Lion News: Nemmers Exposes Michael “Hack” Volpe’s & Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Smear Campaign?
from: Lion News
to: Michelle MacDonald,
Michael Volpe,
MacDonald for Justice,
Dede Evavold
date: Jun 13, 2019, 7:56 AM
subject: Lion News: Nemmers Exposes Michael “Hack” Volpe’s & Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Smear Campaign? Sandra Grazzini-Rucki And The World's Last Custody Trial Co-Authors MacDonald & "Hack" Volpe Sabotaging Evavold's High-Profile Case 19HA-CR-15-4227?
Michelle "Joke Attorney" MacDonald 651-222-4400 & Michael "The Hack" Volpe, 312-622-6546:
1. Why oh why are Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-authors MacDonald & Volpe trying to run a smear campaign on Terry Dean, Nemmers? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
2. Are Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-authors MacDonald & Volpe trying to run a smear campaign on Terry Dean, Nemmers because Nemmers has clear, precise and unquestionable proof that joke supreme court candidate Michelle "Joke Attorney" MacDonald was hiding in the car on July 18, 2016 when your so-called friend Deirdre "Dede" Elise Evavold, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's Minnesota Boyfriend Michael Rhedin and I confronted First Judicial District Court Administrator about Dede's missing evidence and use immunity? See attached 07-18-19 audio snippet and 07-18-19 letter from First Judicial District Chief Judicial Officer Terrence Conkel.
3. Isn't it true that the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-authors MacDonald & Volpe have created a malicious narrative designed to promote Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's high-profile criminal case no.19HA-CR-15-2669 while at the same time sabotaging co-defendant Deirdre "Dede" Elise Evavold's trial defense and attempts to get a new trial for Dede's high-profile criminal case no. 19HA-CR-15-4227?
4. Isn't it true that the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-authors MacDonald & Volpe didn't want Dede to get her high-profile criminal case no. 19HA-CR-15-4227 dismissed?
5. Isn't it true that the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-authors MacDonald & Volpe don't want Dede to get a new trial so Dede can get her conviction in her high-profile criminal case no. 19HA-CR-15-4227 overturned?
6. Why oh why don't the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-authors MacDonald & Volpe talk about how Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's attorney Stephen Grigby failing to file motions for sanctions in response to Dakota County Attorney James Backstrom illegally withholding evidence in the high-profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki criminal case no.19HA-CR-15-2669?
7. Why oh why don't the Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-authors MacDonald & Volpe talk about how Sandra Grazzini-Rucki's attorney Stephen Grigby failing to give client Sandra her case files prior to her high-profile trial? Didn't Grigsby want Sandra Grazzini-Rucki to be prepared for her the high-profile criminal case no.19HA-CR-15-2669?
7. Has joke supreme court candidate Michelle "Joke Attorney" MacDonald ever filed for Rule 9.03 Sanctions against any prosecutor in any criminal case? If so, then what are the criminal case numbers?
8. Is Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-author and so-called journalist Michael "The Hack" Volpe a member of the Society of Professional Journalists or not? Or is Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-author and so-called journalist Michael "The Hack" Volpe a member of a state Society of Professional Journalists? If so, then which organization?
9. When is Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial co-author and so-called journalist Michael "The Hack" Volpe going to do a retraction on his hit-piece entitled: "Illegal leaks of jail house conversations in Grazzini-Rucki divorce"? Five (5) minutes from never, right?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
10. Co-Defendant Deirdre Evavold received 12 times the evidence as Appellant. Signed July 10, 2017 by Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. Page 10. Appellants’ Reply Brief, Addendum. Case Number: A16-1997 Short Title: State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, Appellant. Uploaded by mikekvolpe [Note: Sandra had not one but two licensed attorneys on her criminal case. Evavold represented herself.]
Lion News: Evidence Chief Judge Conkel Aids & Abets In Trial By Ambush Of Dede Evavold?
Lion News: Poor Dede Throws Monkey Wrench Into High-Profile Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Case?
Lion News: Nemmers Exposes Michael “Hack” Volpe’s & Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Smear Campaign?
