Sunday, May 26, 2019

Corrupt East Grand Forks Mayor Gander, Police Chief Michael Hedlund, City Attorney Ronald Galstad & City Administrator David Murphy Aiding & Abetting Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio By Covering Up Her Perjury? Harrasing Phone Call From Corrupt Murphy?

East Grand Forks Administrator Murphy Aiding & Abetting Perjurer Attorney Kim Picazio?

from: Lion News
date: Mar 14, 2019, 12:16 PM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - Timothy Holmseth Data

Ronald Galstad, City Attorney 218-773-9729, Michael Hedlund, Chief of Police (218) 773-2283, & David Murphy, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer (218) 773-2483:
Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. 13.82 Subd. 7. Criminal investigative data for Case No. 60-CR-11-2640 State of Minnesota vs TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH. Include any and all preliminary audio statement and corresponding transcripts, [Note: send all digital audio files in original DSS format.] CAD reports, police reports, emails, documents, digital images, Broward county police reports indicating Kim Picazio reported Timothy Charles Holmseth to proper authorities for allegedly making death threats to Kim Picazio.
2. 13.03 Subd. 12. Pleadings for Holmseth v. City of East Grand Forks et al Minnesota District Court Judge: Donovan W Frank Referred: Leo I Brisbois Case #: 0:14-cv-02970 Nature of Suit 440 Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights Cause 42:1983 Civil Rights Act Case Filed: Jul 22, 2014 Terminated: Jul 23, 2015
3. 13.03 Subd. 12. Pleadings for Holmseth v. City of Grand Forks/Grand Forks Police Department et al North Dakota District Court Judge: Alice R Senechal Case #: 3:16-cv-00303 Nature of Suit 899 Other Statutes - Administrative Procedure Act/Review or Appeal of Agency Decision Cause 28:1983 Civil Rights Case Filed: Aug 18, 2016 Terminated: Oct 03, 2016
4. 13.03 Subd. 12. Pleadings for Holmseth v. City of Grand Forks et al Minnesota District Court Judge: John R Tunheim Referred: Leo I Brisbois Case #: 0:16-cv-02496 Nature of Suit 440 Civil Rights - Other Civil Rights Cause 42:1983 Civil Rights Act Case Filed: Jul 25, 2016 Terminated: Aug 25, 2016
5. 13.03 Subd. 12. Pleadings for Kim Lowry Picazio Petitioner vs. Timothy Charles Holmseth Respondent Broward County Case Number: DVCE11005919. See below.
6. 13.03 Subd. 12. Pleadings for Case No. 60-CR-11-2640 State of Minnesota vs TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH 08/19/2014 Transcript Index # 2, 09/22/2014 Transcript Index # 4, 610/08/2014 Transcript Index # 7
7. 13.43 Personnel Data. Subd. 2. Public data (1) name; actual gross salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; State of Minnesota Code of Conduct – Executive Branch Supervisor and Certification; (7) work-related continuing education (Date of first hire until today's date) for City of East Grand Forks police personnel named in police reports for Case No. 60-CR-11-2640 State of Minnesota vs TIMOTHY CHARLES HOLMSETH
8. City of East Grand Forks City Attorney's Office Policy and Procedure Manual and City of East Grand Forks Police Department Policy and Procedure manual

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. Florida attorney Kim Picazio is a perjurer, isn't she?
P.S.S. Are you investigating Kim Picazio for filing false police reports against Timothy Charles Holmseth or not?
Kim Lowry Picazio Petitioner vs. Timothy Charles Holmseth Respondent Broward County Case Number: DVCE11005919 State Reporting Number: 062011DR005919AXDVCE Court Type: Family Case Type: Repeat Violence Incident Date: N/A Filing Date: 09/08/2011 Court Location: Central Courthouse Case Status: Reclosed Case Magistrate Id / Name: N/A Judge ID / Name: 59 Kaplan, Michael G. Event(s) & Document(s)Total: 55

05/14/2018 Notice of Hearing hrg 5/31/18 @ 1:30pm in RM 10138 1 05/14/2018 Notice of Appearance for the Petitioner 1
04/23/2018 Memo FROM STATE ATTY 1
04/17/2018 Notice of Filing State Attorney's Memo 2
03/21/2018 Petition by Affidavit for Ord to Show Cause for a Violation Party: Petitioner Picazio, Kim Lowry 267
03/21/2018 Certificate of Clerk Re: Affidavit of Violation 1 03/21/2018 Description Sheet Amended 3
08/24/2017 Writ of Bodily Attachment Amended 2
01/13/2012 Order Extending Injunction/RV Retd Srvd
01/10/12 Respondent 12/29/2011 Refund Payor: GALSTAD JENSEN MCCANN PA ; Userid: CTS-aharris ; Receipt: 20111YE1B006674; omments: COPIES CERTIFIED ; Amount: $11.50
12/29/2011 Letter From Ronald I. Galstad, City Attorney (Minnesota)
11/08/2011 Order Granting petitioner's motion to quash subpoena dt w/o depo to twitter, inc.
11/03/2011 Notice of Filing subpoena dt w/o depo to twitter, inc. from non-party william e staubs Party: Petitioner Picazio, Kim Lowry
11/01/2011 Writ of Bodily Attachment on Timothy Charles Holmseth
11/01/2011 Certified & True Copy Issued/BSO /Writ of Bodily Attachment
10/28/2011 Notice of Filing POLK COUNTY RETURN OF SERVICE
10/26/2011 Notice of Cancellation OF VIDEO DEPOSITION 10/25/2011 Motion to Quash SUBPOENA DUCES TECUM W/O DEPOSITITION TO TWITTER Party: Petitioner Picazio, Kim Lowry
10/21/2011 Comment: Volume #2 created - all pleadings dated starting with October 1, 2011 in Volume # 2
10/21/2011 Volume Created # 2
10/19/2011 Order non-party emer motion for protective order and to quash subpoena duces tecum-deferred to hrg 10/21/1 at 8:45a
10/19/2011 Emergency Motion (non-party) for protective order and to quash subpoena duces tecum for deposition
10/18/2011 Order on emer motion to appear by phone-denied
10/18/2011 Emergency Motion to appear by telephone Party: Respondent Holmseth, Timothy Charles
10/14/2011 Memo to DV from State Attorney
10/13/2011 Letter to Judge (rec'd by mail) Party: Respondent Holmseth, Timothy Charles
10/11/2011 Subpoena for Deposition Duces Tecum Returned Served 10/12/11
10/11/2011 Subpoena Issued By Attorney duces tecum for deposition
10/11/2011 Notice of Video Deposition 10/07/2011 Notice of Hearing Hrg 10/28/11 @ 9:15am Rm 870
10/07/2011 Order to Show Cause for contempt: Div 59: Hrg
10/28/11 @ 9:15am Rm 870
10/06/2011 Order to Show Cause Returned Served 9/20/11
09/30/2011 Petition by Affidavit for Ord to Show Cause for a Violation 09/28/2011 Order to Show Cause Div 59: Hrg 10/28/11 @ 9:15am Rm 870 09/28/2011 Certified Copy Mailed to Petitioner service for respondent-out of state
09/20/2011 Amended Order petition for injunction for protection against repeat (after notice)-the resp shall not make any dir ct or indirect reference about the petitioner on the internet or by use of electronic communication The resp shall remove all books, writings, videos,photos, recording and/or materials currently pu lished on the internet about the petitioner forthwith 09/20/2011 Notice of taking video depositions
09/19/2011 Order emer motion for continuance-denied
09/19/2011 Emergency Motion for continuance Party: Respondent Holmseth, Timothy Charles
09/19/2011 Served in Open Court By Clerk/Petitioner 09/19/2011 Service Package Mailed to Petitioner out of state
09/19/2011 Clerk's Certificate of Compliance-Final-BSO 09/16/2011 Summons Returned Served
9/13/11 09/15/2011 Comment: Subpoena Duces Tecum for Deposition William Eugene Staubs
09/14/2011 Affidavit of Violation of Injunction 09/14/2011 Proof of Service SERVED 9/9/2011 Party: Respondent Holmseth, Timothy Charles
09/08/2011 Clerk's Certificate of Compliance-Temporary Inj-BSO
09/08/2011 Service Package Given to Petitioner MN ADDRESS
09/08/2011 Temporary Injunction - Repeat Viol - Judge 59 HEARING
9/19/2011 @ 1:30 RM 870
09/08/2011 Description Sheet
09/08/2011 Affidavit of the Clerk
09/08/2011 Civil Cover Sheet
09/08/2011 Petition
09/08/2011 Notice of Related Cases
09/08/2011 Petitioner Waiver Repeat Violence

