Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Corrupt Lakeville Police Chief Jeff Long Forced To Admit Samantha & Gianna Rucki Denied An Attorney? Detective Dronen & Detective Coughlin Magically & Mysteriously Couldn't Fall Back Onto Their Training?
What was the name of the attorney that was provided to Samantha & Gianna Rucki on November 18, 2015?
Attorney information is not obtained or documented. from: Tangen, Michelle mtangen@lakevillemn.gov to: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com date: Apr 29, 2019, 4:35 PM subject: LPD Data Request mailed-by: lakevillemn.gov signed-by: lakevilleminnesota.onmicrosoft.com security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
NARRATIVE/ELEMENTS: On 11/18/15, I went to the Grant County Sheriff’s Office in Elbow Lake, MN, and met with Sheriff Dwight Walvatne and Sgt. John Cooks... We arrived at 20916 140 th St and were met by Doug Dahlen just outside the residence. Sheriff Walvatne and Sgt. Cooks advised him of who we were and that we wanted to ask him some questions. I advised Doug that Inspector Moran and I were investigating a case involving two missing girls that we believed may have been brought to the ranch a few years earlier due to a contentious divorce process. At that time Doug advised us that the girls were in the house. I asked Doug how they got here, and he stated that their mother had brought them there a few years earlier. I asked him when he had last heard from their mother, and he had told me that it was over a year ago. He invited us inside and called Samantha and Gianna down from the upstairs bedroom. Samantha and Gianna came down, and immediately told us that they would not go back to their father. We told them that our first concern was their safety. I did ask them about the last time that they had heard from their mother, and they told me that they would not say anything without a lawyer. I asked Inspector Moran to stay with them, and I stepped outside to contact Lt. Polinski. I advised him that we had Samantha and Gianna, and asked him to start making calls to determine where they should be brought. I also contacted Detective Helmueller and advised them that we had the girls and asked them to respond to the scene as well. Upon their arrival, I asked Detective Coughlin to stay with the girls, as Doug had advised me that Samantha had issues with males. LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE/INCIDENT NUMBER 13001278 SUPPLEMENT REPORT OFFICER CURRENT DATE J. Dronen 4816 FORWARD TO NCIC PC DETAIN INV ASSIGNED SENT TO FORFEITURE APP SPVR DISPOSITION 713B 4806 CURRENT TIME 112115 CSU: ON SCENE DCSS CROSS REPORT JUV REF RECORD STATUS Pending County Attorney DATE PROCESSED 11/23/15 1020 EVID SUBMITTED MED REL ENTERED BY ST
NARRATIVE/ELEMENTS: On 11-18-15 I assisted Detective Dronen in executing a search warrant at the White Horse Ranch in Herman, MN. Detective Dronen first made contact at the White Horse Ranch with the US Marshall and once the girls were found, he notified us immediately. I had been waiting in the area and then responded to the White Horse Ranch. I sat with Samantha and Gianna Rucki while plans were being made to bring them back to Dakota County. Samantha and Gianna were very quiet however talked about the White Horse Ranch and their responsibilities there. While I sat at the kitchen counter with them Doug Dahlen made a comment to the girls that they knew they were going to have to face this sooner or later. The girls told me that they have been keeping up on their studies with home school materials. I asked them how the annual picnic was for the White Horse Ranch held back in September and they said they were in the house the entire time. The girls told me that they went to church a couple times when they first got to the White Horse Ranch but then Gina and Doug began having church at home. Both girls made it very clear to me that if they were forced to go with their dad, they would run again. The girls told me they had bad experiences with the therapist they were mandated to see before they ran. They also told me the guardian ad litem was never concerned about their thoughts or feelings. They said the guardian ad litem asked them questions about where their mom was hiding her money and wanted to know if she was putting the money overseas. The girls stated no one ever listened to them. Once plans were made for Samantha and Gianna’s return, Detective Dronen and I drove them to the Lakeville Police Department. Then with the help of the Jacob Wetterling Foundation, arrangements were made for Samantha and Gianna to be medically examined at Fairview Riverside Children’s Hospital. I then transported them to the hospital and stayed with them until rooms were made available for them. Samantha and Gianna were found to be in good health. On 11-20-15 at approximately 1130 hours I responded to Fairview Riverside Children’s Hospital to bring Samantha and Gianna to a foster home. After speaking with Social Services, it was determined that a foster care home would be best for their placement at this time. A foster home was found that had horses and other animals to help make the transition easier. I placed the girls on a 72 hour police and health welfare hold. We met Social Worker Paula Pletsch at the foster home. Paula spoke with the girls for a bit and their main concern was they did not want to be with their dad. Status: Arrest.LAKEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT CASE/INCIDENT NUMBER 13001278 SUPPLEMENT REPORT OFFICER CURRENT DATE K. Coughlin #4812 FORWARD TO NCIC PC DETAIN INV ASSIGNED SENT TO County Attorney FORFEITURE APP SPVR DISPOSITION 713B 112315 CURRENT TIME CSU: ON SCENE DCSS CROSS REPORT JUV REF RECORD STATUS Pending DATE PROCESSED 11/23/15 0930 EVID SUBMITTED MED REL ENTERED BY ST
Lakeville Police Department Training Log:
ID Number 4816; Name of Law Enforcement Officer: Dronen, James; Agency: Lakeville Police Department; Rank: Detective, Date Hired: 8/23/2004; Class Dates: 10/22/2008 10/23/2008; Date Attended: 10/22/2008; Course Or Subject Title: Reid Interview/Interrogation; Training Number Category: 164 Police; Location: Minnetonka; Instructor: Reid; Training Hours: 16.00. L.E.A. Data Technologies Training Database 3/11/2019 10:46:36AM.
Lakeville Police Department Training Log:
ID Number 4812; Name of Law Enforcement Officer: Coughlin, Kelli; Agency: Lakeville Police Department; Rank: Officer, Date Hired: 9/14/1998; Class Dates: 4/16/2009; Date Attended: 4/16/2009; Course Or Subject Title: Statements and Confessions; Training Number Category: 206 Police; Location: Northern Service Center (Dakota County); Instructor: Dakota County Attorney’s Office; Training Hours: 3.00. L.E.A. Data Technologies Training Database 3/11/2019 10:47:32AM.
When corrupt cops intentionally forget to fall back onto their training, right?
ICR: 17003195 – MN0610000, Supplemental Report, Title: DLS statement, Date: 08-11-2017, Q: Deputy Bryan Klassen, A: Dean Lee Swerman.
Q: Okay. All right, so Dean, like I told you since we’re sitting a, sitting in here, you’re in handcuff, um, you’re not free to leave, a this is being recorded. You have the right to talk to an attorney and have him present with you while you’re being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you without cost before any questioning if you wish. You can decide at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any statements. You can decided at any time to exercise these rights and not answer any questions or make any statement. Do you understand that?
A: Mhh
Q: Is that a yes?
A: Yes. ...
Q: So this is the only phone that you would communicate with? Okay. Is there a password on the phone?
A: Yes.
Q: Okay. Can I have that?
A: No.
Q: No?
A: Not till I talk to my attorney.
Q: Okay.
A: A attorney.
Q: Okay. So here’s what I would like to do. Um. I need to, oh there it is. Okay. I’m going to place it in airport mode is what I did, just so you’re aware of that. Um, and then I’m going to turn it off so it doesn’t ring. So this is gonna end up staying with me. Okay? Just so you’re aware of that. Um, we’ll be drafting a search warrant for it so the I asked you for the password is then we don’t have to destroy the cell phone to get the data off of it. Otherwise we gotta, in no less terms, or no better terms, break it in order to get the card out of there to need to do that. A: Well can I have an attorney in here right now?
Q: I, it’s Friday night so more than likely not. Um, so that’s where that’s at. Um, ...
Q: Do you want to give me the password?