With use immunity, Dede and the Dahlen’s aren’t given immunity but the prosecutors promise not to use any of the testimony in their trials – at least not directly. Prosecutors don’t promise they won’t use the knowledge that they gleaned to better frame their questions and case. Gina Dahlen testified at Sandra’s trial that she’d helped dozens of abused children at her White Horse Ranch; Gina testified that the girls came of their own free will, that they could have left any time but they chose to stay fearing for their safety if forced back. She must have been a very strong witness for the defense because after her testimony Keena cancelled Dede’s testimony. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and the World's Last Custody Trial Paperback – October 7, 2016 by Michelle MacDonald (Author), Michael Volpe (Author), Page 95.
Illegal leaks of jail house conversations in Grazzini-Rucki divorce Have the leaks of jailhouse phone conversations and arrest documents been prejudicial to Sandra Grazzini? By Michael Volpe, Communities Digital News, LLC – June 6, 2017 WASHINGTON, June 6, 2017 – Osceola County Jail, Florida may be behind yet another alleged leak in the Rucki case. On Sunday, May 14, a blogger from Lion News, based in Minnesota published a police report which details conversations that Sandra Grazzini-Rucki had while in Osceola County Jail in Florida. ... Sandra Grazzini-Rucki not only denied the narrative was an accurate representation of the actual conversations but called the charges absurd since none of the people involved ever had anything more than a platonic relationship with her. Rgardless, having a relationship while divorcing falls short of criminal activity. ... The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or management of Communities Digital News. Illegal leaks of jail house conversations in Grazzini-Rucki divorce written by Michael Volpe Jun 6, 2017
OPINION 13: COPYING COSTS ByWilliam J. Wernz, DirectorMinnesota Office of Lawyers Professional ResponsibilityReprinted from Bench & Bar of Minnesota (August 1989) Subject to certain exceptions, the general views of Opinion 13 are that:1. File contents belong to the client and must be turned over to the client upon request
BE ACCOUNTABLE AND TRANSPARENTEthical journalism means taking responsibility for one's work and explaining one’s decisions to the public.Journalists should Explain ethical choices and processes to audiences. Encourage a civil dialogue with the public about journalistic practices, coverage and news content.uRespond quickly to questions about accuracy, clarity and fairness.uAcknowledge mistakes and correct them promptly and prominently. Explain corrections and clarifications carefully and clearly.uExpose unethical conduct in journalism, including within their organizations.uAbide by the same high standards they expect of others
Minnesota Court Rules CRIMINAL PROCEDURE Rule 9.03Regulation of Discovery Subd. 8.Sanctions. If a party fails to comply with a discovery rule or order, the court may, on notice and motion, order the party to permit the discovery, grant a continuance, or enter any order it deems just in the circumstances. Any person who willfully disobeys a court's discovery order may be held in contempt.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx 10. 20070 Auld Continued discussing extradition and PR plan. Michelle blowing up DeDe's phone to get money from Auld. Upset about Stripper calling Rhedin. ... 26. 28074 Auld Rediscusses Tribune article. Auld then tells Sam about LPD writing an article about Underground railroad for kids and how there is no such thing. Sam tells Auld about where Rhedin gets his info and how LPD has nothing on Sam to hold her. Auld then brings up the names Dale Nathan and Lori Mustoff? They continue to discuss how the case is being build up and how LPD has no evidence. Auld then tells Sam about Laura calling Rhedin and that Rhedin is questioning Laura about Sam and Aulds relathionship being more than friends. (It's clear that Rhedin does not know Auld and Sam are together.) Sam reminds Auld not to talk about this stuff as it is being recorded. Sam then tells Auld to tell Laura to quit talking to Rhedin and says that when she spoke to Rhedin "he gave no impression of anything." The two argue about whether Rhedin is truly out of Sams life. Auld tells Sam maybe she should call Rhedin with her one phone call when she gets back to MN. They continue to argue about issue. Call ends. ... 31. 36007 Auld Auld discusses how 20/20 wants to do a story. How messed up Michelle is and how everything is about Michelle. Auld tells Sam, "Hell, even the Marashals when they were trying to pit us against each other said that chick is a whacko." "Michelle is a glory hound." Auld tells Sam "DeDe got raided." They discuss how Minnesota used the Marshalls and confused Kidnapping for Depravation of Parental Rights. Auld and Sam discuss options for Sam to Run to if she is released. She refers Running to "her little brother's house. Lion News: Nemmers Exposes Michael “Hack” Volpe’s & Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Smear Campaign?
