it basically and the judge witch is now retired approved the illeagle search and k eeting theses officers break the law when they are supose to up hold it. Haberkorn says it's normal and ok.  My case should have never even to court but now they set just trial for a case tg at shou of have been dropped over a year ago. Haberkorn have me some pictures of theses elledged drugs that I'm being charged with that were given to me on the day of trial this giving me no chance to prepare for trial that's rigged heck i almost took a plea from them because i was scared that id be found guilty and do alot prison time but I now refuse to plead to somthing that shouldn't have even went to court. Thanks to Terry Nemmers  i realized its best to just call theses guys out and m ake them pay gor thier illeagle actoins. I even fired Mr haberkorn not once but twice and they just give him back to me so that I never get all my evidence so then I'm. Not able to consult another attorney that i choose in sure.  Aitkin county judges and law enforcement are crooked and should be held accountable and have consequences for their illeagle actions.

Jesse James Alvord

Response to scathing #2:

Case No. 01-CR-16-29 State of Minnesota vs JESSE JAMES ALVORD 07/24/2017 CANCELED  Jury Trial  (9:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Hermerding,David F. ,) Other 08/16/2017 Contested Omnibus  (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Hermerding, David F. ,)

More to come . . .

Related links:

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