Monday, February 26, 2018
Have Conflicts Of Interests Been Recorded On The Court Record In Open Court For Rigged Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & Rigged Case No.12-CR-17-367 For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin?
from: Lion News
Steve Ammermann,
date: Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 8:30 AM
subject: Have conflicts of interests been recorded on the court record in open court for Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & Case No.12-CR-17-367 for Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin?
Cheryl Eckhardt, Lac Qui Parle Co. Court Administrator (320) 598-3536/Chippewa Co. Court Administrator 320-269-7774/Yellow Medicine Co. Court Administrator (320) 564-3325:
Why did you willfully refuse to respond to my 10-23-17 email entitled: Have conflicts of interests been recorded on the court record in open court for Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & Case No.12-CR-17-367 for Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin?
1. Did Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin's attorney City of Granite Falls City Attorney Gregory L Holdstrom place into the court record for either so-called judge Chippewa County Judicial Officer Thomas W. Van Hon or Yellow Medicine County Judicial Officer/Eighth Judicial District Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen his client's signed Letter to Disclose Conflict and Seeking Consent to Continue Representation; a signed Engagement Waiver Clause - Waiver of Potential Conflicts of Interest; a signed Engagement Agreement - Hourly, Potential Conflict of Interest or a signed Non-Engagement Letter - Conflict of Interest? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
2. What was the date and time that so-called judge Chippewa County Judicial Officer Thomas W. Van Hon and/or Yellow Medicine County Judicial Officer/Eighth Judicial District Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen disclosed on the court record in open court the conflict of interest of either of them presiding over a case for their respective Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader? msrvdirnew/CSD_Detail.aspx?CSD=2268 Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
3. What was the date and time that a waiver(s) of disqualification by the parties for either Case No. 87-CR-17-264 or Case No.12-CR-17-367 were heard on the record in open court? 4. Name of bond issuer on Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin's bail bond that allowed him to travel out of state for rodeos.
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
P.S. You don't mind if I file a complaint with the chief judge, do you? Name Michael Martin Address 1215 Black Oak Avenue City Montevideo State MN Zip 56265 County Chippewa, Lac qui Parle, Yellow Medicine Office Phone 320-269-6513 Mobile Phone 320-266-3813 Fax 320-269-5996 Pager Email Position Title Crew Leader Office Montevideo Supervisor Odegard, Brad Department STS District Marshall
What Court Staff Can and Cannot Do for You Court staff is ready to help you in whatever way they can. Their role is to provide you with information, not legal advice. They have been instructed not to answer questions if they do not know the answer and may refer you to other resources to assist you in getting the information you need.
They can give you information on a court case, unless it is not available by law.
They can give you general information on court rules, procedures and practices.
Referral Date: 4/19/17 Referring Agency: 6WCC [X] Chippewa, Contact Person: Beth Borstad, Phone: (320 269-6513 ext. 213. Court File #: 12-CR-16-194, 1. Name: Washington, Lacey Cameron Date of Birth 0/29/1982, 8. Sentencing Co: Chippewa, 9. Sentencing Date: 7/13/2016, [X] STS Court-ordered in lieu of fine $650 ** STS hours are credited at a rate of $8.00 per hour unless otherwise specified. Minnesota Department of Corrections Sentence to Service Client Intake Form
Case No. 12-CR-16-194 State of Minnesota vs Lacey Cameron Washington
07/13/2016 Sentencing (3:00 PM) (Judicial Officer Van Hon, Thomas W.) Result: Held
04/13/2017 Amended Sentencing Order Index # 84 (Judicial Officer: Knutsen, Dwayne )
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 02/26/2018 9:00 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Pre-trial Defendant 12-CR-17-367
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 02/26/2018 9:00 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Pre-trial Defendant 87-CR-17-264
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 02/28/2018 8:30 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Jury Trial Defendant 87-CR-17-264
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 02/28/2018 8:30 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Jury Trial Defendant 12-CR-17-367
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 03/01/2018 8:30 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Jury Trial Defendant 87-CR-17-264
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 03/01/2018 8:30 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Jury Trial Defendant 12-CR-17-367
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 03/02/2018 8:30 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Jury Trial Defendant 87-CR-17-264
MARTIN, MICHAEL JOHN Courtroom 2nd Floor 03/02/2018 8:30 AM Van Hon, Thomas W. Jury Trial Defendant 12-CR-17-367 Alpha Roster Report Date Range: 02/26/2018 to 03/05/2018 Case Category: Civil,Criminal,Family,Probate or Mental Health Criminal Connection Types: Defendant Civil Connection Types: Defendan... Family Connection Types: Defendant,... Probate/Mental Health Connection Types: Petitioner,R... Calendar: Yellow Medicine County Security Group: Yellow Medicine County Printed on 2/26/2018 at 7:03 AM Page 2 of 4
Attachment: Have conflicts of interests for Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & Case No.12-CR-17-367102317_1011am.pdf
from: Lion News
Steve Ammermann,
date: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 10:11 AM
subject: Have conflicts of interests been recorded on the court record in open court for Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & Case No.12-CR-17-367 for Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin?
Cheryl Eckhardt, Lac Qui Parle Co. Court Administrator (320) 598-3536/Chippewa Co. Court Administrator 320-269-7774/Yellow Medicine Co. Court Administrator (320) 564-3325:
1. Did Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin's attorney City of Granite Falls City Attorney Gregory L Holdstrom place into the court record for either so-called judge Chippewa County Judicial Officer Thomas W. Van Hon or Yellow Medicine County Judicial Officer/Eighth Judicial District Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen his client's signed Letter to Disclose Conflict and Seeking Consent to Continue Representation; a signed Engagement Waiver Clause - Waiver of Potential Conflicts of Interest; a signed Engagement Agreement - Hourly, Potential Conflict of Interest or a signed Non-Engagement Letter - Conflict of Interest? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
2. What was the date and time that so-called judge Chippewa County Judicial Officer Thomas W. Van Hon and/or Yellow Medicine County Judicial Officer/Eighth Judicial District Assistant Chief Judge Dwayne N. Knutsen disclosed on the court record in open court the conflict of interest of either of them presiding over a case for their respective Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
3. What was the date and time that a waiver(s) of disqualification by the parties for either Case No. 87-CR-17-264 or Case No.12-CR-17-367 were heard on the record in open court?
4. Name of bond issuer on Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin's bail bond that allowed him to travel out of state for rodeos.
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
P.S. Did Mary DeVries, Women's Rural Advocacy Program or Jen Johnson, Executive Director Safe Avenues or any other so-called advocate object to the numerous and blatant examples of conflicts of interest in Case No. 87-CR-17-264 or Case No.12-CR-17-367 for Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader Michael John Martin? Inquiring minds really want to know, don't they?
“… Nevertheless, pursuant to Board Rule Board Rule 6(f)(4), the Board issued a letter to Judge Landwehr cautioning that under Judicial Code Rule 2.11(C), disclosure of a conflict of interest by a judge and a waiver of disqualification by the parties must be made on the record before a judge takes action on the case. ...” 12-21-16 letter to Patricia Goke from Thomas C. Vasaly, Executive Secretary, Minnesota Board on Judicial Standards.
Rule 2.11 Disqualification PROFESSIONAL RULES Code of Judicial Conduct CANON 2 A JUDGE SHALL PERFORM THE DUTIES OF JUDICIAL OFFICE IMPARTIALLY, COMPETENTLY, AND DILIGENTLY. Comment [1] Under this Rule, a judge is disqualified whenever the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, regardless of whether any of the specific provisions of paragraphs (A)(1) through (5) apply. In many jurisdictions, the term "recusal" is used interchangeably with the term "disqualification." ... [5] A judge should disclose on the record information that the judge believes the parties or their lawyers might reasonably consider relevant to a possible motion for disqualification, even if the judge believes there is no basis for disqualification.