Attachments: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx, 071819_Chief-Judge_Conkel.pdf, 071819_Michelle_BJones.mp3
Michael “Hack” Volpe’s & Sandra Grazzini-Rucki’s Smear Campaign?
Illegal leaks of jail house conversations in Grazzini-Rucki divorce Have the leaks of jailhouse phone conversations and arrest documents been prejudicial to Sandra Grazzini? By Michael Volpe, Communities Digital News, LLC – June 6, 2017 WASHINGTON, June 6, 2017 – Osceola County Jail, Florida may be behind yet another alleged leak in the Rucki case. On Sunday, May 14, a blogger from Lion News, based in Minnesota published a police report which details conversations that Sandra Grazzini-Rucki had while in Osceola County Jail in Florida. ... Sandra Grazzini-Rucki not only denied the narrative was an accurate representation of the actual conversations but called the charges absurd since none of the people involved ever had anything more than a platonic relationship with her. Rgardless, having a relationship while divorcing falls short of criminal activity. ... The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the editors or management of Communities Digital News.

From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
1. Call # Call to Main Topics of discussion:
2. 2937 Auld Advised in jail- put money into phone bank account.
3. 2943 Auld Sam tells Auld to "Have DeDe get this out." Auld tells Sam "This gets someone 6 months closer to 18." Discussed warrant, #'s, Etc. Auld tells Sam he he will "Do whatever is necessary."
4. 15960 Evavold DeDe told to call Auld
5. 16346 Evavold Discussed who signed warrant, Told to open Sams facebook. Told username or password is "wonderyears".
DeDe told to have Jack change SoulMate status on F/B. Explains how arrest went down and the the Marshals were mislead by photo.
6. 16683 Auld Discussed how long she has been locked down. What the charges are now vs. when booked. Discussed extradition hearing and who signed the warrant. Code to Facebook. Sam Grazni-rucki wonderyears. Sam says "the Stripper called Michael", Samy tells Auld that extradition wont matter "because Sammy turns 18 in 6 months." Sam talks about not knowing whether the girls are alive or dead and Gino's Birthday in January. Auld discusses photo of CVS photo in truck and in the store.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
7. 18701 Auld Auld set up Video conference. Discussed Photo not matching Sam and that Auld was done talking to Agents about case. Sam talks about why it was a good idea to wave extradition. Auld discusses which judge actually signed the warrant. Sam asks Auld why he has an attorney now and he said because the marshals want him to tell them where the kids are at. Aubry appears to be
Aulds attorney.
8. 19000 Auld Discussed media and what to do if she goes back to MN.
Talks about MacDonald and how she keeps asking for money. Rediscussed CVS photo and how that is BS. Sam asking for AULD to get PR firm. Auld discusses call from Brandon Stahl (reporter?) Aulds attorney tells him to stay away from MN.
9. 19567 Auld Discussed extradition. Auld tells Sam that Agents should be leaving him alone. Michelle left Auld a voicemail about which jail to stay in. Keeps talking about PR plan. Sam discusses how kids sent a video to the Gov Dayton which was ignored and that Knutson was represented by Attny Gen. Auld tells Sam he got everything out of the timeshare.
10. 20070 Auld Continued discussing extradition and PR plan.
Michelle blowing up DeDe's phone to get money from Auld.
Upset about Stripper calling Rhedin.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
11. 20288 Auld Discussed emailing Auld from jail and how they were not sent out for some reason. Susan put on her website that Sandy was Captured. Sam states she tired of being asked where her kids are and wonders why Police aren’t aking David or Tammy Love. Talking about sentencing and the fact that David wants her in for life. Auld mentions somone by the name of Cub or
cuz ? contacting him
12. 20392 Auld Discussing what Jail in MN Sam will be placed. Tells Auld to call DeDe to find out where she will be. Discusses how Dakota County will mistreat her. Calls ends unexpectedly.