Kirsten Stromsodt, Executive Editor (701) 780-1104 & Emily Allen, Reporter (701) 780-1102:

Hey how would you like to do a front page story on how the City of East Grand Forks is maliciously prosecuting a conspiracy theorist named Timothy Charles Holmseth? Did you know that a Kim Picazio has made some wild and outrageous claims under oath that conspiracy theorist named Timothy Charles Holmseth has made death threats to her? Did you know that if you do a search for conspiracy theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth in the Broward court you do not find a single criminal case for conspiracy theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth? How is that possible if conspiracy theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth alleged made death threats to Kim Picazio? Hmm? Oh, did you know that Picazio tried to file some false police reports against conspiracy theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth's fellow conspiracy theorist buddy Sarah Westall?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

East Grand Forks City Administrator Dave Murphy said he is the only city official Holmseth is allowed to talk to. "Mr. Holmseth, in my opinion, wastes a lot of the city's time and energy in sending in Freedom of Information requests and calls," Murphy said, adding Holmseth uses a lot of the city's records to support "baseless accusations" against city officials and police. "Quite frankly, I find it disgusting because these are hard-working state officers," Murphy said. "To have someone baselessly accusing them of being child sex traffickers is sick." Q conspiracy a new version of old phenomenon By Emily Allen Grand Forks Herald and Forum Communications Company on Aug 19, 2018 at 7:00 a.m.

Officers conducting all criminal investigations will, whenever possible, record oral victim and witness statements in lieu of written statements. Statement evidence obtained during an initial investigation can be very powerful evidence in determining the course of an investigation; ultimately impacting charging decisions and convictions. Policy 325 Preliminary Investigation/Required Reports Duluth Police Department Policy Manual 325.4 REPORT DICTATION AND ROUTING Dictation: dictate and download the report in the digital dictation system. Paperwork is placed in the appropriate bin, organized as follows, from the top of the packet down: Policy 325 Duluth Police Department Policy Manual Preliminary Investigation/Required Reports

Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND....Kim admitted that she had a sexual affair with Regan when she was married. ... Lt. Hajicek called me back and stated that he had dealt with Timothy Holmseth and Kim Picazio for years. He further advised that if I were to pursue criminal charges, Ron Galstead, The East Grand Forks City attorney could assist if needed at 218-773-9729. Lt. Hajicek also stated that he and the city of East Grand Forks was sued over their arrest of Holmseth and the city won the lawsuit, but it cost the city $50,000. He also stated that Holmseth has further charges pending, but he is not incarcerated. INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 L Role Primary

On 4-16-2018, Sarah Westahl sent me an email with a link to the Affidavit from Polk County that contained the 2 recordings that are posted on her website. I down loaded a Portable Document File (PDF) of the affidavit to the case file. I again asked Westahl who provided the recordings to her and she told me to stop my investigation and to stop harassing her. At this point there is a question as to if the actual recordings are public information if they are contained as evidence of an affidavit in a court file. If the recordings are public information, is it a violation of any statute to post them on a website. SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 L Role Primary

Seek Truth and Report It Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information. Journalists should: Be vigilant and courageous about holding those with power accountable. Give voice to the voiceless. Society of Professional Journalists

from: Ron Galstad
to: Lion News
cc: "",
date: Mar 14, 2019, 2:28 PM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 Data Request - Timothy Holmseth Data
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important mainly because it was sent directly to you.

Dear Mr. Nemmers:

The City offices are currently closed due to weather however, I received your email and your voicemail per my email address. You will need to follow the City of East Grand Forks, Data Practices records requests procedure to obtain public information. I am not the responsible authority or its designee as referenced in Chapter 13.03 Subd. 3. Please make your request to David Murphy . Mr. Murphy is the City’s responsible authority. Thanks you.

Respectfully yours,

Ronald I. Galstad
411 Second Street N.W., Suite D
Box 386
East Grand Forks, MN 56721
(218) 773-9729

E-mail should not be used for urgent or sensitive issues.
E-mail is not guaranteed to be secure, private, or confidential.
E-mail may not be read every day.

This message originates from the law firm of GALSTAD, JENSEN & McCANN, P.A. The information transmitted in this e-mail and any attachment is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the intended recipients. This message may be or may contain privileged and confidential attorney-client communications. If you as the reader are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified you have received the communication in error and any retention, review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication or the information contained herein is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message from your system.

from: Lion News
to: Kirsten Stromsodt,,,,
David Murphy
date: Mar 15, 2019, 1:24 PM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - Timothy Holmseth Data

Ronald Galstad, City Attorney 218-773-9729, Michael Hedlund, Chief of Police (218) 773-2283, & David Murphy, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer (218) 773-2483:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:

1. Terry Dean, Nemmers' 03-15-19 phone conversation with East Grand Forks Rod Hajicek, Detective Lieutenant
2. East Grand Forks Rod Hajicek, Detective Lieutenant phone call to and voicemail from Inver Grove Heights Officer Patrick Sloan, Badge No. 3622