Anyone can report misconduct: the lawyer’s client, judges, court staff, opposing counsel, opposing parties or total bystanders all have the ability and potential to report an attorney’s misconduct. The Director, pursuant to Rule 8(a) has the ability to seek permission of the Lawyers Board Executive Committee to initiate an investigation without a complaint based on information the Director has learned, including from media reports. Additionally, there is no statute of limitations on reporting attorney misconduct. Self-Reporting Misconduct by Julie E. Bennett, Assistant Director Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Reprinted from Minnesota Lawyer (May 5, 2008)
Conflicts of Interest Sometimes lawyers represent more th an one client in a matter. In other situations a lawyer may represent a client and at a later time be opposed to the former client. Sometimes the client may agree to the lawyer's work even though there is a conflict. If you believe that your lawyer is acting improperly in representing conflicting interests, file a complaint. Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Complaints and Investigations page 3
Thus, if a lawyer with one firm acquired no knowledge or information relating to a particular client of the firm, and that lawyer later joined another firm, neither the lawyer individually nor the second firm would be disqualified from representing another client in the same or a related matter, even though the interests of the two clients conflict. ... This is the case when three factors are met: “(1) any confidential information communicated to the lawyer is unlikely to be significant in the subsequent matter; (2) the lawyer is subject to screening measures adequate to prevent disclosure of the confidential information and to prevent involvement by that lawyer in the representation; and (3) timely and adequate notice of the screening has been provided to all affected clients.” Avoiding Conflicts of Interest When Changing Firms by Craig D. Klausing, Senior Assistant Director Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Reprinted from Minnesota Lawyer (July 2, 2007)
The key language in Rule 1.11 is that it applies to matters “in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially.” Ftn 3 When the lawyer participated personally and substantially in a particular matter while in his prior employment, that lawyer is then disqualified from that matter, absent informed consent of the affected government agency, confirmed in writing. When the disqualified lawyer is disqualified pursuant to subsection (a) of Rule 1.11 (i.e. because of prior work in a governmental capacity), the lawyer’s associates may undertake the representation if the conditions – timely screening of the disqualified lawyer and written notice to the prior governmental employer of the disqualified lawyer – set forth in Rule 1.11(b) are met. Conflicts for Recently Hired Government Attorneys by Thomas F. Ascher, Assistant Director Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Reprinted from Minnesota Lawyer (December 4, 2006)
Any lawyer facing a potential conflict of interest question is well advised to contact the Director’s Office for an advisory opinion. Nonetheless, in analyzing these issues it is important to recognize that some special interest in a matter does not by itself mean a conflict of interest. When it comes to conflicts, not all interests are created equal by Craig D. Klausing, Senior Assistant Director Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Reprinted from Minnesota Lawyer (November 6, 2006),%20Not%20All%20Interests%20are%20Created%20Equal.pdf
Rule 1.6 comes into play. That rule provides that a lawyer generally may not knowingly reveal the secrets or confidences of a client. See Rule 1.6(a), MRPC. Secrets are defined as information obtained in the professional relationship, the disclosure of which may be embarrassing or detrimental to the client. See Rule 1.6(d). Here, the lawyer's disclosure of her consultation with complainant and the subject matter discussed violated Rule 1.6 and caused a negative effect on complainant's ability to visit her grandson. Rather than disclose the confidences and secrets of either the "new client" or her original clients, the lawyer should simply have told both that she could not represent either "due to a conflict of interest." All lawyers should be wary of developing such conflicts of interest and of disclosing client confidences and secrets when declining representation or withdrawing from a case. So You’ve Got A Conflict? How To Avoid Withdrawing by Mary L. Galvin, Assistant Director Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Reprinted from Minnesota Lawyer (November 29, 1999)'ve%20Got%20A%20Conflict%20How%20To%20Avoid%20Withdrawing.pdf
Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/22/2017 E-filed Comp-Summons Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 First Appearance (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Chippewa County Sheriff Stacy Tufto Electronically signed 06-21-17 2:59 pm Prosecuting attorney: Chippewa County attorney David M. Gilbertson Electronically signed: 06-21-17 11:07am) Lead Attorneys: City of Granite Falls City Attorney GREGORY L HOLMSTROM Retained 320-564-3825(W) DAVID M GILBERTSON 320-269-6461(W) 07/31/2017 Settlement Conference (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne); 09/27/2017 Settlement Conference (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Van Hon, Thomas W.) Result: Held; 09/29/2017 Motion to Dismiss Index # 19; 10/09/2017 Motion Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) Result: Held
Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN 06/06/2017 E-filed Comp-Order for Detention Doc ID# 1 07/31/2017 Settlement Conference (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officers Van Hon, Thomas W., Knutsen, Dwayne) (Complainant: Yellow Medicine Co. deputy Casey Namken #93 Electronically signed 06-06-17 9:01am Prosecuting attorney: Yellow Medicine County Assistant Attorney Stacy Vinberg Electronically signed: 06-06-17 855am) Lead Attorneys: City of Granite Falls City Attorney GREGORY L HOLMSTROM Retained 320-564-3825(W) STACY LEE VINBERG 320-564-5832(W) - 09/27/2017 Settlement Conference (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Van Hon, Thomas W.) Result: Held; 09/29/2017 Motion to Dismiss Index # 29; 10/03/2017 Amended Criminal Complaint Index # 33 10/05/2017; Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel Index # 36
Lawyers Professional Responsibility Board Stacy L. Vinberg – Chair. Attorney member. Term expires January 31, 2019. Assistant County Attorney for the Yellow Medicine County Attorney’s Office. Served on Twelfth District Ethics Committee for 10 years, including one year as Chair. Areas of law: Real estate transactions, criminal prosecution, family law and probate. 2016 Annual Report of the Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility Stacy Vinberg Chair, LPRB
CITY ATTORNEY: Nordaune introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption to enter into an agreement with Holmstrom & Kvam as the city attorneys for calendar year 2017. Official Granite Falls City Council Proceedings Regular Session January 3, 2017 page 2.
Chapter 13 data request?
from: Lion News
Steve Ammermann,
date: Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 2:49 PM
subject: Chapter 13 Data Request - Petition to Enter Guilty Plea For Chippewa Co. & Yellow Medicine Co. DOC Sentence To Service Crew Leader Michael Martin
David Gilbertson - Chippewa County Attorney (320) 269-6461: Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):
1. 02/26/2018 Petition to Enter Guilty Plea Index # 44 (Judicial Officer: Van Hon, Thomas W. ) for Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State of Minnesota vs MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN
2. The other readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e) that you are currently illegally withholding from me. Like the Chippewa County attorney's office policy and procedure manual. (The one you admitted to possessing in my 07-28-17 recorded phone call with you. You shouldn't be extremely rude and hang up on people, should you? Especially, people who record the phone calls, right?)
Keith R. Helgeson, County Attorney Phone: 320-564-5832: Chapter 13 data request - Please email/file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e):
1. 02/26/2018 Petition to Enter Guilty Plea Index # 78 (Judicial Officer: Van Hon, Thomas W. ) for Case No. 87-CR-17-264 State of Minnesota vs MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN
2. The other readily available, free, electronic, public data in its original searchable pdf format pursuant to 13.03 Subd 3(e) that you are currently illegally withholding from me. Like the Yellow Medicine County attorney's office policy and procedure manual. (Would you like to see the public portion of my initial criminal complaint issued by the Detroit Lakes Police Dept for the criminal complaint that I filed against the Becker County Attorney Gretchen Thilmony? Hmm? Inquiring minds want to know, don't they?)
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
P.S. I can't wait to put in my complaint to the chief judge how officers of the the corrupt eighth judicial district court willfully refuse to comply with the data practice laws in high profile criminal cases, can I?