13. 20406 Auld Discussed shes being railroaded due only to a divorce. Auld tells her hes tired of dealing with the marshals, etc. / Call ends abrubtly.
14. 20423 Auld Auld explains how Sam may have been confused at CVS with other patron who was inside store while she was in drive thru. Call agains end unexpectedly.
15. 20440 Auld Sam talks about being locked up and living conditions, talks about money in jail and costs of calls. How calls work to and from the jail. Talk about funds for extra thermal underwear and such. Call ends abrubtly again.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
16. 20584 Auld
Discusses defense Grigsby representing her and Michelle. Talks about which Judge may get the case, Knutson. Discusses the fact this will be a State charge, not Fed. Talks about how Auld dealt with the Agents.
How much Auld loves her. Discusses how Feds are working withthe state and how courts are messed up. Who signed the warrant. Sam says she thinks it was
Messerick. Sam say Messerick is dirty as shit. Call is cutting out, ends.
17. 20708 Auld Call fails to connect.
18. 20748 Auld Confirms calls are being recorded. Talks about money for thermals and then call ends abrubtly.
19. 20819 Auld Discusses how Rhedin and Sam talked about all the various scenarios prior to Sam being arrested. Reminded Auld conversation is being recorded. Discusses again how they don't know where the kids are and that their answer won't change because they don’t know. Sam talks about various guards in MN. Names Kicksee as guard and former cop? Hennepin County guards? Talks about what jail she might go to, Dakota County, Scott County. Mentions she probably won't go to the system Rhedin is working at. Talks about how Auld will figure out where she is. Sam says all they need to do is shine a light on the corruption.
Talks about how Michelle is trying to get money out of them.
20. 21189 DeDe Tell Jack this is the last phone call Sam can make due to account balance on phone.
DeeDee confirms Sam has Michael's cell phone number. Sam not happy about Susan writing captured, but DeeDee is aware of it and explains Michael is getting all the police reports.
DeeDee explains Michael is aware of Jack.
Sam reminds her this is a recorded line. Sam breaks down about how much Jack loves her. DeeDee says she taked with Michale last night and "he said they have nothing to holdy ou on." Call ends.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
21. 25221 Rhedin Tells Rhedin call is recorded and that she is in his hous (jail) asks about hows his kids court went. Rhedin tells her he was in ER for high blood pressure, went to doc and got meds. Sam asks Rhedin if he knows where she is at in the jail (high security wing) and tells him that the warrant said she was dangerous. Rhedin goes off on how LPD served a warrant and that we
supposedly took $2500.00 without listing it on the receipt. Rhedin filed motion feels its BS. Sam tells Rhedin that Det. Dronen was the one who signed the complaint. Rhedin says "That mother fucker is going down, I'm done with that mother fucker he's a piece of shit." "He's a crooked fucking cop, he dirty, he's fucking dirty." Talk about Sam going to Ramsey County. Call ends. Rhedin is talking with another male in the background. Call ends.
22. 25457 Rhedin Sam warns Rhedin she was cut off by jail staff. Rhedin upset call ended and said fuck them. Sam tells Rhedin to keep it light. Discusses case venue then call ends. Rhedin very upset call was terminated.
23. 25967 Rhedin Sam tells Rhedin phone is recorded again. Explains lockup in Max and how it works and housing setup. Asks about court venue, Rhedin says Sam made front page of Tribune. Rhedin tells Sam Lt. Polinski was quoted about her not cooperating. Sam tells Rhedin about how arrest went down and that it was going to be a state issue not Fed. Rhedin continues to explain the
tribune article. Call Ends.. Rhedin is upset again at phone system.
24. 27584 Rhedin Sam asks about how she will be transported from FL to MN. Rhedin tells her it should be air.