A; Yea, just open it up.
Q: You understand you have the right to refuse that, right?
A: Well, I’m not getting an attorney anyways so.
Recross-Examination by Bruce Rivers – The Witness (Deputy Bryan Klassen):
Q: What is your training and experience when somebody asks for a lawyer? What are you supposed to do as an officer?
A: Stop questioning.
Q: And did you do that in this case?
A: No.
Mr. Rivers: Nothing further.
Omnibus Hearing, May 22, 2018, Case No. 61-CR-17-301 State of Minnesota
vs Dean Lee Swerman
Sometimes police ignore the Miranda requirements altogether. They may simply tell the suspect to sign the waiver form as if he had no choice, perhaps without even reading the rights. Or if a suspect asks for an attorney, they may try to talk him out of one. One suspect recalled, “When he told me I could have a lawyer present, he advised me against it because all a lawyer would do is drag things out and tell me not to do or say things that would prove my innocence” (Statement of Kevin Mohr, 1999: 2). Other suspects who requested an attorney have reported being told that they could not have an attorney during questioning but would be provided one at trial. In some instances, detectives have flippantly handed the suspect a phone or phone book when requested, implying that he could only get one only if he already knew one to call. Richard A. Leo, Police Interrogation and American Justice, (Cambridge: 2008), Page 132.
Truancy (Children age 12 and over) Stearns County Attorney Janelle P. Kendall
INFORMATION AND FORMS FOR SCHOOLS A Message from Stearns County Attorney Janelle Kendall
School attendance is mandatory in the State of Minnesota for good reason -- children cannot achieve success without the benefits of education.
School Attendance Is The Law
A student between the ages of 12 and 16 is considered truant if he or she is absent without legal excuse for three or more full or partial school days. Children ages 16 and 17 cannot independently “drop out” of school but can lawfully withdraw from school with their parents’ permission. The law mandates that parents compel their children to attend school. There are potential criminal penalties if a parent fails to do so.
If a student misses school for a full or partial day for legitimate reasons, a parent or guardian must notify the school.
Examples of unexcused absences include:
Missing the bus
Cold weather
Need to sleep for work
Consequences to Parents for Educational Neglect:
A child in Need of Protection or Services (CHIPS) petition may be filed in Juvenile Court. The parents will be named on the petition; proceedings will be open to the public.
A child can be placed on house arrest and subject to Electronic Home Monitoring EHM) which means the child cannot leave the residence unless at school or with a parent.
A child can be assigned community work service hours.
A child may be removed from home and placed in a shelter care, foster care, or shot term residential facility. Parents/guardians can be required to pay a fee for placement.
A child may be ordered to attend family or individual counseling and may be required to participate in a chemical use assessment and to follow recommendations. The Court can also order random drug or alcohol testing.
Child can be fined up to $100.00.
Parents/guardians can be required to compel the child's attendance and deliver the child to school at the beginning of each school day for a period of time specified by the Court.
The Court may revoke or delay all driving privileges up until a student's 18th birthday.
Both a child and a parent/guardian can be found in civil contempt of court for knowingly violating a juvenile court order. The purpose of civil contempt is to coerce compliance and can result in a fine and/or incarceration.
Will my child have a police record if I file a runaway report?
Most police departments keep juvenile records listing all contacts with a particular child, including reports that a child has run away. Under most circumstances, runaway reports are confidential and cannot be shared with the public. Therefore, reporting your child as a runaway will not affect your child’s future employment, college, or military plans. Runaway records may be released to other police agencies, the courts, or county social service agencies. Under most circumstances, a police department’s records of runaway reports will be destroyed when the child turns 19 years. ...
Can police take my child into custody for being on the street and not in school?
Police officers are responsible to enforce the truancy laws when school is in session. If police pick up your child, they will issue a truancy citation and then return them to their school. Each individual school monitors their students’ truancy data.
Answers to Questions Frequently Asked by Adults Concerned About Adolescents Behavior Answers to Questions Frequently Asked by Adults Concerned About Adolescents Behavior Revised May 2012 Materials developed by:Saint Paul Police Department, Juvenile Division—Missing Persons Unit (651-266-5612)University of Minnesota Medical Center—Fairview Adolescent Chemical Dependency Comprehensive Assessment Program (612-672-6600)
"So if you were lying to me about that, what else might you be lying to me about?" Elizabeth Vargas' ABC “20/20” interview with Sandra Grazzini-Rucki
Don't forget, okay?
7:45pm Lori Muslof: Your lies will never work! You can’t create evidence that doesn’t exist! Sam once told me that you were just a drunk. I happen to believe that now!
8:00pm Dede Evavold: Well, I take credit where credit’s due! I happen to be an excellent drinker!
8:00pm Lori Muslof: Remember the night you called Sam when she was here??? Totally drunk and freaking out???? That’s the night she told me you had a bad issue with alcohol! You’re a drunk Dede! We’re you drunk when you recorded the girls? Maybe that’s why it’s fuzzy to you! Ha. Were* Sent from Messenger 10-23-15. 13001278 Dede's Emails Nov 2015 Emails.pdf
More to come . . .
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What Happened When Nemmers Requested The Transcript Of Tammy Love's April 19, 2013 911 Call For Missing Gianna & Samantha Rucki? Nemmers Found Out 911 Call Never Requested By Lakeville Police? FYI: Dede Evavold Didn't Get Tammy's Love's Formal Statement (Preliminary Audio Statement) Nor The Squad Audio/Video Either, Did She? She Didn't, Did She? Obstruction Of Justice By Lakeville To Cover Up A Farce Investigation?
Friday, April 26, 2019
Perjurer Charlie Waters ... AKA Constitutional Crank ... AKA Conservative Copwatch Loses Loony Appeal No. 17-3827? You Can't Fix Stupid, Can You? Waters Still Too Busy Waving Constitutional Handbook To Bother To Get Missing Evidence, Right? Waters Not Smart Enough To Know How Stupid He Is, Right?
On March 27, 2016, Appellants visited a Menards store in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, to exchange a saw Mr. Waters had previously purchased for a new saw he had purchased online. Mr. Waters video-recorded their visit through a sunglass camera clipped to his shirt. 2 (He later posted excerpts of this video on his YouTube channel. See Dist. Ct. Dkt. 16-1.) An employee inside the store directed Appellants to the online pickup location inside the Menards lumberyard. Mr. Waters drove into the lumberyard with Mrs. Waters in the passenger seat. While it is undisputed that Menards had posted signs at the yard’s entrance and exit stating that vehicles leaving the lumberyard were subject to inspection, Appellants claim they did not see any such signs upon entry.
2 Appellants attached a highly-edited version of Mr. Waters’s sunglass camera recording and the officers’ squad car recordings to their Amended Complaint. Appellees produced the dashboard camera video from Officer Smith’s squad car in support of their motion to dismiss. The district court determined that the videos were “necessarily embraced by the pleadings” and considered them, together with the pleadings, when ruling on Appellees’ motion to dismiss. See Ashanti v. City of Golden Valley, 666 F.3d 1148, 1151 (8th Cir. 2012). Neither party objected to the district court’s use of the videos in its determination.
The district court found that, with the exception of their Fourth Amendment claim for unlawful search, Appellants failed to plausibly allege any violation of their clearly-established constitutional rights, and that the officers were therefore entitled o qualified immunity on all but one of Appellants’ constitutional claims. While the district court determined that Appellants plausibly alleged a violation of their clearly- established constitutional right to be free from unlawful searches, it also determined that they failed to allege, as required for a damages claim under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, that the violation caused any compensable injury. The district court further found that Appellants failed to identify a City policy or custom that caused the alleged constitutional violations, that Appellants failed to plausibly allege their state law claims, and that Menards was not a state actor subject to § 1983 claims. The district court therefore granted the defendants’ motions and dismissed all of Appellants’ claims with prejudice. Appellants subsequently settled their claims against Menard, Inc.