Referral Date: 4/19/17 Referring Agency: 6WCC [X] Chippewa, Contact Person: Beth Borstad, Phone: (320 269-6513 ext. 213. Court File #: 12-CR-16-194, 1. Name: Washington, Lacey Cameron Date of Birth 0/29/1982, 8. Sentencing Co: Chippewa, 9. Sentencing Date: 7/13/2016, [X] STS Court-ordered in lieu of fine $650 ** STS hours are credited at a rate of $8.00 per hour unless otherwise specified. Minnesota Department of Corrections Sentence to Service Client Intake Form
Law Enforcement Officers. The presumption is that we will handle all cases involving law enforcement officers who allegedly commit crimes in Hennepin County over which the Office has jurisdiction except where the law enforcement officer(s) has a substantial connection with this Office. Substantial connection may include such factors as: 1. Regularly presents cases for review and charging to this Office. 2. Regularly appears as a prosecution witness in Office omnibus hearings or trials. 3. Is involved in regular contact with Office personnel as a law enforcement chief, policy maker, or other law enforcement official. 4. Regularly consults with Office personnel on investigations, legal issues, supervision, and other matters. Hennepin County Attorney Manual Guidelines for Cases Involving a Conflict of Interest Revised Date: 04/2014
Rule 2.11 Disqualification C) A judge subject to disqualification under this Rule, other than for bias or prejudice under paragraph (A)(1), may disclose on the record the basis of the judge's disqualification and may ask the parties and their lawyers to consider, outside the presence of the judge and court personnel, whether to waive disqualification. If, following the disclosure, the parties and lawyers agree, without participation by the judge or court personnel, that the judge should not be disqualified, the judge may participate in the proceeding. The agreement shall be incorporated into the record of the proceeding Comment [1] Under this Rule, a judge is disqualified whenever the judge's impartiality might reasonably be questioned, regardless of whether any of the specific provisions of paragraphs (A)(1) through (5) apply. In many jurisdictions, the term "recusal" is used interchangeably with the term "disqualification." PROFESSIONAL RULES Code of Judicial Conduct CANON 2 A JUDGE SHALL PERFORM THE DUTIES OF JUDICIAL OFFICE IMPARTIALLY, COMPETENTLY, AND DILIGENTLY.
13.03 ACCESS TO GOVERNMENT DATA. Subd. 3. Request for access to data.(e) The responsible authority of a government entity that maintains public government data in a computer storage medium shall provide to any person making a request under this section a copy of any public data contained in that medium, in electronic form, if the government entity can reasonably make the copy or have a copy made. This does not require a government entity to provide the data in an electronic format or program that is different from the format or program in which the data are maintained by the government entity. The entity may require the requesting person to pay the actual cost of providing the copy. ...Subd. 12. Pleadings. Pleadings, as defined by court rule, served by or on a government entity, are public data to the same extent that the data would be public if filed with the court.
13.09 PENALTIES. (a) Any person who willfully violates the provisions of this chapter or any rules adopted under this chapter or whose conduct constitutes the knowing unauthorized acquisition of not public data, as defined in section 13.055, subdivision 1, is guilty of a misdemeanor. (b) Willful violation of this chapter, including any action subject to a criminal penalty under paragraph (a), by any public employee constitutes just cause for suspension without pay or dismissal of the public employee.
More to come . . .
Related links:
Will Nemmers' 09-25-17 Email Toss Another Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Chippewa Co., Lac Qui Parle Co., Yellow Medicine Co. Dept Of Correction Sentence To Serve Crew Leader Michael John Martin's Rigged Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & Case No. 12-CR-17-367? Inquiring Minds Want To Know, Don't They? Gilbertson's Go To Hell Response?
Candidates For Eighth Judicial District Corrupt Judge Donald Spilseth Job Are The Common Criminals: Helgeson, Jordan & Wentzell? 08-25-17 Automated Reply?
Go To Hell Response From Corrupt David M. Gilbertson Chippewa County Attorney? Gilbertson Is Mad That Nemmers Tossed A Monkey Wrench Into Rigged Chippewa Co & Yellow Medicine Co Prosecutions For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co. Lac Qui Parle Co & Chippewa Co, Right?) Michael John Martin - Rigged Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367, Right? Gilbertson Confesses To No Special Assistant Prosecutor? No Special Prosecutor Is An Admission Of Willful & Blatant Conflict Of Interest, Right?
Corrupt Dept Of Corrections Coughs Up Chapter 13 Data For DOC Chippewa, Lac Qui Parle, & Yellow Medicine Co. STS Crew Leader Michael Martin? Contracts Don't Say Martin Is To Allowed To Rape Or Allowed Special Treatment In Rigged Case No. 87-CR-17-264 & 12-CR-17-367, Do They? Must Be The "Goes Without Saying" Part, Huh?
Update On Rigged Rigged Yellow Medicine Co Prosecution For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co., Right?) Michael John Martin - Case No. 87-CR-17-264? Hey Did You Know That Martin Is Getting Special Treatment In Chippewa County, Also? It's Rigged Case No. 12-CR-17-367 State Of Minnesota VS MICHAEL JOHN MARTIN, Isn't it? Will Martin Get A Super-Duper Plea Deal Before All His Victims Are Found? Are There Any In Lac qui Parle County? Why Did Lac Qui Parle Former Deputy/Commissioner Maatz & Chippewa County Attorney David Gilbertson Both Hang Up On Nemmers, Huh? Go To Hell Snail Mail Responses From Corrupt Yellow Medicine Co. & Corrupt City Of Granite Falls?
Rigged Yellow Medicine Co Prosecution For Minnesota Department Of Corrections Sentencing To Service Crew Leader (For Yellow Medicine Co., Right?) Michael John Martin - Case No. 87-CR-17-264? Hey Let's Ask For That Illegally Withheld Andrew Dikken & Kelly Jean Anderson Data, Okay?
Corrupt MN DNR & Corrupt Lac Qui Parle Co. Attorney Richard G. Stulz Caught Rigging Case No. 37-CR-15-22 State Of Minnesota VS Joshua Dwight Liebl's? Corrupt DNR & Corrupt Stulz Illegally Releasing Confidential Criminal Investigative Data To Corrupt Media? No Surprise, Right? Sounds Like Rigged Cases: 03-CR-15-1798 State Of Minnesota VS Anthony Emmons; 03-CR-15-1800 State Of Minnesota VS Clifford Emmons; 03-CR-15-1802 State Of Minnesota VS Ryan Emmons & 21-CR-13-51 State Of Minnesota VS Ronald Wayne Johnson, Doesn't it? It Does, Doesn't it? Corrupt Stulz Sends Nemmers Harassing Email But No Readily Available, Free, Electronic, Searchable PDF Format, Public Data? Stulz Is Retaliating Against Nemmers, Isn't He? He Is, Isn't He? You'll Want To See Nemmers Slowly But Surely Discredit The Corrupt DNR And Corrupt Lac Qui Parle County, Won't You? You Will, Won't You? Why Is Supposed Interim Sheriff Kevin Monson, Badge 338 Harassing Nemmers?
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Corrupt Coon Rapids Mayor Jerry Koch Mad That Nemmers Exposed Illegally Withheld Evidence? Perjurer Charlie Waters ... AKA Constitutional Crank ... AKA Converavtive Copwatch Still Too Stupid To Get Evidence For Waters Et Al V. Kirchner Et Al Case #: 0:17-CV-00935?
from: Joan Lenzmeier
to: ""
date: Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 2:09 PM
subject: Response to Request for Status on Data Request
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
Mr. Nemmers,
During our telephone conversation this morning, you asked for a status update on the data requested by you in December. Our last record of response to you on a data request is dated 12/21/17, and that is the data I believed you were asking about during our conversation. I later asked that you clarify the date you submitted the request. Your response was that you submitted a request for data on 12/28/17 to Mayor Koch. The City has no record of a request dated 12/28/17. I requested that our IT department conduct a search to determine if an email was received and the IT department confirms that no email from was received to the city issued email on or about 12/28/17.