Talk goes to about who is representing her and that Michelle is trying to represent her. Sam tells Rhedin she has only spoken with DeeDee, Rhedin and Jack. Sam wants Rhedin to keep an eye on her. Sam nervous about going to Dakota. Sam reminds Rhedin about two girls who were lost in North Caroloina and that she didn't want that happening to her??
Sam wants Rhedin to stay in contact with DeeDee and asks more questions about process. Sam tells Rhedin that "her friend" (Jack) was confronted by agents about using his truck. Sam talks about how she tried calling him at work and Schwartz wouldn't take the call. Sam asks more about the Tribune article.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
25. 27909 Auld Cryptic discussion about why Sam couldn't call Aude (they Monopolize us). ?? Sam then tells Auld about the phone conversation between her and Rhedin. Sam tells Auld that no one has asked her about the missing girls yet since being in custody. Sam tells Auld again "they monopolize us, you know what I'm saying." Auld, "yes...I know what your saying"
26. 28074 Auld Rediscusses Tribune article. Auld then tells Sam about LPD writing an article about Underground railroad for kids and how there is no such thing. Sam tells Auld about where Rhedin gets his info and how LPD has nothing on Sam to hold her. Auld then brings up the names Dale Nathan and Lori Mustoff? They continue to discuss how the case is being build up and how LPD
has no evidence.
Auld then tells Sam about Laura calling Rhedin and that Rhedin is questioning Laura about Sam and Aulds relathionship being more than friends.
(It's clear that Rhedin does not know Auld and Sam are together.) Sam reminds Auld not to talk about this stuff as it is being recorded.
Sam then tells Auld to tell Laura to quit talking to Rhedin and says that when she spoke to Rhedin "he gave no impression of anything." The two argue about whether Rhedin is truly out of Sams life. Auld tells Sam maybe she should call Rhedin with her one phone call when she gets back to MN. They continue to argue about issue. Call ends.
27. 28157 Auld
Argument continues about issue whether Rhedin knows about relationship with Auld. (Sam is upset that Auld appears to believe Laura and that he brought the issue up to begin with.)
Sam tells Auld that Rhedin is probably just drunk and that he has no credability.. Argument continues. Auld tells Sam "You need him on your side, Sam." Argument continues.. Sam says ""Is there no money to put in to the account? "You know what I'm reffering to." Sam tells her "There should be some, you what I'm saying?" (This conversation appears to be intermixed within the context of the phone calling balance to jail, but there is clearly an alter discussion occuring possibly about funding the girls) Sam repeats the question obout Auld having money but not for "you". "
You know what I'm referring to?" Sam says "having this on this recording is going to crucify me!"
28. 28268 Auld Sam tells Auld to have DeDe put money in the phone account so Sam can talk to her. Sam says we don't need more contacts here in Florida. The more people calling around is not a good thing. Its just giving them more access to people. She (Laura) will get her ass dragged into this. If thats what she wants, then keep it up." Auld then tells her the Marshals have already been to see
her twice. Sam responds, What? Conversation revolves around a friend of Aulds daughter who has put together news clippings of teh case and how it may benefit them to show David had abused the girls, etc. (This is a very good conversation that shows Aulds involvment in involvment.)
29. 28823 Auld Sam asks Auld about emails she has sent him. Auld decides to read his emails to Sam that she has not received. Sam breaks down. Auld assures her he is going to help. Auld asks Sam who Carie Lyons is. Sam tells Auld about how people are claiming to be on their side and how Sam does not know Carrie Lyons. They figure out they are talking about Carrie Schmidt Lyons, a coworker of Sam's. Auld confirms he is supporting Sam.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
30. 35880 Auld Auld tells Sam that Carrie contacted him via text and that she wanted to help Sam. Carrie deposited 50 into her jail account to call.
Auld then tells Sam he got a voicemail from Rhedin that he was sam's boyfriend and that he wanted to talk to to Auld. Sam tells Auld
"If we upset him (Rhedin) in any way, were screwed." Sam then tells Auld how the Tribune article uses teh word boyfriend but doesn't mention who the boyfriend was. Brandon Stahl took the photo from his facebook. Auld relays to Sam about more articles and how Auld is now mixed up in this. Auld tells sam, I helped you, I took you in. I took care of it." Auld tells Sam about how Carrie understands Sam's situation because she had been there and warns Auld not to come to MN.