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713 Police Department Physical Address: 520 Demers Ave. East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Phone: (218) 773-1104 Fax: (218) 773-1108 Staff Name Title Email Phone Hedlund, Michael Chief of Police Email (218) 773-2283 Hajicek, Rod Detective Lieutenant Email (218) 773-2294 Hart, Tony Detective Email (218) 773-2285 Lodge Officers Patrick Sloan - 1st Vice President Inver Grove Heights Police Dept Phone: 651-253-8889

INCIDENT INFORMATION Charges/Citation: N/A Incident Type: Start Date: End Date: Reported Date: Other 2018-02-25 00:00 2018-02-25 00:00 2018-04-06 08:51 9716 Address: Benjamin Trail Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Location Description: Parties Involved: Westall, Sarah Katherine 1971-06-18 Suspect Rojas-cardona, Gabriel 1959-11-03 Mentioned Picazio, Kim Lowry 1969-01-08 ReportingPerson Regan, Jerimiah (no middle name) Refused / Unavailable Mentioned 1 more. Kim also stated that Lt. Hajicek with the East Grand Forks Police had her case against Holmseth. I called and left him a message regarding this case. Lt. Hajicek called me back and stated that he had dealt with Timothy Holmseth and Kim Picazio for years. He further advised that if I were to pursue criminal charges, Ron Galstead, The East Grand Forks City attorney could assist if needed at 218-773-9729. Lt. Hajicek also stated that he and the city of East Grand Forks was sued over their arrest of Holmseth and the city won the lawsuit, but it cost the city $50,000. He also stated that Holmseth has further charges pending, but he is not incarcerated. INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32

Kirsten Stromsodt, Executive Editor (701) 780-1104 & Emily Allen, Reporter (701) 780-1102:

You want to listen the 03-15-19 audio recording that I just made with East Grand Forks Detective Lieutenant Rod Hajicek? The Lt had an attitude, didn't he?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

No peace officer shall ridicule, mock, deride, taunt, belittle, willfully embarrass, humiliate, or shame any person to do anything reasonably calculated to incite a person to violence. Page 1 of 5 PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF PEACE OFFICERS MODEL POLICY Minnesota Statute 626.8457

from: David Murphy
to: ""
date: Mar 15, 2019, 8:44 AM
subject: Request for Information Form
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.

Mr. Nemmers,
I have been forwarded your request and have attached the Request for Information Form. Please utilize the form for any requests for documents.
Thank you.
David Murphy
East Grand Forks City Administrator

Attachment: Request for Information.pdf

from: Lion News
to: David Murphy>,
Kirsten Stromsodt,,,
date: Mar 15, 2019, 10:25 AM
subject: Re: Request for Information Form

Ronald Galstad, City Attorney 218-773-9729, Michael Hedlund, Chief of Police (218) 773-2283, & David Murphy, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer (218) 773-2483:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:
1. 13.43 Personnel Data. Subd. 2. Public data (1) name; actual gross salary; (2) job title and bargaining unit; job description; education and training background; and previous work experience; State of Minnesota Code of Conduct – Executive Branch Supervisor and Certification; (7) work-related continuing education (Date of first hire until today's date) for Ronald Galstad, City Attorney 218-773-9729, Michael Hedlund, Chief of Police (218) 773-2283, & David Murphy, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer (218) 773-2483.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

P.S. You're trying to provoke me to violence with your harassing emails, aren't you?
P.S.S. Since you use Zeurcher software you should be able to email me my readily available, free, electronic, public data today, right?
P.S.S.S. When did Kim Picazion file a Florida criminal complaint for wiretapping? Never, right?
P.S.S.S.S. Florida attorney Kim Picazio is a perjurer, isn't she?
Part 2: Set Parameters for Data Requests The Data Practices Act does not require that individuals make data requests in writing; however, DPO recommends that government entities make this their policy. If you decide to require written requests, you must include it in your Data Practices Policy (see Advisory Opinion 01-014). Right of Access to Government Data Data Practices Office developed a worksheet to help create the policies.Worksheet for Developing Data Practices Policies & Procedures
Opinion: Based on the facts and information provided, my opinion on the issue that X raised is as follows: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.05, subdivision 12, when an individual requests access to public data, it is not appropriate for the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) to ask a data requestor to identify him/herself and to justify the request. Signed: David F. Fisher Commissioner Dated: January 16, 2001 Advisory Opinion 01-014 January 16, 2001; Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry January 16, 2001 | Requests for data

13.05 DUTIES OF RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY. Subd. 12. Identification or justification. Unless specifically authorized by statute, government entities may not require persons to identify themselves, state a reason for, or justify a request to gain access to public government data. A person may be asked to provide certain identifying or clarifying information for the sole purpose of facilitating access to the data.
A response five weeks later is neither prompt nor reasonable. Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Advisory Opinion 95-042 October 31, 1995; Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning

Kirsten Stromsodt, Executive Editor (701) 780-1104 & Emily Allen, Reporter (701) 780-1102:

It looks like your corrupt Ronald Galstad, City Attorney 218-773-9729, corrupt Michael Hedlund, Chief of Police (218) 773-2283, & your corrupt David Murphy, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer (218) 773-2483 are trying to provoke to incident with me, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it? I have reason to suspect that corrupt Galstad, corrupt Hedlund, and your corrupt David Murphy are hoping to incite me to violence, haven't I? I have, haven't I? You know what I do when corrupt local officials try to cover up their willful refusal to comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Acts by trying to incite me to violence? I file a complaint, don't I?

Did you search the Broward court records ? You'll notice that no one was ever charged with wiretapping Kim Picazio, won't you? You will, won't you?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

13.09 PENALTIES. (a) Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data, as defined in section 13.055, subdivision 1, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee.

AMENDED AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL CITY OF EAST GRAND FORKS TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2018 – 5:00 PM CONSENT AGENDA: Items under the “Consent Agenda” will be adopted with one motion; however, council members may request individual items to be pulled from the consent agenda for discussion and action if they choose 3. Consider approving the Memorandum of Understanding between the City of East Grand Forks, the City of Crookston, and the Polk County Sheriff’s Department to acknowledge mutually agreeable terms for use, maintenance of the shared Zeurcher Record Management system, and authorize Chief Hedlund to sign on behalf of the City.