The City of Coon Rapids’ Responsible Authority for data requests is the City Clerk. If you submit your request to the City Clerk at this email address or at , it will be logged into the system and responded to in an appropriate and prompt manner within a reasonable amount of time.
Joan Lenzmeier
City Clerk
City of Coon Rapids
City Clerk’s Office
11155 Robinson Drive, Coon Rapids, MN 55433
p: 763-767-6493 f: 763-767-6531
from: Lion News
to: Joan Lenzmeier,,,,,,,,,
date: Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 4:17 PM
subject: Re: Response to Request for Status on Data Request
: Important according to our magic sauce.
Jerry Koch, Mayor Phone: 763-767-1811:
Magically and mysteriously my Thursday, December 28, 2017 Chapter 13 data request that I submitted to you and your fellow council members at 8:14 AM never made it to your City of Coon Rapids City Clerk Joan Lenzmeier - according to her. Why is that huh? Is it because I mentioned that I would be contacting Anoka county Sheriff James Stuart with my reasonable suspicions about magically and missing data that would affect Case #: 0:17-cv-00935 Waters et al v. Kirchner et al? Hmm? inquiring minds want to know, don't they?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
Attachment: Chapter 13 data request - Waters et al v. Kirchner et al case no. 0_17-cv-00935 data122817_814am.pdf
from: Lion News
"Peter J. Nickitas"
date: Thu, Dec 28, 2017 at 8:14 AM
subject: Chapter 13 data request - Waters et al v. Kirchner et al case no. 0:17-cv-00935 data
Jerry Koch, Mayor Phone: 763-767-1811:
Chapter 13 data request - file share me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data:
1. Thursday, December 14, 2017 56 order Judgment (Clerk's Office Only) Thu 4:52 PM JUDGMENT(lmb) Att: 1 55 21 pgs Civil Notice - appeal order Order on Motion to Dismiss/General Thu 3:27 PM MEMORANDUM AND ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. Defendant City of Coon Rapids's Motion to Dismiss33 is GRANTED; 2. Defendant Menard's motion to Dismiss38 is GRANTED; and 3. The Amended Complaint28 is DISMISSED with prejudice. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. (Written Opinion) Signed by The Hon. Paul A. Magnuson on 12/14/2017. (LLM) GPO Represented By Ryan M Zipf League Of Minnesota Cities contact info Dec 14 2017 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. Defendant City of Coon Rapids's Motion to Dismiss 33 is GRANTED; 2. Defendant Menard's motion to Dismiss 38 is GRANTED; and 3. The Amended Complaint 28 is DISMISSED with prejudice. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. (Written Opinion) Signed by The Hon. Paul A. Magnuson on 12/14/2017. (LLM). Wednesday, December 27, 2017 59 appeal Transmission of Notice of Appeal and Docket Sheet to USCA Wed 1:51 PM TRANSMITTAL OF APPEAL LETTER TO U.S. COURT OF APPEALS, 8TH CIRCUIT, Re: Notice of Appeal to 8th Circuit57 . (lmb) 58 motion Application to Proceed In Forma Pauperis on Appeal Wed 11:14 AM Application to Proceed In Forma Pauperis on Appeal to the Eighth Circuit filed by Anita Waters, Charles Waters. (Nickitas, Peter) 57 appeal Notice of Appeal to 8th Circuit Wed 10:12 AM NOTICE OF APPEAL TO 8TH CIRCUIT by Anita Waters, Charles Waters. ATTACHMENTS FILED IN ERROR-WILL REFILE AS SEPARATE EVENTS.. (Nickitas, Peter) Modified text on 12/27/2017 (lmb) Att: 1 Civil Notice - appeal Motion and Affidavit in Support of Motion to Proceed on Appeal in Forma Pauperis. Monday, April 03, 2017 Mon 12:03 PM,
ORDER regarding Judge Richard H. Kyle's dispositive motion procedure. Signed by Judge Richard H. Kyle on 4/3/17, Thursday, April 06, 2017 Mon 12:03 PM, ORDER regarding Judge Richard H. Kyle's dispositive motion procedure.
2. Chapter 13 data requests submitted and data requested by Charles Waters aka 0:17-cv-00935 plaintiff ... aka Constitutional Crank ... aka Conservative Copwatch including his attorney Peter J Nickitas' data requests. From 01-27-17 through today's date.
3. Menards surveillance that was magically and mysteriously missing from Incident # KA16007391 but magically and mysteriously appears in Waters et al v. Kirchner et al Case #: 0:17-cv-00935.
4. Still impatiently waiting for City of Coon Rapids application and payments for Menards Contractors Lunch - Years: 2010-2017. Did Coon Rapids personnel trespass and set up booth without Menards' permission, did they? Provide names, job titles, work-related continuing education (Years: 2010-2017) for City of Coon Rapids personnel who attended 2016 Menards Contractors Lunch.
5. Still impatiently waiting for GPS coordinates for switch, time of switch and time of mobile data terminal (MDT) login after suspicious and completely unbelievable squad switch for Coon Rapids officers Kirchner and Newbury. You know where the City of Coon Rapids' not one (1) but two (2) ICOP Model 20/20-W microphones magically and mysteriously failed to auto-sync. Especially suspicious and unbelievable when you are insisting that this readily available, free, electronic, public data in not in your possession, right? It's especially suspicious and unbelievable when you when your Tritech contract and Tritech promotional materials all say the incriminating data is in your possession, right?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
P.S. You wouldn't mind if I relay all my clear, precise and unquestionable evidence documenting your extremely suspicious activity to Anoka county Sheriff James Stuart, would you?
P.S.S. You're insurance company didn't pay off Charlie Waters' attorney Peter J. Nickitas to rig this case, did they? Why would I ask that? What competent attorney wouldn't get the GPS coordinates for switch, time of switch and time of mobile data terminal (MDT) login after suspicious and completely unbelievable squad switch for Coon Rapids officers Kirchner and Newbury, right?
Note: When Waters was detained in the back of my patrol car, I had activated my ICOP from the body unit to record his occupancy. Just prior to this, myself and Officer Kirchner had needed to switch cars while at the jail. I did not realize I was still wearing the ICOP from her patrol car which was squad 10, so the audio of the incident is recorded on squad 10 and there is no physical video of waters detainment in the back of my car which was P4. Incident # KA16007391 Reporting officer: Newburry, Alyssa (K147) 03/28/2013 10:34:00.