With respect to this claim, we need not discuss arguable reasonable suspicion because, in fact, the officers acted pursuant to reasonable suspicion in detaining Mr. Waters. The videos attached to the pleadings show that Mr. Waters refused to open his vehicle’s trunk at the lumberyard exit, despite signs at the entrance and exit informing visitors that vehicles would be inspected as they left the lumberyard. The requirement was clearly part of Menards’s customary protocol as customers exited the lumberyard after picking up merchandise in their vehicles. Officers Smith and Kirchner arrived at Menards in response to Mr. Waters’s 911 call and Mr. Waters refused to identify himself to the officers or to allow anyone to verify his purchase. At that point, Officer Smith and Officer Kirchner had “a particularized and objective basis” to detain Mr. Waters. Thomas v. Dickel, 213 F.3d 1023, 1025 (8th Cir. 2000) (quoting Ornelas v. United States, 517 U.S. 690, 696 (1996)).
Here, the officers contend that Mrs. Waters voluntarily consented to the search of Appellants’ vehicle, while Appellants argue that Mrs. Waters was coerced into consenting. The district court concluded that Appellants alleged sufficient facts to preclude dismissal of this claim on voluntary consent grounds. However, the district court also found that Appellants failed to allege any actual, compensable injury stemming from the officers’ search of their vehicle’s trunk and, thus, failed to state a claim for damages under § 1983. A plaintiff seeking damages under § 1983 for an unreasonable search must allege (1) an unlawful search and (2) an “actual, compensable injury[,]” Heck v. Humphrey, 512 U.S. 477, 487 n.7 (1994), because “the abstract value of a constitutional right may not form the basis for § 1983 damages.” Memphis Cmty. Sch. Dist. v. Stachura, 477 U.S. 299, 308 (1986). 8
The judgment of the district court is affirmed in full. -24- Appellate Case: 17-3827 Page: 24 Date Filed: 04/11/2019 Entry ID: 4776594
United States Court of Appeals For the Eighth Circuit No. 17-3827
Charles Waters; Anita Waters Plaintiffs - Appellants v. B. Madson; Alyssa Newbury; City of Coon Rapids Defendants - Appellees Menard, Inc. Defendant Tom Hawley; Emily Kirchner Defendants - Appellees
Appeal from United States District Court for the District of Minnesota - Minneapolis Submitted: November 15, 2018 Filed: April 11, 2019
Before COLLOTON, SHEPHERD, and STRAS, Circuit Judges.
More to come . . .
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Charlie Waters AKA "Consitutional Crank" AKA "Conservative Copwatch" Of Waters Et Al V. Kirchner Et Al Case #: 0:17-CV-00935 Is A Perjurer, Isn't He? Waters Still Too Busy Waiving His Stupid Constitutional Handbook To Get His Missing Coon Rapids PD Dash Camera Video? Hey Coon Rapids Where Is My MDT Data, Huh? Mobile Data Terminal Data Proves Kirchner Switching Squads With Newbury A Lie, Doesn't It? Special Tx For Menards?
Round Two On Illegally Withheld City Of Fridley Off-Duty Mn State Patrol Sgt. Christopher Alan Daas Data? (Case No. 02-CR-16-3662 - Third Degree Refuse To Submit To Chemical Test Charge Magically & Mysteriously Dismissed, Right?) Where Oh Where Is Related Data For Recently Filed Lawsuit Waters Et Al VS Kirchner Et Al Case Number: 0:2017cv00935? FYI: @CoonRapidsPD Destroying Electronic Evidence To Cover Up Illegal @Menards Trunk Search, Right? Double FYI: Charlie Waters AKA "Constitutional Crank" Is A CopFlop (CopBlock) Dumbass, Isn't He?
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Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio Huffs & Puffs But Fails To Blow Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall's Audio Recordings Of Kim Picazio's & Jeremiah Regan's Affair Off Of Westall's Social Media Accounts? Picazio Magically & Mysteriously Intentionally Forgets To Provide East Grand Forks Detective Lieutenant Rod Hajicek Evidence That Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth Was Prosecuted & Convicted Of Making Death Threats To Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio?
Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio’s Affair With Regan Exposed By Investigation Into Westall?
Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio Falsely Reporting Death Threats By Timothy Holmseth?
Lion New: Inver Grove Heights PD Withholds Recorded Line Data For Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio?
Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio huffs and puffs . . .
---------- Original Message ----------
From: Kim Picazio kim@picaziolaw.com
To: sarahw@galexconsulting.com
Date: April 6, 2018 at 11:18 AM
Subject: Website Posting of Illegal Audios
Ms. Westall:
On February 25, 2018, you posted content on your website entitled, Timothy Holmseth Update – Serious Findings Disclosed, at the following URL: http://sarahwestall.com/timothy-holmseth-update-serious-findings-disclosed/.
The blog posting contains two (2) audios of illegally recorded, private telephone calls wherein I am a participant to the conversation. I had no knowledge the posted telephone calls were being recorded, and no one obtained my authority and/or consent. One of the audios clearly reveals the parties’ intent to secretly record me without my knowledge, and therefore, you have know that I did not consent to the recording of that telephone call.
Florida is a two (2) party state, meaning it is a crime to record a telephone call without both parties’ consent. All parties to those calls were in Florida at the time of the illegal recordings. The act of using or disclosing an illegally recorded telephone conversation in Florida is a felony in the third degree, an extraditable offense. Please refer to Florida Statute 934.03 Interception and disclosure of wire, oral, or electronic communications prohibited, which states in relevant part:
(1) Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, any person who:
(a) Intentionally intercepts, endeavors to intercept, or procures any other person to intercept or endeavor to intercept any wire, oral, or electronic communication;
(b) Intentionally uses, endeavors to use, or procures any other person to use or endeavor to use any electronic, mechanical, or other device to intercept any oral communication when:
1. Such device is affixed to, or otherwise transmits a signal through, a wire, cable, or other like connection used in wire communication; or
2. Such device transmits communications by radio or interferes with the transmission of such communication;
(c) Intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection;
(d) Intentionally uses, or endeavors to use, the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication, knowing or having reason to know that the information was obtained through the interception of a wire, oral, or electronic communication in violation of this subsection; or
(e) Intentionally discloses, or endeavors to disclose, to any other person the contents of any wire, oral, or electronic communication intercepted by means authorized by subparagraph (2)(a)2., paragraph (2)(b), paragraph
Further, pursuant to Minnesota law, your act of posting these audios online also constitutes a felony. Minnesota Statute 626A.02, INTERCEPTION AND DISCLOSURE OF WIRE, ELECTRONIC, OR ORAL COMMUNICATIONS PROHIBITED, clearly states that you, as a third party, may not use or disclose recordings you know, or should know, were illegally obtained. Even under Minnesota’s “one party consent” laws, which are nearly identical to Federal Wiretapping laws, a person who is not a party to a recorded conversation must have the consent of at least one party to the recorded call, prior to disclosure of the same. The “one party consent” aspect of Minnesota law, as well as federal law, only comes into play when you are one of the participants to the conversation, and you have consented to the recording. You were not a party to any of the recorded telephone conversations posted on your website, and therefore, you need to demonstrate that you have the consent by at least one participant to the call to post the audio online. I have not consented to your posting of these illegally obtained audios, nor has any of the other participants of these call(s). Consequently, posting of audio recordings of me on a private telephone call constitutes criminal violations of Florida, Minnesota, and Federal laws.