31. 36007 Auld Auld discusses how 20/20 wants to do a story. How messed up Michelle is and how everything is about Michelle. Auld tells Sam,
"Hell, even the Marashals when they were trying to pit us against each other said that chick is a whacko." "Michelle is a glory hound." Auld tells Sam "DeDe got raided." They discuss how Minnesota used the Marshalls and confused Kidnapping for Depravation of Parental Rights. Auld and Sam discuss options for Sam to Run to
if she is released. She refers Running to "her little brother's house.
32. 36196 Auld They continue to discuss the mixup of kidnapping and depravation and so forth.
Coversation turns to the relationship between Rhedin and Auld and how Sam does not want Auld to talk to Rhedin.
They discuss the possibility of the phone calls from jail being used to pit Auld and Rhedin against each other and how LPD is just trying to cast a big net.
33. 39315 Auld Discuss how Marshalls are trying to pit Auld against Rhedin. Discusses cases of depravation of parrental rights. Not much more of value.
34. 39593 Auld Discuss the costs of jail, food, booking fees.. Discuss 20/20 arrangements and
how crazy Michelle is again.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
35. 39871 Rhedin
Sam immediatley tells Rhedin that calls are being used to pit each other against the other. Discusses DeDe warrant. Sam brings up Sun Current article. Sam tells Rhedin how Marshalls are pulling Aulds bank records, and talking with stripper, etc. They discuss how LPD did a warrant at Rhedin's and how Rhedin is coming at LPD. (Rhedin was at work, doing a transport of
prisoners) Sam asks Rhedin if he is keeping in touch with DeDE. Rhedin responds affirmativly.
36. 44506 Auld Sam relays discussion she had with Rhedin. (Downplayed)
37. 44980 Auld Sam tells Auld she is sick of this. They discuss the difference between charges yet again. Discuss calling Michelle again. Auld and Sam discuss using "codes" Sam later says "That’s why I wasn't reaching out to that leg of the spider." She says it a second time after they discuss Auld reaching out to friends. They discuss Davids abuse history.
38. 45123 Schmidt Lyons Sam warns Schmidt call is being recorded.
Sam asks Schmidt if she is surprised about the two of them being a couple. Schmidt tells of how she got locked out of a motel room and had to use Aulds room to get ready. Basic conversation about how the arrest went down and how Schmidt also talked to the same Marshal that Sam was arrested by.
39. 45320 Auld Sam tells Auld that "Michela took the bait." (Michela might be Rhedin?) Misc repeated conversations similar to above.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
40. 45488 MacDonald
41. 45639 MacDonald
42. 47371 DeDe Misc rehashing of her status and that Sam had spoken with Michelle. Sam explains Michelle was code talking last conversation. Sam is explaining the photo of the wrong girl in the CVS pharmacy again and then makes the statement "3 years ago when the girls were left" 43. 47691 DeDe Misc rehashing of arrest, DeDe discusses warrant that served and how she was
an Ass during the search.
44. 60852 MacDonald
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
45. 60981 MacDonald
46. 62075 Auld Sam reminds Auld that everything they say can be used against them, etc. Auld discusses phone calls between he and MacDonald and
how Rhedin texted him about their relationship. Other Misc non-evidence discussion.
47. 62974 Evavold Sam tells DeDe that she has spoken with MacDonald and what was discussed. DeDE tells Sam that Deanna has been introduced as a suspect because of their trip to California. They discuss how the police should investigate everyone, even in Canada and Mexico. MIsc non-evidence discussions.
48. 65728 Auld
Sam and Auld talk about having to explain their relationship to Rhedin and that now isn't the time to do it because Sam is in jail.