ICOP MODEL 20/20 ® -W DIGITAL IN-CAR VIDEO RECORDER SYSTEM. FEATURES ICOP MODEL 20/20 ® -W Multiple passwords and user configurations - Multiple event triggers, including emergency lights or siren activation, manual record switch, remotely by activating the audio transmitter(s), vehicle speed and up to 3 auxiliary inputs (eg. crash sensor, door lock, etc.). NEW! WIRELESS MIC Auto-sync and auto-standby increase ease of operation
Auto-sync is achieved when remote transceiver in inserted into charger. Has the ability to synchronize communication between the in-car and remote transceivers when “SYNC” button is pushed and the remote transceiver is in the charger. ... Improved automatic sync and automatic standby ... Mic base has 2 charging bays to charge and sync a second mic. Case 2:16-cv-02032-CM-TJJ Document 58-3 Filed 07/20/16 Page 41 of 55 … The remote microphone has a battery life of 9 hours. Huff told me that an officer can re-synch another in a matter of minutes. The base/charging unit can charge and sync two microphones for those extra long shifts. They are good for 2000 feet line of sight, which means that the officer can enter a home on a domestic with the car parked down the street a little, and still have audio and help key capabilities. Product Review: ICOP Model 20/20-W May 19, 2009 by Police Products with Lindsey J. Bertomen Case 2:16-cv-02032-CM-TJJ Document 58-5 Filed 07/20/16 Page 2 of 6. Synchronizing the BASE and MIC When the ICOP Model 20/20-W is powered on and a MIC is placed in either charging slot of the BASE, the MIC will automatically sync to that BASE. If the MIC’s battery is low, it will hold off the sync process until the system determines the MIC battery has sufficient power to ensure a successful sync. NOTE: Once the sync process is complete, a MIC may be placed into either slot - the BASE will remember the last two synced MIC units until a new or third MIC is introduced to the BASE. Case 2:16-cv-02032-CM-TJJ Document 58-6 Filed 07/20/16 Page 7 of 9
Inform Suite. Information is a strategic asset for public safety and the guiding factor in emergency response and reporting. The reliance on information—historical and real-time—can present challenges which can slow you down when quick action is required. The Inform Suite provides public safety agencies with an enterprise-wide technology solution that focuses on the immediate availability and re-use of actionable information by all users. It infuses geo-intelligence at every level to ensure the most accurate response, and brings the most complete summary to the fi eld for a faster, more informed response. INFORM SUITE PRODUCT DIFFERENCE COMPLETE TriTech offers a complete integrated suite from 9-1-1 all the way to Jail and reporting. Data is reused instead of re-entered. The central repository for all of the data, regardless of its origin, can be searched, reported, and analyzed from a single location. TriTech News: March 2016 NEWS & EVENTS Go Lives and System Expansions Nasim Golzadeh, Vice President of Operations It has been a very exciting period for Inform Operations. Since our last newsletter we have had several successful system Go-Lives. Anoka County, Minnesota added Inform RMS and FBR to Inform CAD, which had been in live operations since early 2015. LOGIS also started the first operations of our Inform RMS and FBR solution at Maple Grove, and based on the success of this initial Go-Live, we are moving into phase 2 of this system rollout at the end of March with the operation of Inform CAD, Mobile, RMS, FBR, and IQ in Minnetonka, another large agency within LOGIS. This is another step in the larger rollout of TriTech’s suite of products in the state of Minnesota. Tech & Comm Incident Response Technologies, Inc. Incident Response Technologies Partners With TriTech Source: Incident Response Technologies, Inc. Nov 22, 2013 Denver, CO – Denver-based Incident Response Technologies, Inc. (IRT) has partnered with industry-leading TriTech Software Systems (TriTech) to integrate IRT’s Rhodium™ Incident Management Suite into computer-aided dispatch emergency services which will be utilized by all emergency response services in Anoka County, MN. Anoka County is a major suburb of the Twin Cities, located northwest of Minneapolis. Anoka County emergency services – including 11 law enforcement agencies, 15 fire agencies, and EMS – will be the first to utilize Inform CAD with Rhodium integration. The Rhodium software allows emergency responders to manage dynamic and evolving situations, by recording and sharing critical incident information in near real-time using either computers or tablet devices. Staff and vehicle accountability, task assignments, mapping data, and reference files are among the variety of response management features that can be controlled within Rhodium.
Anoka – ORI MN0020000 Mailing Address: 325 E. Main St., Anoka, MN. 55303 Facility Phone Number: (763) 323-5100 Sheriff: Phone Number: E-mail: Fax: James Stuart (763) 323-5022 (763) 422-7503.
1 Mr. Waters video-recorded the entire duration of his visit at Menard’s, and Plaintiffs attached a highly edited version of the recording to the Amended Complaint. (Am. Compl. ¶ 47, Ex. A.) The Court may consider documents attached to the complaint on a motion to dismiss. Greenman v. Jessen, 787 F.3d 882, 887 (8th Cir. 2015) (citation omitted). Menard’s also provided security footage that captures the incident. (Doug Stuart Decl. (Docket No. 23) Ex. D.) Defendants Madson, Smith, Hawley, Kirchner, and the City of Coon Rapids (collectively, “the City”) produced Officer Smith’s full dash cam video. (Aff. of Ryan M. Zipf (Docket No. 16-2) Ex. 2.) The Court may consider these recordings because they are necessarily embraced by the pleadings. See Ashanti v. City of Golden Valley, 666 F.3d 1148, 1151 (8th Cir. 2012) (concluding that a document is necessarily embraced by the pleadings if its contents are alleged in the complaint and the parties do not question the document’s authenticity). Doc. 55 page 2 of 21. Waters et al v. Kirchner et al Filing 55 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. Defendant City of Coon Rapids's Motion to Dismiss 33 is GRANTED; 2. Defendant Menard's motion to Dismiss 38 is GRANTED; and 3. The Amended Complaint 28 is DISMISSED with prejudice. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. (Written Opinion) Signed by The Hon. Paul A. Magnuson on 12/14/2017. (LLM)
Plaintiffs attached to their Amended Complaint Exhibit A, a video/ audio recording of the contact on March 27, 2016 Plaintiffs edited to include video/ audio from an eyeglass camera, the squad video/ audio and apparent audio recordings from Anita Water' s cell phone. Exhibit A also includes Plaintiffs' editorial commentary and excerpts of the police reports. Defendants Plaintiffs included with also posted other versions of this video on YouTube, which their Ryan M. Zipf, Ex. 4, Waters' Police Enforce earlier motion to dismiss. ( See ECF No. 16- 2, Aff. of YouTube Video, " ID / Receipt Refusal! Company Policy as if It Were Law;" Ex. 5, Waters' GONE WRONG! You Tube Video, " ID Since Exhibit A appears to include all the Refusal, Police Go FULL RETARD!!!!!"). recordings, Defendants have not re- filed these YouTube videos as exhibits with this motion. CASE 0:17- cv- 00935- RHK- SER Document 34 Filed 09/ 06/ 17 ... In their First Amended Complaint, Charles Waters claims Officer Newbury had already searched and patted him down, and Officer Kirchner conducted a second search when he was handcuffed. ( ECF No. 28, ¶ 80- 81). Contrary to Plaintiffs allegations, the Menards surveillance video indisputably establishes the police officers only searched him once for weapons. ( Ex. 6, 14: 22: 26- 14: 25: 53 ( absence of any search), 14: 25: 53- 14: 27: 11 ( only protective search conducted)). Page 7 of 37 Page 3, 7 of 37
Emmet Nolan 5 days ago Home of the free land of the brave my arse. .............. 2 Conservative Copwatch Conservative Copwatch 5 days ago Wanting to move to Ireland, so bad. Few police, people just handle their own business. ID Refusal Ends in Assault and Arrest! Officers Already Had My Name! Lawsuit Filed. Conservative Copwatch Published on Aug 4, 2016 UPDATE! Judge dismissed the case, would not even let it be heard. We will be appealing this decision! The law is very clearly on our side and I have little doubt this will be reversed. NEVER SURRENDER folks, they count on how overwhelming this can be. Face the storm head on, and make it blink.
Plaintiffs have not specifically identified what discovery is needed to respond to Defendants' motion, especially considering that the claims are based on a contact at Menards that was recorded on video and audio, and on undisputed email communications Captain Dated: between Charles Waters and Hawley. Therefore, the Court should deny Plaintiffs' motion for a continuance. July s/ Ryan M. Zipf 7, 2017 Ryan M. Zipf Attorney ID# 0261701 Attorney for Defendants Elizabeth Kirchner, Brady Madson, Alyssa Newbury, Tom Hawley and the City of Coon Rapids 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103- 2044 Telephone: Facsimile: Email: 2 651. 281. 1241 651. 281. 1298 rzipalmc. org Peter J. Nickitas @PeterJNickitas 12:34 PM - 26 Dec 2017 Veterans Jewish War Veterans 1375 St. Paul Ave, Room 107 St. Paul, MN 55116 651-238-3445 This site has been suspended. If you are the owner of this site please contact your Avvo Websites Account Manager for assistance. Call Us 651.238.3445 or 612.440.7285 Peter J. Nickitas Law Office, L.L.C. 431 S. 7th Street Suite 2446 Minneapolis, MN 55415 Fax: 1.888.389.7890 Email:
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Link to Doc #55:
Waters et al v. Kirchner et al Filing 55 MEMORANDUM AND ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 1. Defendant City of Coon Rapids's Motion to Dismiss 33 is GRANTED; 2. Defendant Menard's motion to Dismiss 38 is GRANTED; and 3. The Amended Complaint 28 is DISMISSED with prejudice. LET JUDGMENT BE ENTERED ACCORDINGLY. (Written Opinion) Signed by The Hon. Paul A. Magnuson on 12/14/2017. (LLM)
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Coon Rapids Mayor
Jerry Koch
Term Expires: December 31, 2018
More to come . . .