By the very content of the audio(s) themselves, you know, or have reason to know, that the recordings were obtained without my consent and/or knowledge, in Florida. In fact one of the recordings actually contains audio of those recording the call, speaking to each other as they attempt to call me back for illegal recording purposes. It is clear on the audio itself, that the recording is being made without my knowledge, and for tortious and/or illegal purposes. Your posting of these audios, especially for commercial gain, constitutes very serious crimes for which I intend to prosecute. I demand that you remove this illegal and intrusive content from your website immediately. If you fail to do so, I intend to use every avenue available under the law to have the content removed, and to seek law enforcement intervention in Florida, Minnesota, and with the Federal Bureau of Investigation to have you prosecuted for this criminal conduct. Civil remedies will also be sought against you.
I must say, for an individual who promotes themselves as giving guidance on businesses and ethics, I would think that the online publishing of a person’s most personal, intimate, and private telephone conversations, which were clearly serendipitously recorded without their consent, for the purpose of humiliating or disgracing them, is something you’d be morally and professionally averse to. Society as a whole is averse to the online publication of a person’s private life and facts, Ms. Westall. There are other ways to make a point, or to inform the world of whatever point you are trying to make, rather than to post illegal recordings of them while they thought they were having a private call about very personal, intimate and familial subjects. This posting of illegally recorded audios of someone’s most intimate moments, their lives, their family, their finances, their traumas, is far beyond every single journalistic or professional boundary that exists. It is unethical, it is immoral, it is tortious, and it happens to be a felony. The First Amendment has its limitations, and illegal wiretapping and the publication of private facts online to humiliate or disgrace an individual, is one of them.
You do not have my consent to post these audios of my private calls, nor can you demonstrate that you have the consent of any participant heard speaking in these call. Please remove the recordings of my private telephone calls from your website immediately or I file criminal complaints against you with law enforcement in all relevant jurisdictions.
Attorney at Law Law Office of Kim L. Picazio, P.A. One Financial Plaza, Suite 2024 100 S.E. Third Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33394 Telephone: (954) 467-5558 Fax: (954) 467-0477 Email: kim@picaziolaw.com Email for Service of court documents: Lawoffice@picaziolaw.com
This e-mail is intended only for the individual(s) or entity(s) named within the message. This e-mail might contain legally privileged and confidential information. If you properly received this e-mail as a client or retained expert, please hold it in confidence to protect the attorney-client or work product privileges. Should the intended recipient forward or disclose this message to another person or party, that action could constitute a waiver of the attorney-client privilege. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient, or the agent responsible to deliver it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is prohibited by the sender and to do so might constitute a violation of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. section 2510-2521. If this communication was received in error we apologize for the intrusion. Please notify us by reply e-mail and delete the original message without reading same. Nothing in this e-mail message shall, in and of itself, create an attorney-client relationship with the sender.
Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio fails to blow the damning affair audios off of the Internet, doesn't she?
SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Exception Cleared
INCIDENT INFORMATION Charges/Citation: Address: 9716 Benjamin Trail Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Location Description: Incident Type: Other Start Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 End Date: 2018-02-25 00:00 Reported Date: 2018-10-16 13:37 Parties Involved:
OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary
NARRATIVE This case was submitted to Dougherty and Molenda law firm for charging. Criminal charges were declined.
Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 1 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-10-16 13:39:07 18001128 R4 Sloan 101618.pdf
Physical Address: 520 Demers Ave. East Grand Forks, MN 56721 Phone: (218) 773-1104 Fax: (218) 773-1108
Staff Name Title Email Phone
Hedlund, Michael Chief of Police Email mhedlund@eastgrandforks.net (218) 773-2283
Hajicek, Rod Detective Lieutenant Email rhajicek@eastgrandforks.net (218) 773-2294
Hart, Tony Detective Email thart@egf.mn (218) 773-2285
More to come . . .
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UPDATE: AFTER A WEEK A VERY ANGRY LPPD BEGRUDGINGLY TOOK A FORMAL STATEMENT FROM NEMMERS, RIGHT? Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Turns On Her Buddies At Inver Grove Height Police Department (IGHPD)? Picazio Magically & Mysteriously Changes Story And Now Says That Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth Never Made Death Threats To Her? Picazio Accuses Her Cop Buddies At IGHPD Of Falsifying Report? Is That Because Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Can't Produce Any Proof That Conspiracy Theorist Holmseth Was Ever Prosecuted Or Convicted Of Making Death Threats? IGHPD Is Still Illegally Withholding Preliminary Audio Statements Of Picazio And Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall From Nemmers, Aren't They?
Update: Did You Hear That I Was Forced To Report Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio To Law Enforcement On 04-11-19? Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Reported To Florida Bar Association? Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Reported For SLAPP Suit Against Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth?
Why Is Celebrity Florida Attorney Kim Picazio Filing False Police Reports With The Inver Grove Heights Police Department Against Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall? It's To Cover Up Picazio's Affair With Jeremiah Regan, Isn't It? It Is, Isn't It? Picazio Has Been Conspiring With The Corrupt East Grand Forks Police To Harass & Maliciously Prosecute Westall's Conspiracy Theorist Buddy Timothy Charles Holmseth For Years, Hasn't She? Picazio Maliciously SLAPPed Holmseth, Didn't She? (Note: Dede Evavold Is A Consumer Of Holmseth's Conspiracy Theories, Isn't She?)
Monday, April 15, 2019
UPDATE: AFTER A WEEK A VERY ANGRY LPPD BEGRUDGINGLY TOOK A FORMAL STATEMENT FROM NEMMERS, RIGHT? Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Turns On Her Buddies At Inver Grove Height Police Department (IGHPD)? Picazio Magically & Mysteriously Changes Story And Now Says That Conspiracy Theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth Never Made Death Threats To Her? Picazio Accuses Her Cop Buddies At IGHPD Of Falsifying Report? Is That Because Celebrity Attorney And False Accuser Kim Picazio Can't Produce Any Proof That Conspiracy Theorist Holmseth Was Ever Prosecuted Or Convicted Of Making Death Threats? IGHPD Is Still Illegally Withholding Preliminary Audio Statements Of Picazio And Conspiracy Theorist Sarah Westall From Nemmers, Aren't They?
Criminal Investigation Operations Number 83.0 Lighthouse Point Police Department Policies and Procedures III. Policy Lighthouse Point members will apply proactive investigative methods when possible, and investigate reported crimes to the extent necessary to support prosecution or otherwise solve the case. IV. Procedure A. Preliminary Investigations The preliminary investigation begins when the first officer arrives at the incident scene. The responsibilities of that officer include, but are not limited to, the following: 5. Conduct a preliminary investigation that will include b. Interview the complainant and ensure that witnesses are located and interviewed. Include written and/or recorded statements, when appropriate. Lighthouse Point Police Department Policies and Procedures.
Professional Standards Investigations Number 84.5 V. Procedure A. Initial Receipt of Complaint 1. All allegations of agency or employee misconduct shall be documented and investigated by the Department. 2. Complaints may be given in person, over the telephone, or in writing. n order to gather all the pertinent information to assure the Department is able to conduct a complete and thorough investigation, the preferred method of taking a complaint from a citizen is for the supervisor to interview the complainant, and complete a “Complaint Investigation Report” (LHP Form 401a). However, if the complainant requests a form to complete on their own, they will be provided a “Personnel Complaint Report” (LHP Form 406), which they can complete and return to the supervisor, or mail to the Chief of Police. Lighthouse Point Police Department Policies and Procedures.
Lion News: Nemmers’ 03-29-19 Call From Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim “The Perjurer” Picazio? https://www.bitchute.com/video/ULGSHXl17NxZ/
Lion News: Nemmers’ 03-30-19 Call From Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim “The Perjurer” Picazio? https://www.bitchute.com/video/QLpc7hlocqHE/Lion News: Nemmers’ 04-05-19 Call From Florida Celebrity Attorney Kim “The Perjurer” Picazio? https://www.bitchute.com/video/HUADImcY5iQa/
Lion News: East Grand Forks Administrator Murphy Aiding & Abetting Perjurer Attorney Kim Picazio? https://www.bitchute.com/video/OC2MdcW16xc0/
Lion New: Inver Grove Heights PD Withholds Recorded Line Data For Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio?
Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio Falsely Reporting Death Threats By Timothy Holmseth? https://www.bitchute.com/video/CAjj2EmNZvQG/
Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio’s Affair With Regan Exposed By Investigation Into Westall? https://www.bitchute.com/video/mUscvhB1lCnb/
from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: gtourville@invergroveheights.org,
date: Apr 14, 2019, 7:23 PM
subject: Continued Harassment Over Chapter 13 Data Request For Celebrity Florida Attorney And False Accuse Kim Picazio Data
mailed-by: gmail.com
Mike Munzenrider, Executive Editor Lillie Suburban Newspapers (651) 748-7813:
Hey how would you like to listen to my audio recorded conversation with your former Chief of Police Paul Schnell lying about data missing from my Chapter 13 data request for Case Number: 18001128? How would you like to listen to my audio recorded conversations with your Deputy Chief Sean Folmar 651-450-2465 lying about data missing from my Chapter 13 data request for Case Number: 18001128? How would you like to listen to my audio recorded conversations with celebrity Florida attorney and false accuse Kim PIcazio? Hey did you know that celebrity Florida attorney and false accuse Kim Picazio has now turned on her buddies at the Inver Grove Police Department? Oh, and by the way, did you know that after requesting all sorts of police reports from different law enforcement agencies that I don't find any reports documenting celebrity Florida attorney and false accuse Kim Picazio's allegation of death threat from either conspiracy theorist Timothy Charles Holmseth or any of his conspiracy theorist buddies?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
Terry Nemmers: Okay, Kim ... Kim Picazio: (unintelligble) Terry Nemmers: Okay, here, here it is ... Kim Picazio: I mean I think you missed the mark there. Terry Nemmers: Kim ... Kim Picazio: You could say a lot of other things about me but don’t say that. Terry Nemmers: Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND. Kim Picazio: I never said that. Terry Nemmers: Well, did you record the conversation? Kim Picazio: Get a tape. Audio recording of Kim Picazio on 04-05-19 at 8:28 PM.
https://twitter.com/1776Smoke/status/1109128397920354306 Smoke_1776 1776 @ Smoke Replying to @Kim_Picazio @ReaganEarly Is there a way to see that? 9:23 AM - 22 Mar 2019 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
https://twitter.com/ReaganEarly/status/1109292514706640897 Reagan Early @ReaganEarly Replying to @ReaganEarly @Kim_Picazio @1776Smoke Ron was kind enough to send me the documents....but this is all public information that I've already seen. Is there more? 8:15 PM - 22 Mar 2019 2 Likes Smoke_1776 1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes
https://twitter.com/ReaganEarly/status/1109242289824632836 Reagan Early @ReaganEarly Replying to @Kim_Picazio @1776Smoke reaganearly@hotmail.com 4:55 PM - 22 Mar 2019 2 Likes Smoke_1776 1 reply 0 retweets 2 likes
https://twitter.com/Kim_Picazio/statuses/1109132325512724481 Kim Picazio @Kim_Picazio Replying to @1776Smoke @ReaganEarly Sure. Got an email address? I'll show you actual documents that directly debunks everything he's told you about this. Not my own words or version, but from actual emails from the horse's mouth, court records, certified transcripts, public records, photos, etc. 9:38 AM - 22 Mar 2019 0 replies 0 retweets 0 likes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q69tLrYrcTY kimpicazio 1 year ago This is Kim Picazio and I'd like the opportunity to state a few facts, here. ... At no time did any Court vacate any previous order on file, and surely didn't vacate any injunctions for protection entered by a Florida court. That is not even permitted by law. Fact: the Court did not rule on or even accept into evidence any child trafficking proofs Tim attempted to put forward at a hearing about his child. If anyone would like a copy of that transcript, please email me at kim@picaziolaw.com. I am sick of being a target of misleading stories that are only growing legs, and putting me and my family at risk. These claims about results in court are outright false, and I'm happy to show you the actual truth. Research the facts– read it yourself and you determine whether you've heard the truth about court hearings and results against child trafficking. I sent the court transcript to Sarah, and have no idea why she chose not to mention the real fact about falsified claims of court results in this video. The court did not vacate injunctions from another state, and informed him that she could not determine the merits of his claims about child trafficking. Those are the facts, and the Judge's own words. The audio recordings were from nearly a decade ago and were previously used by Holmseth to prove up other scandals involved in the Haleigh Cummings case – not child trafficking. I have subsequent affidavits by William Staubs that refute the "affidavit" posted here. I spoke with him last week. I have also spoken to Wayanne Kruger, who has called the police on Holmseth and has attempted to contact him to correct and/or retract her statements. He refuses to put up her comments or her press release refuting his defamatory version of events. I have never sold babies, have never done an adoption in my life, and never worked for social services in my life. I even sent Sarah a copy of that court transcript, my injunction, and a copy of my passport to show her that I could not have been gallivanting around the globe as the first issue for my passport was in 2016. Why didn't she tell you this? I don't know. I didn't hear anything about it in the video. The "change of custody" spoken about in this video was actually to help a young teen mother who was on drugs, and was about to lose her child to Dept of Children & Families. I helped her get into a rehab facility, as DCF was going to come and take her child from her permanently. To help her, I gave her forms for pro se litigants from the Florida Courts website to fill out so that she could temporarily give custody of the baby to her father, while the young mother recouped in rehab. I did this to help her, a young mother on drugs with a vision of being a better person and mother one day, to keep her child from going to a foster home. Again, there are 2 sides to this story that have not been heard. I ask that you feel free to email or call me with any questions. I am happy to answer any questions or concerns you may have. By the way, I'm not married, and have not been for many years. The allegation about "my husband" is therefore also not true. My valid divorce can be confirmed online as it is a matter of public record, as well. ...