B. PRINCIPLE TWO Peace officers shall refrain from any conduct in an official capacity that detracts from the public’s faith in the integrity of the criminal justice system. c) Peace officers shall truthfully, completely, and impartially report, testify and present evidence, including exculpatory evidence, in all matters of an official nature. PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT OF PEACE OFFICERS MODEL POLICY MN STAT 626.8457

Kim Lowry Picazio Member in Good Standing Eligible to Practice Law in Florida Bar Number: 69541 Mail Address: Law Office of KIM L. PICAZIO, PA 100 SE 3rd Ave Ste 2024 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394-0002 United States Office: 954-467-5558 Cell: 954-467-5558 Fax: 954-467-0477 Email: Personal Bar URL:
A South Florida bounty hunter involved in the search for Haleigh Cummings was charged Friday with falsely imprisoning a man who was free on bail on a child-sex charge. ... Staubs is an associate of Kim Picazio, a South Florida attorney representing Crystal Sheffield. Sheffield’s daughter, 5-year-old Haleigh, has been missing since Feb. 10 when she vanished from her Satsuma home. Staubs was taken to the Putnam County jail. Bail was set at $5,000. ‘Cobra’ arrested; bounty hunter from Haleigh Cummings case charged with false imprisonment By Matt Coleman Posted May 22, 2009 at 3:07 PM

Attachments: 17000244_Incident_Report.pdf, Chapter 13 Data Request - Timothy Holmseth Data031419_228pm.pdf

from: Lion News
David Murphy,
Mike Hedlund,,,,,,,,
date: Mar 20, 2019, 10:59 AM
subject: Harassment Over Chapter 13 Data Request For Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Holmseth Data

Steve Gander, Mayor (218) 773-2987, Clarence Vetter, Ward 1 Council Member (218) 773-2867, Dale Helms, Ward 2 Council Member (701) 741-8084, Tim Riopelle, Ward 3 Council Member (218) 779-9770, Tim Johnson, Ward 4 Council Member (218) 773-8552, Mark Olstad, Ward 5 Council Member (218) 791-5122, Chad Grassel, At Large Council Member (218) 791-9393, Marc DeMers, At Large Council Member Phone: (701) 740-7000:

Why am I being continually harassed by your Ronald Galstad, City Attorney 218-773-9729, Michael Hedlund, Chief of Police (218) 773-2283, & David Murphy, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer (218) 773-2483 over data for conspiracy theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth? Is it because I have proof that your corrupt Galstad, your corrupt Hedlund, & your corrupt Murphy were trying to conspire with the City of Inver Grove Police to bring false criminal charges against Holmseth's conspiracy theorist buddy Sarah Westall? Is it because I have proof that your corrupt Galstad's, your corrupt Hedlund's, & your corrupt Murphy's star witness Florida attorney Kim Picazio made false statements to the Inver Grove Police department about Timothy Holmseth? Why would your corrupt Murphy call me up to harass me on the phone when I explicitly told Murphy to not call me if he was going to harass me over the phone? I want my Chapter 13 data emailed to me immediately!

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary This case was submitted to Dougherty and Molenda law firm for charging. Criminal charges were declined. SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Exception Cleared

Lt. Hajicek called me back and stated that he had dealt with Timothy Holmseth and Kim Picazio for years. He further advised that if I were to pursue criminal charges, Ron Galstead, The East Grand Forks City attorney could assist if needed at 218-773-9729. Lt. Hajicek also stated that he and the city of East Grand Forks was sued over their arrest of Holmseth and the city won the lawsuit, but it cost the city $50,000. He also stated that Holmseth has further charges pending, but he is not incarcerated. INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending

Kirsten Stromsodt, Executive Editor (701) 780-1104 & Emily Allen, Reporter (701) 780-1102:

Hey how would you like to listen to my audio recorded conversation with your corrupt East Grand Forks City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer David Murphy? You wouldn't believe the wild, outrageous and retarded things Murphy was harassing me over, would you? Did you know that Murrphy tired and failed to try to dupe me into thinking that he was calling me about clarifications on my data request? I seen that retard plan before, didn't I? I have reason to suspect your corrupt City Attorney Ronald Galstad handed Murphy the retarded harassment script that Murphy used on me, don't I? I do, don't I?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713 13.05 DUTIES OF RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY Subd. 12.Identification or justification. Unless specifically authorized by statute, government entities may not require persons to identify themselves, state a reason for, or justify a request to gain access to public government data. A person may be asked to provide certain identifying or clarifying information for the sole purpose of facilitating access to the data. Minnesota Court Rules PROFESSIONAL RULES Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 8.3Reporting Professional Misconduct (a) A lawyer who knows that another lawyer has committed a violation of the Rules of Professional Conduct that raises a substantial question as to that lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects, shall inform the appropriate professional authority. Minnesota Court Rules PROFESSIONAL RULES Minnesota Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 8.4Misconduct It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; (b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; (c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation; (d) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice; Your duty to report Posted Mar 6 2017 by Susan Humiston in Professional Responsibility with 0 Comments Imagine the following scenario: Counsel at a motion hearing is unusually discourteous, interrupting opposing counsel and talking over the court. The motion is argued, not particularly competently, and submitted. Following the hearing, counsel experiences what appears to be a serious medical emergency, and medical and bailiff personnel are called. Shortly thereafter, counsel and the court learn from court bailiffs that counsel registered almost four times the legal limit on a breathalyzer. What are the ethical issues presented by this scenario? MINNESOTA RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT Effective October 1, 2005, with amendments through July 1, 2018 RULE 8.4: MISCONDUCT It is professional misconduct for a lawyer to: (a) violate or attempt to violate the Rules of Professional Conduct, knowingly assist or induce another to do so, or do so through the acts of another; (b) commit a criminal act that reflects adversely on the lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness, or fitness as a lawyer in other respects; (c) engage in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation; (d) engage in conduct that is prejudicial to the administration of justice;

Ronald Galstad, City Attorney 218-773-9729, Michael Hedlund, Chief of Police (218) 773-2283, & David Murphy, City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer (218) 773-2483:

Chapter 13 data request: Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format from your respective offices pursuant to 13.03 Subd. 3(e) and Gen. Rules Prac. Rule 14:

1. East Grand Forks City Administrator/Clerk-Treasurer David Murphy's not one but two harassing phone calls to Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713 on 03-19-19 at 8:43am and again at 9:49am. By the way your East Grand Forks Detective Rod Lieutenant Hajicek informed me that all your East Grand Forks phone calls are recorded, didn't he?

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713 You are here: Home > Staff Directory Clarence Vetter City Council Title: Ward 1 Council Member Phone: (218) 773-2867 Clarence Vetter.jpg Term: January 2017 - December 2020 Address: 1024 Sherlock Circle SE East Grand Forks, MN 56721 You are here: Home > Staff Directory Dale Helms City Council Title: Ward 2 Council Member Phone: (701) 741-8084 Term: January 2019 - December 2022 Address: 613 2nd Ave NE East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Return to Staff Directory You are here: Home > Staff Directory Tim Riopelle City Council Title: Ward 3 Council Member Phone: (218) 779-9770 Tim Riopelle.jpg Term: January 2017 - December 2020 Address: 2131 Pioneer Ct NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Return to Staff Directory You are here: Home > Staff Directory Tim Johnson City Council Title: Ward 4 Council Member Phone: (218) 773-8552 Term: January 2019 - December 2022 Address: 704 10th St NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Return to Staff Directory You are here: Home > Staff Directory Mark Olstad City Council Title: Ward 5 Council Member Phone: (218) 791-5122 Mark Olstad.jpg Term: January 2017 - December 2020 Address: 1712 20th St NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Return to Staff Directory You are here: Home > Staff Directory Chad Grassel City Council Title: At Large Council Member Phone: (218) 791-9393 Chad Grassel.jpg Term: January 2017 - December 2020 Address: 2143 11th Ave NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Return to Staff Directory You are here: Home > Staff Directory Marc DeMers City Council Title: At Large Council Member Phone: (701) 740-7000 Marc DeMers.jpg Term: January 2015 - December 2018 Address: 1514 12th Ave SE East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Return to Staff Directory You are here: Home > Staff Directory Steve Gander City Council Title: Mayor Phone: (218) 773-2987 Steve Gander.jpg Term: January 2017 - December 2020 Address: 2223 8th St SE East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Return to Staff Directory

from: Lion News
to: Kirsten Stromsodt,
date: Mar 20, 2019, 11:02 AM
subject: Fwd: Harassment Over Chapter 13 Data Request For Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Holmseth Data