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Perjurer Charlie Waters ... AKA Constitutional Crank ... AKA Converavtive Copwatch Gets Waters Et Al V. Kirchner Et Al Case #: 0:17-CV-00935 Dismissed? Too Stupid To Get Evidence That Proves ICOP Model 20/20-W Coon Rapids Squad Microphones Auto-Sync? KA16007391 Shows Evidence Destroyed, Right? Did Attorney Peter J Nickitas Stab Less-Than-Intelligent Waters In Back?
Charlie Waters AKA "Consitutional Crank" AKA "Conservative Copwatch" Of Waters Et Al V. Kirchner Et Al Case #: 0:17-CV-00935 Is A Perjurer, Isn't He? Waters Still Too Busy Waiving His Stupid Constitutional Handbook To Get His Missing Coon Rapids PD Dash Camera Video? Hey Coon Rapids Where Is My MDT Data, Huh? Mobile Data Terminal Data Proves Kirchner Switching Squads With Newbury A Lie, Doesn't It? Special Tx For Menards?
Round Two On Illegally Withheld City Of Fridley Off-Duty Mn State Patrol Sgt. Christopher Alan Daas Data? (Case No. 02-CR-16-3662 - Third Degree Refuse To Submit To Chemical Test Charge Magically & Mysteriously Dismissed, Right?) Where Oh Where Is Related Data For Recently Filed Lawsuit Waters Et Al VS Kirchner Et Al Case Number: 0:2017cv00935? FYI: @CoonRapidsPD Destroying Electronic Evidence To Cover Up Illegal @Menards Trunk Search, Right? Double FYI: Charlie Waters AKA "Constitutional Crank" Is A CopFlop (CopBlock) Dumbass, Isn't He?
City Of Fridley Harassing Nemmers Over Off-Duty Mn State Patrol Sgt. Christopher Alan Daas Data? City Of Fridley IP Address Suddenly & Mysteriously Appears After Wally Wysopal, City Manager & Roberta Collins, Assistant To City Manager Hang Up Phone On Nemmers? Harassing Phone Call From Brian Weierke, Director of Public Safety? Deb Dahl, Human Resources Director Hangs Up On Nemmers After She Harasses Nemmers & Finds Out That Every Single Call Recorded?
Corrupt City Of Fridley Continues To Harass Nemmers Over Readily Availalbe, Free, Electronic Public Data For Off-Duty Mn State Patrol Sgt. Christopher Alan Daas? Fellow Anoka Co LEO - City Of Coon Rapids PD Emails LOGIS File Management System File Share Link To Nemmers? More Proof That Nemmers Is Being Discriminated Against & Harassed, Right? That's Right, Isn't It? Don't The Corrupt City Of Lakeville & Corrupt Dakota Co. Have Memberships With LOGIS? Fridley's Corrupt Director Of Public Safety Brian Weierke Makes Another Harassing Phone Call To Nemmers On 06-015-16? He Did, Didn't He?
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Homeless - Penniless - Jobless Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Actually Lives At Island Estates Community In Clearwater Florida? Dakota County Case 19HA-CR-15-2669? Will Hack Michael Volpe Respond To 02-12-18 Email?
Did you know that the scam artists Michael Volpe and Sandra Grazzini-Rucki were trying to pull a fast one on you? Monday, August 28, 2017 Sandra Grazzini-Rucki maybe homeless, jobless, and penniless but that doesn’t mean should not be paying child support to her multi-millionaire ex-husband. The article is here.
While Grazzini-Rucki is technically still employed by American Airlines she is not allowed to earn any money unless and until her felony convictions are expunged. The court acknowledged that Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is currently earns no money but used the concept of imputed income to justify its ruling. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki maybe homeless, jobless, and penniless but that doesn’t mean should not be paying child support to her multi-millionaire ex-husband. millionaire ex-husband. August 28, 2017 Michael Volpe
Amenities for 51 Island Way, Clearwater, FL: Heated Pool and Spa, Tennis Court; Shuffle Board; Barbeque Area; Outdoor Bar for Entertaining; Tiki Huts; Covered Parking; Boat Slips
According to public records uncovered by Missing in Minnesota, a person named “Jaclyn Auld” with the same birthday as Grazzini-Rucki is residing with Jack Auld in Clearwater, Florida. Grazzini-Rucki’s address was also recently updated in the public court file to Auld’s Florida home after court documents sent to Grazzini-Rucki’s previous mailing address were returned to the court by the United States Postal Service (USPS) with Grazzini-Rucki’s new Florida address. Grazzini-Rucki had been using the residential address of her family court attorney Michelle MacDonald as her mailing address. Based on records with the USPS, the mail forwarding service expired on December 14, 2017. ... Supporters of Grazzini-Rucki have gone so far as to claim that Grazzini-Rucki “relies on couch surfing” and eats “cold cans of Spaghetti-O’s in order to survive.” ‘Homeless’ Sandra Grazzini-Rucki using alias and living in waterfront estate community in Florida January 28, 2018
A. Co-Defendant Deirdre Evavold received 12 times the evidence as Appellant. Signed July 10, 2017 by Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. Page 10. Appellants’ Reply Brief, Addendum. Case Number: A16-1997 Short Title: State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, Appellant. [Note: Sandra had not one but two licensed attorneys on her criminal case. Evavold represented herself.] Reply Grazzini Uploaded by mikekvolpe
Call #: 16346 Call To: Evavold Main Topics of discussion: Discussed who signed warrant, Told to open Sams facebook. Told username or password is "wonderyears". DeDe told to have Jack change SoulMate status on F/B. Explains how arrest went down and the the Marshals were mislead by photo. 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
Call #: 35880 Call To: Auld Main Topics of discussion: Auld tells Sam that Carrie contacted him via text and that she wanted to help Sam. Carrie deposited 50 into her jail account to call. Auld then tells Sam he got a voicemail from Rhedin that he was sam's boyfriend and that he wanted to talk to to Auld. Sam tells Auld "If we upset him (Rhedin) in any way, were screwed." Sam then tells Auld how the Tribune article uses teh word boyfriend but doesn't mention who the boyfriend was. Brandon Stahl took the photo from his facebook. Auld relays to Sam about more articles and how Auld is now mixed up in this. Auld tells sam, I helped you, I took you in. I took care of it." Auld tells Sam about how Carrie understands Sam's situation because she had been there and warns Auld not to come to MN. 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
from: Lion News
to: Michael Volpe,,,,
Dede Evavold
date: Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 10:29 PM
subject: Homeless - Penniless - Jobless Scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Actually Lives At Island Estates Community In Clearwater Florida?
Michael Volpe, 312-622-6546:
1a. How long has "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki been living at 51 Island Way, Clearwater, Florida 33767-2214?