George Tourville, Inver Grove Heights Mayor 651-455-4465:
Why oh why are your City Administrator Joe Lynch 651-450-2511, City Attorney Timothy Kuntz (651) 451-1831, City Clerk Michelle Tesser, Finance Director Kristi Smith, 651-450-2521 and your Deputy Chief Sean Folmar 651-450-2465 still trying to illegally withhold all sorts of emails, voicemails, recorded phone calls, downloads audio & video files, screenshots of websites for Case Number: 18001128? Are your so-called public servants illegally withholding the contract for the police department phone system and the ProPheonix software for the police department? Is that because that data would prove that they are illegally withholding the celebrity Florida attorney and false accuse Kim Picazio data? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
Terry Dean, Nemmers, (320) 283-5713
So this is ... this is in regarding case file number 18001128 and you are on a recorded line. 8:44-8:52/26:52 Jeremiah Regan statement. Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 8536_20180426160720_01066.mp3
OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending NARRATIVE I dispatched to call a female named Kim Picazio regarding a recording that was posted on a website. I called Kim and she began to tell me that a "conspiracy theorist" named Sarah Westall who lives at 9716 Benjamin Trail had posted a private conversation between her and a male named Jerimiah Regan. Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND. Kim had file an order for protection against Holmseth and he apparently had been arrested numerous times on violations of the order. Holmseth is apparently connected to Westall. Kim directed me to the link: http://sarahwestall.com/timothy-holmseth-update-serious-findings/. The link took me to Sarah Westall's website where Kim stated that there were two recording between her and Jerimiah Regan. Kim admitted that she had a sexual affair with Regan when she was married. Kim stated that she did not know when or how the conversation was recorded but neither Jerimiah or Kim consented to the recording being done or being disclosed. Kim cited MN State Statute 626A.02 which states that disclosure of an electronic communication is a crime. She stated that she only wanted the recordings taken off her website. I advised I would go talk to Sarah Westall and see if she would take the recordings down. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf
INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending I asked about Jerimiah Regan and Kim stated he was in Puerto Rico rebuilding houses. Kim also stated that Lt. Hajicek with the East Grand Forks Police had her case against Holmseth. I called and left him a message regarding this case. Lt. Hajicek called me back and stated that he had dealt with Timothy Holmseth and Kim Picazio for years. He further advised that if I were to pursue criminal charges, Ron Galstead, The East Grand Forks City attorney could assist if needed at 218-773-9729. Lt. Hajicek also stated that he and the city of East Grand Forks was sued over their arrest of Holmseth and the city won the lawsuit, but it cost the city $50,000. He also stated that Holmseth has further charges pending, but he is not incarcerated. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf
On 4-7-2018 at about 1255 hours, I went to Westall's house where I knocked on the door and saw the above vehicle in the driveway. I left my card and also called and left Westall a message on the above phone number. The vehicle listed to Cardona and he is also co-owner on the property. Also on 4-7-2018 at about 1645 hours, I listened to both recordings that Kim was complaining about. The 1st one, Jerimiah is in his vehicle talking to Kim. Jerimiah's voice is very clear and Kim's sounds like she is on the phone and he has her on speaker. At the end of the conversation, it sounds like Jerimiah turns off the recording. INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf
NARRATIVE On this morning, 4-11-2018, I found that Sarah Westall called me back and left me a message. I called and talked to Sarah and questioned her about the recordings. She stated the recordings were contained in an Affidavit from Polk County regarding the Timothy Holmseth case. She stated she placed them on her website to show the "Character" of Kim Picazio. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-17 08:30:02 18001128 R2 Sloan 041718.pdf
I also called and advised Picazio of my findings and she still believes that the posting of these recordings are illegal according to MN statute because Jerimiah Regan also did not consent to the recordings. I told Picazio that I attempted to contact Regan to no avail and from the recordings, it sounds like Regan was recording his conversation with her. She also stated that the Affidavit would not have the recordings in it. I also advised her the legal cost for the city since The city of East Grand Forks was sued and it cost the city $50,000. I advised that I would want to talk to Regan regarding these recordings. Picazio stated she would contact him and have him call me. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-17 08:30:02 18001128 R2 Sloan 041718.pdf
On 4-16-2018, Sarah Westahl sent me an email with a link to the Affidavit from Polk County that contained the 2 recordings that are posted on her website. I down loaded a Portable Document File (PDF) of the affidavit to the case file. I again asked Westahl who provided the recordings to her and she told me to stop my investigation and to stop harassing her. SUPPLEMENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-17 08:30:02 18001128 R2 Sloan 041718.pdf
http://www.ci.inver-grove-heights.mn.us/28/Mayor-Council Mayor George Tourville 8415 Cooper Way East Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Phone: 651-455-4465 Voicemail: 651-450-2507 Email Dec. 31, 2020 Tom Bartholomew 8120 Claymore Ave. Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Phone: 651-457-6375 Voicemail: 651-450-2505 Email Dec. 31, 2020 Rosemary Piekarski Krech 7525 Babcock Trail Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Phone: 651-455-5337 Voicemail: 651-450-2504 Email Dec. 31, 2022 Kara Perry 2929 74th Court East Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 Phone: 651-238-7155 Voicemail: 651-450-2506 Email Dec. 31, 2020 Brenda Dietrich 7421 Bester Ave. Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Phone: Voicemail: 651-450-2503 Email Dec. 31, 2022
Attachments: Data For Inver Grove Heights ICR 18001128_040519_707am.pdf, Chapter 13 data request - ProPhoenix Corporation122718_809am.pdf, Status Of Chapter 13 Data Request040919_129pm.pdf
Status Of Chapter 13 Data Request040919_129pm.pdf
from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: tkuntz@levander.com,
Sean Folmar sfolmar@invergroveheights.org,
Joe Lynch jlynch@invergroveheights.org
date: Apr 9, 2019, 1:29 PM
subject: Status Of Chapter 13 Data Request - Picazio Accuses Officer Patrick Sloan Of Falsifying Death Threat Information In Case Number: 18001128?
mailed-by: gmail.com
Timothy J. Kuntz, Inver Grove Heights City Attorney 651-451-1831/888-451-1831:
What is the status of my Chapter 13 data request? Did you happen to find that audio recorded formal statement of Kim PIcazio for Case Number: 18001128 yet? You might need to prove that officer Patrick Sloan didn't falsify the death threat information in Kim Picazio's audio recorded formal statement, right? You're going to need that audio recorded formal statement of Picazio if celebrity attorney Kim Picazio decides to sue the City of Inver Grove Heights, aren't you?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
Terry Nemmers: Okay, Kim ... Kim Picazio: (unintelligble) Terry Nemmers: Okay, here, here it is … Kim Picazio: I mean I think you missed the mark there. Terry Nemmers: Kim ... Kim Picazio: You could say a lot of other things about me but don’t say that. Terry Nemmers: Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND. Kim Picazio: I never said that. Terry Nemmers: Well, did you record the conversation? Kim Picazio: Get a tape. Audio recording of Kim Picazio on 04-05-19 at 8:28 PM.
Officers conducting all criminal investigations will, whenever possible, record oral victim and witness statements in lieu of written statements. Statement evidence obtained during an initial investigation can be very powerful evidence in determining the course of an investigation; ultimately impacting charging decisions and convictions. Policy 325 – Duluth Police Department Duluth PD Policy Manual, Page 165. http://www.duluthmn.gov/media/304979/release_20171106_t124845_duluth_pd_policy_manual.pdf
Nemmers reading from: INCIDENT Case Number: 18001128 Title: Disclose Electronic Communications Inver Grove Heights 8150 Barbara Ave Inver Grove Heights, MN 55077 Telephone: 651-450-2525 Case Disposition: Active/Pending INCIDENT INFORMATION Charges/Citation: N/A Incident Type: Start Date: End Date: Reported Date: Other 2018-02-25 00:00 2018-02-25 00:00 2018-04-06 08:51 Address: 9716 Benjamin Trail Inver Grove Hts, MN 55077; US Location Description: Parties Involved: Westall, Sarah Katherine 1971-06-18 Suspect Rojas-cardona, Gabriel 1959-11-03 Mentioned Picazio, Kim Lowry 1969-01-08 ReportingPerson Regan, Jerimiah (no middle name) Refused / Unavailable Mentioned 1 more. OFFICER INFORMATION Name Patrick Sloan Agency Inver Grove Heights Badge 3622 Role Primary SYNOPSIS OF EVENTS On 2-25-2018 at 0000 hours, on the 9700 block of Benjamin Trail, A 47 year old female posted a private conversation on her website without the victim's permission. Charges maybe pending further investigation. NARRATIVE I dispatched to call a female named Kim Picazio regarding a recording that was posted on a website. I called Kim and she began to tell me that a "conspiracy theorist" named Sarah Westall who lives at 9716 Benjamin Trail had posted a private conversation between her and a male named Jerimiah Regan. Kim stated that she is an attorney who worked on a high profile child abuse case in Florida and had received death threats from a male named Timothy Holmseth who live in East Grand Forks, ND. Kim had file an order for protection against Holmseth and he apparently had been arrested numerous times on violations of the order. Holmseth is apparently connected to Westall. Kim directed me to the link: http://sarahwestall.com/timothy-holmseth-update-serious-findings/. The link took me to Sarah Westall's website where Kim stated that there were two recording between her and Jerimiah Regan. Kim admitted that she had a sexual affair with Regan when she was married. Kim stated that she did not know when or how the conversation was recorded but neither Jerimiah or Kim consented to the recording being done or being disclosed. Kim cited MN State Statute 626A.02 which states that disclosure of an electronic communication is a crime. She stated that she only wanted the recordings taken off her website. I advised I would go talk to Sarah Westall and see if she would take the recordings down. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf
609.43 MISCONDUCT OF PUBLIC OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE. A public officer or employee who does any of the following, for which no other sentence is specifically provided by law, may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year or to payment of a fine of not more than $3,000, or both: (1) intentionally fails or refuses to perform a known mandatory, nondiscretionary, ministerial duty of the office or employment within the time or in the manner required by law; or (2) in the capacity of such officer or employee, does an act knowing it is in excess of lawful authority or knowing it is forbidden by law to be done in that capacity; or (3) under pretense or color of official authority intentionally and unlawfully injures another in the other's person, property, or rights; or (4) in the capacity of such officer or employee, makes a return, certificate, official report, or other like document having knowledge it is false in any material respect. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.43
609.505 FALSELY REPORTING CRIME. Subdivision 1.False reporting. Whoever informs a law enforcement officer that a crime has been committed or otherwise provides information to an on-duty peace officer, knowing that the person is a peace officer, regarding the conduct of others, knowing that it is false and intending that the officer shall act in reliance upon it, is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who is convicted a second or subsequent time under this section is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. § Subd. 2. Reporting police misconduct. (a) Whoever informs, or causes information to be communicated to, a peace officer, whose responsibilities include investigating or reporting police misconduct, that a peace officer, as defined in section 626.84, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), has committed an act of police misconduct, knowing that the information is false, is guilty of a crime and may be sentenced as follows: (1) up to the maximum provided for a misdemeanor if the false information does not allege a criminal act; or (2) up to the maximum provided for a gross misdemeanor if the false information alleges a criminal act. (b) The court shall order any person convicted of a violation of this subdivision to make full restitution of all reasonable expenses incurred in the investigation of the false allegation unless the court makes a specific written finding that restitution would be inappropriate under the circumstances. A restitution award may not exceed $3,000. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/609.505
13.04 RIGHTS OF SUBJECTS OF DATA. Subd. 4. Procedure when data is not accurate or complete. (a) An individual subject of the data may contest the accuracy or completeness of public or private data. To exercise this right, an individual shall notify in writing the responsible authority describing the nature of the disagreement. The responsible authority shall within 30 days either: (1) correct the data found to be inaccurate or incomplete and attempt to notify past recipients of inaccurate or incomplete data, including recipients named by the individual; or (2) notify the individual that the authority believes the data to be correct. Data in dispute shall be disclosed only if the individual's statement of disagreement is included with the disclosed data. The determination of the responsible authority may be appealed pursuant to the provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act relating to contested cases. Upon receipt of an appeal by an individual, the commissioner shall, before issuing the order and notice of a contested case hearing required by chapter 14, try to resolve the dispute through education, conference, conciliation, or persuasion. If the parties consent, the commissioner may refer the matter to mediation. Following these efforts, the commissioner shall dismiss the appeal or issue the order and notice of hearing. (b) Data on individuals that have been successfully challenged by an individual must be completed, corrected, or destroyed by a government entity without regard to the requirements of section 138.17. After completing, correcting, or destroying successfully challenged data, a government entity may retain a copy of the commissioner of administration's order issued under chapter 14 or, if no order were issued, a summary of the dispute between the parties that does not contain any particulars of the successfully challenged data. https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/13.04
Data For Inver Grove Heights ICR 18001128_040519_707am.pdf
from: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
to: tkuntz@levander.com,
Sean Folmar sfolmar@invergroveheights.org,
Joe Lynch jlynch@invergroveheights.org
date: Apr 5, 2019, 7:07 AM
subject: Data For Inver Grove Heights ICR 18001128 & Chapter 13 Data Request
mailed-by: gmail.com
Timothy J. Kuntz, Inver Grove Heights City Attorney:
1. I received a file in a Chapter 13 Data Request that I cannot open. See attached: 18001128 Misc Docs 1~Re Proof of public files.oft Unless you plan on purchasing me a copy of Microsoft Office software?
2. There is a variety of electronic data that is still missing from my data request.
a. Officer Sloan's downloads of the " Audio of Kim Picazio affair and her denial of it with her husband (2 audio files)" Unless you want to admit that Office Sloan couldn't fall back onto his training and gather and preserve evidence.
b. Voicemails of Sarah Westall. Must be why the chain of evidence data is magically and mysteriously being illegally withheld, right?
c. Phone calls to/from Kim Picazio.
d. Phone calls to Sarah Westall.
e. Phone calls to/from East Grand Forks Detective Lt. Ronald Hajicek.
3. Plus, I am still waiting for the current contact for phone service for the Inver Grove Heights Police Department. I have reason to suspect that contract is being illegally withheld because the contact would clearly state that all lines are recorded, haven't I?. Your Officer Sloan was kind enough to state that the line was recorded in his audio recorded statement with Jeremiah Regan. (Oh that data request is on my audio recording isn't it?)
4. I have an audio recorded conversation with your former IGH Chief of Police Paul Schnell that occurred on 12-10-18 phone call at 2:20 PM. Plus, I have a recorded phone conversation with your current IGH Deputy Chief of Police Sean Folmar on 03-29-19 at 3:34 PM. Both conversations have your police personnel saying some of the most retarded things. You want me to play the calls for you or should I just upload them to the Internet?
Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):
1. Signed contract for City of Inver Grove Heights with ProPheonix (ProPheonix Licensing and Service Quote for Inver Grove Heights, Master Software License Agreement, Vendor Questions to Inver Grove Heights, Inver Grove Heights Public Safety Software System Recommendation Report) http://www.prophoenix.com/solutions-law/
2. Invoices from and payments to ProPheonix from start of contract until today's date.
3. IGH Chief of Police Paul Schnell's 12-10-18 phone call to me at 2:20 PM. That way you'll think I didn't record my call, right? You want me to play the call for you or should I just upload it to the Internet?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
P.S. Are you advising your client to break the law and illegally withhold readily available free electronic public data from me? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
https://www.levander.com/Attorney-Profiles/Timothy-J-Kuntz.shtml Timothy J. Kuntz Shareholder since 1980 Location: Saint Paul, Minnesota Phone: 651-451-1831 888-451-1831 Fax: 651-450-7384 Email: Email Me TKuntz@levander.com
Lion News: Celebrity Attorney Kim Picazio’s Affair With Regan Exposed By Investigation Into Westall? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IeM_jvQrRc
Officers conducting all criminal investigations will, whenever possible, record oral victim and witness statements in lieu of written statements. Statement evidence obtained during an initial investigation can be very powerful evidence in determining the course of an investigation; ultimately impacting charging decisions and convictions. Policy 325 – Duluth Police Department Duluth PD Policy Manual, Page 165. http://www.duluthmn.gov/media/304979/release_20171106_t124845_duluth_pd_policy_manual.pdf
https://sarahwestall.com/timothy-holmseth-update-serious-findings-disclosed/ Audio of Kim Picazio affair and her denial of it with her husband (2 audio files):
Kim directed me to the link: http://sarahwestall.com/timothy-holmseth-update-serious-findings/. The link took me to Sarah Westall's website where Kim stated that there were two recording between her and Jerimiah Regan. Kim admitted that she had a sexual affair with Regan when she was married. Kim stated that she did not know when or how the conversation was recorded but neither Jerimiah or Kim consented to the recording being done or being disclosed. Kim cited MN State Statute 626A.02 which states that disclosure of an electronic communication is a crime. She stated that she only wanted the recordings taken off her website. I advised I would go talk to Sarah Westall and see if she would take the recordings down. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf
NARRATIVE I dispatched to call a female named Kim Picazio regarding a recording that was posted on a website. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf.