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lion News
Date: Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Harassment Over Chapter 13 Data Request For Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Holmseth Data
To: , David Murphy , Mike Hedlund , , , , , , , ,

from: David Murphy
to: Lion News,
Mike Hedlund,
Steve Gander,
date: Mar 20, 2019, 2:01 PM
subject: RE: Harassment Over Chapter 13 Data Request For Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Holmseth Data
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more

Mr. Nemmers,

I have spoken with my assistant after your phone call earlier this afternoon and based on your behavior during your call with my assistant and your behavior during your call with me yesterday, we will no longer answer your phone calls. Any communication with you from this point on will need to be via e-mail.

When you called my assistant earlier this afternoon, I was at the Police Department reviewing the case file. We do not have it in electronic form and it may need redacting. I am calculating the cost of copying the file and will provide the total cost to you once it is estimated. The costs for the information will need to be provided prior to the information being sent out.
Thank you.
David Murphy
East Grand Forks City Administrator

From: Lion News
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2019 11:00 AM
To:; David Murphy; Mike Hedlund;;;;;;; Steve Gander;
Subject: Harassment Over Chapter 13 Data Request For Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Holmseth Data

Steve Gander, Mayor (218) 773-2987, Clarence Vetter, Ward 1 Council Member (218) 773-2867, Dale Helms, Ward 2 Council Member (701) 741-8084, Tim Riopelle, Ward 3 Council Member (218) 779-9770, Tim Johnson, Ward 4 Council Member (218) 773-8552, Mark Olstad, Ward 5 Council Member (218) 791-5122, Chad Grassel, At Large Council Member (218) 791-9393, Marc DeMers, At Large Council Member Phone: (701) 740-7000:

More to come . . .

Related Links:

Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio’s Affair With Regan Exposed By Investigation Into Westall?

Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio Falsely Reporting Death Threats By Timothy Holmseth?

Lion New: Inver Grove Heights PD Withholds Recorded Line Data For Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio?

Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio Huffs & Puffs But Fails To Blow Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall's Audio Recordings Of Kim Picazio's & Jeremiah Regan's Affair Off Of Westall's Social Media Accounts? Picazio Magically & Mysteriously Intentionally Forgets To Provide East Grand Forks Detective Lieutenant Rod Hajicek Evidence That Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth Was Prosecuted & Convicted Of Making Death Threats To Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio?

UPDATE: AFTER A WEEK A VERY ANGRY LPPD BEGRUDGINGLY TOOK A FORMAL STATEMENT FROM NEMMERS, RIGHT? Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Turns On Her Buddies At Inver Grove Height Police Department (IGHPD)? Picazio Magically & Mysteriously Changes Story And Now Says That Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth Never Made Death Threats To Her? Picazio Accuses Her Cop Buddies At IGHPD Of Falsifying Report? Is That Because Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Can't Produce Any Proof That Conspiracy Theorist Holmseth Was Ever Prosecuted Or Convicted Of Making Death Threats? IGHPD Is Still Illegally Withholding Preliminary Audio Statements Of Picazio And Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall From Nemmers, Aren't They?

Update: Did You Hear That I Was Forced To Report Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio To Law Enforcement On 04-11-19? Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Reported To Florida Bar Association? Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Reported For SLAPP Suit Against Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth?

Why Is Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Filing False Police Reports With The Inver Grove Heights Police Department Against Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall? It's To Cover Up Picazio's Affair With Jeremiah Regan, Isn't It? It Is, Isn't It? Picazio Has Been Conspiring With The Corrupt East Grand Forks Police To Harass & Maliciously Prosecute Westall's Conspiracy Theorist Buddy Timothy Charles Holmseth For Years, Hasn't She? Picazio Maliciously SLAPPed Holmseth, Didn't She? (Note: Dede Evavold Is A Consumer Of Holmseth's Conspiracy Theories, Isn't She?)

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Police & Jail Procedure Expert Lichten Says Dakota County Personnel's Actions Were "Unreasonable, Unnecessary, And Below The Professional Standard Of Care Expected Of Professionally Trained, Reasonable" Staff? Lichten Says That Attorney Michelle "One Foot In The Shit" MacDonald Should Have Been Cited & Released But Not Jailed?

Context, okay?

Plaintiff Michelle MacDonald Shimota, Thomas G. Shimota v.s Defendant Bob Wegner, Christopher Melton, Dakota County, Daniel Fluegel, Fluegel Law Firm, P.A., Jane Does 1-10, John 1-10 Does, Jon Napper, Timothy Gonder

Retention: On November 25, 2016, I was retained by attorney Mr. Michael Padden on behalf of the plaintiffs. I was asked to review the documents and render expert opinions about the this case.  Primary opinions: Based on my understanding and my review of the listed materials, my primary opinions are:

Opinion #1: 
Deputy Gondor and Sergeant Melton had the capacity to issue a citation to the plaintiff instead of bringing her to jail where she spent the night.

Because there was sufficient information available to issue the plaintiff a citation and because there was also the likely ability to forgo the citation process entirely and simply seek a criminal charge via the filing of a police report, in all probability it was the intended aim of Deputy Gondor and Sergeant Melton to keep the plaintiff in custody.

Keeping the plaintiff in jail when she could have been released on a citation was unreasonable, unnecessary and below the profession standard of care expected of a professionally trained, reasonable deputy and sergeant.  Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 4-5 of 30

Context, okay?

Case Number: 19HA-CR-13-2934
Citation Number: 190000001505 190000001505
Defendant Info: MacDonald Shimota, Michelle  11/05/1961
Filed/Location/Judicial Officer: 09/13/2013 Dakota-Hastings - Criminal/Traffic/Petty Metzen, Leslie May
Type/Status: Crim/Traf Mandatory Closed
Charge(s): Contempt of Court - Willful Disobedience to Court Mandate, Obstruct Legal Process-Lawful Execution Legal Process
Disposition/Level of Sentence: Dismissed, Dismissed

Register of Actions
Case No. 19HA-CR-13-2934 State of Minnesota vs Michelle MacDonald Shimota

DISPOSITIONS 04/04/2014  Disposition (Judicial Officer: Metzen, Leslie May)
1. Contempt of Court - Willful Disobedience to Court Mandate Dismissed
2. Obstruct Legal Process-Lawful Execution Legal Process Dismissed

09/13/2013 Citation
Opinion #2:
Correctional Deputy Dillard and Corporal Byrd had the capability to issue a citation to the plaintiff instead of keeping her in jail.