1b. While Grazzini-Rucki is technically still employed by American Airlines she is not allowed to earn any money unless and until her felony convictions are expunged. The court acknowledged that Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is currently earns no money but used the concept of imputed income to justify its ruling. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki maybe homeless, jobless, and penniless but that doesn’t mean should not be paying child support to her multi-millionaire ex-husband. August 28, 2017by Michael Volpe that-doesnt-mean-should-not-be-paying-child-support-to-her-multi-millionaire-ex-husband/
2a. Was "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki living at 51 Island Way on June 6, 2017 when you wrote your fake news article "Illegal leaks of jail house conversations in Grazzini-Rucki divorce"?
2b.WASHINGTON, June 6, 2017 – Osceola County Jail, Florida may be behind yet another alleged leak in the Rucki case. On Sunday, May 14, a blogger from Lion News, based in Minnesota published a police report which details conversations that Sandra Grazzini-Rucki had while in Osceola County Jail in Florida. ... Sandra Grazzini-Rucki not only denied the narrative was an accurate representation of the actual conversations but called the charges absurd since none of the people involved ever had anything more than a platonic relationship with her. Rgardless, having a relationship while divorcing falls short of criminal activity. Illegal leaks of jail house conversations in Grazzini-Rucki divorce written by Michael Volpe Jun 6, 2017
3a. When does "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki plan on releasing her Osceola County Jail phone recordings to substantiate her wild and outrageous claims that her relationships with Jack Auld and Michael Rhedin were simply "platonic"?
3b. Call #: 16346 Call To: Evavold Main Topics of discussion: Discussed who signed warrant, Told to open Sams facebook. Told username or password is "wonderyears". DeDe told to have Jack change SoulMate status on F/B. Explains how arrest went down and the the Marshals were mislead by photo. 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
3c. Call #: 35880 Call To: Auld Main Topics of discussion: Auld tells Sam that Carrie contacted him via text and that she wanted to help Sam. Carrie deposited 50 into her jail account to call. Auld then tells Sam he got a voicemail from Rhedin that he was sam's boyfriend and that he wanted to talk to to Auld. Sam tells Auld "If we upset him (Rhedin) in any way, were screwed." Sam then tells Auld how the Tribune article uses teh word boyfriend but doesn't mention who the boyfriend was. Brandon Stahl took the photo from his facebook. Auld relays to Sam about more articles and how Auld is now mixed up in this. Auld tells sam, I helped you, I took you in. I took care of it." Auld tells Sam about how Carrie understands Sam's situation because she had been there and warns Auld not to come to MN. 13001278 Rucki Case Florida Jail Call Logs.xlsx
4a. Was "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki living at 51 Island Way when she signed her criminal appeal on July 10, 2017?
4b. A. Co-Defendant Deirdre Evavold received 12 times the evidence as Appellant. Signed July 10, 2017 by Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. Page 10. Appellants’ Reply Brief, Addendum. Case Number: A16-1997 Short Title: State of Minnesota, Respondent, vs. Sandra Grazzini-Rucki, Appellant. [Note: Sandra had not one but two licensed attorneys on her criminal case. Evavold represented herself.] Reply Grazzini Uploaded by mikekvolpe
5a. Was "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki living at 51 Island Way when she was served with the November 9, 2017 Personal Injury lawsuit?
5b. David V. Rucki, Samantha Rucki and Gianna Rucki Plaintiffs vs. Sandra Sue Grazzini-Rucki, Deirdre Elise Evavold, Destiny Equine Intervention d/b/a White Horse Ranch, a Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation, Gina Schmidt Dahlen, Douglas Dahlen, Destiny Church, Steve Quernomoen and Trish Quernomoen Defendanta
5c. Does "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki plan on staying at 51 Island Way to place the entire civil liability for the November 9, 2017 Personal Injury lawsuit onto Deirdre Elise Evavold, Destiny Equine Intervention d/b/a White Horse Ranch, a Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation, Gina Schmidt Dahlen, Douglas Dahlen, Destiny Church, Steve Quernomoen and Trish Quernomoen?
6. Did Dakota County Judge David Knutson or Dakota County Judge Karen Asphaug coerce you or "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki into hiding from the general public the fact that Sandra was actually living at 51 Island Way in Clearwater, Florida?
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
P.S. Attached are the court documents from Heidi Carstensen Dakota County District Court Court Administrator which proves that "homeless," "penniless," "jobless" scammer Sandra Grazzini-Rucki actually lives at 51 Island Way, Clearwater, Florida 33767-2214, aren't they?
Attachments: 20180206143058528.pdf, 20180206143725628.pdf, FW: Dakota Case 19HA-CR-15-2669020718_1201pm.pdf
More to come:
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Friday, February 9, 2018
ISD 518 Worthington's Hostile Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler & Mary Pat McNeil Of MP&G Marketing Solutions Hang Up On Nemmers? Even More ISD 518 Illegally Withheld From Nemmers? (Psst: Neither Paul Dorr's Worthington Citizens For Progress Committee Nor WCPC Member/School Board Member Mike Harberts Want To Inform Public About My Criminal Complaint?)
from: Lion News
Adelle Whitefoot,,,,,
Alanna Oswald,,,
Art Johnston,
Loren Martell,
William Gronseth,
date: Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 8:40 AM
subject: Hostile Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler - Chapter 13 data request - ISD 709 & 518 Phone Survey Proposal And Contract?
Peter Leatherman, Chief Executive Officer Morris Leatherman 612.920.0337:
I didn't appreciate your hostile Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler's attitude yesterday, did I? I really didn't appreciate Traxler threatening to contact your attorney over me asking some simple questions, did I? And I especially didn't appreciate Traxler hanging up the phone on me, did I? Traxler's attitude certainly changed after I called back, didn't it? Why? Traxler found out the call was recorded, didn't she? Which means that I have your Owner-Manager Diane Traxle making the wild and outrageous claim that Morris Leatherman only had a verbal contract with ISD 518 Worthington School district, doesn't it? It does, doesn't it? It also means I have an audio of your Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler learning about my criminal complaint that I filed against ISD 518 Supt. Landgaard, School Board Chair Dudley and IDS 518 attorney Joseph Langel, doesn't it? And Traxler learned that Worthington police chief Troy Appel is trying to rig the ISD 518 referendum by willfully refusing to give me the public portion of my initial criminal complaint (ICR), didn't she? Traxler did tell me that if news of my ICR against Landgaard, Dudley and Langel was well known to the general public that it would be bad for the referendum, didn't she? Must be why Traxler didn't want me to go the media with the damning info, huh? Too be fair, I need to tell you that the Paul Dorr antiheroes at the Worthington Citizens For Progress Committee didn't want to hear about my complaint or publish my complaint either, did they?
When I spoke with ISD 518 Public Relations Consultant Jeff Dehler he had a completely attitude, didn't he? Oh, I did tell Dehler about your hostile Owner-Manager Diane Traxler's attitude yesterday, did I? I also told Dehler how I was hung up on by school board members, the Worthington city attorney, The Globe Editor, the Worthington Mayor who was at the Worthington Chamber of Commerce's office and by the City Administrator, didn't I? But, to be fair, Dehler didn't want a copy of my criminal complaint nor the damning emails, did he? He didn't, did he? Oh, I'm thinking that Dehler didn't know that I recorded the call either, aren't I?
Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data: ISD 709 & 518 phone survey proposal and contract
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
P.S. Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler was also making some wild and outrageous claims that she had never heard of superintendents breaking the law, didn't she? Crazy, huh?
ISD 709 Human Resources and Business Committee Meeting January 16, 2018
Lion News: Nemmers Informs ISD 719 That ISD 709 Supt. Bill Gronseth Is A Common Criminal?
Lion News: Criminal Complaint For ISD 709 Superintendent Bill Gronseth? DPD Phone Call No. 2?
Lion News: Nemmers Informs ISD 719 That ISD 709 Supt. Bill Gronseth Is A Common Criminal? P2
Lion News: Criminal Complaint For ISD 709 Superintendent Bill Gronseth? DPD Phone Call No. 1?
