from: Lion News
date: Feb 7, 2022, 12:36 PM
subject: Is Stacy Schoon Being Coerced Into Pleading Guilty? Will Judicial Officer Judd Ask Schoon Specific Questions About Schoon's Complaint Against Public Defender Porter Prior To Take Her Guilty?
Ken Harty, Publisher 218-739-7019 & Zach Stich, Editor - Daily Journal 218-739-7030:
you attending the Zoom Sentencing hearing for Case No. 56-CR-20-926
State of Minnesota vs Stacy Joy Schoon? The Zoom instruction are below,
aren't they? Do you remember that complaint that I sent you that was
signed by Stacy Schoon against her backstabbing public defender Matthew
Porter? Did you ever contact Stacy and ask her if she was coerced into
dropping her complaint? Did you ever contact Seventh Judicial District
Court Administrator Debra Mueske to see if and when she ever responded
to Schoon's valid complaint? You remember don't you that Porters' bosses
were coming up with crazy excuses not to investigate Schoon's
complaint? Porter's bosses were claiming that they weren't sure if the
signature on Schoon's complaint was valid while at the same time not
contacting Schoon to verify the signature on the complaint, right? Did
you ask Mueske if she used the same crazy excuse to avoid investigating
Schoon's valid complaint? Did you know that Mueske never returned my
emails nor my phone calls? Sounds like a cover-up, doesn't it? Oh, did
you know that Schoon admitted to being a hoarder? Do you think that
Porter is using Schoon's condition to manipulate and coerce her into
pleading guilty? You remember that judicial officer Johnathan R Judd
aided and abetted Porter by not allowing Schoon to place her valid
complaint into the court record, don't you? If Judd was actually doing
his job and had a fair court, then he would make sure that he asked
Schoon specific questions about the allegations that she raised in her
complaint prior to her pleading guilty, right? Are you going to watch
Schoon's hearing to see that Judd asks Schoon if she has been coerced
into dropping her complaint against Porter or not? Hmm? Inquiring minds
want to know, don't they?
Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
SPJ Code of Ethics Seek Truth and Report It Ethical journalism should
be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in
gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Journalists should:
Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable.
Give voice to the voiceless.
Minnesota Judicial Branch Logo Minnesota Judicial Branch Minnesota Court Records Online (MCRO)
Case Details Case Number: 72-CR-20-85 Case Title: State of Minnesota vs JEREMY JAMES BOLES 08/10/2021 Correspondence 15 pages 07-09-21 Jeremy Boles signed complaint to First Judicial District Chief Judicial Officer Kathryn Messerich
Case Details Case Number: 19HA-CR-19-2768 Case Title: State of Minnesota vs Jessica Danielle Hartger 06/22/2021 Correspondence 8 pages 06-01-21 Jessica Hartger’s signed complaint to First Judicial District Chief Judicial Officer Kathryn Messerich
Case Details Case Number: 72-CR-20-85 Case Title: State of Minnesota vs JEREMY JAMES BOLES 08/10/2021 Correspondence 15 pages 07-09-21 Jeremy Boles signed complaint to First Judicial District Chief Judicial Officer Kathryn Messerich
Case Details Case Number: 19HA-CR-19-2768 Case Title: State of Minnesota vs Jessica Danielle Hartger 06/22/2021 Correspondence 8 pages 06-01-21 Jessica Hartger’s signed complaint to First Judicial District Chief Judicial Officer Kathryn Messerich
then explained to Stacy that I had a search warrant to search the
contents of her residence. Stacy stated that she is a hoarder and her
house is full of items. She stated that there was no room to stand near
the front door of the residence and that is why she met with me outside.
I did explain that we still would need to search her residence. At that
time, I requested assistance from other officers in the search. While
inside the residence, I provided Stacy Schoon a copy of the search
warrant. It appeared she reviewed the search warrant for several minutes
and stated that the items listed in the search warrant were or had been
at her residence. Upon being inside the residence, it was extremely
difficult to walk from one side of the room to another due to the amount
of hoarding that had taken place inside the residence. Involved
officers rummaging through extreme amount of debris, requested that
Stacy Schoon retrieve the items listed in the search warrant. There were
a number of items that were disposed of, mostly used or had been
consumed that we were not able to retrieve. As mentioned earlier, a
number of these items were consumables or grocery items. Stacy Schoon
stated that the prepaid Visa gift cards listed in the search warrant
were used for vehicle gas and groceries and there’s no balance
Card Fraud-609.821 subd 2 (1) COMPLAINANT: Stacy Ellen Wilde DEPUTY:
Detective Jon Karger #325
Filed in District
Court State of Minnesota 12/6/2021 State of Minnesota Otter Tail County
District Court Seventh Judicial District Court File Number: 56-CR-20-926
Case Type: Crim/Traf Mandatory Notice of Remote Zoom Hearing FILE COPY
State of Minnesota vs Stacy Joy Schoon You are notified this matter is
set for a remote hearing. This hearing will not be in person at the
courthouse. Hearing Information February 07, 2022 Plea Hearing 2:30 PM
The hearing will be held via Zoom and appearance shall be by video and
audio unless otherwise directed with Judicial Officer Johnathan R Judd,
Otter Tail County District Court. If you fail to appear a warrant may be
issued for your arrest. The Minnesota Judicial Branch uses strict
security controls for all remote technology when conducting remote
hearings. You must: • Notify the court if your address, email, or phone
number changes. • Be fully prepared for the remote hearing. If you have
exhibits you want the court to see, you must give them to the court
before the hearing. Visit
for more information and options for joining remote hearings, including
how to submit exhibits. • Contact the court at 218-560-7045 if you do
not have access to the internet, or are unable to connect by video and
audio. • If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer and would like to apply
for a court-appointed attorney before this appearance visit or scan the QR code to start the application. To join by internet: 1. Type
in your browser’s address bar. 2. Enter the Meeting ID and Meeting
Passcode (if asked): MNCIS-PAN-104 STATE Notice of Remote Zoom Hearing
4/21Meeting ID: 160 2905 5649 Passcode: 790939 3. Update your name by
clicking on your profile picture. If you are representing a party, add
your role to your name, for example, John Smith, Attorney for Defendant.