I asked about Jerimiah Regan and Kim stated he was in Puerto Rico rebuilding houses. Kim also stated that Lt. Hajicek with the East Grand Forks Police had her case against Holmseth. I called and left him a message regarding this case. Lt. Hajicek called me back and stated that he had dealt with Timothy Holmseth and Kim Picazio for years. He further advised that if I were to pursue criminal charges, Ron Galstead, The East Grand Forks City attorney could assist if needed at 218-773-9729. Lt. Hajicek also stated that he and the city of East Grand Forks was sued over their arrest of Holmseth and the city won the lawsuit, but it cost the city $50,000. He also stated that Holmseth has further charges pending, but he is not incarcerated. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf
Also on 4-7-2018 at about 1645 hours, I listened to both recordings that Kim was complaining about. The 1st one, Jerimiah is in his vehicle talking to Kim. Jerimiah's voice is very clear and Kim's sounds like she is on the phone and he has her on speaker. At the end of the conversation, it sounds like Jerimiah turns off the recording. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 4 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-06 14:57:32 18001128 R1 Sloan 040618.pdf
NARRATIVE On this morning, 4-11-2018, I found that Sarah Westall called me back and left me a message. I called and talked to Sarah and questioned her about the recordings. She stated the recordings were contained in an Affidavit from Polk County regarding the Timothy Holmseth case. She stated she placed them on her website to show the "Character" of Kim Picazio. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-17 08:30:02 18001128 R2 Sloan 041718.pdf
I also called and advised Picazio of my findings and she still believes that the posting of these recordings are illegal according to MN statute because Jerimiah Regan also did not consent to the recordings. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-17 08:30:02 18001128 R2 Sloan 041718.pdf
On 4-16-2018, Sarah Westahl sent me an email with a link to the Affidavit from Polk County that contained the 2 recordings that are posted on her website. I down loaded a Portable Document File (PDF) of the affidavit to the case file. I again asked Westahl who provided the recordings to her and she told me to stop my investigation and to stop harassing her. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 2 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-17 08:30:02 18001128 R2 Sloan 041718.pdf
NARRATIVE I called the above phone number to Regan and a male answered who identified himself as Jeremiah Regan. I recorded our conversation and he stated that he remembers the conversation that I was talking about. He stated that he was sitting in a car with William Staubs, who apparently record his conversation with Kim Picazio ... I placed a copy of our recorded conversation into the case file. Inver Grove Heights (MN0190900) Page 1 of 2 Report Generated by: -() Creation: Patrick Sloan 2018-04-30 08:25:23 18001128 R3 Sloan 043018.pdf
http://www.prophoenix.com/solutions-law/ Law Records Management Software (RMS) 100% browser based client site license, UCR & NIBRS Our all-inclusive site licensing philosophy provides all the core modules for an unlimited number of users. You choose what modules you will use and how through customizable role-based permissions. Engineered with a new level of integration not seen before, using browser-based technology your RMS is accessible from anywhere, anytime. With a single point of entry, your officers and department personnel will not waste time entering the same information over and over; enter the information once and it automatically filters to multiple points throughout the software. ProPhoenix’s Law RMS is designed to allow your agency to go virtually paperless. Clean, Powerful User Interface 100% Browser based client with no local software Native .Net Framework Powerful Business Intelligence Engine PowerBI Map Based Crime Analysis Business Intelligence Dashboards Custom Dashboards based on job function Master Name Management Integrated Mugshot and Photo Line-up functions Social Media Tracking (FBI 28 CFR Compliance) Name Mining and Mapping Integration with Live Scan devices Automatic Text Notification for Name contact Gang Affiliations Gun Permits Name Alerts Jail Cell Check Scheduling and Personnel Management Time Off Management Roster Management Injury Reports and Medical History Performance Evaluations Work Record Comprehensive Reporting Analysis Reports of Response Times Automatic BOLO and CompStat reporting Profiling statistics (if needed) Simultaneous NBIRS and UCR reporting Field Interview Search, Entry, and reporting Canned and Customizable reports Crystal Reports and SSRS reporting Animal Control Case Tracking Medical Tracking Animal Registration, Fee Tracking Case Management Manage Case Load of Investigators Send electronic DA package Track History of Efforts Document Management and Accreditation Create and maintain Policies, Directives, SOP Send for review, approve, then assign to personnel Track assignment and “read history” Training and Certification Certification and CEU Tracking Class and Course Tracking Attach Certificates Property and Evidence Property/Evidence Management with barcodes Track Chain of Custody Pawn Bicycle Registration Alarm Billing and Accounting Alarm Registrations, Year End Reports False Alarm tracking and billing Track Fees and Invoices Receive Payments Activity Schedule and Record all agency agendas, scheduling calendars Activity Logging for non-incident related responsibilities GEO Address Management Mapping Address Flags and Hazards Inventory and Fleet Management Asset and Expandable Tracking Create Triggers for Fleet Managers and Low Inventory of Expendables K9 Tracks Training and Special Functions K9 Incident reporting Medical Tracking Traffic Integrated eTicketing Crash Reporting Parking Permits Vehicle Tow Record Keeping Tow Rotation Management Video Interview Automated Video Encoding Create Bookmarks while recording Attaches to Cases automatically Warrant Manage Local Wants and Warrants Restraining/Protective Orders Civil Process Record and track civil papers, prepayments, service, service attempts, executions, attachments, sale of property and postings Record payments and issue statements/invoices Return affidavits for service, non-service, and postings, or other forms are supported KGIS – Key Global Information Sharing ProPhoenix Key Global Information Sharing (KGISTM) allows all ProPhoenix law enforcement user agencies to share name, incident reports, and vehicle data amongst themselves via a secured internet connection. This is accomplished by encrypted data transfers and without replicating or saving any data to a central server location. Secure and Powerful Encrypted and secure; no data is replicated Conforms to Global Justice XML standard National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) compliant Real-time Data Sharing Query all ProPhoenix user agencies simultaneously Agency defines what they would like to share Search on desktop or mobile device (ProPhoenix WDA) Enhanced Officer Safety Information Name details including photos, incident activity, and available reports Vehicle details Local Wants and Warrants Police contact even not involving an arrest may be critical to your local investigation
Attachment: 18001128 Misc Docs 1~Re Proof of public files.oft
from: Paul Schnell pschnell@invergroveheights.org
to: Lion News lionnews00@gmail.com
cc: Kristi Smith ksmith@invergroveheights.org,
Joe Lynch jlynch@invergroveheights.org
date: Jan 3, 2019, 3:23 PM
subject: RE: Chapter 13 data request - ProPhoenix Corporation - Timothy Holmseth - Sarah Westall - Kim Picazio
mailed-by: invergroveheights.org
signed-by: InverGroveHeights.onmicrosoft.com
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to Google magic.
Mr. Nemmers,
Below is the information you requested from the City’s Finance Director. IGH-PD is part of a collaborative group that utilizes a “multi-juris” model for records management.
The only payment I have to ProPhoenix Corp is for $475.00 in 2017 for conference registration fees. There are no other payments listed to this vendor since 1/1/10.
Mr. Nemmers - I want to issue a word of caution to you. While there is no way for me to assess your intent, I am concerned about your belief that we are attempting to incite you to violence. Such characterizations create concern that you may in fact act upon your erroneous assumptions that we are somehow trying to provoke you. We have shared the information we have, with the exception of the actual 9-1-1 recording The 9-1-1 recording has not been transcribed.
You have every right to request data from the City as a government agency. We will make every reasonable effort to provide you with the data you requested, however we are not able to provide data we don’t have. It is unclear what you are trying to discern through your data requests. While it is none of my business, I would prefer to provide you the data you seek. That said, the questions about why something was done or not done with regard to this case is not itself data, and as such I will not be able to provide a response.
Once again, I ask that you avoid making reference to violence based upon your false belief or assumption that I am trying to incite it. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Please let me know if three is a way I can help you get the information you seek.
Paul Schnell
Paul Schnell | Police Chief
Tel: 651-450-2526 | Fax: 651-450-2543
City of Inver Grove Heights | 8150 Barbara Ave | Inver Grove Heights | Minnesota | 55077
pschnell@invergroveheights.org | www.invergroveheights.org
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