Because there was sufficient information available to issue the plaintiff a citation in all probability it was the intended aim of the Correctional Deputy Dillard, Corporal Byrd, and possibly other jail staff to keep the plaintiff in custody.          

Keeping the plaintiff in jail when she could have been released on a citation was unreasonable, unnecessary and below the profession standard of care expected of a professionally trained, reasonable correctional deputies and corporal. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 5 of 30
Opinion #3:

Unless there are objective reasons why the plaintiff’s roll of toilet paper, mattress, and possibly her pillow were taken away; and unless there are objective reasons why the plaintiff was not given a blanket then the plaintiff’s treatment in jail would be unreasonable, unnecessary and below the     profession standard of care expected of a professionally trained, reasonable deputy. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 5 of 30
Opinion #4:

Since the plaintiff was photographed and fingerprinted and since her identity was known to the jail staff at intake, coupled with the act that the plaintiff was issued a booking number and Jacket ID number, there was no reason not to allow the plaintiff access to a telephone to called her lover ones and arrange bail or bond. 

Not allowing access to a telephone in this case was unreasonable, unnecessary and below the profession standard of care when a prisoner processes into a jail. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 5-6 of 30
Opinion #5:

Unless there are objective reasons why the plaintiff could not be released from the courtroom at the time the judge ordered her released, then bringing her back to the jail and keeping her in custody for hours before finally being released would be  unreasonable, unnecessary and below the profession standard of care expected of professionally trained,. reasonable deputies. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 6 of 30
Opinion #6:

If the Dakota County Jail must follow the United States Department of Justice Prison Rape Elimination Act, or what is commonly called PREA, then the jail is in violation of the PREA rules as there is no evidence the plaintiff was assessed or educated about PREA at her intake.  Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 6 of 30
Best practice for issuing a citation:

55. It is best practice that if the stated goal of reasonable deputies is to cite out the arrestee, then once professionally trained deputies obtain the minimally needed information to issue a citation rather than keep a citable person in jail, they would issue a citation.

56. Reasonable deputies know when the needed citation information is obtained is not always necessary to have the person to be cited answer questions and verbally concur with the information obtained by the reasonable deputy.

56.1 Reasonable deputies also know that if the person to be cited refuses to sign the citation, then reasonable deputies would have cause to keep the person in custody until the person can appear in court. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 21 of 30
The plaintiff is taken to and housed at the jail:
The plaintiff if positively identified, yet was still not released on a citation:

58. According to the report by Correctional Deputy S. Dillard, item 2, bates DC-42, the plaintiff was escorted to the jail at 1515 hours by Deputy Gonder.

59. The report showed the plaintiff’s name and date of birth was known before the plaintiff was fingerprinted.

59.1 This means that the identification of the plaintiff was known before she was taken to the jail. If that was the case, then the plaintiff ought to have been issued a citation and released at the courthouse and not taken to the jail in the first place.

60. According to this report, Deputy Gondor told Correctional Deputy S. Dillard that the plaintiff was “passive aggressive.”

61. This report states that once at the intake area of the jail the plaintiff refused to respond to questions and refused to give “proper identification.”

62. Correctional Deputy S. Dillard wrote in this report that, “Deputy Hoover #213 was able to obtain both index prints on the IBIS Machine to obtain a positive identification on MacDonald.” If that was the case, then the plaintiff ought to have been issued a citation and released immediately an not kept in jail.

63. The plaintiff contends she was not allowed the opportunity to be released on bond or bail. Since the identification of the plaintiff was known, there was no reason to not allow the plaintiff the opportunity to arrange bond or bail.

64. I know from my background and experience that keeping the plaintiff in jail when she could have and should have been cited out or allowed to arrange bail or bond, was unreasonable, unnecessary, and below the professional standard of care expected of a professionally trained, reasonable, correctional supervisor (Corporal Byrd was present during the intake process.)

65. The plaintiff’s property was taken from her at the jail which is standard procedure and her property was listed on a property form which is also standard procedure. What is important to note is that the plaintiff’s identification (name, DOB, and DL) is shown on this property form along with a booking number and jacket id number which indicates the plaintiff had been identified and booked at the jail. Item 13. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 21-22 of 30
The plaintiff was not allowed to make telephone calls until booked:

66. The report written by Deputy Dillard, item 2, states that Corporal Byrd told the plaintiff that she would not be able to make a telephone call until after she was booked. The plaintiff contends that since she was never booked, she was not permitted to make a telephone call.

67. Since plaintiff’s identity was known and since she was fingerprinted and photographed, and since the plaintiff had her booking number assigned to her (see the Inmate Property form, item 13) the plaintiff should have and could have been released on a citation, there was no justification not to allow her use of a telephone.

67.1 Once a prisoner is photographed and fingerprinted, once their identity is known, and once they have an official booing number assigned then based on my background and experience in booking prisoners, I know that reasonable deputies would have considered plaintiff booked for all intents and purposes.

67.2 Not allowing a newly arrived prisoner access to a telephone, especially if the identity of the person is known, as in this case, is below the standard of care of professional trained, reasonable correctional deputy.

68. Hypothetically, if a person is brought to jail and for whatever the reason refuses to speak or physically cannot speak and there is no way to ascertain the true identity of the person so the person is booked as a John/Jane Doe, does this mean this person is never allowed to use a telephone at anytime? Of course not. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 22-23 of 30
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA):

74. If the Dakota County Jail accepts federal funding, then the jail must follow the rules under the United States Department of Justice, Prison Rape Elimination Act or what is commonly called PREA. If the jail is mandated to follow PREA, then under section 115.33, Inmate Education, the plaintiff would have received information explaining the agency’s zero-tolerance policy abut sexual abuse, etc. at intake. In addition, the plaintiff would have been assessed at intake for risk of sexual assault under 115. 41.

74.1 If the jail must follow PREA, then they are in violation of the PREA rules as there is no evidence the plaintiff was assessed or educated about PREA. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 24 of 30
The plaintiff is returned to jail and later released:

75. The evidence show that on September 13, 2013, the  plaintiff was brought before Judge Tim Wermager who signed an order to have her released immediately. The plaintiff contends she was brought back to the jail and released hours later.

76. I know from my background and experience that in some case there are policies and procedures that require a prisoner to be released from the jail and not directly from the courthouse.