4. Click the Join Audio icon in the lower left-hand corner of your
screen. 5. Click Share Video. To join by telephone (if you are unable to
join by internet): Be sure you know how to mute your phone when you are
not speaking and unmute it again to speak. 1. Call Toll-Free:
1-833-568-8864 2. Enter the Meeting ID and Meeting Passcode: Meeting ID:
160 2905 5649 Passcode: 790939 Para obtener más información y conocer
las opciones para participar en audiencias remotas, incluido cómo enviar
pruebas, visite . Booqo
oo ka eego faahfaahin iyo siyaabaha aad uga qeybgeli karto
dacwad-dhageysi ah fogaan-arag, iyo sida aad u soo gudbineyso wixii
caddeymo ah. To receive an eReminder for future court dates via e-mail
or text, visit
or scan the QR code to enroll. Dated: December 6, 2021 cc: Kathryn A.
Ouren Otter Tail County Court Administrator 121 W. Junius Ave. Fergus
Falls MN 56537 218-560-7045 Matthew Spielman Matthew Calvin Porter
Mary Pat Maher Executive Assistant Minnesota Board on Judicial Standards 651- 296-3999:
it or isn't it a judicial officer's job to take advantage of people
with mental conditions in their court? Is that why Otter Tail County
Judicial Officer Johnathan R Judd willfully refused to allow Stacy
Schoon to file her complaint against her public defender Matthew Porter
into the Register of Actions for Case No. 56-CR-20-926 State of
Minnesota vs Stacy Joy Schoon? Judd is taking advantage of Schoon's
tendencies of indecisiveness, perfectionism, avoidance, procrastination,
isn't he? Judd knows or should know that Schoon proclaimed her
innocence in her complaint, right? So Judd should be asking a lot of
specific question of why Schoon suddenly wants to plead guilty,
shouldn't he?
Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
Hoarding disorder Overview Signs and symptoms may include: Excessively
acquiring items that are not needed or for which there's no space
Persistent difficulty throwing out or parting with your things,
regardless of actual value Feeling a need to save these items, and
being upset by the thought of discarding them Building up of clutter to
the point where rooms become unusable Having a tendency toward
indecisiveness, perfectionism, avoidance, procrastination, and problems
with planning and organizing. Risk factors include: Personality. Many
people who have hoarding disorder have a temperament that includes
indecisiveness. Family history. There is a strong association between
having a family member who has hoarding disorder and having the disorder
yourself. Stressful life events. Some people develop hoarding disorder
after experiencing a stressful life event that they had difficulty
coping with, such as the death of a loved one, divorce, eviction or
losing possessions in a fire.
Judge Johnathan Judd Otter Tail County Courthouse Seventh Judicial
District (218) 560-7045 Seventh Judicial District Judicial Officers
Judge Johnathan Judd Appointed/Elected: Appointed on Mar. 1, 2021, by
Governor Tim Walz. Current term expires Jan. 2023. Education: University
of North Dakota School of Law Political science and history degrees,
North Dakota State University Past Employment: Mayor City of Moorhead
Part-time contract, Minnesota Board of Public Defense Prosecutor, Clay
County Attorney’s office Private practice Assistant Public Defender,
Minnesota Board of Public Defense Director of Multicultural Affairs,
Concordia College Minnesota Department of Commerce Law clerk, Judge
Gerald J. Seibel, Morris, MN Professional and Community Activities:
Adjunct instructor, Criminal Justice Department, Minnesota State
University Moorhead Various City of Moorhead commissions and committees
Kathryn Ouren, Court Administrator 218-560-7045 & Debra Mueske, District Administrator 320-656-3650:
or isn't judicial officer Johnathan R. Judd going to ask Stacy Schoon
if she was coerced into dropping her complaint against her backstabbing
public defender Matthew Porter? Why isn't Schoon's complaint against
Porter in the Register of Actions for Schoon's case Case No.
56-CR-20-926 State of Minnesota vs Stacy Joy Schoon? Why are similar
complaints found in the First Judicial District Registers of Actions for
72-CR-20-85 Case Title: State of Minnesota vs JEREMY JAMES BOLES and
State of Minnesota vs Jessica Danielle Hartger but not for Stacy Schoon?
Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
Terry Dean, Nemmers 320-283-5713
Harassment and Retaliation Policy Statement It is the policy of the
Board of Public Defense that discrimination, harassment, and retaliation
in the workplace be prohibited. Discrimination or harassment based on
sex, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, age, veteran status,
marital status, sexual orientation, disability, or status with regard
to public assistance will not be tolerated. It is the responsibility of
Board of Public Defense employees to strive to create an environment
free of harassment, discrimination, and retaliation. All Board employees
are expected to treat other employees and the public with dignity, and
respect and to comply with this policy. ... 4. Retaliation Retaliation
includes, but is not limited to, intentionally engaging in any form of
intimidation, reprisal or harassment against an individual because he or
she made a complaint under this policy or assisted or participated in
any manner in an investigation, or process under this policy, regardless
of whether a claim of discrimination or harassment is substantiated; or
associated with a person or group of persons who are disabled or are of
a different race, color, creed, religion, sexual orientation or
national origin. Retaliation may occur whether or not there is a power
or authority differential between the individuals involved. State of
Minnesota Board of Public Defense General Office Policies –Revised May
More to come ...
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