Sam doesn't want Auld to talk to Rhedin and then Sam states "this fucking conversation is going to nail me to the cross. Auld refers to a person called "The Kissing Bandit" leaving him a letter at his work. Sam reminds him again to stop discussing personal stuff on the recorded line. Misc conversation on entire issue.
Sam again asks Auld not to talk to Rhedin because all it will do is get him really twisted and "we will have a problem." Sam says "Lets say Jack-Jack will have a horrible effect and many mistakes could be made." "Jack Jack is already making too many mistakes" Call ends.
49. 66606 Auld Sam keeps reffering to "Jack-Jack" and how she does not want Auld talking to Rhedin. Sam tells Auld she could be held until LPD puts a case together.
They discuss how crazy is MacDonald is. Sam asks Auld to figure out the attorney situation, etc.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
50. 68777 Evavold Sam warns DeDe emails to her may be getting filtered. Continued discussion about how the charges are wrong.
Sam is upset about Rhedin talking to Auld. They discuss how Dick got out of a terroristic threats charge by giving Judge Ausphung $10,000.
51. 69734 Debbie ?? (macDonald law firm paralegal)
Sam tells whoever answered that MacDonald needs to put money in the phone account. Call ends abrubtly.
52. 74820 Auld Sam tells Auld about her conversation with Debbie. Discusses living conditions is jail. Auld discusses how he has had a discussion with the "Kissing Bandit." Auld mentions the name Angelo. They discuss how Rhedin is talking with Whitson and how Rhedin is embarrassed. Sam asks Jack if he has come up with any ideas and then tells him to call Cindy Dumas at Safe KIds
International and see if she will post it on hers.
53. 77034 Schmidt Lyons Sam tells Schmidt about Whitson getting involved in the case and how it is making her mad. Discusses bogus charges again. Sam tells her how messed up everything is with the case. Schmidt questions Sam about why she hadn't gone to the media more when her kids ran away
and Sam said she did. Call ends.
54. 77237 Schmidt Lyons Sam tells Schmidt how frustrated she is with everything. Continues complaining about her situation.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
55. 77513 MacDonald
56. 77726 MacDonald
57. 77995 MacDonald
58. 78831 MacDonald
59. 80758 Auld Sam tells Auld about her conversation with MacDonald. Explains how hold is dead-time and anticipated release date.
The fact 20/20 is going to do a story on the bigger issue, not her.
From: 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
60. 86511 Evavold They discuss attorney selection and then bring up Lt. Polinski as being one of the detectives that screwed over Rhedin in Elko. Discuss case issues with being ordered from state. Discuss how Dale Nathan is not credible.
61. 86737 Evavold Continue discussions about Dale Nathan. Sam continues to relay details of arrest in Florida.
Sam is trying to convince DeDe about her innocence. Sam tells DeDe that she has to warn Rhedin that Kim Whitson is playing both sides and not to talk to her anymore.
62. 87867 MacDonald
63. 88521 MacDonald
64. 89054 Auld
They discuss medical records and that Sam does not want MacDonald to have them. Auld and Sam discuss who Cindy Dumas is and how DeDe does not like it. Sam then states, "Cindy has been very good to me."
They discuss how Auld contacted Gloria Albright for help in taking the case. They discuss Red Herring website / blog.
Discuss how they don't want MacDonald to due teh 20/20 interview without Sam.
65. 89290 Auld Jail funding discussion. Auld brings up that he has spoken with Cindy Dumas at Safe Kids International and that their website has posted Sam's story. Auld asks about Deanna and Sam says "Deanna has gone to the dark side." Auld received a text message from Kim Whitman while the two were on the phone requesting him to provide his email. Sam does not want Auld to talk
to her anymore. Sam is also upset Angela is also still talking to Rhedin.
More to come . . .
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19, 2013 911 Call For Missing Gianna & Samantha Rucki? Nemmers Found
Out 911 Call Never Requested By Lakeville Police? FYI: Dede Evavold
Didn't Get Tammy's Love's Formal Statement (Preliminary Audio Statement)
Nor The Squad Audio/Video Either, Did She? She Didn't, Did She?
Obstruction Of Justice By Lakeville To Cover Up A Farce Investigation?