Lion News: Nemmers Informs ISD 719 Of Criminal Complaint Against ISD 709 Supt. Bill Gronseth?
Lion News: BOSA's Janet Mohr Common Criminal Who Covers Up Crimes Of Supt. Gronseth?
Finally, Mayor Kuhle we are bit confused after you attended our meeting last spring with civil engineer and Duluth ISD school board member Art Johnston, where you showed warm support of our opposition to a high‐priced new high
school. What has changed? December 21, 2017 Letter Honorable Mayor Mike KuhleSigned Don Brink, Co ‐ Chair Rob Kremer, Co ‐ Chair WCPC, P.O. Box 133 Worthington, MN 56187 Ph 507‐329‐3853
Their demographer has been off by large numbers in Duluth and St. Paul ISDs, too. It is her projections they are using to scare you into spending $68.5 million. We wrote the school board a letter and offered to help pay for a new enrollment projection. We never heard back from them. … If voters turn this one down too, it’s time to really examine pride that #518 has with the leadership our district. Worthington Citizens For Progress Committee January 15 Peter Leatherman's Stunning Report To ISD #518 School Board
Um, so you still have a reservoir of goodwill on the financial credibility of the district. Worthington Citizens For Progress Committee January 15 Peter Leatherman's Stunning Report To ISD #518 School Board
Can requests for public data be made to the private contractor? Yes, if the public data are not available from the government entity or if it is specified in the contract that the private contractor will reply to data requests (Minnesota Statutes, section 13.05, subdivision 11(b)). The private party must fulfill data requests consistent with the time limits and copy cost requirements of the Data Practices Act (Advisory Opinion 10-024). The government entity continues to be responsible in making decisions about data classification. Unless the contract specifies otherwise, the government entity retains ultimate responsibility for responding even if the data are maintained by the private contractor (Advisory Opinions 09-022 and 09-003).
He mentioned that one of the main points of discussion was preparation for a referendum to increase the levy. In anticipation of asking the public for an increase the Administration wanted to hire Bill Morris’s polling firm to figure out how to sell it to our voters. I explained that I’d blogged about Morris on a number of previous occasions. This might make for an interesting column for the Reader in two weeks if someone else doesn’t beat me to the punch. This is my first blog post in 2007 on Bill Morris’s baby before I realized he was the Father. Bill’s firm is now called Morris Leatherman.Morris and Leatherman January 17, 2018 harrywelty
You Aren't Seriously Considering That Common Criminal ISD 709 Superintendent Billy "ISD 709 Common Criminal #1" Gronseth For Your ISD 861 Winona Public School Superintendent, Are You? What? Is This Like Job Opportunity #6 For Gronseth That I'ved Tossed A Monkey Wrench Into? Peer Solutions & The Corrupt Minnesota Schools Boards Association Are Helping To Rig The Superintendent Search, Aren't They? Is The Winona Daily News Aiding & Abetting In A Cover-Up Of A Rigged Superintendent Search? Misuse Of $11,900.00 For A Rigged Superintendent Search Is A Felony, Isn't It? ISD 861 Frantically Searches Lion News After Data Request For BKB Executive Search Consultants & Disgraced Plagiarizing Superintendent Stephen West? Another Rigged Superintendent Search?
from: Jeff Dehler
to: Lion News
cc: Peter Leatherman,
Adelle Whitefoot,,,,,
Alanna Oswald,,,
Art Johnston,
Loren Martell,
William Gronseth,
date: Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 9:48 AM
subject: Re: Hostile Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler - Chapter 13 data request - ISD 709 & 518 Phone Survey Proposal And Contract?
security: Standard encryption (TLS) Learn more
: Important according to our magic sauce.
Record of my forwarding your email to John Landgaard.
Best regards!
from: Jeff Dehler
to: John Landgaard,
Mary Pat McNeil
date: Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 10:22 AM
subject: Fwd: Hostile Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler - Chapter 13 data request - ISD 709 & 518 Phone Survey Proposal And Contract?
Jeff Dehler, APR
Minneapolis | Indianapolis | Charleston
from: Lion News
Jeff Dehler
date: Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 10:39 AM
subject: Hostile & passive-aggressive Mary Pat McNeil, MP&G Marketing Solutions & Chapter 13 data request - MP&G Marketing Solutions proposals & contracts
Mary Pat McNeil, MP&G Marketing Solutions (612) 483-2302:
How do you plan on bring ISD #518 Worthington School District's "brand to life" when you are hostile and passive aggressive to Chapter 13 data requesters on the phone, huh? I certainly didn't appreciate your wild and outrageous claims that you had no idea who I was and what I wanted after I clearly identified myself and clearly to you of the purpose of my call, did I? And i certainly didn't appreciate you so rudely hanging up the phone on me, did I?
Chapter 13 data request - Please email me the following readily available, free, electronic, public data pursuant to 13.03 subdiv 3(e): MP&G Marketing Solutions proposals & contracts for ISD 518 Worthington School District.
Terry Dean, Nemmers (320) 283-5713
Can requests for public data be made to the private contractor? Yes, if the public data are not available from the government entity or if it is specified in the contract that the private contractor will reply to data requests (Minnesota Statutes, section 13.05, subdivision 11(b)). The private party must fulfill data requests consistent with the time limits and copy cost requirements of the Data Practices Act (Advisory Opinion 10-024). The government entity continues to be responsible in making decisions about data classification. Unless the contract specifies otherwise, the government entity retains ultimate responsibility for responding even if the data are maintained by the private contractor (Advisory Opinions 09-022 and 09-003).
However, the Department did not provide Ms. Kerr with access to any of the data for five weeks ... Although the Department did not provide information about its data practices policies and procedures, in instances like this one, those procedures ought to provide for a response within a matter of days, not weeks. Signed: Elaine S. Hansen Commissioner Dated: October 31, 1995 Advisory Opinion 95-042
Mary Pat McNeilProtected Tweets @MPGMktg MP&G: Award-winning Content that Clicks! | Bringing your Brand to Life! #Brand #EnvironmentalMarketingPros#ConstantContact#TheTravelContentPros #SchoolMarketing House of the Long Trees Joined April 2009 This account's Tweets are protected. Only confirmed followers have access to @MPGMktg's Tweets and complete profile. Click the "Follow" button to send a follow request. FIND US The House of the Long Trees Minneapolis, Minnesota Call (612) 483-2302. Mission To bring your brand to life! ADDITIONAL CONTACT INFO Work Education University of St. Thomas St. Cloud State University
from: Jeff Dehler
to: Lion News
cc: Peter Leatherman,
Adelle Whitefoot,,,,,
Alanna Oswald,,,
Art Johnston,
Loren Martell,
William Gronseth,
date: Wed, Jan 24, 2018 at 9:48 AM
subject: Re: Hostile Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler - Chapter 13 data request - ISD 709 & 518 Phone Survey Proposal And Contract?
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: Important according to our magic sauce.
Record of my forwarding your email to John Landgaard.
Best regards!
from: Jeff Dehler
to: John Landgaard,
Mary Pat McNeil
date: Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 10:22 AM
subject: Fwd: Hostile Morris Leatherman Owner-Manager Diane Traxler - Chapter 13 data request - ISD 709 & 518 Phone Survey Proposal And Contract?
Jeff Dehler, APR
Minneapolis | Indianapolis | Charleston
More to come:
Related links:
Corrupt Worthington Police Chief Troy Appel Trying To Rig ISD 518 Worthington Referendum By Illegally Withholding Public Portion Of ICR Vs Corrupt Superintendent John Landgaard Corrupt ISD 518 School Board Chair Lori Dudley & Corrupt IDS 518 Attorney Joseph J. Langel of Ratwick, Roszak & Maloney, P.A.? Paul Dorr Chapter 13 Data Requests & Data Requested Illegally Withheld, Right?