77. If the Sheriff’s Department has such policies and procedures, I request to see them. Unless there are objective reasons why the plaintiff could not be released from the courtroom, then keeping her in custody for hours before finally being released would be unreasonable, unnecessary, excessive, and below the professional standard of care expected of professionally trained, reasonable deputies. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 25 of 30
No Internal Affairs investigation or administrative investigation:

78. If the Dakota County Sheriff’s Department supervisors and managers failed to conduct an objective and thorough Internal Affairs or administrative investigation into any and all policy violations in this case then this tends to reflect a continuing pattern and practice of the Dakota County Sheriff’s Department to excuse the actions of the court deputies and sergeant, the jail staff and jail medical staff involved. The failure of the law enforcement agency to investigate those actions is a ratification of the involved personnel. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 25 of 30
The issue of retaliation:

79. The plaintiff contends she was retaliated against for her criticizing and filing a lawsuit against Judge Knutson.

79.1 I am not opining on this issue. The jury will decide if there was retaliation by not issuing the plaintiff a citation when it was possible to do so and thereby causing the plaintiff to spend the night in jail for a crime of taking a photograph of a deputy inside a courtroom.

80. In my expert opinion, the evidence in this case demonstrates that even though the plaintiff chose not to verbally state her name, name, date of birth, and address, etc. the defendants did have the information needed to issue the citation and release the plaintiff from custody. I’ve seen not evidence to justify keeping the plaintiff in jail since she was certainly citable.

80.1. Keep in mind, the defendants stated many time it was their objective to release the plaintiff on citation.

80.2. Because the plaintiff was not released on citation when she could have been, the stated objective of the defendants is inconsistent with their actions. Police and Jail Procedures, Inc. Richard Lichten, CLS MacDonald, et al, v. Dakota County, et all. Civil No. 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-JJK (Minnesota) Expert report by Richard Lichten, CLS, dated January 16, 2017. CASE 0:15-cv-01590-JRT-KMM Document 103-1 Filed 03/02/17 Page 24 of 30

More to come . . .

Related links:

Corrupt Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long Forced To Admit Samantha & Gianna Rucki Denied An Attorney? Detective Dronen & Detective Coughlin Magically & Mysteriously Couldn't Fall Back Onto Their Training?

What Happened When Nemmers Requested The Transcript Of Tammy Love's April 19, 2013 911 Call For Missing Gianna & Samantha Rucki? Nemmers Found Out 911 Call Never Requested By Lakeville Police? FYI: Dede Evavold Didn't Get Tammy's Love's Formal Statement (Preliminary Audio Statement) Nor The Squad Audio/Video Either, Did She? She Didn't, Did She? Obstruction Of Justice By Lakeville To Cover Up A Farce Investigation?

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Fort Lauderdale Florida Police Reports Filed By Celebrity Attorney Kim "The Perjurer" Picazio Make No Mention Of Death Threats By Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth, Do They? Picazio Screwed Up By Giving Nemmers A Copy Of ICR: 11-064252-PR, Didn't She? Fort Lauderdale PD Forced To Cough Up 11-064252-PR, Right?

Context, okay:

INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending

NARRATIVE I dispatched to call a female named Kim Picazio regarding a recording that was posted on a website. I called Kim and she began to tell me that a "conspiracy theorist" named Sarah Westall who lives at 9716 Benjamin Trail had posted a private conversation between her and a male named Jerimiah Regan. Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND. Kim had file an order for protection against Holmseth and he apparently had been arrested numerous times on violations of the order. Holmseth is apparently connected to Westall.

Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf

Florida celebrity attorney Kim "The Perjurer" Picazio forced to change her official statement?

Terry Nemmers: Okay, Kim ...
Kim Picazio: (unintelligble)
Terry Nemmers: Okay, here, here it is ...
Kim Picazio: I mean I think you missed the mark there.
Terry Nemmers: Kim ...
Kim Picazio: You could say a lot of other things about me but don’t say that.
Terry Nemmers: Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND.
Kim Picazio: I never said that.
Terry Nemmers: Well, did you record the conversation?
Kim Picazio: Get a tape.
Audio recording of Kim Picazio on 04-05-19 at 8:28 PM.

from: Lion News
date: Apr 2, 2019, 7:33 PM
subject: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry

Rick J. Maglione, Chief of Police (954) 828-5700:

Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry - Please email me any and all electronic computer police records/reports for a Picazio, Kim Lowry Gender: Female Race: White Height: 5'2" DOB: 01/08/1969. From 2009-2019.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

3. Electronic and computer records a. Electronic databases and files Information stored in a public agency’s computer “is as much a public record as a written page in a book or a tabulation in a file stored in a filing cabinet . . . .” 7 Thus, information such as electronic calendars, databases, and word processing files stored in agency computers, can all constitute public records because records made or received in the course of official business and intended to perpetuate, communicate or formalize knowledge of some type, fall within the scope of Ch. 119, F.S. 8 Accordingly, electronic public records are governed by the same rule as written documents and other public records—the records are subject to public inspection unless a statutory exemption exists which removes the records from disclosure. b. E-Mail E-mail messages made or received by agency officers and employees in connection with official business are public records and subject to disclosure in the absence of an exemption. 9 A Guide For Law Enforcement Agencies The Office of Attorney General Ashley Moody 2019 Edition$file/2019+Law+Enforcement+Guide+v6.pdf

Respondent continues to write manifestos and complaints to various authorities and individuals on a local, state, and federal level making outlandish and unfounded claims against me. No authorities have ever contacted me about the Respondent’s reports and complaints, as their content demonstrates his obvious paranoid delusions and obsession over me. … I have been in contact with Ms. Bondi’s office to inform them of Respondent’s history with me, his background and his clear instability. I have read every statement made in this affidavit and each statement is true and correct. I understand that the statements made in this affidavit are being made under penalty of perjury, punishable as provided in Section 837.02, Florida Statutes and that the punishment for knowingly making false statements includes fines and/or imprisonment. Petition by Affidavit for Order to Show Cause for a Violation of Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection Against ( ) Domestic Violence ( ) Repeat Violence ( ) Dating Violence ( ) Sexual Violence ( ) Stalking Kim Lowry Picazio Petitioner vs. Timothy Charles Holmseth Respondent. Broward County Case Number: DVCE11005919. Signed 3-21-18 by Kim. L. Picazio.

I have received numerous messages and calls from the respondent’s subscribers who threatened me, wish death upon me, tell me my “time is up”, encourage violence upon me, vow to have me imprisoned or hung, etc. One of his followers actually created a website and posted a cynical, malicious blog containing the details of what my son and his date wore to Prom, including the color of his cummerbund, and the type of flower he’s chosen for his date’s corsage. I have read every statement made in this affidavit and each statement is true and correct. I understand that the statements made in this affidavit are being made under penalty of perjury, punishable as provided in Section 837.02, Florida Statutes and that the punishment for knowingly making false statements includes fines and/or imprisonment. Petition by Affidavit for Order to Show Cause for a Violation of Final Judgment of Injunction for Protection Against ( ) Domestic Violence ( ) Repeat Violence ( ) Dating Violence ( ) Sexual Violence ( ) Stalking Kim Lowry Picazio Petitioner vs. Timothy Charles Holmseth Respondent. Broward County Case Number: DVCE11005919. Signed 3-21-18 by Kim. L. Picazio.

Fort Lauderdale Police Department Rick J. Maglione, Chief of Police 1300 W. Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312-1699 Contact: (954) 828-5700 Fax: (954) 828-6001 Email Address: Region Number: 13

from: Public Records
to: ""
cc: Rick Maglione,
Kim Rhodes
date: Apr 3, 2019, 7:52 AM
subject: RE: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important according to Google magic. 

Please see attached FLPD background check (dating back to 2000) for Kim Lowry Picazio and attached recent reports.
SJ/8494/Public Records

From: Kim Rhodes
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2019 8:32 AM
To: Public Records
Subject: Fwd: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry

Please handle
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
 From: Rick Maglione
 Date: April 2, 2019 at 9:07:06 PM EDT
 To: Kim Rhodes
 Subject: Fwd: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry

 Sent from my iPad
 Begin forwarded message:

3 Attachments: picazio.PDF, 341607107324.pdf, 341503048288.pdf
from: Lion News
to: Public Records
cc: Rick Maglione,
Kim Rhodes
date: Apr 3, 2019, 9:24 AM
subject: Re: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry

Rick J. Maglione, Chief of Police (954) 828-5700:

Thank you for the quick response. I am just wondering why the electronic data for 11-64252 Printed Name/CCN K. Hagerty #1519 Witness: Picazio, Kim Witness Staubs, William is missing.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

Attachment: FLL PD Offense Incident Report.pdf
from: Public Records
to: Lion News
date: Apr 3, 2019, 10:06 AM
subject: RE: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

I do not understand your request.
from: Lion News
to: Public Records,
Rick Maglione,
Kim Rhodes
date: Apr 3, 2019, 11:33 AM
subject: Re: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry

Rick J. Maglione, Chief of Police (954) 828-5700:

What part of my Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry - "Please email me any and all electronic computer police records/reports for a Picazio, Kim Lowry Gender: Female Race: White Height: 5'2" DOB: 01/08/1969. From 2009-2019" didn;t you understand? Apparently if I didn't have the public data "11-64252 Printed Name/CCN K. Hagerty #1519 Witness: Picazio, Kim Witness Staubs, William" then I would have never known that data ever existed. I expect to receive 11-64252 along with any other data that you might have magically and mysteriously "intentionally forgot" to give me.

Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713

I do not understand your request. from: Public Records to: Lion News date: Apr 3, 2019, 10:06 AM subject: RE: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry mailed-by: signed-by: any adjective \ ˈe-nē \ Definition of any (Entry 1 of 3) 1 : one or some indiscriminately of whatever kind: a : one or another taken at random Ask any man you meet. b : every —used to indicate one selected without restriction Any child would know that. all adjective \ ˈȯl \ Definition of all (Entry 1 of 5) 1a : the whole amount, quantity, or extent of needed all the courage they had sat up all night b : as much as possible spoke in all seriousness

from: Public Records
to: Lion News,
Public Records,
Rick Maglione,
Kim Rhodes
date: Apr 3, 2019, 12:48 PM
subject: RE: Open Records Request For Picazio, Kim Lowry
security: did not encrypt this message Learn more
: Important mainly because you often read messages with this label.

The 2011 report was an off-site report that wasn’t in our scan folder. It is attached with this response, along with the original FLPD background check on Picazio and the 2015 and 2016 FLPD reports, which were attached in an earlier email this morning. Sorry for any inconvenience.

SJ/8494/Public Records

4 Attachments: picazio-pr.PDF, 341607107324-pr.pdf, 341503048288-pr.pdf, 11-064252-pr.PDF

On the listed date and time, I made contact with Kim Picazio at her residence. Mrs. Picazio requested that her address be kept confidential. Mrs. Picazio advised that a You Tube video was posted online today and in that video a private phone conversation that she had was posted.

Mrs. Picazio advised that she is an attorney and was hired to represent the biological mother, Crystal Sheffield, of a missing Florida child, Haleigh Cummings. Mrs. Picazio took in the case pro bono and traveled to Putnam County in  2009 to assist with the investigation into the where-abouts of the missing child. As part of her services, Mrs. Picazio hired a private investigator to assist her, William Staubs.

Mrs. Picazio advised that during the course of the investigation, she witnessed several unprofessional acts committed by Staubs and subsequently fired him from her team. Mrs. Picazio detailed an incident in Putnam County where Staubs battered a suspect and illegally revoked his bond, According to Mrs. Picazio the entire incident was caught on film by CNN reporter Art Harris. When Mr. Harris refused to give the tapes to Staubs, Staubs began to threaten Mrs. Picazio. Due to the personal relationship that Mrs. Picazio had with Mr. Harris, Staubs believed that she could get the tapes from him. Staubs threatened to release inflammatory statements to media blogger, Timothy Holmseth, if Mrs. Picazio did not get the tapes for him. Mrs. Picazio showed me numerous emails documenting this. Due to this incident, Staubs lost his bail bonds license and Mrs Picazio advised her is currently under review for revocation of his private investigator’s license.

Picazio advised that Staubs was very upset with her and has been retaliating against her ever since. Mrs. Picazio even had a phone conversation with Staub’s girlfriend, Paula Andrews, to try to explain matters. It is this conversation between Mrs. Picazio and Ms. Andrews that was posted on You Tube today. Mrs. Picazio advised that she was taped against her will and without her knowledge. Mrs. Picazio played the You Tube clip for me and identified the voices on the recordings as those of William Staubs and Paula Andrews. Mrs. Picazio provided me with a printout (9 pages) of the You Tube website with today’s video. I have placed a copy of this print out into evidence.

The You Tube video was posted by a blogger named Timothy Holmseth. Mrs. Picazio advised that she has been harassed by Holmseth numerous times in the past 2 years since her involvement with the Haleigh Cummings case. Holmseth has posted 113 videos about the Haliegh Cummings case, approzimately 50 of which contain tape recorded conversations of Mrs. Picazio. Holmseth lives in Minnesota and due to wire tapping laws in that state, he has been able to continue taping various workers involved with the case without consequence.

Sgt. Herbert was notified of this incident as well as Det. C. Stone. Capt. Labandera was also notified of this incident and responded to the scene to assist. This case has been forwarded to the Criminal Investigations Division for follow-up. Page 5 of 5. OR#: 11-64252, Fort Lauderdale Police Department Offense Supplemental Report. Officer(s) Reporting K. Hagerty, I.D. Number(s) 1519, Unk: 3C103, Date of Incident: 6/5/11, Date of Report: 6/5/11. 11-064252-pr.pdf

More to come . . .

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